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Best Sailing Crew Ever

"One hand for the boat, one hand for yourself."

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It was another spectacular day for a sail on our boat. The wind was light, but that was fine as my wife and I had a couple of guests on board who didn't really have any sailing experience. The water was smooth with hardly a noticeable wave. I figured we could motor sail out a ways and then slowly sail around taking it easy.

Onboard with us that day were two women friends of ours. Both were single; one divorced for a number of years now. While good friends, they were closer to each other than to us, mostly because they were single, I think. Anyway, they’d never been out on our sailboat before, though we’d talked about it for years. So we were all happy it was finally happening.

I like taking non-sailors out sailing because they have such a romantic, carefree image of sailing. It reminds me why I love sailing so much and helps me through the many less glamorous days of tedious maintenance that all boats seem to require.

Everyone was excited and had planned and joked around about what they’d wear for their day of “yachting." We would talk in exaggerated British or New England accents, and, of course, there were a few references to Mr. and Mrs. Howell. But let's be clear, while technically a ‘yacht,’ my boat is quite modest: an older boat that cost less than some people's cars.

Still, the ladies looked great in their hats and sunglasses. My wife was wearing cargo shorts, a nautical striped shirt and a cap. Our friend J. wore dark blue shorts and an airy white cotton blouse with a sailboat block-print design, and drawstring dangling from the collar. I could see that she wore a bikini top under it. She had her reddish brown hair braided from the sides and pulled back into a bun with a cute strand of hair hanging across her cheek.

Our other friend, S., wore a yellow sleeveless top with a deep v-neck and striped shorts. Her long blonde hair was pulled back tight into a ponytail. Both of them had large, straw, sun hats that I worried would be lost in a breeze. This was my best crew ever.

We had the boat ready to cast off, so not long after J. and S. arrived, we were heading out of the harbor into open water. The conditions were ideal for first-time passengers, who were more interested in the leisurely aspects of sailing. The girls were loving it. The sky and water were a deep blue. Because it was a Friday afternoon - we’d all left work early to make this happen - there was hardly another boat to be seen.

“It’s like you have a private boat and a private ocean too,” marveled J.

“We’ll kill the motor once we get out a ways. We won't really be sailing too fast, but it’ll be perfect for having some wine spritzers and just relaxing,” my wife said.

“I can finally work on my tan,” said the fair skinned S.

“Absolutely,” chimed in J.

“M. and I are out here a lot, but obviously our tans are less than ideal. We just seem to burn or get farmer’s tans,” said my wife.

Looking towards the receding skyline of the town, J. said, “Well, you need to be careful, but I feel a little sun is good for you. We need the vitamin D after that horrid winter. And way out here, you shouldn't have to end up with a farmers tan!”

Once the engine was off, I went down below to switch over the batteries. J. followed me down to stash her hat before she lost it overboard. I asked her if she wanted to hook up her iPhone to the stereo and play some music.

While she sifted through her music, she said, “I really feel like we’ve ditched school! I mean, there’s no one out here, and you just know people are working away in those office buildings daydreaming about being on that little boat they see out the window!”

“I know, that used to be me,” I said.

“Must be great. You must be on the boat all summer. Well, at least if it's not storming.”

“We come down to the boat sometimes even if it's raining. It’s kind of like our cabin.”

“So as far as sunbathing goes, do you guys really keep covered up out here?”

“Well, K. does for the most part, but I think it’s in part that when it's just us, we have to work the boat,” I said even though the truth is my wife doesn’t seem to be into being naked on the boat.

“But I’ve been known to ‘get uncovered’ especially if the weather’s so nice,” I added. I liked where this seemed to be heading.

“Now that we’re out here, feel free to go as you want. It’s not that K. is going to mind.”

I wasn’t actually one hundred percent sure about that last bit.

Back on deck, the girls were talking and laughing. J. had removed her white cover-up blouse and was sporting a sexy triangle bikini top that revealed the sides of her breasts especially from my vantage point sitting at the helm. I’d chime in from time to time but was mostly keeping an eye on the boat and wondering what J. would decide to do.

