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Nora's Tale: 2 - Frisk on the Beach

"My boss gets handsy at work, and so does Levi"

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After putting on a good show for my neighbor Levi on Saturday night, I awoke Sunday morning with the desire to do it again – and immediately.

I jumped up to turn off my alarm clock, then sat back on my bed and struggled with the temptation before me.

I had felt surprisingly comfortable with pleasuring myself in front of Levi’s attic window the night before, having him watch me plow myself to orgasm. There was a chance he was up now. He had been awake this time the day before, catching me masturbate on the roof deck the first time. I wanted to go up and check, and if he was there, this time stroke myself slowly and teasingly to orgasm.

But I had things to do. Seventeen-year-old girls didn’t just wake up at 6:30 am on Sundays for nothing. I needed to go on my daily run – especially since I had missed it the day before due to a series of distractions.

The itch that had snuck up on me during the night hadn’t taken too long to scratch. Opening my fifth college acceptance package on the roof hadn’t eaten up much of my time either. Even my small panic attack about my uncertain future wasn’t really be to blame.

What had really preoccupied me was encountering Levi and sharing my predicament with him. In order to chat about my woes, he had actually climbed out of his attic window onto his roof, then jumped off onto mine to meet me. Between offering me advice and getting my lusty little heart rate going, he had nearly made me late for work.

While on my roof, he had also swiped the hairbrush I had used to get myself off that morning, only returning it in secret later that night. I could still see him holding it, sniffing the dried handle, and expressing his desire to taste those lingering juices while they were still wet. That was why, after coming on the brush in front of him for the second time, I had teased him by sucking off my own nectar myself.

I shook my head, pulling myself back to the present. If I didn’t go now, the sun would be too hot later in the day for the length of run I had in mind, not to mention I had to get down to the beach for my 9 o’clock lifeguard shift. Later tonight was also out of the question. I had desk-duty at work for a few hours in the evening, and I had a nice long English paper waiting to be revised for when I got home.

Levi had been right. I was far too busy to discover what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Something had to give, and he had suggested school. The idea of putting off my college education had scared me at first, but it seemed to be growing on me more and more. Graduate from high school, take a year of fun to discover myself, and then get my post-secondary education.

But the fun couldn’t begin now. As usual, logic won out over pleasure, and sighing, I began to dress in my running gear. I considered going up to the roof deck to stretch and warm up, but decided against it. If I did see Levi, I knew he would be able to lead me astray from my plans.

Instead I headed for the backyard where I normally prepared for my run. Like most beach houses, it was equipped with an outdoor shower out of sight of any of our windows, and I often liked to rinse off there after a run before going to my bathroom to clean off properly.

I went to the shower now to splash some water on my tired face before getting started. Something possessed me to look up at Levi’s attic window, clearly visible from where I was. My imagination began to wander, but I shook my head clear of any emerging thoughts and started warming up.

Ten kilometers of beach-front running later, I was back in the same spot. I did some stretches in my bare feet to cool down before letting loose the fresh stream of water from the showerhead. Fully clothed, I stepped under the stream and sighed in contentment as it plastered my tank to my breasts and trickled down my cleavage. The water was all but sizzling against my hot flesh, and it quickly brought my body temperature down.

I undid my ponytail and threw my head back under the stream, letting it penetrate my thick hair to my warm scalp. When I opened my eyes, the attic window was in my line of sight, and I watched as a large puff of smoke escaped from it. My heart – which had just begun to beat normally after my exertion – picked up once more with excitement. I couldn’t see into the window, but maybe the boy at the other end of that smoke could see me.

With that thought, I peeled my top off and dropped it at my feet with a soft squelching sound. I glanced back up at the window as if looking for directions before running my hands over my flattened breasts. My thumbs tucked up under the band of the culprit – my neon pink sports bra – and I pulled that off as well. I grasped my tits directly then, pushing them together and feeling my nipples rise under my palms. They were still very hot, and the cold water felt heavenly against the flushed mounds.

