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Movie Date Night

"When a movie date turns into a public exhibition"

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Author's Notes

"All of my stories are derived from personal experiences and are nonfiction"

I peer into the mirror lazily. I dry my skin and pump the lotion from the bottle, realizing it's running low, and I'll need more soon. I look at the alarm clock next to the bed and realize I'm running late. I hurry, lathering on the lotion to my freshly shaved legs and my bare arms, before glancing back into the mirror before I go to pick out something to wear. You haven't told me where we're going just yet, so I decide to be neutral. I slip on a blue sweater to counter the cool air, and a denim mini that covers just about to mid-thigh. I know you love the color blue and when I show off my legs—especially in a skirt. I hurry to slip on a pair of long black leather boots as I hear the doorbell ring.

"Shit," I think to myself. I run downstairs and open the door to see you standing there, handsome as always. You gaze at me for a moment before you notice that I'm not fully ready. I haven't done a thing to my hair and I'm not wearing makeup, but you figured as much. You bring your right hand to my hip and give me a light kiss on the lips as you walk through the door of my house.

"Baby, will you give me just a minute to finish getting ready?" I ask as you walk toward the couch.

"Sure, sweetie, that's fine. I'm in no hurry." You flash a smile at me and sit down as I run back to my room. You watch my legs pump and the skirt ride up just a little until I disappear into the hallway.

I find a cute necklace and earring set and pin my hair back loosely. It frames my face but stays out of the way, just the way you like it. I put lotion onto my face and cover my eyelid with a shimmery blue powder to match my dark blue V-neck sweater. I glance at myself one last time in the mirror as I apply a shade of clear gloss to my full lips before I grab my purse and run back to the living room. I see you relaxed on the couch, and you rise as I enter the room.

This time, you're able to look me over more thoroughly. "Mmm sweetie, you look delicious!" you tell me. I laugh at you, flattered. "Well honey, I hope I'm not dinner, because I'm starving!" I reply. You laugh at me as you kiss me again, wrapping your large masculine hand around my neck and weaving your fingers into my hair, just before pulling back and taking my hand.

I walk outside and see your new car. You've told me all about it, but I haven't seen it yet because we've been too busy to go out all week! You walk me toward the jet-black jeep and open the door for me, eyeing the hemline of my skirt as I climb in. You run around the front and hop in, placing your hand in mine.

We sit quietly in the car. Usually, we don't talk much on car rides, but this seemed a little different. Things have been getting more serious these past couple of months, and we've avoided a lot of discussion about the future, not quite sure where to take things. We've been content with frequent sleepovers, frequent sex and lovemaking, and frequent dates and outings. I smiled silently to myself, wondering where we're going. Our dates are usually similar, but always entertaining.

"Any idea where we're going baby?" you ask, breaking the silence, startling me as I was lost in thought about our relationship.

"Oh... umm... I'm not sure hon. I'm not usually on this side of town... where are we going?" I ask, looking around.

"Well, I was going to take you hiking, but you're not dressed appropriately. So instead, we're going to go catch a movie and then dinner then we'll see what we're in the mood for, if that's ok?" you ask, looking over at me.

"Oh no, sweetie... I'm sorry! I didn't know you wanted to go hiking... I can go change and we can go, really that's no problem!" I say, feeling terrible that I messed up your plans.

You laugh your casual laugh that I adore so much. "Baby, don't worry about it. I shouldn't have tried to surprise you. Besides, you look amazing," you tell me, briefly scanning my body with your eyes. You stop at the V on my sweater, showing the slightest swell of my breasts. You fight to not let your mind wander to all the times you've tasted, touched, and felt them on so many areas of your warm skin.

You simply smile and keep driving as I grin, knowing what's going through your mind.

We arrive at the movie theater, and you lean across me to open my door for me. You usually hop out of the car first to come around the car to open it for me, but by reaching across me your face came within inches of the exposed swell of my breasts.

You leaned in and gave a small wet kiss right on the crease, making me laugh as I unbuckle the seatbelt and climb from the car, meeting you in front. You seem extra passionate tonight, and I like the different feeling. You grab my hips in front of the car and pull me close. Our lips meet, and you taste a mixture of berry lip gloss and a brief hint of cinnamon toothpaste. You back me against the clean car, pressing my hips into it firmly. Your hand runs through my hair as your tongue snakes through my lips and presses against mine, running lightly along my teeth.