“Well, I think it's time for some drinks. We have white wine and soda water which I love when it's hot like this,” my wife said.

Everyone agreed. The cold drinks were refreshing and crisp.

“Now we’re getting serious about this yachting stuff,” said J. “As far as I can tell, we may as well be in the Riviera.”

“The Midwest probably hasn’t been lumped into that category before,” laughed S. “Are you going to complete the European experience and go topless?” S. dared J.

“Well, I don’t want to impose European values on K. and M.’s boat,” she joked.

I glanced over at my wife to see what her reaction would be. I had no idea. I figured she wouldn't want to seem prudish, but perhaps it would be awkward for her, at least with me there.

She laughed and said, “He’s the skipper.”

So she dodged the question, and now it was in my court. I decided that even if I said 'yes,' it wouldn’t be a convincing answer. It seemed silly. I’d lived in Europe for a bit in college, and all of us loved traveling there, so I assumed everyone had ‘worldly’ views.

“My responsibilities are for the safety of the crew and the ship. I’ll let you know if I think anything is jeopardizing our safety.”

S. spoke next. “Well, J. at least you have your sexy, new, one hundred and fifty dollar Italian bikini to sun in. I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

“So you want me to go topless so you can wear my Italian top?” laughed J. along with all of us.

J. set her drink on the bench and leaning forward, reached behind her head and pulled the strings of her top. The triangles fell and dangled under her tits, while she untied the other string. She tossed the bikini to S.

“Viva la revolution,” said J. shaking her boobs back and forth.

They were gorgeous; firm and well separated with large nipples, which were hard in the breeze.

She picked up her drink and leaned back with her elbows on the top of the cockpit wearing only her little black shorts and a couple of bracelets. She was stunning.

“Well, are you going to change into the Italian top? ‘Cause I like it,” said my wife to S.

“You-a like-a?” she laughed and handed it over to my wife who was standing in the companionway that leads below.

“I am going to try it,” my wife said after looking it over, "but it’s a bit small.”

“M. won’t mind,” S. said.

“No, he won’t,” I said.

I was a little surprised, but my wife turned and went forward to the v-berth to change into J.’s bikini.

Meanwhile, S. sat up and pulled her yellow top off and carefully folded it up. She was wearing a lacy, white bra that was semi-sheer over her breasts. Reaching behind her back, she unclipped it and shook it off. She folded the bra on top of the folded shirt. She put her hat back on and looked fantastic sitting there in her striped shorts and her perky tits exposed.

She got up and leaned down the companionway and gently dropped her clothes down into the cabin. She turned around facing aft, and me at the helm. She took a big sip of her drink and stood there scanning the horizon.

“I’m going to give it all for the cause.” S. declared. “I assure you, skipper, it’s perfectly safe.”

She unbuttoned her shorts and let them drop. She flicked her foot and the caught them in mid-air and tossed them unceremoniously down the hatch. Her panties matched her bra. She took her seat and stretched her legs out towards the opposing bench that J. sat on.

At about that time I could see my wife was coming back from the forward cabin. She was wearing her sports bra, not J.’s bikini, much to my dismay. At this point, though, it’d be hard to say I was disappointed at the way the sail was going over all.

She started up the steps saying, “It’s a cute bikini but my boobs are just too big -- S.!! Wow, I leave you two up here with my husband for a minute, and you’re almost naked!"

Fortunately, she was laughing as she said this, and we all joined in.

“Yes, the crew has mutinied and imposed general nakedness,” J. said.

“I’m not naked! said S. putting her hands on her hips and stretching straight in her seat.

“With those panties, you might as well be,” accused J.

“Then they’re off!” exclaimed S., and in one movement she brought her knees up towards her chest and swooped off her panties. She had a nice trim bush and noticeable tan lines.

Continuing her abrupt and strict sounding act, she whipped her panties aiming toward K. in the companionway.

“Down the hatch with these!”

