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America's Sweetheart

"America's sweetheart explores her naughty side"

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Courtney Willis strode confidently across the stage to an applauding crowd as the band played a watered down version of Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress. Her blonde hair flowed elegantly across her shoulders and back. The Late Night host, Craig Bateman, stood in front of his desk awaiting her. He was a tall, good looking older gentleman in a dark suit. She embraced him with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You look stunning," he whispered in her ear.

"Thanks," she whispered back, smiling for the cameras.

He guided her to her seat, and then returned to his own chair behind the desk. She tried peering out beyond the blinding lights at the crowd, but couldn't make out anyone past cameramen and producers along the periphery of the stage.

"Welcome back," Craig said when the applause had finally died down. He beamed a great big show business grin at her. "Might I just add, you look lovely."

"Thank you," Courtney said again.

"Now, you're here to promote your latest film, um..." He checked his note cards. "First Draft."

"That's right," Courtney said.

"Why don't you tell the folks at home a little bit about it?"

"Okay," Courtney agreed, shifting in her seat. "Well, it's a comedy. I play this young woman, sort of a naive mid-westerner, who's lived a sheltered life, but is an aspiring writer. I end up meeting this best-selling author. He's this huge celebrity, you know, like Stephen King or someone." She turned out towards the cameras. "He's played by the incredible Mark Danforth - "

The audience burst into applause.

"Fantastic actor," Craig interjected. "He's been a guest on the show many times."

"Yeah." Courtney returned her attention to the host. "Well, Mark sort of takes me under his wing, and in return I agree to be his personal assistant on a book tour for his latest novel. He's living this kind of rock star life, and I - I'm just this innocent kid from the Midwest. I kind of get swept up in all that, and try to keep my bearings."

"That sounds great, and I think we've got a clip. Is that right?" Craig asked. One of the producers at the edge of the stage shot him a thumbs up. "Okay, we've got a clip. Maybe you can set it up for us."

"Sure," Courtney agreed. "In this scene, James Norton - That's Mark's character-"

"The novelist."

"Right. Well, James has given Sarah - me - the task of going out and purchasing some... um... medicine. So this is me trying to find some."

"Medicine?" Craig asked skeptically.

"Uh, yeah..." Courtney said, grinning coyly at him.

"Okay... Here's Courtney Willis getting medicine for an author."

The monitors cut away to a scene from her movie where a different version of herself, much more timid and flustered, approached a group of black men on a street corner, and attempted to buy marijuana. The men gave her a hard time and she's completely awkward and out of her element. The audience laughed at all the jokes, which was reassuring.

"Hey," Craig said, leaning over his desk towards her. "Can we talk about your falling-out with J.T. Cooper?"

"Do we have to?" Courtney asked, frowning.

"It's been all over the news. If I don't ask, it's going to look strange."

Before Courtney could respond, the scene was coming to an end. Craig suddenly burst into laughter, as cameras focused back on him.

"Ha! That was fantastic!" he shouted mirthfully. "I'm really looking forward to seeing it."


"So there's something else that's been floating around in the news recently... You had a pretty public falling-out with the big Hollywood director, J.T. Cooper."

"It's nothing, really," Courtney said.

"Nothing?" Craig asked, with exaggerated shock. "If I might say so, my dear, you kicked his ass! The video's been going viral all over the internet!"

"No, I know," Courtney said. "I regret getting violent with him. But I've apologized, and he apologized. We've put it behind us."

"Yeah, but of all the young celebrities who are coming up right now, you have a reputation of being really level-headed and responsible. Not like some other stars I could mention." Someone's image flashed on the monitor, but Courtney missed it. Craig paused for the audience laughter, then continued, "What did he say to set you off like that? You were in there like George Foreman." Craig threw a few shadow punches.

Courtney huffed. She tried to penetrate that curtain of light again. She couldn't, but she sensed the audience out there, on the edge of their seats, desperate to know the latest Hollywood gossip.

"You really want to know?" Courtney said.

Craig cupped his hands beneath his chin, rested his elbows on the desk, and batted his eyelashes at her. "Dish it, girlfriend," he said in an effeminate voice. The audience laughed. In reaction to this, Craig sat up straight, and scowled into the lights. "Excuse me, do you mind?" he scolded the audience with mock outrage, provoking even more laughter. "I'm trying to have a private conversation here. Just mind your own business." He wagged his finger at them. They ate up the shtick, laughing enthusiastically. Craig then resumed his former pose, staring up at Courtney, and fluttering his eyelids. She couldn't help but giggle a little herself at his clownishness.

