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You Made A Promise Chapter 4 - Enough Is Enough

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It’s been three days since you closed the door on Rose; you’ve had over twenty one missed calls and forty texts from her. None of which you’ve replied to. There’s been no response from Aleira either which troubles you deeply.

The house feels empty and you’ve consumed enough whiskey in the last seventy two hours to put you off it for life. The letter that Aleira wrote to you is currently on the sofa without a crease in it, the sight of it makes you feel sad again. If only you could reach out to her and tell her what’s happened; you wish that you’d done more with her when you had the chance.

The feeling of deep regret rushes through your body as it consumes you and in many ways you’re glad that Rose has only tried to contact you via your mobile. If she was to knock at the door at this moment in time, you may well do something that you’d later regret.

The sadness becomes too much and you decide that you’re going to spend the day at the waterfall and leave your phone behind. Seeing the pack again will hopefully improve your mood and cure your unbearable loneliness. You could do with some time away from humans for a while anyway as they’re nothing but trouble. At least with animals they always appreciate your affection.

The irony of this makes you smile; if only you had known that staying single would lead to a happier life you would probably have decided to remain a virgin. Committed relationships very seldom work out and seem to be more of a fabricated ideology than a natural occurrence.

If parachutes had the same statistics as marriage then people probably wouldn’t go skydiving, you think to yourself. The irony of this thought however is that people would still jump. Half of the world’s population desire an Oscar whilst the other half would more likely receive a Darwin award.

You ensure that the front door is locked before getting in the car and driving off. As you exit the estate you notice Rose’s car pull up and hope that she hasn’t seen you leave. As far as you’re concerned she’s no longer a part of your life. You know that you will have to contact a lawyer at some point to start the divorce process though at the moment you don’t care about that. You just want to be left alone.

As the familiar sight of the weather worn fence approaches, you think of how happy you were the other day when Aleira had come with you. Darius Rucker has been on the radio three times during your hour long drive and as much as it hurt, the thought of turning it off saddened you even more. If Aleira ever comes back to you, it will be your song

You walk along the pathway underneath the trees once again. The sun is shining just as brightly as before and the shadows are truly beautiful. As you approach the half way point you notice what appears to be the same little squirrel that crossed your path the other day. It’s like he’s been waiting in the middle of the path for a while, but for what?

Surely not you. That would be absurd; no squirrel is going to wait like that for a human that’s had no direct contact with them. You walk closer yet he stands his ground and you’re not sure whether to stop and stare him out or keep on walking. “This is ridiculous, I’m not having a stare down with a bloody squirrel. I’ll be the laughing stock of the entire town if anyone finds out about this.”

You get down on one knee out of curiosity and extend your hand out to him. The squirrel looks at you almost unsure as to whether he should trust you or not before running up to you and climbing onto your shoulder.

He stays there as you stand up again. “Hey there little guy.” He allows you to stroke him and seems to be quite content. “Well seeing as you’re already here, I could use the company. I hope you’ve got patience though as I’m going to moan the entire day.”

If anyone were to witness you talking to a squirrel, they would think that you’d lost the plot. Fortunately for you however, there isn’t anyone around and you continue onward towards your private little getaway along with your new companion.

You’re quite enjoying the company of your new found friend even if all this is a little unusual and it’s been fun to take your mind off things. As you approach the break in the trees and walk towards the lake, the squirrel climbs down your leg and begins to run towards a lone oak tree that has no real business being there.

For some reason you’ve never really paid it any attention before, but at this moment in time it peaks your curiosity. The squirrel runs about ten feet in front of you and stops on the spot before looking back; it's obvious that he wants you to follow him.

You do as the squirrel wants and walk up to the oak tree. Your new found friend climbs up the tree and goes out of sight for a moment before returning to your shoulder with an acorn that looks a bit too big for him to carry.

Completely unphased however he begins to chow down on it and you continue to walk as the cute munching sound that is chiming in your left ear makes you chuckle.

