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Hayley's Fourth Photoshoot

"Hayley's photoshoot adventures continue."

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Author's Notes

"If you haven't read chapters 1-3 previously, I'd advise doing so. Hayley goes for another erotic photoshoot, different than anything she has done before."

It only took a couple of Days before Pete sent Dan and Hayley pictures from her set with Carly, and as hoped, they were incredible. Some of them had been converted to black and white, which only served to enhance the picture, and both were over the moon with what they saw.

Talking about it as they looked at them, Dan asked Hayley if she would like to do another set like that, possibly with someone different, which received a resounding yes from her, but only if he was happy. Dan couldn’t emphasise his agreement or enthusiasm enough, explaining how great they looked, as well as how hot they made him, and was keen to see if Pete could get something organised, sooner, rather than later.

After texting Pete to ask the question, it was a few hours later that he got a reply saying that Kelly had said yes outright, and Nicky had said maybe, but had asked to see the pictures of her and Carly before committing. He told Hayley about it, and the shoot with Kelly was arranged for a couple of days’ time, quickly coming and going, and resulting in another amazing set of pictures.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Hayley ended up doing more shoots with all of the girls that Pete regularly shot, including some that happened on multiple occasions, such as Kelly, Carly, and Nicky. The others, two more girls that Dan had turned towards Pete, Sophie and Danielle, she only did one shoot with each, but this was only down to schedule conflicts, rather than lack of interest.

It was during a quiet afternoon at work that he received an email from Pete, asking if they could meet for a drink when Dan finished work, as he had something he wanted to discuss. When he arrived at the pub, Pete was already there and sitting at the table they were on the last time, so after getting a pint, Dan sat down to see what Pete wanted.

“I know that you have sent me quite a few girls lately, so firstly, wanted to thank you for that,” He began. “The second part is that I’ve managed to build up a really big portfolio, and a lot of it features Hayley. I was thinking I would like to create a website and put different photo sets online. I’ve thought about it, and thought I’d split it into two sections, one that is completely free and accessible to everyone, which would have all of my landscape, fashion, wedding, and event photography.

“The other would be a paid membership area, and that would be where the nude and erotic stuff would be. Obviously, so far I’ve only been an amateur, so have never asked any of the girls if they would be happy for me to post the pictures online, or needed a model release form signing. Eventually, I would be able to pay any model with revenue from the site, but that would be way in the future. I was wondering if you would ask Hayley if she would be ok with me posting her pictures? And if so, could she sign a release form?” He continued.

Dan listened and said he would be happy to ask Hayley, taking a copy of the form in case she agreed, before Pete moved on to point number three.

“Lastly, I wanted to ask what you thought about it, because you seem really good when it comes to sales and that type of thing. Hayley tells me you do it for a living, so any help or advice you could give me would be appreciated.” He said.

Once Pete had said his piece, Dan agreed to help however he could. But he emphasised that the first priority was getting permission from everyone that he intended to post, and following a quick chat where he detailed a few ideas for Pete’s next shoot with Hayley, Dan finished his drink and headed home.

He was not expecting Hayley to agree to the pictures being put on the website, given how she was still extremely body-conscious, but had a back-up plan in case. He was not going to pressure her in any way, but rather suggest she do some clothed and possibly implied topless pictures that Pete could use. His thinking was that this would possibly serve to enhance her confidence, and may lead to a change of mind further in the future.

Once they had eaten dinner, he told her about his drink with Pete earlier, and explained his idea for a website. Dan could tell that Hayley’s demeanour was immediately sceptical as soon as he mentioned the website, but once he explained how Pete wanted to separate it into two sections, with the nude and erotic pictures in a members-only, paid membership area, she was considerably more receptive to the idea. She asked Dan if he would mind, knowing that pictures like that would be on the internet for anyone, including people who knew them to see, and after he re-assured her he wanted her to agree, she immediately signed the release form for Pete.

Hayley returned the form to Pete herself at her next shoot, another of Dan’s challenges for her – to do a full nude shoot outside. The location was extremely isolated, and although there was still the thrill of someone seeing her, if they did, she wasn’t aware since she didn’t see anyone else during the whole thing.

