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Unexpected Cuckolding (Part III)

"This time the cuckolding was expected....."

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It was now Friday and we sat opposite at the breakfast table. Tension of sorts was definitely in the air. We'd been making meaningless small talk all morning and I don't think either had slept particular well.

"So what are your plans today?" I asked

She gave a small giggle, "I'm quite busy actually, I'm having a bikini wax at eleven, a pedicure at two and then I'm going clothes shopping"

"Do you mean underwear shopping?" I asked trying to sound nonchalant, and failing.

"Sorry, yes, I didn't want to make it sound quite so obvious. I do want some new knickers, I want to look my absolute best and there's that beautiful lingerie shop in town."

I said nothing, reality was hitting me. New knickers specifically to turn another man on. New knickers to be probably roughly pulled down or torn off by another man. A pedicure specifically to turn him on, and a bikini wax to....

She interrupted my thoughts. "Are you still okay with this?" she asked.

I exhaled deeply. "I think so. It sometimes just hits me. Your excitement is both nice to watch, yet also painful." I said.

"I love you" she replied "And think of the fun we can have when I tell you every sordid little detail later." She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Every single thing I do to that huge cock."

A shiver of pleasure went down my spine. Her new confidence was incredibly erotic and my doubts waned. This would bring us closer together. I hoped....

I returned from work about five. Music was playing and I could see a bottle of wine had been opened. I went upstairs and could hear that Sarah was in the shower. I could see a couple of bags on the bed, doubtless the fruits of the lingerie buying. The shower stopped and she came into the bedroom wearing just a towel, looking extremely sexy with dripping hair.

"Hello darling," she said and kissed me. "How was your day?" she asked.

"Fine," I replied.

"Will you help me get ready please? I need some advice and help. Can I show you my new knickers?"

I nodded. She let the towel slip and I could see that she had, for the very first time, a full wax, it looked amazing. I also noticed the pedicure. Her toes were now a very erotic cherry red. She noticed me looking at her pretty feet and said, "What do you think? Do they look suckable?"

"You look gorgeous," I replied.

"Thank you, darling. Now close your eyes for a minute and I'll show you what I've bought. I sat on the bed and closed my eyes.

"Open them," she said.

I looked at her and my stomach folded. All she was wearing was black hold up stockings and the tiniest, laciest white knickers. She turned round and the way these little panties clung to the two beautiful, still incredibly firm, peaches of her arse was incredible.

"You like?" she said.

"Sarah, you look fucking gorgeous" I replied. I wasn't one for unnecessary profanity but it was appropriate, I was madly in lust.

"I wasn't sure about the stockings. They cover up my pretty feet for a start, but I suppose they can come off later. I won't need a bra with the black skirt and top I'm wearing."

She had quite small but amazingly pert breasts and often went braless.

"Did you buy anything else?" I asked throatily.

"I'll show you. Close your eyes again," she replied.

I closed them.

"Now look," she commanded. Equally stunning. A black silk thong, but this time with stockings and suspenders.

"Wow! Do I get to choose?" I asked.

"Yes, darling," she replied.

"The first then," I replied. White knickers were my favourite and the hold ups emphasised that beautiful thigh area.

"Tell me about the wax?" I asked.

"I just wanted to try it," she replied. "With a lot of things being new currently, I figured it was a good time to experiment. It feels strange but very sexy. It's all I can do to not keep stroking myself."

She started applying make up in the mirror, and I took the opportunity to ask a question I'd been meaning to ask.

"Darling, did you honestly go back to his flat that time with innocent intentions?"

She paused. "That's a good question," she said. "And I'll try and answer as honestly as possibly. I was, for want of a better word, very horny that night. I'd ripped my tights in the club so took them off in the ladies. With wearing that short skirt and those little knickers that I kept on accidentally flashing. I was getting a lot of male attention and I can't deny it was a turn on. I'm 37 now and I don't turn heads as frequently as I used to, and I'd usually never wear a skirt that short with bare legs and skimpy knickers."

"Did you get up to anything with anyone else?" I asked

"No darling, it was just a bit of dancing, etc. But then Kieran comes over and gives me a great big hug and kiss and of course I got even more popular. He's a pretty big name these days and everyone wanted to know how I knew him, etc."

