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My Sister and My Best Friend

"letting my best friend take my sister on a vacation across the globe, i hope they keep their hands to themselves"

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Part 1

Leaning up against the doorjamb, I peered at her packing up her filled suitcase. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off at the airport?” I questioned.

“No, Scott is going to pick me up, I already told you,” she replied, placing a sheer cover-up into the case. 

Scott was my best friend, whom I had met in college, and was quite the free spirit. He was a nudist, or at least was quite comfortable being in the buff, which is somewhat the reason why we were so chill together. His nudity seemed to be completely for freedom purposes, and he was not someone who I thought was deeply sexual. For this reason, I trusted the guy when he said that he would be vacationing in Spain and would allow my sister to tag along with him. She had recently broken up with her scumbag ex, so I was content with the idea that Scott could help take her mind off of the pain of the breakup. Scott and I had spoken about whether or not dating my step-sister was cool with me, and I had said that it was not; I simply wanted Scott to take her on a relaxing beach trip, nothing more entailing. He had shaken my hand and assured me that this would be the plan and her body would not be touched in any way by him. Scott had that reassuring look in his eyes as he smiled back to me, and that was all I needed to trust he would protect her and my wishes. 

“Okay that might be everything,” Haley said while glancing around the room. She shut the overstuffed suitcase, and tried to zip it closed, to no success. 

“Close this damn thing for me,” she demanded as she walked into the bathroom to grab her bag of toiletries. 

I sauntered over and tried to rearrange the contents, as I knew it couldn’t be closed the way she had filled it. My fingers found a thin white strip of fabric, which I pulled up to see that it was a white, lacy g-string. I almost gasped seeing how tiny it was, and my stomach turned wondering how she could wear something like this; the lacy triangle no larger than a guitar pick. ‘She must not have any lips in order to wear this thing,’ I thought and then shook my head, removing the idea from my mind. I stuffed the tiny panty into the bottom of the suitcase and closed it, just barely getting it zipped. 

Scott arrived a few minutes later and we helped load up his Jeep Wrangler. 

“Remember bro, don’t pull anything on this trip okay?” I reiterated. 

“Trust me, man, nothing’s gonna happen.”

“Good man.” I patted his shoulder and stepped back from the car as he got in the driver’s seat. I waved them off and watched them drive down the street. 

Later that night they sent me a photo of them at the hotel, looking jet-lagged and stressed, with a text stating that they made it safely. I wished them a good time and headed to bed. 


The next day in Spain, the two had awoken to fresh ocean air, and although it didn’t completely alleviate their travel fatigue, it certainly helped ease the mood. 

Scott yawned with morning breath and bed head, stretching his arms out way above his head, which felt so good as to make his lower back and legs shake slightly. The slight breeze blowing in from the open veranda reinvigorated him.

“Morning,” Haley responded in the next twin bed over, her hair jostled in crazy ways. 

“Looks like you slept well,” Scott said with a smile, his morning voice deep and husky. 

“Yeah, I actually knocked out pretty fast.”

Haley stretched as well and then lifted herself out of bed and towards the veranda. She wore an old t-shirt and probably a pair of panties, but the shirt was too large and cloaked down past her upper thighs. 

Scott stared at her taking in the view from the veranda window. He had my wishes in mind as he had gone to sleep wearing a pair of briefs, instead of his usual sleep uniform: the birthday suit. And he was even considerate enough to wait until his throbbing morning wood subsided naturally to rise from bed, although it took several minutes and he worried it would just pierce through his briefs. 

Haley had already begun making some coffee and they discussed heading to the beach. They got into their bathing suits and headed out. As they reached the beach, Scott beckoned that they should keep walking.

“I did some sleuthing and there’s a more private spot further down,” pointing down the street. 

They continued to walk until they came to the secluded beach entrance. A small sign greeted them near the dunes. Ropa opcional was in bolded letters with other little informational text. 