You approach the lake and sit down towards the edge of the pool; the squirrel on your shoulder climbs down to rest on the rock in between your legs. He looks quite content chomping down on his prized dinner, he’s already devoured a large chunk of it and he’s not slowing down.

You give him a little stroke on the head and go to grab your dog whistle before quickly letting out a sigh of frustration as you realise you’ve left it in your car. “For fuck sake... why do I always forget the important things? Oh well I’m not going back now. I’ll just have to whistle the old fashioned way.”

Much to your surprise there’s a rustle in the ferns on your right hand side. You look in that direction and to your relief there’s a pack of excited wolves heading in your direction. “Turns out I didn’t need the whistle after all and; man am I glad to see you guys.”

Their affection towards you today is a lot more controlled but certainly not lacking. The younger of the wolves begins to sniff around you as though looking for someone. “Sorry guys, she’s not here today. It’s just me. Believe me, I wish she was here as much as you do.”

Once they realise that it’s just you they begin to play fight, seemingly happy in their own little world. You leave them to it and smile at their innocence.

You notice that two of the rocks you threw in the pool the other day have been conveniently placed in front of you. Right next to them are two adolescent wolves eagerly waiting for you to throw them. One of them nudges a rock towards you with their nose and you launch it into the water.

You witness what can only be described as the most impressive jump you’ve ever seen as the first wolf jumps in after it. The other one gets into a prowl position and wiggles his bum as he waits for you to throw the rock for him.

His brother is swimming in the water cherishing the prized rock that is now in his mouth. You launch the other rock into the water and watch yet another impressive jump as the second wolf enters the water.

The squirrel that accompanied you on the way here hasn’t moved an inch. He seems completely undeterred by the much larger animals that now surround him.

The elder wolf looks at him as if to say, “If he wasn’t here right now I’d eat you in one bite.” You stroke him on the head and he gives you a lick of affection before resting his head and closing his eyes.

Life doesn’t get much better than this, you think to yourself; the sun is shining and I’m surrounded by wildlife. You lay back and feel the warmth of the sun on your face; it feels wonderful and you decide to close your eyes. The sound of splashing and play fighting grows ever more distant as you drift off into a deep sleep.

* * *

“Hey… hey sleepy head… wake up… are you in there?” You feel a warm pair of lips press against yours as you open your eyes; its Aleira.

You instantly sit up and accidentally bump your head against hers. She recoils in pain but laughs at the same time. “Uh… sorry about that I wasn’t expecting anyone. Where have you been? How did you know I was here? I thought you’d walked out on me forever.”

You’re not the sharpest when you haven’t had time to come around and realise how blunt you’re being. “Sorry, Aleira, I was fast asleep and couldn’t believe you were here when I opened my eyes.”

She giggles at you. “Well, first I went to your house and there was no answer at the door so I let myself in as I still have the other key.” She dangles it in front of you with a smug look on her face. “When you weren’t there, I got really worried and with your car not being there as well, the only place I could think of you being was here.”

You feel relieved that she cares enough to come looking for you. “Thank you for finding me. I’ve missed you over the last couple of days. Rose hasn’t stopped bothering me ever since I kicked her out and told her I was in love with you.”

Aleira smiles at you before grabbing you around the throat and begins to choke you. “What the fuck Aleira... I can’t breathe… let go of me.” You struggle against her but she’s surprisingly strong for a small woman.

“You really thought you could get away from me, bitch? I own your ass and it belongs to me.” Her voice shrieks in your ears as though she’s been possessed and it terrifies you. The sky has turned instantly black and thunder can be heard above you. The wind is howling as the trees look like they’re about to snap in two.

The elder wolf that has been lying next to you rushes at her in an attempt to protect you but she smashes his head into the rock and it cracks open. You cry out in anger as you try to release yourself from her vice like grip. “What the fuck is wrong with you… You’re a fucking psycho.”

“Look at me bitch and tell me you love me.” Aleira takes one hand and rips a layer of skin off her face and to your complete disbelief and terror it’s Rose who’s staring at you with a murderous look in her eyes.

