A palpable, mesmerizing physics between
Every step forward invading space
Each step back a retreat
They dance, chests velcroed, in a tango embrace
Blood coursing through their veins, igniting desire
Oxytocin and endorphins swim through expanded arteries
Chests, neck, and face flush with arousal
They continue in this dancing hug
Focused on feeling, no thought involved
‘His’ role power, ‘Hers’ grace
Which do you assume, I wonder?
As bodies flood to life, the brain retires
Sex is without limits, no structure or time
This, a dance of four songs
A structure offered, a sensual connection made
Change in partner leads to further erotic bliss
Nothing crosses the line, nothing explicit
In this dance, boundaries create safety
Limitations create thrills, four songs of foreplay
At its end, if you allow, a tangasm awaits
Thus I simply ask, join me for a tango?