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Anonymous Pleasure

"Relaxing in a hotel can be pleasurable"

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Anonymous Pleasure

As I stood under the shower and let its warm spray wash over my body, I thought back to how frustrating the day had been. Everything seemed to go wrong.

It all started when I told my boyfriend that my boss wanted me travel to Rosetown for a few days to attend emergency negotiations over a contract that would be the largest we had ever signed. He threw a temper tantrum, saying that I had more time for work than him. When I tried to say that that wasn’t true he told me to forget about us and slammed the phone down.

While our sexual exploits had been great, I was beginning to tire of his self-centred, me first attitude. It wasn’t my preferred way to break-off a yearlong relationship but, in some ways, I was glad it was over.

My boss took me, and two other people to lunch, to brief me on the negotiations to date. During the three hours we spent going over our proposal we ate a tremendous amount of food. I was stuffed. After it was over though, I felt that I understood all the details and had all the knowledge to do an effective job.

As a final comment my boss told me that the contract was very important to the future of the company and, it was okay to concede up to ten percent on the price if it meant getting the business.

At 3:30 I grabbed a taxi outside the restaurant to get to the airport for my 6:00 flight. I was glad that I kept a small travel case with clothes and toiletries in my office just in case this type of emergency trip came up unexpectedly.

When I finally got to the airport, after being snarled in heavy traffic for almost two hours, I had to run to the check-in gate.

I got a seat, but it was in the middle of the last row of a very small plane. With the high-winds and promise of heavy rains I knew it was going to be a rough flight. My bad luck continued as I got on the plane; I was squished between four large men all of whose butts overflowed their allocated seat space.

As the 6:00 plane took off the captain announced, as I had suspected, that our two-hour flight was going to be very turbulent. He further apologized that, if it was too bad, the cabin crew would be unable to serve drinks or food. I didn’t care about the food, as I was still full from lunch, but I would have liked a drink to ease my uncomfortable seating arrangements.

His predictions, and my premonition, proved to be all too true. The plane pitched through the sky like an out-of-control roller coaster ride. The back row was the worst. With all the up and down and side-to-side my boobs were being continuously jostled by the men on both sides. If it hadn’t been so uncomfortable trying to sit there it might have been a highly erotic turn-on.

At one point I leaned forward to try and escape their pounding. The next jolt sent me up and to the right. I found my forearm in my neighbour’s lap. I pushed myself upright and apologized. Almost as soon as I was upright again the plane went down and to the left. As a result I found my forearm resting in my other neighbour’s lap. Our constant jostling must have been a turn-on because my elbow felt a very hard cock.

Being the tease that I am, I made sure my elbow rub it a few times while I tried to straighten up. He was squirming in his seat as I turned to him and apologized saying, “Sorry about that, it’s a pretty rough flight.” He smiled back at me.

When we finally landed and deplaned, I found that my suitcase had popped open with the bumpy trip and some of my more intimate things were hanging out the sides. One of the baggage handlers must have stuffed everything back in and closed it.

I caught a taxi to my hotel. The drive was uneventful other than I developed a sudden, intense need to pee. I got out of the taxi and rushed in to the hotel to find a bathroom. I groaned when I saw that there was a line-up three deep in front of both the lobby restrooms.

I rushed to the check-in, and because I was eligible for express-check-in, had my key in under a minute. I half-ran across the lobby to the elevators. Because I was in a hurry I decided, rather than going around the lobby-bar, I’d cut through.

As I rounded a corner I ran full tilt into a waitress carrying a tray of drinks. We both went down heavily. The drinks on her tray –beer and mixed drinks – landed on me soaking my suit and blouse with their stickiness.

To add insult to injury, the rough landing caused my bladder to let go and I felt warm pee soak through my bottom. Thank goodness the smell of the beer masked the smell of the pee.

The waitress and bar manager were apologizing profusely and trying to help me to stand. I told the manager that it wasn’t the waitress’s fault and that I would be happy to pay for the damage I had caused. The waitress looked very relieved when I said this. The manager said not to worry about it, accidents happen.

To compensate for the accident, because he said that he had been complaining to the hotel manager that the poor design of the bar was going to lead to an accident just like what had happened to me, he asked me to send my clothes for a free cleaning by the hotel.

