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Kayla Lets Loose

"Kayla blows off steam at the club"

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It had been a rough week for Kayla. She was working on a presentation for work that could make or break her trajectory in her company.  She kept hitting roadblocks trying to get everything to come together and she was tired and frustrated.  She had put in such long hours lately that she hadn't seen much of Matt, her live-in boyfriend of two years.  She knew that they had struggled with their connection lately because of their lack of shared time. 

Kayla had left work early, in spite of her monster workload, hoping that they could take some time to reconnect and focus on only each other tonight. She checked the clock when she got home.  It was 5:30 which meant that Matt was probably finishing up at the gym and she would have about twenty minutes to prepare before he got home. She headed to her bedroom to change and touch up her makeup before Matt got home.

She paused outside her bedroom and her stomach sank and her heart started racing.  She heard voices. Not just voices, but moaning and sighing voices and the unmistakable slap of flesh on flesh.  Kayla slowly reached her hand out and turned the knob, opening the door.

Matt was on the bed, ass out and balls deep in a petite blonde that Kayla didn't recognize.  He was slamming into her, grunting with each thrust.  She was looking at him, panting and moaning, her mouth open in a small "O".  It was the girl who noticed Kayla first and her eyes went wide and her moans of pleasure turned into a shriek of surprise.

"What the hell?" she squealed, pulling the sheet to try and cover her exposed breasts.

Matt realized there was something wrong and Kayla watched as he froze.  He slowly turned his head and looked at Kayla with wide eyes.

"Oh my God, Kayla!" he breathed.

Kayla felt numb.  She was shocked.  She couldn't think for a moment.  She just stared at the two of them frozen on the bed, still locked together.

Kayla finally spoke, looking at the unknown blonde, "I'm Matt's girlfriend, Kayla.  This is my apartment and that is my bed." She turned her gaze on Matt, who flinched, "Please finish up here.  When you're finished, I'd appreciate it if you could strip the bed.  Then you can pack a bag and leave your key on the counter on your way out.  I'll text you tomorrow and set up a time for you to come get the rest of your stuff."

She turned and shut the door, hearing them frantically scramble around. The blonde was screaming at Matt.  Apparently he had not told her about Kayla.  Kayla sat at the dining table with a glass of wine.  A moment later, the blonde came out of the bedroom, rumpled and in a bit of a disarray, but clothed, with her shoes and purse in her hand.  She paused before she passed Kayla, her eyes on the floor.

"I'm so sorry," she said, "I didn't know." Kayla could see that she was embarrassed and angry.  The girl turned and left without another word. Matt tried to beg and plead with Kayla.  After a minute, she cut him off and let him know in no uncertain terms that it was well over between them.

"I'm leaving for a bit," she said. "Don't be here when I get back." 

With that, she grabbed her keys from the counter and drove to Bed, Bath and Beyond. She bought new sheets and pillows and a new comforter in colors and designs that she loved but that she knew Matt would hate.  When she got back home, Matt was gone and her bed was stripped as she had requested.  She grabbed a couple of garbage bags, stuffed the old bedding into them and took them to the dumpster.  She called her best friend, Tara, who came over and they talked and Tara held her when she finally broke down and cried.

A couple of weeks later, Tara had finally convinced Kayla to go out with her.  Kayla needed to let loose and clear her mind.  They dressed up and went to a club downtown.  This wasn't Kayla's normal scene so she didn't have anything to wear.  Tara lent her a sparkly silver dress that had a halter-style top that left her back completely bare.  The cowl neck in front scooped low and showed off the curve of her round breasts when she moved just right.  Tara was slightly shorter and more petite than Kayla, so the dress was tight around her ass and short enough on her thighs that she had to get out of the cab very carefully so as to not give the whole line outside the club a show.

Tara sashayed up to the bouncer at the door and gave him a huge hug.  She whispered something in his ear and when he whispered back into hers, she broke out in giggles.  She waved Kayla over to them and grabbed her hand to lead her into the club with a quick, parting peck on the cheek of the bouncer.

Inside, the music was loud and thumping, the bass like a second heartbeat in Kayla's chest.  She looked out over the sea of dancing bodies on the dance floor as they moved and pulsed with the beat.  She was getting a little excited as the atmosphere began sinking into her.  She was being pulled along by Tara, but she felt herself beginning to step and bob with the music as she watched.

Tara found them a tall table near the railing that ran around the perimeter separating the seating areas from the sunken dance floor.  Kayla sat down and Tara sat across from her.

"This place is great!" Kayla told her, raising her voice to be heard over the music.

"Isn't it? There's always a great crowd here," Tara said. "And always hot guys."  She smiled at her mischievously.

Kayla laughed, "Let's just start with dancing."

