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Claire helps Paul increase his wages - part 2

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Claire eased herself off the bed and stumbled across to the wardrobe, opening the door and taking out one of her dressing gowns. It was made of silk, covered with a bright multi-coloured pattern and once on, fell to half way down her arse. Even when she tied it around her body, it was too short to conceal her swollen wet pussy and bottom but Claire was too turned on to care. The biggest surprise to Paul was that his wife had decided to put anything on at all.

The strength had been drained from Claire’s legs, as she stumbled out of the bedroom and to the top of the stairs. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself and regain a little strength back into her legs. As she stepped carefully down the stairs one by one, she could see the shadowed outline of Paul’s two bosses becoming clearer as she got closer. She looked at herself in the full length and smiled when she noticed how wet her thighs were and how the shape of her erect nipples were clearly visible through the fabric of her gown.

Claire had no idea what to expect from the evening ahead. The only information that Paul had given her was that they were going to negotiate his new salary package, so in her own mind, she was going to have to be on her best behaviour. She was, however, sexually charged, having had sex with three different men, one woman, masturbated three times and was on the verge of another orgasm a few seconds before. As she turned to the door to open it, she was aware that her toes were wiggling with excitement.

With the front door open, Paul’s bosses eyes widened when they saw Claire standing there, wearing nothing but a skimpy dressing gown. Both men were in their early forties and dressed casually, in shoes, socks, trousers and a shirt. Both men towered over Claire; Jack being 6’ 5 and Rod 6’2.

Claire took a few steps back, inviting the two men inside before closing the door behind them. As first Jack, and then Rod, bent down to kiss her gently on the cheek, she tried to ignore Katie’s sexual moans audible from the bedroom and knew that the men could hear them too.

As Jack handed her a bouquet of flowers, Claire asked them if they’d like a drink of either coffee, tea, beer or wine and turned to walk down the hallway towards the kitchen.

“Oh that’s it, Paul. Fill me with your cum. Oh yes. That’s amazing,” Katie moaned.

“Paul sounds busy,” Jack quipped.

Once in the kitchen, Claire put the flowers onto the counter by the window. Rod asked for a beer and Jack a glass of wine. With her back to the men, she reached up to open one of the cupboards. She looked up, stood up on tiptoes and took a vase off one of the shelves, realising as she dropped back down that her arse must have been fully exposed when she stretched upwards.

She was still extremely turned on, tingles radiating from her pussy as it continued to dribble juices onto her thighs. The tie keeping her dressing gown together had loosened as she’d stretched upwards and Claire realised that she should re-tie it but decided to ignore that it would be undone before long.

Claire filled the vase full of water and put the flowers into it before turning her attention to the drinks for her guests. Still with her back to the men, she opened the refrigerator and knowing that the eyes of the men were watching, spread her feet and bent forward with her legs straight. With the two men now sat at the kitchen table, Claire knew they’d have a perfect view of her arse and swollen pussy lips, so made no effort to rush picking a can of beer from the lower shelves.

There was a tense silence until Claire stood up and turned around and handed the can to Rod. She moved across the kitchen and while half facing them, reached up to open the cupboard where she kept the glasses. Claire glanced across at both men, trying to contain a mischievous grin as she felt the tie on her dressing gown unravel. Standing on tiptoes again, she reached up to get a glass for Rod’s beer but as she dropped back down, handed it to him, without making eye contact. She turned her attention back to the cupboard and wine glasses on the highest shelf. She knew Jack and Rod must have had a nice view of her smooth hairless wet pussy and swollen throbbing clit but it turned her on more realising she’d be stretching higher and exposing more of her body when she reached up for the wine glasses. Once again, Claire pushed up onto her tiptoes and reached up as high as she could but could only just reach the wine glasses with the tips of her fingers. Her gown rode upwards and opened to expose every part of her body apart from her shoulders.

“Can I help you with that?” Jack asked as he stood up and towered above her.

Giggling, Claire strained her neck to look up at him as he stood in front of her, within touching distance and said, “Well. Your arms are longer than mine.”

Jack took four wine glasses off the shelf and put them on the counter. Claire suggested he choose the wine once she took the meat out of the cooker and started the vegetables cooking. She made no effort to tie her gown back together, enjoying the sensation of feeling so sexy but knew if she didn’t cum soon she might explode from the feelings of pent up frustration.

With everything cooking as it should, Claire asked Jack to follow her. Walking out of the kitchen, there was a small room to the left under the stairs. Being small in stature meant she could enter the area easily and she went in and stood adjacent to the small wine-rack, which was attached to the far wall. Jack followed her, crouching to avoid bumping his head and then, squatting to look at the bottles of wine. He wasn’t rushing his selection, his face within licking distance of her pussy. Eventually, Jack picked a bottle from the rack and stood up until his face was level with hers.

“You smell divine, Claire. The smell of a freshly fucked goddess.”

