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My First Nude Beach Adventure (Ch 2)

"Part 2 of my sexy nude beach adventure."

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It had been an hour since my husband, Roger, and I had fucked in front of complete strangers on the beach in Skiathos.  We had relaxed and enjoyed the warm sunshine on our naked bodies.  It was a liberating experience, and flashbacks kept flooding back to me, putting a smile on my face.

I still can't believe we did it.  I have no idea what came over me.  Except Roger, and maybe a little alcohol.  The thought of all these people watching us having sex right here was making me feel horny again.

Roger was lying on his back, his lovely cock, half asleep as he was.  It was all I could do to stop myself going down on him, taking it in my mouth, teasing him with my tongue, and getting him hard again.  I love that feeling when it starts to grow inside my mouth.  When it goes from soft and silky, to rigid and powerful, is so satisfying.

But what was I thinking?  We had been so outrageous the first time.  We could be forgiven for letting our emotions and lust get the better of us.  But twice?  Surely we’d be asking for trouble.  Besides, the beach had settled down again now.  There was even another guy on right beside us, who having arrived shortly afterwards, was blissfully unaware of what had happened only an hour before.

He was cute, actually.  Not too young, maybe 30 or 35, but fit and boyishly good looking.  He was incredibly well groomed.  Even laying here naked, I could see he took a great deal of time over his appearance.  He wasn't rough and rugged like the other young studs, but almost pretty looking.

I couldn't help but stare at his perfect body.  He was clean shaven all over.  Not a hair to be seen.  I liked that.  He was not too buff, not too slim, just beautifully proportioned, from his beautiful face, all the way down his sculpted chest and stomach, to his rather large, pretty cock.  Maybe he was a male model?  He definitely looked like one.  Either way, he was delicious to look at.

I was in the mood for some more alcohol.  I was in the mood for more sex, really, but I thought a few more drinks would help relax me further.  So I thought I'd see if Roger was serious about getting me some more wine.

He was more than happy to go.  He obviously thought he would get more sex on the beach if he went.  The truth is, he could have had more sex on the beach regardless of the wine.  But who was I to deprive him of his control?

It wasn't long before he was dressed and walking off down the beach in search of wine for his demanding horny wife.  I suddenly felt a bit exposed, being all alone and naked.  These people had all seen me get well and truly fucked right before their eyes.  All except my beautiful new male model.

What would I do if they came to talk to me about it?  All our previous encounters at having sex in front of strangers never involved them talking to us.  Roger would always find a place where we could be watched, but the watchers couldn't or wouldn't get too close.  In our car, in the woods, in hotel room windows, balconies, public toilets…  You name it, Roger fucked me there.  But this was the first time on the beach, and the first time we had stuck around after the deed, where interaction from our audience was possible.

I decided to take another dip in the sea.  It was hot anyway, and I definitely needed cooling off.  I really didn't have anything to put on to make myself feel less exposed, so I bit the bullet and strolled down to the water, wearing nothing but my sunglasses and a smile.

The water was a crystal clear turquoise, and so calm.  It was also very shallow, and I had to walk out a good 30 metres before it was deep enough to cover my boobs.  Not that modesty was worth worrying about now, after my actions of earlier.  But it was good to have something to cover me, even if it was only temporary.

I had a little swim, which actually felt really nice.  There was a freedom about doing things naked.  I liked the way the water felt over every part of my uncovered body.  It was liberating, and quite sexy.  Sexy??  What was wrong with me?  My thoughts had become sex mad on this beach.  Maybe it was our performance that did it?  Maybe it was all these hot looking guys?  Maybe it was the sight of everyone having sex, or masturbating?  But something had gotten into me, and it was all consuming.

I wanted to see my sexy male model again.  The thought of him seducing me was turning me on.  No, not him seducing me, but me seducing him.  I had never done that before.  I have always been the bait.  The tease.  The lure for men.  They love seducing me, and I love being seduced.  But this guy was so perfect.  I wanted to know what it would feel like to run my hands over his perfectly smooth body.  To explore every inch of him with my mouth, kissing him all over, and finally taking his hard, smooth, perfect cock into my mouth.  To gulp down his first load (which would probably taste like honey), and then feel him sliding his still hard cock into my hungry pussy, and ride him till he shoots another load of honey into my honeypot.

