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My Punishment

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I was in the sixth form at school, studying for my A levels. My best subject was Accountancy but favourite lessons were Economics. Not because I enjoyed the subject but because I was the only girl in a class of eight and as a result, the centre of attention for much of the time.

Having turned seventeen, I’d been having sex for nearly twelve months with a group of friends, three boys and two girls. Most Economics classes were fuelled with sexual tension. It resulted from an event following one of our first classes, where I’d been teased verbally from beginning to end but the innuendo involved in their remarks had made me feel very sexy. They grew more suggestive with their comments and before I knew what I was doing, I was naked. It was an incredible experience and shortly afterwards, in the sixth form common room, I was naked again, having sex with my friends Isabella and then David.

Economics classes took place in School House, a building a few minutes’ walk away from the main school building. More often than not because of the informal layout of the rooms and armchairs instead of desks, I’d end up barefoot and turned on. I’d lost count of how many times I’d ended teasing my pussy with my classmates watching and ignoring the teacher.

A few weeks before this story took place, a friend and I had sex after our swimming session. During my Economics class, later that morning, she sent me a picture of herself naked, with her fingers buried deep in her pussy. As soon as I saw her text, I became wet and turned on. I started to masturbate, despite the lesson going on around me. I took off my shoes and socks, unfastened my skirt, slipped my fingers into my thong and began to tease my clit. The more turned on I became, the lower my skirt and thong moved, eventually exposing to where my fingers were disappearing in and out of my pussy.

I didn’t care that the teacher had noticed what I was doing, lost in my own world and wanting to make myself climax. Eventually, he lost patience, deciding to end the lesson early, telling the class, we’d be having a test the next day because of my actions. During the next two hours, three of the boys stripped in front of me and undressed me, pulling four buttons off my shirt and ripping my bra and thong off in the process. They were very aggressive and dominant. You could argue, I was forced but I wanted them to be desperate and full of lust. It turned me on more. I gave three blow jobs, swallowing every drop of cum that they spurted down my throat. I was fucked three times, twice in my pussy and once in my arse. I’m not certain but think I had eight orgasms and was exhausted by the time they’d finished with me.

The last fuck was mind blowing, lasting at least fifty minutes. It was made more exhilarating because the teacher and his wife, Miss Davis were watching through the open door, unbeknown to Kyle, who was pounding me as hard as he could.

The teacher’s name was Tony and guessed was in his early forties, possibly late thirties and was extremely tall, I’d say, at least 6’8. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes and a well-manicured beard and moustache. He was solidly built and with his dour personality, there was little about him that I’d find appealing. When I stood next to him, I’ll admit I felt intimidated. He towered above my 5’6 frame and made me feel insignificant and small.

Two weeks passed by and our Economics lessons were relatively uneventful. As normal, in those classes, I’d be barefoot and the boys would be very suggestive towards me. Tony had, up until seeing me having sex, been very cold towards me but then, seemed to smile at me every time I made eye contact with him.

It was the last lesson of the week. The long walk from the main school building, up the long sleep path to school house, always felt longer and more of a drag than normal on a Friday afternoon but it was a grey day and bitterly cold. None of us liked Economics on Friday afternoons and boys far less suggestive sexually too. We all wanted to get home. I had on my thick coat to walk up to School House and think the unseasonable weather had affected all of our moods. I’d not even sat down when Tony followed us into the room and immediately informed me that I was going to stay behind so he could talk about my poor attitude.

“What! Why? This is so unfair. You’re just picking on me,” I moaned with a sense of indignation.

“Joanna, that proves my point, that your attitude isn’t right,” Tony replied.

I was so angry and sat down in my usual armchair, getting my work folder and pen from my bag, along with my mobile phone. I texted my mother, telling her that I’d be late coming out of school and would make my own way home. The lesson passed by slower than ever and my sullen mood didn’t mellow one bit throughout the forty-five minute period. It didn’t help that my classmates smiled at me every time they caught my eye. It felt as though they were trying to wind me up with every look and every smile. I was so annoyed by the situation that I didn’t take off my shoes and socks. I was in no mood to be turned on.

Finally, the lesson ended and we all packed away our things. The seven boys, all grinned as they picked up their bags and left to go home, leaving me feeling more aggrieved than I had been previously.

As the last of my classmates disappeared through the door, Miss Davis came into the room, greeting her husband with a kiss and sitting on the edge of the desk. She was, at least 6’0 tall, with shoulder length sandy brown hair. She had dark brown eyes and was extremely pretty, with an athletic and slim body. Most of the boys at school fancied her and I’d not deny that given the opportunity I would have kissed her.

I wondered what Tony was going to say to me as I watched him carry his chair and put it in the middle of the room, instructing me to sit on it. He strode purposefully back to the desk and sat next to Miss Davis, who had taken two sets of handcuffs and what appeared to be, two small egg-shaped objects and control box, from her bag, along with a pair of slippers.

“For six months, you’ve teased and taunted your classmates with your bare feet and sexual provocations. There hasn’t been one lesson where you’ve not caused, at least half of them to have erections,” Tony said calmly.

I’d stopped listening to him, my attention taken by Mss Davis. She kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes as she sat on the desk. I was so shocked; my mouth must have been open in amazement but just about heard Tony say “You have got to be punished.”

Tony had a menacing look in his eyes and although seeing Miss Davis wiggling her bare toes was turning me on, as soon as I heard him say, “Take off your shoes and socks Joanna,” I knew I shouldn’t hesitate and do what he demanded.