A couple more weeks passed, and Hayley continued doing roughly two shoots a week, sometimes on her own, sometimes with another girl. Each time she did one of those, she relayed all of the action to Dan when she got home, leading to a highly vigorous sex session between them every time.

Almost a month from his initial talk with Dan, Pete finally had a website ready to go, and after a couple of small tweaks, made it live. All of the girls had given consent for him to post their pictures, and it didn’t take long for him to start receiving subscriptions and bookings for work. This meant that he was slowing down shoots with his regular girls, including Hayley, but still squeezing them in wherever he could, and uploading them on a regular basis.

One of the nice touches was that he gave all of the models a free, lifetime membership to the site, which Dan and Hayley took full advantage of, regularly going through new pictures in the nude/erotic area together, admiring his talent, as well as the girls posing for him. It was during an evening when Hayley was out, meeting an old school friend for a drink, when Dan noticed the latest set posted was not a girl, but rather Matty.

After opening the page and looking through the pictures, he had to admit that his friend was exceptionally photogenic, and Pete’s skill with a camera, together with his use of lighting, had emphasised a physique he didn’t know that Matty had. Years of playing football regularly had given him a highly sporty body, combining strong legs with a clearly defined set of abs, but the real shock was when he saw what Matty had between his legs. Dan was by no means gay, but even he couldn’t help but impressed with the size of his friends’ package, bulging in the white boxer shorts he was wearing.

A few days later, Dan was again at home alone, since Hayley was out for a work night, he saw that the next set of pictures were on the website. Again, it was Matty, although this time, he was in a duo shoot with Megan, another girl that Dan had steered to Pete. The pictures he saw were incredible. Whilst both were nude, the shoot was exactly like Pete had described as wanting to be, highly erotic, rather than pornographic.

Looking through the album, there was no penetration in any picture at all. There was a lot of sexual tension in the pictures, as well as some contact, but nothing to show they actually had intercourse. Several of the images had Megan touching or holding his erection, a couple showed her mouth hovering over his impressive member, like she was about to suck it, and a few showed him touching between her legs, although his fingers were clearly visible, indicating they weren’t actually inside her.

It was one of the final images that really caught his eye though. It was a side view shot that had him lying on his back, and Megan straddling him, leaning forward so that their bodies were pressed together. It would have been easy for anyone to think that it showed the two of them mid-coitus, other than his huge erection standing up, apparently wedged between the cheeks of bum, pointing towards the ceiling. Dan loved the picture, as there was something about it that seemed to amplify the erotic nature of the shoot, but leaving the viewer guessing if they had ever gone further.

Looking underneath the thumbnails, Dan read several comments that had been left, all praising the pictures, and complimenting Pete on not only the brilliance of his work, but also for the use of two highly attractive models to create such an exciting gallery. Pete had responded, thanking everyone for their kind words, and saying that he had a few more ‘couple’ galleries to follow shortly, including a second shoot with Matty and Megan.

Not long after closing the page, he received a text from Pete, asking if he would be free to meet for a beer, as he had a few things to ask. So, since Hayley was not due home for another few hours, he said he could do it immediately, and they arranged to go for a drink straight away.

The pub was again quiet due to it being during the week, and the two sat discussing the latest shoots that Hayley had done, before Dan mentioned seeing the shoot with Matty and Megan, also complimenting him on the incredibly sexy shoot. Pete thanked him, before saying that was what he wanted to talk to Dan about.

“I never really intended to get into this type of photography when I started. I loved taking pictures of anything, just trying to get the best shot I could, but that gradually progressed into doing nudes, and then the duo sets, and I’ve got to admit, I love it!” He said, excitedly.

“Based on the comments people are leaving on the website, I have to assume I am doing something right, because subscriptions keep going up, and at this rate, I might end up doing this full time, which would be a dream come true.

“Anyway, in the last couple of weeks, I did that shoot with Matty and Megan, and then a couple of days later when I was doing another shoot with Carly, I asked if she might be interested in the same type of thing. She had a look at the pictures, and agreed, on the condition they didn’t actually have sex, so I let him know, and the following evening, I did that shoot as well.