I think of how delicious you taste, of how wonderful it feels to be pressed to your body. The way you kiss—sensational. You start so slowly, teasing my lips with your teeth. Your breathing hits my lips, you let out a low groan as you feel my body come into contact with yours, you play with my hair, you bite my lips and toy with my tongue. And you always pull away right as I begin to react. This time was no different.

You smile at me and kiss my forehead and pull me away from the car, and I trail after you, my hand in yours. We reach the ticket counter and see two movies starting soon. One chick flick, one action.

"What are you in the mood for babe?" you ask me.

"I don't know baby, you decide. I don't really care," I tell you, smiling.

You know I'd ultimately rather see the chick flick over that particular action movie, remembering a snide comment I made about the preview a few days earlier. I smile as you open the door for me, knowing your eyes are glued to the back of my tight denim skirt. You walk up beside me and place your arm around my hips, pulling my body close to yours in the cool building.

"Want anything honey?" you ask.

"No, we're going to dinner, right?"

"Yeah, but not 'til the movie is over. Get what you want baby," you tell me.

I giggle a little and order some milk duds and water, while you place your order for nachos and a large Dr. Pepper.

I walk toward the theater, wearing your jacket, knowing the theater would be cold. I find a seat near the top, finding few people in the theater. The movie is a couple of weeks old, so I guess it's not too surprising that it's not busy, I think to myself. I sit in the seat, looking down to see if you come in.

The lights dim and I'm a little annoyed that I can't see if it's you that has come in. I see you standing at the bottom and stand up so you can see me, and see you start coming up the stairs, so I smooth my skirt and sit back down in the cushioned seat. You walk down the row and look around, noticing our isolation from the rest of the people in the theater. You laugh to yourself a little and come to sit next to me.

You immediately move the armrest up and pull me toward you. I love how much body contact you need to feel close to me—always needs to be touching in some form. I relax into you as you lean against the seat, and I lean against you. I take a small drink of your Dr. Pepper and rest my head on your chest as the movie starts.

You play with my hair casually, not really paying too much attention to the chick flick. You think about me—about us—and what we've become. You watch me as I watch the movie. You see my eyes glimmer in the light of the screen. My lips spread in a delicious smile at the sappy story showing. The shadows of the curves along my chest, sinking into the tight-fitting sweater. You see me shiver a little and pull me a little closer. I shift my body to be laying down across the seats, my head in your lap, and your jacket laid across my arms.

You laugh at me, knowing that I always underdress for movies, and wonder if I do it on purpose so I have an excuse to cuddle and be close with you. Either way, you don't mind.

I pop the first milk dud into my mouth and look up when I feel you laugh. I see you staring at me and give you a quizzical laugh. You mouth something, but I can't see what you said. I lean up and put my mouth near your ear.

"What hon?"

"You're too adorable," you reply with a smile.

I blush a little, turning my head downward, wondering what I did this time.

You put your fingers on my chin and lift my head, kissing me softly at first. I intended to turn and lay back down, but you deepened the kiss and slid your hand down my side to rest on my hip. I slide up a little so I'm resting in your lap, and I press my body to yours. Your hand slides around and gropes my behind; not playful, but rather very passionate and desirable. I moan into your kiss and pull away. I look around the theater and notice that nobody is around us, and everyone is focused on the movie. It's only about forty-five minutes in, so there's at least another forty-five minutes to go. I feel you kiss me again, more urgently this time.

"I want you," I say unconsciously. It's as though every time you kiss me, I say that, and it triggers something in us both to fool around at any given point in any given place. You tell me to lay back down, and I look a little saddened at the rejection, but I'm somewhat satisfied with the movie. Then I feel your hand move.

You place it on top of my breast casually and begin to massage firmly. You feel no extra material. I'm not wearing a bra. You smile at the thought of being that much closer to that delicious, supple flesh. You caress the skin along the neckline of my sweater, teasing me. I shiver slightly, not because of the cold theater.

I turn my head to the screen but keep my attention on your fingers applying their delicate pressure to my skin; then I felt you stop altogether.

