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Morning Run

"A morning run turns into more than I bargained for."

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My morning began just like any other morning, which is trying to get the motivation to begin my New Year's resolution. Granted the year is almost over, so at times it seems pointless. Getting into shape has never been fun for me. I hate everything about it. But I know I need to do this to get my self esteem back. My divorce happened almost a year and a half ago now so it's been long enough and it's about time I take control of my life and do something good for me.

I figured the best way to get started was to get up early and start walking. There's a beautiful nature trail behind my neighborhood. I've never been through it before but this morning is just as good as any to finally see what it's all about.

I picked out a cute outfit that I figured would be just right for the occasion. Fall is beginning so there's a slight chill in the air. I see women in their tight workout gear all the time and I wanted to see what all the rage is about. I will admit, I don't like to brag about myself, but my ass looks great in these pants. My tits can barely fit in this top though, a problem I've always had growing up because I have rather large breasts. But I went ahead and squeezed them in any way. I hope I don't sneeze because if I do, I'm pretty sure I'll go spilling out of this top.

Like I said, the trail runs behind my neighborhood, so I need to make my way towards the back to a small gate that lets me out and onto the trail. I decided to go left which runs towards the woods. I wanted to see what nature had to offer as I walked through this trail. It was a beautiful, crisp morning. I only ran into an older gentleman on my way through the woods. I had gone just over two miles when I decided I will stop the next time I see a bench just for a slight break. Further on down, I see a small trail that leads off of the main trail going further into the woods. I figured why not, there must be a place to rest in here. I can tell it's not used too often. The branches made it quite difficult to get through but then I began to get excited because I figured I've just come across a nice quiet place that no one knows about.

I've been walking for about 10 minutes when my heart sank. I heard the unmistakable voice of a man just further on in. Well, there goes my secret quiet space. I did see some benches further down and as I moved further along I can see the trail dead ends just beyond the benches. It seems at one time this was meant to go further but they just stopped. As I kept walking forward, I noticed that the man was all by himself and he didn't have a phone to his ear, so who could he be talking too. The answer to my question was answered almost instantly. He wasn't talking to himself, he was moaning. My hearts beating a mile a minute as I get closer to confirm what I think he's doing. Sure enough, he's masturbating and tugging on himself pretty hard and fast I must say. I was stunned. His shorts were pulled down to his ankles and his legs spread pretty wide. But what I couldn't tear my eyes away from was his cock. It wasn't the biggest and longest that I have seen; just your average cock, but it's been months since I've seen one and I couldn't help but look. Here he was out in the open jerking himself. Granted we're pretty deep into the woods and by the looks of it, no one ever comes out here.

I can tell that he must be getting close because his stroking pattern is quickening and his body is slightly beginning to squirm. I don't know why, but I have to get a closer look. I'm just shocked as to what I'm seeing. Such a personal, private moment and I'm getting an up close look at it. I notice my breathing is becoming heavier and I can feel the wetness building between my legs. This can't be happening. How can I be getting turned on by this? I don't know this guy and I certainly have no inclination to help or get involved in his activities but yet, I can't turn away. I can't help but begin to rub my pussy over my pants. I'm so wet right now and this is the horniest I've ever been. I've never seen a guy jerk off before. He's getting really close now, I can tell. I'm about twenty feet away from him to his left and slightly behind him hidden by the trees. I know I can get closer, so I keep going. I'm now about 12 feet away and I have a good view of his cock now. It's slightly bigger than I thought it was now that I'm closer and have a better view. The head is slightly purple and I can see it glistening with his pre cum. I love watching a mans dick explode and his cum just shoot out all over the place. That's why I want to get closer. My next step was a bad mistake.


Go figure, I step on a branch. Suddenly I'm frozen in place. His head turns around and he locks eyes with mine. For a split second it looked as though he was going to continue. I was wrong.

"Oh my God!! I'm so sorry!! I wasn't expecting anyone to see me."

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been coming closer. Please, it was my fault sir, you did nothing wrong."

"Please you can't tell anyone. It's not like I'm a pervert or anything, my wife just hasn't been interested in me for quite some time. No one can ever know you saw me here."

I couldn't help but glance down and see his dick was still out in the open for me to see. He caught on to what I was looking at and immediately covered himself with his towel. Then he covered his face with both of his hands and began to mumble to himself. I couldn't tell for sure what he was saying at first, but then I caught on. He thinks I'm going to report him to the authorities.