“Long story short, since then I’ve mentioned it to both Nicky and Kelly, and both have done one with him, as well as a second with Megan where they went further. I’ve got them all to upload, but I wanted to ask you first if you would object to me asking Hayley to do one with him. I’d completely understand if you say no, and if so, I wouldn’t even ask her, but wanted to run it by you first,” He said.

Whilst Dan had kind-of been expecting this after he saw the pictures on the website and Pete had messaged him, he was still a little surprised to actually hear the question. He didn’t answer immediately, instead, taking a little time, weighing up the options in his head before saying anything. What if he said no, and Pete kept his word, not actually asking Hayley. Or what if he said yes, and then regretted it after Hayley found out.

Pete looked on anxiously, not sure in his mind if he had upset Dan and was about to receive a serious kicking, or if Dan was already fantasising the shoot in his head and had simply forgotten to say yes.

Dan, on the other hand, wanted to say yes immediately. He was remembering the incredible pictures he saw earlier, and was imagining Hayley in them, her tiny body being a sharp contrast to Matty’s tall and muscular frame, but he wasn’t sure if Hayley would want him to agree to it. Thinking back to the pictures, he argued for it to happen in his own head, reminding himself that there was nothing overtly sexual in the images, and so long as the shoot followed a similar type of theme, it wasn’t as if Matty would be actually having sex with her…

After a few seconds, he told Pete he was happy for the shoot to go ahead, so long as Hayley was. Unlike before, if she wasn’t keen or showed a lack of enthusiasm, he would not be making any attempt to change her mind.

They continued talking, almost immediately dropping the subject, instead discussing a few ideas for the website, and Dan giving Pete ideas for future shoots by talking about different things that turn him on. Almost too quickly, Dan finished his pint and decided against another, so decided it was time to head back, telling Pete he was free to contact Hayley about the shoot, and could let her know they had discussed it and Dan was on board if she was.

When Hayley finally arrived home, the first thing on her mind was Pete’s request. Apparently, he had phoned her after leaving the pub, asking if she would nip round on her way home. When she got there, he told her about his latest photoshoots that contained Matty, and after saying he had spoken about it with Dan, asked if she would be willing to do one. At first, she had interpreted it as Dan saying she would without even asking her, but after talking to him about realised that wasn’t the case.

“I never said you would do it at all. It sounds like you’ve got your wires crossed!” He explained. “Pete asked me if I would mind if he asked you to do one, or if I would have a problem with you actually doing it. After thinking about it a bit, I said I would definitely like to see you do it, but the choice would be completely yours. I wouldn’t try and persuade or dissuade you either way.”

“So you want me to do it? Pose naked, and in a sexual way, with another man?” She asked, almost disbelievingly.

Dan brought up the site and opened the pictures for Hayley to see for herself what they entailed, and as she looked at them, she had to admit that she was certainly coming around to the idea, based on what she saw.

“The pictures look incredible. They’re not fucking. If you look, there are only a few that have any real physical contact that could be deemed as remotely sexual in any way at all,” Dan said, attempting to get his point across. “I think that a set like this with you in them would be amazing. And yes, it would be a huge thrill and turn on for me, but it isn’t about if I want you to do it. I said I would like you to, but the choice is yours. If you do, you have my full support.”

Instantly calming down as Dan explained the conversation he had with Pete a little more clearly, Hayley didn’t know what to say. She knew that it was an erotic shoot, and would not be expected, or coaxed, into doing anything sexual with Matty, and having seen the pictures for herself, really wanted to do it. There was just two things stopping her agreeing immediately.

The first was that it would mean being naked in front of another man. Her small boobs would be on display to someone she didn’t really know, and not only that, this was a friend of Dan’s. The second was that she would be posing in an erotic, sexual way with him. Even if they only replicated the pictures she saw of him and Megan, she would still have to touch his penis, and he would touch and kiss her vagina.

After discussing everything a lot deeper with Dan, he was finally able to convince her that he was perfectly ok with her doing the shoot, so long as there was no actual sex involved. He used her first shoot with Carly as an example, saying how much he had enjoyed hearing about it when she got home, and then seeing the pictures took it to another level. Hayley countered, saying that this wouldn’t be a gorgeous girl kissing, touching, and putting their fingers inside her, it would be another man, a friend of his, but again, Dan said it was her choice, but he wanted it to go ahead.

