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Lake District Holiday (part 6)

"Jan explains how she and Mike escaped naked from the hilltop"

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“So,” said Jen, “What are we going to do?”

Mike was driving, with Jen sitting next to him. Lisa and I were either side of Saul.

“Well,” I replied, “Let’s start with you two telling us how you got back.”

“Bitch,” said Jen under her breath.

“Did I tie you to anything? No, I did not. Were you alone? No you were not. Were you suffering the hangover to end all hangovers? No, you were not.” I counted these items out on my fingers.

Mike turned to Jen, “She’ll be telling you to count your blessings in a minute.”

“I’m hungry,” I said, “Anyone else hungry?”

“I could eat,” said Saul. Lisa nodded.

Mike looked in the mirror at Saul, “Eagle and Child?” he asked.

Saul nodded, “Sounds good.”

Mike put his foot down; we went straight past our hotel and took the road back towards Kendal. We turned off into the village of Staveley, past a few shops and then parked outside a pub called The Eagle and Child. Now I know that English pubs sometimes have strange names, but this one takes the biscuit for me. Having said that, there’s a pub in Brighton which apparently used to be called “The Spreadeagle”. But I digress.

The Eagle and Child was very nice--they gave us a delicious lunch (which we ate outside at a picnic table) and everyone but Mike had a drink or two as well. It wasn’t until we were having lunch that Jen and Mike told us the story of how they got back to the car. There were other people around, so Lisa, Saul and I heard the story in hushed tones.

“When we saw you run off, my heart sank,” said Jen. "That water was really cold but there was no way we could stay there. And Mike had pointed out that the longer we stuck around the busier it would get."

A young man sat down at the next table with a pint. Jen leaned forward and lowered her voice. "So we scrambled back out of the tarn and headed after you. It was pretty muddy underfoot, and I ended up on my arse a couple of times. When we got to the wall at the top of the hill, we could see you strolling down about a quarter of a mile ahead."

Mike interrupted, "But there was a couple coming up the hill too, so we'd have been seen if we tried to catch you up."

"So..." Jen continued. "If we stayed where we were the couple would see us when they came through the gate. If we went down the hill, they'd definitely see us. All we could think of was doubling back a bit and hiding in the bracken.

“We had to lie still so we could keep an ear out for approaching people. When we heard that couple pass, we went back to the wall, to see if there was anyone else approaching across the field. There were a couple of lads on their way up. By the way they were kitted out, it looked like they were out for at least the day, if not overnight.

“There was nothing for it but to go back to the bracken and hide out again until they’d pass, and hope that the coast was then clear.”

“But it didn’t really turn out that way,” smiled Mike.

“No,” agreed Jen. “It did not.”

“So?” I prompted.

“Well,” continued Mike, “We got back to the bracken, and lay quietly while we waited for them to pass.”

“We lay quietly? WE?”

“But then,” went on Mike, “But then I started sneezing. It was the pollen or something in the bracken. There was nothing I could do about it. I just couldn’t stop.”

“Apparently not,” said Jen. “His,” she lowered her voice, “Fucking incessant sneezing got the two lads wondering what the hell was going on.”

“I snuck off deeper into the bracken,” went on Mike. “Hoping they’d just find me if they went looking. But…”

Jen stared at him, raising her eyebrows as if daring him to explain the next bit.

“But as it turned out, it was Jen they found, not me.”

Lisa and I had our hands to our mouths; Saul had a wide toothy grin.

“I was lying face down, trying to be invisible when they found me. And Mike? Well, by then he seemed to have his fucking sneezing under control.” He shrugged, Jen went on. “But he just stayed put and left me hanging out to dry.”

“We were dry by then,” corrected Mike.

Jen stared daggers at him, “Not literally, you arsehole. You left me metaphorically hanging out to dry.”

“So?” said Lisa, “What happened?”

“I looked up, covering my boobs as best I could, though my arse was in plain view, and I said, ‘Hello boys. I wonder if you could help.’”

Saul chuckled, “I bet they were only too willing.”

