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Late Night Walk Through the Field

"Walk through a field after a night out."

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It was the early hours of the morning. My wife and I had been out to a function, which resulted in us being dropped by coach at the end of the evening, at the recreation centre car park where we had earlier left our car.

As was common in those days, we decided to finish off the evening with some titillation, namely walking along exposing more and more of my wife as we went, which normally ended in us having open-air sex somewhere in the playing field area behind the recreation centre. It was a large grassed area of some acres, and due to the hour, we very rarely encountered anyone else. This evening we started walking, as normal, me feeling, then exposing my wife's breasts by unbuttoning the button-through dress she liked to wear due to its ease of access to her body.

I caressed her tits as we walked, with the other hand squeezing her buttocks (she didn't wear undergarments, so there was bare skin beneath the dress). We sometimes paused our walk to kiss, when she would squeeze my now very hard cock through my light summer trousers. As we continued on, I unbuttoned the rest of her dress to allow me to feel her by now very wet pussy. The dress was now just hanging off her shoulders. We sometimes removed her dress completely, so I could watch her walk nude in the dark towards me. (I used to walk ahead of her, then turn around to watch her approach; a fantastic sight; her nipples standing proud, her pussy soaking her legs as she walked.) This night we left her dress hanging as I said from her shoulders, it somehow magnifying the fact that her body was totally exposed. I was fingering her pussy by now as we walked. Her cunt was absolutely dripping wet, and she asked me a stupid question "Do I feel good?"

My reply was: "You feel fucking fantastic!"

We walked on until we were roughly halfway across the huge expanse of mowed grass, then lay down to get "down and dirty" as they say. I fingered her cunt in ecstasy, her cumming with abandon, not being quiet about it, crying out in joy at her feelings. Her dress was up above her head; her naked body looking supreme on the grass. As I unbuckled my belt, lowered my trousers, and pressed forward between her legs, ready to enter her, I saw a movement to one side of us. It was extremely dark, with a light mist also having come down, and through the dark/mist, I could see the shape of a man crouched down some twenty feet or so away. He was silent; but as he could see us, he must have known that I could see him approaching.

I presume he was nearing us slowly to see whether we would object or not, again presumably ready to run away if we objected. My wife had her eyes closed, caught up in her orgasmic delight. I found myself immediately even more excited at the prospect of being watched as we fucked. My wife and I had talked and fantasised about such things; being watched, and even joined by a stranger whilst having sex. I decided to see where this would lead us, but to cover my wife to a degree in case she didn't want to show this person her face, I asked her if she'd mind if I covered her face with her dress. I told her my rationale for this was, "In case someone came upon us". She didn't think twice about the idea, I think being too excited to notice much what I was doing with her dress, so I did this, at the same time pressing my rampant cock forward to enter her open, wet, cunt with ease.

The stranger had paused now about fifteen feet from us, seeming as if he didn't know now what to do. I began to fuck my wife with long, slow strokes, at the same time beckoning him to come near, but holding one finger to my lips to make sure he was quiet. As he shuffled closer on his hands and knees, I began talking to my wife, as we nearly always do during sex, asking her what she'd like to happen next. She replied something like, "Whatever, as long as you keep fucking me."

Her legs were raised now, letting my cock enter her to full depth, she pushing her body forward to meet my thrusts, her cunt absolutely soaking wet. I asked her if she would like it if she had access to another cock as well as mine, to which she replied, "Why, are you thinking of going to get someone?" I then told her that I might be able to arrange this without going anywhere, but if I could, would she be interested in this happening. She said, " What do you think? I'm fucking soaking."

At this, I signalled to the stranger to come right up to us (he'd heard the conversation) and motioned for him to get his cock out, which he rapidly did; it being at full stretch by the looks of it. He seemed a bit older than us, but obviously up for it in a big way. He was slowly pulling his cock, avidly watching us fuck. I then asked my wife: "If there was another cock available now, would you like to handle it?"

She replied, "Fucking right I would!" I think that she presumed this was me fantasising as normal, not knowing there was a hard cock only a foot away from her cunt! At this time I started to think about what I actually wanted to happen. Did I want a stranger to fuck my wife? Up until then, we had never done that, (to change drastically in years to come), and I was really confused at what I wanted to happen.

I then asked her, "Are you sure; last chance?"

She then hesitated a second, I think realising that it might conceivably happen, before saying "Yes please."

At this I motioned for our new friend to get even closer, and place his cock really close to my wife. I then asked her to reach out her right hand slowly, when she might get her wish. I also asked her to leave her dress across her face for anonymity. She slowly reached out, and lo and behold, came across a rock hard penis in her way. Her hand movement faltered a little (in shock I suppose), before she held it tight, saying, "You weren't joking!" We were now in the situation of me humping my wife slowly but strongly, and her with a stranger's hard cock in her hand! A first for us both.

