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Flashing My Best Friend

"I tease my best friend"

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I've never told anyone this story before. My name is Claire and I'd just turned eighteen at the time this story started. I'm not the prettiest girl in my class, but I'm not far off. I have shoulder length brown hair, a slim toned body as I play a lot of sport, and pert 34B breasts that I can't keep my hands off. I was a virgin but I knew that wouldn't last much longer as I thought about sex all the time and touched myself every day.

My best friend Lucy is the prettiest girl in our class. She's perfect: tall, slim, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and C cup breasts. She looks like a Barbie doll and her bum has the cutest wiggle when she walks.

I don't think it had occurred to me I might be a lesbian as I thought about guys all the time, especially Brad Pitt and David Beckham. The problem was all the guys I knew were such idiots. They said stupid, crude things and dressed like total freaks. Lots of guys in my school had asked me out, but I'd always refused. They were starting to call me a tease, but I didn't care as I didn't like them anyway. Around that time I started to think about Lucy a lot, picturing her naked and imagining her touching herself.

Lucy and I have been best friends since... well, forever. We went to the same schools since we were five. Our houses are in different streets but the gardens back onto each other. We spent so much time together when we were younger, our parents put a gate between our gardens to save us having to walking around the streets to each other's house.

As we grew up, all the guys liked Lucy, too, and I got jealous when she spent time with them or went on a date. And I started daydreaming about Lucy more and more and I fantasized about touching her. But I still didn't think that made me a lesbian. The way I saw it, I was a sweet young thing that was curious about sex. As there were no cute guys around, where was the harm in having a little crush on a girl as hot as Lucy?

Unfortunately it wasn't reciprocated.

Lucy had a huge crush on Jeremy, a guy in our class. He is nicer then the rest, but I still thought he was a loser. She talked about him all the time, though - about things he'd said to her, what he was wearing, how his hair looked. It got so boring. He'd never asked her out, though, so it could have been much worse.

Lucy and I often had sleepovers at each other's house at the weekend. We'd lie around in our nighties, watch DVDs, talk about sex and eat ice-cream. It could be so much fun. We practiced kissing on each other sometimes. She said it was to practice for boys. I don't think she realised I loved it and wanted to kiss only her.

I'd never tried to touch her, but I often thought about it. I'd seen her in her underwear hundreds of times, but I'd never seen more than that. I'd tried to get a look at her body when she changed for gym class, but she always wrapped a towel round herself before taking off her underwear. We had private cubicles to shower in, so gym class was usually pretty frustrating.

Once, after a very hot gym class, I stripped off all my clothes off only two feet from her, but I don't think she even noticed. She didn’t see me in a sexual way at all - only Jeremy.

Our bedrooms are at the back of our houses. I often see her at her window, usually doing her homework or getting something from her wardrobe. If we see each other ,we usually wave or make a rude gesture.

One night I was lying in bed feeling pretty horny. My mind had strayed away from my Brad Pitt poster and I'd started thinking about Lucy. I'd lifted my nighty up and was rubbing myself a bit and touching my breasts. I decided I'd try and get a glimpse of Lucy changing for bed. She closes her curtains to change, but there's usually a little gap between them and I was hoping I might see something through it.

I climbed out of bed and peeked through my curtains. The timing must have been perfect as I saw her get up from her desk and pull the curtains closed. I was delighted to see a gap as one of the curtains caught on a vase on her window sill.

It was dark outside but, with her light on, I could see clearly into her room. I watched for about five minutes. I think she packed her schoolbag, then danced to some music. She looked a bit silly to be honest. Then she started to change. I slid my hand into my panties... but I was left disappointed.

I could tell she was changing: she walked past the gap in her curtains three or four times, first without her jumper, then without her blouse. But I saw her only very briefly. I thought I saw her remove her bra, but she had her back to the window at the time. It was never going to work if, even with the curtains open, she changed with her back to the window. Then she turned out her light.

It was so disappointing. I sat down on the floor with my hand still in my panties, annoyed and frustrated. I wanted so much more. I played with myself a bit, but I was too fed up and ended up just going to bed.