"Alright," she started. "Everyone knows I got into show business pretty young."

"Right, you were on the show, It Takes a Village." Craig added, sitting up. The audience applauded. The show had been immensely popular, finding a sweet spot in family comedy. It had just enough edginess to appeal to adolescent viewers without turning off the more conservative parental demographics. It had run for eight seasons (and two Christmas specials).

"Yeah, so, do you remember how awkward it was to go through puberty?"

"I'm still going through it," Craig joked. The audience responded with a mild chuckle.

"Well, imagine going through all of that while the world is watching you grow up. I mean, for most people all the embarrassing stuff you go through, just a few people, like your relatives actually know about it and remember it. But for me, everyone knew. You can't imagine how awkward that feels."

"Oh, I can imagine," Craig said. Courtney wasn't certain whether it was a misfired joke or if he was serious.

"And for women, as we come of age, our bodies develop, and guys start to pay attention to us."

"I, for one, have never paid any attention to your body," Craig claimed insincerely. "In fact, when you came out here just a minute ago, I said, 'hey, look at that! A floating head!' "

The audience laughed. Courtney laughed, too.

"No, I'm being serious," she continued. "Trust me, every woman here and at home knows what I'm talking about. And the attention isn't always wanted or appreciated, you know. But like I said, it's one thing when the boys in your class start to notice you, but for me, it was like the entire internet started making comments. And you know, people on the internet are not always the most, um... civil, I guess you'd say."

"No!" Craig shouted mockingly. He turned to the camera, and pointed his finger. "You people on the internet, behave yourselves! Don't make me come in there!"

"You wouldn't believe some of the disgusting e-mails I got."

"I might have sent a few of them, myself," Craig joked. The audience laughed and cheered. "No, I'm kidding! I'm kidding!... I only send sexually harassing e-mails to myself." He began to mime using a computer, "Oh, what's this? A message from me? How nice! I wonder what I said. Oh!... Oh, that's disgusting! Why would I send myself that? And you know what? I think it might be photo-shopped. I'm pretty sure mine isn't quite so big. And I don't remember getting Hulk Hogan's face on the end of it either... or did I? Let's just say I had a fun nineteen-eighties, that I don't remember much of."

As the audience laughter died down, Craig turned back to Courtney.

"Sorry," he said. "So, did J.T. Cooper send you an inappropriate e-mail? Is that why you hit him?"

"No," Courtney said. "But because of all that, you know, having to deal with so many creeps online, and everything, it was like the world turned into this really creepy uncle. I decided that I would never do a nude scene. I didn't want to feed into that whole thing. And also, I mean what kind of message is it for the young women out there, saying the only way to succeed is to take your clothes off whenever a guy wants you to?"

"Right, you've mentioned that before." Craig nodded.

"Well, J.T. thought that I was just holding out so I could get a bigger paycheque when I finally did take my clothes off. He wanted me to get naked for his movie. I told him no. J.T. is not the sort of director who is used to hearing 'no' very often. We had words - most of them I can't repeat on cable TV."

The audience chuckled.

"And things escalated from there," Craig concluded.

"Yeah, well, like I said. We've both apologized to each other for the incident, and we're just trying to let it be water under the bridge."

"Just so we're clear," Craig said, "How much money would it take for you to do a nude scene?"

Courtney held up her fists in front of her in a mock boxing stance. Craig's face took on an exaggerated scared look, and covered his face. Then both dropped the act and smiled at each other, letting the audience know they were just kidding.

"Courtney Willis, everyone," Craig announced as the audience applauded and the band began to play. "When we come back, we'll have the band Black Moth Super Rainbow here to play a song from their new album."

The TV feed cut away to advertisements. Craig stood up from his desk as Courtney rose from her chair.

"Thanks," he said. "I think it went really well. Hope it was alright for you."

"No, I think, you know, if I hadn't given the story here, it would have come out somewhere else. Maybe now, everyone can just let it go."

"Sure," Craig said with a big professional smile. "Hope to see you again. Good luck with the movie."

He shook her hand, and clapped her on the shoulder. Then she was escorted off the stage and back to her dressing room by one of the pages, who babbled sycophantically the whole time about how funny he thought the clip had been, and how much he looked forward to seeing the movie.