It took a few seconds for my wife to react to the strange cock in her hand. She gradually started to pull it gently, the stranger pushing his hips forward so she could reach it with ease. Her hand started to speed up, and I started to fuck her faster, the tempo of both increasing until her hand was a blur almost, her body jerking in time with my rapid thrusting, the stranger feasting his eyes on my cock pistoning in and out of her soaking wet cunt. I don't think I've ever been so excited, seeing my wife wank a stranger, whilst being fucked hard and fast by me. This went on for a few minutes, during which time I hadn't decided in my mind if I would be comfortable with the stranger taking my place, and fucking my wife. Believe me I thought about it, telling him to swap places with me so I could watch his cock then enter my wife. It really appealed, and part of me wondered if that's what my wife would want; to feel this stranger's cock in her. I thought maybe I would wait to see if my wife made any move in that direction, and to go with the flow so to speak.

As it happened, the stranger made it obvious he didn't have long before he would come. He started to gasp and buck his hips forward as best he could in time with my wife's hand movements, before gasping out really loudly, "Oh yes, Oh fuck!" and shooting his spunk over my wife's tits and stomach, spurt after spurt. My wife obviously was aware of him coming, and slowed down her hand, to milk him dry. This became too much for me. I couldn't believe what had happened. My plunging into my wife became almost bestial; ramming my cock into her as hard and fast as possible until with a loud roar, I came, huge spurts of sperm into my wife, sending her over the edge too, screaming out loud for anyone to hear as she came explosively, almost pushing my cock out of her cunt with the force of her coming. The other man started to babble, "Thank you, thank you; that was fantastic!" I whispered to him that'd he'd better go, for my wife to clean herself up a bit. This he did, slinking away into the dark still thanking us.

This was now slightly surreal. I uncovered my wife's face and started to kiss her, asking her was she okay with what had gone down? She was fine, just asking me where the man had come from? I said that he just came out of the darkness, had probably been trawling around hoping to see lovers out and about. Boy had he (and we) struck lucky! We lay on the grass for a while kissing and caressing each other, basking in the afterglow. I asked my wife, after she'd cleaned herself up a bit with a tissue, what she'd have done if I'd suggested him swapping places with me, and him fucking her instead? She said that to be honest, in the spur of such an exciting moment, she'd probably have gone for it. "Imagine that", she said, "Him fucking me in front of you! Your dreams come true!"

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We had discussed and fantasised such things for a few years previous to this, and the idea had always excited me, but when the chance had come, I'd found myself not knowing what to think; excited but scared by the prospect. But... having let my wife wank a stranger, while I was fucking her, had opened up a new world of excitement, and who knew where that would lead us. We both agreed it had been a fabulous, exciting experience for us both, and to think about what might happen at any future such scenario.

We cleaned up and redressed, leaving my wife's dress open so I could still feel her body whilst walking. We walked leisurely back to the footpath around the perimeter, me feeling my wife's bum cheeks with one hand, touching her proud nipples with the other. We'd gone about fifty yards or so and were approaching where we knew there was a bench, when through the gloom we could see there was a man sitting there alone in the darkness. My wife made a fuss of pulling the edges of her dress together, but I held her hand and said, "Bearing in mind what just happened, do you really care about someone seeing your body?" I thought, in for a penny, in for a pound; what a lovely way to finish the night; to flash another stranger with my wife's tits and pussy fully visible.

She tugged at my hand for a second, then realised the truth of my comment, and said, "Oh well, what the fuck?" Hearing this, I pulled her dress wide open to ensure a completely unobstructed view of her wet cunt and nipples pointing our way forward.

As we got closer to the bench, I realised that it was our stranger sitting there, resting after his recent excitement. This spurred me; as we were about to pass him; my wife trying to walk quickly past; to hold her arm, and press her to sit down next to the man, with me on her other side. Bear in mind that my wife hadn't seen the stranger's face, so didn't know for sure it was the same person. I started to kiss her, my tongue probing her mouth, trying to excite her as fast as I could. I caressed her right breast, despite her timidly trying to protest. She noticeably relaxed, and let my hand wander down to open her legs and start to caress her wet pussy. I slid two fingers into her, fingering her to full wetness again before saying, "I'd like you to meet our new friend," to which she turned to the man and, smiling, said hello.

