Deep within your salty depths,
I troll my net in hopes to catch,
And fetch such scale as non compare,
I prep my bait, for mermaid fair.
A lingering line, gleaming wet,
My dancing jig, a drag well set,
Your mouth to lure, your eyes to cure,
I sink well deep, this feast so pure.
Oh maiden finned, of shimmering she,
My catch of the day, if all ye be,
I'll dine fair well, and no one tell,
Down in the depths, your ocean well.
Your siren song, it guides me well,
I calm your bell, you calm my swell,
Cast in your deep, I anchor tight,
To feast on clam throughout the night.
You are my berth, I swim your sea,
With sturdy girth, you cum with me,
Like blowin' gale, you fill my sail,
I hail your howl, caress, impale.
Oh mermaid queen, I am quite swelling,
I am transfixed, I don't mind telling,
My baited cage awaits your mind,
My heart is yours, complete, entwined.
I troll my net in hopes to catch,
And fetch such scale as non compare,
I prep my bait, for mermaid fair.
A lingering line, gleaming wet,
My dancing jig, a drag well set,
Your mouth to lure, your eyes to cure,
I sink well deep, this feast so pure.
Oh maiden finned, of shimmering she,
My catch of the day, if all ye be,
I'll dine fair well, and no one tell,
Down in the depths, your ocean well.
Your siren song, it guides me well,
I calm your bell, you calm my swell,
Cast in your deep, I anchor tight,
To feast on clam throughout the night.
You are my berth, I swim your sea,
With sturdy girth, you cum with me,
Like blowin' gale, you fill my sail,
I hail your howl, caress, impale.
Oh mermaid queen, I am quite swelling,
I am transfixed, I don't mind telling,
My baited cage awaits your mind,
My heart is yours, complete, entwined.