She starts chanting as her voice gets louder and louder. “You’re mine and you belong to me forever.”

“Fuck you, Rose, I don’t love you any more... I love Aleira so you might as well kill me because I’m finished with you.”

She lets go of you and screams out in rage and you cover your ears as the inside of your head feels like it’s about to explode. Rose picks up a rock that looks about the same size as a car. “If I can’t have you then no one can.”

You lay there helplessly as you brace yourself for impact…

* * *

You jolt upright and clutch your chest, your heart is pumping at a ridiculous rate as it takes you a second to realise that you were having a nightmare. The elder wolf that was fast asleep jumps up at the same time looking confused as to what is going on. “Sorry, boy, I didn’t mean to make you jump.”

You give him a scratch on the ear and he licks you with affection. You look around and realise it's getting dark; you can’t believe you’ve slept that long. “I could do without another dream like that for the rest of my life. That was fucking ridiculous.”

You look around and notice that two of the dogs are missing. “Where have they gone? They must’ve gone back to their den, I guess.” The elder wolf that is sprawled out next to you lets out a sigh of annoyance in the direction of the waterfall.

You look up and see two excited dogs on the top of it as they’re about to do the unthinkable. You hold your breath and cover your mouth as they leap off the top of it. There’s a momentary pause before they hit the water.

The elder wolf looks at you as if to say, “I’m too old for this shit.” You smile and scratch his ear again as the two wolves climb up onto the rock and shake the water out of their fur; they look quite pleased at their daredevil antics.

You get up and begin to walk away from the dogs that have been in your company all afternoon. As you walk away, however, they follow you. “No, guys, you can’t come with me. I’ll come back again soon, I promise.” Ignoring your words, they walk past you and lead the way to your car. You laugh to yourself as you realise that they must want to make sure you get back safely.

The walk back to your car seems relatively short now that you have company, and your furry little friend has decided to come back with you. It’s been an interesting afternoon and apart from the terrifying nightmare, you haven’t regretted visiting your companions again.

As you get to the half way point, the squirrel climbs down your leg and stops in front of you. “See you again soon, my friend. I’ve quite enjoyed your company today.” You stroke him on the head and he runs happily up the nearest tree before disappearing out of sight.

The pack moves forward and you follow their lead; they feel almost like family to you and it’s a wonderful feeling. As you approach your car, you turn to the wolves and stroke each of them on the head. They seem content that you’re safe now and walk back the way they've just come.

It’s a surreal experience, but you’re glad you weren’t on your own. You start up the engine and begin the hour long drive back home; it’s not one that you’re particularly looking forward to.

* * *

You pull up outside your house and stare at it for a little while; you don’t want to go in. There’s no one in there waiting for you with a big smile on their face and the only thing that awaits you is soul destroying loneliness.

Getting a grip at this moment in time, as your father would say, doesn’t seem all that appealing. “Parents always have an answer for everything.” You feel a slight bit of guilt as you realise your father would probably be right for saying it.

After sitting in your car for ten minutes, you decide that you’re being ridiculous and go to get out. Just as you open your, door you hear the familiar cute munching sound that was ringing in your ear earlier.

You look at the back seat of your car and to your surprise, the same squirrel that’s been with you most of the day is eagerly scoffing an open bag of crisps.

“Well, it looks like I’ve got some company after all. I’ll take you back to the forest tomorrow. You’re a curious little guy, I’ll give you that.” You extend your arm out and he climbs up onto your shoulder again.

The feeling of relief is welcomed as you realise the house isn’t going to be unbearably lonely again.

Your key goes into the lock as you walk in through the front door where your curious friend runs down your body and straight into the living room.

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“Well I guess that bowl of peanuts in the living room aren't going to last long. It doesn't matter... I wasn't going to eat them anyway.”