Two hours later, Courtney was back in her hotel room, alone. She'd been on the press tour for First Draft, for a little less than two weeks. She felt exhausted. Everyone want a piece of her all the time. All she wanted was to be back home, but she'd settle for a few hours of solitude in this New York hotel room. She turned off her phone, and stuck a "do not disturb" sign on the door. To be safe, she called down to the lobby to let them know not to route any calls to her room phone, either. She didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the night.

She turned on the television, and flipped through the channels. Finally she ended up on a re-run of It Takes a Village. It was one of the ones from the last season when all of the original writers had left, and the show pretty much jumped the shark on a weekly basis. In this one, her character Abigail Lansdowne, borrowed her inventor-neighbour's time machine to go back in time to meet her ancestors in the 18th century. In the process she became responsible for changing the declaration from "all men are created equal" to "all people are created equal," after teaching the founding fathers that women are equal to men.

Courtney watched herself, almost five years ago, at the age of eighteen: Courtney Willis. She remembered, even back then, starting to think of herself less and less as a person, and more as a brand. She had to maintain a certain image. Most kids growing up had stories of bogeymen to frighten them into behaving. For her, the bogeymen she was told about were Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.

Courtney Willis, the level-headed and responsible girl next door that your parents could approve of. A strong woman, and a good role-model with the right kind of values. She wasn't the kind of person, you'd ever catch passed out in the club at two in the morning without any panties on. That was her appeal.

J.T. had been right, she knew she could demand millions if she wanted, just for a brief topless shot. And the longer she held-out, the more they'd be worth. The internet was full of images of her head photo-shopped onto other women's naked bodies. They made comments on message boards about how "bangable" she was. A pornographic parody of It Takes a Village had been produced (and two sequels) starring a sort-of look-alike. There was even a site dedicated to It Takes a Village erotic fan-fiction. No doubt the demand existed.

However, Courtney knew that if she gave the people what they wanted, they'd soon lose interest in her, and fixate on the next upcoming star. She'd read Lacan. She knew desire only lived under conditions of lack. When desire is satiated, it is destroyed. And Courtney Willis, the brand, thrived on desire. So she would keep playing the unobtainable good girl.

But, goddamn, did it ever get tiresome being the good girl all the time. Managing her public persona, always carefully controlled, maintaining her image; Sometimes she wondered where she found the patience for it all.

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The worst thing about it, though, is until moments like these, when she was totally alone, she never really felt like herself. She was always acting. And it made her feel very lonely that no one ever got to see her - the real authentic her.

Not that she wanted participate in some drug and booze fueled orgy with a bunch of asshole rock-stars, but she wanted to do something bad - Something to fight back against the tyranny of Courtney Willis, the brand, and poke the eye of that stupid little bitch, Abigail Lansdowne, who had stolen her entire adolescence from her.

Courtney sighed. Her fight with J.T. had been part of that (and partly because the man was an obnoxious, arrogant, walking, talking prick), but it had been stupid. Even if it had been satisfying to see him fall on the ground under her flailing fists, it had been far too obvious. It set off a shit-storm of tabloid speculation about possible drug problems, and the state of her mental health, and now she was having to put out these little fires everywhere. Hopefully her interview on the Late Show would take care of some of that.

The episode of It Takes a Village ended. Another one began. Apparently, the station was running a syndicated marathon. Courtney watched her perky innocent eighteen year-old self on the screen. Towards, the end the writers and the wardrobe people had colluded to get her into smaller and more revealing outfits. Every other episode, it seemed, involved some trip to the beach or swimming pool or something. In other episodes, her outfits gradually became tighter and shorter, showing off more of her curves, revealing more skin.

She had to admit, though, she did look good. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the warm smile, the nice flat stomach, her round ass, those perky breasts; It was no wonder the guys (and even some women) online fantasized about her. And even though some of the things they said were creepy, or gross, she secretly enjoyed the attention she got. Yes, she'd read the fan-fiction about Abigail. Some of it even turned her on - the better-written pieces at least. Sometimes, when she was alone, she abandoned herself to fantasies of her co-stars penetrating her in all kinds of different scenarios.

Just thinking about it now produced a small pleasant and familiar tingling sensation between her legs. She stood, and went to the window of her hotel room. As she approached, she watched her reflection superimposed on the night time cityscape - a blonde woman in an elegant black dress, seductively biting her finger at herself. She still had great curves. Better, in fact. The last few years her breasts had become fuller, her ass pleasantly rounder.

