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Out to Eat

"A woman goes out on a date with her husband with the sole purpose of exploring her exhibitionism."

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Kinky Secrets #1 - Out to Eat


My name is Abby Johnson. I’m a fairly average woman; I’ve got my kids, my career as a plant blogger and I’m married to a great guy. Derek and I met when I was a junior in college studying journalism and he had just started law school. Fast forward 15 years; we’ve gotten married and fashioned a great life for ourselves.

Derek works a lot and I’m usually busy with the children, but we always find the time for date night. Except lately, we’ve been extra busy and haven’t been able to go out. That didn’t stop us from trying new things in the bedroom though. We had already been a fairly kinky couple, but we started delving deeper. We had whips and ropes and things like that; gags and blindfolds were nothing new. We were no strangers to ass-play either, but what we hadn’t done yet was explore my exhibitionism.

So, when my husband told me that he wouldn’t be working late this Friday, I knew it was finally time to test out our new Bluetooth vibrator. I asked him about it and he happily agreed. Now, that day is here and here we are, sitting across from each other in a restaurant we’ve never been to, all the way across town.

* * * * *


The two of us were sitting in a rather upscale restaurant with fancy crystal lamps as part of the décor and where wine glasses were a part of the default table settings. I only say it like that because the last restaurant we had been in had involved pizza and screaming children, so this was a wonderful change of pace. We had already been given menus and water, but had yet to see our actual server.

My husband Derek looked handsome as ever as he sat across the small table in a new suit while his dark eyes glanced over his menu. The short coils of his hair sat close to his head in a neat wave pattern. His face was showing a bit stubble since he hadn’t shaved since morning and it was already after seven in the evening.

There weren’t any other customers directly next to us, but the restaurant was far from empty. Our table was fairly close to the kitchen and the restrooms, so people kept walking by. It seemed perfect for testing my limits; there would be people around constantly, but not long enough to notice what was going on. I was nervous of course, but the idea of it was so thrilling I couldn’t back out.

I caught my husband’s eye while I stared at him and he smiled at me, then winked. He was just as excited about this as I was. I smiled back before going back to my menu to figure out my order.  Once I had my order in mind, I noticed Derek had set down his menu as well. His phone was next to him on the table.

“It’s nice to be out like this,” I said to him.

“It really is. I’m glad I finally settled that case.”

“Me too.”

I reached across the table and he took my hand. He rubbed it with his thumb and smiled at me right before the waiter walked up.

“Hi, there, my name is Rudy, I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with a wine or an appetizer?”

Derek ordered us a wine, but no appetizers.

“Alright, and for your entrées; what will it be for the lady?”

He turned to me and I looked down at the menu trying to remember the name of what I wanted.

“Oh, uh, I’ll have the umm…. Pasta Primave-”

There it was; the first thrum of vibrations between my legs. It roared to life inside me and I felt myself gasp. It forced me to hesitate when I spoke. I tried to keep going with my order, hoping the waiter didn’t notice.

“I’m sorry that was the…?”

The vibrator was still humming between my legs, but I managed to order again properly. Then my husband ordered his food while I sat there trying not to draw attention to myself. The vibrations had been mild, but the thrill of almost getting caught was not. I hadn’t been prepared and apparently Derek was going to play dirty. He smirked at me as he took a sip of his water. I smiled back and as I did; I felt the intensity rise.

He turned it up so quickly, I almost let out a real scream. I bent forward, but quickly sat back up and ended up making it worse. It felt so good; so intense. Derek was staring at me, but looking around, no one else was. There were so many people here, but as long as I kept quiet, no one would know what we were up to.

I had started to shake and he lowered the vibrations to a slow steady pace. After that, I was able to sit back up. He had left me panting – actually panting – and I had to take a sip of water. Derek was just sitting there with a huge grin on his face.

“If you don’t like it, we can stop,” he said.

He had to have been teasing. He knew very well how much I was loving it.

“It’s fine, I can take it,” I said confidently.

“Good,” he said as he turned the vibrations back up.

At first, it was just a strong vibration like before, but then it started to pulsate. We bought it so long ago, I had almost forgotten that it had different patterns. The vibrator itself was not only inside me; it was also on the outside stimulating my clit being held in place by my panties. Each pulse shuddered throughout my lower lips and teased my clit as the bulk of the vibrations hit deeper.

