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Ultimatum - Part 2

"He gives her an ultimatum, has no idea how far it will go."

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Author's Notes

"This is the second part of a 3-part story. I would strongly suggest you read the first part before this one."

For those who didn't want to read the first part:

Harriet is a loving but traditional woman. Her boyfriend begins to have cuckold fantasies about her, though it's clear she's not interested. Desperately, he sets up a scenario where he hopes she will at least consider the idea. He takes her out for dinner and drinks, then takes her to a local pub and gives her an ultimatum: she will sit there alone for the rest of the evening and let herself get chatted up by some local guys or he will pack his things and move out. He leaves her there, furious and upset. 

She comes home late with one of the guys from the pub in tow. His name is Lee and he's a bit of a chav. 

He watches while she gives Lee a blowjob. Enjoying his position of power, Lee calls his friend Dave, who comes by the house to see them. He convinces Harriet to give Dave a blowjob too. 

While she's doing that, Lee has been in touch with his two other work mates, Eddie and Reece. They have just arrived and been shown into the living room as Harriet finishes off Dave. 

Again, Lee suggests that she should give the two new guys a blowjob. Eagerly, she agrees...


"Go to them," Lee said to her.

She crawled over to the two of them on her hands and knees. The old guy's eyes were fixed on her intently; the kid's eyes were wide, staring, unable to believe any of this was happening. She got to them and remained on her knees in front of them, looking up and biting her bottom lip.

It was the old guy who moved first, bending down to her and reaching out, taking hold of her breasts with his hands. He had a good, slow feel. "Take the bra off," he told her.

Her hands bent around to her back and found the clasp and the bra fell away, revealing her breasts to them. Her nipples were pink and erect, perfect. Her top half was entirely naked now, her bottom half covered only by that black skirt and her underwear beneath. I sat on the floor, watching as everyone in the room stared at her, drinking in her perfect body: those pert breasts, her toned stomach, her delicate curves.

The old guy reached down and pawed at her breasts again, squeezing and massaging them. Harriet let out a deep moan and her back arched. He continued to apply pressure, enjoying the expression of lust that had taken over her face.

"You gonna suck my dick?" he crooned down at her. His face scrunched like an ugly pink raisin. She nodded vigorously. He let go and then had his jeans and boxers around his ankles within a second. He reached out and took hold of her shoulders.

She looked up and straightened her back, reaching up and taking hold of his dick. He was average. He was also ungroomed, his genitals a tangled mass of curly black hair. Harriet hated that. I expected her to realise and to suddenly pull away, start to gag. Instead, that lustful expression intensified. She was hungry for his dick.

She straightened her back, opened wide, and took him in her mouth.

The old guy placed his hands on the top of her head. He looked around at the rest of the room, his eyes shining, his smile wide. He noticed me, sitting in the corner, and he winked.

"You getting involved, Reece?" he asked the kid next to him. "You don't want to miss out on this, trust me."

Awkwardly, the kid removed his jeans and his underwear. His dick was absolutely rock-solid, throbbing - again, about average in size. Also ungroomed, but his public hair was less coarse, lighter, fresher.

The old guy directed her head with his hands, moving her away from his dick and turning her towards the kid.

She saw the dick first, and reached out instinctively and took hold of it. Then she looked up at the kid and smiled. She placed her mouth over his shaft and sucked. His eyes closed as the feeling of warm, wet ecstasy took over.

Harriet's left hand snaked up the inside of the old guy's leg, found its way to his dick, and took hold of it. She pulled back and looked up at the two of them, a cock in each hand, feeling lust and power thrumming through her body.

Eddie reached out and took hold of her head again. "Come here," he growled.

Harriet opened her mouth and he plunged his dick inside, pushing it as far as he could towards the back of her throat. He planted his feet, held onto her head, and began to thrust his hips, pushing his dick into her as far as he could with each hand.

Struggling, Harriet let go of the kid's cock. She placed both hands around Eddie's body, gripping his buttocks. He thrust into her mouth and she let him, taking as much of him as she could.

"Fuck yeah," he said, pounding harder now, seeing how hard she could take it. In each of his hands, he gripped a fistful of her hair. "Take this, you fucking slut."

As they settled into a rhythm, each thrust was accompanied by a wet squelch as the head of his cock bounced off the back of her throat. I knew he wouldn't last long at that pace.

As if thinking the same thing, he stopped suddenly and let go of her hair, almost pushing her away. She gasped and looked up at him. "Finish him off first," he said, nodding towards Reece.

Harriet shuffled over to him on her knees. Reece stepped nervously towards her, his cock in his hand, and fed it into her mouth. Unlike the old man, he was completely respectful, gentle, thrusting his hips back and forth but slowly - so slowly that at one point she had to wrap her hands around his buttocks and pull him into her, forcing him to speed up.

