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A New World Part 13

"Riley and Will meet new friends in a bar."

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We spent Sunday lounging around the house, making love as the urge came over us, and talking. Riley was concerned to know how I felt about the previous evening. I reassured her that I was fine with it and had enjoyed myself despite wanting to punch Nick in the face and tell him what a douche I thought he was.

“What should we do with the money?” I asked while we were on the topic.

“My half is going in the Italy fund, you can do whatever you want with yours,” Riley answered.

Her answer surprised me, I had been thinking of the money as our’s rather than half mine and half hers. Though, I supposed half mine and half hers was basically the definition of ours, but still I felt we would spend the money together, on something we could enjoy together. I was well aware of her desire to return to Italy, but I didn’t know she was setting money aside for that purpose.

“You have an Italy fund?” I asked, though what I really wanted to know was whether I was included in her plan.

“Oh yeah, I’ve been saving almost everything I’ve made working for Kate. It won’t be long before I have enough to spend a whole year there,” she answered with obvious excitement in her voice.

“Wow, that’s a long time,” I said, preoccupied with the thought that nothing she said had hinted at me going with her. “Maybe I should start saving so I can go too.”

Riley looked at me and her expression turned from happy and excited to serious and almost sad. She reached out and tenderly cupped my cheek.

“Will, I love you, I really do, and I love being with you, but I don’t do well in long relationships. I get bored and start to feel restricted. When I go, it’ll be on my own. I want to be free to explore and experience and not have to worry about how it will affect someone else. I don’t want to hurt you, we can enjoy whatever time we have left together, but it will end when I’m ready to go,” she explained.

I felt like I had just been punched in the stomach. I couldn’t breathe and I thought I might be sick. Riley had become my world and she was planning to cast me aside. I found myself panic stricken and unable to speak.

Seeing the pain on my face, Riley kissed me softly and lifted my face so I was looking her in the eye.

“Sorry Will, but I won’t lie to you. It’s better you know now than find out when I leave. I do love you, but I also know me, and I know that it won’t last. I’ll start to feel stuck and end up hurting you worse in the end. You only feel so strong for me because I was your first, but you’ll find someone else and get over me soon enough. You’ll see. You’re not the same shy virgin boy that stumbled into a strip joint for the first time. You’re a strong, confident man that knows how to please a woman, or a man, or both at the same time. You’ve come a long way while you’ve been with me, but there’s still so much you’ve never experienced and once I’m gone you’ll be free to explore on your own. You’ll be fine after I’m gone, trust me.” Riley smiled.

Staring into the deep green pools of her eyes was somewhat calming and I no longer felt like I was suffocating. I believed her, I knew life would go on without her, but I also knew it wouldn’t be the same, but I did trust her and every other time she had said those words to me had benefitted me quite well.

“I’ll never find anyone like you,” I protested.

Riley lifted herself up and spoke enthusiastically, “No, not like me, but you will find someone different, and that’s the best thing in life; different people, different places, different experiences. Just think how your life would be if you hadn’t met me and experienced all the new things I have shown you? No matter what, promise me one thing, that you will always search out new things in life and never be afraid to try anything once.”

I thought about what she said and slowly nodded as I considered her words. Going to a strip joint had been a new experience for me, and that one new experience had led to so many more. It had opened up a whole new world to me. I realized there was so much more to this new world that I had yet to discover, and I wanted to discover every bit of it. I would prefer that Riley were there with me, but I could do it without her if I had to.

“Do you promise?” she insisted when I didn’t reply.

“Yes, I promise,” I smiled and pulled her to me.

“Good, now let’s have some fun,” she said, getting up and pulling me to my feet.

Riley led the way to the bedroom and started digging through the closet.

“Get dressed, I want to go dancing,” she said, holding a small red dress up to her chest and checking it in the mirror.

“I’m not much of a dancer,” I said, pulling on my jeans.

“You’ll do fine,” Riley answered, tossing the dress on the bed and heading for the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup.

I finished dressing, and realized how uncomfortable I was wearing clothes now. I had become accustomed to going nude around the house and now felt confined whenever I had to put clothes on. Riley returned and stretched the dress over her firm, tight body. The dress left her shoulders and cleavage bare and her nipples clearly showed through the stretched fabric. It was tight and clung to her flat stomach and hips and just barely covered her round ass and sweet pussy. Anytime she sat down or bent over everything was going to be on display and my cock twitched in my jeans. She was obviously planning to put on a show for me and whatever lucky person crossed our path. She slipped on a pair of matching stiletto heels and we were off.