They worked their way onto the dance floor and Kayla began to move to the music.  She let loose and swayed her hips and drew in the primal energy around her.  She found her stress melting away as she lost herself to the beat.  She turned on the floor and found herself in front of a guy.  They smiled at each other and began to match each other's rhythm.  They moved a little closer and danced together for a minute until another woman, who he seemed to recognize, tapped him on the shoulder and he smiled at Kayla in appreciation and turned to his friend.

Kayla turned again and made her way back to the table.  Tara had already returned and had ordered them some shots.  Kayla threw one back immediately, the liquid sliding down her throat and warming her chest.  

Tara leaned in and spoke close to her ear, "There is a phenomenally hot guy checking you out over by the bar."

Kayla turned toward the bar to see for herself and, sure enough, there was a guy staring at her.  Kayla jumped a little.  She knew that guy! 

"Devon?" she mouthed, and the guy must have seen because a smile spread across his lips.  He made moves like he was going to come over and Kayla turned back to Tara. "Oh, God.  It's Devon!" she hissed at her.

"Wait, Devon?" she asked.  "You mean the super cute, super flirty architect whose firm is on the floor below yours and who you keep turning down every time he asks you out because you were with Matt? THAT Devon?"

"Yes!" Kayla squeaked.

"Oh my God! He's freaking gorgeous!" Tara exclaimed. "How did you turn him down?"

Kayla shrugged, "I was with Matt."

Just then, Devon arrived at their table, all smiles for Kayla.

"Hey, Kayla," he said, his voice was deep and butter smooth. "I'm surprised to see you here."

She shivered slightly; his voice always got to her. "Hey, Devon.  I didn't think I'd see anyone from work here.  How are you?"

"I'm very well now," he smiled at her and looked her over from head to toe. His gaze was almost a physical touch down her body and she shivered again. "You look fantastic!"

"Thank you," she said, blushing prettily. "I'm sorry, this is my best friend, Tara."

Tara shook his hand. "So you're Devon.  I've heard a lot about you.  You work under Kayla, right?"

"I work on the floor below hers," he smiled devilishly. "I've been dying to work under Kayla for a long time." His statement was thick with innuendo.

Tara laughed. "You know she broke up with her boyfriend?  You play your cards right and you may just get your wish!"

"Tara!" Kayla squeaked, blushing furiously.

"Really?" Devon said, his voice deepening and his gaze going molten.  "Did you really break up with him?" he asked.

"Yes," she responded a bit shyly.


He took her hand and helped her down from her seat, pulling her with him to the dance floor.  She followed without thinking and soon he had pulled her in close against him, swaying his hips and bringing her body with his.  He was several inches taller than she was and she looked up at him as they moved together.  He smiled at her and rolled his body against her.  She realized then that she didn't have to stop this or say no.  She was free and she could do what she wanted with this amazingly sexy man.

She slid her hands up his arms, feeling the defined muscle underneath.  She smoothed her hands over his shoulders and locked her fingers behind his neck, moving her body closer and grinding her hips into him.  His hands moved over her bare back and pulled her in so there was no space left between them.  They matched each other's movements and writhed together to the music.

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She was becoming bolder and she released her hands and spun around, putting her back to him and grinding her ass against his groin.  He grabbed her hips and held her there, swaying and grinding with her.  She leaned back against his chest and he moved his hands from her hips up her sides, lifting her arms up over her head and back around his neck so that she was stretched against his body and his head was down, buried in her neck.

He started kissing her neck while maintaining their dancing rhythm.  She laid her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes.  She felt the music through her feet and chest and his mouth was soft on her skin.  She loved having her neck kissed.  It was one of her biggest turn-ons and she felt her nipples harden.  She thought to herself that the only thing that would make it better was if he used a little bit of teeth.  As if he heard her thoughts, he nipped at her neck softly with his teeth.  She moaned, but the sound was lost in the music.  Her knees went soft and she sagged slightly for a moment before regaining her composure.  She felt her thong get damp and she ground her ass into his groin again.  Judging by the bulge she felt there, she was not the only one enjoying themselves.

She could feel his smile against her neck.  She turned again to face him, rolling her body and rubbing her breasts against his chest.  He bent his head down and took her mouth, tasting her and exploring deep with his tongue.  She responded with enthusiasm and they lost some of their rhythm as they got lost in the kiss.  After a minute, another couple bumped into them, bringing them back to reality and breaking up their kiss.

Devon glared at the couple's back for a moment before he turned back to Kayla and bent down to her ear.  He licked the outer edge of her ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue.

"Come with me," he said, his molasses-thick voice and hot breath, coupled with what he had just done to her ear made her spine tingle and heat pool in her belly.  She just knew that her thong was soaked.

He grabbed her hand again and she followed behind him, not sure where they were going.  He seemed to be looking for something, but she didn't know what.  He seemed to find whatever it was after a moment and he led her forward.  They reached a spot in the corner at the base of one of the large, decorative columns that were placed evenly around the outside perimeter of the club.  In the corner here, the space between the wall and the column created a little alcove that was actually semi-private.  He pulled her hand and pushed her back into the alcove, capturing her mouth with his and placing one of his hands on her ass and pulling her against his groin.