I buttoned my suit jacket to hide my tits. The liquid that had spilt on me had made both my blouse and bra semi-transparent. I walked, soaking wet, over to the elevator. Luckily there was no one else waiting for it and I was able to make it to my room with no other incidents.

It was 9:30, and I was tired. ‘If I wasn’t twenty-six and in fairly good shape from my two aerobics sessions a week’, I thought, ‘I’d be in really rough shape.’

I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower to clean off. The water felt really good as it cascaded over my shoulders, down over my firm boobs and flat stomach, and finally down my firm, and I’ve been told, shapely legs.

I rubbed myself all over to get the stickiness of the beer and drinks off my body. As I rubbed my breasts I felt a small tingle in my crotch. The feeling intensified as I rubbed my pussy.

‘What the heck, let’s really relax,’ I thought. I closed my eyes and spread my pussy lips so that my fingers could caress my clit. As my fingers did their work I felt an orgasm begin to build from deep inside me. I continued to gently stroke my clit and let it wash over me. I felt so good, like a new woman.

Getting out of the shower I faced the pile of smelly wet clothes that I had stripped off. The suit and blouse were going to have to be professionally cleaned but I could rinse out my underthings.

Still naked, I called room service to request that someone collect my things for cleaning. While I was putting them in the bag there was a knock on my door and a voice said “Room Service”.

Startled, and not wanting to appear at the door naked, I threw on the hotel’s complementary bathrobe before answering the door.

“That was fast! I haven’t even had time to put my clothes in the bag yet. Just a second.”

The young woman said that she had been on the floor, just down the hall, when the call had come in. I told her I would like the clothes back by 8:00 the next morning and she said they would be hanging on my door handle before then.

After locking the door I turned back into the bathroom and rinsed out my panties, bra, camisole, garter belt, and hose in the sink. I went out into the room to look for somewhere to hang them to dry. There was nowhere.

Then I thought – the curtain rod. The air system vent would blow air right on them all night and they would be dry in the morning.

I got some hangers from the closet and opened the two curtains that covered the windows as wide as they would go. I put my camisole on a hanger and the other items on the bed. I tried to reach up and hang the hanger with my camisole on the curtain rod but my five foot seven inch frame was just too short. I stretched on my tiptoes several times but just couldn’t hook the hanger on the curtain rod.

As I was trying, I looked over at the building beside my hotel. It was another hotel. The two buildings must have been only thirty feet apart. Just across from my window, and one floor up, I saw a good-looking man standing by his window talking on the phone. I was pretty sure that he had been watching my antics.

I decided that if he had I’d tease him with a little flesh. I turned my back to him and pulled at the front of the robe a little so that it would begin to gape open. I turned back and faced him.

This time when I stretched up one of my boobs flashed at him. I jumped up and down a couple of times to make sure that I got his attention. When I glanced over I saw him cupping his hand against the window to improve his ability to see. ‘This is going to be fun,’ I thought to myself.

I still couldn’t reach however. I looked around and got the chair from the desk. I put it near the window and climbed up on it. I then reached over so that I had one foot on the window ledge and the other on the chair. I made sure that I flexed my knees a little and caused the housecoat to gape at the bottom so that my pussy was exposed.

I glanced up to see if my audience was still watching. He was, and from the way he was adjusting the front of his pants, getting hot and bothered. ‘Good,’ I thought, ‘the show can continue.

I reached over and picked up my bra from the bed. At the same time I used my other hand to loosen the robe some more. I strung it over a hanger and climbed up on the chair again. This time I reached even further and made sure that my stretch opened my robe in a way that both a boob and my pussy were exposed.

I climbed down and went over to the bed to get my panties. I stretched them over the hanger like a sweater and made sure that the belt of the robe was totally undone.

I climbed back up on the chair and this time when I stretched my whole body was exposed. I repeated my antics for my garter belt and hose. I reached over several times to make little adjustments to the way my underthings were hanging each time make sure I flashed my audience. Stealing a glance at him I could see that he was getting very agitated – he was rubbing his crotch fairly vigorously.

I was still quite full from my lunch so I decided, at 10:30, that I wouldn’t have any dinner and, as I was tired, that I should just go to bed.