Instead, the delicate scrap of fabric caught the breeze and blew off to the side of the boat. S. screeched. They snagged on the lifelines. With a chorus of laughs and shrieks from the rest of us, S. turned over and lunged to grab them with an outstretched arm. The view from my place at the helm was of her bent over, baring her rear and pussy right at me.

She wasn’t fast enough, and they went overboard.

“Panties - Overboard!” my wife cried out, mimicking the call for a more serious emergency of a crew overboard.

K. reached to the cabin top to grab the boat hook, while I put the helm over to try to circle around the slowly sinking undergarment. J. had sprung over to see. My wife, standing on the side deck, tried to reach out and hook the panties, but they were just out of reach and slipped into the darkness of the water.

Everyone was laughing too hard to say anything. The whole time I had an eye full, not just of their boobs hanging down as they leaned over the side deck from the cockpit, but mostly of S.’s pussy. She was shaved around her labia which protruded and spread out.

Through laughter, J. finally said, “I suppose you want my expensive Italian bottoms now too!”

Well, when we go out for dinner tonight, I’ll take you up on that!” S. replied while everyone got back into their seats.

“S., I’m sorry for the loss of your personal property, very personal property, but as skipper, I’m glad that the crew and boat are safe. You may want to take more care when tossing things around on deck,” I admonished.

“That’s right S.” started J. “Safety first. Observe.”

J. set her drink down and then unbuttoned her shorts; slid them off in the same manner S. had. She then folded them next to her, apparently mocking S.’s careful actions from earlier.

“Now, pay attention here. This is where you messed up,” J. said in a fake English accent. J. put her thumbs in her bottoms and slid them off and carefully folded them on top of the shorts. She picked them up and handed them to my wife.

“Thank you K., and could you pour me more wine after you stow those below?”

J. sat there, knees together, and finished off her drink.

My wife tossed the clothes down by S.’s shorts in the cabin. She reached over for the wine, and while she was pouring it, J. continued in her forced accent,

“Also K., You’re attire is entirely inappropriate for the occasion. Please, see that you correct that.”

“Well I’m not sure I have anything as formal as you two, but I’ll see what I have."

So I’m standing at the helm of my boat, looking at my wife flanked on both sides by two nude women. I’m loving it and wondering what K. is going to do.

She stepped down into the fore-cabin. She rummaged through her bags. She pulled out something, and then I could see her large breasts drop out of her sports bra as she pulled it off over her head. Awesome. She took off her cargo shorts and panties. For a moment, seen only by me, she was nude. Then she slipped on some yellow swim bottoms.

She grabbed a bottle of sunscreen lotion on her way back up to the cockpit and sat next to S.

“I hope we have enough of this, cause we have a lot of skin to cover!” she said.

The next couple minutes were straight out of a softcore movie. I watched on as my topless wife and our two completely naked friends rubbed their bodies with sunscreen. They each pushed their tits around as they did so. J. was now sitting on top of the back of the bench with her feet on the seat.

As she applied the lotion to her thighs, she spread her legs and at rubbed the lotion on her mound and around her pussy. Then with her other hand, she wiped up a bit of the excess off her labia, and she snuck in a few quick finger strokes of her clit. She then asked S. to do her back. She stood up with her back to S. and faced toward me as S. started to rub her back. J’s boobs swayed and bounced as she did so.

They switched around, and my wife squeezed passed J. and over to me to do her back. I made sure to get the sides of her tits.

“Are you sure you got everywhere?” I said running my palms up under her big tits.

“Hey now, just the back!” she said.

To my defense, S. said, “Poor M., this must be every guy's dream, but he has all these skipper responsibilities!”

Perhaps remembering our conversation from before, J. said: “Well don’t let us passengers prevent you from enjoying your day on the water.”

“I’m very much enjoying my day on the water, but I don’t want the captain's wife to feel awkward. As I understand it, it’s often a faux pas to have one’s husband naked at a party.”

When J’s music playlist ended, I clicked on the autopilot and went below to put on some more music. I heard the girls moving to the foredeck up above. My wife, however, came down into the cabin.

“Are you going to get naked?”

The tone of her voice suggest perhaps she was hoping I wouldn't.