“I need to go to the loo, I’m desperate for a wee,” I protested.

“That’s unlucky Joanna. You’ll have to hold it or pee where you are. You’re not going to the loo until we’re finished with you,” Tony replied calmly but with a strict tone in his voice.

I wasn’t sure what I should do. I felt intimidated, a little scared but thought I’d no choice to do what I was told. My thoughts must have been written across my face because before I’d decided to follow his demands, Miss Davis, with a set of handcuffs in her right hand, strode purposefully towards me, demanding I stood on the chair.

Almost shaking, I nervously got to my feet and climbed to stand on the chair. She crouched down in front of me, placed the cuffs on the chair and unfastened my shoes one by one. With a demanding stare from her, I raised my left foot, allowing her to remove my shoe but the way she peeled off my sock and touched my bare foot, felt strangely seductive. An instant later, I’d raised my right foot and watched as she took off my shoe and sock.

My bladder felt as though it was going to burst as I stood on the chair. Miss Davis ran her fingertips across my bare feet, turning me on a little as she ventured up my lower legs. I tensed as I watched her peek under my skirt, knowing I’d nothing on underneath and saw her grin just before she mouthed, you’re a very naughty girl.

I must have smiled back thinking if this was their idea of punishment it might not be such an ordeal after all but was snapped back to reality, as Tony demanded I wiped the smile off my face.

Miss Davis stood up and began to circle around me, slowly and deliberately, turning my feelings back to ones of being intimidated. My hair was tied back in a ponytail but once behind me I felt her pull it loose and run her fingers through it.

Tony had never taken his eyes off me, adding to my sense of intimidation and vulnerability. I tensed, feeling the button of my skirt being undone, followed by the zip being pulled down. There was little emotion in Tony’s eyes as my skirt fell into a heap around my feet. I wanted to cover my bare pussy with my hands but before I had chance to move, I felt Miss Davis lifting my jumper up my body. With a stern motion from his fingers, I knew I had to raise my arms to allow her to pull my jumper off and over my head.

Why was I turned on, I should not be feeling this way I thought as Miss Davis, still standing behind me, pulled off my tie and unbuttoned each of the buttons one by one. There was no ceremony or attempt to turn me on further, my shirt removed quickly, followed by my bra to leave me naked.

Under normal circumstances, I’d never feel embarrassed about being naked in front of anybody, I was an exhibitionist but for some reason I covered my boobs with my right forearm and pussy with my left hand. The look of displeasure in Tony’s eyes made me feel even more insecure and tense.

I’d not noticed that Miss Davis had picked up the handcuffs but made to pay attention to her when I felt my arse being slapped hard. My body tensed as the pain radiated through it. Within a second, she snatched my left wrist, forcibly pulling it to behind my back and snapping the cuff around it. I tensed, trying to resist as she yanked my right arm and attached the cuff to my wrist, restraining my arms behind my back. Suddenly, I felt totally exposed and began to regret my previous actions in Economics classes.

Miss Davis walked around me once more, crouching down to fold my clothes neatly, taking my skirt away as I stepped out of it, taking them to the front of the room and putting them into her bag. What the hell were they going to do, surely I’d be putting my clothes back on, why put then into her bag, I thought, followed by, oh my god I’m dying to pee.

She stood up after packing away my clothes, turned around and walked towards me until she stood about a metre away. My heart began to race as I watched her unfasten her jeans and push them down her long slender legs, followed by her thong. Her legs were well toned, tanned and as I looked at her hairless pussy, I could see it glistening. She was undoubtedly turned on too. She made an effort to maintain eye contact as I watched her undo the buttons on her top, slip it off her shoulders and as it dropped to the floor, reach around to unclip her bra.

We were both naked and my feelings were doing a one hundred and eighty degree shift. My fears had disappeared completely. Juices were dribbling down my thighs and pussy throbbing with anticipation. Yes, I was very turned on.

Once again, she crouched down, folded the pile of clothes neatly and moved to put them in her bag along with her shoes. I surveyed the scene, noticing the bulge in Tony’s trousers but then turned my attention to Miss Davis. She was very pretty and her body was stunning. Her breasts looked to be a C or D cup, compared to my 34 B. They stood proudly, with no sag and had hard dark nipples, which capped them perfectly. Being a swimmer, I knew my slim athletic body caught most people’s eye but looking at her, she was far better developed and all over tan seemed to accentuate her muscle tone pedrfectly. As she walked back towards me, I glanced down at her hairless smooth pussy and noticed her lips glistening. She must have been turned on too.

The closer she got to me, the more the expression on her face changed. Her entire demeanour altered, from seductress to one of being extremely frightening. So, why was I still so wet?

I froze, not knowing how to react as she ran her fingertips from my thighs, up my stomach, breasts, neck, cheeks of my face and then back down. I tensed as she took my clit between her fingers and thumb, stroking up and down slowly. Immediately, my breathing fell shallower, trying not to moan as she slipped one finger deep into my pussy.

“She feels so tight Tony. Being fucked by Kyle hasn’t stretched her much,” Miss Davis said, as she looked deep into my eyes.

I closed my eyes as I felt her fingers slide in and out of my pussy, letting out an involuntary moan of pleasure. I tried to control my reactions, feeling that I’d pee if I let go completely. Her fingers felt so good and wasn’t long before my hips began to buck. She pulled away, walked around me as she had earlier. Once behind me, she ran her fingers through my hair and slowly down my back, to my arse cheeks. I tensed as Miss Davis squeezed my arse but the sensation lasted only a few seconds before I felt searing pain, hearing a loud thwack as she slapped my left arse cheek.

