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You Made A Promise! (Chapter 2 - A Life Worth Living?)

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It’s the morning of the wedding, the very day that you’ve been dreading for the past week. You can’t believe that you’re going to walk down the aisle with your beautiful wife to be, only to let her go off with another man and consummate the marriage. Rose looks more beautiful than you’ve ever seen her before; she stands in front of you in her wedding dress which doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Your cock presses against your chastity belt as she leans up against you and kisses your neck.

“Are you ready sweetie? I know they say that you shouldn’t see the bride in her wedding dress before the actual wedding, but I figured it doesn’t matter. My body doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to Rob.” Your heart sinks as she mentions your master’s name.

“Yes I’m ready.” Every part of you doesn’t want to go through with this; most people would grow a pair and say enough is enough. But you know exactly what will happen to you if you even hint at walking away, being put in a wheelchair is not something you want to happen.

“Good, I want you to smile when we have our photo taken as well. When I say smile I mean it, you should be happy that you get to walk down the aisle with a beautiful woman like me. It’s not like you could ever do any better let’s face it. You’re sole purpose is to look after me and my children for the rest of your life. Think about that when you sign the marriage certificate, you need to get used to the idea. Now carry me to the taxi, I don’t want to get my dress dirty.” She puts her arms around your neck and you lift her up and carry her to the taxi that’s waiting outside.

The registry office is only a ten minute drive from your house, but it feels like time has suddenly slowed down as you await your fate. The taxi driver is an overly friendly Indian man who is not short of conversation. Rose does most of the talking as you watch the world outside rush past in a haze.

The taxi pulls up outside the registry office and you open the door of your bride to be, she steps out with a big smile on her face as you take her hand. The taxi driver has said he will turn off the meter while he waits, you shouldn’t be in there for long anyway.

When you walk into the registry office, much to your surprise, your mother, father and sister are there smiling at you standing right next to Rose’s parents who are also smiling. Rose must’ve contacted them all as you wanted to keep this a total secret.

You stand at the front and the music begins to play, of all the songs she could’ve picked, it had to be When You Say Nothing At All. You never liked this song when it was first released, but it couldn’t be further from the truth at this moment in time.

Rose walks down the aisle to be given away by her father, they all look so happy for you. If only they knew what was really going on, part of you wants to gain the courage to say something. As per usual though, you don’t, you just keep quiet like the good boy Rose wants you to be.

Rose has given the rings to your father who walks up with pride in his stride as he hands them to you. He taps you on the shoulder and says, “Well done son, I’m proud of you.” Your heart sinks again, you really are on your own.

Finally after the vows have been exchanged, come the words you’ve desperately been waiting to hear. You’re hoping that someone will chime in at the right moment and save the day for you. “If any person present knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, he or she should declare it now.”

Silence ensues for what seems to be hours, but much to your dismay, no-one interrupts. If there was ever a more justified reason for you not to believe in God, this is it.

“Then it gives me great pleasure to declare that you are now legally married. You may kiss the bride.”

Rose puts her arms around you, whilst your arms go around her waist; she kisses you slowly and passionately. You can hear both families cheering and clapping.

Rose pulls away from the kiss and whispers in your ear. “You’re mine forever now baby, I own you.”

You sign the contract that will legally bind you two together in what should be the happiest day of your life. You both exchange short pleasantries with family members as you have photo’s taken before heading straight to the taxi.

The overly friendly Indian man is stood there beaming like a Cheshire cat holding the door open for you and your new wife. The ride home feels even longer than the ride to the registry office; you can’t wait to go on the honeymoon you’ve booked and just spend some time alone where no-one knows you.

The taxi pulls up outside your house and you pay him what he’s owed with £10 extra for being so friendly. He thanks you and drives off.

You carry Rose into the house and close the door. She puts her arms around you and kisses you again, passionately and slowly. She takes your hand and leads you into the living room.

She looks deep into your eyes. “Did you put the plane tickets on the kitchen side like I asked you too earlier baby?”

“Yes I did just as you asked, they’re on the side. I can’t wait to leave the country if I’m being honest with you, a change of scenery will do me good I think.” The thought of going to see all the places you’ve read about excites you.

