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Another weekend away

"A weekend away hots up a small village"

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Another weekend away

A few years ago, a friend of mine was renting a flat in a small village in the Midlands, which he and another friend used when they were called to work in the locality.

One weekend my wife and myself had agreed to borrow the flat for a few days away. Before going to the flat we had agreed that it would be an ideal chance to engage in our favourite hobby; that being exhibitionism, with the occasional spot of sex with one or more strangers thrown in for good measure.

Whilst driving to the flat my wife removed her underpants, stating “ I don’t think I’ll be needing these this weekend”. It turned out that she hadn’t brought any other pairs with her anyway, that always being her intention.

She was wearing a short summer skirt, and a vest top which had buttons down the front. Apart from when we went out to pubs in the evening, she wore these clothes for the whole weekend, they being suitable for the purpose in mind.

As I drove along, she adjusted her seat to enable her to recline back comfortably, enabling her skirt to ride up her legs a little, which allowed her shaved pussy to be clearly seen, also undoing some buttons to help her tits almost to burst out of her top. She has gorgeous tits, with beautiful long nipples which let you see immediately when my wife is aroused, as they poke out proudly, either pushing obviously against the thin material of her vest, or thrusting around the edges of the material, to escape defiantly from cover.

When my wife is showing herself to me, or anyone else for that matter, she becomes obviously aroused, with her nipples bursting through or out of their cover, and her pussy lips open of their own volition, becoming clearly wet, puffy, and engorged with blood. This is truly a beautiful sight to behold, and one that thrills me every time to my core, and seemingly does the same to everyone else that has had the pleasure of seeing her thus.

I could never tire of ,or become complacent with, the sight of my wife exposed and excited in this manner, and cannot understand the views of the people that find fault with actions such as ours. Nevertheless I believe that we should all follow our own beliefs, and as someone once said, “ Each to his own”.

Anyway, we arrived duly at the flat, picked up the keys from a neighbour as arranged, put our luggage inside, and went back out again to explore the village.

You can more or less walk around the village in a circle, it consisting of possibly fifty or so houses, a small shop/ post office, a church with graveyard, two pubs and a shop which sold beds of all things.

We first of all decided to visit one of the pubs. We bought some drinks, and sat in a room to the rear, we being the only people in that room, there being about three others in the public bar. Whist in that rear room, my wife started to expose her breasts to me, by undoing most of the buttons on her top. I fondled her breasts whilst kissing her, and was enjoying her rubbing my erection through my trousers.

She said to me “ Why don’t you go and remove your pants? I’ll be able to see your cock better and feel it better.” This prompted me to go to the loo and do that; hiding my erection on the way back with my hand in my pocket, until I was back in the rear room with my wife. My wife by now had allowed her already short skirt to ride up her legs ,until her pussy was once again on show. We sat in that room for quite some time, quietly having a few drinks, fondling each other to our hearts’ content. I was feeling her breasts, then caressing her pussy, then fingering her to an orgasm; whilst she at one time had unzipped my trousers, released my cock, and stroked and sucked me until I too came, she swallowing my come with ease.

When we had tidied ourselves up a bit, we went out into the bar to get another drink each, both of us sitting on stools by the bar, and having a brief chat with two locals, who sat at a table by the window. My wife by now was only showing shall we say “ more than a usual amount” of cleavage which seemed to keep the two local guys amused. When we finished our drinks we said our goodbyes, and I noticed that as my wife slid off the bar stool, she made sure her legs opened quite wide, giving the goggle-eyed locals a view and a thrill I’m sure they’d never forget.

We walked around the village until we came to the shop/post office, which we looked around, and found that they sold “top shelf” magazines which I’ve always enjoyed for titillation purposes. My wife and I purchased two magazines and left the shop to return to the flat to shower and change.

On the way back to the flat my wife was allowing her skirt to ride up her legs until you could almost see her pussy lips showing as she walked, and her tits were also overflowing her top.

A man was walking towards us on the same pavement and I said quietly “ Give him a good look, and ask him for a light or something”. My wife quickly removed a cigarette from her handbag and walked up to this person and did just that; the expression on his face was priceless.

He was obviously aware that this woman walking towards him was wearing a ridiculously short skirt, but when she leaned in towards him for a light and her tits were almost in his face, he didn’t know where to look first. He managed to get a good eyeful though, in fact couldn’t really avoid it. As my wife and I walked away, all she said was “ Nice!”