After a few minutes of this, his eyelids began to flutter. His hips bucked back and forth and a low groan began to emanate from his mouth.

Harriet pulled it out of her mouth and jerked it, aiming at her breasts. Thick jets of white come sprayed. She continued to jerk and he moaned even more. She looked up at him, her eyes focused intently on his.

He smiled and staggered away.

Now Eddie grabbed her and pulled her roughly over to him. There was no placing himself inside her this time, no gentle feeding one inch at a time: he lined himself up and thrust into her. She jolted. She held firm, stayed upright, and reached out her hands to take hold of his buttocks. He thrust at her again and again.

"Oh yes, take it, you slut," he said. "I'm gonna come all over your fucking face."

He thrust a few more times, then pulled himself out of her. Still holding her hair, he pushed her down lower and held his dick over her, jerking. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth. Like a porn star. I'd never seen anything like this from her.

Eddie began to come, not with the explosive force of the kid. There was a spurt, a thick white dollop splatting on her forehead, followed by a steady trickle which he piped out and dropped onto her and began to collect in a pool above her mouth.

She let him jerk for a few seconds, emptying, and then her tongue flicked out and licked at the sticky puddle he'd deposited.

Reece had already pulled on his underwear and jeans, and now Eddie reached down and did the same, as if suddenly ashamed to be the only one naked.

"Well done," Lee said from his place on the sofa. "They both clearly enjoyed that - and your boyfriend is sitting there with probably the biggest hardon he's ever had and nothing he can do about it." He grinned. "My hardon is pretty big too, so get yourself cleaned up quickly while these guys leave. Then we'll head upstairs."

She wiped a hand across the glob of come on her forehead and nodded. She stood up, leaving her bra - and her dignity, I thought sickly - on the floor, then went to the bathroom.

The three guys left soon after, big smiles all round. I showed them out, said goodbye, and shut the door behind them. Then I went back into the living room and slumped onto the armchair, expecting Lee to say something - anything. But he didn't. Just sat there and slurped at his beer.

The toilet flushed and a few moments later Harriet emerged, walking over to the doorway of the living room. She was still topless.

I wondered if she'd felt disgusted with herself as she'd scrubbed the come from her skin.

Lee stood up and placed his beer can on the table beside him. He took a deep breath and smiled, and then went to her.

Well, if she had ever been disgusted with herself, she no longer was. She didn't smile in return, just turned around and led him upstairs. He followed, a few steps behind, watching her bum sway as she moved.

I leaned back in the armchair again, mind reeling. Even after everything I'd already seen today, I hadn't really thought she'd go upstairs with him.

My cock pounded from within the confines of my pyjamas, but it never occurred to me to do anything about it. I sat there for several minutes, wondering what I should do. Then I finally stood up and made my way upstairs.

She had taken him into our bedroom, where I'd been asleep only a little while before. The door was shut. I leaned close. I couldn't hear much - a bit of movement, the shuffling of sheets.

I stayed there a few minutes, then turned and walked into the spare room, right next to it. There was no chance I'd sleep, I thought - and there really wasn't. After another five minutes of near-silence from our bedroom, I began to hear sounds. First it was bedsprings, then the headboard. Then I could hear Harriet panting, moaning; finally, screaming.

Occasionally he would say something to her, his voice deep and manly and authoritative. I couldn't make out the words, but it sounded like instructions. I imagined her happily - gleefully - obeying him.

My erection had been throbbing for hours, and finally I let myself go. I reached down, took hold of it, and jerked. I didn't even take off my underwear. Three jerks and I was done, come spurting into the fabric of my pants. I lay there with a smile on my face as relief washed over me.

A few minutes later I was asleep, even as the sound of my girlfriend being fucked blared out of the room next door.


I woke up several times in the night, disoriented, wondering where I was and what was happening. Sometimes there were noises, and they helped me recall quickly what had happened. Each time, I forced my eyes closed, buried any coherent thoughts as deep as I could.

I was ripped fully into consciousness a little after 7am by the sound of Harriet screaming. I could feel the throbbing urgency of my erection. I groaned and rolled over, trying to muffle the sound in my ears, then gave in and took hold of my cock and yanked it. It was over quick, uncomfortable dampness flooding the inside of my pants.

Then I drifted into sleep again, Harriet's noises becoming softer like a lullaby. When I woke again, it was just gone nine: time to get up. I sat up and shook my head groggily. I could hear the sound of the shower running at the end of the hall.

I didn't think I could deal with him this morning. I wanted him to just go, get out of the house and leave me and Harriet alone. I thought of how he had been last night, and I could imagine him now grinning and gloating at me over the breakfast table and saying he'd changed his mind and was going to spend the day with us. I shivered at the thought.

