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Fun at the nude beach

"Stephen and Sarah head to the nude beach for some fun in the sun"

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"Do we go to the hotel and check in or straight to the beach?" Stephen asked the beautiful passenger sitting beside him.

"The beach," Sarah replied. "We have plenty of time to check in and this beautiful sunshine shouldn't be wasted."

"The beach it is," he said as he put on the indicator and turned down the road to the beach.

Stephen smiled as he thought about what was happening. He had been chatting with Sarah online for the past couple of months now and finding out that they had heaps in common, including enjoying nude sunbathing and going to nude beaches. So when she actually accepted his offer for a weekend away in Bryon Bay, he was excited by the thought of getting nude with this gorgeous young woman.

He looked over quickly at the passenger in the seat beside, inhaling the scent of her perfume that had been teasing him for the last couple of hours. Sarah was wearing a light summer dress that finished just above her knee. Stephen could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples were outlined by the sheer fabric of the dress but he had been left wondering if she was wearing any panties. From the conversations that they had had online, he doubted if she was wearing any.

Sarah was just looking out the window enjoying the scenery and looking forward to getting to the beach. She loved getting to the beach and this one here in Byron was her favourite. It had been weeks since she had been here and was looking forward to getting some sun on her pale skin. She ran a hand through her short auburn coloured hair while her green eyes searched for that first glimpse of the blue Pacific Ocean as they got closer to the beach.

She only had to wait another thirty seconds before she got her first look at the big blue ocean. Knowing that this was Stephen's first visit here, she gave him some directions and it wasn't long before they had parked a short distance from the beach. There were no other cars in the car park today so she guessed the beach would be deserted too. They got their towels from the car and walked down to the sand.
They passed a sign that read 'Nude beach ahead. This is a clothing optional area,' and Sarah looked over at Stephen who was walking beside her and got a smile and nod back. Sarah pointed to her favourite spot on the beach and they headed over that way, both of them noticing that for the moment, they had the beach all to themselves.

Sarah laid her towel out on the sand and then lifted her dress over her head revealing her naked body underneath. Stephen mentally nodded and thought to himself, 'I knew she wasn't wearing any panties.' He laid his towel on the sand beside hers and quickly undressed. Sarah had already started applying sunscreen to her sexy nude body.

Stephen grabbed some sunscreen and started to slap it on his body but found it almost impossible to take his eyes off Sarah as she rubbed the sunscreen over her B-cup breasts, down her tummy to her waxed bare pussy. He couldn't help but stare at the smooth skin of her arse as she bent over to do her legs.

"Enjoying the show I see," she said with a cheeky smile and looking down at Stephen's very hard cock. "Can you put some sunscreen on my back? And then I'll do yours."

Stephen rubbed the lotion onto Sarah's back noting the smoothness of her skin. He worked his hands down her back and onto her smooth and sexy butt cheeks and then down the back of her legs. He stood back up and turned around so Sarah could do his back. She squirted a large blob of lotion on to Stephen's back and broad shoulders and then began to rub it in. After rubbing it onto his butt, she stepped closer to him so she could reach around and cover his hard cock with the protective cream.

"All done," she said after giving his hard manhood a quick tug.

She sat down on her towel and then lay back to enjoy the sunshine. Stephen sat down next her, feeling a little dejected that the little tug on his cock hadn't turned into more. It was about this time that the sound of a couple of voices could be heard coming down the beach and they both looked up to where the voices were coming from.

Another couple was walking down the beach towards them. A blonde woman in a black bikini was talking with a man wearing red speedos and cap. The new couple noticed Stephen and Sarah and began whispering and nodding. They stopped about twenty metres away and laid out their towels and sat down.

Stephen and Sarah looked over at the new couple and saw them looking back, almost staring, at them. Stephen waved at them and greeted them loudly.

"How's it going?" He asked loud enough to be heard over the sound of the crashing surf.

"Good," was the reply from the guy.

"Have I got something in my teeth?" Stephen asked.

"Sorry?" replied the other guy with a puzzled look on his face.

"I said have I got something stuck between my teeth because the way you guys are looking at us, I must have," Stephen said with a smile. "No, it's because we're naked isn’t it. You do know this is a nude beach?"

"Yeah, we know it's a nudist beach. Can we come a bit closer and chat with you guys?" replied the woman this time.

Stephen looked over at Sarah who nodded and he replied, "Sure, come on over."

The other couple picked up their towels and came over, replacing them on the sand only a metre away this time.

"It's nice to see another couple here," the guy said. "Jodie was so nervous coming here and we thought the only people we would see would be old fat guys looking for a perv. I'm Tom by the way and this is my wife, Jodie."