I sat down on the bed and my robe flopped open. I looked up where my audience had been and noticed that he could see my entire bed from his vantage point.

What the hell,’ I thought to myself, ‘let’s give him the whole show.

I stood up and went back over to the window to make sure my drying cloths wouldn’t interfere with his view. I then went back to the bed and peeled back both the bedspread and sheets on the bed.

I shrugged off the robe and let it drop to the floor. Turning around, I stretched my arms over my head, and lay back on the bed. I fluffed up the pillow and stuck it behind my head.

I was lying on the bed fully exposed to the man in the window. He had hung up the phone and was now just looking at me. I had his full attention.

I lay there for a minute and then started to rub my boobs. I caressed each nipple and then gave them a light pinch. I kept one hand working on my boobs while I moved the other down to my pussy.

I rubbed it all over as I moved my legs apart. I looked up and saw that he had dropped his pants and that he had pulled his cock out the side of his boxer shorts. It was hard and he was rubbing it up and down.

Now this was getting interesting,’ I thought to myself.

The sight of him jerking off started to get me wet. I lifted my knees a bit to give my hand better access to my pussy and began to work first one and then two fingers in and out. I moved the hand that was caressing my boobs down to start working on my clit.

I looked up again and noticed that my man was starting to rub his cock faster and faster. I continued to watch him as I worked my fingers in and out of my slit faster and faster. My other hand worked my clit more and more vigorously.

I felt my orgasm begin to build. My friend was starting to move his hips as he pumped his cock harder and harder. I was getting close and slowed down my fingers to maintain myself at the edge of cumming. I was waiting for him to cum before I pushed myself over the edge.

His hips moved faster and faster. As his thrusts became more and more exaggerated I pushed myself closer to the edge.

All of a sudden he thrust forward once, twice and a third time and I thought that I could see his cum spurting out of his cock onto the window.

Seeing that pushed me over the edge. My legs stiffened and I began to shudder all over. I shook and shook for a couple of minutes. I looked up and saw the man leaning against his window totally exhausted by his masturbation.

That was great’, I thought to myself. I pulled the sheet up and turned off the light. I went to sleep quickly having been totally relaxed.

The next morning I woke to the sun streaming through my window. It warmed the sheets that were covering me making the bed warm and comfy.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that the man was back at his window talking on the phone. This time he was wearing a terrycloth robe. He looked like he was looking into my room again.

I closed my eyes and thought ‘with the sun shining in on the bed I’m sure that he can see me in bed. Let’s give him another show.’

I stretched my arms up and my legs straight and moved the sheet so that my boobs were uncovered. I rolled to the center of the bed and back to get the sheets away from the rest of my body.

I kept my eyes on him as I used my hands to cup and massage my boob. I could see that my actions were having the effect I wanted – the front of the man’s robe was beginning to tent out.

Two or three times I moved both hands down my body until they were between my legs.

I then pulled my knees up, spread them apart and began to work on my cunt. The warmth of the sun intensified the feeling I was beginning to have.

As I watched him one of his hands moved inside his robe. The other undid the belt of the robe so that his hard cock was fully exposed to me.

I was so wet that I could stick two fingers into my pussy right at the start. I moved them in and out until I was well lubricated. I then started to caress my clit. Every time I touched it my body shuddered.

As I was doing this, the man leaned against his window frame and began to pump his cock harder and harder. Watching him, and moving my fingers over my clit, brought me to the edge of an orgasm very quickly. I kept myself there as I watched him begin to thrust his hips forward – slowly and then faster and faster.

I began to work my fingers faster and faster too. My orgasm exploded just as I watched him spurt his cum all over the window. He leaned forward and rested against the window frame still looking into my room.

I quickly got up from the bed and walked over to the window. I waved at him and gave him the thumbs up sign. He looked embarrassed and tried to cover himself. He then thought better of it and, with a laugh, waved back and bowed. I curtsied to him and then cupped my boobs to him.

I took down my underthings from the curtain rod and put them on.

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I opened the door slightly and got my cleaned clothes from the door handle where the hotel had left them. I got dressed, put on some makeup, and left for my meetings.

It was a great day. The customer was very impressed with the confidence with which I answered all of their concerns. I worked with them and ensured that they were comfortable with the value that they would receive from giving us the contract.