After my soft, perky breasts received a good deal of attention, I finally moved my hands down to the waistband of my spandex shorts, the only thing left since I wasn’t wearing underwear. I contemplated the best position to be in respecting the window, and decided on turning myself three quarters away from it. Then, keeping my legs straight, I bent at the hips and slowly dragged my shorts down my body. In my imagination, the angle I displayed myself at offered a nearly full view of my round, taut ass as well as my dangling breasts.

When I stepped out of my shorts, I didn’t stand up right away. Instead, I grabbed my ankles, spread my legs ever so slightly, and began to run my hands up the back of my legs and over my ass as I straightened. I grabbed a globe in each hand and kneaded them. Pulling them apart, I began to bend once more – just a little – then stood again and turned back to face the house.

My hands trailed around to my sides and back down my legs. When I brought them back up, it was on the inside. As I reached my upper thighs, I pushed my wet hands slowly against my even wetter pussy. I moaned as I dragged my fingers teasingly between my lips before bringing them up my torso and back to my breasts.

Finally unable to take it much more, I brought my hands back to my puffy sex and sunk two of my cool fingers into my hot hole. I groaned at the penetration and immediately began to pump, positioning my thumb to rub against my engorged clit at every stroke. I pinched one of my nipples hard, and as I imagined Levi watching me, stroking his hard cock, I felt my release approaching.

Already short of breath from my run, I was panting, my lungs burning, but I couldn’t stop. I brought my free fingers up to my mouth and bit down hard on them, restraining a whimper as hot wet pleasure engulfed my body.

I slowly sank to my knees, unable to hold myself up. I sat there breathing hard, my long curtain of black hair hanging damp over my face, my fingers still in my pussy. Finally, I pushed my hair back with my free hand and looked deliberately at the window. I retrieved my slippery fingers from between my legs and traced my lips with them. They worked their way in slowly, and soon I was sucking hard on them, tasting my musky sweetness.

I pushed myself back up on my wobbly legs, stooped to collect my wet clothes, and blew the attic window a kiss. Then, retrieving a towel from the hook near the shower, I hung my dripping outfit there in its place. I dried off the excess water from my body, wrung out my hair, then wrapped myself tightly before ascending the stairs to the back entrance of the house.

Mom and Daddy were up, and had a steaming hot breakfast ready for me. I was pleasantly surprised by this, and my mouth instantly began to water.

“Yum!” I said. “Good morning!”

“Morning sweetie,” Mom said, kissing my cheek.

“Morning baby doll,” Daddy said. “Let me make you a plate.”

He got up from the breakfast nook and into the kitchen to bring me my food.

“Oh Daddy, you do spoil me,” I said.

I was about to sit down at the little table at the large window facing the backyard when Mom stopped me.

“Are you wet?” she asked me.

I blushed slightly at this, my pussy still throbbing from my very recent orgasm, but knew that wasn’t what she meant. I touched a hand to my tush overtop of the towel. It was damp.

“Yes…” I groaned.

Without further direction, I ran up four flights of stairs to my bedroom loft. I thought of grabbing my house coat, but decided against it. Instead, I went up to the roof to lay my towel out on the clothes line without it. If Levi was still there, he would see me naked again, and very soon.

Glancing toward the window, I found a piece of paper propped up on the backrest of my favorite Adirondack chair – the one that was still facing Levi’s attic. I went over to investigate, and found that I had been left a note.

YOU WERE SENSATIONAL, KNEESOCK NORA, it read in Levi’s characteristic upper-case block letters. I THINK WE SHOULD BE GOOD FRIENDS. XO, L.

I had seen his writing before. Last night he had held up several messages for me in the window while I had jerked the hilt of my hairbrush in and out of my tight pussy, my knee-high-clad legs propped up to give him an excellent view. The final one, “LET ME SEE YOU COME, KNEESOCK NORA,” had established my new nickname and had triggered the most intense orgasm of my short, inexperienced life.

