At a lessie bar,
Miss Honey found recruits,
who were more than game,
to peg me in their boots.
Three or four disrobed,
but the others remained dressed,
for those hardcore lesbos came,
to do what they do best.
They fucked me like a squad,
of horny Navy Seals,
as I swung from a swing,
in a bra, nylons, high heels.
My cock was in its cage,
not to be released,
dripping cum on cocks,
as horny as a beast.
The naked girls rode on,
a phallus on my face,
spurting cum and squirt,
I yearned to lick and taste.
I smelt their juices boil.
as they humped against my nose,
which made me wish they'd all,
remove their boots and clothes.
Now Miss Honey's at a pub,
on the hunt for volunteers,
cross dressers and gay men,
stewed to the gills and shouting -
Miss Honey found recruits,
who were more than game,
to peg me in their boots.
Three or four disrobed,
but the others remained dressed,
for those hardcore lesbos came,
to do what they do best.
They fucked me like a squad,
of horny Navy Seals,
as I swung from a swing,
in a bra, nylons, high heels.
My cock was in its cage,
not to be released,
dripping cum on cocks,
as horny as a beast.
The naked girls rode on,
a phallus on my face,
spurting cum and squirt,
I yearned to lick and taste.
I smelt their juices boil.
as they humped against my nose,
which made me wish they'd all,
remove their boots and clothes.
Now Miss Honey's at a pub,
on the hunt for volunteers,
cross dressers and gay men,
stewed to the gills and shouting -