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Dinner and a Movie

"A couple visit a peep show and become the main feature"

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In my mid-twenties, I lived for a couple of years with a girl named Han. As I've mentioned elsewhere Han was originally from Vietnam, but grew up near Montreal. She was 5’ 1” with a great body, though in somewhat miniature proportions. Han’s most attractive features were her face with its flawless skin and her full sensual mouth. As for me, I was 6’, about 180lbs, with green eyes and at the time short brown hair. Our apartment was close to downtown Montreal and if we went out for the night we could usually walk, or hop on the metro for a short ride home. After a few drinks, depending on our moods, the trip home could sometimes be a bit of an adventure.

One time after a night out near old Montreal we decided to head to Chinatown for a snack, before going home. On the way there we cut through a parking lot off rue St Laurent. There at the edge of the parking lot were a couple of whores looking for business. In fact, even though Han was with me they still flashed us their pussies and shouted out some offers.

Being a little drunk I gestured to Han and asked, “How much for her?”

One of them said she’d lick Han’s pussy for fifty bucks.

With my arm around her I put a bemused Han forward as my counter offer, “How much would you pay for my girlfriend to lick your pussies?”

They laughed, but of course they wouldn't offer us a thing. They did say that for forty dollars that we could both lick their pussies.

I said that I just wanted to see my girlfriend lick a pussy, but if I could jerk off on one of their pussies for a twenty, my girlfriend would lick them clean. Then added, "She's really good."

One of them said yes, but wanted forty dollars.

When I said we’d think about it and we started walking away, one of the whores called out from behind, "You can do me for forty." 

Han getting into the spirit shouted back, “Twenty five!”

The whore insisted on thirty, saying that five dollars wasn't too much for us, but it was a lot for her.

Being a student at the time, I felt that she didn't really appreciate that state of my finances. I probably didn't have the same drug expenses, but I also couldn't generate her cash flow. As a matter of fact, to pay I would have had to borrow the money from Han.

“We’re going to get some food and think about it,” I said. “Maybe we’ll be back.”

“OK, twenty-five,” the hooker said, as we walked away.

From across the street I called back, “We’ll probably be back in fifteen minutes.”

Han and I talked about it, as we walked to restaurant and even though we were a bit drunk we had to agree it was too risky. As an idea it would have been wild to have Han lick my cum off a street hooker’s pussy, but in the real world it would have been an insane chance to take. Referring to these girl's as whores might seem as a little course and uncharitable, but this was the city's red-light district and a particularly seedy one at that. It definitely wouldn't be the right place for Richard Gere to find Julia Roberts. All fun and games aside these girls were tough. We could easily get robbed in addition to contracting a life altering STD.

At the restaurant there were two topics of conversation that dominated our meal. As to be expected our conversation began in excited hushed tones about Han’s close brush with cunnilingus. We were both so turned on and we talked about trying to find another girl to be with us, including calling an escort. The longer we were at the restaurant though, the more our talk began to note the glacial pace of service. Apparently late night dining was a bad time for dim sum. The carts that brought the food were infrequent and since our table was consistently the last stop for the servers, by the time they got to us the selections were slim. Han and I were both pretty adventurous eaters, but the remaining parts and entrails in bamboo steamers were less tempting than the pussy on offer outside in the parking lot. We ended up ordering off the menu just to get fed and get out of there.

After we ate we headed up to rue Ste. Catherine with the intention of taking the metro home. Since it still wasn't too late and the weather was pretty nice for late November, we just kept walking west along Ste. Catherine though downtown.

Rue Ste. Catherine is the main street in Montreal’s downtown core. The street has a lot of retail on it and bars off on its side the streets. Another common feature popping up every few blocks were amusement arcades. At street level the arcades were filled with video games and in their basements they had peep show booths. In the booths you could lock the door, feed in change and watch porn. They had a huge variety of channels and while not comparable to the internet today, still had plenty to offer for someone looking to jerk off.