At the bottom of the most recent note was a phone number, and I smiled widely to myself. I looked up at the window to see if Levi was still there, but saw only emptiness.

Bringing the note with me, I stripped and hung my towel over the clothes line. I then strutted my tight, naked ass back down to my room, just in case he was watching.

I had half an hour before I had to leave for work, but I dressed in my lifeguard uniform anyways. Once decent, I went back down for breakfast.

Mom and Daddy had already finished, but Daddy was still sitting across from my place setting, drinking his coffee. Mom was loading their plates in the dishwasher.

Looking at them, I thought once more how they were both remarkable in their own right. Mom was very tall and lean with the grace of a goddess; Daddy, also tall, was naturally quite brawny and moved like a warrior despite his warm eyes and smile. Coming from these two beautiful giants, I often wondered how I could be so small.

When I sat down, I immediately began to devour my eggs, eager to refuel after my morning exertion.

“Must have been an intense run, baby doll,” Daddy said, watching me with his usual light-hearted grin. “I hope you’re not too busy at work today.”

I grunted in reply, continuing to stuff my face. I felt a throb between my legs and grinned to myself as I thought of my secret.

“Your hair is falling in your plate, Nora,” Mom said disapprovingly from the kitchen.

“Here, let me get that,” Daddy said. He got up and circled the table to stand behind me. He raked his fingers through my hair, pulling it back from my face, and I hummed happily. Daddy often played with my hair, and it was always very comforting. He wasn’t just playing, though. He was French-braiding it, smoothing back pieces of my hair as he went.

“You’re the best, Daddy,” I said, pulling myself long enough from my food to express my appreciation.

“I know,” he said.

Mom snorted with amusement, and I gave a small laugh, but was still too busy with my food to giggle as I usually did at his teasing jokes.

When I finished my plate, I said, “We have new neighbors.”

“We do?” Mom asked happily. “Have you met them, sweetie?”

“No,” I said, my face flushing slightly. “Just the boy.”

“Well we should have them over sometime,” Mom said. “What do you think, John?”

“Fine by me. Got a hair-tie?” Daddy asked me, and I handed him the elastic from my wrist. He promptly wrapped it around the end of my braid before taking his place back in front of me.

“Thanks, Daddy,” I said, grinning at him.

“You do spoil her, John,” Mom said.

“Not as much as I spoil you, lover,” Daddy growled, shooting an impish glance at her.

“Okay!” I said, jumping to my feet. “Time to go!”

I brought my plate to the dishwasher, kissed Mom goodbye first, then Daddy. He whopped me smartly on my ass and laughed when I jumped.

“Bye princess,” he said. “Wear sunblock.”

I left the house rubbing my behind discreetly. Daddy had never spanked me as punishment, but he was in the habit of smacking my ass amicably, like we were football players, or something. It never really hurt, but it did sting a little.

I would have to remind him to be more careful when the sun started getting more intense. No matter how much sunblock you wore in the summertime here, you were still likely to get sunburn on tender areas, and not all my bathing suits covered my cheeks as well as the one I wore for work.

Since I was in no hurry to get to work, I decided I would text Levi on the way. I typed in the number and sent him a text.


It wasn’t long before I received an answer: “The one and only. And who might this be?”

I smiled and shook my head. He must have been teasing me. How many people could he have given his number to so recently?

“It’s Nora,” I said.

It took a little longer for Levi to reply. “Nora… Nora…” his text said. “You’ll have to be more specific, darling.”

I actually laughed out loud. How many Noras could he have given his number to?

My stomach fluttered, and blushing, I gave him the reply I knew he wanted: “Kneesock Nora.”

This time the text came back instantly. “Oh! You’re THAT magnificent creature! Then you must have gotten my message this morning?”

“I did,” I texted back. “And you must have gotten mine.”

“I sure did, Nora,” came his reply. I shuddered, hearing the way he said my name – drawn-out “r” and sighing “a” – as clearly in my head as if he had spoken. “What a way to start my day.”