At 5:00 I asked if they were satisfied with our proposal. I was really happy that they said yes and that they would sign the contract right then. I phoned my boss and gave him the news.

He was very happy, especially since I hadn’t had to make any concessions on the price to close the deal. I told him I would bring the signed contract back to the office on my return tomorrow afternoon. He said that the morning after would be fine and told me to go out and have a great meal on the company.

I left the customer’s office with the contract in my briefcase. I was a really nice day and I decided to walk the few blocks back to my hotel. I was strolling back enjoying the day when I thought that I recognized the man standing ahead of me at the stoplight.

As we crossed the street I hurried a bit and took a look at him from the side. It was the man that I had put on a show for the previous night and this morning. I began to redden as I thought to myself, “Should I say anything to him or just drop back and let it be.”

As I was thinking this he looked over at me and there was a jolt of recognition in his eyes.

“Oh, it’s you” he said. “How, uh, uh, uh, are you feeling?” His face turned bright red as he thought about what he had just said.

“I’m great!” I said, ignoring his embarrassment. “I’ve just closed a really big deal and I’m feeling fantastic! I’m Jane, by the way.”

“And I’m Mark,” he said as we shook hands.

I decided that I’d take the bull by the horn and said, “Thanks for helping out! I think our session this morning relaxed me so much that I came across really well with the client.”

He turned even redder as he stuttered, “You’re … re … re … re welcome. Glad I … I … I … I could be of help.” His obvious embarrassment was cute.

Slowly getting over his discomfort he said, “It was really incredible for me too. I was really shocked, though, when you waved to me. I didn’t think that you could see me. I don’t normally jerk off in public but the sight of you doing yourself was just too much.”

I said, “I was in a teasing, show-off mood last night after I had had just one of those days. I just felt like exposing myself to some good-looking man and giving both of us some anonymous pleasure.”

“What do you mean last night?” he said.

“What you saw last was no accident,” I said. “I saw you talking on the phone while I was hanging up my wet clothes and decided to give you a show.”

“It was some show,” he said, “I really enjoyed it.”

“So I saw”, I said with a chuckle. “It seemed like you really got into it too.”

We chatted back and forth for a couple of minutes before he asked, “What are you doing for dinner this evening? I know this really great chef who does a fantastic job cooking just about anything. His specialty is rack of lamb with a really light red-wine sauce. He’s a friend of mine who’ll make sure that it’s done to perfection for you.”

“That sounds great,” I said. “Where is this magnificent restaurant?”

“The one in my hotel,” he said.

“Come back with me to my hotel while I drop off my briefcase.” I said, “and then I’ll walk over with you.”

We chatted lightly as we walked back. I left him in the lobby as I went up to my room and dropped off my briefcase. While I was there I quickly changed out of my suit into a form fitting black sheath dress that showed off my figure. To make the dress look its best it has to be worn without a bra or camisole so I ditched them too.

When I came back into the lobby he greeted me a great big smile and said, “You look wonderful. That dress is fantastic!”

As we left my hotel to go to his he turned to me and said, “If you want we can have our meal in a private room.”

“What do you mean?” I said.

“If I’m not being too presumptuous, my friend the chef will prepare our food for us to eat in my room. What do you think?”

I glanced over at him and thought, ‘What the hell, after seeing him jerk off, I want to have him in me.’

I said, “that sounds like a much nicer place than a public restaurant”.

He asked me what I wanted to eat and what type of wine I liked. He stopped by the restaurant on our way to his room. He spoke to his friend and ordered two rack of lamb with asparagus and puffed potatoes. He also ordered a couple of appetizers to be sent up quickly, a bottle of red wine, and a thermos of coffee.

We went up to his room. He asked what I would like to drink before dinner and went to the minibar to fix us with drinks. Just as he served me my scotch there was a knock at the door announcing the arrival of our appetizers.

The waiter brought in a small rolling table with two fold up chairs that he set up. He laid the table, set out the appetizers, and left.

As I went to sit down Mark pulled out my chair for me and pushed it in as I sat down. I caught him looking down the front of my dress at my boobs as I looked up to thank him for being a gentleman.