Courtney reached down to the hem of her dress, and pulled it slowly upward, revealing the tops of her black thigh-high stockings. All those little lights in all the buildings. Anyone in New York could be watching her at this very moment, peering into her window. The thought did little to calm her arousal. She turned to watch herself in profile, and kept pulling her dress up. The beautiful curve of her ass emerged. She bent slightly, sticking it out sexily, watching the fabric of her dress flow around it, like a dark waterfall over a pale round stone.

After a moment, she let her dress fall back into place. She stood up straight, taking a final look at herself in the New York night, and then pulled the blinds closed. Courtney crossed the room, turned off the television, and pulled her laptop from her luggage. Quickly, she connected to the hotel's wireless network using the code they'd given her when she checked in. Then she pulled up a free webcam site.

Courtney scanned through the windows, looking at all the different bodies, some clothed, many naked. They were different ages and races, men and women, couples, transgendered. All of them were broadcasting themselves to the world, freely. The tingling sensation was becoming dampness as she watched males and females, sexual, stroking cocks, rubbing pussies, fucking, as thousands of anonymous eyes watched them. A small moan escaped her. How amazing it would be to have those eyes on her, not even knowing it was her? To be naked and anonymous and devoured by horny watchers? She moaned again, longer and deeper.

Courtney created an account on the site: Abi_L23. She didn't think it was enough to actually identify her, but the idea of using the name of her character from It Takes a Village excited her. She positioned the computer on the dresser, careful to aim the camera so it only showed her body and her head was cut out of the frame. Checking herself in the monitor, she made a mental note of her mark. She stepped towards the computer once again, and clicked the button to begin broadcasting. Before she'd even made it back to her mark, there were three viewers logged on to her show.

"Hi guys," she said aloud.

Slowly, Courtney began to sway her hips back and forth in time to an imagined slow, sexy song. As she did, so she let her hands roam over her body, above her dress, across her stomach, circling her breasts, down her waist, and caressing her ass. More viewers joined the show, and quickly, she reached double-digits.

"Are you enjoying this?" she asked in her sexiest voice.

In the chat window, they typed affirmations, and demanded more. Courtney once again reached for the hem of her dress, careful to keep her face off the camera. As she'd done in the window, she slowly raised it, revealing more of her shapely, stockinged thigh. She turned to the side to accentuate the curve of her ass. She raised the hem even further until she reached the waist-band of her blue-grey satin thong.

She turned again to face the camera, keeping her dress raised above her panties, admiring the way they tapered to a cleft mound between her thighs. She could feel herself soaking into them now. With one finger, she reached down and ran it teasingly along her crevice and over her clit. It felt so good. She allowed herself a soft little moan.

The viewers were clamouring for more. They had no idea who she was, only that they wanted her body. Courtney raised one foot up on to her bed. The hem of her dress fell away from her thigh, showing the tops of her stocking. She bent forward, making sure that her long blonde hair covered her face. Moving as sexy as possible, she slowly pulled her stocking down, and then off. Then she removed the other. She tossed them both playfully at her computer.

"More?" she asked, reading the scrolling chat window. "You want to see more? Haven't you seen enough already?"

The response from the viewers - over fifty now - was immediate. Fifty viewers, fifty stiffening cocks, one hundred eyeballs, all on her. She'd been seen before by millions of course, but not like this. These guys were getting something special, and they didn't even know it.

Courtney swayed back to her mark, and once again let her hands drift over her body. This time, she turned, so her back was facing the camera. She bent over, and raised her skirt, so the viewers could see her ass. She ran her hand over her cheek, and gave it a playful little spank. Then she lifted the dress even further up to her waist. After a minute, she hooked her thumbs into the waist band and pulled the satin fabric down. She could feel the material slipping from between her cheeks, her thighs, pulling damply away from her pussy.

"Is this what you want?" Courtney asked.

Her thong dangled between her knees. She was aware that they could see her naked pussy peeking out between her thighs. She imagined them, all those guys out there, getting hard, stroking their cocks through their pants, while they watched her. It was thrilling to think of the danger of being discovered, the scandal if she were identified. She slipped a finger through her legs, and ran it between her lips, appreciating just how wet she'd become.