I was curious as to why he would be up so early, so I asked him.

“Same as you,” he replied.

Somehow I doubted that was the case. “You mean you went on a run, jacked off, and left for your lifeguarding job?” I had never texted anyone so boldly before, let alone talk to them that way, but Levi was bringing something daring out in me. It was very exciting.

“One for three,” his text said. I was willing to bet on which one I had guessed right, but I had arrived at work and couldn’t continue our banter.

Just got to work,” I told him. “I’ll see you later… Or maybe you’ll see me first?”

Just as I was storing my phone in my locker, I felt it vibrate. I stole a glance at the screen. “I just might,” it read.

I quickly shoved it to the back of my cubby before the temptation to reply took over me. I withdrew my sunblock and took my outer clothes off in order to apply it.

I knew the one-piece bathing suit I wore for work was entirely practical, but I wished it wouldn’t give me such horrible tan lines. I mean what self-respecting South-Florida girl had a white stomach?

“Oh hey, Nora, glad I found you.”

I looked up from my propped-up leg and saw Noah, my boss, standing in the doorway. He was probably in his mid-thirties with sun-bleached hair and blue eyes that shone brightly out of his dark face. Despite his age – which, I reminded myself, really wasn’t that old – he was in even better shape than most of his employees.

Noah strolled in and took the bottle of sunblock from me without a word. It wasn’t uncommon for my coworkers to help each other apply, but it happened less frequently with the boss. Still, I accepted his help, knowing it would speed up the process.

I heard him squirt some cream into his hand behind me before passing the bottle back to me. I did the same, and resumed lathering my leg. Noah’s cold hands came down on my hot shoulders, and I flinched at the shock.

“Sorry,” he said, and began to rub the sunblock in vigorously in order to warm it up. “So you’re manning the desk tonight?”

I smiled and lowered my leg from the bench, replacing it with the other. “I wouldn’t say ‘manning’,” I said, glancing at him over my shoulder, “but I’ll be there.”

Noah stole a glance at my round ass. “No, definitely not ‘manning’,” he said with a chuckle. His hands spread the cream further down my back, and he winked.

I gave a short, shocked giggle and looked away. Noah, my boss, was flirting with me! He didn’t seem to be acting any different than usual, but it had become suddenly obvious. I guess I had never noticed before.

Noah reached for the bottle once more, and this time I heard him rubbing his hands together to heat up the sunblock before touching me. My suspicions were confirmed when I felt his warm fingers slip under the upper hem of the cut-out on my back. He rubbed my back in circles, making sure to get underneath the seams, and took particular care under the one running along the small of my back.

Unexpectedly, I felt a flicker of arousal as his fingers skimmed just above the crack of my ass, and my juices began to seep into the crotch of my suit. I gave Noah a demure smile over my shoulder as I worked my lather into my arms. He smiled back and squirted some more cream onto his hands.

“Anyways, I have some paperwork that I need to fill out, but I don’t think I can get to it all myself today. Can I trust you to finish off the job?”

“Of course!” I said. Of all his employees, I was definitely the most responsible.

“You’re a doll,” he said, and crouching, placed his creamed-up hands on my upper legs. I jumped under his chilled touch again. “Sorry,” he said, smirking up at me. “I forgot. Let me fix that.”

He rubbed his hands over my taut thighs, making my skin tingle. I had already gotten that part of my legs, but I didn’t stop him. His hands came up just below my ass, and he tucked his thumbs under the seam, thoroughly massaging the sunblock from the outside in.

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I must have parted my legs a little in my excitement, and Noah used this new space to slide his hands to my inner thighs. His fingers brushed slowly against the edges of my pussy as his hands moved deeper between my legs. I bit back a whimper that threatened to escape my lips.

“I think you’re set,” Noah said, straightening out and patting my butt softly. “Don’t forget your face.”

I turned around just in time to watch him stroll out of the change room.

“Oh, shit…” I sighed, slumping against the lockers.