“Well, everyone else is, and I do like sailing naked,” I offered.

“I’m only half naked.”

“You are right now,” I joked and got a nudge in the arm for it.

“Are you unhappy with all this?” I asked.

“No, but I wasn’t expecting it, that’s for sure.”

“Me neither, but I am enjoying seeing your breasts,” I said while receiving another nudge.

“And J’s breasts and S’s, no doubt,” she tacked on.

“If you really don’t want me to, I won't. They’re laying out at the bow now, and I’ll hang out at the helm.“


“Maybe. Yeah, probably, yes.”

“What if you come to attention?”

“Well, I don’t think it’ll happen, and I’ll sit on a towel at the helm.”

“You look hot,” I added and kissed her.

She went back on deck and towards the bow. My heart was racing. Normally, it’s a bit of an event if I decided to go naked when it’s just my wife on the boat. Now not only was she hanging out topless for pretty much the first time, but our two friends were onboard and completely naked. I’d never been nude in front of a group that included my wife.

With a pounding in my chest, I decided to go for it. I kicked off my sandals, dropped my shorts and took off my shirt. Despite all that had happened, I was pretty limp. I started the music playing again and stepped back up into the cockpit.

On deck, it felt cool and hot at the same time which is something I like about being naked on a boat. I sat down on the top of the starboard bench top. The girls were up near the bow on the port side sitting on the cabin top, except for J. who was standing and hanging onto the side stays.

I leaned over and picked up the bottle of sunscreen and started putting it on myself. I noticed that J. had caught sight of me sitting there nude, but we didn’t make eye contact. I kept putting on the lotion. I worked up my thighs and caught another glimpse of J. looking over towards me. I added more sunscreen to my hand, spread my knees out and rubbed the lotion onto my balls. My cock lengthened and got heavier as I did this, but not completely erect.

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I rubbed some on my cock and took a couple of extra strokes while I was at it, and then leaned back to soak in the sun.

I scanned the horizon towards the bow and locked eyes with J. who was leaning back with her hands above her head holding on to the side stays. She smiled and gave me a salute. After a while, my wife asked me to roll up the jib so they could have a more open area at the bow. I did.

My wife came back to the cockpit, and I soaked in the sight of her walking down the side deck topless with her boobs bouncing as she did. She picked up a couple of seat cushions and tossed them towards the mast for J. and S. to use.

“Do you want more to drink?” she asked.

I did. She went below to get another bottle of wine and water. Meanwhile, S. handed J. a cushion. She picked up hers but headed back the cockpit, leaving J. alone up front. J. took her cushion and reclined with her back against the mast facing forward.

S. stepped back into the cockpit and sat on the port side bench with her back against the bulkhead facing aft towards me at the wheel. Her legs were laying flat on the seat with her feet near the wheel. S. was looking up at the mainsail, and we talked about the sail and how it worked. An errant set of little waves crossed our path and the boat rolled a little. S. place one foot on the floor of the cockpit to keep herself from rolling side to side. She kept on talking. Once again I had another great view of her pussy.

K. handed up a round of drinks and reclined on the other bench in the same manner as S. The two of them resumed a conversation they must have started earlier. I decided to save some battery power and sail by hand for awhile. I switched off the pilot and stood behind the wheel to helm the boat. I reached over toward the mainsheet which was near S.’s feet. As I did, my cock and balls were just inches over her toes.

I made a change to our course just for the hell of it. The wind was still pretty light, and we only had the mainsail up. It was more a matter of keeping the boat moving along at about two point five knots.

I was the only one that could see J. She was still leaning against the forward part of the mast but angled slightly to port. Her legs were slightly bent with the soles of her feet flat on the deck. To my surprise, it looked like she was rubbing her mound with the flat of her hand. Her head tilted back against the mast. I couldn’t see her pussy from where I was, but it was clear what she was doing.

I glanced down at S. and K. They were still facing aft talking to each other. I looked back at J. I could feel my cock swelling up some. J. stopped and left her hands covering her sex while she took a sip of her drink. She set the tumbler on her waist right above her bush. Every once and a while, she’d push her hand back and forth, apparently massaging her clit.