I tried not to moan as my breathing synchronized to the pulsation pattern; each breath a silent gasp after a tremor of pleasure. Someone passed by and my pussy clenched around the vibrator and I nearly moaned for real. I let out a long breath as my husband took mercy on me and turned it down again.

“I can’t wear you out this early in the night,” he laughed.

I just smiled at him and tried to catch my breath. After that, we spent some time chatting about the kids, work – normal stuff. In the midst of it, the waiter arrived with our wine. The conversation had become quite mundane when I felt the vibrator kick up again. I had been distracted and I had calmed down a lot. My pussy had gotten used to the low vibration it was at, but the increase had caught me off guard again. I gasped and grabbed my chair. I kept myself sitting upright, but my lips were parted and my breathing was heavy.

My eyes were locked on Derek and I was concentrating on appearing normal, so when the waiter sat my food down in front of me, I was startled and I’m positive I looked it.

“I-is something wrong with your food, ma’am?” he asked.

“N-no it’s nothing. I, uh, I was just thinking about something, too hard. It looks wonderful.”

I smiled at him and he gave me a smiling nod that said he seemed to have bought my answer. Then, he put down Derek’s meal and walked away. The vibrator had yet to die back down; I had just been too startled to feel it. Being surprised by the waiter had felt very intense and I hadn’t been ready for it, but I didn’t exactly hate it either. I looked at my husband and he smiled as he turned it back down to a gentle hum.

“Careful, honey, or someone’s gonna figure it out,” he teased.

I didn’t say anything to that. I was still coming down from the excitement.

“You want someone to figure it out, don’t you?”

“N-not exactly…” I blushed.

He wasn’t wrong. The idea of someone realizing what we were doing did excite me, at least a little. The idea of some stranger watching me also had its appeal; that someone really knew what we were doing or that I was over here enjoying myself. I was getting lost in my thoughts when Derek spoke again.

“You like knowing people can see you.”

“I didn’t say that I didn’t like it, but… I don’t want to be banned from this restaurant for being indecent either…”

“That’s why we’re at this restaurant across town and not one of our usual places. Don’t worry. I’ll keep it under control. You just enjoy yourself.”

“Well… okay,” I smiled. “What about you? I know you’re enjoying having the controls,” I teased.

“What can I say,” he shrugged, “you’re really sexy when you’re this turned on.”

I smiled seductively at him and we both laughed before we started to eat our meals. The vibrator wasn’t off; it was thrumming softly until about halfway through our meal. The first sensation I noticed was a change in the pattern of the vibration. I wasn’t sure initially, but after he turned up the power, I felt it: two intense short vibes, and then one longer one. I felt myself gasping to it as I tried to chew my food. I desperately wanted to buck my hips to the rhythm, but if I did, surely someone would notice.

He looked at me with an amused expression as he changed the pattern again. This time, it was a crescendo of strength that grew more powerful, then weaker, over and over. The lower parts were very tolerable, but as it reached its peak, I had to start bracing for it to not let out any vocal moans. A person passed by while I was trying to stay quiet through the apex of it and I let out a soft moan. I was positive they heard me, but they didn’t look back.

Derek chuckled at me and turned the vibrations down so that I could finish my dinner. My pussy was quivering like there was still something moving down there, but I could have sworn he had actually turned it off this time. It didn’t matter, because once I finished eating, he turned it back up and set it to pulsate. I felt myself convulsing to it; my heart was pounding and my breath was ragged. I almost couldn’t take much more.

The restaurant was starting to clear out. People continuously shuffled by to use the restroom and busboys kept rushing by to clear the tables. No one seemed to notice me on the verge of orgasm, but Derek did and he was giving me the sexiest look I’ve seen on his face in a while. I couldn’t wait to get home. Right when I started to fantasize, the waiter walked up to the table.

“Could I interest you two in dessert?” he asked.

Derek looked over at me, and smiled.

“No, I think we’re good. Just the check please.”

“Alright, here you go.”

He left us with the check and Derek pulled out his wallet to pay. He had figured the tip and signed everything before he finally turned the vibrator down to a manageable level. I was so horny and I wanted him so bad. I needed a lot more than the vibrator inside me; I needed him. I really hoped the waiter didn’t take too long coming back for the check, because the drive home would take long enough.