For three nights in a row I kept trying to watch Lucy change for bed, but it was always the same. The gap between her curtains was the biggest on the third night. I strained my eyes trying to look in, but the gap just wasn't wide enough and I still couldn't see anything. So what was the point? Her bedroom light switched off and I sighed. It would never work and I was miserable.

It was then I think I snapped. I was so horny and frustrated that I probably wasn't thinking straight, but I was just so desperate for something to happen. So, I decided if I couldn't look at her, I'd see what happened if she looked at me! My light was already out and I was in my nighty, but I knew what I wanted to do. I quickly changed back into my school uniform in the dark. It's a bit geeky with a short blue plaid skirt, white blouse and a dark blue jumper. Then I opened my bedroom curtains wide and left the room.

My parents were downstairs out of the way, so they weren't a problem. I tried to calm my nerves and took a deep breath. I opened my bedroom door, turned on the light, and walked into the room as if I was going to bed as usual. Lucy's bed is against the back wall of her bedroom. I knew she was in bed and she couldn't have fallen asleep yet. So I thought with the gap in her curtains there was a good chance she'd see what I was doing.

I acted as casually as I could, ignoring the fact my curtains were wide open. I fiddled with a few books at my desk, put on a CD quietly, then started to undress. I didn't put on a show, I just wanted to look normal. I pulled my jumper over my head, walked round a little more, then slowly undid my blouse. With my back to the window I removed my blouse and threw it on a chair. Standing in front of my open window in my white cotton bra I found a few little jobs to do. I tidied my CDs, brushed my hair, trying to prolong the moment and increase the chances she'd notice me. I'd been nervous at first but I was starting to enjoy my little exhibitionist moment. I wondered what to do next, then I decided I'd go for it.

With my back to the window I unclipped my bra and let it drop to the floor. I turned and put some books on my window sill, so if Lucy was looking she'd get a full frontal view of my pert teenage rack. So there I was, breasts bare to the world for anyone looking in to see. My nipples quickly hardened from the excitement. I tried to find a few more little jobs to do, re-tidying my CDs yet again and checking my schoolbag. Then I faked slight surprise the curtains were still open and, facing straight outwards, I lifted my arms to my curtains and pulled them closed.

I burst out laughing immediately. What had I done? Had Lucy seen me? What did she think? Was it obvious I’d done it on purpose? Had anyone else seen me? Would the police knock on my door any moment? I was so excited and horny. I jumped on my bed still giggling, tore off my skirt and panties, then dropped onto my back and slid a finger in my pussy. I couldn't believe how wet it was, my finger slid straight in right up to the hilt.

I shut my eyes and imagined Lucy doing exactly the same thing in her bed. I hoped she'd seen me and was now feeling horny and fingering herself furiously. I toyed with my nipples and quickly fingered myself till a spasm surged through my body. I was so excited it happened disappointingly fast. But I felt great and didn't regret what I'd done. Still naked I pulled my duvet over me and curled up to sleep.

Lucy was pretty quiet on the bus the next day. I'd slept great and had a little bounce in my step as I'd played with myself again that morning. But Lucy didn't seem herself. I asked her if anything was wrong, but she just said she was fine. She was like it all the way to school and through our first three lessons, like she didn't know quite what to say to me. I gradually became convinced she'd seen me. But I didn't care, I'd wanted her to see me.

Gym class was right before lunch. We played an hour of netball and I was sweaty and tired when we walked back into the locker room. I started to change as normal, then I noticed Lucy looking at me from a few feet away. I looked up, but she immediately turned away. Why was she suddenly interested in watching me change? I wondered about stripping naked to see what her reaction would be, but I thought it would be more fun to tease her. So, when I got down to my underwear, I carefully wrapped a towel round me, then removed my bra and panties. I noticed Lucy looking again, but this time I didn't meet her gaze.

I stood and walked towards the showers; Lucy quickly followed. As I got to my shower cubicle I knew she was just a few feet behind me. As I opened the door to enter, I took my towel right off giving her a clear view of my naked body from behind. As I turned to shut the door I caught her checking out my butt. She blushed instantly when she realised I'd caught her. She quickly entered her shower cubicle, clumsily barging against the door.