She stood and turned again towards the screen. The viewers were writing what they wanted to do to her with their fingers, their tongues, their cocks. None of them suspected they were talking to Courtney Willis, America's girl-next-door. She, the real Courtney, savoured the idea of taking her good girl image and defiling it publicly. It was as if she was taking her own virginity. Secretly making a slut of herself in public.

Her hands reached behind her back for the zipper of her dress and pulled it down. She slipped off the shoulder straps, and then shimmied out of it, allowing it to pool at her feet. She stood in just her satin bra, admiring herself in the screen. Her eyes followed her hands over her body, circling and squeezing her full breasts, and then down over her stomach, to her smooth, waxed pussy. It was flushed a deep aroused pink. She let a finger cross over her clit, and reach inside of her. She was so wet, could slip right in easily. Soon a second finger followed the first, filling up her hole.

After a couple of minutes, Courtney withdrew her fingers and showed them to the camera. A silvery strand of her juices hung between her index and middle finger for a second as she spread them apart. Then it broke. She raised her fingers to her mouth and sucked them, enjoying the taste of herself, even if they couldn't see it.

Courtney reached behind herself again, and unfastened her bra. She shrugged it from her shoulders, and it dropped to the floor. Now completely naked, her hands cupped her breasts. She let her fingers circle sensually around her areolas and play gently over her stiff nipples. She pulled them, moaning loudly the delicious tension.

"I love that you guys are watching me," Courtney said as her viewer counter passed over eighty. "You make me feel so naughty. I'm so turned on right now, what about you?"

Responses scrolled through the chat window assuring Courtney that she was the sexiest girl on the site. Some propose marriage. A number of guys reported that they were hard, and stroking massive cocks. There was even one woman who said she was soaking wet thinking about licking Courtney's beautiful pussy. At that, Courtney's hand went back to her clit, and began to stroke it in soft circles.

"Who's on cam right now?" Courtney asked.

About a dozen people responded. She opened up new windows to watch them. Suddenly her image was surrounded Brady-bunch style by different guys jerking their wonderful hard-ons. Even though she was alone in her hotel room, she felt like she was being gang-banged. She loved the dirtiness of it. Good little Courtney Willis, the secret slut.

"Mmm, all you guys look so fucking sexy," she said.

She picked up her laptop, and went to the luxurious king-sized bed to lie down. She position the computer between her legs, with the camera angled down to get a close shot of her creamy pussy. With two fingers, she spread her lips apart, exposing the hot glistening pink between them to over a hundred viewers. One of the guys on camera tensed up. He strained for a tissue, and got it just in time to catch his cum in his fist.

Courtney began to rub her clit as she watched the remaining guys stroke their cocks. What would all those suburban conservative moms and dads out there think of her now? As her pace and intensity on her clit increased, she began to make little moaning sounds. These seemed to push another of the guys over the edge, and he blew his load across his stomach in strong white spurts.

"Oh my god," Courtney whispered.

Her hand on her pussy felt so amazing. She continued to work her clit for a few minutes, gradually getting faster. Maybe she was imagining it, but the guys seemed to keep pace with her, stroking themselves harder as she approached her climax.

"Oh fuck," she swore. "I'm going to cum soon. Who's going to cum with me? I want you all to cum when I do."

She watched the hands around the cocks grip them tighter. In the chat window, other guys pledged to cum together with her. Her moaning became even louder. She could feel the intensity building inside her. She was so close now.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Holy fuck! I'm cummmiiinnnggg! Uuuhhhnnn..."

Courtney's thighs clamped down around her wrist. She felt her pussy spasming uncontrollably as the rest of her body tensed and shuddered violently. She could barely think as wave after wave of incredibly intense ecstasy washed over her. It was a minute before the tsunami faded to ripples, and then stillness again. She'd never cum so hard before. She felt her creamy juices running out of her pussy, down into the crack of her ass. She could see them on the computer screen, along with all the other guys. Thick sticky white cum covered many of their hands and several abdomens. One guy had even managed to shoot himself in the face, and was squinting back at her with one eye. In the chat window there were more reports of loads blown.

"Mmm, you guys look like a delicious mess," Courtney observed with a chuckle. "I guess we all better go get cleaned up. Thanks for watching, guys."

Courtney logged herself out of the system, then rested her head back on her pillow, feeling relaxed and satisfied. After years of playing the good girl, she enjoyed finally getting to explore the long denied bad girl part of herself. She knew this was only the beginning. If she was going to stay sane in her career, her naughty side was going to need a lot more attention from now on. She looked forward to it.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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