Suddenly I thought, Oh my god, Liz, get a grip on yourself!  You are married.  Happily married.  To a wonderful sexy man, who loves and adores you.  Who treats you like a queen. But, it was ok to just fantasise, wasn't it?  It had been 12 years since anyone other than Roger had fucked me.  No harm in just imagining what that gorgeous cock feels like, is there?

Then, my worst nightmare came true.  The two hot studs, that only an hour or so ago, were kneeling nearby, jacking off to the spectacle of Roger fucking me from behind, were now walking down the beach towards me.  Slowly, casually strolling towards me.  Both completely naked, their cocks swinging from side to side.  “Mr. Big Cock” seemed to have grown another inch or two.  It was obscene.

I tried my best to look cool and relaxed, but inside I was shaking like a leaf in a rain storm, hoping, Please let them just go for a dip and then get out, ignoring me completely.  But that was not to be.  They just walked right up to me and said, "Hi."

The water that had been protecting my modesty from the prying eyes on the beach was now as useless as a glass dress.  It was so crystal clear, there was no chance of hiding anything.  Not that they hadn't already seen everything, and more.

“Mr. Not-So-Big” held out his hand, "Hi.  My name is Yannis."  The same hand he’d had on his cock earlier.  It was a formal greeting gesture, which just seemed bizarre, considering what had gone on before.  But I am never one for being impolite, so I held out my hand in return.

"Hi.  I’m Liz."

"Nice to meet you, Liz."

He took my hand as if to shake it, but instead used it to manoeuvre closer to kiss me on each cheek.  Then he said, “This is my friend, Kostas.  He doesn't speak so much English."

Kostas was now standing just to my left.  He also held out his hand.  He also went in for the double kiss on the cheek when I extended my hand to him, but as he did I felt something brush against my hip.

When I looked down, his cock was fully erect, poking into my hip.  It was all I could do not to grab it, but I thought, I wonder how it feels.  I know I would need two hands to get around it.  There is no way that thing could fit inside me.  Roger always says how tight I am, and Roger is probably half the size of Kostas.

Yannis apologised on Kostas’ behalf.  "I am sorry for my friend.  He has no control over his monster.  It has a mind of its own.  It is attracted to beautiful women, and you are very beautiful, Liz.  Kostas loves your bum very much.  He says it is the most beautiful bum he has ever seen!"

I wasn't sure what to say.  I guess it was a compliment.  But normally, they come in a different shape and style, you know, “I love your hair”, “I love your new shoes”, “I love your dress”, ”Doesn't your makeup look gorgeous”, but not ”Your ass gives me a hard on”!

Yannis asked, "You are staying in 'La Piscina', aren't you?"

A bit surprised, I replied, "Erm, yes, how do you know that?"

Yannis smiled then explained, "I work there.  I serve you breakfast in the mornings.  You probably don't recognise me?"

Then with a flash of recognition I realised why he’d looked so familiar.  He was, in fact, our breakfast waiter.  He was the one that Roger said could not keep his eyes off me.  He was the cute one, with the tight shirt and the lovely strong arms.  I could see them flexing every time he poured us coffee.

Then it hit me.  Our sexy waiter has just watched us fucking right here on the beach in broad daylight.  Not only that, but he had also wanked off in front of me right here on the beach.  I had seen him shoot his load in response to watching me get fucked.  If this wasn't embarrassing, nothing was.

What the hell was I going to say to him tomorrow when he brings me my fruit and yogurt?

"Hi.  Hope you enjoyed wanking over me yesterday.  Can I have extra ‘cream’ in my coffee?"

What was I going to tell Roger?  I didn't know if he would be angry or turned on.  It was definitely going to be a little awkward to say the least.

Then, as if he was reading my mind, Jannis said, "Please don't worry.  Your secret is safe with me.  We see lots of guests down here.  They are not as beautiful and sexy as you and your husband, but they like to get naked like you do.  Some even have sex like you do.  It's normal.  It's ok!"

I felt myself going very, very red, and I don't embarrass easily.  But this was one of those situations you just can't prepare yourself for.

Kostas then stopped staring at my tits, and looked towards the beach.  The beautiful couple had gotten up, and were walking towards ”Mr. Model”.  I was relieved that they weren't coming down to the water, but intrigued as to why they were going over to see him.