I closed my cubicle door and grinned. She had definitely seen me the night before, and it was making her think. I had no idea what she was thinking, but something had changed. Naked in the shower cubicle, I couldn't resist masturbating again... my third time in twelve hours. Standing, I spread my legs wide and slid two fingers into my pussy. I fingered myself quickly and rubbed my clit too, trying to cum as fast as I could. I'd never played with myself anywhere but in my own home and I was so scared someone would catch me. But that just seemed to turn me on even more. Under the hot shower, I gritted my teeth, trying to make as little noise as possible as I fucked myself to a quick tingling spasm.

Lucy stayed pretty quiet all day and barely spoke on the bus home. I had no idea what she was thinking. All I knew for sure was what she'd made very clear in the locker room after gym class - she wanted to look at my naked body. If that's what she wanted, why should I disappoint her?

The evening dragged by. I had one thing on my mind and it wasn't my Latin homework. I tried to watch TV and listened to some music but I couldn't take my eyes off the clock. I was very nervous with constant butterflies in my stomach as I couldn't decide exactly what to do.

About eight o'clock, I went up to my bedroom and sat at my desk. I spotted Lucy at her desk, too. She looked up at me and waved, but she looked a bit nervous. We both sat working for about an hour. She must have looked up at me about thirty times, way more than usual. The tension got to me eventually and I left to have a shower to pass some time.

When I got back Lucy's curtains were already closed and her light was out, almost an hour earlier than usual. My stomach turned, the time had come. After my shower I'd put on my hottest underwear beneath my school uniform - black lace panties and matching bra. They were different to what she'd seen me wearing at school that day, so she'd know I was putting on a show for her. I turned on some music, a sexy Justin Timberlake track. I closed the door and I was off. With a little more dance to my step this time I started moving about my bedroom. I took off my jumper then tidied some books.

I waited longer than the night before, then took off my blouse. I was more brazen, facing the window. For about a minute I walked around in my bra. I was swaying to the music, singing along a bit, then bravely I faced the window again. I unclipped my black lace bra and let it drop to the floor. My nipples were already erect, hard as bullets. It was obvious I was turned on, but I acted as casually as I could.

For a full two minutes I managed to look busy and casual, walking round my bedroom topless. Then, for the first time during my performance, I looked straight at Lucy's window. Immediately the small gap between her curtains twitched closed. Yes! She'd been watching! I looked away again, then gave another minute of topless action before the finale.

I'd be wondering all day if I'd have the guts, but I decided to go for it. With my back to the window I undid the button on my skirt, then the short zip, and let my school skirt drop to the ground. I turned round straight away, hands on my hips, giving her a full frontal view of me in nothing but a pair of tiny black lace panties. I looked straight at her window again. The gap between her curtains had returned, but this time it didn't close and I thought I could see her face looking at me. I felt my pussy tingle as I knew she was staring at my nearly naked body. I imagined her rubbing herself as she watched me and I wanted nothing more than to drop my panties and start doing the same thing right in front of her. I fought the urge, though, and tried to look casual.

I managed to spend another minute walking around my bedroom in just my panties looking busy. I even managed to bend over at the waist at one point to pick something up, giving her a great view of my butt. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying myself. I never realised I was such an exhibitionist. But, eventually, I reached for the curtains and, with a smile at her window, I pulled them closed.

I didn't laugh this time, I just had a desperate need to satisfy myself. I ran straight out of my room and across the hall, still only in my panties. I locked the bathroom door and jumped in the shower again. I turned it on, sat on the floor then tore off my dripping wet black lace panties. I put the shower head right over my hot pussy, loving the feel of the powerful jet of water against it. I started rubbing my clit for dear life. I tried to make it last, but it was thirty seconds at most before a huge orgasm ran through my body. Then I just lay in a heap on the shower floor, waiting for my pussy to recover. Five minutes later, pulling at my nipples with one hand and sliding two fingers in and out of my pussy with the other, my fifth orgasm in twenty-four hours was quickly on its way.

I was nervous waiting at the bus stop the next day, but Lucy arrived looking relaxed and smiling. I wondered if she would mention it, or make a joke or something, but not a word. Things just seemed back to normal. We chatted about clothes, boys and, of course, Jeremy. It was like nothing had happened. It was nice we were back to normal, but I felt disappointed somehow. I'd wanted a reaction from her but there was nothing. We didn't have gym class that day, either, so the whole school day passed without anything interesting happening.

