There is a flower with seductive beauty,
That it mostly remains unseen.
Such exquisite beauty it displays,
That casts a spell o’er many a being.
Mostly observed in solitary pose,
Men aspire to see one as oft they can.
They seek out the female flower,
To admire with desirous wonder.
It is said this flower has such magic,
That it holds a man spellbound.
When he sees his first example,
He can only stare in swooning awe.
In wonderment, he observes the petals,
And inhales the intoxicating scent.
Uncertain, at first, to touch or not,
He takes a closer look.
It exudes a nectar that must be tasted,
He was told, he must savour.
The nectar should be gently licked,
He becomes addicted to her flavour.
Settled on the petals like morning dew,
The nectar glistens in romantic light.
Her petals, like a pair of lips,
Have a yearning to be kissed.
This type of flower is pollinated by stamen,
He applies the pollen with even strokes.
Only after licking the nectar from lips,
It’s placed just below the swollen bud.
He gently licks its petals of their dew,
Only to have it exude some more.
Addicted to the taste, he laps it all,
Before he pollinates its exquisite pistil.
His perceived duty accomplished,
He slowly withdraws the stamen.
Moving back again to see and,
Admire his pollen on the vagina flower.
Copyright © BigOldSofty 2023