Finally, she texted Pete to say that she would do it, on the condition that Matty was crystal clear that if she said no to any shot or idea, he didn’t try to press the point, and there would be absolutely no sex. His dick would not be going in her at any point. It took Pete about an hour to respond, but when he did, he said they could both do the following evening at seven o’clock, and Hayley agreed, confirming the shoot.

The following day, Dan texted both Matty and Pete and agreed to meet them for a drink before Hayley got home from work. Since he was always home a lot earlier than her, it meant he could go through the ‘ground rules’ with them, and if they had any questions for him, it could all be cleared up before anything happened.

His main emphasis was ensuring Matty understood and agreed to the no-sex rule. Despite being slightly disappointed (because what twenty-year-old lad wouldn’t want to have sex with a stunning girl if the chance was available), he understood and respected the decision. Other than that, Dan said the rest was up to Pete and Hayley. The only question Matty raised was regarding the end, wanting to know if he was allowed to cum on Hayley, as apparently, this had happened in a couple of other sets. Dan said he had no issue with it, but again, it was up to Hayley.

Pete had a couple more questions, mainly asking about what boundaries Dan wanted to give, but after he reiterated that the only thing as far as he was concerned, was no penetrative sex, everything else was up to her. Once everyone was happy, they went their separate ways, and Dan waited for Hayley to get home, again jumping in the shower before getting ready for the big night.

He told her about his conversation with the two of them earlier, and again made sure that she understood that he had no problem with anything happening, so long as they didn’t have full sex.

“I want you to lose yourself in the shoot. Make it as erotic as you can. Don’t ever stop and think about me during it, just go for it. If you’re both really into it and Pete asks him to finger you, don’t stop him because you think I wouldn’t want you to, only stop him if you don’t want him to. If you want it to happen, go for it. Do whatever you like. It’s a photoshoot. An erotic photoshoot at that. Make it as hot as possible, so that it is tangible in the pictures,” Dan told her.

Hayley was now a lot more relaxed about doing the shoot, finally happy that she knew Dan wasn’t just saying what he did, but he meant it as well. So long as she and Matty didn’t have full sex, she was to be given a clean slate.

She kissed him goodbye and set off on the short drive to Pete’s house. The only nerves she had were because, in a little while, she would be completely naked in front of another man, and although the thought of that terrified her, it also turned her on a little. She arrived quickly and headed to the door, as normal finding Pete waiting, and went inside. He informed her that Matty was already upstairs, and after grabbing her drink like usual, gave her his normal disclaimer.

“So, this is going to be an erotic shoot with another person, in this case, a guy, Matty. Both Dan, and myself, have emphasised that it will not involve full sex, and if you say no to anything at all, it is to be respected and complied with. If he does not follow the rules in any way, the shoot will stop immediately, and you will be within your rights to take legal action, of which, I would be happy to stand as a witness on your side."

He continued, "Your safety and comfort are my absolute priority for any shoot I do, especially if you have agreed to do a shoot like this with another man. Any failure to adhere to the ground rules by the male shows not only a lack of respect for you, but also for me, and I will not shoot anyone that doesn’t respect me. To be fair to him, Matty has always been a ‘model’ model, and I have never had any instant to suspect he would break the rules, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen, so I always re-iterate the rules to him. Now, that being said, as always, I’ll be recording the shoot. Shall we?”

He led Hayley up the stairs as always, where she passed the large room at the back and saw Matty inside, wearing just a pair of white boxer shorts like he had for the shoot with Megan, before entering the small room to undress. Pete had said beforehand that they would start off in underwear and progress from there, and she had taken a set to change in to.

Like before, she had decided against a padded bra, since it would be taken off and her smaller boobs would be revealed, instead opting for a sexier, vaguely see-through one. The thong she had chosen matched the bra fairly well, except the fabric at the front was solid, rather than the normal, pretty transparent versions she had worn previously.

Hearing the two men talking in the next room, she took a deep breath like almost every time she did a shoot, and stepped out, sheepishly entering into the master bedroom. Matty’s eyes almost popped out of his head as soon as he saw her. Despite having seen Hayley with Dan several times before, he was clearly not expecting to ever see her like this, and he immediately felt his cock twitch in his boxers as he looked at her. After the official introductions were out of the way, Pete started them off with some regular posing, as if to get them accustomed to each other.