I was pretty fed up sitting in my bedroom that night. I had no idea what to do next. Should I put on another show for her? I couldn't go any further than I had the night before, or could I? Maybe she just wasn't interested. The last couple of nights had been fun, so maybe I just needed to accept it was all over.

I looked across at her window and Lucy walked into her bedroom. She dropped some books on her desk and turned on her stereo, probably a boy-band knowing her. She started to dance a little so I thought I'd watch and have a laugh. Then, slowly, looking across at my window, she took off her jumper. I started to wonder... she couldn't be, could she? She danced around a little more, then with her back to her window she started to undo her blouse. Oh my god! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I just stared open mouthed…

Very slowly she opened her blouse. Then, with a cheeky look over her shoulder, she threw it on the floor. She wore a bright red silk bra. It was different from the bra she'd been wearing at school, as I'd have noticed. I could feel myself getting wet, but I didn't pull my curtains closed. I didn't try and hide the fact I was watching; I just stared at my beautiful best friend as she put on a little show for me. She danced around her room, then quickly slid off her skirt, revealing matching panties. I was getting so hot!

Quickly she started dancing again, brazenly showing off her body to anyone looking in. I wondered how far she'd be willing to go. I knew what I was hoping for! After about two minutes of dancing she faced the window. Slowly she reached round her back and undid her bra, then casually let it drop to the floor. My mouth dropped open again. Finally, for the first time, I could see her beautiful ripe breasts. They were bigger than mine and so beautiful, with erect cherry nipples pointing directly at me.

I slid my hand up my skirt and found my cotton panties were already sopping wet. I pulled the material to one side and starting rubbing my clitoris. Lucy tried to look busy as she danced around her bedroom topless, breasts swaying freely. But she smiled as she went, clearly enjoying herself. I don't know how long it went on for, not long enough for me. But, just as I thought she was coming to an end, she walked to the far side of her room.

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Facing away from me, she hooked her fingers in the sides of her panties and pushed them to the floor. She was totally naked, for anyone to see!

I couldn't believe it, and her bum looked incredible. I wanted to sink my teeth right into it. I rubbed on my clit faster and an orgasm surged through me like electricity. I desperately wanted her to carry on. But still facing away from me Lucy picked up her bathrobe, put it on, then ran across her room giggling and pulled the curtains closed. I crashed onto my bed, laughing. I was elated. I wondered about returning the gesture and putting on another show for her. But I was too desperate to get in the shower again and finger-fuck myself.

I had no idea what to expect at school the next day, but again Lucy didn't say a word about the previous night. It was like she wanted it to be a dirty little secret that even we didn't talk about. I liked us having the secret, but I was also desperate to talk about it! What would happen next? I needed to know.

I decided to try and talk to her at lunch, but that turned out to be too late. About one o'clock, as I stood in the dinner queue, Lucy came bouncing up to me clearly excited.

“Guess what? You'll never believe it! Jeremy just asked me out!”

My heart sank.

“You're kidding?” I said, trying to sound pleased for her.

“No, he's got tickets to this gig on Saturday night. He wants me to go with him.”

“That's great. But I thought we were having a sleepover on Saturday? My parents are out all night,” I tried not to sound too disappointed.

Her face dropped. She'd clearly forgotten.

“Don't worry,” I said. “We'll do it another time. Have fun with Jeremy.”

She looked blank, clearly not knowing what to say. And that's how we left it. We didn't speak about the night before, or Jeremy, for the rest of the week.

Saturday night came and my parents went out. I was slumped on the sofa feeling fed up, with a boring night alone ahead of me. I thought I'd have a few drinks to try and make myself feel a bit sexy. As I was coming to the end of my second glass of wine, the door bell rang. I opened the door and my mouth gaped. It was Lucy, looking quite stunning. She was wearing a short denim skirt, cowboy boots, and very low cut blouse that really displayed her cleavage.

“Lucy! Hi. Er, what's up? I thought you were seeing Jeremy.”

“I changed my mind. I thought it would be more fun to have a sleepover with you. Is it okay if I join you?” She seemed unsure of herself.