You’re not entirely sure why you bought them in the first place, until you realise that you’ve been subconsciously comfort eating yourself to an early grave. Women typically go for chocolate and ice cream but you have a more savoury tongue.

There’s a pizza menu on the side in the hallway and you pick it up along with the phone that you left there. You haven’t eaten all day and your stomach begins to rumble uncomfortably.

After placing an order with the incredibly dull sounding pizza guy, you turn on your phone to see how many missed calls you’ve got. Sure enough they’re all from Rose and not one from Aleira.

You let out a sigh as you throw your phone on the arm chair and collapse on the sofa. Why did you ever bother getting involved with a woman? They’re nothing but hassle, you think to yourself.

You quickly realise however that if Aleira was here with you at this very moment nothing else in the world would matter to you. Why can’t you be like everyone else and just play the game instead of falling foolishly in love like a child?

The thought quickly passes however, as you hear an overly needy squeak in your ear.

The squirrel looks up at you from the coffee table. You grab the bowl of peanuts he’s been eating and put it on your stomach, and it doesn’t take long for him to follow as he continues to eat.

His feet tickle your belly but you don’t mind. “At least I know you won’t let me down, bud. I’ve got to come up with a name for you at some point though; let’s have a think… Scoff would be an appropriate name for you what do you reckon?” The squirrel looks up at you innocently with a mouthful of nuts in and you laugh. “Scoff it is then.”

The letter that Aleira wrote for you is still on the sofa where you left it last night and you read it again. The smell of her perfume is still on there and it’s slightly comforting.

After reading the letter again and feeling as upset as the first time, you decide that it's a good idea to phone her. It’s been a few days since you tried last and she might’ve calmed down enough by now to talk to you.

Butterflies flip in your stomach as it goes straight to voicemail again and you hang up. “Come on Aleira why do you refuse to pick up your phone? Surely you must know that I’ve kicked Rose out and I’ve chosen you. Why does this suck so much?” The thought enters your mind that Aleira may never talk to you again and it makes your heart sink.

You lay on the sofa for thirty minutes simply staring up at the ceiling whilst an overly greedy squirrel stuffs his face on your belly. You can barely even think about anything that doesn’t involve Aleira and where she might be.

Your stomach rumbles again and it reminds you that this pizza is taking a long time to be delivered. You phone up the pizza company and the dull sounding man on the end of the phone answers. “Hi, I placed an order for delivery a little while ago and I wanted to know how far off it is?”

The man repeats your address to you and sounds surprised which in its self ironically is surprising to you. "Uh sir… it was delivered fifteen minutes ago. It’s been a quiet night and our driver accepted payment for the pizza. Would you like us to send out another one for you?"

You turn down the man’s offer and end the conversation. “Bunch of fucking idiots... they can’t even deliver a pizza properly. It’s no wonder they’re losing business.”

The doorbell rings and you hope it’s the delivery man who’s realised his mistake, you also hope it’s not Rose. You could do without seeing her tonight and putting up with her drama. Scoff leaps off your belly as you get up.

You open up your wallet as you can see the shape of a pizza box through the glass in your front door.

As you open the door you drop your wallet in fear. Rob is standing in front of you with a pizza box and a smirk on his face, “Pizza for two?”

* * *

You both stand in the living room until Rob tells you to sit down, and you do as he says without question even though you don’t want to. You feel like his spineless bitch.

Scoff has since hidden behind the sofa; it’s like he knows this isn’t going to be good. Rob’s persona is intimidating and if you had the choice right now, you’d probably like to be behind the sofa with your little friend.

“I’m going to talk and you’re going to fucking listen, you little bitch. You only answer when I ask you a question, do you understand?” You nod your head in agreement and swallow as a lump forms in your throat.

“Good. When I texted you before and said that if you hurt Rose I’ll hurt you, what exactly was it that you did not understand? Are you a fucking idiot? Because I think you are. You’re a little bitch who needs to be taught a lesson in how to take orders.” He takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves; he’s a big guy and you know what’s about to happen.