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Whilst it was slowly working, neither seemed in any hurry to get to the actual shoot, apparently both a little nervous about it, and the air hung thick with a sense of tension. Thankfully, this passed a few moments later, thanks to a funny moment when Pete had them standing either side of the wooden chair, and asked them to both put the foot closest to him on it. Whilst Hayley did exactly as asked, Matty raised his leg up but managed to somehow miss the chair completely. Evidently, he was further away from it than he realised, and as he went to put his foot down on the seat, ended up lurching forward as it hit nothing but air, and banging the top of his forehead on Hayley’s knee.

This brought out a huge bout of laughing from both her and Pete at the manner and the ungraceful way that Matty had lunged forward, and although he initially feigned upset, within a few seconds, Matty was laughing along with them, as any tension in the air instantly dissipated.

“God damn it! I should sue you for unsafe working conditions!” He laughed. “I bet I’ve got a big lump on my head now! I’ll look like the damn elephant man in these pictures! And it’s sore!”

“Oh for fuck's sake, it was a tiny bump, you big baby!” Hayley replied, as everyone was still laughing. “Come here and let me have a look!”

Playing up like he had been hit by a hammer, Matty moved closer to Hayley and put his head down, acting like he was seriously wounded.

“There’s nothing there! God, you’re such a little pussy! Here, let me kiss it better!” She said planting a small peck on the edge of his hairline where he had caught it on her knee.

Pete took a picture of her doing that, before asking her to do it again, but this time with Matty Kneeling in front of her. The pair did as requested, not realising that this simple action was to be the start of the ‘real’ shoot, and within a few seconds, Pete was giving more and more words of instruction, such as for him to wrap his arms around her legs, as if to cuddle them.

He took several pictures in a similar way to this, before instructing Matty to remain on his knees, turn his head to face the camera, and put it against her stomach, whilst reaching up behind Hayley to unfasten her bra. He did as requested, and slowly, she slid it down her arms, revealing her small boobs as he held his position looking at the camera, despite being desperate to get a look at them.

His wait was only to be a short one, as a few shots later, Pete instructed him to stand up and pick Hayley up, the same way a man would traditionally carry his bride across the threshold, having them working their way towards the bed, via a few shots at the dressing table, and then the mirrors that Hayley seemed to love using so much. Matty was still in his boxers, and Hayley in her thong by the time they reached the bed, although Pete had decided this was time to change as Hayley lay on her back.

“Ok, Matty, can you stay down that end and gradually work your way up, lightly kissing the inside of Hayley’s leg, until you’re basically above her. When you get to her face, put a light kiss on her lips, and then work your way back down,” Pete said. “And spend a little time on her left nipple on the way up, and right nipple on the way down. Just like, tease it with your tongue, or give it a little nibble.”

Matty immediately did as requested, the lightness of his lips surprising Hayley as he made his way past her knee, soon arriving at her thong. He didn’t break pace as he continued, even kissing the material covering between her legs, directly where her landing strip was until he arrived at the nipple in question. Almost instinctively he lowered his mouth around it, swirling his tongue around the erect nub, before raising his head and giving it a playful tug between his teeth before continuing until they were face to face.

As requested, he kissed lips delicately, before he began to reverse back down her body, taking a similar time on the other nipple before resuming his path, circling her navel as he did.

“Brilliant. Ok, when you get to her thong, can you take it between your teeth and pull it away from her body a little, looking at the camera as you do, and then after a couple of pictures, you can use your hands to ease it down and off,” Pete said. “When he does that, Hayley, can you lift your legs up so that he can do it easier, and then put them back down how they are now, either side of him.”

Again, Matty followed the instruction to the letter, and although it seemed like forever, within only a couple of minutes, Hayley was naked on the bed. It was clear from the bulge in the front of his boxers that Matty was now hard, and although originally Pete was going to get Hayley to take them off for him, Pete changed his mind and instructed him to stand off the bed and do it himself.