Rose looks at you confused. “Uh sweetie… You’re not coming with me; I said to book the tickets in my name for a reason. Rob is going on the honeymoon with me silly. You didn’t think you were actually coming with me did you? Oh my god you did? I’m so sorry sweetie; I thought you’d figured that out.” The living room door opens and in walks Aleira, Rose’s sister who is equally as beautiful.

“You’ve met my sister Aleira before, she’s been waiting here for the last hour or so. She’s going to be taking care of you while I’m gone, I want you to be on your best behaviour for her, no back chatting and you do exactly what she tells you to do. Do you understand me sweetie?”

You can’t believe how cruel Rose could be or that her sister would go along with this. “Yes I understand.”

“Don’t worry Rose, he’ll behave for me. I’ve got a few things in mind in case he steps out of line.” Aleira smirks at you and looks down at the bulge in your trousers, she knows about the chastity belt as well.

“Great! Aww thank you big sis, you’re the best. Oh and by the way, feel free to use his tongue to clean any cum out of you after you’ve had sex with someone. He’s a natural at it. Yay! Okay well I’m going to leave you two down here, Rob is going to be here any second and fuck me upstairs. Don’t worry baby, I’ll video it for you.” No sooner has she said those words, the doorbell rings and she rushes out of the room to answer the door.

Aleira walks up to you and grabs you around the throat. “You little bitch; I always knew you were a fucking loser. The moment I first laid eyes on you I wanted to put a dog collar on you and drag you around the fucking floor. You’re a weak pathetic dog and I’m going to show you just how pathetic you are over the next couple of weeks you piece of shit.” She grabs what appears to be a choke lead and puts it over your head and pulls it tight. You can just about breathe as she uses her leverage to lift you up on your tip toes.

“First things first though, we’re going to listen to Rob fuck my sister like a real man, while I spit on your face. Sit down on the fucking floor with your back against the sofa.” You have no choice but to do what she says, the chain around your neck prevents you from struggling. She sits behind you and forces your head back between her legs.

It doesn’t take long before you hear your wife screaming in complete ecstasy as Rob fucks her harder than you ever thought possible.

Aleira still has a firm grip on the chain around your neck and spits on your face. “Listen to your wife right now. You haven’t even got the balls to fuck Rose on her wedding day. You’re actually going to allow another man impregnate your wife while you sit downstairs and listen to it? I couldn’t believe it when Rose told me and I still don’t. I want you to say it out loud, go on. Say that you’re going to let another man get your wife pregnant.” She spits on your face again and looks at you impatiently. The choke lead tightens again.

“I’m going to let another man get my wife pregnant while I sit downstairs and listen to it happen.” Aleira loosens her grip slightly which you’re thankful for.

The banging upstairs gets louder, you can hear rose screaming at the top of her voice. “Yes baby! That’s it! Cum inside me please!” Rob and Rose both cum together at the same time, you feel a lump form in your throat as the thought of her being impregnated in your bed lingers.

Aleira spits on your face again. “Listen to that, she’s just had the best sex of her life with another man, in your bed because you’re too fucking weak to stop her. I’m glad I was here to see for myself how much of a bitch you really are.” She spits on you again as Rose walks into the living room.

She walks over to you and puts her hands around your neck and spits in your face. “Did you enjoy that baby, did you enjoy listening to him fuck me like a real man. His baby is inside me now and there’s nothing you can fucking do about it.”

“Are you sure you’re okay to keep an eye on him for the next two weeks Aleira?” Rose stands over you while she talks to her sister and you can feel Robs cum dripping on your face from her freshly pounded pussy.

“Yes Rose, of course it’s fine, I’ll do anything for you, you’re my little sister. Don’t worry about this piece of shit right here, I’ll keep him busy. He will do whatever I want because otherwise I’ll bust his balls with a sledgehammer.”

“Thanks Aleira, you’re amazing I owe you one. Well in that case then I’m off to Rome! I can’t believe it. You behave yourself for my sister sweetie, you hear me? I’ll be back in two weeks and you can look out if you don’t behave. Now tell me you love me”

“I love you princess, please have a great time and I’ll see you when you get home.” Rose smirks at how worthless you look right now and leaves the house with Rob.