It seemed that Levi hadn’t only turned me on to him, but had finally made me aware of others as well. According to Lauren, my best friend, I was completely oblivious to the come-ons I received, which was probably why I was still a virgin. Well, no longer was I ignorant; we would see where that would take me.

But Noah – that was a little too much for me to handle. Not only was he twice my age, but he was my boss. Quite attractive, very easy going, but he still intimidated me. Even if he acted my age sometimes, when you’ve witnessed someone save a life, it’s hard to feel on the same level as them.

If that were true, though, why had I begun to flirt back? At least that’s what I thought it was; I wasn’t quite sure since I had never consciously made the effort before. Had it just been easier to go along with it than to freak out at my boss’s hands between my thighs?

I moaned at the thought. No, it was definitely not that. My logical mind told me I should avoid him out of principle, but part of me, the part that Levi had awakened, was curious.

I tried to shake my confusion, and went to start my shift.

It was almost noon when I started getting the feeling I was being watched. My practiced eye had a good range of sight and wide peripherals from years of scanning the beach. Off to my right, I caught the shape of a person lounging in the sand, unmoving. It wasn’t facing the sea, as most of the others were, but me.

I turned my full attention to him, and Levi smiled. He rose to his feet and leisurely made his way over to me.

He looked like a tourist. His black swim trunks weren’t out of place, but the pale skin that contrasted with it certainly was. He wasn’t ghostly by any means, but he wasn’t a copper-toned beach bum either.

“Norrra,” he said, purring the “r” as usual. “You spotted me.”

I turned my attention back to the ocean, holding back a smile. “You creep,” I teased. “Why were you watching me this time?” I hazarded a glance his way, and my smirk broke out on my face. “Surely I’m not entertaining you?”

Levi smiled lazily back. “I wanted to talk to you,” he said simply.

“Then why didn’t you?” I asked, perplexed.

He shrugged. “You looked so professional. I didn’t want to break your concentration.”

I waved my hand dismissively, looking back to shore. “It’s all for show,” I told him.

Levi’s warm hand landed on my calf – the highest spot on my body he could reach while I sat in this chair. I looked down at him, feeling a little breathless.

All of it?” he asked, giving me an intimate smile.

“Well…” I said, returning the smile more timidly. “Not all of it.”

He squeezed my calf, and moved his hand to lean against my chair. “Since I am here now, I might as well ask. Do you want to come over after work?”

I bit my lip and squirmed a little. “Well…” I said again, looking away.

“Don’t you want to go behind enemy lines?” Levi asked me.

He captured my attention with that. I did have two hours between the end of this shift and the start of my next. But was that enough time to get myself in and out of Levi’s place satisfactorily? After all, he had made me nearly late for work the day before.

“You could investigate my look-out,” he added. “I assure you, it has a great view.”

My stomach twisted tightly with his last statement, but I decided to work off the first. “Enemy?” I asked. “I thought we were friends?”

“Whatever you’d like, darling,” he said. “I can bend to fit the mold .”

“Friends, then,” I said. “And I’ll come over on two conditions.”

“Name them,” Levi said without hesitation.

“Well…” I stalled. “I’m kind of new to this… our games. And… I’m not exactly sure what I want.”

“Norrra,” he said, looking up at me with his green eyes, gentle but serious. “I know you don’t know what you want.” It was true. In fact, he was the first one I had confessed this to regarding my future. “And I know you don’t know who you are yet.” That he had pointed out to me himself, and was also true.

He put his hand back on my calf, and squeezed reassuringly. “I want to open you up,” he said. “But I won’t push you.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. That was exactly what I wanted to hear.

“Okay?” he asked with a smile. I nodded, flashing one myself. “Good. Now what else do you want?”

I shook off my lingering nerves, and felt the atmosphere between us lighten once more. “I have twenty minutes for lunch, but I don’t like to leave my chair if I don’t have to,” I told him. “Could you grab me something to eat?”