Claire smiled as she blushed and said that she needed to go and get dressed and see if Paul and Katie were still alive. Rod had overheard their conversation and suggested that she didn’t bother to get dressed. She laughed. Of course, she loved the idea and under normal circumstances, she would have jumped at the opportunity but these were Paul’s bosses and she couldn’t do that, could she?

With a spring in her step, Claire skipped upstairs. Paul was returning from the bathroom, having had a shower and Katie lay naked on the bed admiring his cum, still dribbling from her pussy. It was as though she was trying to keep as much of it inside her as possible and as she saw Claire enter the room, she beamed with pride when she saw her looking between her legs.

As Paul came from the bathroom, still drying himself, he told the girls that he’d bought new dresses for them to wear that evening and that they were hanging up. Claire looked at the dresses. Both were similar designs but one was white and the other black.

“The white one is for Katie and the black, for Claire. I think they will compliment your skin tones but you cannot wear anything else with them.”

Katie got up off the bed and took the dresses down off their hangers, offering Claire the black dress. It was typical of something that Paul would buy. They made sure that there would be more flesh on display than the material covered. Claire lifted her arms and let the dress slither down over her body, allowing the tiny spaghetti strapping over her shoulders and around the back of her neck.

As she had expected, the dress was very short and tight, falling only five centimetres below her pussy. The upper half was even more daring or risqué. It was backless and as Claire turned around to look in the mirror, noticed that the upper inch of the crack in her arse was visible. The front of the dress, covered her breasts as the fabric faded into the spaghetti strapping, which accentuated the upper mounds of her boobs and cleavage. Approximately three centimetres above her pussy lips, there was a diamond shape, where there was no fabric. It left her shaved pubic mound, belly button and stomach, to a point between her breasts, uncovered, making Claire smile, thinking that doing sit-ups each day meant she could be proud exposing her six-pack stomach.

Level with her breasts were a spaghetti string on either side of her dress, which needed to be tied behind her back to prevent the dress moving too much and exposing her breasts. Katie moved behind Claire and kissed the back of her neck before helping her to fasten her dress.

“You look stunning, Claire, but don’t think I hadn’t noticed your clit throbbing when you came upstairs,” Katie whispered seductively into Claire’s left ear.

Claire pushed back against Katie’s still naked body as she felt Katie’s fingers on her clit. She noticed Paul had dropped his towel and as he watched them, his limp cock grew rigid and hard.

“You’re despite to cum, aren’t you?”

Claire let out an involuntary moan of desperation and pleasure as Katie’s fingertips began to tease her sensitive and swollen clit. Within a second, her hips bucked in response, knees buckled and pussy contracted violently. Two more seconds passed and Claire squirted hard. Katie didn’t stop, wanting Claire to feel totally satisfied, teasing faster and faster as she sucked on Claire’s neck. One long orgasmic squirt was followed by ten seconds of furious teasing and another more intense squirt but still Katie continued to tease. There was a third orgasm, a fourth squirt and a fifth, until Claire’s moans developed into screams and Katie relented, spinning Claire around to kiss her passionately.

“Oh my god you’re fantastic, Katie. I was so desperate to cum. Wow!”

Claire staggered to the bed and sat down, giggling as she looked at the pools of cum on the floor. Katie looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the wall, rubbing the remains of Paul’s cum into her pussy before putting on her dress. Paul was right, the bright white against her dark skin made her look even more desirable. Claire tied the back of Katie’s dress for her, before the two girls brushed their hair and went downstairs to their guests.

Rod and Jack had gone from the kitchen, moving into the living room. Claire and Katie walked into the kitchen, poured themselves a glass of wine before joining their guests in the other room. The men were sat on the sofa and as they saw the girls, they said, "Wow." Claire led Katie to the opposite side of the room to the sofa and sat down on the floor, facing the men. Placing her wine carefully on the floor, Claire sat cross-legged, knowing she was allowing her guests a good view of her pussy. Katie followed Claire to sit on the floor to her right but with her legs stretched out in front of her, with her feet approximately thirty to forty centimetres apart.

As Katie took a sip of her wine, using her right hand, she ran the fingers of her left hand up and down Claire’s inner right thigh as high as she could go.

“You two look as though you’re very close,” Jack said as he smiled.

The girls laughed and Claire noticed Paul enter the room. It was meant to be a casual gathering, so she wasn’t too surprised to see him wearing dress shorts and a polo shirt only. Claire smiled as she caught his eye, turning her head towards Katie as Katie looked at her, as if reading the others mind, leaned forward and began kissing. A hush of amazement filled the room, the only noise coming from a muffled moan from Claire as Katie’s fingers grazed up her pussy lips.

By the time the girls had stopped kissing, Paul had sat down on the sofa beside his two guests with a glass of beer in his left hand and the three men had begun to exchange pleasantries, until Rod looked at Claire.

“As you know, we have promoted Paul and we are here to negotiate his new salary package,” Rod said before continuing.

“It was amazing to see your body as your gown opened in the kitchen earlier. You have an amazing body. How much do we have to increase Paul’s pay by to see you take that dress off and be naked all night?”