“Ah,” Scott stated, “I don’t know much Spanish, but I think that means we’re at the right beach.” 

“Oh, it’s a topless beach?” Haley questioned.

Scott chortled. “Yeah it can be, but you might see more than some tits.”

“Ohhh, okay I see. I’ve never been to a nude beach before.”

“Well, Haley, you got the best teacher possible to help you get started.”

They walked past the dunes and through the berm, towards the shore-face. Once they found a spot they felt was right, they set up their chairs, and Haley sprawled out in the sand on her blanket. 

“You want the umbrella?” Scott asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know.” The sun felt good on her body, but she knew it would get unbearable soon. 

“Well, I’m gonna put it up, don’t wanna burn my ass.”

He grabbed his blue and white muscle shirt and lifted it off over his head, revealing his soft pink nipples, a slightly hairy chest, and a nascent dad bod - a product of his affinity for beer. Then, as Haley watched, he placed his thumbs into his bathing suit waistband and quickly slid them down his legs. As he stood up and stepped out of the swim trunks, Haley took in all his manhood. It was completely smooth, like astonishingly smooth, almost velvety. In fact, his whole body was hairless, save for his chest and armpits. His penis and testicles were completely relaxed, and they hung considerably low in front of his thighs. Haley was shocked about how thick it was, almost like a can of coke, but maybe it was just the angle. She looked him up and down and admired that, although his body was on the paler side, it was completely free of tan lines. 

“All right, Scotty, letting loose on day one!” She jested. 

Ropa opcional, hermosa,” He replied with a smirk. 

Although he was circumcised, when he sat down on his beach chair, and his member relaxed in between his thighs, a thick collar of soft skin moved up around his pink head, giving the illusion of a pseudo-foreskin, likely the byproduct of how large he becomes when he is fully engorged. 

Scott pulled out a book from his canvas beach bag and began to read. He didn’t feel aroused or uncomfortable at all, being nude was a lifestyle for him, and his body was simply free in this natural state. As he read his novel, he looked up and said, “Hey, let’s send a pic to your brother”.

Haley lifted up her head and complied. Scott held his phone out and snapped a selfie of them both, making sure to not get his fully exposed manhood in the frame. 

“Looking beachy,” Scott stated as he sent the text off to me. 

I opened the text and smiled, seeing them; Haley in her bathing suit and Scott smirking with shades on. I had no idea that his heavy, sweaty genitals were on full display for my sister and less than a meter away from her face. 

The beach was quiet and relatively empty, save for a few old naked men who were spaced far enough away to not disturb anyone’s peace. Scott, still reading his novel, noticed Haley flip off on her blanket in his periphery and now she lay on her back in front of him. He glanced down at her and then back at the book - and then quickly back at her when the realization hit him that her right areola was ever-so-slightly exposed. Her bikini top was black and although it fit her well enough when she was standing, it did an awful job at containing her breasts when they relaxed as she lay down.  Her B-cup breasts, while not exceptionally large in their own right, looked slightly oversized on her slim and tall frame. And with Scott having just a slight glimpse at her large, puffy, baby-pink areola, his mind raced at the thought of seeing them both free. 

“You know, you’re gonna get a nasty tan line with that top on,” Scott began. “Nobody else can really see us besides me, and hey, I got my dick and nuts out, so I’m obviously not gonna object to you taking that top off.”

“Really? Do you think I should do it? I’ve never been topless in public.”

“Hey, free the nipple. Everybody’s got ‘em”

She smiled, thought about it, and then caved in. “Fine, you win,” she quipped with a wink. 

She began to fumble with the knot in the back, and he almost leaned over to help her untie it but remembered our deal. She pulled the string and lifted the black bikini top over her head, exposing her supple mammaries. They were both perky and the definition of torpedo tits. Her engorged, fleshy areolae looked so pure and raw in the Spanish sun.

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She smiled at Scott. “Okay, this isn’t that bad, you men have the right idea.” 