“I’m going to see if we can get a little more speed on this boat,” I said switching on the pilot again. I stepped around the helm passing alongside my wife.

“Pardon me,” I said as I stepped between my wife’s knees and made my way on the side deck.

“Coming forward,” I announced towards J. She just took another sip of her drink and set it down on her waist as before.

I went to the opposite side of the mast and uncoiled a halyard. The sail blocked most of my view of J., but when I knelt down to continue my adjustments, I saw she was slowly rubbing her clitoris in subtle circles behind her tumbler of wine. There was no way she didn’t know I was standing behind her. I stepped a little forward and eased the halyard an inch, and dropped the excess line on the deck, and took my time coiling it.

I glanced back at the cockpit. I could only just see their legs and the tops of their hats. I looked back down at J. I could see the right side of her face. Her head was still resting against the mast. Her eyes were shut, but she tilted her left knee out more and with her left hand pushed two fingers deep into her pussy and then brought them up slowly and circled around her clit. I could see her fingertips push apart her lips and then slide between them on the way back in.

I kept coiling the halyard and held it in front of me to hide my stiffening cock. I didn’t think it’d go over well if my wife saw me up here, erect, and looming over her friend. I was going to have to let this subside before making the walk back to the cockpit. I stepped back behind the sail again to hang the coil up, but I just waited there and took some extra time to hang it on the mast.

“I think that will speed us up a little and give us more of a breeze,” I said, nominally to J.

“I think everything is going just perfect,” replied J. “Except, I need more sunscreen. Would you have them pass it up?”

I sat down on the cabin top on the opposite side of the boat from J. I called back to the cockpit for them to pass me the sunscreen. S. looked back over her shoulder towards me as the bottle skidded over the cabin top. It stopped short. Kneeling, I reached out and over the cabin top to grab it. My cock hung down under me thick and heavy, but I hoped that from S.'s point of view it would not look like I had a boner.

I moved forward around the mast and sat down next to J. while handing her the bottle. She took it from me while setting her drink down next to her. She put some on her legs and then ask if I could reach her shoulders. She squirted some lotion into my palm, and I smeared it around on her shoulders and upper back. She continued to put some on her arms while I did this. I wiped my hands off on my legs.

Then without any change in her demeanor, J. rubbed lotion onto her boobs and chest.

“Do you need some too?” she asked, holding the upturned bottle out to me.

I put out my hands, and she squeezed the bottle. I did my chest and shoulders. I was getting worried they might be burning. I looked over at J., and she was once again doing her inner thighs and rubbing her hands right up against the side of her mound. She held out the bottle and gave us each some more. I started on my legs and inner thighs, cupping my hands under my balls a few times and then pulling along the length of my dick.

Offering more lotion, she said, “I can only imagine that a sunburn in that area would have you out of sorts for quite awhile.”

“I don’t even want to imagine that,” I replied and massaged my cock with a handful of lotion. It slowly became semi-erect. J. finished up her other thigh and ran her hand over her mound once again.

I leaned back on my locked elbows with my hands behind me. I looked down my stomach to my cock which was arched out over my balls with the head fully exposed and bobbing up and down from involuntary pulses as my heart pounded. I hadn’t been naked, let alone with an engorged penis, in front of another woman since before I met my wife over a decade ago. I glanced back to the cockpit. They were still facing the other way talking, but I couldn’t make out the words.

J. broke our silence.

“This is so wonderful. I’ve been to nude beaches in Spain. This is just as relaxing but so much more exhilarating. I feel like the sky is holding me. It’s actually sort of erotic.”

“That’s well put," I agreed. "I always feel open and free out here and so much more so when naked.”

“You must see people having sex out here every weekend.”

I laughed, “No, actually I never have, but I’m definitely sure it’s going on out here.”

J. took a sip of her drink and set it on her bush again. Her little finger was twitching slightly over the hood of her clit.