“Well,” said Jen, “The first one fished around in his pocket and gave me a handkerchief.”

We fell about laughing at that one, and above the hubbub, Jen tried to explain, “He thought I’d been sneezing. ‘Thanks sweetie,’ I told him. ‘But with the best will in the world, there’s nowhere I can put this that will avoid a charge of indecent exposure.’”

Now Saul was helpless, and even Mike was struggling not to laugh. When I glanced over at the next table, the young bloke with his pint seemed to have heard enough to be amused, and I realised that, as the story had gone on, Jen had forgotten to keep her voice down.

Jen backhanded Mike in the chest and gave him another stare. “‘So you want some clothes?’ The other one asked.”

“‘No shit, Sherlock.’ I said. What the fuck did they think I wanted? But they backed off. I don’t think they liked angry Jen and I really wanted something--anything--to wear. And clearly Mr fucking Sneezy here wasn’t going to be any help.”

“I was still lying on the ground, with my arms folded across my boobs. I looked up at them and pushed myself up into a kneeling position--one hand covering my nethers, the other arm across my chest. Not that I had much dignity to maintain, thank you very much.” (That last barbed comment was aimed at me and I gave Jen a broad smile in return).

“‘Look boys, if you have any clothes you could lend me, I’d really appreciate it. Do you have anything in those backpacks you could lend a damsel in distress?’

“Sherlock didn’t say a word. But Watson? I could see his brain working. Cheeky fucker. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘I have some waterproofs. But I couldn’t just give them to you. They were really expensive.’

“I held out my arms and said, ‘Well I don’t have any cash on me. And I left my purse at home...’ I looked from one to the other--Sherlock was taking in my kneeling, naked body, tits bouncing around all over the place. Watson knelt down in front of me and said, ‘I’m sure we can work something out.’”

Jen jabbed her thumb in Mike’s direction, “And Mr Sneezy just watched.”

Mike grinned, “I certainly did,” he turned to Jen, “I’m still convinced you popped Sherlock’s cherry.”

Lisa put in, “You had them both?”

Jen tilted her head and stared back at Lisa, “One at a time, then both at once.”

“But they gave us some clothes.”

“They gave me some clothes,” corrected Jen. “Which I was then gracious, or foolish, enough to share with you. I wore a raincoat which came to just here,” she drew a line just across the top of her thighs, “And Mike wore some rain trousers.”

“The way it worked out,” said Mike, “It was a good thing you insisted that they give you the clothes first.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well,” said Jen. “When Watson knelt down and we had negotiated for the rain gear, he slipped his cock out. It grew in my hand--you know what eighteen-year-olds are like: all energy and no staying power. I rubbed his cock for a minute or two, and then gave him a blow job. The first time I touched his balls, he blew his top. Gave me a mouthful of spunk.

“Then Sherlock got out his todger--he was bigger and thicker, but I gave him a good wank, and started sucking his cock too. He lasted a bit longer, but he came as soon as my finger brushed against his arsehole. But here’s the thing. Watson recovered in no time. He slipped his cock into me from behind while I was still wiping Sherlock’s cum off my chin. Cheeky fucker. But by that time I was starting to enjoy myself.”

“I bet you were,” I put in. “Slapper.”

“So Watson’s giving me what for from behind, and even though Sherlock’s only just cum, he wants to deliver his semi right back into my mouth,” said Jen. “Well, in for a penny, in for a pound I always say, so I rock back and forth between Sherlock and Watson and I’m getting ready for a nice big cum when…” she turns to Mike. “This fucker starts sneezing again.”

Saul almost spat his beer across the table, and the rest of us were laughing our socks off. Even the guy at the next table was laughing openly now.

“They were up and off like a couple of frightened rabbits. All they left us was the raincoat and the trousers. I grabbed the raincoat and started putting it on when he pushed through the bracken with the third hard-on I’d seen this morning.”

“You can hardly blame me,” said Mike, defensively, “I had just been watching you take a couple of teenage cocks at once. You’re a very sexy woman.”