‘He’s still looking,’ I thought, ‘this is going to be a great night.’

We chatted about this and that as we drank our drinks at nibbled on the appetizers. It turned out that we both lived in Ravenstown about ten minutes from each other. We both liked outdoor sports – kayaking, running, and golf. He liked to watch soccer while I liked baseball. We weren’t totally the same but did share a lot of likes and dislikes.

About forty-five minutes later there was another knock and the door. This time, as the food was wheeled in, Mark said, “Hi Gerry. Thanks for doing this for me. By the way, this is Jane. She’s on a very successful business trip from Ravenstown.”

“Welcome Jane,” said Gerry. “No problem Mark, I’m glad to do it for my best primary school buddy.”

Gerry laid out the food and wished us bon appetite as he left us to eat.

“A primary school buddy?” I said to Mark.

“Yes,” said Mark. “I’ve known Gerry since grade three. We went to different universities but kept in touch. Now, we see each other whenever we come to each other’s cities.”

“It’s great that you’ve had such a close friend for such a long time,” I said.

I tasted my lamb an exclaimed, “You were right, this is wonderful. It’s the best lamb I’ve ever tasted.”

We continued to chat as we ate. The sexual tension, however, was beginning to build. I dropped my napkin on the floor and made sure that Mark could see my boobs as I bent over to pick it up.

Mark dropped his fork under the table and I spread my legs so he could see up my dress as he retrieved it. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom I took off my panties and stuffed them in my purse. As I came back in Mark stood up and went to hold my chair for me. As I sat down I hunched my shoulders to make sure the front of my dress gaped so he could get a really good look at my boobs.

He picked up my napkin and brushed my boobs with his arm and my thighs with his fingers as he put it back in my lap. I jerked slightly with both touches.

As he sat down he knocked his knife onto the floor under the table. As he went under the table to get it I spread my legs wide to expose my now uncovered pussy. I knew he had taken a peek by the soft gasp I heard. I noticed that Mark was squirming in his chair as he came back up with his knife.

As we finished eating Mark poured us each a coffee from the thermos and we sat back, across the table from each other, and sipped it. I stretched by moving my arms up and back. My hard nipples made an impression on the front of the dress. I looked at Mark with a sly smile on my lips.

He looked at me and, as he got up from his chair and came around behind me, said, “You look tense, would you like a neck rub?”

‘I’d like more than that rubbed,’ I thought but said “that sounds good. It’s a bit stiff.”

He began to knead my neck muscles with his strong fingers. He had wonderful hands and slowly my neck began to relax. The rest of my body, however, was getting tenser and tenser with his touch.

I said, “That feels wonderful. Can you get a bit lower?”

“Sure,” he said. He moved his magic fingers lower.

“A little lower, please” I said. He unzipped the back of my dress and continued his ministrations down my spine. My back arched in pleasure as he touched and prodded the muscles along my spine. As he got to about the middle of my back his fingers began to massage further and further away from my spine.

My back was tingling but relaxing – it was a strange sensation. His hands reached my sides and began to slowly move towards my breasts. As he massaged the sides of my breasts my nipples began to harden. Finally his fingertips touched my nipples. An involuntary moan escaped from my lips. His hands slowly moved back to my back and he continued his way down my spine.

As he reached the base of my spine his fingers began to massage my butt. I couldn’t stand it anymore. As I slowly stood up the position of his arms caused my dress to slide off my body. I turned to face him.

Taking a step back he looked at me and said in a husky voice, “You look much better up close than at a distance.” His eyes slowly travelled up and down my naked body. His appreciative gaze made me feel wonderful.

“Come here to me”, I said softly.

He moved to me. I stopped him and began to unbutton his shirt from the top. As I undid the last shirt-button I continued down to undo his belt, the button at the top of his pants, and his zipper. I peeled his shirt off and let it drop to the ground. I let my hands lightly move across his chest as I moved them down to the top of his pants. As I pushed his pants down I slowly sank to my knees in front of him. His cock was straining at his boxers.

“What have we here?” I said throatily. I pulled out the waistband of his shorts and slid them down his legs. While I helped him to lift his feet to free his legs I blew hot air on his penis and watched it twitch in front of my face.

