Whether I am with you or traveling afar,
conjuring or actually feeling the touch of your skin,
I can always taste the nectar of your love.
Your delicate nakedness taunts my eyes,
The lure of your beauty consumes my soul
to utterly worship at your breasts.
I am mystified by your seductive glamour.
My aroused senses lost in their yearning
as I ache to inhale your beguiling aroma.
Those creamy thighs spread their seduction
coaxing me forth with their open invitation.
My body cannot resist your luscious flavor.
I am intoxicated by the irresistible musky scent,
lured, I kiss the glistening pink butterfly.
Sticky sweet honey drips down its wings.
Exuberant enchantment wells my fascination
most compelled by your sensual enticement.
I am possessed to offer my raging erection.
Between your legs the hot passion smolders.
Clutching my cock the butterfly flutters
and dances erotic to a volcanic surrender.
Transformed completely in your embrace;
forever longing to see, smell, and touch,
I can always taste the nectar of your love.
Copyright ©2014 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.
conjuring or actually feeling the touch of your skin,
I can always taste the nectar of your love.
Your delicate nakedness taunts my eyes,
The lure of your beauty consumes my soul
to utterly worship at your breasts.
I am mystified by your seductive glamour.
My aroused senses lost in their yearning
as I ache to inhale your beguiling aroma.
Those creamy thighs spread their seduction
coaxing me forth with their open invitation.
My body cannot resist your luscious flavor.
I am intoxicated by the irresistible musky scent,
lured, I kiss the glistening pink butterfly.
Sticky sweet honey drips down its wings.
Exuberant enchantment wells my fascination
most compelled by your sensual enticement.
I am possessed to offer my raging erection.
Between your legs the hot passion smolders.
Clutching my cock the butterfly flutters
and dances erotic to a volcanic surrender.
Transformed completely in your embrace;
forever longing to see, smell, and touch,
I can always taste the nectar of your love.
Copyright ©2014 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.