By the look of the smiles and the conversation, which was out of our earshot, they obviously knew each other.  Mr. Model stood up and kissed them both on each cheek.  They were all so beautiful.  I now realised where the phrase 'looking like a Greek god' came from.  They all looked like they had been perfectly sculpted.

“Miss Perfect”, it turns out, is quite the flirt.  Lots of hair flicking, self caressing, and massive white teeth smiles.  She knows how to work a room.  She knows even better how to work a nude beach, with those incredible legs, and perfectly formed big boobs.

I hated her!  I didn't really, but I was incredibly jealous.  I am never short of attention.  I know I'm attractive, both to men and women.  I’ve been told enough times.  I love it.  I like being the centre of attention.  I like walking into a room, and having everyone looking at me.  But this girl had trumped me.

She was half my age, but even I could not stop staring at her.  I had dabbled a little at college with girls.  It isn't something I actively seek.  I could take it or leave it.  I do enjoy being with a girl, but you can not beat a good hard cock.  And a dildo or strap-on just doesn't feel the same.  But this girl I could definitely fall for.  She was just stunningly beautiful, and boy did she know it.

The trio started to head off down the beach.  The three of them hand in hand, with Miss Perfect in the centre, of course.  Where were they going?  There was not a lot of beach left to walk on, but they were walking with a purpose, I just couldn't see where.

Then they turned after walking around some rocks.  The rocks joined the cliffs to the sea, forming a tiny little private beach that I hadn't noticed before.  But before I realised this, they were gone.

Yannis picked up on my curiosity, explaining, "That is Sofia and Dimitris.  They are going with Andreas to see the sculptures."

"What sculptures?"

Yannis replied, "On that beach, there are the secret sculptures.  They are made from driftwood and other objects.  We do not know who makes them.  They just appear.  They are quite beautiful.  You should go and look yourself!"

I couldn't help but think that there was more to this than they were letting on, but what did I have to lose?  I was curious what these sculptures looked like, but also why the other three were going to look at them together.

I bid farewell to Yannis and Kostas.  More kisses on the cheek, and another poke from Kostas with his big cock, when he kissed me, which brought a smile to both our faces.  I walked out of the water, and off in the direction the secret beach.

The rocks form a barrier, but once on the other side of them, the sculptures are clear to see.  They really were quite beautiful.  It wasn't obvious what they were, but they definitely had a sexual feel to them.  But the beautiful trio were nowhere to be seen.

Just then I heard a groan.  It was a man.  Definitely a sexual moan.  But where did it come from? So I headed off in search of the groans.  I followed the rocks around, and then suddenly there was a clearing, and there were the three beautiful people.

What I wasn't expecting was what was there right in front of my eyes.  Leaning against the rocks was Andreas (“Mr.

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Model”), and kissing him passionately was Sofia (“Miss Perfect”), and on his knees was Dimitris, who was sucking eagerly on the cleanly shaven cock of Andreas.  It was no wonder he was moaning.  Dimitris was giving him a great blow job.

I had never seen two men together, and I have to say, it was really quite a turn on.  Sofia was obviously also turned on by the situation, caressing the two hot guys in her company, encouraging her man to suck Andreas’ cock.

Sofia was obviously hungry for more cock.  She joined Dimitris on her knees and took Andreas’ cock into her beautiful mouth.  She has the sort of lips that every man dreams of.  She was putting them to good use, sliding them slowly up and down the shaft of the beautiful cock in her mouth.  Taking it deeper and deeper, till it had all disappeared into her mouth and down her throat.  This girl was talented as well as beautiful.

The gorgeous couple took turns pleasuring Andreas, passing his cock from one to the other.  Dimitris had moved his hand down to Sophia's ass, and was now working his fingers on her pussy from behind, and by the movement of her body, she was loving the attention her pussy was getting.

Watching this display by this sexy trio was really turning me on.  My hands begin to wander over my body, caressing my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and working their way down to my already wet pussy.  Leaving one hand on my boobs, I start to stimulate myself with my right hand.

I was so engrossed by the sexy sight in front of me, and by the wonderful feeling between my legs, I didn't see Yannis and Kostas coming up behind me, until Yannis whispered in my ear,

"So, you like to watch, as well as perform?  Naughty girl!"