Aleira looks down at you and smiles. “Come on bitch boy, I’ve got myself a new dildo and I think it’s time someone showed you what happens to fucking losers like you.”

She drags you across the floor on your hands and knees like a dog. You can’t believe you’ve got to spend the next two weeks with this crazy bitch, you don’t even know if you’ll live to see the end of it.

You can feel the lock on your chastity device being moved as you open your eyes. You look down and Aleira is holding your caged cock in her hands. “Morning cum dump, how does your arse feel this morning after I fucked the shit out of it last night? Sounded to me like it hurt a bit, don’t worry though, you’ll get used to it.”

You feel like you’ve been stretched, surprisingly it didn’t hurt that much but Aleira didn’t have to be quite as rough as she was. You’re thankful however that she used the smallest size first. “I feel like I’ve been stretched a bit, but I’m okay. What are you doing with the lock?”

“I promised Rose I’d send her some photos of how well you’ve been behaving while she’s on her honey moon. This is a pot of superglue, and I’m going to glue the lock shut.” She smiles as she removes the cap of the superglue bottle.

“What? You can’t do that, what if Rose wants to unlock it for any reason, she won’t be able to.” You try and get up but she squeezes your balls with the grip of an arm-wrestler.

“You don’t tell me what I can or can’t do, if you fucking backchat me again I’ll squeeze your balls until they pop. Do you understand? Now hold the padlock upright loser, while I glue it shut.” She keeps a firm grip on your balls and you don’t want to find out if she’s bluffing or not.

You hold the padlock upright as she pours the clear liquid down the lock, you’re surprised at how much empties before it begins to overflow. Aleira grabs a small hand held fan out of her handbag on the bed and turns it on. The strong smell of chemicals hits your nose and it makes you feel a little sick.

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Aleira smirks at you. “This is one cock that’s never going to see the light of day again. I can’t imagine what must be going through your mind right now. You’re wife is on honeymoon with another guy who is going to get her pregnant, while her sister is closing your cock shut forever. Just think about it for a second, no erection ever, no release, you can’t even touch yourself. It’s pathetic, but I don’t mind. This is all good fun for me.” She pulls her phone out of the handbag that is on the bed and takes a picture. “Oh by the way, you’ve got a video message from Rose. I think you’ll want to see this.”

She puts the phone directly in front of your face. You watch as Rob throat fucks your wife while she rubs her pussy in a wild frenzy. Rose orgasms over and over again. You’ve never actually seen her orgasm before and your cock twitches in its cage. Aleira squeezes your balls as you continue to watch. When it’s time for Rob to cum Rose quickly turns around and spreads her legs for him. He rams his cock into her and releases. Rose looks into the camera and blows you a kiss. “I love you baby.” Rob pulls his cock out of her and Rose props her lower back on a pillow to stop the cum from dripping out. “I’m going to wait until I get home to do a pregnancy test sweetie; I want us both to find out together.” The video stops playing.

Aleira taps the now dried superglue with her nails and it makes a dry tapping sound. She giggles to herself as she taps your locked cock. She takes the tip of the chastity belt and starts sucking it slowly whilst looking directly at you. She bites down hard on the belt and laughs. “What’s the matter loser? I bet you wish you could feel how good it was to have me sucking your cock. Such a shame that you’ll never know what it actually feels like. I can’t believe that Rose was kind enough to even give you a final blowjob. You’re lucky she didn’t ask my advice first because I would’ve ripped her a new one for doing it. You don’t deserve my sister, you’re just a provider for her and that’s it. You’re also my slave boy as well and you’ll be moving in with me.” She smiles again as she licks your caged cock.

“What do you mean I’ll be moving in with you? This is my house and I’m paying the mortgage, I’m not moving out!” You can’t believe how much of a bitch she’s being.

She sinks her teeth into your testicles; she bites down so hard you nearly pass out. “Listen to me and you make sure you listen properly. This is my sister’s house now and it belongs to her. You will be moving out and you will continue to pay to mortgage on this place. The only reason you’ll ever have for stepping foot in this house again is when your family come to visit. You’re my sister’s husband by law, but she belongs to Rob, you belong to me and I’m going to fuck your arse every day for the rest of your life. You’re my bitch.”