"Sir, I can assure you I will not report you. You've done nothing wrong. It's not like you were out in the open for people to see you."

"That's just it, I've been caught. No one comes through here. I've been coming to this spot for over a year and your the first person I've encountered down here. My wife pays me no attention so I come here to please myself away from our home. The last time she caught me, she had a fit so now I tell her I'm going for a morning run."

He's about fifteen years older than me but still very attractive. Fit body and in good shape. I can't see why his wife wouldn't want him at all. I feel myself dripping down my leg and I am still extremely horny. I told myself I would not get involved with him. I don't just go around screwing men I just met, let alone one who was masturbating in the middle of the woods. But something about him just got me all hot and bothered. I can still see the towel pitching a lovely tent over his cock and I inadvertently licked my lips.

"Well if you promise you're not going to tell, then I will go now."

He reached down to grab his shorts when I told him to stop.

"What's the matter? Are you going to change your mind."

"Of course not. I can't help but notice you never got the chance to finish."

"Well that's because you caught me, and now I can't possibly continue, but don't worry, I'll be leaving now and you'll never see me here again."

"Please, I feel responsible. It was my fault you didn't get the chance to finish so I'm going to help you finish. It's only fair."

"What do you mean you're going to help me finish?"

"You'll see." I took the time to look in both directions and all around me for good measure. There was no one around to see, let alone hear us. I moved closer to him and purposely leaned forward to give him a good view of my tits. He'd been staring long and hard at them and I knew he would love nothing more than to get a good view. I was right because he was about to reach out and grab them but he thought better of it and let his hands drop to his sides. I dropped down on my knees in the soft patch of grass in front of him. I pulled his shorts off of his left leg and pushed his legs further apart so I can get closer. I was not planning on fucking this guy but I figured a good tug job wouldn't hurt.

"Please you don't have to do this."

"Oh I know, but I want to." I removed the towel to reveal his rock hard cock. I couldn't help but stare at it. Admire the veins, the way it pulsed and bobbed back and forth because of the pressure of the blood rushing through it.

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It's been months since I've been up close and personal with one. I wanted to attack it, but I restrained myself. I reached out and wrapped my hand around it. He let out a slight moan. I can tell he hasn't been touched in a while by the way he reacted. It turned me on even more to know I was going to help him out when the one person who should be doing this, wasn't.

I wasn't planning on giving him head, just jerk him off but I needed some kind of lubricant and spit always seems to do the trick. For good measure, I decided I'd lube him up by licking his cock and letting my hand do the rest so I leaned in and licked the underside of his cock from the bottom, making sure to take my time, all the way to the tip where I got a slight taste of some pre cum. That did it for me. I couldn't resist. Like a shark getting a scent of blood, I attacked. I took him all the way down my throat just before my gag reflex and then stuck out my tongue to lick his balls at the same time.

"Holy shit!!! That feels good. I've never had anyone do that to me."

That gets me going even more. I want to make sure to give him an experience he will never forget. I pull back leaving a long strand of spit to use so I can jerk his dick. I know the whole point is to get him off, but I don't want him cumming too fast. I want to enjoy this as well. I keep a steady pace as I stroke him up and down and watch as his eyes casually roll to the back of his head. I love watching a guy's reaction as I please him. Really gets me hot. I keep stroking him some more and go in to lick and suck his balls. This gets him going good.

I pull back and go back in for some more. I start licking his shaft up and down and side to side stopping every now and then to suck on the head and have it pop out of my mouth. He starts bucking his hips as though he's trying to fuck my mouth. I grab his hands and put them on the back of my head. My way of giving him permission. He didn't hesitate in the slightest. He grabbed hold and starting slamming my head up and down his dick. First he would go fast and then slow it down a bit before picking up speed again and finishing by slamming my face down taking him all in. He then pulled me back so I could catch my breath.

"How does that feel?"

"Oh my this is incredible. I can't believe my luck. Never did I ever imagine this would happen to me."

I can tell something was on his mind. His eyes were darting toward my chest. Was he planning on asking me or would I just have to go ahead and pull them out. I decided I'd surprise him in a few. I went back to sucking some more and once again he put his hands on the back of my head but this time he starting bucking his hips up to fuck my mouth. I love the feeling of having a dick reaching the back of my throat. He started to buck faster and faster and his breathing was getting a little labored. I felt his balls begin to tighten and I knew he was almost there. I wasn't ready for that just yet. I pulled back to pretend I needed to catch my breath and I can see in his face that he was almost there.