Stephen took the hand that Tom was offering. "I'm Stephen and this is Sarah. Nice to meet you."

Jodie nervously offered a hand to both Stephen and Sarah but she was unsure where to look with two naked people in front of her. Stephen looked at the couple in front of him and thought they looked to be around thirty with fit and healthy bodies.

"First time on a nude beach?" Sarah asked the other couple.

"Yes, but we have wanted to try it for ages, well Tom has anyway. I'm still not sure," Jodie replied.

"Why not?" Sarah asked. "I love being nude. It feels amazing to have the sun on my bare skin."

"What if someone sees us?" Jodie replied nervously.

"So what, it's a nude beach. They will probably be nude too," Sarah countered. "What about you, Tom?"

"I'm happy to give it a go. Come on hon! As Sarah said, you'll love how it feels," Tom said as he stood up and dropped his speedos to the ground.

"Tom! Your dick! It's standing up!" said Jodie with a horrified look.

"It does that!" he replied with a proud smile on his face.

"Well, do something about it!" Jodie demanded. 

"Let's go for a swim, Tom," Stephen interjected. "We can cool off in the surf while the ladies talk."

Tom followed Stephen down to the water and soon both men were diving beneath the waves.

With the men now gone, Sarah turned to Jodie, "There's no one else around now. Why don't you take off your top and see how it feels?"

Jodie looked around and decided that she would give it a try. She unhooked her bikini top, releasing her D-cup breasts. 

"Feels good to set the girls free, doesn't it?" Sarah asked. Jodie just nodded in reply. "Now just put some sunscreen on them and lay back and enjoy the sun," Sarah instructed her.

Jodie did as she was told and was soon feeling the warm rays of the sun gently caressing her bare breasts for the first time. After about ten minutes, she sat up again.

"Should I take my bottoms off too?" Jodie timidly asked Sarah.

"Hell, yes! Sun on the pussy is the best!" Sarah replied.

Jodie nervously removed her bottoms and Sarah looked over to notice that Jodie was shaved except for a small trimmed landing strip.

"Now, lie back and enjoy it," Sarah told her.

Sarah lay back on her towel, leaving Jodie to quietly enjoy the sun on her naked body. It was only a few minutes of silence before Jodie spoke again.

"Mmmm," purred Jodie. "This does feel good. I’m loving the feeling of freedom, the warmth of the sun all over my body, especially on my pussy."

"I told you so," Sarah replied.

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"I wonder what the boys are doing. Are they still down in the surf?"

"Yup, looks like they are doing some body surfing," said Jodie. "I hope Tom is cooling off that erection. It was so embarrassing."

"Why are you embarrassed by it? Tom has a beautiful cock. Bet it feels good deep inside you?" Sarah asked with a wink and naughty smile

"Well yeah, it is pretty good. It does hit all my spots and he's the best lover I have ever had," Jodie replied sheepishly.

"It looks to be about eight inches. Long and thin. I'll bet it feels good in your arse too?" Sarah said.

"It's just over seven and yes, we love anal sex. How about you and Stephen? His cock looked to be long and thick. How does that feel inside you?" Jodie asked, now relaxing into this conversation about sex.

"I don't know yet," Sarah replied. "Today is the first time we have actually met in person. We have been talking online for months. He has asked me out several times and when he suggested a weekend away in Byron, I gave in and said yes."

"And your first date is to a nude beach?" Jodie said with an amazed look.

"Yup," Sarah replied with a cheeky smile. "And he's promised to help me with my fantasy to have sex on the beach. So I guess I'll find out how good he is very soon."

"You’re going to have sex here? On the beach? Today? What if someone sees you?" Jodie asked, still amazed at what Sarah had just told her.

"That's the plan, and we are actually hoping that someone will be watching. It’s part of my fantasy to be watched while fucking on the beach. You and Tom could watch? If you wanted too, that is?" Sarah asked.

Jodie thought for a minute before replying. "We do like watching porn together so I guess that watching you guys would be just like live porn. Okay, how do you want to do this?"

"When the boys come back up, why don't you take Tom for a walk down the beach and I'll get Stephen going and then you guys can come back and enjoy the show," Sarah told her.

"Here come the boys now, so I guess we'll give you some time alone with Stephen," Jodie said standing up and showing the boys her sexy naked body. "Come on Tom, we're going for a walk. I want to try out this new experience of being free of clothes."

Tom just nodded, water still dripping from this body and he followed his naked wife as she headed up the beach.

"What was that about?" Stephen asked Sarah as he picked up his towel.

Sarah leant forward, grabbed hold of Stephen's flaccid cock and kissed it. "You'll see," she said with a cheeky smile.