“Slapper,” Lisa and I said in unison.

“You only got your end away ‘cause you frightened them off at the last minute.”

The first to laugh this time was the bloke at the next table. Jen looked over at him, and smiled. “Tell me something,” she said to him. “If you stood up right now, would you have an embarrassing tent in your jeans?”

He nodded, reddening.

“Thought so.” She turned back to us. “So Mike finished me off, which in the circumstances, was the least he could do. And I had the good manners to let him finish too.”

“And the rest was easy,” explained Mike. “We got a couple of funny looks for our strange and… incomplete attire as we walked down the hill. But you were kind enough to leave the car keys on the tyre, so we changed into our proper clothes and hey presto, here we all are."

"Ta daa!" Sang Jen, flinging out her arms theatrically.


We agreed to meet up again that evening and go for a walk along the lake and maybe take a swim. When we'd all finished our lunch, we waved to the bloke at the next table and Mike drove us back to the hotel. In the meantime I wanted to catch up with Blackthorn and make sure he was doing right by Lisa.

Jen, Lisa and I walked into reception. I dinged the bell and, when the receptionist came out I asked to speak to Mr Blackthorn.

"I'll just get him for you Miss," she said. I returned her smile. My smile broadened when Blackthorn appeared from a back office.

"Miss Taylor. How lovely to see you." He smiled with a saccharine sweetness and nodded to Jen and Lisa. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Our arrangement?" I said, enigmatically.

He reddened and started to stutter.

"Ah. Y... y... yes. If you'll just give me a moment."

He went back into the back office and moments later returned with an envelope. He handed it to me though it had Lisa's name on it. I passed it to Lisa who opened it. Her eyes widened when she saw what was inside. She showed me the cheque. Five thousand pounds. I whispered, "Does that seem right?"

She nodded emphatically.

"He's not short changed you?"

She shook her head. And I turned back to Blackthorn. "We're not going to have a problem with this cheque, are we."

"Absolutely not."

Lisa turned to me and mouthed, "I'm not the only one," then nodded to the girl on reception.

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She was 'Martha', according to her name tag.

I looked back at Mr Blackthorn. "How much do you owe Martha here?"

His eyes widened, then his mouth started opening and closing like a fish. "You have twenty-four hours to make reparations. OK?"

He nodded. I smiled. Then I stepped over to Martha and took her to one side.

"I don't know what Mr Blackthorn here has been doing to you, or forcing you to do, but it has just stopped. If he is ever less than delightful to you in everything he does, let me know." I wrote down my mobile number. "If he hasn't paid you back every penny he has extorted from you by this time tomorrow, give me a call."

She couldn't have looked more surprised or grateful--which is actually a funny combination to behold, let alone describe. "Does he have any pictures or anything that he's threatened you with?"

She nodded.

I turned to him, "Apparently you have something that belongs to Martha. I hope for your sake it is in the safe?"

He nodded and went immediately to the back office, returning moments later with another manila envelope, which he immediately handed to Martha.

"Oh my God!" she said. "I can't thank you enough!"

"No worries," I replied.


We bade farewell to Lisa who promised to join us later down by the lake. Jen and I went up to our room. Jen needed a shower; under her clothes she was still dirty from her naked hilltop adventure. I lay down on the bed and flicked through a magazine while Jen showered.

Around six o'clock we went down to the lobby and lounged around until Mike and Saul showed up. Blackthorn hovered, not knowing quite what to expect from us and looking nervous. We had towels and swimming costumes with us this time. It was a short drive in the car to a place where we could walk down to the water's edge. There is a path along the edge of the lake and it is quite wooded with occasional pebbly beaches.

We found an empty beach and, with towels wrapped around us, we changed into our swimming stuff. The boys had shorts (not speedos). Jen had a lovely black one piece and I had a white bikini which left little to the imagination. Shortly after we arrived, along strolled a very happy and relaxed looking Lisa. She pulled off her t-shirt to reveal a flowery bikini top. When she slid her jean shorts down we saw that she had matching bikini bottoms.