It went very quiet, Claire looking at Paul, trying to read his thoughts. She had no doubt; Paul would want her to be naked in front of their guests. He’d used her as a sex toy for his friends’ sexual gratification for some months, making her feel cheap and used but at the same time, she loved it, feeling sexy too.

Before Claire could give her answer, the buzzer from the kitchen rang out, signifying that everything was cooked and both girls jumped to their feet. Claire looked at Paul once again and before she walked out of the room told everybody what she thought.

“I know Paul wants me to undress but I can’t give you a figure. You can discuss that between yourselves while I’m in the kitchen.”

Katie moved behind Claire, untied her dress and lifted it up over and threw it unceremoniously onto the floor. Claire stood motionless for a few seconds, allowing Jack and Rod to see her naked body but as she took her first step towards the door, Katie took hold of her right wrist and pulled her back. Claire was a little surprised and turned around to look at Katie. No words were spoken but as Katie turned away, Claire knew what Katie wanted, unfastening her dress and lifting it off over her head, leaving both girls naked. As she turned around, Katie grabbed Claire’s wrists and pulled her forward, wasting no time, plunging her tongue into Claire’s open mouth. The two guests said wow as they watched the girls kissing passionately but then sighed with disappointment when a few seconds later, watched them walk out of the room. As the girls got to the door, they winked at the three men and smiled.

A few minutes passed by while the girls put the food on the plates and then carried them into the other room, telling the men to sit at the table. Paul sat at the left end of the table, Katie and Claire opposite each other, Jack next to Katie, while Rod sat to Claire’s right and the five began to eat.

The odd comment was passed about the girls naked bodies and of how sexy they looked when they kissed. Claire didn’t need any further encouragement, it had been a day filled with sexual exploits and she was buzzing with excitement. The more sex she had, the more she wanted, she adored the attention and although she was satisfied, she’d never close her legs when another opportunity came along. Her nipples were so hard and sensitive and she could feel her pussy dribbling juices steadily onto her chair as she glanced down to see a huge bulge in Rod’s trousers.

“Did you agree on how much Claire’s naked body was worth?” Katie asked curiously.

“Three thousand pounds,” Jack replied.

“But, seeing you both naked and kiss, it’s worth way more than that,” Rod added.

Claire looked at Katie and smiled as she felt her toes running up and down her lower leg. She didn’t need to be seduced by Katie. She had fallen for her in a big way but feeling her toes tease her leg was driving her wild with desire. She tried to control herself but it was all she could do not to moan loudly. Her heart began to race as she felt Katie’s foot wiggling on her knees, encouraging her to open her legs. With the tablecloth hiding Katie’s actions, Claire was confident that nobody could see what was happening, apart from her flushed flesh and spread her thighs a little.

A moment later, Claire glanced down between her thighs and saw Katie’s toes wiggling on her pussy. She couldn’t resist opening her legs as far as she could, moving her feet and lower legs to either side of her chair. Katie pushed her toes hard against Claire’s pussy, smiling as she noticed obvious pleasure in Claire’s eyes. With her left hand, Claire reached down to spread her pussy lips around Katie’s toes. Katie adjusted her foot position a little and started to encourage Claire’s pussy to open. With Katie circling her foot and toes and Claire grinding harder against them, it wasn’t long before Katie’s toes had disappeared into Claire’s pussy.

Both girls continued to eat their meal as if nothing else was happening but as more of Katie’s foot slipped inside Claire’s pussy, it became harder to conceal what they were doing under the table. As she bucked her hips with increasing urgency, an occasional moan left her mouth between taking another mouthful of food.

Claire moved the tablecloth a little, so she could glance down and see Katie’s foot inside her pussy. With each moan however, her actions were becoming more noticeable and Rod too was taking lingering glances between Claire’s legs. He was eating with his right hand only, occasionally adjusting the bulge in his trousers with his left.

With all five plates clearing rapidly of food, Katie looked at Claire and mouthed, "I’ll make you cum in the kitchen." Claire enjoyed the sensation of her pussy being stretched to accommodate Katie’s foot and of being filled so much inside; she could have bucked against it all night because it felt so good. Katie playfully wiggled her toes inside Claire’s pussy, chuckling as she heard Claire moan with pleasure.

Claire continued to grind her hips but slowed down, to keep herself on the verge of another orgasm. Eventually, however following approximately ten minutes of talking, Claire suggested the men should go and sit in the living room while she and Katie cleared up. When asked if anybody wanted dessert, nobody wanted any, so the girls smiled and began to collect the dirty plates together.

Katie gave her toes a final wiggle inside Claire’s pussy before pulling her foot away slowly. Claire groaned involuntarily but immediately giggled when a surge of juices poured from her and when she stood up beside her chair, her pussy continued to trickle.

The girls took the dirty crockery into the kitchen but as soon as they’d put everything onto the counter, Katie grabbed Claire aggressively by the left wrist and pulled her towards the table. Claire hit the edge of the table with a thud but in an instant, Katie had lifted her up and pushed her onto her back with her legs apart.