Your cold finger brushed against my lips, and I opened my mouth involuntarily. I tasted the sweet syrup of your soda, then felt you pushing your fingers inside of me suddenly. I was surprised that you were being so physical in the movie theater, and bit down on your finger, sucking on it vivaciously. You thrust your fingers in and out of my moistening pussy as your wrist curled up under my skirt and your fingers remained in my mouth. I tried to keep quiet, your fingers acting as a plug for me to restrain the primal moans from escaping my wet lips.

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You withdrew your two fingers from inside of me and ran one along my lips. I tasted my sweet juice and sucked on that finger, enjoying the taste and smell of my arousal. You brought the other finger to my mouth and sucked the remaining juices off hungrily, wishing your tongue could be buried within me, lapping up what was now flowing freely from within. Your wet fingers reached inside the top of my sweater and brushed past my nipples, enough to make me arch my back and sigh in pleasure at your teasing.

The credits flashed on the screen. I was disappointed that we hadn't done more, and was still aching for your touch. I stood quickly before the lights came on, pushing my skirt down back to its normal position, and wrapping your jacket around me. I realized that my milk duds were still there, but you had managed to eat your nachos at some point, as the garbage lay on the floor beside your seat. I bent in front of you to pick it up and felt your hand pat my firm ass in approval. I laughed as you stood, and we walked down the stairs and out of the theater hand in hand.

By the time we arrive at the car, we were both thirsting for each other. You pressed me into my door firmly as I slid my leg up along yours, pulling your body closer to mine, locked in a warm and passionate kiss. Your tongue sought my teeth, your hands pushed up my sweater, your hips thrust into mine against the shiny metal of your vehicle. You traced your teeth across my jaw and latched onto my sensitive earlobe, causing a deep moan to erupt from within me as you grind your hips into me harder. You breathe into my ear as your tongue slides along the warm skin, and you raise my hands above my head and pin them to the car.

"Oh, baby... mmm" is all I can seem to mutter. The sensation is too much.

"I want you, baby," you finally tell me. This sends me over the edge.

I reach to open the back door and press against you as you lean inside. I'm fierce with my movements and I climb on top of you as you crawl backward into your new car. I reach between us and rub your throbbing hardon with my hand, wishing I could feel your hot skin against my palm, against my tongue—against the silky flesh of my tight pussy—and move to reach my hand inside your pants, finally feeling your throbbing member in my hand. I moan as you push my sweater up and take a firm nipple into your mouth, biting gently at first.

In minutes, your pants were pulled down and you were thrusting into me. We were still laying down, so our movements were constrained. My head bumped into the door repeatedly as you pumped your throbbing cock inside of my pussy, rocking the car in the back of the parking lot at the theater. In no time, because of our urgency, with your fingers circling my clit, I came hard. My cum ran down your cock as you pumped into me, cumming inside of me, grunting and holding my hips hard. We lay in the back of the car, sweating after the frantic orgasms we each just received.

You kiss me and brush my hair from my face.

"Mmm baby I really missed you this last week," you speak directly into my ear. I move off of your body and let you pull your pants up over your thighs and tuck your wet cock back into your boxers before you sit up and get out of the car with me. You open my door and pick me up to put me in the front seat. You pushed back against me and kissed me deeply before closing my door and running around to the other side of the car, looking around to see if anyone was watching—and you notice no spectators.

You climb in and find my panties on the dashboard and start laughing hysterically at our encounter. Usually, we at least wait to get home before we ravish each other's bodies, but this time our need was too urgent. Our quickie was satisfying but completely unexpected and a little funny. You took them in your finger and passed them back to me.

"You might want to put these back on before dinner," you tell me.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Mmm," you say looking at me. "I guess that's your decision," you say with a wink.

I toss the tiny black bikini panties into the back seat and watch you eye my legs between my long boots and short skirt. Our ride is silent again, but completely enjoyable. We arrive at the restaurant and walk in together. You let me walk ahead of you as you open the door, and you eye my ass knowing that it's bare beneath the denim skirt. We get seated immediately, the hostess eyeing you as we walk toward our dimly lit booth, conveniently located about ten steps from the host stand. I watch her as she watches you, a twinge of jealousy taking over me.

