You made love
To my tattoo
So drawn in
By the vivid colors
Tracing and kissing
The loops and swirls
Of red blossoms
Blown on purple winds
Up and down
Petals scattered
Across my body
And finding them hidden
On tender skin
Surprising bursts of color
Against pale softness
Envisioning me
Inked by needle
Gritting teeth
Clenched fists
Replaced now
By permanent marks
And pleasured sighs.
To my tattoo
So drawn in
By the vivid colors
Tracing and kissing
The loops and swirls
Of red blossoms
Blown on purple winds
Up and down
Petals scattered
Across my body
And finding them hidden
On tender skin
Surprising bursts of color
Against pale softness
Envisioning me
Inked by needle
Gritting teeth
Clenched fists
Replaced now
By permanent marks
And pleasured sighs.