When I heard her dress and head downstairs, I followed. I entered the kitchen and saw her sat at the table, nibbling on some toast. She was alone. He must have gone before I woke up the last time.

She looked up as I entered, then back to her toast and continued eating. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat opposite her at the table, looking at her, taking her in, seeing her in a completely different light now. Even with the memories so fresh in my mind, it was hard to believe she'd actually done it.

Should I thank her? I wondered. Tell her how horny it made me? Explain that it had gone too far - I hadn't planned for the whole lot to happen in one night. Or just ask if she was okay, if she felt that it had got out of hand?

I said nothing. Sipped my coffee.

She glanced up at me, caught me watching her, and then looked away again quickly, her face flushed. We sat in silence for a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime.

Harriet finished her toast and continued to sit there, looking down at her empty plate. Waiting.

But I just watched her. Her hair was lush, sparkling. Her skin glowed. There were slight dark patches under her eyes, but she seemed refreshed and happy in a way I hadn't seen in a long time. Those orgasms - three? I wondered - had certainly agreed with her.

Then Harriet stood up, her plate in her hand. "If you get dressed, we can get out to the supermarket early, get the shopping done."

I watched her. She hadn't dressed up today - just leggings and an old top - but I noticed the swell of her bum, the shape of her breasts under the shirt. My dick stirred.

Maybe I should grab her, bend her over the kitchen table, show her how horny she had made me. But she was probably tired, and more penetration was probably the last thing she needed after last night's activity. I could still feel the sticky remnants of the come stains I'd made in my pants this morning, and felt slightly disgusted.

"Yes, sure," I said, forgetting the idea of taking her over the kitchen table like some horny teenager. "I'll go get changed."

Lee would have taken her, a voice in my brain whispered to me. As soon as he felt the slightest bit horny, he would have bent her over the kitchen table and fucked her. Probably right in front of the window for the whole world to see.

I shut the thought out of my head and went up to get dressed.



We continued like that for the rest of the weekend. Neither of us was brave enough to initiate the conversation, but what had happened was always there, sitting awkwardly between us. I tried to think back to how it had been before. It seemed like we had always talked - conversation had always been easy and fun - but maybe that was just my imagination. Maybe these awkward, difficult silences had always existed between us.

A few times over the weekend I found myself thinking about what I'd seen that night, replaying those images over and over again in my head. My dick throbbed. I wanted to go to her, grab her, have my way with her - tell her she had been a slut and that I'd loved every single minute of it.

I didn't. I couldn't tell if she was upset, embarrassed, or hugely pissed off, or some combination of those feelings. I decided to let her cool down for a few days, then we could talk it through.

On Monday, we were both back to work. Breakfast together first - well, sitting at the kitchen table at the same time. No words exchanged. Then the rest of the day passed the same as it always had, except that occasionally, when I was bored, I would find my thoughts drifting back to what had happened, playing it over in my head: seeing her take as much of Lee's cock as she could; then greedily swallowing the pretty boy; then taking charge of the kid and showing him ecstasy; then the old guy having his way with her. My dick throbbed in my pants, demanding attention. I'd have to take deep breaths, concentrate, re-focus on work.

I got back late Monday evening. I ate and then slumped in front of the TV. I was too tired to have the conversation: it would have to wait until another day.

The rest of the week passed in exactly the same way, just a daily grind of work, chores, and admin. It seemed less and less important. The memories were already beginning to fade. No doubt, there were some specific images that would be burned into my mind for years to come, but I couldn't remember many of the details as clearly now. I couldn't quite recall the exact pitch of her voice as she'd been screaming in the next room.

Then suddenly it was Friday night again. No plans for this weekend - certainly nothing like last weekend. Friday night just chilling out in front of the TV; a visit to Harriet's parents on Saturday; then a chilled-out Sunday (maybe a roast at a local pub), and then it would all start again the week after. But tonight - tonight I was going to do what I'd been dreaming about all week: I was going to fuck her. I may not have a dick like Lee's but I was going to poke her with it again and again and again. She'd never screamed for me the way she had for Lee, but tonight I was determined.

We ate dinner and I went and dropped onto the sofa and flicked on the TV while she was doing the dishes. I flicked through the channels but nothing caught my interest. Nothing could distract me from my plan, or from the erection that had formed in my pants.

Harriet came out of the kitchen and went straight upstairs, probably to slip into her pyjamas - or maybe something more provocative. Maybe she was thinking the same as me. She must certainly have noticed how I'd been looking at her tonight: hungry, like I'd devour her if she got too close.

