I kissed a butterfly,
My lips made her weep.
I whispered to a butterfly,
"Go not to sleep!
Just stay awake,
Why, I can make you weep!"
Butterfly kissed me back!
So I then quickly licked her,
Most tenderly and sweet.
She gushed with her excitement.
I can not be discreet,
My heart was pouding loudly
While kneeling at her feet,
Like a suckling new born calf
Right at its mother's teat.
So I sucked sweet Butterfly,
Now she's all over me!
There's nectar on my shirt
And candy covering my chin,
Aroma therapy on my nose!
As erupting she came,
I just about froze!
Lady gave out a scream,
Gushed down to her toes!
I had to kiss Miss Butterfly
For being e'er so nice,
'cause she sweetly blessed me,
My heart, my body 'n soul,
In lovely sugar and spice.
I think the next time I see Butterfly
I'll use my great big feather!
'cause when you kiss Miss Butterfly
She changes the very weather!
My lips made her weep.
I whispered to a butterfly,
"Go not to sleep!
Just stay awake,
Why, I can make you weep!"
Butterfly kissed me back!
So I then quickly licked her,
Most tenderly and sweet.
She gushed with her excitement.
I can not be discreet,
My heart was pouding loudly
While kneeling at her feet,
Like a suckling new born calf
Right at its mother's teat.
So I sucked sweet Butterfly,
Now she's all over me!
There's nectar on my shirt
And candy covering my chin,
Aroma therapy on my nose!
As erupting she came,
I just about froze!
Lady gave out a scream,
Gushed down to her toes!
I had to kiss Miss Butterfly
For being e'er so nice,
'cause she sweetly blessed me,
My heart, my body 'n soul,
In lovely sugar and spice.
I think the next time I see Butterfly
I'll use my great big feather!
'cause when you kiss Miss Butterfly
She changes the very weather!