His erection sprang free as he did, and even though she knew he was packing from the pictures she had seen, the size of it in front of her still surprised Hayley. It was a good eight or so inches long, and proportionally thick, bobbing about (under its own weight probably, she thought) as he shuffled his feet out of the boxers. Once they were on the floor, he took his place back on the bed and worked his way up the other leg as per Pete’s instructions, until he reached her honey pot.

As he had removed the boxers, Hayley was keenly observing his impressive tool sticking out in front of him. The uncut foreskin that had retracted itself slightly to reveal a small portion of the domed head beneath it, the noticeable ridge where his end was obvious under said foreskin, the pronounced veins that ran the length of his meaty shaft, and even the closely trimmed pubes at its base, she couldn’t help but understand his confidence in wearing tight boxer shorts.

Her legs were spread wide enough apart to allow him easy access as Pete gave more direction, telling him to part her lips and taste her as he slid his hands up her body and caressed her boobs, which Matty did with enthusiasm. The multiple points of stimulation led to Hayley soon begin to feel a very familiar tingle start to awaken within her, and as Matty’s oral and tactile assault continued, she could feel it starting to increase, similar to how her breath was.

Seeing the way Hayley was reacting, Pete decided to change things up a little, as whilst her orgasm would certainly look good in the pictures, he didn’t want it to happen yet, as she would likely look flushed for the remainder of the shoot.

“Alright, Matty, can you start working your way up Hayley’s body again, but ensure yours remains pressed against hers as you do so.” Pete told him.

As instructed, Matty worked his way slowly up Hayley’s torso, not even caring that unlike every girl he had ever been with before, she actually had pubic hair, and he made sure to lightly kiss all the way up it as he again headed north.

By the time he kissed up her neck and raised his head above hers, before lowering it for a deeper, almost passionate kiss, he had felt his dick sliding up the inside of her leg, and was now pressing against the small area between Hayley’s pussy and the top of her inner thigh. The two continued their kiss as Pete focussed on that, and Matty moved his hips up slightly, first moving the intruding member away from their bodies, but then lowering them a little, but not fully, as he felt himself directly at Hayley’s soaking wet and ready hole.

He held still, not wanting to break the rules set out so clearly, but not wanting to move either, as Pete captured picture after picture of their interlocked tongues and lips, before taking a step back, still clicking the button.

“Matty, I don’t know why your arse is in the air, but lower your hips, please,” Pete said, not realising what he was asking.

The pair remained seemingly joined at the mouth as their kiss continued, and when Pete asked him to lower his hips for a second time, Matty felt Hayley’s hands find his buttocks. He knew that lowering his hips would have resulted in him entering Hayley, and whilst she was completely caught in the moment, he managed to keep his cool and remain still.

Breaking off from the kiss, he told Pete that if he did as asked, he would be sliding inside Hayley, and although at that point in time, he wanted nothing in the world more, Pete suddenly realised what that meant.

Hearing what Matty had said, Pete instructed them to resume the kiss, before moving around them and capturing what Matty meant on camera. He was over the moon with the picture he caught, showing the epitome of close as Matty’s raging erection was nestled snugly between Hayley’s pussy lips. The smallest of pushes would have pressed him into Hayley, he would have felt her tightness around him, but the lines had been made perfectly clear, so with almost superhuman restraint, Matty somehow managed to hold back.

Seeing it as a good time for a position change, Pete instructed them to switch, so that Matty was lying on the bed, and Hayley was at the end of the bed. She was hoping to not be asked to kiss up his legs like he did for her, since while he wasn’t excessively hairy, there was enough to put her off the idea. Thankfully, Pete just asked her to use her hands, almost as if to massage them, as she worked her way up.

Her hands were soon close to his groin, and she circled around him like she had done it a million times before, sliding her palms across his toned, muscular stomach. She moved them up towards his belly button, and then followed the ‘happy trail’ back down until her hands were underneath his hard cock, not quite touching it as Pete snapped away.

