Play stupid Reed, crow, come on Play
I soaked you, and dried you
I sucked out the moisture
I blew through some air
But you sound like some weak whistle
Play Reed, just a little?
I've wrapped my lips around you;
I've loosened my lips to let you buzz.
I've tried to hold you firm, not squeeze
But I smile you to silence with lips pressed too tight
Play reed, please play
You'll play a few scales
But your tone just won't stay
You buzz or you beep,
But my songs cannot leap
Play reed I beg you
I sound really bad. Please?
I'll loosen my mouth, my lips
wrap them around you correctly
but only if you can hold a steady tone
Oboe reed, Crow bright and true
You play like this always
Then I'll always love you.
Play high notes, low notes, loud and soft
I love when reeds warm up quick like you