“Certainly,” Levi said. Then smiling, he added, “Is that all?”

“Oh, could you refill my water bottle too? Please?” I asked as the thought crossed my mind.

“Now you’ve gone too far,” he said, but he reached for my empty bottle anyways with a wink. “Do you know what you want?” he asked ironically.

I laughed. “This time, yes,” I said. “A hotdog please. All dressed.”

“Sit tight, Sun Queen,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

“Hold on,” I said. “Let me give you some money.”

“Not a chance,” he replied with a cheeky grin.

“No, really.” I reached into my first aid kit for my lunch money, but when I looked up, Levi was already strolling away.

It wasn’t long before he got back, holding a couple hot dogs and my dripping water bottle. He handed me one of the first, and set the latter down at my feet.

“Thanks,” I said. “Why don’t you come up? I’m technically off-duty.”

Levi’s lips curled a little in anticipation. “Is that allowed?”

I shrugged. “Not really,” I said, “but it won’t hurt. Plus I’m the best behaved lifeguard here. No one will care.”

Levi laughed softly and accepted my invitation. “Rule number one about breaking rules,” he said as he swung up onto the chair like an acrobat. I had made room for him just in time for his landing next to me. “If no one gets hurt, there’s no good reason not to do it.”

I thought about telling him how his little stunt could have gotten him – or even me – hurt, but I decided against it. He was, after all, some sort of daredevil who was in the habit of leaping from rooftop to rooftop. He must have known what he was doing.

“Really?” I asked. “It’s not ‘they were made to be broken’?”

Levi settled himself more comfortably in the chair. It was a rather oversized seat, but between the two of us, we just fit. His thigh was pressed up against mine, and the hairs on his legs tickled my calves whenever he moved. He took a bite of his hotdog, drawing out the silence before his answer.

“A fallacy,” he said, waving his hand. “And a cliché.”

“Are you going to teach me how to be a deviant?” I asked with a laugh.

“That’s why I’m here, didn’t you know?” He smiled teasingly at me and rested his hand casually on the top of my thigh. The weight of it was very arousing.

“Why are you really here?” I asked a little breathlessly. “I mean, why did you move here?”

“My parents bought the summer house for a change in surroundings,” Levi explained. “But we’re not really moving in until May. They just sent me down to accept the furniture delivery since they’re too busy to leave their jobs. I’ll be here for a week before going back to college to finish my semester.”

“Oh!” I said. I wasn’t sure why this surprised me, but it did. “In New York?” He nodded. “What are you studying?”

“Marketing,” Levi said, and I smiled.

“That explains your silver tongue,” I said.

“Why thank you, darling,” Levi said, squeezing my thigh. “I’m leaving next Sunday, but I’ll be back for the summer when my semester ends in May.”

“You’re going to miss my birthday!” I said. It was on the Thursday following his departure. I wouldn’t have said anything, but he had specifically asked to know when it was the last time we had spoken.

“I know, Norrra, I’m very sorry,” Levi said. “I’ll try to make it up to you.”

His hand moved further up my leg, sending sparks of desire through my body. I was eager to find out how he would make it up to me.

“But I’ll be back soon,” he assured me. “Then I’ll show you how to enjoy your summer.”

This promise put me in an even better mood. I put my hand over his and squeezed it, flashing him a smile.

I had been nibbling at my hotdog throughout our conversation – much more slowly than Levi who had finished his – but I finished it off quickly knowing I had very little time left. I hadn’t realized Levi was watching me until the whole thing was gone.

“It looks like you’re a little gentler with those lips,” he said, wiping something from the corner of my mouth, “than you are with these lips.” His fingers skittered quickly across my clothed mound before settling back on my thigh. “Just as fast, though.”

Oh God, I wanted his hands between my legs right now, but with only five minutes left to my break, there was no time to get what I wanted.

“How was your day so far?” Levi smiling crookedly.