Out of fear, you interrupt him which you know is a bad idea but you hope he will feel some pity and go easy on you.

“I thought you two had split up? Rose came here and begged for me to take her back, but I didn’t want to as I don’t love her any more. Please understand, Rob. I never meant to hurt her… please don’t hurt me.”

Rob walks over to you and gives you a right hook across the side of your face whilst completely ignoring your pathetic plea. The pain is intense and you feel a sharp throb in your face as it instantly swells up.

You let out a yelp like a frightened puppy and Rob laughs out loud. You would laugh at your own pathetic behaviour if you were him. He’s a real man and you’re just a bitch.

“Whether I’m with Rose or not is irrelevant, you weak little cunt, because she’s my little slut to do as I want with. You really thought she was in love with you when she walked through that front door? Trust me she wasn’t. She’s a desperate little slut who can’t stand the thought of being alone.” You know that everything he’s saying is true and it’s why you didn’t believe her when she begged you to take her back.

“She will always be my property, and I even paid her a visit before I came around here. As soon as she saw me, she got on her back and spread those little legs of hers. I didn’t even have to ask.” He unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock. You notice that it’s still slightly wet, which humiliates you even more.

“Go on bitch, sniff my cock and smell your wife’s pussy juices all over it. You know you want to.” You do as he instructs even though you don't want to. You wish you had the courage to stand up to him, but you know you never will.

“How does his cock smell honey? does it smell good? Look how it’s still wet, that’s how much he made me cum. You’re a little bitch and you know it. I’m moving back in here because this is my house now.” You look down at the floor in embarrassment; you haven’t got the balls to stand up to either of them and you know Rob’s going to punish you for kicking Rose out.

Rob gives you another right hook in the exact same spot as before, and this time it makes the room spin a little as his knuckles crack off the side of your cheek. “We have got a little surprise in store for you and you’re going to love it, even if I have to make you love it bitch boy.” You wince as he raises his fist again ready for another punch.

Rose walks in as he cracks the side of your face again and to your complete shock drags Aleira in by her hair. Aleira’s hands are tied behind her back and there’s a gag in her mouth.

You can see from the bruises on her face that someone’s been abusing her and you cry in front of her for the first time like a baby. Rose forces Aleira down to her knees in front of Rob and pulls the gag out of her mouth.

“So you love my sister do you, bitch? Do you have any idea how fucking pissed off I am that you’ve betrayed me? You’re supposed to be my husband. We’re about to show you what happens to unfaithful little bastards like you.” You can’t believe Rose’s audacity after everything she’s put you through. You don’t argue back, though, and remain silent like the coward you've always been.

“Rob is going to fuck her face right in front of you and you’re going to sit there and watch. Then when he’s done we’re going to lock you both in the basement where you will spend the rest of your life listening as Rob fucks my whore sister.”

Aleira cries out as tears stream down her face. “I’m sorry, Jake, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault please forgive me I’m so sorry.” It pains you to see her like this because no one deserves to be treated like this.

You've had enough as you stand up and look Rob square in the eyes as he laughs in your face. “What the fuck are you doing, bitch boy? I hope you’re going to grab my cock and shove it in her mouth, otherwise I’ll punch her.” You’ve finally had enough of Rose and her dick head boyfriend’s abuse.

For the first time in your life you let your fist fly and it hits Rob right in his sausage looking face. His legs give in as he hits the ground. A surge of adrenaline rushes through your body, and for once in your life you feel like a man. Rose looks at you dumbfounded and scared.

“You’re going to regret that you little faggot. Trust me on that.” Rob begins to stand up and you pull your fist back to hit him again. If he gets to his feet you know he’ll beat you to a pulp.

“Oh he’s going to regret that is he?” You turn around and see a man who has a vague resemblance to Rob.

Rob looks up in shock. “Dad… what are you doing here? Did you see what he just did to me? He attacked me for no reason.”

“I saw what he did to you and it’s what I should’ve done to you a long time ago. Don’t tell me... you told this little slut here that bullshit story about how I’m in the police force and how untouchable you are.”