Au natural is the best way,” He said proudly, spreading his legs slightly further apart and airing out his steamy groin. “Don’t forget protection,” he said, staring at her with a straight face.

She looked shocked - until he reached into his back and pulled out some sunscreen. He waved it and grinned. 

“Oh,” She giggled. 

In his bag, he had sunblock and tanning oil, yet he opted for the former for her, as her body was so pale and soft, he wanted to preserve its ivory tone. He felt protective, in a way, but selfishly, he really wanted to see her rub the sunblock onto her abounding bosom. 

With one hand, she squirted a large dollop of sunscreen into her other palm. She rubbed her hands together slightly and then brought her lathered palms to her protruding orbs. Scott watched on as she caressed them carefully and gently as if they were tender. She continued to rub the sunblock in until she looked down and saw no more white on her breasts. But Scott saw just under her left breast a streak of white. 

“Here Hales, you missed a spot,” and he leaned forward to wipe it away. He didn’t even recognize he was touching her breast until he took his hand away and saw her staring at him. 

“Thanks, Scott,” she uttered. She was looking at his face, but he was looking at her nipples, which were suddenly beginning to contract and harden, likely because of Scott’s large hands recently touching her. 

She returned to lying down on her back on the blanket in front of him. Her torpedos, now with sharpened, excited warheads, rested on her chest, slowly spreading like jello until they came to rest pointing in different directions. They looked spectacular, and Scott couldn’t stop staring. Her beautiful jugs seemed so relaxed, but her erect nipples tattled on her and displayed her excitement. And this excitement began to carry over to Scott, as he felt his manhood begin to warm and stiffen. He inconspicuously pinched his tip to decelerate the oncoming erection. After all, a boner on the beach was hardly appropriate. He envied Haley; she could be completely aroused and nobody would notice. He wondered if her bikini area was as engorged as his. If her rigid nipples were any indicator, the answer was probably yes. He tried to focus back on his book and ignore his impulsive thoughts, but he was only a man after all. As he feigned reading his book, he thought about rubbing her hardened nipples, ‘are they sensitive? Would she softly moan as I circled them with my index fingers?

They had to be tender by now, being so hard for a while. As she lay there, Scott’s glance traced her whole body and he looked down towards her navel and where her happy trail would reside - if it wasn’t shaved off. From his vantage point, he couldn’t see much further, but reclining in his chair gave him a better view. Her small black swimsuit bottoms had formed a bikini bridge held up on both ends by her protruding hips. And as she exhaled out, her stomach flattened and Scott could see deeper into the dark bikini cave - something he was not meant to see as she was wearing her bottoms and hiding it from the beach. But there it was. A waxed mound, so smooth and soft, exactly like he preferred.

He couldn’t see much more than her mons pubis from his viewpoint, but he wasn’t complaining about what he saw. It looked so large on her skinny frame and appeared like a large hill between her hip bones. He wanted to stop staring, but the only way he could do that was to get up and leave. So he took a short walk to the water, trying to ignore the semi he had been forming. The cold water did the trick and cured his affliction, temporarily. When he began to walk up the shore back to their spot, he took a glance at her, now lying on her stomach, with her big round hindquarters up in the air. While her breasts were not very large, her ass was certainly nothing to scoff at. Her black bikini bottoms fought to stay afloat between her whopping, round cheeks. Her fanny was pale, and while it appeared that he could easily hold a breast in each of his hands, her butt would have taken two hands for one cheek. 

Perhaps she could sense him approaching because she ever so softly spread her legs apart. Whether or not she realized it, this spreading had exposed her left lip. It was smooth and peachy, much more pink in color than the rest of her body. At this sight, Scott strolled in closer and unabashedly announced, “You might as well just take those bottoms off Hales, your lips are showing”. 

With this, she almost jumped. She had no idea that her genitals were trying to expose themselves against her will. 