I was so shocked, I let out a little scream, which gained the attention of the sexy trio.  All three turned towards my direction.  Sophia and Dimitri stood up, looked over and smiled.  But they were quickly back into their sexual indulgence.  Sophia decided to go back to sucking Andreas’ cock, and Dimitri moved behind her, spitting some saliva onto his hand, before rubbing it onto his cock, and sliding into Sophia's waiting pussy.

She turned her head over her shoulder with a massive smile on her face.  It was obvious she liked the feel of his cock inside her.  You could see the hunger on her face.  But the hunger soon turned back to Andreas’ rock hard cock.  They started to get into a rhythm, penetrating the beauty from both ends.

"Don't worry, they want you to watch," Yannis whispered in my ear.  "Enjoy watching them, as they enjoyed watching you."

Yannis was so close behind me.  I could feel the heat from his body, and his breath on my ear.  By that time I had taken my hand away from my pussy, and placed both hands across my body in a defensive stance.  However, I didn't feel threatened in any way, I just wasn't comfortable playing with myself, now that everyone was watching.

But Yannis soon put me at ease.  Gently putting his hands on my hips, he whispered, "Don't stop, Liz.  Let yourself feel free.  We are all friends here.  We all enjoy watching.  We enjoy showing.  We enjoy taking part.  We only have one rule: ‘Yes’ means yes, and ‘No‘ means no.  Only do what feels comfortable with you.”

I turned to my left, and I could see Kostas was intently watching the sexy threesome, obviously enjoying the site of the beautiful Sophia being spit roasted by the two beautiful men.  It was easy to tell, as his cock was sticking straight out in front of him.  He was slowly stroking it.  It was such a gorgeous site, to see this hunky, big, sexy man jerking off right beside me.

Yannis said, "You like Kostas’ monster, don't you?”

"Yes, it is beautiful.  It's so big."

"You can touch it, if you want to."

"I shouldn't."

"He will like it."

With that, Jannis took my left hand, and slowly guided it towards Kostas' angry, big cock.  I just couldn't resist.  I had to know what it felt like.  Kostas saw my move, and stopped pumping his cock, allowing me access to it.

My fingers did their best to wrap around the massive shaft, but my tiny hand looked even smaller holding it.  It felt so big and powerful.

"Stroke it, Liz!  You know you want to."

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour.  I could hear my breathing start to quicken.  My pussy was crying out for attention as I started to slide the foreskin up and down this huge cock.  One hand wasn't enough really, but I didn't want to commit myself to his cock with both of my hands.  I knew I wouldn't be able to stop there.

Andreas was becoming more vocal.  He was vigorously fucking Sophia's mouth.  He was close now, and they all knew it.  Dimitris stopped fucking her from behind and got on his knees in front of Andreas.  Sophia got on her knees, too, as Andreas started to pump his cock.  Dimitris and Sophia waited hungrily, their faces side by side and mouths open for Andreas to empty his load into.

They didn't have to wait too long.  Andreas let out a cry and started to spurt string after string of hot, white cum over their faces.  Both of them eagerly lapping up every drop, before kissing each other and cleaning the cum off off each other’s faces.

Sophia then got up and walked towards us, smiling at me the whole way.  She kissed me on the cheek and said, "Can I borrow him?"  Then grabbing Kostas by his cock she lead him over to where the other two stood.

Yannis said, "I'm sorry, but Sophia wants Kostas for herself now.  She likes to fuck him when she has been warmed up."

"That's ok."

Yannis then said, "Come with me.  Let’s move closer.  I think you will enjoy it."

Yannis walked me towards the others.  One of his hands was around my waist, and the other holding my hand.  He moved us within a couple of feet of the others, who were now on the sand.  Kostas was lying on his back, his massive cock standing tall like a flag pole.

Sophia straddled him, slowly lowering herself onto his cock.  It was obviously too much to start with.  She got off and took him in her mouth, hungrily sucking his cock.  She was working those lips and pierced tongue up and down the shaft, getting him nice and wet.

Then she climbed back on.  This time the head slid in easier, but she was only able to take half of it before raising back up the shaft.  You could see her pussy stretching around the long, thick shaft.  She was using every bit of her experience with this cock that she had, slowly building up a rhythm riding Kostas like a horse.