God yes! I was instantly very nervous and I felt my heart start to pound in my chest. I showed her into the lounge and poured her a glass of wine. I had no idea what I wanted to happen, but I was delighted she'd come.

We tried to make small talk for a while, but it was pretty difficult. Mostly we just drank the wine. It was when Lucy suggested I put on some music that things started to heat up. I was about to put on some dance music when Lucy picked out a Marvin Gaye CD. It was mostly slow romantic stuff. When the first track began, she started to sway with the music, just like she had in her bedroom. She beckoned for me to join her and slowly we started to dance.

Lucy made the first move, putting her hand on my waist. I pulled her tight to me, which made her giggle. I could feel her nipples through her bra pressing against my breasts. I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. Her bright cherry red lipstick made them look incredible.

“Maybe we could practice kissing a bit?” I said.

She giggled again.

“Okay, but just for practice,” she replied. We both knew we weren’t practicing any more.

I leaned forward and I kissed her. Her lips parted quickly, letting my tongue probe her mouth. We kissed passionately. I knew this territory well though, so I soon let my hands wander. I slid a hand up from her waist to cup her right breast through her blouse. She sighed a little and I felt her chest push forwards. I moved my left hand from her waist onto her tight firm little bum, squeezing it, and pulling her crotch closer to mine. This shocked her slightly and she took in a gulp of air. But she soon took to it and started pressing her crotch harder against mine. I kissed her firmly, attacking her with my tongue.

This was going better than I'd ever dreamed, but I needed more. I slid my hand under her blouse to play with her nipple through her bra. It was hard to the touch and her heaving breasts were straining her bra. Then Lucy took the initiative. She lifted her blouse over her head and let it drop to the floor. I looked down at her breasts. She was wearing the red silk bra. I smiled at her.

“I thought you'd like it,” she said.

I reached behind her and unclipped the bra, letting it fall to the floor. Straight away I started kissing down her neck, heading for her ample bosom. I cupped them in my hands then kissed her right nipple. She sighed clearly liking it, so I started to suck making it even firmer. Then I moved to her other nipple and gave it the same attention. Her breasts felt firm but with wonderfully soft skin. I kissed them all over loving the feel of them against my lips.

But it still wasn't enough. I wanted the grand prize that I'd daydreamed about so many times: to finally get a look at her virgin pussy. I kissed slowly down her stomach, then dropped to my knees. I reached around the back of her skirt to undo it...

“Wait! I'm not sure,” she said.

I looked up at her, smiled, and undid it anyway. The skirt dropped easily to the floor, over her slim hips, and I was at eye level with her vagina barely hidden behind a thin layer of bright red silk. I leaned forward and kissed her mound of hair through the material. Lucy let out a clear sigh of pleasure. Then I hooked my fingers in the sides of her panties and tugged lightly till they dropped to the ground.

Her fuzzy blond pubic hair was perfectly trimmed into a V shape. I took in the sweet scent of her pussy, then nuzzled my face into her crotch. She slightly opened her legs for me. I was a little unsure what to do, but I'd imagined this moment many times and I took a long lick of her pussy lips from back to front. She gasped again then took a step backwards. She kicked off her cowboy boots and sank to the floor.

Sitting on the floor completely naked, Lucy rested backwards ,opened her legs and guided my face towards her moist pink pussy. I took another long lick, then another. She clearly loved it. Then I carefully spread apart her pussy lips with my thumbs and placed my lips around her little red bud. I kissed it first then gently started to suck. She moaned and thrust her crotch towards me in a clear gesture of pleasure. So I sucked harder and she moaned and gyrated her pussy beneath me. She put her hands behind my head and pulled it tighter into her pussy, so I sucked even harder.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! What’s happening?” she said.

I removed my lips then rubbed her clitoris a few times with my fingers, which she clearly liked. Then I returned to licking and sucking. She spread her legs wide, pulled my face in as tight as it would go. Suddenly muscles started to spasm all round me. I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I just kept sucking. She let out a long screaming sigh, her back arched and a wave of sweet creamy liquid gushed against my chin. I looked down and a little puddle had formed on the carpet beneath her swollen pink pussy lips.

“Oh my god, I think I just had an orgasm,” she said.

“I'm sure you did. And look at the mess you made. You are so juicy,' I replied with a laugh.