"But what were you thinking when you went back with him?" I asked.

"There was something in the air, I can't deny. Just sitting a bit closer than necessary in the taxi, that sort of thing. But we did just chat for a while when we got back, but I've never been more grateful for a foot rub in my life and it was very, I suppose sensual, and he could obviously see up my skirt."

"So you knew it was leading somewhere?" I asked.

"Maybe. Like I said my toes would brush his crotch and it was like he had a softball bat down there. I was fascinated. I've never had a size fixation before, really, but back in the day when we used to hang out a lot more, the alleged size of that monster was a common topic among the girls. When he kissed me, I can't deny, it was me reaching for it to stroke it through his trousers first."

She'd finished putting her make up on and was dressing. A short black skirt, a simple white top which you could very faintly see her nipples through. With bright red lipstick, the effect was stunning, both classy and sexy.

"These black heels?" she asked.

I nodded, almost incapable of speech.

"I can hardly walk in them, but let's face it I should be able to get a foot rub again if needed," she laughed.

I heard a car pull up outside and looked out of the window. It was 8 o'clock and her taxi had arrived.

"I'll text you to make sure you know I'm okay. And remember, I love you," she said, blowing me a kiss as she walked out of the house.

I was in a bit of a daze, struggling to process my thoughts. I put the TV on and poured a stiff drink. 30 minutes passed somehow and I received a text.

Got here ok, all good.
Love you

Another large drink helped and I got into the programme I was watching. Occasionally I'd let my thoughts drift into what she might be doing at that very moment. Would she change her mind and fuck him? Would this be the first time of many? Would I ever satisfy her again?

My mind was drifting crazily, probably not helped by the alcohol. It was eleven p.m. and another text made me jump.

I reached for my phone. Just one word.


Below this there was a photo that being somewhat groggy, I didn't immediately work out. Holy fuck! It was a picture of a cock. A cock with a small hand around the base, unmistakably Sarah's hand, as I could tell from the nail polish. I started feeling short of breath. I'd of course tried to visualize this cock since having been party to so many stories and descriptions, but nothing could have prepared me for this. There must have been a further 6 or 7 inches spilling out above where her hand was gripping the bottom of the shaft. She wasn't lying, she truly couldn't grip her hand right the way round and she doesn't have small hands. Then the head which, almost impossibly, was bigger than the shaft; a huge, circumcised, bulbous monster.

I was obviously under no illusions that she had gone round there to play cards and discuss politics. But it all just got a lot more real with that photo. It had almost sobered me up, so I poured another drink. If that thing went inside her, surely she would almost definitely never feel the same again.

I texted back

Are you ok?

Fifteen long minutes passed, I stared at my phone willing her to respond. Eventually came the familiar tone.

I'm fine. Lots to tell you. Home soon.

Try as I might, I couldn't stop looking at the photo. I'd watched a lot of porn over the years so I'd pretty much seen it all, and this was up there with the absolute biggest. I thought Sarah might have been exaggerating and that it was just that it was a bit bigger than mine. But fuck! She'd been underestimating it's size, particularly it's girth.

At half past midnight I heard a car pull up outside and I looked out of the window. It was her taxi. I let her in at the front door. She looked so wanton and sexy, slightly ruffled hair and smudged lipstick. She padded in barefoot, the stockings were now off and she was carrying her heels.

We hugged and I whispered in her ear "Are you okay darling?"

"I'm fine darling. More than fine, as it happens. Can I go and shower first please?" She nuzzled into my neck and I got a heady mix of sex and perfume. It made me weak at the knees.

"No, please don't yet darling. You smell gorgeous," I pleaded.

"Okay. But I need to at least clean my teeth and use some mouthwash. Pour me a drink. I'll be back in a minute," she replied.

She went to the bathroom while I poured us a couple of drinks. My heart was beating like crazy. On the plus side, she seemed affectionate and loving. Perhaps my fears were pointless. We could do this and come out stronger and very turned on.

She came back. She'd changed into little silk short pyjamas and sat cross-legged on the sofa. She beckoned me over to sit next to her. She kissed me again, this time tasting very minty, but there was something about her breath I couldn't put my finger on. It was probably alcohol.