You feel completely helpless and she’s right. You are her bitch, you’ve allowed this to happen and it’s all your fault for being a coward. You’re not a man; you deserved to get fucked everyday for being a loser. “I understand Aleira; I’m your slave now. When will I be moving?”

“Not until my sister comes back from her honeymoon, I want to watch you cry as her pregnancy test shows positive. You know that her and Rob are going to fuck all over your house everyday and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I’ll make sure I keep every video of her fucking Rob so that you can watch a different one for everyday of the week before you go to sleep. The only way you’ll get to cum is while I’m fucking you with a dildo as you watch your wife get fucked. You’re in for a whole world of hurt and I’m going to enjoy every second of it. Now stick out your tongue, while you were fast asleep one of my fuck buddies treated me to an early morning visit. There’s a huge load in my pussy which is going to be considered your first meal of the day from now on. Get licking slave boy.”

She hovers a few inches above your head, you stick out your tongue and the cum drips out of her pussy into your mouth as she starts riding your face. “Mmm that’s right bitch, lick it all out of me. This is going to be your view every single morning and I’m going to love it.” She rides your face harder and faster, as she lets out a cry and climaxes on your face. “I fucking love owning you, you’re a piece of shit and I’m going to remind you of that fact every day. Now get in the shower and worship my body, I want to fuck your face until I can’t stand up anymore.”

You get off the bed and turn on the shower. Aleira pins you against the wall by your neck and lowers you to the ground where you wait for her to start abusing your face. Eventually after what feels like an hour she lets out her final orgasm, you’ve lost count of how many she’s actually had. “Fuck yes! I’ve had slaves in the past, but never one that I’ve had complete power over. I fucking love it; you have to do exactly what I tell you to do without question. Kiss my pussy and tell me how amazing I am.” You feel stupid but you do as she instructs.

“You’re amazing Aleira, the most beautiful Goddess I’ve ever seen and I don’t deserve to be your slave.” She laughs at you as you stroke her ego without choice.

“No you don’t deserve a woman as amazing as me, you’re a fucking loser. You don’t deserve my sister either or any woman on the planet for that matter. The only reason I’m keeping you as my own is because I can fuck you however I want. You don’t have a say in anything. No limits, no questions and no rights, you’ve got nowhere to go either. My sister will have your bank cards and every penny that you earn. All of your bank statements and paycheques will still come to this house, but you won’t be here to receive them. I’ll make sure she changes the locks as well so that you can’t get in. Rob’s father is in the police force which you might’ve figured out already and if you think Rob is scary, you don’t even want to meet his father. You’re fucked in every sense of the word. If you disobey me, I’ll make sure Rob’s father pays you a visit.” She laughs at the top of her lungs as you kiss her pussy.

The thought of being bossed around by Aleira for the rest of your life makes you feel worthless.

Aleira is on the phone in the living room to Rose whilst you cook dinner in the kitchen. She’s demanded spaghetti bolognaise which you don’t mind, she’s finally left you alone for an hour.

You can hear her ending the conversation in the living room.

Okay Rose I’ll speak to you soon… love you too… bye

Her footsteps get louder as she walks into the kitchen. She walks up behind you and kisses you on the neck. “I’m not always going to be horrible to you; I’m just like that when I’m really horny sometimes. You are a loser don’t get me wrong, but you’re a good slave. You’re taking care of my sister and I’m thankful for that and you made me cum like crazy.” She continues to kiss your neck; her soft words are all of a sudden very soothing. She begins massaging your chastity belt and your cock presses against the cage. “Don’t fight me okay, I want to be gentle with you at the moment. I want you to kiss me as though I was Rose.”

You can’t understand where she’s going with this, but you don’t want to make her angry either and do as she asks. You kiss her slowly and she moans softly as you do so, you’re quite enjoying the intimacy as it is rare for you these days.

“Good boy, I want you to start thinking about me the same way that you do about Rose. You’ve lost her forever and we both know this but you’ve got a choice now. You can fall in love with me and have a happy life or you can remain in love with Rose and I’ll punish you for it like I did yesterday. Which is it?”