I’d relaxed so much, such an aggressive act, following the intimate touch of her fingertips on my skin, came as a total shock and lost my balance. Next thing I knew, I was attempting to stay on my feet as I landed on the floor.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing Joanna? Get back on the chair now,” Miss Davis shouted.

My arse cheek felt as though it was burning with pain. I took a second to compose myself. They were doing a great job of playing with my emotions. First, there was apprehension, then arousal and finally pain and fear. I looked at Tony, followed by Miss Davis as I turned around and was left with no doubt, they meant it, I was in big trouble. I felt I had no choice and stepped up, back onto the chair, a task made harder having my wrists handcuffed behind my back.

I was shaking a little as I turned to face the front of the room. Miss Davis took hold of my hands, pulled them back, away from my body and an instant later. I felt excruciating pain from my arse cheeks as she slapped me for a second time.

She allowed my hands back to my body but maintained her grip on the cuffs. Very gently, she pulled my hair back, to reveal my left ear and that side of my neck. It felt so intimate, the way she did it and polar opposite to the way she’d slapped my arse. Once again, my emotions were being toyed with.

Miss Davis leaned forward, over my left shoulder and for a few seconds, used her warm breath to tease my neck. I could feel myself melting, forgetting the pain still radiating from my arse cheeks. She let go of the handcuffs and placed her hands either side of my body. Very slowly and softly, she began to move upwards with her fingertips until they were at the same level as my breasts. I shuddered as her fingertips found the flesh of my breasts and expertly circles closer and closer to each nipple. The expectation running through my body was intense and couldn’t help letting out a moan of pleasure as her fingers and thumb began to pinch my fully erect and sensitive nipples. Harder she pinched, digging in her nails as she pulled hard too. Pleasure was being replaced by pain as I was stretched to what felt like was a snapping point and moans of pleasure turned to winces of intense discomfort.

“Spread your legs for me Joanna,” she whispered into my ear.

Carefully, I moved my feet to the edges of the chair. It was as though I was powerless to resist. Her left hand started to caress my arse and then between my legs. I let out an involuntary moan as two of her fingers probed between my pussy lips, sliding in deeper and deeper.

“Look at the bulge in Tony’s trousers,” she whispered and continued, as her fingers slipped slowly in and out of my pussy.

“You’ve tormented him all year with your bare feet. He thinks your legs are sexy too.”

“Your body is amazing. Tony can’t take his eyes off you”

I was disappointed to feel her pull her fingers away from my pussy. It was as though she wanted to feel me react and nothing more. My pussy had started to throb hard on her fingers and I’d begun to move my hips against her hand. My disappointment was short lived, feeling one of her fingers slide into my arsehole. I groaned as she began to fuck it with her finger.

“Tony is so turned on Joanna. He really fancies you and has had an erection every lesson you’ve had with him. We have fantastic sex after he’s seen you.”

The warm breath on my ear as Miss Davis whispered was turning me on as much as her fingers and although I was trying not to moan, it was an impossible task, I had to let go.

“If Tony gets his cock out before you cum, you can go home and we won’t punish you.”

My arsehole was stretched further as Miss Davis eased in a second finger and continued to stroke in an out. It was such an intense feeling as both my pussy and arse throbbed hard. I began to recall how Andy had fucked my arse two weeks earlier, lying face down on the desk where Tony was sitting. He made me orgasm three times, creating a big puddle of cum on the floor beneath my feet.

I wondered if Tony would start to wank or if he’d resist. He couldn’t know what Miss Davis was whispering in my ear could he? Did I really want him to get his cock out and start stroking it or did I want them to punish me? The sensation of her slapping me was extremely painful and as I stood, naked on the chair, arms restrained by handcuffs, I wondered if I was turned on by the humiliation I was feeling.

Miss Davis had complete control over me. I was balanced precariously on the chair and she had my hands held behind my back. My sexual urges were being sent into overdrive but fear of falling meant I had to try to stand still. I could feel juices dribbling steadily from my pussy and forming a puddle between my feet. I wanted to cum desperately but it was as though she wouldn’t allow it to happen.

Suddenly, Miss Davis quickened her pace in and out of my arse. I tensed, thinking that she wanted me to cum but just as my pussy and arse contracted hard, she pulled away. Snatching at the cuffs, she yanked my arms backwards and an instant later, I yelped in pain as she slapped me again. My arse cheeks were burning with pain. She moved closer once more, placing her lips on my neck as her fingers and thumb took hold of my clit. I felt her pinch hard and begin to pull slowly, stretching my clit like a piece of elastic. I gasped, sensing it would snap at any moment but she released and immediately started to tease fast. I moaned, “Oh god yes! Don’t stop please” but no sooner had I uttered the words when she pinched once more. Over and over, she repeated the torcher, intensifying my desperation, until finally, I exploded.

I opened my eyes, smiling as I saw a long streak of cum on the floor in front of me and giggled a little.

Miss Davis released the handcuffs, unfastening them from my right wrist, freeing my arms as I tried to regain my composure and not to fall off the chair.

Tony told me to get off the chair as he stood up and walked in my direction. He ignored me as he picked up the chair, taking it back to the front of the room and placing it on top of the desk. No words were spoken as Miss Davis walked up to me, took hold of the cuff on my left wrist and guided me back towards the front of the room. Although I was extremely nervous and tense, I was curious to see what they were going to do with me.