"I like where this is going, but where are Jodie and Tom going?" Stephen asked.

"Lying naked in the sun gets me horny. I sent them for a walk so we could have some time alone," Sarah said as she patted the towel beside her. "Sit down and lie back. I want to suck your cock until you’re hard and then I want you to fuck me until I scream. Tom and Jodie are going to come back shortly to watch us."

"Sounds good to me," replied Stephen as he sat down beside the beautiful woman who had his cock in her hand. "Only one thing to add to that, I want your pussy on my face while you are sucking my cock. A good old fashioned sixty-nine."

"Mmmm," was all that Sarah could say as she swallowed Stephen's hardening cock in one mouthful. Stephen helped her move her hips around and placed her pussy over his hungry mouth.

Sarah could feel Stephen's cock hardening quickly from the attentions her mouth was giving it and she soon found that she had a large thick cock between her lips. She flinched as she felt Stephen's tongue find her clit for the first time. He flicked it and then circled it before licking up between her lips to her tight wet hole. She felt him trying to poke his tongue inside her. God, it felt good as he worked his tongue around her hole before sliding a finger deep inside and going straight for her G-Spot. This guy really knew what he was doing, Sarah thought to herself.

She returned her concentration to the task at hand, or more accurately, in her hand, and continued licking and sucking the knob of this beautiful big cock. She teased him with first a lick and then a suck, followed by a couple more licks while she stroked his shaft with her hand. She then swallowed his knob again, this time gently running her teeth over his sensitive skin. This time, Stephen flinched and Sarah smiled to herself.

"Stop, stop! Or you're going to end up with a mouthful of cum which I would rather be shooting deep into this pussy I am licking." He gasped.

"Okay then, let me hop on this bad boy and you can see if you can make me scream," Sarah said as a challenge.

She removed herself from his face and spun around to lower her tight wet pussy on his thick cock that was standing tall like a skyscraper. She carefully positioned his stiff manhood at the entrance her pussy and slowly lowered herself onto it. She took him inside her very slowly as the thickness of this cock was more than her tight pussy was used to. When she finally had all of him inside her, she relaxed for a minute to enjoy the sensation of the cock deep inside her and looked around at the surroundings of the beach.

She looked down the beach and saw Jodie and Tom approaching. 'Good,' she thought to herself, 'here comes this audience.' She felt Stephen's hands caress her pert breasts and she looked down at him. He was smiling up at her, obviously enjoying this experience of sex on the beach.

"Our audience is coming, are you ready to put on a show?" she asked.

He nodded and smiled and she felt him thrust his manhood deeper into her. She leant forward and kissed him passionately. He continued to thrust his cock into her pussy as their tongues danced in each other's mouths. They barely noticed Jodie and Tom sit down beside them. Sarah sat up again and leant away from Stephen to change the sensation of this huge shaft filling her pussy.

Stephen felt like he had to pinch himself. Here was this beautiful woman riding his cock, here on a beach while another couple sat watching. Sarah was slowly sliding up and down his shaft, her eyes closed and enjoying the sensation of his cock rubbing against her G-spot. As good as this felt, Stephen knew it was time to take it up a notch and take control.

"My turn on top," was all he said and pulled Sarah down to him and rolled them both over without pulling out.

Now on top, Stephen could control his thrusts and started by pushing his shaft as deep into Sarah as he could. She moaned as he did, so he pulled it back and then thrust again. Sarah moaned again, so he repeated this slow, deep thrust again. He used long, deep strokes to start with before slowly building up the pace. With each thrust, she moaned louder and louder. Faster and faster Stephen pounded Sarah's pussy with his large cock, and with each stroke, they both got closer to climax.

"Fuck me, big boy! Fuck my cunt with your cock! Cum in my pussy! Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!" Sarah screamed as her climax hit.

Her pussy clamped down on his cock with the intensity of her orgasm causing him to reach his climax, shooting his cum deep inside her. He slowed his thrusts as her pussy milked all of the sperm from his cock. He finally collapsed on top of her.

"Wow, that was hot!" exclaimed Jodie.

Stephen and Sarah both looked over at the couple beside them. Jodie had her hand firmly on Tom's hard cock and Tom had two fingers buried deep in her pussy.

"What now?" Jodie continued.

Stephen felt his softening cock slip out of Sarah's cum filled pussy and he hopped off of her. Sarah wearily sat up and looked first at Stephen and then at the other couple.

"How about a swim to clean up and then we can head to the hotel for showers. And then after that, we could meet up for dinner and see what fun we can find after that?" Sarah suggested.

Stephen and Tom nodded and Jodie replied, "I think the fun is only just beginning!"

Written by Stephen_Q
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