You’re confused, earlier this morning she was treating you like you were worth nothing, now all of a sudden she wants your affection. You decide to play along with what Aleira wants to see where it goes, it’s not like things could get any worse than they already are. “My heart is with you Aleira; I want to make you happy.”

She pulls you into her, kissing you with an intensity you’ve never felt before. “You’re life might start improving for the better if I feel that you’re genuinely in love with me. I know it won’t happen straight away but we’ve got to start somewhere right?” She kisses you again and takes you by the hand into the living room.

She pulls out her biggest strap on and your heart sinks a little bit, you knew there would be a catch. “Don’t look so nervous, you’re the one who’s going to be wearing it. I want you to make love to me.”

You can’t believe what you’re hearing. “This isn’t just some cruel trick that you and Rose have come up with together is it, you genuinely want me to make love to you?”

“No it’s not some cruel trick; I want you to prove to me how badly you want me. I’ll know if you’re faking it or not as well, if I think that you are then I’ll know you didn’t mean what you said in the kitchen.” She fits the strap on to you and lays on the sofa with her legs open, her body looks amazing.

You get on top of her and begin eating her out slowly, kissing her pussy and gently massaging her breasts. Her body moves like a wave as she gently moans out in pleasure. She pulls your head up towards hers and kisses you. “Put it inside me baby please, I want to feel you inside me.”

You press the 10 inch dildo against her pussy and feel it begin to enter her; she lets out the sweetest moan you’ve ever heard as she accepts it inch by inch. You move slowly in and out of her, kissing her neck as she pulls you closer to her. For the first time since you found out Rose has been cheating on you, it feels like you’re actually being treated like a person. You continue to move slowly, the strap on is big and you don’t want to hurt Aleira.

“That’s it baby… keep going… oh my god I’m going to cum! It feels so good!” She screams out and kisses you as her body begins to shake. “Oh my god that felt amazing, if you keep giving me orgasms like that I might be nice to you all the time.”

You can’t believe this, even though you’re locked in a chastity belt, it felt amazing to feel so intimate with someone again. “That was amazing; I want to do it again.”

She giggles at you and kisses you on the lips, she’s acting like a teenager in love and she couldn’t be any more adorable for it. “That’s enough for now, remember that I’m still in charge here and you’re on trial. You’ve got to prove to me that you really love me if you want have privileges like this. Anyway… isn’t dinner supposed to be ready? It’s been cooking for a while now”

“Oh yeah I forgot about that, I’ll start serving it up.” You both sit down at the dinner table and talk effortlessly. You’re beginning to have feelings for her and it shows. It’s obvious on her face that she approves of the attention she’s getting from you.

“I can’t believe how different you are, yesterday and this morning it sounded like you wanted to ruin my life. I’ve seen a completely different side to you this afternoon and I don’t want it to end.” You pour her another glass of wine and she rubs her foot against your chastity belt

“Things are going to get a whole lot better for you if you keep on spoiling me like this. But you’ve got two weeks to show me that you really can fall in love with me. You know how cruel I can be and if I sense that your love isn’t genuine, I’ll take the offer away.” You don’t want to do anything to rock the boat at this point and feel as though you should offer her some affection to keep her happy.

“Would you like to watch a movie and just cuddle until we fall asleep?” The idea of this feels wonderful to you; it’s simple but a form of intimacy that you’re desperately craving.

“That’s so sweet, I’d love to. You can kiss my neck until I fall asleep if you like?” She looks at you with hope in her eyes.

“Of course I will, I was actually thinking of doing that myself.” She smiles and holds out her hand for you to guide her upstairs.

You press play and the movie begins, you put your arms around Aleira and hold her close. She sucks your finger as you kiss her neck and it feels amazing. She leans into your groin and links her fingers with yours. Without thinking about it you kiss her on the cheek and mention the words she’s been waiting to hear all day. “I love you Aleira.”

She smiles and kisses your hand before closing her eyes. You continue to kiss her neck as her breathing becomes slower and more relaxed; she falls into a deep sleep.

You fight the urge to fall asleep yourself; you don’t want this moment to end. You give her one final kiss on the cheek before resting your head on the pillow and close your eyes.

The phone rings…

Written by cheatingfemalewanted
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