I rose slightly, and without using my hands, began to lick the shaft of his cock. Each lick made it move from side to side.

He moaned and said, “don’t stop, th ... th ... that feels wonderful.”

I continued to touch his cock with only my tongue. I rose up a little further and began to kiss the head. My kisses got wetter and wetter as my lips opened further and further. I took the head into my mouth and my tongue moved in and out of his hole.

He shook each time my tongue touched it. I sucked it letting my cheeks implode. I used the suction of my full suck to draw my mouth down his shaft. He groaned his appreciation of what I was doing and slowly sank to the floor. I went down with him never loosing contact with his cock.

In doing so my, now dripping cunt, became positioned right in front of his face. I continued to suck his penis intending to give him a blowjob.

All of a sudden, I felt his lips on my slit. His tongue began to lick and probe the lips of my vagina. It felt wonderful. Then his tongue found my clit, and I shuddered. He started to suck on it, and I started to lose focus on what I was doing for him. An orgasm started to build way inside me. It quickly built in intensity as he continued to suck on my clit. I let it grow until it overwhelmed me. My cunt gushed and I shuddered almost uncontrollably as the powerful orgasm washed over me.

His cock was still sitting in front of me twitching with his pulse. I grabbed it and began to stroke it.

He said, “Hold it a minute.”

I said, “That’s what I thought I was doing”.

He chuckled as he flipped me around and began gently kissing my lips. His cock was twitching against my pussy. I wanted it inside me. I pushed myself upright and rose until my slit was positioned right above it.

I slowly lowered my cunt onto his cock. I was so wet that it slid in, the whole way, the first time. I began to move up and down on it. After a while his hips began to move is synch with mine.

He said, “It’s starting to build.

“Just let it,” I said. His thrusts started to get stronger and stronger. I slowed down to prolong his experience. At the same time I began to massage my clit so that I could come with him.

He grunted, “I’m getting really close”.

“So am I,” I said. “Let the good times roll.”

I began to feel him shudder and shake as he let himself shoot into my hot pussy. That was enough to push me over the edge and I shuddered with my second orgasm of the evening. I collapsed on top of him and we hugged each other tenderly.

After a couple of minutes we looked at each other and I said, “I think we’d be more comfortable lying on the bed rather than here on the floor.”

“I agree,” he said. We slowly got up and moved over to the bed. We continued our blissful snuggling there until we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

About three hours later, I awoke with a feeling that I had to have a pee. Rather than needing to pee I found Mark’s tongue was at work again. He was gently sucking my clit as he pushed a finger in and out of my pussy.

I lay back and let the wonderful feeling build in me. Soon I began to squirm. Then my hips began to buck. Mark wrapped his arms around my hips to keep his tongue in position. My hips were straining to move as the strong feeling built inside me. Finally, I felt a strong orgasm wash over me and, once again, my cunt gushed. Mark continued to move his finger in and out of me until I stopped shaking.

“My turn.” I said, “Lie back and put your hands behind your head.”

Mark did as he was told. I began kissing him on the lips. I slowly moved my kisses slowly down over his chest to his stomach. I then switched my kisses to his calves and started working myself up each leg in parallel. When I got to his sack I both kissed and nibbled it.

Mark groaned. I sucked each of his balls into my mouth and swirled my tongue over it. I continued my journey up the shaft of his cock licking, kissing, and nibbling it. When I reached the top, I repeated what I had started earlier.

I took his head in my mouth and sucked it letting my cheeks implode. I used the suction of my full suck to draw my mouth down his shaft. I repeated this five or six times until Mark was groaning almost continuously. I then reversed my technique so that I was blowing out as I rose up his shaft. I switched back and forth between the sucking and blowing technique.

Mark’s hips began to thrust up and down. I grabbed his hips and hung on while I continued sucking and blowing. His thrusts became stronger and stronger and his groans louder and louder.

He gave one mighty thrust and his sperm shot out of his penis and down my throat. I continued the sucking until he finished five powerful thrusts and was drained. I moved up to kiss and cuddle him. We both sighed contentedly.

“What are you doing tonight,” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “What do you have in mind?”

“I’d like to pick you up around seven and go for pizza and beer”.

“That sounds great!” I said, “It’s a date.”

Written by verytrustedsource
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