“I think the cat wants out of the bag,” Scott joked with a toothy smile. 

“It won’t burn, right?” She asked. With this question, he knew she wanted to strip down, as she would have said no or ‘fuck off’ if she didn’t want to bare it all. 

“Nope, not if you lube it- I mean put sunscreen on it.” Scott was a fucking comedian. 

“Alright give me the lube, I mean the sunscreen,” she joked back. 

He tossed the SPF at her and sat back in his chair about to enjoy the show. She turned around on her knees, and, with her ass facing him, she slowly slid her black bottoms down. First exposing her pretty dark star, and then, ever so slowly, he saw the softest, plumpest, little snatch. From the back, it looked akin to a yummy macaron with no filling; she had no visible folds displaying from the inside, and her large, squishy, labia majora was the only outer component. 

‘Gotta love an innie,’ he mumbled under his breath as she worked the bikini down past her thighs. 

“Didn’t know I was gonna get a strip tease today,” Scott said with a cocky demeanor. 

“Oh, I’m just taking these bottoms off like you asked me to.” She tossed the black bottoms in the sand as if to say ‘fuck these’. 

Good girl,’ he thought to himself. 

Then she put a small glob of sunscreen in her hand and began to rub it on her mound. He watched as she carefully applied the sunscreen closer and closer to the slit but was very careful not to get any inside of her. Her large outer lips acted like fleshy shutters protecting her window from the outside. Nothing was getting in there, but Scott knew their defenses could fall away easily with a little persuasion. She put the excess lotion between her cheeks and rubbed it into her butthole. 

“Alright, let’s see how this nude lifestyle is,” She said as she went back to lying on the blanket. But she went back to face the ocean, and for Scott, this was unsatisfactory. He had gotten a glimpse of her silky, flushed box and this view hid it from him. 

“Here, Hales, this direction is best for sun exposure”. He hoisted himself up, grabbed two ends of her blanket, and turned her 180 degrees. He sat back down in his beach chair. 

Because he had performed such a primal, muscular display with such ease, this secretly aroused Haley. As her lady parts began to engorge, she was glad she was a woman, as her arousal could easily be hidden away.

Except with the new view he provided himself, Scott could immediately begin to see the excitement build in her loins. She couldn’t hide it from him. Besides, he had seen this display before; he was a deeply sexual man, and this was not his first time seeing a vagina build with enjoyment. 

As she lay there on her back with her eyes closed and her exposed privates tingling, her mind raced. Maybe subconsciously, she widened her legs a bit more. 

Scott stared at the hungry slit. It didn’t look like a perfect, sweet macaron anymore, in fact, with arousal, it began to expose two bubble-gum pink, fleshy folds - the labia minora. Her status as an “innie” was compromised in this state. Her entrance was widened, now, and extremely glossy. A small bead of the wet sticky liquid slowly dribbled down her perineum and found its resting spot in her tight star. He wondered if she could feel it. He moved his sandy foot closer to her foot and gently rubbed his big toe on her heel. As he did this, he watched her curl her toes, and her vagina contracted, with the outer lips almost closing up completely. When they opened back up, her juices had built up more, and now a larger bead drooled from her aching crack of heaven. She clenched her butthole tighter as the wetness had found it. This had answered his question. 

Scott had given up all hope of controlling his erection; he stood at full mast and his glans were fully engorged it resembled a plump cherry. It reached his navel and was as thick as her wrist, and his heavy, warm ballsack was fully draped down, giving the illusion his dick was even larger. The two of them sat there looking into each other’s eyes, fully aroused and unabashedly showing it all off. She wanted to touch herself and he wanted to watch her do it. But the beach was not as empty as it was earlier and she was afraid that touching her tingling, sticky cunt would cause an issue with the locals. So they sat there staring at each other, with so much sexual tension it was palpable until their natural urges subsided. 

Stay tuned for part 2…

Written by lushyboi
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