I drove to the only club I knew, besides Peeler’s, the one Sam’s band had played at the week before. The place was small with a long bar along one side, small booths down the opposite wall, about fifteen tables in the middle, and a small dance floor in the front corner. Warrant was playing on the jukebox and a thick haze of cigarette smoke hung in the air. There were a couple women and five or six men sitting at the bar and a group of ten or twelve around the pool tables in the back.

As we approached the bar, a gray haired man turned and immediately perked up when he saw Riley. His dark eyes appraised every inch of her and a hungry grin spread over his leathery face.

Riley smiled at him and climbed onto a barstool a few seats over. His gaze dropped to her crotch and his jaw dropped when it found her bare exposed pussy. Riley took her time, giving him a good long look before crossing her legs and turning toward the bar. The bartender placed napkins on the bar before us and the man spoke up.

“I’m buying hers,” he announced.

“Guess George is feeling generous, what’ll ya have?” the bartender grinned.

Riley ordered a margarita and I decided to try something new and ordered a Jack and Coke. In the spirit of our talk, I wanted to try something new and Jack and Coke was the only drink I could think of. The bartender went to get our drinks and Riley turned toward George again, keeping her legs crossed this time.

“Thank you, George, that was very sweet of you.” She batted her eyes.

“My pleasure, honey,” George replied, never lifting his stare from her smooth bare legs.

“I’m Riley,” she said, reaching her hand out to him and opening her thighs a little as she leaned forward.

It took George a minute to look up from her crotch and gently squeeze her hand.

“And this is my boyfriend, Will,” Riley added, closing her thighs and releasing his hand.

George jumped as though he’d just been slapped and noticed me sitting there for the first time.

“Nice ta meet ya,” he grumbled with a nod, turning back to his beer.

The bartender brought our drinks and turned to George. “You gettin' both, or just hers, George?” he asked.

George looked sideways at him, but didn’t speak, and tossed a ten dollar bill on the bar. The bartender picked up the bill and grinned at me as he went to make change. I took a sip of my drink and grimaced as it burned in my mouth and throat. Riley leaned over and placed her hand on my thigh.

“The first taste always burns,” she said.

I took another drink and the burn was gone. I nodded to myself and took another drink.

“I’m gonna go see what’s on the jukebox,” Riley said, slipping down from her stool.

As she slid off the stool, her dress slid up, exposing her bare mound and firm ass cheeks. George’s head snapped around and Riley turned to give him a good look at her round ass before she pulled the dress down. A woman a few seats over from George noticed as she pulled the dress down and tapped the man beside her who turned to look. He stared at Riley’s now covered ass a little too long and the woman hit him on the shoulder. He turned back to her and shrugged as she admonished him with a scowl.

George’s eyes were glued to Riley’s ass as she stood at the jukebox swaying her hips. She bent down to look closer at the song list and the dress rode up, partially exposing her ass. I looked over and saw the bartender staring at her too. The man with the woman was looking as well. Others seated at the bar noticed, and soon, everyone was staring.

Riley punched in her song selections and, as Steve Miller began playing, she started to dance. She moved her body to the beat. She knew everyone was watching and she put on a show, gyrating her hips and twisting her body as she twirled about the dance floor. About halfway through the song, a tall woman got up from the bar and joined Riley on the dance floor. She had long dirty blonde hair and long legs. She was in her late thirties, her blue cotton shirt stretched tight over her full breasts, and her tight jeans molded to her wide, firm ass.

The woman approached Riley and lifted her hands high above her head as she began gyrating her hips. I saw Riley’s lips form that devilish smile and her hands went to the woman’s hips as she moved closer. The woman smiled and leaned forward as she shook her tits in Riley’s face. Riley spun around behind the blonde and lifted her arms as she backed up and bumped her ass against the woman’s.

“You pig!”

The shouted words startled me and I turned to see where they had come from. I turned just in time to see the woman hit her husband again before, grabbing her purse and storming out.

“Lesbo sluts!” she screeched as she passed the dance floor.

Everybody at the bar stared at the man. He sighed, gulped the last of his beer, and slowly walked to the door. As the door closed behind him, everybody returned their attention to the show on the dance floor.

Riley was now in front of the woman, facing away from her and grinding her ass back against into her hips. The woman held Riley’s hips and pressed her pelvis into her ass. Riley bent forward and I could see her dress had ridden up over her ass. The woman’s hand moved from her hip down below Riley’s ass and I knew her fingers had found her wet pussy. Riley straightened up, smoothly pulling the dress down as she did and leaned her head back into the woman’s tits. I couldn’t see the woman’s hand, but I knew it was still stroking Riley’s sweet slit by the expression on her face.