Yannis was standing behind me again, closer now.  He had moved one hand across my waist, the other on top of my other hand.  I could clearly feel his hard cock against my ass.  It was between my ass cheeks, but still.  Not moving.

Yannis reminded me, "Remember, no is no!"

He then started to push my hand towards my pussy, his hand still on mine.  I let him.  I wanted him to touch me, not myself, but I allowed him to guide my hand towards my own aching pussy.  My eyes transfixed on Sophia’s pussy engulfing Kostas’ big cock.

Yannis’ other hand moved over my stomach towards my breasts, stopping just before it got to them, making good on his assertion that participants only do what they’re comfortable with.  He’d stopped himself, but I didn't want him to.  Taking both of his hands in mine, I moved them onto my tits.  Then I moved my own hands back down to my pussy; fingers from one drove straight into my waiting hole, the others to stimulate my clit.

I had done this thousands of times, but never with a stranger caressing my tits, and watching two gorgeous people fucking right in front of me.  I came almost straight away, and hard!

Sophia was now calling for Dimitris to do something.  She was talking to him in Greek, so I had no idea what it was.  But it wasn't long before I understood what she was after.  She slowed her fucking of Kostas down, and leant forward pressing her lovely big tits into Kostas face, keeping his cock inside her, while Dimitris got onto his knees and started to lick her ass.

He was pulling her ass cheeks apart, and tongue fucking her pert asshole.  She was squirming and moaning.  She was loving this attention, and I didn't blame her.  I was jealous of the attention she was getting, yet my body was getting plenty of it's own.

Yannis still had his hands on my tits.  His body was moving in time with mine.  His cock was sliding up and down with every movement between the cheeks of my ass, his pre-cum helping his cock to slide easily.

Then Dimitris moved into position behind Sophia, placing his cock at the entrance of her ass.

Yannis again whispered quietly into my ear, "He is going to fuck her ass now.  He is the only one that can fuck her ass, but she loves it!"

As soon as Dimitris cock pushed past the entrance and into Sophia’s ass, she came again with a loud groan, and so did I!  It was more than my body could take.  I collapsed onto my knees, still in the arms of Yannis.

I couldn't take any more.  Sophia was getting DP'd only a few feet away from me.  Impaled on the beautiful big cock, while her boyfriend fucked her ass.  I wanted some of what she had.

I reached around behind me and grabbed Yannis’ cock.  I pulled Yannis around to my right and began to stroke his cock.  I hand one hand on my pussy, and the other stroking Yannis.  I could feel another orgasm starting to build.  Yannis reached around behind my back and slid his fingers into my aching pussy.

I wasn't the only one ready to cum again.  Sophia was hitting the edge, but by the sounds of it she was demanding that Kostas and Dimitris hold on till she had cum again.  They didn't have to wait too long till she was screaming with pleasure, and not long after that they were both filling her with cum.  Deep in her pussy, and deep into her ass.  She got two loads at the same time, and she was very happy about that.

The sights and sounds of the sexy threesome all coming must have sent Yannis over the edge, because I heard the tell tale grunts, and then felt him shoot his hot load all over me, at the same time I had my last orgasm.

It's amazing how quickly everyone was back on their feet and all heading back to the beach.  No words were spoken, but plenty of knowing looks.

I headed into the sea.  I needed to clean up.  I could feel Yannis' cum dripping down my legs as I walked in.  Suddenly I remembered Roger.  Oh no!  I hoped he hadn't come back and seen what I had done.  I had to get back to my towel so I was there when he got back.  I quickly washed myself and got back to where we were sitting.  Luckily for me, he didn't arrive back for another ten minutes.  By which time the sun was no longer on the spot where our towels were.

He looked a little disappointed when I said we should head back to the hotel, but I said I would make it worth his while, because I desperately needed to be fucked.  That was all he needed.  We headed off the beach.  I let him walk ahead, and gave a quick smile to all of those looking at me before we left, including Andreas, who was back on his towel, soaking up the rays with a knowing smile on his face.  This was going to be a day I would never forget, and I wanted to take in all of their faces and bodies.

Little was I to know that it wouldn't be the last time I would see some of them...


Written by LatinLiz
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