Across the room, our eyes they met,
an instant fire, a silent bet.
My mind alighted, your thoughts delighted,
a mental dance, a hopeful chance.
You took my hand and laid a kiss,
a mischievous grin that's hard to miss.
I flashed a smile filled with desire
and swung you along to show you my empire.
We danced and talked, watching the room,
the instant fire beginning to bloom.
As we swayed, you spun me thrice;
you took your chance and rolled the dice.
You pulled me close and nibbled my neck;
your free hand brushed my nipples to check.
I uttered a moan as my whole body shuddered,
"Not yet, not yet," my soft lips stuttered.
We spun along and danced all night,
your fingers finding my every delight.
When the music ended and the guests departed,
you grinned at me and said, "Let's get started."
We stole away to my favorite room,
abandoning ourselves in the twilight gloom.
I made you laugh and moan, "You're sublime,"
and we both came together in perfect time.