“I'm going let you get back to enjoying your time up here,” I said sitting up and grabbing the bottle of sunscreen.

As I got up, she took the drink into her other hand. Condensation sparkled on her fingertips, and she slid them between her pussy lips and gently squeezed her palm against her mound as I passed behind the sail.

I slowly drifted back down the side deck toward the cockpit. My cock was still semi-erect. I pushed it down a bit and looked up at the sail trim to try to get my mind off it. I was hard to believe how things had progressed today.

As I approached the cockpit from behind my wife, S. glanced up at me. She would have seen that my cock was still arching out. She looked over at my wife, and then I noticed that my wife had taken off her yellow bikini bottoms. S. looked back up at me; I guess to see my reaction. I was surprised, but I decided to carry on like it wasn't a big deal.

As I stood above her on the side deck, she looked up at me and asked if I needed a refill.

“Yeah. My cup is on the pedestal.”

That was further aft, so she sat up and scooted over to get it. I stepped down onto the seat just forward of her and sat down on the back of the seat. I looked over to J. I could tell she was still playing with herself on the foredeck.

K. poured drinks for the three of us.

“Does J. need more?”

“No, she’s good,” I said. Neither one of them could easily see her from sitting down on the benches.

S. sat up and turned to face us as she got her drink. She stretched out her legs so her toes were touching the bench my wife and I shared. We talked for a bit and sipped away on our drinks.

My wife said, “I suppose this would be you ideal crew for the next race across the lake. Is there an all naked division?”

We laughed, and I agreed that I would sign them up immediately.

My wife said, “Well, you’d have a crew but you’d have to do all the sailing yourself. We’d all be relaxing.”

She lifted her legs and rested her toes next to S.’s hip so their legs were parallel to each other's.

“Yes, you need to be in some sort of spa-cruising race,” S. added.

She picked up K.’s foot and placed it in her lap and began giving her a foot massage. My wife tilted her head back and put her hand on my leg. This was quite the sight.

“Ooh,” moaned my wife, “this IS the spa division.”

“Doesn’t the skipper do this every weekend? Doesn’t he have to take care of the passengers?”

“Yeah, what’s command for 'massage my feet?'” K. asked.

I shook my head.

“You’re handling all this pretty well,” S. said.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re on your boat; your wife is naked,” she motioned to K. reclined next to me, her soft boobs spreading to her sides, and her unshaven pussy in plain sight.

“You have two other women lounging around naked,” she gestured towards J. at the bow and gestured her hand down to highlight her nakedness, “And so far, you haven’t and to sit funny to hide an embarrassing erection!”

They laughed, but as they did, I finally lost control. Having it all pointed out to me by S. was just too much. As she finished her sentence my cock stiffened up and the head pointing skywards.

“Thanks for pointing that out, S.,” I said.

“Whoops,” said S. covering her mouth and laughing.

I covered my cock with my hand and leaned forward a bit, as my wife admonished me, looking shocked. At this moment J. stepped into the cockpit. I looked up at her. Her pussy lips were plainly visible and opened up a little. My cock only got harder.

“What’s going on back here?” she asked, as she sat down next to S.

“I was just moving to sit awkwardly behind the helm, if you’d please excuse me.”

I stood up and decided to take my hand off my erection to grab the pedestal guard. My boner stuck straight out as I stepped over my wife’s legs and moved for the helm seat. Once there, I sat to the side of the boat my wife at on. I leaned back and let my cock stick up into the air - the wheel and pedestal at least obscuring me a little. After awhile my cock softened up a bit and rested on my stomach.

The girls laughed about something and then J. went below to use the head. My wife went below to the galley while S. got up and stood in the companionway. She undid her ponytail and re-tied it. With her arms behind her head, her breasts were lifted and thrust forward. My cock stiffened up again.

I decided that this would be a good time to turn the boat around and head downwind back towards the harbor. It was going to take quite awhile to get back. I stood up, still erect and tacked the sailboat and then headed downwind, easing the mainsail out. While I steered, S. picked up the binoculars and scanned the horizon doing a three-sixty with her body.