I smiled across the table and my husband sent me back a sexy smile of his own just as the waiter returned. Our waiter stated that he’d be right back and right back he was. He walked to the register near the kitchen then returned with my husband’s debit card in moments. Then, we were free to go.

Derek stood first and offered me his hand. I took it and his fingers wrapped gently around mine. Then, the two of us walked hand in hand to the car. Once we got there, things stopped being so innocent. He walked to my side of the car to open the door for me like he normally would on a date, but before he did, he kissed me and pinned me against it. As he did, I felt the intensity of the vibrator rise to a strong hum and it forced me to moan into his mouth.

We were alone in the parking lot, so I didn’t have to contain myself as his arms slid around my back and brought our bodies closer together. His arms and chest were strong; I could feel that as he hugged me. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating and his lips were so soft. His stubble was a bit rough, but it added the sensation of the kiss and I was no stranger to a little pain with my pleasure.

The vibrator was going strong and even so, I managed to feel how hard he was as he pressed his pelvis into mine. I let myself moan this time; as he ground his hips into me. His hands worked their way up and down my back, over my ass, waist and hips. I loved feeling his hands on my body. He opened his mouth and my tongue slipped inside. I teased his tongue with mine until he tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me into him. Then, he pulled away almost too suddenly and left me there breathless.

“Come on. Let’s get you home.”

I nodded and said: “Okay.”

Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded fooling around in the parking lot for a bit longer; just to see if someone would walk by, or wanted to get into the car next to us. Still, I couldn’t deny that I was incredibly horny and couldn’t wait to get home. Derek opened the door for me and I got inside. He gave me a quick kiss before closing the door and getting in on his side. The ride home would be lengthy, but that just meant more time for foreplay.

As Derek drove through the city streets, his hand rested on my thigh. My hand was in his lap admiring how hard he had gotten. The vibrator was still on of course; it was low and steady, but it wasn’t enough to have an orgasm. Derek knew I didn’t want to cum from anything aside from his hard cock deep inside me.

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We reached a red light and his strong hand squeezed my leg. I looked over at him and he brought the same hand to my chin to hold it steady as he kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine and I felt a new wave of eagerness. His tongue invaded my mouth and played against mine. He nibbled at my lips and I let out soft, gasping moans.

I wanted him badly. I wanted – no, needed – his dick inside of me. Once we got home, he’d be able to lay me down and… My fantasy and our kiss were interrupted by the honking car behind us. Derek pulled away and we both laughed as he went back to driving. At the next few stoplights, we repeated the process.

As we got closer and closer to home, I got closer and closer to climax. I didn’t think I could keep going and not cum. We were nearly there when I squeezed his thigh to get his attention.

“I… I can’t take much more… honey…”

“Don’t cum without me,” he laughed.

At the next red light, he pulled out his phone and turned the vibrator off. Less than 5 minutes later, we pulled onto our street and into our driveway. We were finally home. I felt my pussy clench in anticipation. There was just one more thing between me and complete satisfaction: the babysitter. She was a sweet girl; innocent and naïve even though she was in college. I didn’t want her catching wind of what we were into. I didn’t want to have to find a new babysitter because we scared this one off with our perversions. We just had to pay her and send her home.

I unlocked our front door and went inside. In the living room our baby sitter, Lisa, was sitting on the sofa with a few books open in front of her and laptop on her lap.

“Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, welcome back. Everything went great here; the kids are upstairs in bed.”

“Thank you, Lisa. They weren’t too much trouble?”

“No, we played some games after dinner and I told them a story before bed. They seemed happy. No one got hurt.”

“Good, good.”

“Did you have a nice time?” she asked.

“It was wonderful,” I said as I looked at Derek, who winked at me in return.

“That’s good. Well, just let me know if you two want to go out again. I love sitting for you guys.”

“Thank you, we will.”

Lisa began to gather up her things and I started rummaging through my purse to find my wallet. I pulled out some money and started counting it so I could pay her when I felt the vibrator again. Now, of all times!? Derek was really pushing it. It throbbed between my legs with a lot of power behind it. Each pulse made me hesitate and I ended up losing count. Lisa wasn’t looking at me; she was busy packing up her book bag as I started my count over.

I had started to get a handle on things when Derek changed the vibration pattern on me. The rise and fall of this particular setting seemed harder to count to for some reason. I did my best to keep counting, but I started over twice. I think I still ended up handing her an extra ten-dollar bill in the end. Oh, well. She was a really reliable baby sitter.