"So do you want to hear everything?" she asked softly.

"Like you wouldn't believe," I replied, placing her hand on my fit-to-bursting crotch.

"Wow! Someone's turned on already," she laughed and stroked gently.

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"This is going to
be fun. Okay, well I got there and we sat chatting for a while. The atmosphere was slightly strange compared to last time. That something was going to happen was pretty much guaranteed this time and that somehow made it both easier and harder to relax. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I think so," I replied. She was still stroking me gently.

"Anyway, we had a drink and were sitting next to each other on the sofa, and we started kissing. It was nice, unhurried, just slow gentle kissing. He was kissing my neck, which, as you know, will always turn me on and I was trying to take my time and just scraping my nails up his thigh. Didn't want to seem like too much of a slut and go straight for his crotch!"

"Go on," I said. I was extremely aroused.

"His hands were edging up my skirt which was turning me on. He broke off and gave the biggest grin when he realised I was wearing stockings, I could tell he was now getting hard to the point of being uncomfortable and he suggested we move to the bedroom."

She paused and took a drink, smiling, as if recalling the memory was a turn on.

"Go on!" I begged.

"I slipped my heels off and we got on the bed just lying next to each other kissing. He then slowly unbuttoned my top, took my skirt off and took his top and jeans off. I felt a bit exposed in just my stockings and knickers, but we kissed a while longer. I was stroking him through his boxers. It was straining against the elastic. I whispered in his ear 'Can I take that thing out and suck it?"

"Wow," I said. "What did he say?"

"He gave a bit of a moan, and nodded. I slid down the bed and pulled his boxers down and off. Fuck! That thing is huge, as you've now seen!"

"It's enormous. I was shocked," I said.

"Told you," she grinned. "Anyway, it sort of sprang out when I let it free. I was so turned on. This is what I'd been waiting for, all the time in the world to do everything I'd been dreaming about doing to it. I started with little baby kisses at the top of this thighs, slowly moving onto his balls. I then lifted those huge balls up and licked and kissed underneath them. He actually sort of cried out at this. I'm starting to know his weak spots," she laughed and took another drink.

"Sarah can you play with mine?" I begged as I was almost in pain now.

"Of course," she replied. "Take your trousers off," she commanded.

I did as I was told and she took my cock out from my boxers and stroked gently.

"You'd better show self-control sunshine," she laughed. "There's plenty more to come, so to speak."

"Please go on," I begged.

"Okay. I worked my way up the shaft, using my hands to tickle and stroke as well, and finally got to that beautiful head. With being able to dictate the angle I did so much better this time. I got so much further down it and used my tongue in a circular motion on the head. My hands were playing with his balls and ass and I could tell from the moans he was enjoying it."

"Was he doing anything to you?" I asked.

"I'll come to that. I broke off from time to time to give my poor jaw a rest, and just played with it in my hands. I discovered using my nails on his balls and under them drove him crazy and he asked me to go on all fours next to him so he could look at my ass while I was sucking him. So I changed positions; almost like a 69, but next to him rather than on him. I felt a bit self conscious as those tiny little knickers were riding right up into my bum, but he said that view of me on all fours with stockings on was incredible."

I pictured it and nearly came right then.

"Calm down," she admonished smiling as she realised my surge in excitement. She squeezed me gently and carried on stroking gently. She was deliberately using a gentle grip to tease me and keep me hanging on.

"Please continue," I begged.

"I could sense he was getting close and he pulled me roughly into a proper 69 position, which was incredible. Safe to say, I lost any thoughts about being self-conscious about it. He then pulled my knickers roughly to one side and started tonguing me hard. My god it was unbelievable! He was licking my ass as well, and put two fingers in me. I came in about 30 seconds, and literally at the same time, I felt his balls tighten and so did he. Total sensory overload; having an earth shattering orgasm myself and swallowing a huge amount of come at the same time."

I couldn't hold off myself, despite her light touch. That last description made me ejaculate harder than I can remember in recent years.

"You liked that, I take it," she laughed, cleaning me up gently.

"God that was incredible!" I said

"Now you know why I needed to clean my teeth," she laughed. She got us another drink and came and sat down, her eyes sparkling at the recollection.