“I only see a guy who REALLY likes sailing.”

Obviously, she meant that about me.

“It’s a very exciting sport, so I’m not surprised,” I stated.

I stepped out from behind the wheel and grabbed the jib furling line and uncoiled it.

“S., I what to bring that front sail back out again. Will you take that line there and pull the sail out?”

“Sure,” she said and moved to the winch a few feet in front of me.

Hand over hand, she pulled out the sail, and I told her how to adjust it and tie it off. She was incredibly sexy as she did the job nude. When she finished, she turned, facing me with my hard-on and brushed her hands together and proclaimed herself a sailor. As we gathered way downwind, the breeze across the boat lessened. My wife came back on deck with a few bottles of cold water, reminding us to stay hydrated.

A little later, J. popped her head up through the forward hatch and asked if it was ok to sit at the bow now that the headsail was out. My wife said it was ok, and J. scampered out the foredeck hatch onto the deck. S. stood in the companionway a gazed off in different directions. J. sat on the bow pulpit facing aft, holding on to the forestay with her feet spread wide for balance.

After awhile, I asked my wife if she could monitor the autopilot, while I went below for a bit. As she moved to the helm, I moved toward S. to go below. When I got to the companionway, S. just turned sideways to let me pass behind her and down the steps. As I went by, my still semi-hard cock brushed her hip and butt cheek.

Once down below, I went to the galley to get some grapes that K had set out, and I washed my face with some cold water. The way the galley is laid out, the sink was right by S.’s feet on the companionway steps, so as I soaked my face, I could look up and see her from the waist down. I took my time and admired her long legs and her pussy as she shifted her weight back and forth in time with the boat. Once again my cock was rock hard; pointing straight up and out. I could not keep going through these cycles.

I went towards the forward cabin. As I passed the door for the toilet, I swung it open which blocked the view from the cockpit. I reached in and grabbed some suntan lotion. Sitting on the bed in the bow, I put the lotion on my stiff cock, gripped it in my hand, and started masturbating.

The only way I was going to be able to stay in control was to release some of this tension. I was sitting on the bunk with my head propped up on the corner of the bulkhead. In my mind, I played back all that I’d seen today: J. putting sunscreen on her thighs; the full view of S.’s pussy. J. slyly masturbating on the side deck. My wife finally getting naked - her tits bouncing as she moved around the boat. Myself fully erect in front of the girls. My cock brushing across S. backside. I rubbed my cock hard, then slowed down and changed grips to keep on the verge of cumming for just a bit longer.

I took a deep breath and looked up.

"Holy shit," I thought to myself.

I could see J’s shins through the opened forward deck hatch. She had moved back towards the mast from the bow. Had she seen me? I covered my cock, pushing it against my body. I leaned forward looking up through the hatch. As I did, I could see more and more of J., her knees, her thighs, her little triangular bush. Leaning further, I saw her stomach and arms which were holding a cushion to her side. I saw her well-shaped boobs and then finally her face. She was smiling and looking right at me.

She dropped the cushion and knelt down on it and started to reapply suntan lotion on her arms. Thoughts flashed through my head about our little encounter earlier by the mast.

She knew that I knew. She knew that I knew that she knew. Feeling nervously excited, I slid forward a little so I could still see her, and she could see me. I slowly resumed stroking my erection. I couldn't stop from doing it. J. kept an unfazed look about her and glanced down at me while she adjusted her hair. She started rubbing the lotion onto her tits and looked right down at me jerking off. Her expression was that this was no big deal and that fit with how she'd acted earlier.

I exhaled and felt a wave of relaxation and exhilaration sweep over me. I felt another wave rush through my cock, and I shot a load of cum on myself in gushing spurts. Breathing deep, I glanced up at J. She was brushing lotion on the tops of her breasts as if nothing had happened, but she was gazing at my cum soaked cock. She turned and laid down on the cushion out of my sight. I could just see a bit of her reddish brown hair.

I got up and went into the head to clean up. I went back on deck with my heavy, post-climax cock swinging free.

Written by romanmm
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