She was alone in her room again. All the men online had moved on to another bright, teasing beauty. She wondered what they thought when stopping by her room. She deliberately left the right strap of her dress carelessly hanging off her shoulder, thoughtlessly exposing her right breast. It was a "come-on," of course. A not-so-subtle message directed at their passing gaze that invited them to stay and perhaps spend a little in the hope that more nakedness might be forthcoming. It surely would have been, provided proper inducements were made. She was two years into this lifestyle now and fully committed.
When new to camming she had presented in her bikini, wanting to make sure that the clients had enough skin to excite the neediness gnawing at their brain like an elixir of anticipation. The bikini initially helped ease her into the nakedness to follow. After all, it was the same bikini that she wore to the beach each summer. The same bikinis that thousands of women wore in public each year. The same bikini that was celebrated in the magazines of haute couture. It allowed her to deny that she was engaged in the business of selling herself to the man-child that waved the most tokens across her screen.
She was alone now but it would not remain as such. There were thousands of men who would come passing through each day and one would pop in any minute now. She remembered how crushed she had been by the cruelty and crassness of the men's comments about her. Occasionally, there was a lovely, sensitive man but most, while respectful, were often blatantly honest in their appraisal of her.
Even before she started to cam, she had considered this possibility. She was not glamorous in appearance. She had a kind, cute face with a radiant smile but not a "drop dead" countenance by any measure of assessment. Nevertheless, she had luxuriant breasts and a tiny waist made all the more seductive by her ample hips and rounded protuberant butt. Her legs were almost muscular thanks to her youthful years as a speed skater. They were firm and round with a nicely contoured look at the knee when viewed from behind. Overall, she had just enough subcutaneous adipose placed in all the right places to make her sculpture fall just shy of voluptuous. Even she had to acknowledge that her body was desirable if not exorbitantly sexual.
It was with such awareness that she had come to camming in the hope that she could supplement her income while she was yet a sophomore at this expensive east coast school which her father had insisted that she attend. She had toyed with several majors thus far and was still not able to commit any serious attachment to a field of study. She seemed more suited to camming than science and math. Even her favorite study, art history had taken a backseat to her camming.
Her father's importance in the fragrance industry was not disputed. He adored her and money was never in short supply. She simply wanted to determine if she could deprive men of their money in compensation for a brief glance at her nakedness. The need to feel her power over men was the seduction of this life.
The knowledge that out there were men who were so... so... whatever they were, that they would give her money just to see her take off her bra and jiggle her breasts at the camera for five minutes. She could hardly believe that such need existed in this world. She knew that many of these men worked long, hard hours for the money they gave her. Even though not glamourous in the classical sense, she oozed a sensuality that kept her cam score well above 5000 and the price she charged for such small dalliances high enough to allow her luxuries even beyond her doting father.
It was a frivolous lifestyle that she had come to expect. She was quite capable of walking away from an offer that was not high enough. Furthermore, she demanded that any solicitation be presented with proper respect and kindness. That she could demand and receive such deferences just added to the power and domination she felt over her clients. Yet, she was careful to never let such feelings rise to the surface of her activities and conversation. She was always kind, subservient and respectful to the "gentlemen" who sought her attention, for this was that little extra that allowed her to be one of the most desired models on the site and she knew it all too well.
"Hi, how are you?" she initiates.
"I wanna see your tits," he replies.
She does not reply as she knows that her banner makes it quite clear that titty flashes are 200 tokens.
"I wanna lick your titties n suck em till u squeal." he continues undeterred. She smiles at the camera and lets her hands touch her breasts slowly yet does not proceed with any additional reveal. She waits.
suckmydick229 has tipped Bella Madison 200 tokens. "Let me see those titties."
Slowly she slides down the strap of her other arm for a complete reveal. She imagines him with a hard cock lying on the bed anticipating the contours of her breasts. She arches her back as both straps fall along her arm. She deliberately and quickly pulls down her bra such that her breasts are pulled down with it, only to spring upward again in sudden bouncing movement. She knows from previous comments that sudden, exaggerated movement of the breasts always seemed to titillate the men. They had told her so many times and she now always incorporated a "tit bounce" into every tit-flash she did.
It was a real money maker, she thought as she giggled in her brain. Her hands had covered her breasts after they had stopped bouncing up and down. She proceeded to again expose her tits by gradually removing her hands as she caressed and played with them. She cupped them with one hand and then the other. She traced little circles around her areolae and finally pinched each nipple. She elevated each nipple and tried to take the nipples into her mouth but her young taut Cooper's ligaments would not allow such an exaggerated movement of her fully turgored breasts. After all, she was not some eighty-five-year-old woman who could cover her navel with her breasts. She was the epitome of feminine youth and full of the promise of yet greater seductions and naughtiness.
"Oh, BB, those tits are so gorgeous. I want you to let me suck on them. I want you to let me put my cock between them and come all over your chin," he drooled.
She rarely responded to such drivel. She understood that this was part of the show. She had to listen to the clients imagine all sorts of things they wanted to do with her as she exposed her body to them. It seemed a bit curious to her but the men rarely ever actually demanded a response to such comments. It was as if they were so involved in their own fantasies or pleasure that she was almost like a lamp on a nearby table. As the lamp suffused the room with enough light to allow them to see their hardened cock, she had provided the arousal that made it stiffen even further. Both were to play their roles but conversation must stay in the background as their pleasure mounted and rushed to the center of their brain. She was glad of this because the last thing she wanted to do was engage them conversationally. Most of the men really had nothing to say that was of the slightest interest to her.