"So did anything else happen?" I asked hungrily.

"Plenty!" she said. "Calm down we've got all night. I'll tell you everything, all in good time!"

We kissed. Almost instantly I was getting hard again.

"Please go on," I implored.

"Okay. We just lay down for a while. I think the intensity of that took it out of us a bit. I felt like I was seeing stars, I had come so hard. We then went back though and got a drink and sat on the sofa. I felt a bit exposed in just my stockings and knickers, but he begged me to stay like that and we sat on the sofa. He just had his boxers on. He positioned me so he could play with my feet again. He had his hand on my stockinged thigh and asked if he could take them off. 'Of course,' I said, extending my leg so he could reach. He kissed my thigh while he was doing it, which sent shock waves through me.The atmosphere had already become very sexual again. He started rubbing and massaging my feet, and this time I wasn't accidentally brushing his crotch. I was deliberately using my toes and feet to tickle and get him hard. He was sucking each toe individually which was very erotic and I told him to take his boxers off.

"Was he hard again?" I asked.

"Oh yes," she replied giggling. "He absolutely loves my feet. He said the feel of my smooth soles against his cock was amazing, so I had an idea."

"What?" I asked

"I made him lie on the floor while I sat on the sofa so I could give him a proper footjob. I've never done it before, but I rubbed my soles and toes with some cream and just started stroking up and down. I have never seen his cock so hard. He absolutely loved it."

"Did you make him come?" I asked almost breathless, yet again, with excitement.

"I sure did, all over my pretty new red toes," she laughed and flexed her bare foot in front of me. "I then licked it off my toes which nearly made him come again!"

"God, Sarah!" I exclaimed. The thought of her licking come off her own toes was extremely erotic. "What next?"

"We just chatted again for a while and had a bit more of a kiss. He was kissing my neck again, then slid his hand up my leg and put one finger very very gently inside of me. I was of course very wet. He then whispered in my ear, 'Are you ever going to let me fuck you?'

"What did you say" I asked. This was the elephant in the room; I hardly dared ask.

"I just squirmed, to be honest. I was so turned on. He then put another finger in me and I could hardly speak. Eventually I just said "Maybe one day." He started whispering how much I would love it and promised he'd be slow and gentle. I very nearly weakened and just told him to fuck me there and then."

"But you didn't?" I asked. It wasn't easy to keep the nerves out of my voice. I'd now seen that thing and I just wondered if anything would be the same again if that happened.

"No darling, I didn't. But it's something we need to talk about." she replied.

"Okay, now?"
"If you'd like." she said. "Do you want me to start?"

"Please," I replied.

She exhaled deeply. "I want to try it darling. It may not be possible or even wonderful, but I think I have to try it. I don't love Kieran, but I do love that cock and I just can't pass up the opportunity to take this to the next level. Tonight I realised I wanted it inside of me. I think, then, this whole thing, the itch will have been scratched, so to speak, and we can move on?"

"But what if it doesn't scratch the itch, Sarah, and you enjoy it and want it more and more? Where does that leave us?" I replied.

"Darling, you are my husband and I love you. I don't love Kieran and I never will. Trust me?" she pleaded.

"But what about, you know physically?" I was struggling to find the right words.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Will you ever, I don't know, feel the same after that? You told me you struggled with Sean and he was nothing like that size."

Sean was an ex and, from her description, nothing like Kieran's size. As I've said before, she is tight, even with our one child, she had a caesarean. It has always slightly flattered my lack of girth.

"I just want to try once darling. It can't totally destroy me down there just once, can it?" she asked half laughing.

We sat and cuddled for a while. I loved her, and the thrill of what had happened already was unbelievable. I had experienced sexual highs unimaginable only a couple of weeks ago. So, clearly, had she.

"Okay. If that's you want, darling, I'm okay with that."

She kissed me, by now exhausted from the emotional roller coaster we'd been through and we went to bed.
I didn't fall asleep immediately. I had just agreed to that monster cock fucking Sarah. Seeing it had changed things. What I thought I would be okay with I now saw almost literally before my eyes when I closed them, in detail that turned me on and terrified me in equal measures.

Could we get through one more stage?

Written by sloweddown
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