Taking hold of the handcuff attached to my left wrist, Miss Davis led me towards the desk and instructed me to kneel on it in front of the chair.

“I’m still desperate for the loo.” I protested.

“You know what you were told earlier Joanna,” Tony snapped. “Do as you’re told!”

Once on the desk, I was ordered to rest my arms on the seat of the chair. Once I’d followed her command, she attached the cuff on my left wrist to the back left leg of the chair and Tony attached the other set of handcuffs to my right wrist and right back leg of the chair. They pulled the chair away from me a little, forcing me to raise my arse higher into the air.

They stood either side of the desk, slightly behind me, Tony to my right and Miss Davis to the left. There was at least thirty seconds of silence and no movement from either of my teachers. It was as though they were playing with my mind and torturing me with the suspense.

I knelt on the desk, feeing a mixture of emotions. I couldn’t deny that I was turned on but apprehensive too. My body was rigid from the tension I was experiencing. I’d not even notice my teachers pick up one of the slippers each. Suddenly, the crack of leather on soft flesh echoed through the room followed by my scream of pain. Less than a second later there was another thwack but on my other cheek and another scream of pain. My left arse cheek had been slapped hard by Miss Davis and my right by Tony. They were taking turns to slap me, harder with each shrilled thwacking sound, six blows to each cheek. As the third blow hit my sensitised soft flesh, tears were streaming from my eyes and a sense of humiliation welling up inside of me.

My body tensed hard, my bladder bursting, feeling as though I was going to lose control at any point. With Miss Davis’s fifth slap, I tensed again, as the pain seared into my flesh and suddenly my control had gone, feeling pee trickling down my thighs. Tony’s fifth strike was harder still. I gasped and sobbing uncontrollably, as they struck me for a sixth time each.

I could resist no longer and started to pee, letting go completely, groaning with relief as a torrent of warm piss bounced off the desk and began running between my legs. I was filled with contrasting emotions. Having started to pee involuntarily, I was a ashamed with my lack of self-control but at the same time, had a sense of liberation, being naked and peeing where I knelt.

“You dirty girl. That’s four more slaps to each cheek for you. You were told you couldn’t pee,” Tony shouted.

“No. please no,” I begged, “I can’t take any more.”

The flesh on my arse was burning with pain and knew I was broken. I tensed again as I released a final spurt of pee. Miss Davis bent over, making eye contact with me, smiled and asked if I’d finished. How could I be abused in this way, be in so much pain and crying but still feel turned on?

Between the fingers and thumb of her right hand, Miss Davis was holding one of the egg shaped objects she’d taken out of her bag earlier.

“This is for you Joanna. You will use two of them in every Economics class. They are part of your punishment.” Miss Davis said with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Once again, there was a short period of silence and I prepared myself for more slaps to my arse. I groaned as I felt Miss Davis spreading my pussy lips with her fingers. She pushed one of the eggs into me and my lips closed around it. My pussy felt as though it was being stretched a little, with the egg pressing against my g-spot. I closed my eyes, trying to take everything in and didn’t notice her pick up the second egg. She lubricated her fingers using the juices still trickling from my pussy. She began to circle the rim of my arsehole and still circling, slid two of her fingers inside. I was being stretched slowly. It felt so good and made me moan with pleasure,

This was so wrong I thought. I was in so much pain. How could I feel so aroused by the sensations radiating from my pussy and arsehole, I was trying to control myself but was powerless to resist what was happening.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Tony pick up the control box off the desk. A second late, the eggs started to vibrate and pulsate. It was an intense and overpowering sensation, feeling as though my g-spot was being teased from every angle. I loved to be simulated anally whilst my pussy was receiving attention to but this was a whole new experience.

“Oh my god, that feels good,” I moaned.

No sooner had the words left my mouth when the cracking sound of Tony’s slapping my right arse cheek with the slipper echoed through the room and I winced in pain. There was no time to recover as Miss Davis’s slipper landed on my left cheek. Two seconds later tears were streaming down my face again as Tony hit his target again, followed immediately by Miss Davis doing the same to my left cheek.

My thighs tensed as the vibrations from the egg intensified inside me and I started to contract hard in response. I closed my eyes, trying hard to control myself, my mind screaming, don’t you dare fucking cum Jo. Even the searing pain of their third slaps did nothing to stem the building sensations radiating from my pussy and arsehole.

Suddenly the eggs pulsated even harder. Was I groaning with shame, pleasure or pain, when following Miss Davis’s fourth and last slap, I started to climax. I expected the eggs to shoot from both holes as I began to squirt but instead, my juices tricked steadily onto the pee stained desk.

Mentally and physically, I was exhausted and didn’t think I could take any more. Watching Miss Davis strip, being undressed by my Miss Davis, it felt so good and was so turned on. Despite the pain of being slapped and the humiliation I felt from piddling on the desk, it added to the sense of exhilaration washing over me.

I felt my arse cheeks was being licked, soothing my burning sensitive flesh. From intense pain, I began to feel intense pleasure and smiled as I moaned, thinking that my punishment was turning out to be very enjoyable. I wondered if I was going to be fucked but just as I had that thought, they pulled away and the vibrations stopped.

Tony unfastened the cuff from the right side of the chair as Miss Davis did the same to the left but instead of releasing me, she fastened the cuff and me, to her right wrist.

“On your feet Joanna,” she demanded.