"I've been watching you stare at my tits, do you like them?"

"Yes very much. I love large breasts and yours are really nice to look at."

"Oh really. You're just saying that."

"No it's true. Could you...I mean, could I....I mean...."

"What's the matter? What do you want?"

"Could you, I mean would you mind lifting your shirt so I could get a better view?"

I gave him a sly smile "do you really want to see these?" and I grabbed a handful of both of my breasts.

"Yes please. Very very much so."

I lifted my shirt just above my breasts and unclasped my bra and let the girls fall out. They swayed a bit in front of him and he watched them intently the whole time. I began to rub my breasts like I always do when I first take off my bra. It always feels good that first moment when they get released. His eyes are just about bugging from their sockets taking in every bit of me.

He's about to ask if he can touch, but I beat him to the punch. I get up higher on my knees and I take his hands and place them on my breasts. He was so fascinated like he's never seen breasts before. He has a soft touch and he knew how to handle them. He spent some time rubbing my breasts as I stroked his cock. I instantly got the idea to wrap my breasts around his dick so I can stroke him with my breasts. He leaned back on the bench and with all eyes on me, a huge smile spread across his face as I began to stroke his dick with my massive tits.

His breathing once again intensified and he began to buck his hips so he can fuck my tits. This time I was not planning to stop him from cumming. I can see some pre cum oozing out and I knew any moment I was going to get my gift.

"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my tits. I want your cum. Please give me your cum. I gotta have it, I crave it baby. I need it. I need your cum all over me. You can shoot your hot sticky load wherever you want just give it to me."

That did it. He was fucking my tits fast and hard. His dick kept poking my chin each time he pumped up.

"I can't hold it any longer. I'm going to cum hard!!!!"

"Yes, cum for me. Give it to me. Shoot your load wherever you want."

"Here I go!!!"

He pulled back and I immediately grabbed my tits and squeezed them together expecting my load that I worked so hard for to be sprayed all over my tits. And he did not disappoint. The first shot hit my chest just above my tits right in the middle.

"Oh yes baby yes that feels so good! Give me some more"

The next hit my chin where some splashed up to my lips.

"Ooh yeah you taste so good!! You got anymore in there for me?"

With the next four loads, he was able to drench my tits and the last few dribbled out landing on my lap. I rubbed his cum over my tits as he squeezed out the last remains before collapsing back into the bench to catch his breath.

"Wow, that was some load... Hmmm.. I just realized I never got your name."

With a big smile on his face "Keith, my name is Keith."

"Well, hello Keith, I'm Daisy. Nice to meet you."


I got up off of my knees to sit down and I grabbed my towel I had with me to clean up. After I wiped my hands down, I make my way to my chest.

"No. Don't clean that off just yet. Leave it there please. Just put your bra and shirt back on."


"I like the idea of you going back with my cum all over your chest."

I have to admit, the thought did intrigue me. The idea of walking all the way back home with some strangers cum all over my tits really excited me.

"OK Keith. If that's what you want then that's what you'll get."

I stood up and got in front of him and I put my bra back on and then pulled my shirt back down. His cum was still warm and it actually felt great. We came up with the idea that I will go out first, and then he will follow shortly.

"So Keith, when will you be going out for your next morning run?"

"Tomorrow, why?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm planning on going for a run myself."

"Then maybe I'll get to run into you again."

"Who knows. You just might. Until then. Bye."

I made my way back to the main trail and on my way home. There were more people on the trail this time and it really was exciting to be walking back with all of this cum soaking through my shirt. If anything, it looks like I had a good workout. If they only knew.
 I made my way back home and stripped off my clothes and I couldn't wait any longer. I got my favorite little toy and immediately gave my pussy the attention it needed. I found myself licking his cum off of my tits while I was pleasing my wet pussy. The sensation was too much and I came rather quickly. Jumped in the shower to clean his cum off and I found myself wondering, well actually hoping for him to soak my tits some more tomorrow. I plan to be ready and this time I know the perfect outfit to wear. No restrictions and easy access for all.

To be continued...

Written by VettiVecci
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