"Time for a swim," said Mike. Leaving towels and clothes on the shore we all tiptoed out over the pebbles and into the water. Mike and Saul, competitive boys that they were, dove into the water as soon as they were knee deep, whooping as they surfaced through the cold water. Lisa got herself waist deep and then splashed water across her tummy and chest before she followed suit. That left Jen and me, thigh deep in the water and almost shivering with the cold.

"It's lovely once you’re in," said Lisa.

"Bullshit," replied Jen.

I took a deep breath and dropped down into the water. Gasping with the cold I stood up again. Jen looked over at me, "Good God Nicki!" She was looking at my chest. When I looked down I could see my nipples sticking up through the translucent material of my bikini. That made me laugh and I dove into the water, keeping my shoulders under when I came up.

"Bollocks," said Jen. She was the last to get in properly. But she steeled herself and dove in as well doing a vigorous crawl when she emerged. With all of us swimming now we congregated in a circle, where all of us could still stand.

"Bracing, isn't it?" said Mike.

I looked around and thought that actually, despite the temperature of the water, we were in a beautiful spot. The lake and surrounding hills was something to behold. I was really glad we'd come to the Lake District for this holiday.

"Beautiful," I replied.

"I'm freezing my arse off here," complained Jen. "For the second time today. I can't believe you persuaded me to go swimming again after what happened th..."

Her rant was interrupted by Mike who pushed her head underwater. She came up spluttering. Jen was the only one not laughing. We swam back to shore and lay out on our towels. I laid on my front and undid my bikini top. Lisa did the same. Even after fucking Saul earlier in the day, I felt a certain itch (metaphorically speaking) between my legs. And seeing the boys in their shorts only made that worse.

Every so often people would walk by along the lakeshore. They seems to be looking for a spot like ours that wasn't occupied, so, though they might smile and say hello, they'd just move on. The evening sun hadn't quite gone down under the hills and gave off just enough heat to warm us up and dry us off.

We chatted away about this and that, deciding what we might do with the evening, not looking forward to the train home the next day. I was resting up on my elbows now with only my nipples on my towel. There was a movement in the trees to which I tried not to react too theatrically.

I turned to Jen and whispered, "Don't be obvious about it, but were being watched."

She whispered back, "Sure it's not a dog or something?"

I shrugged and replied, "Only one way to find out."

I stood up and walked up towards the undergrowth where I'd seen movement. I kept my eyes on the spot the whole time. Any further movement and I'd definitely see it. And anyone there would, I hope, not move for fear of being seen. I swayed my hips as I walked and my boobs were bouncing away. If it were a bloke watching, I hoped that they would mesmerise him, getting him to stay put.

"Where are you going," called out Saul.

I pirouetted as I walked and called back that I was taking a pee. Thanks Saul. Now I had cover.

"Should have gone in the lake," said Mike.

"Eew," replied Lisa, "Tell me you didn't."

Closer and closer I got. Their conversation continued as I reached the tree line. I felt sure I'd seen a flash of jeans and trainers through the leaves. Ten yards, eight, six. My heart was beating--what or who would I find?

Then I saw his face through the trees. "Hello," I smiled. "Fancy meeting you here."

It was the bloke from The Eagle and Child who had sat listening to us.

"Get yourself an eyeful?" I asked and pressed my tits together.

He blushed and nodded.

"You like what you see?"

He nodded again. He was still crouching in the bushes; "Get up," I said, "And follow me."

I walked further from the lake with peeper in tow.

A further ten yards and we were hidden from the lake and the path. I turned to face him. "I bet you want to watch me pee now, don't you?"

His face was burning red and his hands were in front of his crotch trying to hide the bulge in his jeans. But he nodded. I smiled and crouched down, pulling down my bikini bottoms as I went, knees apart. His eyes were riveted to my pussy. I looked up at him as I spread my labia and let flow with a stream of piss.

"This turns you on, doesn't it?"

He nodded emphatically.