After a night out when we felt like a nasty place to fuck, sometime Han and I would pop down into one of these arcade basements to watch some porn and act out some of our own. As we walked along Ste. Catherine the plan was forming in my head that tonight would be a good night for just that. As we approached the first arcade on our walk I smiled and mentioned to Han, “So, feel like watching a movie?”

“I don’t know, we’re too limited in there,” she said.

She was right too. As usual Han was every bit as horny as me, if not more and had an agenda of her own. It was fun to fuck in the porn booths, but you’re kind of crammed in with limited space. Also the aftermath of some sex isn't best combined with a sloppy trip home on public transit. Unless of course, you wan to make a messy trip home part of the fun.

“Think of it as the preliminary to tide us over until we get home,” I said.

Han gave me a bit of a leery glance, which was an expression that I was quite familiar and said, “Alright, but no AI!”

AI was Han’s shorthand for anal intercourse. Han knows how much I loved to fuck her ass, but understandably she’s more comfortable with a gaping ass full of cum in the privacy of our apartment.

“Totally agree,” I said, and with that point settled we headed in.

I got some change for the booths and we meandered over towards the stairs. It always felt a little shameful slipping into the basement. I have no idea if anyone really notices, but since it would seem no mystery what anyone going downstairs is up to, it always felt like all eyes were on us. For me that step into the stairwell was really the hard part.

Downstairs, this particular place was a little different from some of the other arcade peep shows in Montreal. The other ones, or at least the ones that I’d been to only had booths, but this one also had a little theater. Looking towards the theater, I said to Han, “Let’s see what it’s like in there.”

To get inside you put your coins into a slot by the entrance and then passed through a revolving door. The door was like the type found in some subway stations that are designed to let people pass in only one direction. Feeding in our money, we then squeezed through together for the price of one.

It was actually quite small inside. It was about six rows, with three, or four seats on each side of the center aisle. We slowly moved down the aisle looking for seats. It was hard to see until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and by then we were at the front row. Looking towards the back we could see that we were far from alone in the theater. Scattered about were a number of film buffs enjoying a night out at the movies. Not surprisingly the film goers were dispersed throughout and there was enough of them that there wasn't a single row that we could have to ourselves.

We slid into a row close to the middle that had a guy sitting against the wall at the end. He muttered something in French when we sat down, apparently not appreciating the prospect of jerking off so close to others with similar plans. Jerking off in a dark room full of guys was fine, but obviously a modicum of privacy was still preferred.

I let Han in to the row and took the seat beside her on the end. At first we just sat there, both acclimatizing ourselves to this unusual place. Looking around, no one other than the guy in our row seemed to take any notice of us. I’m pretty sure that no one even realized that there was a female among them. Han was pretty bundled up. She had on an old leather jacket of mine that she liked to wear and a big fleece hat. Her outerwear was so over-sized on her that her form was completely lost. I know the guy beside us didn't realize she was a girl, because when Han and I started to play with one another we heard another remark from him directed our way. He hissed “Maudit tapettes!” This time I understood, in English this roughly translates as, ‘Fucking faggots!”

We ignored him and Han helped me open her pants and slide them down. We pulled them down over her hips, just low enough to give my hand free access to properly play with her wet pussy. The flickering light of the movie screen was enough to illuminate the smooth skin of Han’s sweet mound. At this point I think our neighbor began to figure things out. He would have now been able to see the most neatly trimmed pussy with just a small patch of straight black hair barely peeking out from under my hand.

Every so often, while getting Han off, I would pull my hand up from her pussy and we'd take turns tasting the juices on my fingers. At one point as Han licked my finger clean I noticed our once homophobic neighbor's attention was becoming more focused on the glistening pussy next to him, instead of the other ones appearing up on the screen. Han came to a shuddering orgasm and pulled my finger up to her mouth for one more taste, before leaning over to free my cock.

My cock was already hard and beginning to ooze pre-cum.