The desk and floor were drenched from where I’d cum and piddled, so as I got off the desk, I was careful not to slip.

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As I put my feet down onto the floor, my knees buckled a little. The strength had been drained from my body and was forced to focus all my energy into standing upright. Miss Davis allowed me a few seconds to regain my composure before she started to lead me out of the room. Within seconds, we were outside in the cool early evening English air. It was bitterly cold, the frost becoming thicker, the freezing ground making my bare feet burn and nipples seeming to harden even more as the cool breeze on my wet thighs and pussy made me shiver.

I was off the table, handcuffed to Miss Davis and outside walking away from School House, both naked but hadn’t given any thought as to what we were doing. Should I have protested or refused to go any further or did I want the humiliation or enjoyment to continue. Either way, I made no effort to stop walking. My actions gave the answer to my questions.

Tony was still inside as we walked down the steps and as we got to the path, leading back to the main school building, the eggs in my pussy and arse began to vibrate gently. I was very sensitive and my knees buckled as I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure.

“Oh I’m sorry Joanna. Tony can be like an irritating child sometimes,” Miss Davis said as she chuckled.

With each step, I was finding it harder to walk as the eggs teased me steadily. As soon as they began to vibrate, the sensations quickly built to a point where I was on the verge of another orgasm.

Despite school having finished an hour earlier and it being a Friday, surely going into that building, with us both naked was a risk she’d not take? If we walked much further down the path, we could be seen by anybody, not just from the school but from the road too. I was moaning louder with each second too. Surely we’d be caught.

As we approached the next set of steps, Miss Davis turned left, towards the stream that ran alongside the path. All the times I’d walked up and down that path, I’d not noticed the three steps down the bank and the small bridge that crossed the stream. The bridge was so narrow that we were forced to walk, one behind the other. It was getting dark, the temperature was dropping rapidly and I was getting very cold but I didn’t care. I felt so alive and was full of excitement.

It was only about four metres across the bridge, so was shocked when Miss Davis turned around, half way across, to face me. “Do you want to come home with us Joanna or shall we take you home?”

I looked up at her and smiled. I wrapped my right arm around her pulling us together and looking up into her eyes. Bending down, she kissed my lips tenderly and pulled away a little. I pushed up onto my tiptoes and put my open mouth to hers, slipping my tongue between her lips. Our tongues met, caressing and swirling together slowly. Her response proved unequivocally that she was turned on and wanted more than just a kiss.

As we pulled away, we laughed as she said, good answer, before continuing across the bridge and up the bank. Beyond a row of trees was her car, parked on the side of a road. We stood beside it, beginning to kiss again. The vibrations from the toys in my arse and pussy, continued to tease mercilessly. With just enough gap between our bodies, I plunged my fingers into her pussy, finding a long slow rhythm, fucking her.

Less than thirty seconds later, we heard footsteps crossing the bridge and I felt the eggs stop vibrating inside of me. The sound of the car doors unlocking was followed by Tony quipping, “Our house then Jade.”

To that point, I hadn’t known Miss Davis’s Christian name and wondered if I should use it, after all, I knew his name was Tony, using it regularly in Economics classes.

Tony had carried my school bag and Jade’s with our clothes inside. The three of us got into the car, Tony into the driver’s seat, Jade and I the back, still handcuffed together. I don’t recall the car beginning to move because as soon as the doors were shut Jade and I resumed kissing. Tongues moved with more desperation and passion, as Jade teased my clit and I finger fucked her. I felt her remove the eggs from my pussy and arse, slip two fingers inside my pussy, immediately teasing my g-spot hard as she stroked my clit with her thumb.

Jade was grinding hard against my hand and knew her climax was close. Before I had chance to tease her clit with my thumb, I tensed hard and gasped. I was going to cum. My back arched and as my feet pressed against the floor of the car, I was forcing my arse into the air.

I was powerless to resist, eyes clamped shut and body unable to move as Jade teased my clit and g-spot. It was almost with relief when my body finally relaxed and I started to cum, squirting hard. I moaned with pleasure, opening my eyes just in time to see my juices ricochet off Jade’s hand and onto her boobs. She gasped in amazement, like a child at Christmas opening a surprise present.

As I started to relax and my orgasm subsided, I began teasing Jade’s clit as fast as I could. She started to moan loudly and writhe uncontrollably. Within seconds, she gasped and started to orgasm, smiling with pleasure as she started to relax.

By the time we’d both cum, daylight had disappeared and we were crawling along in the early evening rush hour traffic. Jade encouraged me to move and sit on her lap just after she unfastened the handcuff from her wrist. I sat with my legs across the seat, to the left of her. I kissed her lips tenderly and started to kiss her passionately, not noticing that Tony had turned into a petrol station.

The station was out of the main town but on a main road, so had a steady trickle of customers coming and going. The last thing I expected was for Tony to tell me to fill the car up with petrol. Of course, I protested immediately, reminding him that I was naked but was little surprise when his stare told me I had no choice. As I started to move, Jade giggled, telling me I had to put the eggs back into me. I grinned as I knelt on the back seat and pushed one egg into my arse, followed an instant later by the other into my pussy.

I looked around and was relieved to see no other customers in the station. Although there was a steady flow of traffic on the road, I thought they’d all be too busy driving to notice a naked girl filling a car with petrol. Of course, I was excited and turned on as I got out of the car with the handcuffs dangling from my wrists but immediately tensed as the eggs started to vibrate gently inside me. Standing still, filling the car, I could feel the strength being drained from my legs, caused by the incessant vibrations of the eggs. Hearing the first car horn being honked in appreciation of my nudity made me feel extremely self-conscious but by the time I’d heard the fourth or fifth honk, I began to feel sexy and more turned on.