“The usual,” I said, trying to distract myself. “Watched some fat old men swim, yelled at a few kids.” That certainly did the trick, but remembering what had happened in the change room this morning got my blood pumping again, but I just couldn’t help bringing it up. “Oh, and my boss felt me up.”

“What?” Levi asked. “Did that bother you?”

I bit my lip, trying to figure out what that new tone was in Levi’s voice. I was pretty sure it wasn’t jealousy, and decided he was concerned.

“Um, not exactly,” I confessed, blushing under his gaze. “I mean, it was confusing, but kind of… hot.”

Levi’s face split into a grin. “Well this is new,” he said.

“You’re telling me,” I half-laughed.

“How old is he?” Levi asked as if nothing could interest him more.

“Thirty-something,” I said. “Thirty-five, I think.” This reminded me that I didn’t know Levi’s age. I shot him a speculating glance. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-one,” he said. “And just for consistency, you’re seventeen?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“So tell me,” Levi said, sitting up straight, crossing an ankle over his knee. “What did this man twice your age do to your little seventeen-year-old body?”

I could tell he was getting excited, so I told him exactly what.

“He was helping me apply sunblock this morning. He started with my shoulders.”

“Mhmm?” Levi hummed. He put a hand across my shoulders. “Here?”

“Yeah,” I breathed, my mind jumping ahead of me. “Then down my back…”

As I said it, Levi’s hand worked its way to my neck and smoothed down my spine. I leaned forward, allowing him to continue.

“Did he get inside this hole, here?” he asked, tickling the skin inside the cut-out with the tips of his fingers.

“He did,” I giggled.

Levi traced the outer seam of the cut-out, his finger against my flesh. He started at the bottom and circled counter clockwise, pausing when he made a full revolution. Then it slid back and forth as low as it would permit on the visible skin.

“You have the most adorable dimples,” he said, pinching gently at the hollows on the small of my back, one at a time. “I see why he couldn’t keep his old hands off you.”

“Under,” I said breathlessly. “He went under the suit, just a little.”

“Like this?” Levi’s fingers slipped just under the seam.

“More,” I said. His fingers moved further down, about an inch beneath my suit. “Like that.”

“And he rubbed you like this?” his fingers scooped slowly around, just shy of the crack of my ass.

“Mmm,” I hummed. “Then he got the back of my thighs.”

Levi stood up to face me, and actually crouched down between my knees, scooping his hands under my legs. His palms moved teasingly up my thighs to just below my ass where the suit started, just as Noah had done.

“And he went up under here, I bet?”

Levi didn’t wait for an answer. His fingers slipped under my seem once more, just a little further than he had in my cut-out. Funny how Noah had gone a little further there too. Levi kneaded the soft globes of my ass from the outside, working in. My breath began to come in gasps as I knew where his fingers would go next.

“How far?” he asked. He was looking up at me from between my thighs. I could feel his hot breath on my leaking pussy, and I wanted to pull his face to it right here in front of the whole beach.

“Further,” I whispered.

His fingers moved between my legs from behind, tracing where my pussy lips met my thighs just as Noah had done.

“All the way to the front,” I moaned.

He followed my direction, then stopped exactly where Noah had. “And?”

“And that’s it,” I said quietly.

It must have looked to someone else like Levi was hugging me from his knees, his hands maybe a little too low for convention. I wondered what people thought, then quickly decided I didn’t care.

“You mean he didn’t do this?” Levi moved his fingers with agonizing slowness to between my sopping pussy lips, parting them with both hands.

“No,” I said, but allowed him to continue.

“Good God, Norrra, you are so wet.” One of his hands gripped the inside of my ass cheek as the other cupped my naked sex. “And so damn hot.”

I moaned, half acknowledging this truth.

“So he didn’t do this?” One of Levi’s fingers parted company with its brothers, and it wiggled its way towards my engorged clit.

I let out a gasp at the contact. “No!”

“Maybe I should stop then.”

I grabbed Levi’s head by his hair and glared into his upturned, grinning face. “Don’t you dare!” I snarled.