There was no time for Claire to respond, resist or object before Katie had bent down and taken Claire’s clit between her teeth. Claire gasped loudly, responding to Katie’s teeth pinching and pulling on her clit. Her knees clenched together, restrained by Katie’s hands and hips thrust upwards against Katie’s mouth. Both girls were consumed by lust, Katie teasing Claire with urgency, knowing she was desperate to cum and as she pulled hard on Claire’s clit, Katie flicked mercilessly with her tongue.

Claire moaned with growing desperation, not caring that the men in the other room could hear her. Her pussy was throbbing harder and with greater intensity the more her clit was teased. Katie made no attempt to keep Claire on edge, keeping her clit fully stretched and teasing as fast as her tongue could. Suddenly with a gasp, Claire’s body tensed violently, she was about to cum. A few more seconds of flicking with her tongue and Katie’s mouth was being filled as Claire started to squirt.

Three squirts and an intense orgasm from Claire drenched Katie’s face, hair and upper half of her body before Claire’s moans subsided and she began to relax. Katie moved forward, kissing Claire’s lips soft and then, with the girls’ mouths open, their tongues swirled together in controlled passion. After a few seconds, with her arms wrapped around Claire, Katie pulled her up until she was sat on the table. The girls continued to kiss as Claire wrapped her legs around Katie and as if not being able to resist, an instant later Katie began to grind against Claire’s pussy.

With the girls continuing to kiss passionately and Katie grinding her pussy with a steady rhythm against Claire, it was obvious that they’d not go back to join the men for a little while. Their tongues swirled slowly on the others, an action of increasing intimacy. Claire held tightly onto Katie’s body with her legs wrapped around her, running her fingertips up and down Katie’s spine. Tongues swirled faster and with greater intensity, Claire’s hands moving lower until she began squeezing her arse cheeks. The harder Katie ground against Claire the more desperate Claire became, digging her nails into the soft flesh of Katie’s arse.

The sensation of Claire’s fingernails digging into her arse sent her over the edge, grinding with controlled passion turning into impatient movements of lust and desire. Katie pulled her mouth away from Claire’s, demanding she dug her nails into her arse cheeks harder. She pulled Claire closer as she began to thrust her pussy hard and desperately into her, moaning with pleasure with each thrust. She couldn’t believe how turned on she was again, her pussy pulsating violently, making her juices flow steadily and making her think she’d squirt again. Katie had never squirted before that day, so to be on the verge of doing it for a second time was driving her wild. Bucking uncontrollably, Katie could feel her pussy lips spreading, exposing her clit, allowing it to rub against Claire’s pussy.

Suddenly, Katie tensed, arching her back as her pussy contracted hard and making her gasp. Claire released her grip on Katie’s arse but immediately sank her fingernails into the soft flesh of her cheeks again. An instant later, Katie began to orgasm, releasing a satisfied moan of pleasure as she squirted over Claire.

Claire relaxed her grip on Katie, resting her legs either side of her and moving her hands up her body so the girls could cuddle and relax for a few minutes.

“We had better put the things in the dishwasher,” Claire said as she chuckled.

Working as a team, the girls tidied the kitchen, filled the dishwasher and pouring themselves another drink, before returning to the living room to join the men. As soon as the girls entered the room, three pairs of eyes fixed on their naked bodies. Claire felt Paul reach out his left hand and gently take hold of her right wrist, while Katie continued into the room to sit on the floor opposite Jack and Rod.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Paul motioned to her to bend down to allow him to whisper into her ear. As she leant down, Claire smiled, seeing the bulge in Paul’s shorts and even further when asked her to do something. She stood up and took a few steps towards the centre of the room. Standing for a few seconds, Claire turned her head and looked down at Katie, motioning with her eyes for her to go to Paul. She took a deep breath and turned her attention to Jack and Rod.

Claire looked at the two men sat on the sofa in front of her and remembered how she’d fucked the window cleaner on there that morning. She was so tingly and turned on from the sex she’d had with Katie but thoughts of her mornings escapades made her pussy contract hard. Before she had chance to control herself, Claire squirted, her involuntary orgasm making her knees buckle and causing her to moan. She didn’t try to stop herself, dropping to her knees as she felt her legs weakening.

She’d noticed as she looked at Jack and Rod that both men were sporting huge tents in their trousers and as soon as Claire fell to her knees, crawled towards them. She looked up at them and smiled before she began to take off Jack’s shoes and socks followed an instant later by removing Rod’s too.

Claire clambered up onto the sofa, between the two men. She looked to her right at Rod, straddled his legs, leant towards him and started to kiss him as she unbuttoned his shirt.

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One by one, from the top down, Claire undid his buttons as their tongues swirled together and with her pussy pressed against Rod’s hard cock, she started to grind steadily, soaking and staining his trousers.

With every button eventually undone on Rod’s shirt, Claire wasted no time in pushing his shirt off. Leaving Rod topless, Claire stopped kissing him and pulled away, turning her attention to Jack. Moving off Rod, she straddled Jack’s thighs as she had done with Rod. Jack eagerly thrust his tongue into Claire’s mouth, kissing her with less subtlety than Rod, sucking hard as he moved his tongue feverishly. Claire struggled to undo Jack’s shirt buttons as he took his opportunity to explore her body with his hands but a few minutes later, he too was topless.