Eventually, the car was full and I opened the door to get back in. Tony asked what I thought I was doing, telling me that I had to go and pay. In addition, Jade wanted me to buy other items from the shop and proceeded to give me her purse. My heart was pounding but couldn’t refuse their demands. The prospect of going into the shop naked really excited me.

With the eggs continuing to vibrate in my pussy and arse, my thighs were dripping as juices flowed steadily. It felt as though my arse was wet and starting to dribble too. I knew Tony could make me cum any time he wanted. A simple flick of the switch on the controller and I’d be cuming but the toys were keeping me on the verge of climaxing, it was such a good feeling. As I walked across the station forecourt, I saw the young man on duty in the store notice me. The look of disbelief on his face made me giggle and wondered if he had a hard-on.

I pushed open the door and walked into the store, smiling as I walked towards the checkout desk to pick up a basket. Tony must have been watching because as I paused for a few seconds, allowing the male shop assistant to get a good close look at my naked body, the steady vibrations of the eggs changed. I groaned, knees buckling, as the eggs began to pulsate. The sensation, increased the intensity of feelings I was experiencing, teasing my g-spot with merciless hard throbs.

The young man looked stunned as he looked at me standing a few metres in front of him. I was biting my bottom lip, trying to control myself as the eggs vibrated inside me. I saw his eyes focus on the handcuffs dangling from my wrists. I giggled mischievously, looked at him and as I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure and told him, I was being punished!

I looked down the aisles and headed towards them to begin filling the basket. With the eggs pulsating rhythmically, it was hard to walk and focus on collecting the items Jade had requested. It was impossible to stop myself from moaning. It took longer than I realised to find all the items on the list or perhaps I was struggling to focus on what I was doing. I heard the door open and tried to hide between the aisles. I had to bite my lip, trying to contain my moans as I peered towards the front of the shop to see what was happening. A couple were at the cash-out, paying for their petrol. My eye was taken by the CCTV monitor adjacent to the checkout counter. Immediately, I looked around and as I turned, saw a camera behind me.

I realised that I was hidden from Tony and Jade’s view. Feelings of desperation were taking over, my thighs dripping with juices dribbling from my pussy, I had to tease my clit and make myself orgasm. Knowing that I was naked in the store and that I was being captured on CCTV was such a turn on. Resting my arse against the shelving, I spread my legs a little, looked up at the camera and smiled as I moved the fingers of my left hand to my clit. I started to moan, not noticing the door opening once more.

“Oh my god, fuck! Miss Davis, you’re naked too,” I heard the shop assistant exclaim in disbelief.

A few seconds later, I began to masturbate furiously, seeing Jade stride towards me. Faster, I moved my fingers, praying I’d cum before she reached me. I felt as though my pussy was about to explode, moaning loudly and not caring where I was. My pussy was throbbing hard. Please cum, please cum, I thought as I closed my eyes but as my pussy clenched hard on the pulsating egg inside me, Jade snatched my wrist and pulled it. I knew she was being playful but so hard did she pull that I lurched forward and spun around. She grabbed my free wrist and before I could react, she’d cuffed my wrists together behind my back.

Calmly, Jade picked up the basket that I’d filed with the items she’d instructed me to collect, turned me around and took my left nipple between the fingers and thumb of her left hand. She led me by my nipple, pinching it hard, to the front of the store and the checkout. The shop assistants eyes widened as we moved towards him. Jade handed him the basket but it took him several seconds before he moved, unable to take his eyes away from our naked bodies.

As soon as we moved to the front of the store, we had become visible to Tony but I’d almost forgotten about him, focussing on Jade, the shop assistant and of being naked in such a public place. With my wrists cuffed together, I felt incredibly vulnerable and was made to feel even more so, when Jade used the free handcuff to attach my wrists to the handrail by the counter. My heart was pounding and pussy throbbing with unbearable intensity.

Jade leaned down and put her mouth to mine. Our tongues began to swirl together but an instant later, I felt the eggs pulsate and vibrate faster inside my pussy and arse. It took less than a second for my orgasm to begin, legs buckling, forcing Jade to support me as we continued to kiss. I heard the sound of splashing on the floor as I squirted several times, one orgasm after another surging from my pussy.

I think I came five times in less than ninety seconds and felt completely drained but exhilarated too. Tony must have had a sixth sense, using the eggs to simply tease and then to make me explode, to the point of exhaustion. I’d orgasmed to a point where my clit and g-spot were unbearably painful. Tony switched off the egg, just as the sensations had become intolerable.

“You pissed on the flood you dirty bitch,” the young man exclaimed with disbelief.

Jade and I began laughing hysterically before she said calmly, “That was Joanna cuming. She ejaculates or squirts her juices when she coms.”

I felt my arsehole being spread as Jade pulled the egg slowly, followed a few seconds later by the other from my pussy and placed them on the counter. I knew I’d cum a lot; the puddle on the floor was evidence of that but as the egg plopped from my lips, a gush of cum followed.