Then she lay there for couple of minutes, trying to think clearly about what had happened. I hugged her and stroked her cheek.

“That was incredible. I've never felt like that before,” she said.

“Don't you ever play with yourself Juicy? That's what I'm gonna call you now: Juicy Lucy.”

She laughed.

“I rub myself against a pillow sometimes. But it’s never felt like that.”

“Haven't you ever fingered yourself?” I asked.

“No. Why do you?”

I smiled. I didn't need an invitation. She hadn't recovered yet, but I couldn't wait. I took another few licks of her pussy lips, then gently found her hot virgin hole, and started to slip my first finger in. She made a light "Ooh" sound, but her smile encouraged. With a gentle motion, I slipped my finger in and out of her pussy, probing a little deeper each time. I was soon up to the hilt and Lucy was rocking her pelvis up and down against my finger. She shut her eyes and let her head relax back.

I took my finger out, only to replace it with two fingers. She spread her legs even wider to accommodate them. Then I just watched in awe as my two fingers fucked my best friend's tight pink pussy hole. I was getting very hot myself but tried to ignore it and concentrate on Lucy. My fingers were sliding in and out of her faster and faster. The slurping liquid noises it made were so sexy, I could feel cum dripping down my own leg. I fingered her faster. A slapping noise started as the palm of my hand hit her pussy lips with each stroke. It was so crude but so hot! Her eyes were tight shut, her mouth wide open.

“Do you like having my fingers inside you Juicy?” I said, without even thinking how crude I sounded.

“I love it. Do it faster.”

She spread her legs as wide as they could go and I increased the speed. She let out a long sexy moan and started to play with one of her nipples. She looked straight at me.

“This feels incredible. Why haven't we done it before?”

I started to rotate my fingers. She gasped and let her head roll backwards. Her stomach muscles started to convulse, rocking her body backwards and forwards. She screamed and another wave of creamy cum gushed out of her hot pussy. She fell backwards, lying flat on her back to recover. She was panting heavily, her legs still wide apart.

“Thank you,” she said when she'd got her breath back, and blew me a kiss.

“We've barely started,” I said.

I stood and swayed to the music. Slowly I removed every item of my clothing, dropping them next to her gorgeous naked body. Slowly teasing her, I showed her my breasts, bum, then my dark hairy wet pussy waiting for her attention. By the time I was naked, she'd recovered enough to climb onto her knees, lick her lips and push her mouth towards my dripping wet hole.

Over the next few weeks, Lucy took to sex better than I could have dreamed. Most days we'd find time to have a little session somewhere, even if it was only for ten minutes. "Revision sessions" we called them, so we could arrange them without anyone suspecting anything. Our parents were really pleased we were working so hard for school. If only they knew!

It started on the next bus ride to school after our big night in my lounge. Without anyone else seeing, Lucy pulled up her skirt enough to show me she wasn't wearing panties. She wouldn't let me touch her, though; she just wanted to tease me. She flashed at me again during maths, wrote me crude notes during French, but never let us be alone together. It drove me crazy.

It was before our last lesson of the day that I managed to grab her and pull her away from the crowd. She didn't realise what I was doing at first, but when I dragged her into the dark gym equipment cupboard she twigged what I had in my mind. It was a small room filled with gym mats, weights and a pommel horse. I wasn't in the mood to mess around, so I said only one word to her…“Strip!”

Giggling, she didn't disappoint me, and I got to devour her gorgeous naked body again. Lying on the gym mats we kissed and licked each other all over while we should have been in physics class.

Some days I'd wear sexy lingerie to get her going, or she'd slip her hand into my skirt during a class and carefully play with my clit. I had an orgasm during a Biology test one day. An anatomy diagram of the female body had put her in the mood. She sat next to me and spent most of the test with a finger inside me. I have no idea how the teacher didn't notice. We both got a ‘D’ though, so there was a price to pay.

The gym equipment cupboard became our own little secret sex room. It was perfect for what we wanted, warm, private and dark. The constant fear we could be discovered added to the excitement. Our most memorable moment in there came about six weeks after we first got naked together. She'd been pretty quiet on the bus that morning, and I'd wondered if she was okay. As soon as we got to school she grabbed me.