Claire slipped off the sofa. She reached up as she knelt up and unfastened Jack’s trousers. Taking hold of either leg of his trousers, Claire started to pull and as Jack raised his hips, they eased over his hips and thighs, sliding off quickly once they reached his knees. She looked at the tent pole inside his boxer shorts, licking her lips in anticipation of his cock burying itself in her pussy once she had him fully naked.

Turning her attention to Rod, Claire followed suit with his trousers but as soon as they revealed his briefs, she noticed the wet, pre-cum stained patch circling the head of his cock. Kneeling up once again, Claire took hold of each side of Rod’s underpants and pulled them down quickly as Rod raised his hips. As he sat naked in front of her, Claire looked down at his hard throbbing cock, oozing pre-cum steadily, then bent down and slowly licked around his knob with the tip of her tongue.

Claire still had Jack’s boxer shorts left to remove and turned around, noticing immediately that his shorts were getting wet where the head of his cock pressed against them. Again, she wasted no time taking hold of Jack’s final piece of clothing and yanked them off unceremoniously as he raised the lower half of his body for her.

She knelt down between the two naked men, excited that she was about to have sex with both of them and smiled as they looked at her. With the fingers of her right hand, Claire circled the shaft of Rod’s cock and felt it throb in response to her touch. Looking at him, Claire told Rod to use her hand to masturbate himself. As soon as she uttered the words, Claire turned her attention to Jack, leaning over his throbbing cock.

Paul stood up off his chair as Katie looked up at him from her position on the floor beside the chair. He took hold of his polo shirt and pulled it off over his head quickly. As he watched his wife with the two guests, he undid his shorts, letting them slide off, revealing his fully hard cock and leaving him naked. He offered his left hand to Katie, who took hold of it with her right and walked alongside him on her knees until they were the other side of the room, opposite the sofa.

He sat on the floor, with his back to the wall, legs slightly apart and stretched out in front of him. Katie stayed on her knees until Paul had sat down but then, facing away from him, straddled his legs. He needed no further encouragement and guided her pussy onto his cock. Involuntarily, Katie moaned as she lowered onto him, until the two of them were sat facing the sex scene on the sofa, a few metres in front of them.

Very softly, Claire kissed the tip of Jack’s long cock and gently rolled her tongue around the knob. She felt it twitch as her tongue swirled a little faster and heard Jack groan as her lips began to move down his shaft. Very slowly, his cock traveled deeper into Claire’s mouth as she endeavoured to make him feel every movement. She gagged a little as Jack’s knob touched her throat but then as she adjusted her head position, felt his cock slip inside further. Jack placed his hands either side of Claire’s head but she maintained her control, bobbing slowly up and down his shaft.

Rod was using Claire’s hand as she’d instructed, holding her wrist, moving her up and down his shaft, mimicking her rhythm as she bobbed up and down Jack’s cock with her mouth. Claire got used to the discomfort of Jack’s cock deep inside her throat and knew he’d cum if she carried on with her blowjob for much longer, so without warning, pulled away.

Considering she told everybody that she was gay, Katie was shocked by how turned on she was with Paul’s cock inside her. When she’d fucked him earlier, she hadn’t been turned on, being focused purely on using him for his sperm but this time, she was most definitely wet. She wondered if it was because of having sex with him again or was it because she was watching Claire and enjoyed seeing her naked and having sex.

Both Paul and Katie watched the threesome in front of them. They sat motionless, apart from the fingers of Paul’s right hand, which alternated between gently and slowly teasing Katie’s clit and the shaft of his cock as it entered her pussy. Earlier, Katie had been very dominant and aggressive but this was more seductive and as though he was making love to her. She wasn’t moaning but was definitely breathing erratically and her pussy was throbbing, Katie was enjoying it.

Kneeling down once more, Claire took a few seconds to compose herself as she took hold of Jack’s cock with her left hand and began to stroke him with the same rhythm as Rod was stroking his cock with her right hand. She knelt up once more, looking at Rod’s twitching cock as she took her hand away, preparing to suck and lick him as she had done with Jack. As she started to bend forward, Rod stopped her and looked across at Jack.

The men each put one of their hands on Claire’s side, below each of her armpits and with a swift movement, lifted her effortlessly onto the edge of the sofa, between them. They moved their hand, slowly down each side of her and to her arse cheeks to hold her. An instant later, they leant forward and started to kiss her nipples.

Claire had felt incredibly sexy all day. However, to have her nipples kissed at the same time by the two men, took her feelings to h higher level. Juices no longer trickling from her pussy but pouring steadily. She started to moan and squeeze her thighs involuntarily as Jack and Rod sucked and pulled her nipples harder and harder. Claire’s pussy was throbbing so hard that she knew she’d cum soon if they continued with their actions.