I looked down at his crotch, "I thought so." Pause. "You can get it out of you like... Relieve the pressure."

He didn't need to hear that twice. In a jiffy he'd unzipped his jeans and fished out his cock. Hard, throbbing and angry looking. Just as I finished peeing he started stroking.

"It's been like that since you left The Eagle and Child hasn't it?"

He nodded.

"And you came here with the idea of watching us, didn't you?"

He nodded again.

I stood up. "And you just want to watch?"

He gulped and steeled himself, then shook his head.

"Oh! You want to do more than just watch?"

He nodded. I still hadn't heard him say word one.

I beckoned him forward as I stepped out of my 'kini bottom. I put out my hand and wrapped it around his cock--it sprang up and jerked in my hand. Slowly I stroked it up and down. He was completely rapt.

"Kneel," I whispered, and he did as he was told. He was looking directly at my quim, transfixed by the little triangle of hair I had trimmed just above. I put my hands on his head now. "Have you ever done this before?"

He shook his head. "Lick along the length of my slit," I said and felt his breath and the tip of his tongue as he obeyed. "That's it. Now slide your tongue inside me." I gasped as he did as he was told and gripped his hair more tightly.

"Fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue you dirty peeping bastard. Fuck me."

His unshaven chin rubbed against me has he jammed his tongue as deep inside me as he could. I ground his face against me and went weak in the knees as his tongue flicked against my clit. I was dripping.

Letting go of his hair, I turned around and bent over at the waist holding onto a tree trunk. I looked back over my shoulder. "Are you going to fuck me with that thing, or what?"

Peeper had no finesse, but right then that's not what I was after. I felt the top of his cock rub briefly against my slit then suddenly he was balls deep and I was gasping as he started fucking me like there was no tomorrow--or, more likely he thought I might change my mind.

I held onto the tree for dear life, biting my hand to stop myself from crying out. Harder and faster he rammed his member deep inside me, as the world started spinning. I reached between my legs and rubbed at my clit, pinching and slapping it, teasing myself to orgasm before Peeper shot his load. My cunt tightened on his cock as I came and that was enough to send him over the edge. His fingers digging into my waist as he groaned and came with a last thrust.

When his dick slipped from my cunt, I turned around and knelt in front of him, sucking at his cock, tasting the mingled taste of his juices and mine. "Dirty bastard," I whispered to him. "Now fuck off home."

I stood up and pulled on my 'kini bottom, then made my way back to the others.

"Better?" asked Saul.



Before we left, we took another swim. This time, I left my 'kini top off. Saul stayed close by and once or twice reached out to squeeze my tits under the water. He still turned me on like nobody's business.

Mike stayed close to Jen too and Lisa just enjoyed the water. "Do you think you'll carry on seeing Lisa after I go?" I asked him.

"I hope so," he replied.

"Well don't ignore her now then."

We dried off once more; I pulled down my 'kini bottom and slipped my jeans straight on. Then my t-shirt without a bra. As we were walking back up to the car, Jen said, "so when you went for a pee, was there anyone there?"

"Mmm hmm." I replied.


"The bloke from the pub."


"Yup. Sneaky peeper."

"What did you do?"

"Fucked him."

"And you call me a slapper!" she said.

Lisa and Saul ended up walking back to the car arm in arm. It was lovely to see them together. Somehow a fitness coach and a masseuse seemed like a perfect couple. Jen and Mike were hand in hand too. Mike had invited Jen back to his place for this one last night, so it seemed I would have the room to myself.


After some dinner and some farewell hugs, I walked back up to the hotel by myself. But I wasn't quite ready for bed. In the summer, twilight in Cumbria can last past ten o'clock. I decided to take a walk back to the woods where I'd been tied up.

As I followed the path, I saw the scrap of rope that the others had used to tie me up; it was draped over the fence by the side of the path. It was very quiet and shadowy as I walked along. I hadn't gone all that far when I heard a familiar shout, "Geordie."

Shit. I turned on my heel and walked fast back to the hotel.

Written by nickitaylor
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