As the song ended, the women spoke briefly before walking back to the bar. The woman smiled as she passed me and Riley climbed on her stool.

“Hi George." Riley smiled as she flashed him another long look at her now dripping pussy.

George tried to respond, but all that came out was a dry mumble.

“I need a drink after that,” Riley said, picking up her glass.

Her hand went between my legs and squeezed my half hard shaft.

“Hmm, George isn’t the only one that enjoyed that,” she giggled.

I slipped a hand between her thighs and traced her moist lips with my finger. “Yeah, apparently,” I said.

The tall blonde returned, carrying her drink.

“Will, this is...” Riley paused in thought, “what’s your name?”

The woman grinned and held out her hand. “Linda,” she said with a wide smile.

Her index finger was still shining with Riley’s juices. I reached out to shake her hand and she smiled as she noticed the shine on my own finger. Riley introduced herself with a grin as she, too, shook Linda’s hand. I stood to rearrange the barstools for Linda to join us and as I did, I could feel her eyes roaming over my body and sizing me up. Her gaze lingered on my crotch and Riley reached over to squeeze my cock as it did. Linda smiled and Riley nodded. Linda looked to me for confirmation, before reaching down to do the same.

“Mmm, nice." She licked her lips.

She released her hold on me and took a seat. As she did, I gave her the same long visual inspection she had given me. Her skin was smooth and tanned and the golden hairs on her arms gleamed like jewels against her dark flesh. Her large nipples poked through her bra and shirt. I licked my lips as I gazed at the plump mound contained within her tight jeans. I let my eyes wander back up over her breasts to her amber colored eyes and she nodded as her thighs moved apart. Taking my seat, I placed a hand on her thigh and let it slide up to her mound. I rubbed my fingers over her crotch and I could feel the heat through the thick material of her jeans. She closed her thighs, trapping my hand and pressing it harder into her sex.

Riley scooted closer and placed my other hand on her own silky thigh. I moved straight to her moist lips and plunged a finger in. Linda stared hungrily at my finger plunging in and out of Riley’s dripping hole and gulped her drink as she rocked her warm slit on my other hand.

The bartender interrupted, asking if we wanted another round and leaning over the bar to try to get a glimpse of what was going on.

“Yeah, get us another round,” Linda said, her voice dry. When he was gone, she returned her eyes to my fingers in Riley’s pussy and in a hoarse whisper said, “Let me taste her."

With a grin I pulled my fingers from Riley’s pussy and lifted them slowly to Linda’s lips. Her lips closed around my shining fingers and her tongue licked at the taste as she sucked them clean. Her eyes closed and her thighs squeezed harder around my wrist as she began to tremble. She grabbed my shoulder and the bar to support herself as her hips jerked. The bartender returned with our drinks and stared as she gasped and shook one last time. He looked at each of us in turn and leaned far over the bar to see my hand between Linda's clenched thighs.

“Nice work, man,” he said, setting the drinks on the bar and walking away.

Linda relaxed her thighs, releasing my hand and grabbed her drink.

“God, that was good,” she gasped, taking a long drink.

George was staring open-mouthed. Riley turned to him.

“Was that good for you too, George?” she giggled, flashing her pussy at him again.

George gulped his beer and shifted uncomfortably on his stool as he tried to hide the tent in his pants. Riley moved to the stool beside George and sat with her thighs spread wide, inviting him to push a thick calloused finger into her slick entrance. She leaned in to whisper in his ear as her hand went to his bulge and stroked him through his pants. George grunted and jumped as he came in his pants. With a giggle, Riley lightly kissed his cheek and returned to the stool beside me, leaving George with a dopey grin on his face and slick shining juices on his finger.

“I think you just made his year,” Linda chuckled.

“Just doing my good deed for the day.” Riley smiled, slipping her hand between my legs and giving my cock a squeeze.

Linda’s gaze followed Riley’s hand and she, too, slipped her hand between my legs and cupped my balls.

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I closed my eyes and sipped my drink as their hands caressed me. They took turns rubbing my swollen shaft and fondling my balls. I groaned deep in my chest as I forgot we were in a public place and reached to undo my belt.

“Will?” a voice came from behind me.

I jumped as my eyes snapped open and turned to see where it came from. A moment passed before I recognized the dark haired blue eyed woman as Kristy, Brady’s date the night I argued with him at the restaurant.