Jack pulled away and a second later, Rod did the same. Jack took hold of Claire by the waist, lifting her to her feet, so she was standing between them but turned towards Jack. Both men adjusted their position as she widened her feet to get her balance. Jack ran his fingertips slowly up Claire’s outer thighs as he leaned forward, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of her arousal, before running his tongue slowly up and down her pussy lips. She moaned as she pushed her hips towards Jack’s mouth, almost not noticing Rod’s hands squeezing her arse cheeks.

Suddenly Claire tensed hard, feeling tongues entering her pussy and arsehole at the same time. Both tongues pushed deeper inside her and drew slowly out and then in again. Claire had to focus hard on not collapsing into a heap between the two men; her thighs shaking, pussy and arse throbbing with growing intensity. She moaned more and more, telling, demanding they moved their tongues faster. She was getting close to having another orgasm and wondered whether she should warn Jack she was going to squirt but just as she was about to, she started to cum hard.

Claire’s body tensed as she gasped, both tongues probed in and out of her holes faster but then as she relaxed, she felt a powerful surge of cum spurting from her pussy. Jack and Rod gave Claire no time to recover, turning her around before penetrating her holes once more with their tongues. There was little seduction, the men pushing their tongues inside her hard and fast, before probing in and out urgently. Claire’s pussy had not stopped throbbing; tongues working her holes quickly meant that another orgasm would come before long. She was desperate to let go and buck her hips but knew she’d fall over if she did. Her eyes had been shut from the moment Jack’s tongue had touched her pussy lips and with Rod’s now inside her Claire had taken hold of his head to stop him from pulling away.

"Oh fuck oh fuck," Claire moaned as her pussy throbbed even harder and then contracted violently, making her body tense. Jack’s tongue pumped piston-like in and out of Claire’s arsehole, as did Rod’s in her pussy. She could not breathe until finally, her pussy released its grip on her body and she started to squirt.

Every bit of strength that Claire’s body had, disappeared as another spurt of cum squirted from her pussy and collapsed into Jack’s arms as he pulled his tongue from her arse. Lying across his legs, Jack looked down at her as she continued to breathe heavily and began to caress her breasts with his hands. Rod ran his fingertips slowly down her thighs, lower legs and her feet. He took hold of her right foot and raised it towards his mouth. Claire’s breathing became more erratic as Rod kissed her toes one by one and Jack explored her upper body.

The feeling of desirability and being sexy was washing over Claire as the two men explored and teased her body. Rod’s tongue swirling around each of her ten toes was turning her on so much. That sensation, regardless of who was doing it was enough by itself to make her orgasm and she could feel her pussy throbbing hard. Suddenly, the men lifted her and moved so she could lie face down on the sofa. Jack and Rod knelt on the floor, Jack adjacent to Claire’s legs and Rod by her upper body.

Within an instant of them putting her on the sofa, they started to kiss her body repeatedly. Claire began to grind against the sofa with an irresistible urge to cum again. Jack spread her legs apart, kissing her inner thighs and down each leg, feeling her tense as he kissed the bottoms of her feet. Rod concentrated on sucking and kissing the back of her neck, with an occasional nibble with his teeth. The more they kissed, the harder Claire ground her pussy onto the sofa with a gradually quickening rhythm.

Suddenly, Katie gasped and an instant later, frenetically began to ride Paul’s cock, moaning that she was cumming and wanted more of his seed inside her. She was no longer placid, allowing him to dictate events but more aggressive and demanding, her tight pussy throbbing and attempting to milk his cock. He was powerless to resist, instinct forcing him to thrust into her until he began to empty himself into her.

Jack and Rod began using their hands as well as their lips and tongues to explore Claire’s body. Hearing Katie moaning, Claire opened her eyes to look at her but Rod’s body was blocking her view. All she could see was his hard cock oozing pre-cum and twitching. She was grinding against the sofa with growing desperation, moaning louder and louder, knowing that she was about to cum again.

Suddenly, Rod lifted Claire by her shoulders and sat down on the sofa again. She looked at him as she rested onto her arms but Rod took her by the shoulders and raised her to her knees. His cock was oozing pre-cum and twitching furiously. He put his hands either side of Claire’s waist and she straddled his legs. A second later as she lowered herself, Rod’s cock buried itself deep inside her pussy.

Claire moaned with pleasure as Rod pushed her back down against his legs and she wrapped hers around him. Despite her pussy being stretched by weeks and weeks of sex with different people, as soon as Rod entered her pussy, it clamped tight around his shaft and he let out a groan of pleasure. He’d been fully erect for well over two hours, from the moment he saw Claire in her dressing gown and wanted to fuck her after seeing Katie’s foot inside her pussy.

Rod couldn’t wait any longer; he had to fuck her before he exploded with desire. With his hands either side of Claire’s hips, he began to move her up and down his shaft. He couldn’t believe how hard her pussy was throbbing, intensifying the sensations of fucking her. The way she moaned turned him on further, making him move her body with a faster rhythm. Rod had Claire in her favourite position sexually, the shaft of his cock pressing hard against her g-spot and she knew she would orgasm again before long.