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Han licked the clear fluids leaking from the eye of my cock and then took me into her mouth. I tried to watch a bit of the movie, as Han’s soft mouth worked on me, but I found I was really too consumed by the environment to really pay much attention to the porn. It wasn't just because of what we were doing and where we were doing it, it was also because of the attention that we were beginning to attract. Aside from the neighbor in our row, I could see that a couple of guys across the aisle were glancing in our direction and the guy in front of us was beginning to steal peeks back at us too.

Since it was kind of a spontaneous suggestion, I’m not sure what I was really expecting by coming in to this little porn cinema. I suppose that I thought we could fuck in the dark and that we might get noticed, but I didn't really consider that we would become a spectacle. It was a strange feeling, but with Han sucking my cock it was hard to mind.

Han was too busy at the moment to offer a comment of her own, but I suspect that she was feeling much the same. I knew that Han liked to take chances with public sex, but I also knew that she hates to get caught. Once a security guard caught us fucking up besides the Student Union building at McGill (to keep with our film theme the building is named after William Shatner) and Han was soooo embarrassed. He just told us to get out of there, but Han was still beside herself with shame. I thought it was hilarious, more so because of her reaction. Seriously, anyone fucking in public has to realize that getting caught is always a possibility and it seemed revealed that this was a risk of which Han was unaware. This time in the theater though, Han didn't seem to mind. Then again, this wasn't exactly the same thing as getting caught.

Looking down at Han’s profile as she sucked my cock, always left me struck by a sense of my own great fortune. How lucky was I to have this girl whose face alone was such a thing of beauty. It was also a beauty that I never tired of seeing corrupted in Han’s ever eager willingness to enjoy my cock and cum. As good as Han’s blow job felt I wanted these wankers to see more of her. I wanted to show her off. I pulled Han up from my cock and stood her in front of me, then slid her pants down to her ankles and lowered her towards my cock. Han reached between her legs and helped guide my cock into her ready pussy. Han was so wet and hot that her tight little pussy hardly offered any resistance.

I had Han on my lap slow riding my cock, while we were being watched. Han shook a foot free from her pants to spread her leg a little wider. She still had on her open coat and I began to feel under her shirt and fondle her breasts. As we fucked I began to lift Han’s shirt more and more, soon having her shirt and bra bunched up over her tits. Han’s lovely body was effectively naked from tits to toes. The glow from the movie screen flickered its sheen of light on Han’s immaculate skin. The only parts of her that didn't shine in the movie light were her dark nipples, but they were no less beacons for the eyes in the theater.

As we fucked our neighbor moved closer. I guess that he was beginning to warm up to us. Also the guy in the row in front of us had now turned sideways in his seat. It was easy to tell from the motion of his shoulder that he was quite busy stroking his dick, as he studied up close the nakedness of my girlfriend’s body writhing on my cock. At one point he hesitantly reached towards Han’s tit, but I stopped him and pushed hand away.

Moving again our neighbor slide into the seat right beside us and when I looked down I could see his cock in his hand. He was a backhanded stroker and I noticed that Han was looking down at his dick too. I’d like to think it was just his technique, but as I learned during my time with Han, she loved cocks and loved to make them happy.

A few guys across the aisle had now completely turned their attention from the movies over to us. One of them a few rows up from us actually tapped a guy ahead of him in the front to draw his attention to Han and me fucking. Then one after the other the two of them left their seats to find seats right across the aisle from us.

While having a live sex act featuring an extremely hot girl as an alternative to watching it up on the screen was understandably something to see, I was still a little surprised at the group interaction among anonymous peepshow masturbators. As tuned on as I was, this group dynamic was a little disconcerting.

“Still good?” I whispered to Han.

“I think so, as soon as you cum in me we’ll go,” Han said.