Once Lisa had collected all her books and such, we saw her to the door. I managed to keep my cool until it was closed behind her. Then, Derek locked the door and pressed me against it.

His knee went between my legs and added pressure to my crotch as the vibrations continued. I couldn’t help but buck my hips against it to ride out the pleasure as his lips were locked on mine. His tongue slipped into my mouth and danced around mine. I kissed back eagerly as he held me there with his body. My arms had found their way up his suit jacket and I could feel the muscles in his upper back working as he slid his arms up and down my back.

Our kiss broke and the next thing I knew, I had been swept off my feet. Derek carried me upstairs to our bedroom. After we got the door open, he tossed me down onto the bed and started taking off his jacket. He got it off and left it on the armchair before starting to unbutton his shirt and slowly walk towards me.

He stood in front of me looking strong and dominant as he loosened his tie and threw it on the floor. I watched him take off his shirt and pull it out of his pants before he took his phone out of the pocket. He turned up the vibrator and adjusted the tempo to a steady pace. I fell backwards onto the bed moaning. He must have taken his pants off while I was distracted, because when he came to stand beside me, he was in his boxers.

He kissed me on the cheek before rolling me onto my side to get at my zipper. As he slowly drew it open, he planted soft kisses along my neck and shoulders. I moaned at the sensation of his hot breath on my bare skin combined with his supple lips and rough facial hair. That, plus the vibrator; my body was feeling so many things at once. Not to mention, how much I wanted my husband’s body right now. I loved him a lot and the feelings of lust I had for him tonight were starting to be unbearable. Of course, being in public like that had really gotten me going too. Oh, just so many feelings!

Before I realized what happened, he had sat me up and pulled my dress off. I was left in just my bra and panties. He kissed me then slipped his hands around my back and undid my bra. He pulled it off my shoulders and my breasts fell free. Then, he pushed me back onto the bed. He lowered the vibrations slightly then leaned over me to fondle my chest and lick at my nipples.  

He ran his hands all over my body and I was no longer trying to keep my voice down. I moaned and moaned because no one would hear me; our bedroom was soundproof after all. I let myself be loud and I let Derek see every face I made as I melted into the pleasure.

He moved away to take off his boxers and it was clear exactly how much fun he was having. His dick was harder than usual; longer, wider. It was the biggest I’d seen him in a while and it was dripping with anticipation. When I saw it, I moaned and I just had to wrap my lips around it.

I started by kissing the tip; it felt hot against my lips. Then, I licked it and tasted his pre-cum. It was slightly bitter and a bit salty. It wasn’t as good as the real thing, but it was his, so I liked it. I glanced up at him and he smiled down at me then patted my head. After that, I drew him into my mouth and began to suck. I teased the shaft with one hand and his balls with the other as my mouth licked, kissed and sucked the upper half. He was too large for me to stick the entirety in my mouth; I wasn’t skilled like that. However, when he was in control, things were different.

He grabbed my shoulder and started to thrust into my mouth. I let my mouth go slack and his other hand pressed against the back of my head. He started gently, but when I didn’t resist, he picked up the pace. His cock filled my mouth completely and hit the back of my throat. I liked it, but it wasn’t the sensation of it, it was the feeling of being used. He was using my mouth as he saw fit; just for his pleasure and that always turned me on. I loved it when he was rough. Even the feeling of nearly choking on him was somehow pleasurable.

He pulled out of my mouth then pushed me onto the bed again.

“Let’s see how wet you are,” he said as he leaned over me and started to pull down my underwear.

I was too breathless to say anything. The vibrator was still going as he slid my panties down my legs and onto the floor.

“You’re soaked,” he grinned.

“Of course… there’s no way I wouldn’t be…” I blushed.

He was right; my panties were soaked, but the impressive part was how much I gushed after he moved the vibrator. He pulled it out and thick strings of fluid went with it. The rest had gotten creamy and was left spilling out. He teased my outer lips with the vibrator; up and down. He held it over my clit and I moaned for him. He looked so hot and I was so turned on. Tonight had been an amazing night and it was finally time for the main event.

My pussy was twitching and completely swollen with my need. I couldn’t have been any more ready. Derek leaned over me and kissed it right on my clit. I moaned and my back arched in response. Then, he licked my lower lips and got a taste of my sweet cream before he stood up and finally turned the vibrator off.