Suddenly, Claire tensed, squeezing Rod’s waist with her thighs, gasping and closing her eyes as her pussy contracted violently. Rod’s cock swelled inside her but just as he thought he was going to cum, Claire’s pussy relaxed its grip and began to orgasm as she moaned with pleasure.

“Fuck me, Rod, fuck me now,” Claire demanded.

He threw her off him, onto the sofa beside him. Instinctively, she rolled onto her back and spread her legs invitingly. In an instant, Rod was between her legs and unceremoniously plunged his cock into Claire’s open pussy. His desperation to fuck her had finally taken hold of him, immediately finding a fast rhythm in and out of her. Claire was just as desperate to have his cum inside her, placing her feet on the sofa and matching his body’s rhythm by bucking her hips. It wasn’t long before Rod began to thrust his cock hard into her, forcing Claire to groan involuntarily. She wanted him deeper inside her pussy and pulled her legs towards his shoulders. He paused momentarily, long enough to hook her feet under his arms, before he started to pound into her again.

Katie decided it was time to remove Paul’s erect cock from her pussy having made him cum inside her, climbing off him to sit on the floor to his left. Jack was kneeling beside the sofa, stroking his cock slowly with his left hand as he watched Rod fucking Claire.

With her pussy opened wider, it felt as though Rod’s cock was going much deeper inside her and as he fucked with growing desperation, she moaned louder and louder. As she moaned, Claire said repeatedly, "Cum in me, Rod," encouraging him to fuck her harder n faster. She could feel his cock swelling and throbbing as his balls continually slapped into her. Rod was starting to grunt with each thrust into her but then as he drew out of her pussy, he tensed and then drove mercilessly downwards, emptying his first spurt of cum into her. With each further thrust, another rope of sperm surged inside her until Rod collapsed on top of her with satisfied exhaustion.

Jack got to his feet, it was his turn now, his cock twitching with anticipation as pre-cum oozed out steadily. Claire was trying to recover and regain her composure but as soon as Rod got to his knees and pulled away from her, Jack had lifted her up off the sofa and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Claire wrapped her arms round his shoulders and legs round his waist, returning his kiss with lust and passion.

Rod slid off the sofa, with his cock still fully erect, turned on by the sight of Jack and Claire kissing, allowing Jack to turn around and sit down. His hard cock pressed against Claire’s arse as she sat on his thighs. She was willing to take it anally and immediately began to grind her arse seductively onto him. It took only seconds for him to respond, bucking rhythmically under her. She pulled her mouth away from Jack’s and raised her body a little as she took hold of her arse cheeks, spreading them wide for him but he had a different idea.

Jack took hold of Claire as he lay down on the sofa and then, pulled her on top of him. She prepared to straddle and mount him but he quickly spun her onto her back with his cock between her thighs. As they shuffled a little to get comfortable, they ended up half on their left side and as Claire raised her right leg, Jack guided his cock into her pussy. It felt so long to her as it slid effortlessly into her cum filled pussy and she moaned as it rubbed against her g-spot. Jack manoeuvred further, wrapping his right leg around her left, beginning to explore her stomach, breasts and nipples with his hands as he started to fuck her slowly.

“Why don’t you come and join us, Katie?” Jack said as he looked at her. “You know she loves kissing you and that will be so hot when I’m fucking her,” he continued.

Katie got to her knees and crawled towards the sofa. Even with Jack and Claire having sex on their sides, Katie couldn’t reach Claire as she wanted, so climbed onto the sofa and sat down. She leant down and gently kissed Claire on the lips and a second later, with their mouths open, tongues were swirling together, intensifying their passion. As the girls kissed and Jack continued to fuck Claire steadily, Katie felt her pussy beginning to throb.

It was as though Katie was oblivious to Jack having his cock inside Claire and fucking her. She got to her knees and placed her left leg over Jack and Claire’s hips and right between Jack and Claire’s right legs, pressing her pussy onto Claire’s clit and the shaft of Jack’s cock. Jack moaned his approval as the girls started to grind together. As soon as Katie’s pussy touched Claire, she started to move rhythmically and Claire responded as her instincts took over.

In a matter of seconds, Katie’s clit was exposed and rubbing against Claire’s pussy and the shaft of Jack’s cock. The sensations radiated pleasure through her body and as Claire began to buck in response the two girls moaned more and more, the sound muffled by them kissing. Jack lay still, allowing Claire’s pussy to move on and off his cock as the girls fucked each other. Once again, Claire’s pussy was throbbing, not because of Jack’s cock being inside but because Katie was fucking her. With each throb, Jack was taken closer to the edge and spewing his load into her pussy.

Jack attempted to lie still, enjoying the sensation of Claire’s throbbing pussy squeezing his cock but suddenly, the urge to cum overwhelmed him and he started to move his hips. Slow rhythmic movements were quickly replaced by fast desperate thrusts as his cock swelled. He tried to control the girls but they ignored him as he held Claire’s hips tightly. His balls tightened until he could no longer control himself, pumping hard into Claire, filling her with spurt after spurt of his cum until he was empty.