“I thought that was you,” she smiled.

“Hi, ah... Kristy?” I said, hoping I remembered her name correctly.

Her eyes darted about, taking in the two hands in my crotch and Riley’s exposed pussy.

“Looks like you’re having fun over here,” she blushed as she spoke.

“Uh yeah, you here with Brady?” I asked, looking back toward the crowd around the pool tables.

“God, no! You were right about him. He’s such an ass,” she answered, a disgusted expression contorting her pretty face.

“Yes, he is,” Riley chimed in.

Kristy turned to Riley. “You must be the girlfriend he was saying all those nasty things about,” she said, “Nice to meet you.”

Riley shot me a questioning glance then moved her hand from my cock and held it out to Kristy.

“Yes that’s me. Riley, nice to meet you, too,” she introduced herself.

Kristy smiled and shook Riley's hand.

“So what did the ass do to you?” Riley asked, after introducing Linda.

Kristy let out a derisive laugh. “First, he takes me to McDonald’s for dinner, AND he uses a coupon!” She paused for effect. “That’s when we ran into Will, and he was all rude and saying ignorant things about you.” She widened her eyes at Riley and placed her hand on my shoulder. “And Will was so sweet, defending you and telling Brady he was a cheap ass." She smiled. “So, then, he takes me to a movie.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. “And all through the movie he’s groping and pawing at me, ack!” She shivered, sticking her tongue out for effect. “THEN, we leave the theater and when we get in the car. He pulls his pathetic little dick out and tells me to blow him!”

“That fucker! He did the same thing to a friend of mine,” Riley said, narrowing her eyes.

“Who is this bastard? I hope you ripped his dick off,” Linda added.

Kristy laughed and nodded. "Almost.”

“Really? I hope so,” Riley said excitedly.

“I played along, like I was going to do it. I reached over real slow and started to stroke it, then I grabbed his little pecker and squeezed as hard as I could. He screamed so loud, people all through the parking lot heard it. Then I got out and called a friend to come get me,” she said, smiling proudly.

“Good for you, honey,” Riley said, hugging her.

“Yeah, good girl,” Linda added.

I shook my head and swore under my breath, I’d have never thought Brady would act like that. Riley lifted her drink.

“Let’s drink to Kristy the pecker wrecker,” Riley laughed. “Wait, Kristy doesn’t have a drink,” she said, waving the bartender over.

The bartender brought a round of drinks and Riley renewed her toast.

“Let’s dance!” Riley squealed after everybody drank.

Linda and Kristy both yelled and ran for the dance floor. Riley grabbed my hand and pulled, dragging me after her to the floor. Linda punched a song into the jukebox and the speakers came to life with the sound of Jimi Hendrix. I just stood in the center of the dance floor and let the women dance around me. Riley came in front of me swaying her hips and placing her arms around my neck. Leaning down to kiss her, I slid my hands around her hips and down to hold her wiggling ass. As we kissed, I felt Linda start to grind against my ass and Kristy pressed up behind Riley. My hands were trapped between Riley's ass and Kristy’s gyrating hips as the two ground against each other.

Breaking the contact of our lips, Riley twisted around to face Kristy and held her arms high as her body undulated between our heated bodies. I straightened up and felt Linda’s big tits press into my back as her hands held my hips. Riley’s arms lowered around Kristy’s neck and her small breasts brushed against Kristy’s slightly larger mounds. Kristy held Riley's hips with a dreamy expression on her face as they writhed against one another. Riley ran her hand through Kristy’s long, dark locks and pulled her face closer. Kristy’s lips parted as they neared Riley’s. Their soft lips came together and Riley’s grinding slowed as they shared a passionate kiss. Kristy’s hands pushed between us to cup Riley's ass, rubbing my stiff cock as they did.

As they continued to kiss, I slipped my hand between Riley's legs and found her swollen clit with my middle finger. As I stroked her clit, I could feel the heat of Kristy’s sex through her pants as she ground against Riley. The way Riley was dripping, I knew she was close and I pushed my thumb into her as I stroked her faster. I felt her buck and a rush of warm liquid filled my hand. She held Kristy tight, continuing to kiss her as her body shook between us. Her legs went weak and I supported her with my hand between her legs.

Riley leaned on me for support as she broke their kiss. Riley's dress had ridden up around her waist. Kristy stepped slightly back and stared at her exposed sex with an awed expression on her face. Her stiff nipples showed plainly through her blouse and her legs were a little shaky. Linda went to her, taking her hand and slipping an arm around her waist. Riley recovered from her orgasm and tugged the dress back down and we followed the two women back to the bar.