Teasing was something Hayley was extremely skilled at, and Matty was currently finding this out the hard way, as she rubbed all around him, without actually touching his length, other than with the back of her hand slightly as she skimmed over his well-maintained pubic area. She planted an occasional kiss on the well-defined V that ran down from the bottom of his six-pack to his the little hair that remained, each time looking like she was about to take him in her mouth, but pulling away at the last second.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, because Hayley was looking forward to engulfing him and sucking on his length, it was simply that she wasn’t done teasing yet, and Pete was not rushing her to do it. In his mind, the pictures he was getting were exceptional, but if anything, he would like to see a few more ‘nearly’ pictures. Thinking of this, he instructed Hayley to resume making her way up Matty’s body, kissing him and pressing her body against his as he had done to her, until they were again face-to-face.

She did as requested, even going so far as to press her small boobs together around his length as she gradually climbed higher, and straddling him when she almost reached his face, as per Pete’s instruction. She had made sure to keep Matty’s erection pressed between them as she went, although, at Pete’s request, he asked her to raise her body up slightly and keep going until her breasts hung above his face, and for him to suck on her nipple as did so.

Pete’s camera was beeping away as he gave more and more instructions, and they didn’t notice as he moved to the bottom of the bed, capturing one of his favourite shots so far. It had Hayley’s clearly aroused pussy a couple of inches above Matty’s end, although because of the angle, it looked like the cock was searching for her, aiming directly towards it’s intended target.

“Ok, Hayley, stay at exactly the angle you are now, and slowly start to slide back down,” Pete directed.

She did as he requested, edging closer and closer towards Matty’s hard length, and again felt it start to lightly press against her as she got lower on the bed. She could feel it gently separating her outer lips with each microscopic movement she made, before stopping, despite Pete still clicking, as the skin covered end was once again right against her.

This time it would possibly have been easier than before for Matty to actually go inside her. Although she was on top, there was a steady pressure against his end, and it was neither increasing nor decreasing, just ‘there’ as she stayed still. All it would have taken was a slight raise of his hips, and that would have been enough, but he stayed as still as she did. In his head, he was begging he to move a fraction more, knowing that if she did, the pressure would be too much, and he would sink to her, and it would not be his fault, but she didn’t, and his end remained against her until Pete had her move again.

This was to be the first time that she actually held him in her hand, as she was instructed to move lower down further, hoping to recreate the shot that Dan loved so much from his shoot with Megan, where she was flat on top of him and his erection stood up between her bum cheeks. Hayley took hold of his shaft and moved it away from her hole, before sliding to where she needed to be and putting the meaty length in position.

They remained like this for a couple of shots, before Hayley sat up slowly to a forty-five-degree angle, pushing his length back as she did. She could feel the base of his thick rod pressing against her quim as he held her breasts in his hands whilst Pete captured everything.

A few seconds (and pictures) later, Pete instructed them to move again, having them assume a sixty-nine position as he circled them, looking for the best photograph available. The initial few were of Matty spreading her open with his fingertips and lightly tonguing at her clit first, and then the wetness of her needing pussy. Moving to the other end of the bed, Hayley was still playing a tease game, holding Matty’s length at the base as she continued to pepper his lower body with kisses, before Pete asked if she would go further.

This was music to Matty’s ears, and Hayley didn’t disappoint as she took things to the next level. She started by slowly moving her hand further up his length until was almost at the end, before gripping him carefully and lowering it again, tickling his rounded end with her tongue as his foreskin retracted easily. She repeated this a couple of times as Pete clicked away, before looking directly into the camera as she exposed the end and finally lowered her mouth around it.

She didn’t take her eyes off the camera as her head slowly bobbed up and down, almost like it was being done for Dan to see when the pictures were on the site, and imagine it was his length in her mouth. Her tongue traced around the ridge of his end as her hand slowly worked up and down, and Pete was still capturing as much as he could as she felt two fingers slide into her.

The unexpected, but welcome intrusion resulted in a groan escaping her lips as Matty immediately began fingering her like his life depended on it, hard and fast as she felt him start adjusting his hips frequently. She knew that this meant he was not going to last much longer, so sank her head down as she took as much of his thick length in her mouth as she could. He had now progressed to using three fingers, and as they pistoned in and out, gasps and groans were attempting to escape from Hayley’s mouth, resulting in an almost constant hum, which only served to push him closer.

“Hah, I’m gonna cum…” Matty called out, intending to give Hayley a warning.

“So cum!” She told him, quickly raising her head before dropping her mouth back over his dick.