We got back to the flat and decided to have a quick read of the magazines. We sat opposite each other in the living room, both in easy chairs. We took it in turns whilst looking at the photographs inside, to read out to each other stories from the “Readers’ Wives stories.”

Soon it was obvious that we were both turned on by the stories, especially the ones involving women “flashing” to others. My wife slowly raised each of her legs to rest on the arms of the chair, unbuttoned her vest totally, and started to rub and caress her pussy, working the wetness around, before dipping her fingers into her by now soaking wet cunt. I in turn removed all my clothes , and spreading my legs wide, started masturbating.

I must say, that was a truly enjoyable wank!

We were both masturbating ,listening to each other relating stories of women showing their cunts to other men, whilst enjoying seeing each other obviously excited, wanking to, and for, each other. In next to no time we both had wonderful orgasms, me sending jets of come over my chest and stomach up to my chin; my wife exploding noisily, sending a spray of come out over the carpet in front of her, her hand a blur, wanking and rubbing, spraying out freely from her wide open cunt.

After relaxing a short while, we went to lay on the bed for a while, just gently touching each other, falling asleep in each others’ arms .

When we woke, it was time to shower and change, before going out for the evening. We decided to try the other pub in the village, where we found they were holding a general knowledge quiz, something we both enjoy. My wife was wearing a long summer dress, no knickers or bra, and I a summer shirt and trousers , again with no underpants, concealing my erection as usual with my hand when necessary. The evening went quietly, with nothing sexual taking place.

When we left the pub at closing time, we walked in the opposite direction to the flat, intending to enjoy ourselves in some fashion before retiring. At one point we entered an old fashioned telephone box, and whilst huddled up close, pretended to use the ‘phone. I undid the buttons on my wife’s dress and fingered her for at least fifteen minutes, she pretending to talk into the receiver whilst exploding come down her legs.

After leaving the phone box, we walked into the churchyard and ended up fucking on top of a crypt, or whatever it is called. A large, stone, box-like thing. This is something we’d read of others doing in magazine stories, but hadn’t thought we’d ever be able to replicate. We both enjoyed fucking like this. Me with my trousers down to my ankles, my wife’s dress totally undone, her lying on her back, legs in the air, both of us banging away for all we’re worth, until noisily cumming together, not aware or afraid of how much noise we made. A really lovely spur of the moment fuck.

A short while later, on our way back to the flat, my wife only had about two buttons fastened, enabling me free access to her body; tits, cunt and arse all felt and probed whilst walking. This is a common thing for us to do when walking home from a pub when at home, and something we both totally enjoy.

When we reached the flat, we had a last vodka and tonic, and went into the bedroom, originally intending to go to bed. As I went to close the curtains, all I could see from the window was the plain wall of the building opposite to ours, and a doorway that looked as if it wasn’t in use any longer. A thought came into my head, prompting me to say to my wife, “I think I’d like to watch you undressing, but from a distance.”

Whilst the majority of my ogling my wife’s body takes place up close, maybe six to ten feet away, I also love to look at her exposing herself at a longer distance, possibly me pretending that I’m seeing her as a stranger would.

This resulted in me going outside, crossing the road, and watching my wife from the darkness of the disused doorway.

When I was in place, my wife stood in front of the bedroom window, then raised the sash window as high as possible, not for it to impede my view at all. She then started to sway to imaginary music, at the same time slowly rubbing herself through her dress firstly, then sliding her hands inside the dress, first to caress and squeeze her breasts, then parting the lower portion of the dress, enabling her to rub her pussy with one hand, whilst holding the dress open with the other.

This was fantastic, but I found the room too dark to see as much as I’d like, so I motioned up to her, after catching her eye, to switch on the light in the room. She paused momentarily at that, before recommencing her sexual dance with the light now on. This was much better. I had now released my rampant cock from my trousers and was slowly pulling on it, as my wife started to then undo slowly all the buttons on her dress, still caressing herself with obvious enjoyment. With her dress now hanging off her shoulders, she walked up close to the window, then placed one foot on the sill, thereby opening her legs wide, giving a glorious view of her soaking wet cunt, as she plunged one then two fingers into it, fingering herself into a blissful state.