Jade unfastened the cuff attaching me to the counter but with my wrists still cuffed together, guided me to the far side where the young man was sat. I immediately noticed the big wet patch in his jeans and smiled with pleasure realising that he must have lost control and cum. With a demanding voice, she told me to pee, so he could judge the difference himself. I looked at her and said apologetically that I didn’t think I could, having done it at school earlier. In an instant, her demeanour became more aggressive, snatching the handcuffs, pulling my arms back, slapping my arse hard and demanding I did it.

I looked into her eyes as I winced from the pain of her slap.

There was a moment of silence as Jade opened her purse, pulled out two fifty pound notes and informed the young man, he could keep the change, followed an instant later by her looking at me and saying, “Do it now Joanna or I’ll handcuff you outside naked and leave you here.”

I was standing less than thirty centimetres from the young man and tried hard to pee. I had no doubt in my mind that she would carry out her threat, so knew I had to do it. I felt my arms being yanked back again and realised that I would be slapped again. I was trying my best to pee as I noticed three cars pull up adjacent to the petrol pumps and heart began to race. Again, Jade slapped and my body tensed further. Fifteen seconds later, I was told I had to do it now. She was slapping me once more. As my body tensed, a gush of warm pee surged unexpectedly from my pussy, soaking the right leg of the young man’s jeans and I relaxed with relief.

Jade unfastened the handcuffs, freeing my arms, picked up her purse, shopping and vibrating eggs from the counter. I giggled as I took a final look at how wet I’d made the young man’s jeans and followed Jade out of the store. I’d forgotten how cold it was outside and shivered as we were hit by the blast of cold air. We’d barely stepped through the door when two middle aged men saw us as they headed from their vehicles to pay for their petrol. I couldn’t resist slowing down and allowing them to get a good look at my naked body but quickened my pace towards the car when Jade turned her head and scowled at me.

As I approached the car, I noticed that Tony was no longer sat in the drivers seat. Jade had opened the back door and dropped the shopping onto the seat before shutting the door. An instant later, she was getting into the car and preparing to drive.

“Go to the passenger side Jo,” Jade instructed. “Tony’s going to fuck you.”

I skipped excitedly around the car and as I looked onto the passenger seat through the already opened door, was shocked to see Tony, with the chair rolled back into a flat position. He was completely naked and stroking his fully erect cock as he looked at me. I’d had sex with eleven males before that time. All of them were appreciably younger than Tony and most, free off body hair, which turned me on. Tony had to have been the hairiest person I’d ever seen, so wasn’t sure how I felt about him physically. He was in great shape for an older guy, I thought and lying there naked made him look even more powerful than when I’d watched him teach me at school. I took a second to look at his cock and knew his was the biggest I’d seen. Being as tall as he was, it matched the proportions of his body and guessed it was about nine inches long but appeared to be very thick too, so wondered how it would feel inside my pussy.

He stretched out his left arm, offering his hand. I gave him my right hand and moved towards him, positioning myself so I could straddle him, placing my right knee on the seat beside his left thigh.

“Not like that Jo,” he said as he pulled me into the car on top of him. “I want Jade to be able to see me inside you.”

I understood immediately what he wanted as I lay on my back on top of him and he closed the door. My arse felt so sore but with his cock pressed between my cheeks, I wondered if he might fuck me anally. I’d cum so many times that my pussy lips, g-spot and clit were extremely sensitive but I loved those sensations, they made the sexual experience more intense and enjoyable. Tony moved underneath me, lifting me as if I was as light as a feather and within a few seconds, was lying on my right side with him behind me.

Jade was watching everything that was going on in the passenger seat beside her, making no effort to begin driving, simply sat naked with the engine purring and smiling at me. Tony had slipped his right arm under my body and still shifting behind me until I felt his cock sliding between my thighs. Jade reached forward and took hold of my left ankle, lifting my leg up, placing my foot on to the dashboard. I watched as she then reached between my thighs and circled Tony’s cock with her fingers. Although I wanted him to fuck me and knowing it was about to happen, my body still tensed in a defensive manner as I watched Jade’s actions.

I groaned as I felt Jade tease my sensitive, swollen, wet pussy lips with the knob. Looking down, I watched as his knob began to disappear between my pussy lips. So sensitive was I that I winced a little as I felt my entrance being stretched further and further. With his knob inside my pussy, Jade released him, running her fingertips up my stomach and started to caress and squeeze my breasts. Tony continued to slide his cock into my pussy. I was being stretched wider than ever before and felt as though I was being filled completely. I groaned, oh fuck as his shaft pressed hard against my g-spot and knew I’d be cuming very quickly when he started to fuck.

It seemed to take forever for Tony to push his cock fully inside my pussy but once there he held me so I couldn’t move. Jade looked into my eyes and smiled, just before I felt her fingers and thumb take hold of my clit. There was no time for a reaction because as soon as she touched my clit, my pussy contracted hard and my whole body tensed. I couldn’t breathe and just as I felt I was about to pass out, I started to orgasm. At the same point, Tony began to slide his cock in and out of me.

“How does she feel Tony? Was she worth the wait?”

There was no response from him, just a steady increase in his rhythm. I was so sensitive that the sex was hurting me. However, the sensations merely turned me on further and if I could endure the discomfort, knew that I’d orgasm virtually continuously.

Jade took hold of my left hand and placed in on her pussy as she began to drive. I was trying to focus on pushing myself back against Tony as he fucked me faster and harder but every few seconds my pussy was contracting violently and an instant later I’d be climaxing, so felt I wasn’t contributing much towards the sex. There was so much pent up frustration in Tony’s actions and little effort to control himself, he obviosly wanted to cum desperately. He’d been pounding me for little more than ten minutes and I’d was into double figures in orgasms, when I felt his cock swelling inside me. I knew he was about to cum at any moment.