Han was leaning off to the side and I realized that she was fondling our neighbor’s cock. Actually to be more precise, she had his cock in her hand and he was guiding her hand up and down his shaft. I hadn't really given his dick much of a look before, but with Han’s hand wrapped around it I found myself staring. It was kind of a short stubby dick that was surprisingly thick and honestly it looked kind of gross. The head of his cock was almost completely covered in a white paste of pre-cum. He seemed like a middle aged guy and he had a fat hairy belly that rolled to a stop ahead of the slimy nub that he had my girlfriend stroking.

The guy in front of us was looking between me and the cock in my girlfriend's hand, as if to say it’s not fair that that I wouldn't let him feel her tits. He had a point, and in fact I was kind of pissed off to see Han’s hand on this other guy’s dick, but it also made me almost lose control of my cock. I looked down again and to see that our neighbor was cumming. Short spurts of cum were oozing out of his dick and running down all over both their hands. When our neighbor pulled his hand away Han continued to fondle his cock which seemed to already be shrinking down to little more than a fleshy puddle of jism in her hand.

I nodded an approval to the guy in front of us and with that he reached over his seat and began running his hand all over Han's tits and midriff. I could hear Han take a deep breath every time he squeezed her nipples. Han’s tits weren't that big, but they had great form and her nipples were so beautiful. Her nipples were so thick and pert, that it was hard to keep my hands, or mouth of them.

By now there was a guy standing in the aisle beating off right beside us. I was really starting to worry about losing control of the situation. They obviously weren't all there together, but there was just more boldness than I was expecting from a group of people jerking off in a darkened movie theater. I just needed to unload in Han and then we’d leave.

Han’s tits were giving the guy in front of us what he needed to get off. I could see his funny orgasm face and Han released a moan of both pleasure and pain when he squeezed her tits with his climax. After a moment for recovery his hand surrendered it hold on Han’s tit and while that hand fell away he reached across with his other cum cover hand and lathered his load all over my girlfriend’s naked skin. Han leaned back against me and at the same time I grasped her waist driving my cock into her as deep I could. With Han’s eyes rolling back in her head, she shook and moaned in the throes of another orgasm. Han let go our neighbor's cock and brought her cum covered hand to her breasts and with both hands massaged the mixture of these two strangers cum into her tits. She didn't object when the man in front of us found her mouth with his cum covered hand. Han opened her mouth, accepted his fingers and sucked them like they were a pair of small cocks. She sucked and licked the cum from his fingers without a hint of reservation.

At that point holding tight around Han’s waist with my cock deep inside her, it was my turn. I felt the cum surge from my cock to fill Han’s pussy. My orgasm had a bit of an uncontrolled feel to it and I think I felt it more throughout my body than just localized to my cock. It was a different feeling than what I was used to. It felt wildly draining.

I might have enjoyed the feeling a little longer, but suddenly the guy jerking off in the aisle came quickly toward us and practically jumped us. He was completely leaning on us and grinding his cumming cock against Han’s naked thigh. The jolt of this guy on top of us had the effect snapping us out of our sexual haze.

“Get the fuck off !” I boomed while delivering a forearm to his chest.

In his off balance position, my blow managed to knock him off us and on to the floor. He fell awkwardly spewing cum all over himself.

“I think we better get the hell out of here,” I said to Han.

Catching the same vibe Han said, “Yeah, me too.”

The guy bounced up from the floor and I stood up too with Han behind me pulling pants back on. He didn't seem happy, but I might have looked a little too big for him to make anything of it.

There was another guy behind him though who started making a comment in French that I didn't understand. Whatever it was that he was saying, it didn't sound too friendly. The guy from the floor and this other guy began crowding up to us as we were quickly gathering ourselves to leave.

When Han had her pants back up, we pushed past them. One of them grabbed my coat sleeve as we headed toward the exit and I jerked my arm away with enough force to pull him off balance. He let go and we quickly made our way out. Once we were up stairs in the arcade I knew we were fine. We headed out the door and grabbed a cab.

With the curtain down on the night’s performance, we grabbed a cab home for a more private encore. The rest is another story.

Written by MrNiceguy888
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