When she suddenly stopped, and walked away from the window, I thought maybe someone was approaching me, or something else was wrong, but she soon reappeared, holding her favourite vibrator. She resumed her previous stance, and I swear I could see a sheen on the tops of her legs against the light, where her juices had run down her legs.

She resumed her masturbation with renewed vigour; at first rubbing the vibrator between her soaked cunt lips; occasionally pausing over her clitoris, for the added enjoyment the vibrations there gave her, before plunging her favourite sex aid deep within her cunt, then rapidly wanking herself into a frenzy, coming in torrents down her legs, while I also wanked myself to a lovely orgasm, shooting my load over the wall and floor of the doorway. To see my wife perform in this way, with the lights on, in full view in the window, was a truly magnificent sight, and one I will always treasure.

After wiping myself, I returned to the flat, where my wife was lying spent on the bed. Her dress being fully open, her legs apart, her cunt fully engorged in plain view, I couldn’t stop myself from kneeling down between her legs and slowly start kissing, then licking her wide open cunt, which in almost no time at all resulted in another glorious orgasm for her. Are we all jealous of the number of orgasms a woman can experience in one evening? I imagine so.

The evening had ended in an extremely enjoyable session for us both, and we went to sleep in each others arms, whilst quietly telling each other how much we’d enjoyed what had taken place.

The next day we spent driving around a few of the nearby villages, sampling a drink or two in some small country pubs; my wife sampling more than me partly because of me driving, partly because of how alcohol accelerates my wife losing her few remaining inhibitions.

On returning to our “home” village, we walked around aimlessly, my wife enjoying the way the breeze was wafting along her pussy under her very short skirt, also causing her nipples to stand out proudly. I was able on occasions to squeeze the cheeks of her backside as we walked, my finger sometimes straying forward between her cheeks to graze against her pussy lips lightly. This ensured that my wife had a permanently wet pussy all the time we walked around, which suited us both.

As we were walking past the bed shop in the village, my wife asked to go in to explore. We did so, and walked around the beds on display for a while before she lay down on one, kicking off her shoes, and raising one knee, allowed me a lovely view of her parted cunt lips. As we have taken advantage in the past of similar photo opportunities, I always used to carry a camera with me (just in case). This seemed an ideal occasion to take a few snaps; so I had just started to take a few lurid photos, when a young salesman seemed to appear from nowhere, immediately asking “ Can I help you?”

Partly I think due to the amount of alcohol my wife had consumed, instead of trying to cover herself up, my wife kept up her open legged pose and replied “That would be nice”.

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I think I might have tried to bluster my way out of this situation if it hadn’t been for the fact that this young chap had an obvious erection trying to force it’s way out of his trousers. He wasn’t trying to conceal it either, so I quickly realised that he wasn’t totally displeased with my wife displaying her charms in his shop. I smiled at him, and just said “ Feel free”, and nodded towards the bed.

He said “ One minute,” and rushed off to lock the door. On his way back to the bed he removed his jacket and tie before sitting on the edge of the bed. My wife reached out to him, and soon they were zealously kissing and caressing each other. He fingered her cunt until she came over his fingers, whilst she squeezed his cock through his trousers before removing that obstacle.

Whilst they were both busy , I had resumed taking photos, presuming that if he objected, he’d let me know soon enough. He didn’t so I kept on snapping away merrily.

During the next hour or so I took around forty photos which showed the pair in a huge variety of situations and poses. They began with the pair wanking each other, then gradually removing each other’s clothes until both naked, they indulged in a fuck-fest of activity, involving oral and manual stimulation of each others sex organs, including a 69 with my wife on top, pushing her cunt down onto his mouth whilst sucking eagerly away at his formidable erection. They ended up fucking, first standing up by the bed, then lying on it, finally culminating in my wife kneeling on the bed, gripping the brass headboard with all her might, screaming out “Fuck me! Fuck me!” as he pounded his cock into her cunt as hard and fast as he was able; both of them calling out as they shared huge orgasms, both going rigid with the intensity of their feelings.

All of this was captured on my digital camera, and has been viewed by my wife and myself both together and singly to assure orgasms all round. A fantastic reminder of a wonderful afternoon. It turned out that the salesman didn’t have any qualms about joining in or having his photo taken, because he was just doing someone a favour, and watching the shop whilst the owner was at a wedding. Lucky for all involved I think.