I slide into the booth and expect you to sit across from me, but I feel you slide in beside me. I wonder why you're next to me, but then I feel your lips on mine and my worries disappear. Your face turns to accommodate my tongue gliding into your mouth. Your hand caresses my neck and face, running your fingers through my hair, as you kiss me deeply and passionately. The kiss wasn't sloppy, it was clean and perfect. You pulled away from me but kept your face just inches from mine and smiled.

"What are you looking at?" I ask with a smile spreading across my face.

"Well... I was thinking how much more beautiful you are than that hostess that was checking me out."

I lower my head. Oh no, you noticed. I hate being jealous because I trust you, but sometimes I just can't help it!

"I'm sorry..." I tell you, my head still lowered.

"Hey," you say, lifting my chin. "Baby... it's ok. I like it." And then I see that smile—that delicious, barely-there smile that makes me melt. It's just a curl of the corners of your delicious lips, but it's so sensual, so delicious, so perfect. So, you.

You sit next to me, paying special attention to me during the meal—kissing me constantly, feeding me bites of your dinner (and mine), remaining physically close to me—keeping your eye on the hostess making sure she left jealous. As we finished sharing our dessert, you made sure to thank the hostess and server as we left hand in hand, with me clinging to your arm because of the chill in the night air outside.

You walked me to the car and let me inside as you climbed in and cranked up the heat. You laid your hand on my thigh and I looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"What?!" you ask.

I look at your hand and back to you, wondering where that hand will be traveling during our car ride.

"I'm just trying to keep you warm..." you tell me with a wink.

I smile as the heat starts to blow in the car, warming me up in ways your hand isn't, but not impacting me in the ways that your masculine hand is. It remains still on my thigh, but sends currents through my body, craving more contact with you. I curl toward you, leaning over the console and holding onto your arm as you stroke my thigh. We arrive at my house after a short while—about ten o'clock. It's early, so I invite you to come in, and you accept the invitation without hesitation.

We sink into the couch, and I automatically move to curl into your body in a cozy cuddle. Your hand finds its place on my stomach as we sit in silence, the room dimly lit by the lights outside my house bursting through the windows. I wonder if we'll fall asleep, or if more will come of the evening. As we rest, I feel myself drift off.

I feel your hands on my legs and I stir, noticing I'm in my bed. Your fingers unzipped my boots, and you slid them off my feet. I lay there in nothing—my panties were still in the back seat of your car—realizing that you had taken off my clothes to get me comfortable—or so I thought in my dreary state. I'm sure it took all of your self-control to keep from touching me—kissing me, licking my soft skin, pressing your fingers into my body—as I lay peacefully asleep. I looked up at you and you realized I was awake. You tossed the covers over my body so I could be warm, noticing goosebumps rising across my milky flesh. I pushed them back away. You smiled a little, grabbing them again and laying them back over my body. I laugh and push them back, my body wiggling with my movements, causing my breasts to squeeze together further.

You laugh as you climb onto the bed, continuing to play our little game. Soon enough, you've moved to tickling me. The sheets coat my body as you start to tickle my sides. Your arms grip my hips, pinning me down to the bed as you torture me with your fingers. I laugh and squirm beneath you, busting up as you pin me down, laughing with me. Your smile brightens as you see how I'm struggling. I try to press my arms to you to push you away and end up rolling on top. The sheet is still between us but is no longer draping over my body; it's pooled around our hips where I'm straddling you. Your cold fingers make instant contact with my skin, both of us still laughing hysterically.

Unconsciously, we're rubbing against each other. You're hardening as my bare pussy presses into your boxer-clad cock. Suddenly you stop laughing but you're still tickling me. Then I feel your finger on my clit.

I jump and scream loudly surprised at the sudden change in dynamic in the room. Not at all disappointed. I instantly bucked my hips against you and threw my head back as you looked at me and smiled, knowing how much I'd missed our intimacy over the last several days of being away from each other. You rub around my clit cautiously, so as not to "overwhelm me," as you told me later. I pushed myself forward on top of you and kissed you, your tongue meeting mine in a desperate attempt to become closer—push the moment further.

Written by EMichelli
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