She sucked him for a couple of seconds longer as his cock began to twitch in both her hand and mouth, changing her mind at the very last second and taking his pulsing member out, just before he began shooting cum his seed. Some of it nearly hit Hayley as she stroked him, milking his cock for all it had, but ultimately, it shot almost straight up in the air, landing on his own body.

Pete was, (as expected), in the perfect position to capture the moment that Matty’s load went airborne, catching one image in particular of it seeming to be heading directly for Hayley’s face, but ultimately falling short. He asked her to keep holding Matty how she was as his load changed from shooting high in the air, to oozing out of his end and running down his shaft, pooling at the point where her hands wrapped around him. Again, Pete took several pictures, including a few that showed the cum splattered on his own, well maintained pubic area, before announcing he was happy for that to be it.

Matty was in no position to stand up at that moment in time, as his legs felt like they were made of jelly, and he wasn’t sure they would support his weight. He did, however, pull his fingers from Hayley and raise his arms above his head, allowing her to move a lot easier. He looked on as she moved down the bed, her pussy facing him the whole time, as he was left wondering about the missed chance, thinking if he had moved his hips slightly at two different times, he would have experienced her fully.

Hayley collected her bra and thong, before heading out of the door and turning left into the room her clothes were in, and after a few minutes of recovery, Matty was finally able to move, slowly making his way off the bed, picking up his boxers, and turning right into his changing room. He was dressed before Hayley, and went back into the main bedroom where Pete was taking down parts of the equipment and packing it away, before talking about the shoot.

Pete was extremely happy about what he had shot, saying how at a quick glance, a lot of the images seemed to capture exactly what he was after, intimacy, rather than activity. A few seconds later, Hayley walked in, now re-dressed, and joined the conversation, saying how much she had enjoyed the shoot, and how even though she was nervous at the start, as soon as Matty missed the chair, that all went away and she loved it.

“Favourite part of the shoot? Hayley?” Pete asked, putting her on the spot.

“The sixty-nine at the end. You’ve got a very talented mouth, I’ll give you that!” She said, looking at Matty as she answered.

“Matty? Favourite part?”

“Err, definitely when she was on top of me and I was almost inside her. I was gutted when you had her move because I was so close. So near, and yet so far, but my god, that was so fucking hot!” Matty answered, bringing smiles from both Pete and Hayley.

After a few more minutes of conversation, first Matty, and then Hayley, said their goodbyes and left Pete to finish sorting his equipment out. He immediately paused to transfer the files over the second they were out of the door, only resuming the breakdown once that was running, and heading for a shower before he would start sorting them out for the site.

Hayley burst in through the door, like she did every time she did a photoshoot nowadays, excited to tell Dan all about it, and as always, he was keen to hear the story. Despite all he had reassured her, Hayley suddenly seemed almost reluctant to say what had happened, worrying that he might be upset if she told him what had gone on.

“Babe, I told you, I was more than happy for you to do it. Truth be told, I’ve been sat here, ready to wank myself into oblivion, imagining what was happening. I want to hear all about it, everything. If he licked you out, if you sucked him off, I’m desperate to see the pictures as well, because I have no doubt they will be amazing, but until I can see them, I want you to tell me.” He told her, almost pleading to hear it.

After hearing that, Hayley told him all about the shoot, from the way Matty missed the chair at the start, right up until he finished by almost cumming in her mouth. Dan listened eagerly, imagining the scene as Hayley told him, and nursing a raging erection all the way through. By the time she told him about almost having his cum in her mouth, Dan was desperate, and pulled her in close, starting what was to be yet another sex session between them, as she kept dropping details of what happened. Rather than upsetting or turning Dan off, this added monologue only served to increase his desire, and the more details she gave, the more he seemed to be ramped up.

“He very nearly did fuck me though, twice. His cock was right against me. One time when he was above me, and one time when I was on top, he was right here, just like this…” She said, hovering above Dan and putting him where Matty had been not too long ago. “But that was as far as he got to being inside me… Unlike you are now.” As she said the last part, she sank down on to Dan, impaling herself on his love stick.

“Hmmm, his loss!” Dan replied as she started bouncing on him…

Written by Englishanon
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