After replacing her clothes, my wife and I had a quick chat with the young man, after which my wife gave him a lingering kiss to remember her by, then we slowly walked back to the flat. when there, my wife quickly removed her clothes again, and walked naked around the flat while preparing us both a vodka and tonic. During this period she walked past the open windows without a care, not minding if anyone should happen to look up at the upstairs flat. I followed suit, and stripped, following her into the kitchen to caress her pussy and backside while she prepared the drinks.

We then sat in the lounge, in the same chairs facing each other as the previous day, and started once again to read out the “Readers’ Wives” stories out to each other. Before long I was slowly pulling my rigid cock, listening and watching my wife intently as she rubbed her vibrator along her soaking wet pussy, before pushing it into her open, wet, cunt; to gradually increase her pace, until her hand was ramming the toy into her cunt with abandon, eventually soaking the seat beneath her and a patch of carpet in front of the chair as she came in a large spray of cum juice, the magazine having dropped unnoticed from her hand long before that.

I too had increased the pace of my wanking, watching my wife’s self ministrations, until I also erupted in a great gush of cum which shot over my chest and stomach, even reaching my chin. We both then slumped in the chairs, looked over at each other with beaming smiles. All I could manage to say was “ Wow”, which seemed to sum up the moment.

After finishing our drinks, we again, as the day before, retired to lie on the bed, holding each other, whilst talking about the day’s events so far; especially what had happened in the bed shop. We gradually fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When we awoke, we both showered and changed before going out for our last evening in the village.

We decided to visit the first pub we had gone into in the village, the previous day. There were more people in attendance this evening, and we spent some time in the bar initially, occasionally having the odd conversation with a local or two. During this time my wife, who had at least three buttons undone at the top and bottom of her dress, was occasionally putting one of her feet up onto the brass rail along the floor in front of the bar, causing her dress to open down it’s length, showing a lot of her leg. A sight I’m pretty sure was admired by a good few of the locals.

We noticed a group of people leaving the back room, where we had spent yesterday’s enjoyable afternoon, and went into that room to see if there were any vacant seats. There were spare seats, so we sat down on opposite sides of a low coffee table which held our drinks. Every time my wife leaned forward to reach her drink, she showed a formidable amount of cleavage, and allowing her dress to part, was also showing a fair amount of leg.

During the evening, we struck up a conversation with a couple of young men who, it turned out, were reps who were staying at the other end of the village for a few nights. Their looking down my wife’s cleavage became more obvious as the evening went on, and she in turn seemed to have to lean forward more and more as time went by. It was obvious she was enjoying the attention, and was playing up to it, having received the ok from me when the two men had gone to buy us all a round of drinks. She had asked me “ What do you think? Are you up for it? Four in a bed?” This was something we had never tried before, and I instantly decided that I would love to experience it.

“ I am if you are.” Was my reply, then the two youngsters returned. Where we were seated, my wife was actually facing the corner of the room, with me opposite her, and the two reps standing, leaning against a fireplace which ran along the wall, which meant that my wife was the only one facing away from the room, us three facing the other people present. Not that that were too many others in the room now as time was getting on.

We subsequently discovered that the pub would sometimes lock it’s doors, and serve drinks after hours. This was the case on this evening. Well after hours we became the only people left in this back room; the remaining customers having moved into the bar to chat, most of them knowing each other.

For some time now, my wife had opened more buttons both top and bottom of her dress, allowing a beautiful sight of most of both of her tits, with her proud nipples occasionally peeking around the sides of the dress. Her legs were also greatly exposed, her dress parted sufficiently to almost allow a view of her pussy. I think it was only the fact that her cunt lips were shaven that stopped us three men from seeing her cunt totally, in all it’s glory.

The two reps knew on which side their bread was buttered, and were constantly giving my wife compliments on her sexy appearance, at the same time complimenting her by the fact that they both had erections straining against their trousers. They both occasionally were squeezing their cocks through their trousers, resulting in my wife in turn complimenting them on the size of their erections, which seemed to please them no end.

After a while like this, my wife asked both men “ Would you like to see my cunt?”

My wife, on occasions like this, likes to talk dirty, and indeed thrills me when talking like this, just saying it like it is. The two guys nodded, and said “ Yes please.” This prompted my wife to undo one more button, and slowly open her legs, whilst leaning back in her chair, thus giving the three of us an uninterrupted view of her juicy, wet, wide open cunt.