She finished her exposé and started to put her bra back on. She did this slowly so he would have time to understand that his need was not to be extinguished by the all too brief exposure time of her tits. Her deliberate redress would allow time for his fantasies to boil and froth inside his mind. Time enough for his needs to demand the expenditure of more tokens. He knew that she was not terribly busy answering private messages as she only had five guys in her room now. She wanted him to understand that more intimacy could be had for only a few tokens more.
"Want to watch my cam, BB? I want ya to see my cock. I have the biggest cock in Georgia."
Again, she said nothing. It was stated quite plainly on her Whiteboard that cam watching was 250 tokens. If he really wanted her to see him, he would comply. Shortly thereafter, the tokens came in with a request to "Rate my cock, BB." This was always a difficult moment. The need to be honest had to be balanced with the need to keep him interested. She secretly thought that if she gave honest cock ratings, she would soon enough have no clients. One could not be too gushingly obsequious about the ratings, yet she had to praise enough to at least let them feel like a man. Often, it was difficult to even see their penis as their obese panniculus hung over their genitals like a heavy velvet curtain.
"Wadda ya think, BB?"
"Could you stand up for a moment? I am having difficulty actually seeing your penis. Your abdomen is blocking the view of your penis."
"You telling me I am small, BB?"
"No. No. Not at all. It is just that you are not very erect yet and your abdomen is blocking the view." Perhaps if you took me private, I could help you with an erection."
He stands up and pulls up his panniculus exposing his flaccid penis buried in a mound of silver-grey curly hair. At this point, he was 3-4 inches even by the most generous estimations. Surely, she could not begin praising this little pea pod. She would have no credibility if she gave him a magnificent rating at this point.
"Let’s go private, BB, and let me help you stroke that cock of yours."
Almost immediately, the ping rang signaling that he was pouring tokens into a private experience.
"Welcome, love. I want you to start stroking your rod for me."
Immediately, she hooked her thumbs into the bikini straps and assumed her most provocative stance. She began tugging her shoulder straps down along her arms as if she was fighting to remove her top. She reached behind, unsnapped, and again removed her top with that little extra tug that left her breasts jiggling up and down as before. The tittie bounce. Give him something to think about early on as he started stroking. Let him imagine how her titties would bob to and fro if he were fucking her. She slipped her bikini bottoms off promptly. She understood that most men did not want to play around with dancing and chatting when they were "on the clock", so to speak.
She arranged herself on the sofa and adjusted the camera to include her dark little ass, her pussy and her face. It was a tight fit and required surprisingly careful adjustment. Many men before had expressed an interest in seeing this combination such that she now just went to it directly. She found that it was very rare that they would ask for a different view. She did not understand what the attraction of that view quite was but she had no time to entertain the issue further currently. Still, she understood that they wanted to see her pussy up close covered with her secretions and to see her face in the agony of a blazing orgasm, but why must her butthole need be included?
She went right to work. Wetting her index and middle finger luxuriously, she smeared spittle generously across her clit and labia. Pulling out her rather large purple and black rod-like vibrator and began teasing her clit vigorously. Again, it was so necessary to stimulate his interest early on. Later as he became aroused, his growing lust would engage his interest and keep him in private but now, he needed encouragement.
Breathlessly, she whispered, "BB, that cock is getting so, so big for me. You are making me so wet here."
In fact, she was getting wet faster than she had anticipated, given that she had orgasmed for three clients the day before. It was her position that she might as well get as much pleasure from the experience as she cared to have. It was good for business when the men could see that she was genuinely excited and she was sure they appreciated it. Besides, she was determined to have just as much pleasure as her body would allow. She was working but it seemed unnecessary to deny herself of the bliss that she loved so much.
"God, BB, you're making this old man so fucking hard right now. I want to cum so badly," he said as he masturbated furiously. She now needed to get him to slow down a bit. It would do her no good for him to cum in two minutes. You can't make any money in two minutes.
She began to distract him with conversation. "BB, you are getting so big. You must wait for your little girl. Daddy, please don't cum without me." She was perspiring now from the intensity of her own growing lustfulness but she knew that she needed another five minutes with her vibrator to reach climax.
"Wait for me, BB." she pleaded. Alas, she could not slow him and with a massive grunt and AAAGGGGHHH!!! He came with a minimal ejaculation of fluid. He then quickly turned off private, leaving her in the midst of a growing lust and genital congestion for which she was unprepared. She absolutely hated this. Stopping in such lust was uncomfortable and frustrating but her first priority was work not pleasure. She would save her lust for a more generous client that might visit later, she hoped. If not, she could always find a few minutes of quiet time before sleep this evening. She turned the vibrator off and took a few seconds to get her breath back. She stood and replaced her bikini top and bottom.
As she returned to the public chat, he had already left her room. He did not even say goodbye. She sighed. Looking up, she saw another client had entered the room and she smile seductively. She was determined to finish her planned allotted time here now five hours away. Suppressing a yawn she said, "Hi! How are you?"