Kristy gulped her drink and waved to the bartender for another. She took a deep breath and turned to look at Riley, her eyes still a bit cloudy.

“I don’t know what happened. I’ve never done anything like that. I’m not a lesbian." She shook her head and looked around.

“Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes,” Riley apologized, reaching out to softly stroke her cheek.

Kristy shook her head. “No, it wasn’t you. I wanted to do it. I liked it,” her mouth dropped open and she gasped, “I want to do it again.”

“This one’s on the house,” the bartender grinned as he sat Kristy’s drink on the bar. “You girls put on a hell of a show.”

Kristy grabbed the drink and swallowed it in one gulp.

“It’s alright, sweetie. It’s nothing to get upset about,” Linda said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“But, I don’t understand. I’ve never even thought of doing anything with another woman. I don’t understand,” she repeated.

“Sometimes it just takes the right person to spark that fire that has been smoldering deep inside you, hidden, and when that happens, it just explodes.” Linda explained, “I was almost thirty before it happened to me, but once it happened, it was beautiful. It felt like something I had been missing my entire life was finally in place.”

Kristy stared at Linda, thinking. “Really?” she said weakly.

Linda smiled and nodded, “Life is all about experience darlin'.”

Kristy motioned for another drink then looked into Riley’s eyes and gave a mischievous smile. She turned to Linda and let her eyes travel over her from head to toe and leaned in to kiss her. Linda kissed her back and stroked her long silky hair with a smile as she pulled back.

Kristy now turned to Riley and gave her the same long slow once over. Her gaze lingered on Riley’s smooth thighs and now hidden moist pussy. She leaned in to kiss Riley then sat back, her eyes returning to that spot. Riley gave a seductive smile and slowly slid a hand up her firm thigh to the hem of her dress. She stopped, and slid her hand back down the inside of her thigh, then slowly back up.

Kristy stared intently, never looking away, even as the bartender brought her drink. Excruciatingly slowly, Riley pulled the red fabric back, exposing her moist pink sex a millimeter at a time. With her dripping sex fully exposed, Riley slid a hand down each of her thighs, pushing them far apart as she did. Kristy’s breathing grew heavier as she leaned forward for a better look. Linda, too, stared hungrily at Riley’s sweet snatch as she lightly rubbed Kristy’s back.

Riley traced her thick moist lips with a finger then dragged it up between them, gathering the nectar collected there. She lifted the glistening finger, offering it to Kristy’s red painted lips. Kristy opened her mouth and eagerly sucked the fluid from her finger. Kristy’s eyes filled with lust as she rolled the sweet taste around on her lips and tongue.

Linda reached around Kristy and dipped her own finger between Riley’s puffy lips to collect a sample for herself.

“All right, everybody’s had a taste. Now it’s one of you two bitches turn to share,” Riley announced, holding her finger up and wavering it back and forth between the two other women.

Kristy looked shocked, but a daring grin crossed Linda’s face as she started unbuttoning her jeans. She slipped between the seated Kristy and the bar so she was in front of me and between Riley and Kristy. She leaned back against the bar and worked the tight jeans down just enough to expose her tiny purple and black lace panties. George leaned back on his stool trying to get a better look as Riley slipped her hand down into the lacy garment.

Linda’s eyelids fluttered and she moaned quietly as Riley's fingers moved within her panties. Kristy’s hand went to her own crotch as she stared intently. Riley’s hand retreated from Linda’s panties and she stared lustfully into her eyes as she brought it to her lips and sucked two shiny fingers into her mouth.

George lost his balance and nearly fell to the floor.

Linda licked her lips as Riley sampled her flavor. She then smiled down at Kristy with raised brows. Kristy stared back at her and a little hesitantly reached for her panty covered mound. She cupped Linda’s pussy and moved her hand back and forth a few times before pushing the crotch aside and stroking the moist lips directly. Linda’s eyes fluttered again. She placed her hand at the back of Kristy’s neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Their lips met and Kristy’s tongue darted into Linda’s warm mouth. Linda’s free hand moved down to squeeze Kristy’s firm ass and Kristy’s hand moved faster within her panties.

I felt the slap on my back before I heard the voice.

“Hey Will, what’re you doin here?” Sam’s voice rang out very near to my shoulder.