You look at the man who’s now standing in your living room. “You’re not in the police force?” You can’t believe what you’re hearing.

“No, I’m not in the police force and Rob is a lying piece of shit with a bad attitude. That poor girl who’s on her knees crying posted a note through my letterbox to this address. Before I could answer the door, she’d run off. I couldn’t work out why until I stepped foot in here.” Rob’s father looks at him with scorn in his eyes.

“I never thought I’d see the day where I would have to turn my own son into the police for kidnapping and abusing two innocent people. He is an embarrassment to the family.” Relief rushes through your veins as you feel that this charade is going to finally be over.

“Take care of that girl there because she needs you, and as for these two psychopaths… I’ll deal with them.” You rush to Aleira as she breaks down into tears and you hold her for a second as tight as you can.

“Don’t worry Aleira everything’s going to be okay.” You untie the rope that is binding her arms and she wraps them around your neck as the full weight of her body pulls you off balance slightly.

“I was so scared. When they found out I was going to tell his dad what they've been doing, they attacked me. I couldn't do anything about it. I’m so sorry, Jake.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about, Aleira, because it’s not your fault.” You help her to get up on the sofa and hold her tight.

For the next hour or so Aleira holds onto you like she’s never going to let go. The police turn up and Rob’s father does most of the talking. It’s a relief to you as all you care about is making sure Aleira is okay.

An ambulance crew arrives shortly afterwards as Rob and Rose get taken away in handcuffs. They tend to Aleira first and then you. Once they’re satisfied that you’re both okay, they leave and Rob’s father shows them out.

It’s just you and Aleira in the living room and she looks up at you with her big round puppy dog eyes. “They threatened me on your wedding day… If I didn’t do what they wanted, they said they were going to kill you. Rose always knew I was in love with you and she knew I’d do what she wanted to save you. I should’ve told you sooner. I’m so sorry.” She cries again and leans into you for support.

“It’s okay, Aleira, it’s over now. I’m not mad at you because I love you. You were so brave to go to Rob’s father like that, but I’m glad that you did.” You kiss her on the lips as Rob’s dad walks into the room. He clears his throat and you both pull away, slightly embarrassed.

He gets three empty shot glasses off the side and a bottle of whiskey. “I think we could all use a drink as we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

All three of you talk late into the night, and most of Justin’s conversation consists of apologies and guilt about how Rob has behaved. You quite like Rob’s father and feel almost sorry for him that Rob has disgraced his family name in this way.

Eventually he leaves and you see him out. “Take care of that girl because she risked a lot for you. I know how manipulative my son can be and it took guts to do what she did. She really does love you.” He shakes your hand and walks away.

You quickly head back into the living room and you can see Aleira giggling as Scoff runs up and down her arm. “He’s so adorable. Is this the squirrel we saw the other day?”

“Yes, it is. His name is Scoff and he’s a greedy little guy but friendly. I’m going to take him back tomorrow if you want to come with me?” Her eyes light up as you mention the idea.

“I’d love to. I’ve missed you so much. I never thought I was going to see you again. I just want to forget everything that’s happened and make a fresh start with you.”

You take her hand and lead her upstairs. “Don’t worry Aleira, I’m not going anywhere. Let’s get some sleep because I think we both need it.” The thought of a fresh start with her sounds perfect.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and you’ve got a surprise for Aleira that you think she’s going to love.

You hold her tight as she falls asleep in your arms like you’re never going to let go. You never want her to be put in danger like that again.

As you kiss her on the neck you can hear her whisper, “I love you, Jake.”

You rest your head on the pillow and close your eyes. “I love you, too, Aleira… sleep well, beautiful.”

Scoff squeezes in the middle of you two and makes himself comfortable. Normally this would annoy you, but at this moment in time you’re glad the little guy is here.

It doesn't take long for all three of you to fall into a deep sleep.
Written by cheatingfemalewanted
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