“I can't wait any longer! Meet me in the gym cupboard during assembly,” she said.

I got there early, but she was already waiting for me. She started to undress urgently. “Look in my bag,” she said.

She seemed on edge. I unzipped her school bag and found an eight inch strap-on rubber penis lying on top of her school books. My mouth dropped open.

“I bunked off my last lesson yesterday and went into town to buy it,” she said.

“Wow! It’s huge,” I said.

“I've been thinking about this moment ever since. I bought it for the weekend, but I can't wait till then. I want you to fuck me, I'm aching for it. I barely slept last night thinking about it. I don't want to wait for a boy, I want it to be you. Please, fuck me Claire.”

I giggled out of excitement and shock. Juicy was already naked and was rubbing herself.

“Put it on, quickly,” she ordered.

I slipped off my skirt, then strapped on the rubber penis over my panties. It gave me an odd feeling of power having an eight inch rubber cock sticking out from my crotch.

Lucy was lying on the gym mats, rubbing her clit. She opened her legs and I got on the floor. We kissed a little, then I played with her breasts. I gave her a pussy a couple of long licks, but there was no need, she was already dripping wet.

“Come on, fuck me!”

On my knees between her legs, I pushed her pretty pink pussy lips apart with my finger and thumb and placed the tip of the rubber cock outside her glistening hole. We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. No words were needed. I slid the cock in very carefully, about two inches. She gasped. I pushed it in a second time a bit further and she smiled at me. I took the next few strokes carefully, but I'd already broken in her pussy over the last few weeks. I was soon fucking her quite quickly, the cock entering her by a good five inches. Her hands were on my bum, pulling me into her as I thrusted.

We managed the odd kiss and I sucked her nipples a few times. But I was mostly just slipping the eight inch rubber cock in and out of her tight pussy, stretching her wide and deep. I couldn't believe what was happening. We should have been in school assembly and the main hall was just on the other side of the wall from the gym cupboard. I could faintly hear a lot of people in there, and the headmaster speaking, I wished he could have seen what two of his pupils were doing just the other side of the wall!

“Faster,” she whispered. “Fuck me faster!”

She was panting and didn't have the breath to speak properly. I tried to speed up even more. I looked down and her legs were wide apart and the cock was sliding deep into her, over six inches. Her squeals got deeper and longer and she was pulling at her nipples with both her hands. I looked down again. I loved seeing the long rubber cock spreading her pussy lips wide apart as it attacked her tight little hole. Her eyes were shut and her mouth open. I knew what was coming.

Her legs were as far apart as she could get them and she squealed with every stroke of the penis. I was amazed no one had heard us. She put her arms out wide and gripped the rubber mat. She took a last look at me then closed her eyes tight. Her back arched and, trying desperately not to scream, she came hard, every muscle in her body tensing for what felt like minutes. I felt a puddle of her hot creamy cum form on the gym mat beneath us. She let out a long exhausted sigh then flopped backwards onto the mat giggling. I ran my finger through the puddle of her cum, then slipped it into her mouth for her to taste.

“Thank you for fucking me. I'm glad it was you,” she said.

“We haven't finished yet! Now it's my turn, bend me over that pommel horse and fuck me.”

And that's how I took my first "cock," bent over the pommel horse still wearing most of my school uniform. I had to bite down on my lip to stop my headmaster hearing my cries of pleasure as my beautiful best friend rammed the eight inches of rubber into my dripping wet virgin pussy. Lucy's fingers were great, but the rubber cock filled me to the brim and it felt incredible.

We've been regularly fucking each other for six months now, and I can't remember the last time Jeremy was mentioned. We often undress with our curtains open and put on little shows for each other. It's a kind of foreplay for us and it's usually followed by one of us sneaking through the gate between our gardens so we can spend the night together.

When I look back at how it all started I still can't quite believe it, but I wouldn't change a moment. I've started to think I probably am a lesbian. I don't seem to think about guys much anymore. Juicy isn't though. She loves me, but not other girls. She'll meet some guy someday and have kids and all that.

But when I see them together I'll always know I had her first. He'll spend his life trying to make her feel as good as I can, but he'll probably fail. I trained her pussy, and it will always be truly mine.

Written by Buck_Naked
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