Katie pulled her mouth away from Claire’s, feeling her orgasm building quickly. Claire knew instinctively that Katie was ready, so writhed faster and harder against her clit, wanting to cum with her. Every moan from the girls’ mouths had an air of desperation, each throb of their pussy having a building intensity. They were losing control, bucking harder and harder, until with synchronicity, their backs arched and they froze. An instant later, the girls thrust their bodies forward hard, moaned with pleasure as their pussies squirted hard.

Jack lay motionless, enjoying being part of the girls fucking and feeling the intensity of Claire’s orgasm on his still hard cock. The girls kissed tenderly for a few seconds before Katie sat up. There was a brief moment of eye contact between the girls, Katie standing up immediately. Moving, she placed her left knee on the sofa beside Claire’s head and raised her right leg, placing her foot on the back of the sofa, offering her pussy to Claire’s mouth.

“Oh my fucking god, this is mind blowing,” Jack said with amazement.

As Jack’s words came out of his mouth, Katie had bent forward and taken Claire’s clit into her mouth. Sliding her tongue deep inside Katie’s pussy, Claire swirled and explored, enjoying the taste of Paul’s cum and her juices. As the girls teased the others pussy, their body’s responded by bucking on the others tongue.

Paul and Rod had not taken their eyes off the scene in front of them on the sofa, with their cocks fully erect and standing proudly upright between their legs. As Katie moved over Claire to adopt a sixty-nine position, Rod could resist no longer, wrapping the fingers of his left hand around his shaft and slowly stroking up and down. Paul glanced down and then back up to make eye contact with Rod. No words were exchanged, merely a gasp and moan of approval when Paul reached down with his right hand to take hold of Rod’s cock. A second later, as Rod pulled his hand away, Paul started to wank him slowly. Paul tensed, not sure how to react to the touch of another man but watching the threesome was such a turn on, he simply couldn’t resist the urges he was experiencing. His mind was a blur of thoughts as the instincts of his body took over, hips bucking against Paul’s hand. Without making a conscious decision, he reached down and took hold of Paul’s throbbing cock with his left hand.

Rod was more shocked by his own actions than he was by Paul’s and even more amazed how he enjoyed the sensation of another man’s warm throbbing cock in his hand. Although the two men were wanking the other and enjoying every second, their eyes remained fixed on the sofa.

Katie pulled Claire’s clit, until it felt like it was going to rip away from Claire’s pussy and began to roll her tongue around it. She ignored the presence of Jack’s cock in Claire’s pussy, the taste and smell of his cum, focussing on satisfying Claire once again. Claire enjoyed the combined taste of Paul and Katie’s cum inside Katie’s pussy but moved her tongue and started to tease her clit. Both girls were on the verge of another climax, hips and body’s writhing with increasing desire.

Jack’s cock hadn’t softened after he’d cum inside Claire’s pussy. The girls having a sixty-nine on top of him, with him inside Claire’s pussy was turning him on beyond his wildest dreams. The more the girls teased the other the more intensely Claire’s pussy throbbed on his shaft. He tried to resist moving but as he became more and more turned on; he reached a point where he had to cum again. With Claire writhing on top of him, Jack felt as though she was fucking him and he had to respond.

Despite their pussy’s throbbing with greater intensity with each passing second, the girls focused on pleasing the other, ignoring the sensations radiating through their body. Katie had Claire’s clit between her teeth, stretching it as she flicked her tongue across the tip. Claire sucked rhythmically on Katie’s clit hard and fast. The girls moaned and gasped as they teased the others clit. With Jack bucking his hips, sliding his cock in and out of Claire’s pussy, the threesome were having sex as one.

With a gasp, Katie was the first to tense and push her pussy hard onto Claire’s mouth but before she could react, Claire’s pussy contracted hard, clenching tight on Jacks shaft. Those sensations, combined with knowing that the girls were about to cum, sent him over the edge and he began to spew his load into Claire for a second time. Katie’s body was the first to relax, squirting for the third time, drenching Claire’s face as she closed her mouth. An instant later, as the third rope of Jack’s cum filled her pussy, Claire began to climax. Both girls moaned with pleasure as their orgasms radiated through bodies and they writhed together. Wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure radiated from the girls pussies, sensitised by their afternoon and evening of sex but eventually, they started to regain their senses.

Katie manoeuvred herself away from Jack and Claire and as she sat on the edge of the sofa, helped Claire to move off Jack’s cock and to sit beside her. They sat motionless for a few minutes, watching Paul and Rod stroking the others cock furiously, until they began to spew cum between their legs and onto the floor.

Claire looked at Katie, stood up and offered her right hand to her. As Katie got to her feet, Claire announced that they were going to bed.

Katie moved in with Claire and Paul and was pregnant six weeks later. As for Claire, Paul asked her to visit Jack and Rod and their wives. She enjoyed the threesomes with them but in the following ten weeks, had eleven different men cum inside her and eventually fell pregnant too.

Written by Joanna86
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