I turned my head and he was standing right beside me, his gaze flashing back and forth from Riley’s exposed dripping pussy to the two women feverishly making out right in front of me. Kristy jumped at the sound of Sam’s voice and pulled away from Linda, leaving her leaning against the bar with her panties pushed aside so her moist pink lips were on display.

“Holy shit!” Sam exclaimed, staring at Linda’s pussy. “Guess I found the party.”

I turned in my seat, forcing Sam to take a step back.

“Hey Sam, what’s up? Your band playing tonight?” I asked, grasping for something to say.

“No man, we played last night. I just come in for a beer, but it looks like you got quite the party going here,” he said, leaning from side to side in an attempt to see around me.

“Uh, yeah, just you know, hanging out with some friends.” I shrugged.

“Ha, I need more friends like that,” he laughed.

Somebody by the pool tables called Sam’s name, saving me from having to say any more.

“I gotta go talk to this dude, but I’ll be back,” Sam said, grabbing my hand and shaking it before hurrying toward the pool tables.

“You know that guy?” Linda sneered as she watched Sam walk away.

“Yeah, he works for me,” I shrugged.

“Oh, he’s in here a lot, always trying to hit on every woman in the place. I don’t think it’s ever worked though,” she laughed.

“Really?” Riley asked, glancing over her shoulder. “Maybe we should have some fun with him then,” she giggled with that devilish smile on her lips.

“No! Riley, no, he works for me,” I protested.

Riley smiled even wider and paused in thought. “Even better. Trust me,” she said.

There it was again, “trust me”. How many times had she said that to me? Of course, every other time had turned out well, but this time I couldn’t see anyway, whatever she had in mind, could turn out well for me. However, I also knew there was no way I was going to stop her, so I shrugged and ordered another drink.

Linda pulled her pants up and began fastening the fly.

“Hey, I didn’t get a taste.” I frowned.

She paused a minute, staring me in the eye before stepping forward and kissing me. “Later, stud,” she whispered.

“I guess Kristy will just have to tell me how it tasted,” I sighed, grinning over at Kristy.

She jumped as though startled and looked down at her fingers.

“I don’t know, I forgot to taste,” she said, turning a deep shade of crimson.

She sucked two fingers into her mouth, closing her eyes as she licked Linda’s taste from them. “Mmm, wonderful,” she said, pulling the fingers from her mouth.

Linda smiled. “I guess it’s time we get a taste of you.” She looked at Kristy.

Kristy smiled nervously and slid off her barstool. Her hands went to her belt and she glanced around before unbuckling it. She popped the snap on her pants, but quickly snapped it again as Sam approached.

“All right. Let’s party!” Sam yelled as he approached. He leaned on my shoulder and looked around at each of the three women. “Hiya ladies, I’m Sam,” he introduced himself with his eyes firmly fixed on Riley’s pussy.

“Hi Sam.” Riley smiled. “Do you like looking at my pussy?”

Sam nodded. “Hell yeah, who wouldn’t?” he answered.

“Hmm would you like to lick it for me?” Riley asked, her voice becoming husky.

“Oh baby, I’d lick that for days. Right Will?” he said, holding his hand up for a high five.

“Maybe you should ask Will, since this is his pussy. He might give you permission to lick it if you ask nicely." Riley grinned in my direction.

Sam stood up and looked at me. “Really dude? You’d let me do your woman?” he asked, getting excited.

I shrugged. “Maybe, we’ll see.”

The bartender came by to see if we wanted a round for last call and Sam announced he was buying the round. The bartender brought our drinks and Riley pulled me aside to explain what she had in mind for Sam. I doubted it would work and was concerned about it causing a problem at work, but agreed to go along anyway.

While we were gone, Sam had turned his attention to Kristy and Linda who both gave him the same answer Riley had. Their pussies were mine and he had to ask me if he wanted to do anything with them.

We finished our drinks as people began to leave. George got off his stool and came over to us. He placed a large calloused hand on Riley's shoulder.

“Thank you for a lovely evening.” He smiled. “All of you,” he added, looking over at Linda and Kristy.

Riley stood and hugged him. “It was our pleasure, George,” she said.

Linda and Kristy each gave George hug and he shuffled out the door with a broad grin on his weathered face.

“Let’s move the party to our house,” Riley said when we were the last ones left in the bar.

Everybody agreed and got up to leave. Riley went and said something to the bartender as he wiped down the bar. When she returned, we all headed for the door.

“What was that all about?” I asked as she slipped her arm around me.

“I invited him to join us,” she said happily.

I shot her a look, she just smiled back and said, “Trust me.”

Written by BadDog9
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