I went to lie on the bed normally with my head resting on the pillows. He laid down next to me and gave me a kiss. His fingers trailed down the front of my body and lingered at my pussy. He gently traced his fingers over it, then pushed them inside. He swirled his fingers around and thrust them in and out while I moaned in his ear. Then, he pulled them out completely covered in my juices and brought them to his mouth. He licked each finger one by one as he stared into my eyes. It was incredibly sexy.

“I love you so much,” I whispered.

The words escaped my mouth before I knew I had said them. I was just so overwhelmed with how the night had turned out and with how much I wanted to cum. He was doing all this for my pleasure, which meant a lot, and the fact that he was enjoying it so much himself made it even better.

“I love you, too,” he replied before repositioning himself between my legs.

He teased my pussy with his dick before he let it slip inside. I let out a deep moan when I finally felt his big, hard cock inside me. I had been waiting for it all night and he was so much more filling than that vibrator had been. He started with deep, slow thrusts, but he picked up the pace when he realized there was no resistance from my pussy. I was drenched, so he could pound me as much as he wanted to.

He moved in and out of me at varying rhythms and depths, keeping me guessing. He was trying not to make me cum too soon; I had already been so close several times tonight. Derek knew that I wanted us to cum together, or as close as we could manage.

He stopped for a second and pushed my legs into my chest as far as I could stand it then continued to thrust into me. It was an angle that allowed him to go deeper and I loved how it felt. The tip of his cock bumping against my uterus was just the right amount of painful, and how full it made me feel, made this one of my favorite positions. He leaned over farther and fucked me harder as he fell into what was almost a push-up position with his hands near my ears. I moaned so that he could hear just how much I loved it.

Derek sat back up and then pulled me with him. He was on his knees and urged me to sit on his lap. I got on all fours then backed up until I could slip him inside me. He raised himself slightly and pounded into me with one hand on my shoulder and the other around my midsection. He was holding me there; ramming into me from behind with an upward thrusting motion. I let out a loud groan on every stroke. He shifted so that his hand from my shoulder was around my neck instead, forcing my head back and restricting my airflow. His grip was gentle, yet effective as he held me, and all I could do was take what he was giving me. It was wonderful.

He let go of me and I fell forward, gasping. Then, he grabbed my hips to continue fucking my wet pussy with his huge cock. His thrusts were steady now; a constant rhythm bringing us both closer to climax. I couldn’t take much more. I wasn’t even sure how I had managed not to cum yet, but Derek had gotten really good at edging me over the years.

As he continued to violate my pussy, it got harder to think. His cock was hitting all the right spots. His balls slapped against my clit on every thrust. Thoughts of our night kept drifting into my mind. The restaurant had been so exciting; the ride home, even being teased in front of the baby sitter had been a turn on. If only someone were to see me like this, right now, bent over, being fucked like an animal. If only they could see how naughty I was and how much I liked being used by my husband. Just the thought of it, just imagining what it would be like; I couldn’t take it.

I came screaming into our pillows, bucking against his dick, and I felt him cum seconds later. I could feel his semen release deep inside me as his cock throbbed through his orgasm. My pussy quivered as he slipped himself out and his hot load trickled out. He landed on the bed next to me and gave me a soft kiss. Then, Derek opened his arms and I cuddled into his chest.

We snuggled together for a while. He still smelled great. It wasn’t just his cologne anymore; he also smelled like sweat and his natural scent had started to take over. It was masculine and intoxicating. His muscles were strong and I enjoyed how they felt wrapped around me when we cuddled like this. I loved him a lot. I was really glad we got to have such a great date night and I really couldn’t wait to do something like this again. I wanted to be dirtier and explore even more. I’d do anything as long as it was with him.

“Derek. I had a great night,” I told him.

“Me too. It was a lot of fun.”

I giggled. “I can’t wait to do something like this again.”

“I think I’ve got an idea for next time,” he chuckled.


“It’s a surprise.”

“I like the sound of that,” I smiled. “I love you, honey. Goodnight.”

“I love you, too,” he said as he kissed my head. “Goodnight.”

As I drifted off to sleep, all I could think about was what our next exhibition adventure would entail. A surprise he’d said. I couldn’t wait.


©2021 Lynette P. Kristofferson

Written by lpkristofferson
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