I think we all almost shivered at the sight, being given a perfect view, in a public place, of an openly excited woman, not afraid to show how wet and excited she was, to her husband and two strangers.

Both the other guys at this point, put one hand in their pockets to enable them to fondle themselves. At this point I think maybe they had two emotions running through them. Firstly a desire to fuck the exposed woman in front of them; secondly the desire to whip their cocks out into the open and wank over the sight presented to them. I know the feelings, having felt them many times in the past, whilst my wife was exposing herself to me.

After a while, my wife asked the two guys “ Would you like to fuck me now? My husband has to be present, and fully participate.”

Again, I think the only reply they could muster between them was “ Oh, yes please.”

At this, my wife swiftly buttoned some of dress, stood up, gripped both guys’ cocks, and said “ Well then, what are we waiting for?” She then released her grip and led the way outside, after thanking the landlord for the evening.

It was now some time after two am, and the street was deserted as we walked back to the flat. This was a perfect time to indulge in the normal thing we do on occasions like this, that being that we again undo nearly all of my wife’s dress, and feel her body all over as we walk, enabling her at the same time to feel the cocks of the people closest to her. I let the other guys walk either side of my wife and have the pleasure of this, having done the same on many, many occasions. To see her caress the erections of two strangers as we walked was a wonderful sight to me, tremendously exciting, causing me to rub my cock through my trousers as we proceeded.

When we got back to the flat, the two guys were all over my wife. They stripped her dress off in the hallway, and were fingering her pussy and arse at the same time, to her immense enjoyment. We went straight into the bedroom, where we all removed our clothing, and lay on the bed.

My wife at first lay between the other guys, and at the sight of them both feeling her tits and pussy, I was moved to kneel down at the foot of the bed and, moving the guys’ hands out of the way, began to lick, nibble and suck my wife’s cunt lips, inner cunt lips, and clitoris.

I love oral sex, and enjoyed bringing my wife to orgasm by inserting two fingers into her, whilst licking up and down her cunt; at the same time the other guys were caressing her tits, pulling on her nipples, and trying to get their hands under her body to stimulate her arse at the same time.

My wife having exploded big time with this handling, the rest of the night passed in a blur of sex. My wife has for a long time been keen to try almost anything sexual, and that night truly was one to try out anything and everything we could think of.

Multiple penetration was certainly the order of the night, and I have no idea how may orgasms occurred in that room; that night. With my wife able to experiment with three cocks available to her, she threw herself, ( as indeed did I) with gusto into the wildest night of sex we had ever experienced up until that time.

Two views I had that night I think will always remain with me. My wife trying to get two cocks into her mouth, after already having licked and sucked them for some time; and when she had one cock in her cunt, another in her arse, with neither cock belonging to me! These were both amazing sights to behold, at least they were to me; and formed two portions of what turned into a really long, sweaty, fuck-fest for all the people involved.

When a good few hours of sleep had passed, and our guests had long gone, we set off for home. During the journey, my wife dropped off to sleep, her skirt having risen up her legs, showing me her recently moisturised pussy; her vest open enough to enable me glimpses of her nipples. This ensured an enjoyable journey home for me. At one point I was sufficiently aroused by the sight of my exposed wife, to make me free my cock from my trousers, and masturbate whilst driving, catching the eventual emissions in a handkerchief.

Thus passed a truly unforgettable weekend. Many times we have relived that time, retelling the events of the weekend to each other during lovemaking sessions, reminding each other of the men’s looks as my wife slid open legged off the bar stool; the masturbation session my wife and I had on different sides of the living room, then on different sides of the street; the photos taken, and the fucking that took place in the bed shop; and finally the beautiful exhibitionism of my wife in front of the two strangers, turning eventually into a night long fucking session with four people thoroughly enjoying themselves, with no restrictions on anyone.

During the various times we have retold these stories to each other, it has always resulted in our slow, romantic lovemaking, ending in frenzied orgasms for both of us; the stories having the desired effect of exciting both of us to a glorious, sweaty finish.

I sometimes look at our weekends away as being marvellous value. The number of orgasms gained after coming home being far, far, in excess of the number experienced during the actual weekend away. Can’t be bad, can it? What do you think?

Written by mickthetrick1
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