“Nora?” I heard a voice call from further away. I snapped my head up to look at Josh, one of my coworkers. He was frowning in confusion, and just maybe a bit angry. “Are you alright? Is this guy bothering you?”

“No, I’m fine,” I practically squeaked. The anger left Josh’s face, but not the confusion.

To my dismay, Levi’s hand left my aching pussy and came up to settle on my lower back. The other left my body altogether as he turned to face Josh. He continued to caressing the exposed flesh along my spine, causing me to shiver.

“I’m just begging on my knees, pleading for Norrra to go out with me,” Levi confided in him in an affected voice.

“Oh jeez, Nora,” Josh said, looking from Levi to me and blushing a little. “Maybe you should. I mean, it’s about time you go out on a date.”

“Why is it the whole beach knows my love life?” I grumbled.

Josh shrugged, blushing a little more, but Levi swung back around to face me, commanding my attention.

“Norrra,” he purred. “I will show you the time of your life. Please, I beg you, will you go out with me?”

I would have burst out laughing had I not been so sexually frustrated. Both Levi and Josh were watching me expectantly.

“Fine!” I cried.

Levi hugged me as it had appeared he had been doing before, then stooped to kiss my bare feet.

Probably feeling embarrassed by all of this, Josh left our company without a second glance.

“He’s gone,” I said. I checked my watch and growled angrily. “And my break is over.”

Levi sprung to his feet, grabbed the towel that was hanging over the arm of the chair, and laid it across my lap. He then leaped from the chair and looked back up at me.

“Finish yourself off, darling. I want to see you come right here on the beach.”

His words had a massive effect on my libido. Lust fought with responsibility, but in the end, lust won out. I could still keep an eye on the beach, and if I just slipped my hand through the side of my suit…

I hadn’t even noticed, but my fingers had done just that, seeking out my frustrated nub. I stroked her, consoling her for the pleasure she had been robbed of, and promising to replace it soon.

Levi, meanwhile, had set himself up a few yard in front of my chair, lying on his belly as if he were tanning. His eyes, though, were locked on me. The flash of green from between his dark eyelashes kicked my arousal up another notch, and my clit was now humming with pleasure.

He was right, I was very wet, and my finger slipped over my clit almost too easily. Instead of getting the instant pleasure I wanted, my orgasm built up with aggravating slowness as I circled, rubbed, and flicked, hoping to speed up the process.

Finally, I was reaching the end, and my pussy was wailing, begging for something it could wrap its lips around. With a quick glance at my surroundings, I snuck my second hand under the towel.

I came as soon as my fingers penetrated my hole in a single, swift motion. My cunt was swallowing them, trying to pull them in deeper, shuddering with the effort. I let out a strangled moan and closed my thighs tightly over my hand.

The climax may have been slow coming, but it seemed to go on forever, gentle but persistent. I was cooing to myself, writhing on my fingers in an attempt to wring out as much pleasure as I could.

I hadn’t closed my eyes, but they had been entirely unseeing until I finally came down, landing gently like a butterfly. Levi had approached me once more and was standing beside my chair.

“Norrra,” he whispered just loud enough for his voice to travel up to meet my ears. “I’ve been waiting for this moment desperately,” he said. “Please, let me taste you.”

Smiling to myself, I bent down to retrieve my water bottle. While I was down there, I offered my hand to Levi and he zealously engulfed my fingers in his mouth. He moaned softly as his tongue swirled around them, then split them apart, lapping all the way up their insides as if they were a pair of my legs.

I wanted that skilled, muscular tongue. I wanted it inside me. I wanted to feel those lips on my own, that tongue in my mouth. But most of all, I wanted to feel his mouth against my pussy, lapping up my fountain of juices as he was doing now.

When he had licked off every last drop of my nectar, Levi took my hand in his, flipped it over, and kissed my wrist.

“See you later, Norrra,” he growled. “And bring your kneesocks.”

Written by AdventurousReader
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