My wife's body was totally exposed to his gaze, and I instantly decided, bearing in mind our earlier discussion, to see how far my wife was willing to go. I said to the guy, who was sitting there looking gobsmacked, but excited, "Would you like to feel my wife's wonderful tits?" He nodded, and said that he'd love to. As he raised his hand to approach my wife, he looked expectantly at her as if for permission. She nodded her consent, to which he swiftly started to gently squeeze and caress her left breast. I joined in by doing the same to her right breast, something she'd always fancied, having both breasts felt by two different people.

After a few moments, I moved my hand down to her pussy again. She dropped down on the bench a little, to allow my hand free access. As I entered her with my finger, I looked over to the other man and said, "Feel free to join in", which he immediately did. He dropped his hand down, and trying to avoid my fingers, first tried to caress my wife's outer cunt lips, before entering her with one of his fingers, another of her fantasies, having two people finger her. The two of us then started to finger my wife's pussy. She had her eyes closed, pushing her hips forward onto our fingers, her pussy soaking our fingers. We slipped two fingers each into her, and her pushing became stronger, her cunt getting wetter and wetter. As this went on, we were obviously past the point of no return.

My wife obviously knew this, prompting her to say to the man, "Lick my cunt; make me come with your tongue." The guy couldn't believe his luck. He immediately dropped to his knees, held her legs wider open, and began licking her cunt for all he was worth. My wife was in heaven; gasping and panting, stretching her knees wide apart, allowing his tongue easy access to her gaping cunt, soaking his face in her juices, she came over his face in no time at all. He rocked back on his heels; a look of pride on his face at having made her come so strongly. My wife, not giving anyone time to recover, said out loud, "You have to fuck me now!" Saying this, she stood up, walked behind the bench, bent over the bench from the waist and repeated, "Come on; fuck me!"

The guy stood; walked around the bench as if in a daze; as if in a dream; then dropped his trousers to reveal the stiff cock I had seen a short while earlier, again standing proud, swaying away from his stomach, throbbing in its glory. He immediately looked at me, as if asking final permission. I nodded to him, then he immediately moved my wife's dress to one side, pressed his rampant cock between her cunt lips, and pressed forward, entering her pussy in one fluid motion. He started at a medium-type pace; neither fast nor slow, then built up into what was to become a pussy-pounding battering of my wife's nether regions.

Whilst I attempted to stand/lean forward on the bench trying (in vain) to get my cock into her mouth, I had to settle for squeezing both her tits, pinching her nipples, and finally sucking one tit whilst rubbing her clit as he relentlessly pounded into her cunt from behind. The clit-rubbing I think sent my wife over the edge. She braced her arms against the back of the bench, screamed out, "Yes, yes, fuck me!!" and came like a steam train, almost exploding her juices against the stranger pounding away at her cunt.

This in turn did for him. He too grimaced, and calling out, "Oh fuck yes!" blasted a massive amount of come into my wife, it overflowing over her bum cheeks, and running down her legs, mixed with her own juices. Just as it had become obvious that it wouldn't be lasting too long before they came, I had started wanking myself as fast as I could. My hand became a blur, and just after they both came, while he was still inside my wife, I too came what seemed like a bucketful, it splashing across the bench, over my wife's tits and stomach.

It seemed to me that I came harder than ever before, and bearing in mind the events taking place, maybe I did. I held onto my wife's shoulders as I almost collapsed, gasping in huge amounts of air. The three of us were totally out of breath, gasping for air. My wife's knees gave way, and she sank to the ground, the stranger's cock plopping out of her on the way. He was hanging onto the rear of the bench for grim death it seemed, while I then collapsed onto the bench for some respite from the goings on. After about a minute, I went to help my wife to her feet, helping her sit on the bench, to be then joined by our new friend. We gradually recovered, and looking at each other sheepishly, made comments like:

"Wow, what was that like?"

"How fucking good was that?"

"That was fucking amazing!"

Gradually it came to pass that we realised that maybe it was time to go home. I asked the guy, "Would you like to come with us for a few hours?" expecting, and indeed hoping for another variation on what had just transpired, but he replied that he'd better go home in case he was missed (presumably by his wife/partner.)

We then parted ways, after my wife gave him a goodbye kiss, saying, "That was wonderful, keep your eyes open for us in the future." He went his way; we walked back to the car, me again squeezing her bum cheeks, her gently caressing her own breast, talking about the evening's events. All in all, we'd had a good night out in the company of friends, and finished the evening in glorious fashion with a complete stranger.

When we got home, we went straight to bed, to go over our exploits in the field that evening, as we gently and slowly fucked, talking it over, and hugely turned on. We agreed that it wouldn't be the last time that we'd do similar things. (Little did we then know that it would be the start of a magnificent journey for us).


Written by mickthetrick1
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