“Are you on the pill Jo?” Tony gasped with a little desperation in his voice.

Cum in me Tony I demanded, not caring that I was unprotected, knowing that I’d always had sex that way. That’s all he needed to hear because within a second of telling him I felt the first load of his cum filling my pussy. By that stage, my orgasms were unbearably intense but couldn’t moan, instead just gasping for breath between orgasms. Tony’s timing was impeccable, emptying his final load of cum into me as Jade stopped the car outside their house.

Jade turned off the ignition and Tony took hold of me around my waist before he rolled onto his back with his cock still inside me. After a few seconds I sat up, groaning as his shaft pressed hard against my g-spot. I couldn’t resist looking down at my pussy lips to see how stretched and swollen they looked with Tony’s cock still hard inside me and wondered if I could tolerate sex again that evening. Jade had got out the car and come round to open the passenger door. She took hold of my left hand, encouraging me to go with her.

I lifted myself up and off Tony’s softening cock. It was no surprise when a concoction cum gushed from my pussy but was shocked by the quantity that flowed from me.

“Oh my god Jo, you must have a tap up there,” Jade quipped as she giggled.

I stood for a few seconds, watching the puddle forming between my feet, laughing at Jade and the look of incredulity on her face. Jade led the way to the front door and within a few seconds were in the warmth of the house

Jade led me up the stairs and into the bedroom. It was a large room, with a king-size double bed centred along the far wall. Immediately, I noticed there were four silk scarfs attached to each corner of the bed with cuffs. I was encouraged to lie down on my back, in the centre of the bed. Jade attached my left arm to the back left corner of the bed with the handcuff still attached to my wrist. She moved around to fasten my right arm to another corner and then either leg. She pulled each scarf tighter, forcing my arms and legs to spread fully and to make sure I couldn’t move at all.

“We’ve got something to show you Joanna,” Jade said smiling.

I was filled with excitement, no longer nervous, as I’d been in the classroom and lifted my head as Jade offered a pillow to place under it. She kissed my lips tenderly and got off the bed, moving to turn on the television. A few seconds later, a DVD that was already in the player started to play. At the same time, Tony entered the room, completely naked and with his cock fully hard again.

I recognised the sound of my Economics classmates’ voices coming from the television. As I turned my head to look, I was shocked to see the scene that I’d been part of two weeks previously. I was seated, barefoot in the armchair that I always used, as Kyle, Reece and Andy undressed around me.

Jade had moved onto the bed and lay down to my left with her head resting on my arm. “Were you turned on by the boys stripping, you naughty girl?” she asked.

I simply nodded my head, noticing that Tony had joined us on the bed, lying to my left. I tensed as I felt two of his fingers slide effortlessly into my pussy but continued to watch the television screen. I was shocked to see how bad it looked on screen as the boys undressed me. They were extremely rough, ripping many of the clothes I had been wearing. If I hadn’t known what had happened, the way the boys were treating me, you would believe I was in a lot of danger.

As we continued to watch the television screen, we saw the three boys all receive a blowjob from me. Tony chuckled, commenting that the boys didn’t last very long before they shot their load into my mouth. We all laughed, before he continued, “You’ll be sucking me a long time before I cum down your throat.”

As I was giving the boys blowjobs, Kyle (the least confident of the three boys) sucked my toes, making me orgasm and squirt hard. Tony and Jade were amazed that I climaxed that way and he asked, “Does having your toes sucked turn you on that much?”

The way I blushed was enough for me not to answer and with my focus on Tony, hadn’t noticed Jade get off the bed and get my mobile phone out of my bag but stunned when she told me that I needed to tell my mother that I’d not be home.

As Jade searched through my phone, to find moms number, Tony moved to the foot of the bed and began kissing the bottom of my right foot. Once his lips made contact with my skin, my pussy started to throb hard and knew that I’d orgasm again if he continued what he was doing. Jade put the phone onto the loudspeaker mode once she’d dialled my mother’s number and my heart began to beat faster as I heard the phone ringing. She jumped down to the end of the bed, immediately sucking on the toes of my left foot.

Tony switched from kissing my foot to sucking my toes, mimicking the rhythm of his wife’s tongue on my other foot. I was powerless to resist, unable to move my body no matter how hard I pulled against the four cuffs that attached me to the corners of the bed. The phone continued to ring, placed on the pillow by my head and my pussy throbbed with greater intensity as their tongues swirled around my toes.

“Hello Jo. Why aren’t you home? I was beginning to worry,” my mother asked as she answered the phone.

It took every bit of willpower I had not to scream out with pleasure as I tried to answer her. The sensations radiating through my body were incredible and I could barely talk without moaning.

“I’m at Isabella’s and she’s asked me to sleepover. Is that okay?”

Before she had chance to reply, as Jade and Tony continued to suck and lick my toes, I gasped, pussy clenching violently, I was going to cum. I’m not even sure what mom said to me as my body was held in a moment of suspension but then, my pussy released its grip and I started to climax. I heard my mom chuckle as an unmistakable, involuntary orgasmic moan escaped from my mouth. I felt juices spurting hard from my pussy and couldn’t resist looking between my legs to see the torrent go beyond the confines of the bed.

“Don’t get having too much sex with Issy,” mom said as she laughed and then said goodnight.

Written by Joanna86
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