She moaned into his mouth and pressed herself closer to him. She held his head and tangled her fingers into his hair.  He reached up and took hold of one of her breasts, kneading and caressing the fleshy mound through her dress.  He must have decided that it wasn't enough because he paused and reached into her dress to continue his ministrations. She couldn't believe she was doing this in the club! Anyone could catch them and they'd really be in trouble!

They were panting and moaning into each other's mouths when he let her go suddenly.  She staggered against the wall at his abrupt release and her heart jumped into her throat thinking that they had been caught. Those thoughts were banished as he moved his hands up under the short skirt of her dress and rubbed his fingers over the soaked gusset of her thong. She leaned heavily on the wall for support as his fingers stimulated her through her panties.  He brought his other hand under the skirt and hooked both of his thumbs in the waistband and slid her thong down her thighs and calves, bending so she could step out of them.

He stood and put them in his pocket before she could protest.  He reached under her skirt again and slid his fingers through her warm, wet slit.  She put her head back against the wall and moaned again.  He leaned in close and pressed his mouth to hers as he slid two of his fingers into her needy cunt, swallowing her sigh of pleasure.  He probed her mouth with the same thoroughness he employed on her cunt, making her breath come fast and her body sing.  

She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge of her climax and she ground her pussy on his fingers.  He reached his thumb up and used it to play at her clit while keeping his fingers working inside her.  It only took a few strokes to send her panting and groaning over the edge.  She grabbed the arm of the hand that he was using on her cunt and rode his fingers as her pussy clenched around them.

When her waves of pleasure had passed, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, panting and basking in the glow of her pleasure.  He was still moving but she didn't know what he was doing until he put both of his hands under her ass and picked her up suddenly.  Her eyes flew open and she instinctively locked her thighs around his waist.  Her skirt, which was already short, hiked up around her waist.  She looked at him in shock for a moment before she felt the pressure at her opening.  He had opened his pants and pulled down his boxers enough to release his cock.  

She could feel the smooth skin of the head at her entrance.  He was rigid and bumping against her.  She moved her hips slightly and his tip slid into her.  He hissed through his teeth and pushed her down slightly while pushing his hips forward, pushing himself deeper.  Kayla's eyes widened.  He was thick.  Maybe thicker than anyone she had ever had, but thicker than Matt for sure.  He was working his way into her, slowly, deliciously stretching her as he advanced.  The sensation was unreal and knowing that anyone could come around that corner any moment added to her excitement so that by the time he was all the way inside her, she was moaning and panting again.

"Fuck," he growled into her ear. "I've wanted this for a long time."

She pushed and ground her pussy over him, "Then take it," she said.

He growled wordlessly and pushed her against the wall, using the leverage to hold her so he could start thrusting his rigid cock in and out of her needy cunt.  The bass of the music vibrated in the wall and through her body and his cock stroked every inch of her inner walls.  He increased his pace and found himself well lubed by her weeping pussy, He pounded into her so hard that she was unsure if she would explode into orgasmic pieces or go through the wall first. 

There was nothing soft or slow in this.  This wasn't lovemaking.  This was pure lust.  This was primal fucking... and she loved it.  She dug her nails into his shoulders through his shirt and met each thrust with her hips as best she could, milking his cock and drawing her pleasure from him.  With each stroke, she came closer and closer.  It was only going to take a few more to push her over into oblivion.  She whimpered and moaned louder and louder.  Just before her climax, and before she drew too much attention to their little corner, he reached up and covered her mouth with his hand.

She screamed her orgasm into his hand and the sound vibrated through his palm.  Her pussy clenched hard again and again as wave after wave of her pleasure racked her body.  It was too much for him and he pistoned into her a few more times before exploding his load deep into her clenching pussy.  Shot after shot of his hot seed filled her up until he was drained completely.

He released her from the wall, helping her slide down and stand on her own before putting his softening cock back in his pants and leaning against the column trying to catch his breath.  Once they had recuperated enough, he led her to the bathroom where she cleaned up as best she could.  He then led her back to her table where Tara was waiting.  She eyed Kayla with suspicion, noting her flushed skin, the satisfied sparkle in her eye, and a huge Cheshire Cat grin on her face.

"Where have you two been?" she asked

"Kayla was just letting off some steam," Devon replied. He turned to Kayla and took her chin in his fingers, tilting her face upward and grazing her lips in a soft kiss. "I'll see you Monday," he said and released her with a wink.  He wished Tara a good night and walked to the doors of the club and disappeared outside.

"What the hell was that?" Tara asked, mouth gaping.

"What was what?" Kayla asked, innocently. 

"So that's how it's gonna be?" Tara raised her eyebrow.

Kayla smiled, "This club is fantastic.  I'd like to cum here more often." 


Written by Sxykitten
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