Having seen what she was capable of last week, I was in fact hoping she would be the one doing the devouring tonight.

I waited in front of the TV, again replaying the images from last weekend, letting them wash over me. I didn't touch myself - I didn't want to ruin what was about to happen.

At some point, I realised I'd been waiting for over an hour. I went upstairs to find out what was taking so long.

Our bedroom door was shut. I turned the handle and swung the door open gently... And there she was, tucked up under the quilt, sound asleep. I could hear the faint sound of her snoring.

It was only 8pm. Sometimes she suffered migraines and she would take a pill and go to bed this early. I wondered if that's what had happened. Usually she would have said something, but we hadn't really been talking to be fair. Or maybe I was reading too much into it.

My erection still raged in my trousers. I wondered how she would react if I woke her up.

Then I went back downstairs, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and slumped back on to the sofa. I drank deep, then set it to one side.

I unbuckled my belt and jerked myself off, coming within about thirty seconds. I used the downstairs bathroom to clean myself up, then went back to the TV. At least I wouldn't have to sit here all night with a hard-on trying to burst through my pants.

I wasn't paying much attention to what I'd put on the TV - an action movie of some kind. Not great, but it kept my brain amused. That, along with the beers, which I replaced with a fresh, cold one every half hour or so.

Just after ten, there was a knock at the front door.

I jolted in my seat, beer still in hand. That couldn't be right, I thought. I must have imagined it - that couldn't have been a knock, not at this time.

As if responding to my thought, the sharp rapping sound came again. Yes, it was definitely a knock at the door.

I stood up and peered out towards the door suspiciously, wondering who it could be at this time. I took a few tentative steps, faltered, and then stepped again. I wanted to call out, ask who was there, but it didn't seem manly somehow to be afraid of answering my own door. It was probably a pizza delivery guy at the wrong address, anyway.

I took the final few steps and swung the door open quickly.

Standing there, feet planted and swaying slightly, was Lee. He was looking down at his feet, but as the door swung open he looked up and grinned. His eyes were fuzzy. "Hey mate!" he said, getting the pitch all wrong and speaking far too loud. He was clearly drunk. He was dressed the same as the week before: scruffy blue jeans, a green polo shirt, black boots.

"Lee?" I asked. I looked down at myself, just feeling glad that I wasn't wearing the bunny pyjamas tonight. "What are you doing here?"

"Just on my way home from the pub - thought I'd pop by and say hi."

"Oh. Right."

"You gonna invite me in?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh right, yeah - come in."

I stepped aside and he walked in, carefully navigating his way over the doorstep, looking quite unsteady.

"Go through," I said to him. "I've got beer if you want one?"

He grinned at me again. "Yeah, if you don't mind sharing."

"Of course not." I had to get one for myself anyway.

I shut the front door and watched him walk into the living room. He looked all around and then seated himself on the sofa. The same position he'd been in last week, I thought. I went to the kitchen, grabbed two beers from the fridge, and then took them into the living room.

"Cheers!" Lee said as I handed the can over to him. He opened it and drank.

I did the same, at a considerably slower pace. Then I placed the can onto the table beside me.

"So how you been, buddy?" he asked. "Had a good week?"

"Yeah," I said, shrugging my shoulders slightly. "Yeah it was okay. Just work - busy, you know." There was a pause for a moment and I added: "Yours?"

He nodded and took another swig from his drink. "Same, same. It's all about work, innit. Day in, day out - the grind."

"You run your own business, right?"

He nodded again. "Certainly do. Money's okay, but it'd be much easier just working for someone. Can't wake up in the morning and call a sickie, can't close the doors and the blinds and lock myself away if I'm not feeling up to it, or if I don't want to deal with life. You know how it gets sometimes. But I just have to get on with it. Can't let it all fall apart. Not just for me - the other lads too. What would they do without me to give them work and let them earn their wage?"

What a hero.

"Were you out with the other guys tonight?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but they've always had enough by ten o'clock. Ed's got a family - wife, kids, the whole lot - and Dave's one of those exercise freaks. He's out running on Saturday mornings, or in the gym, that kind of thing. Last week was just an exception."

I didn't know what else to say, and I couldn't skirt around the issue any longer. "Lee, why did you come here?"

He sighed and looked away from me. His smile faltered. "I thought we were mates. I just thought I'd come see how things are going."

I almost felt sorry for him. Could he really be that lonely? He was loud and he was brash and he was full of banter and bullshit, but was that all an act? He went out with his work buddies every Friday night, but maybe he knew they weren't really his friends. They only went out with him because they felt they had to, because they felt it would affect their job if it didn't.

"Oh. Right."

"So where's Harriet tonight?" he asked.

"She's asleep," I told him. "She's had a busy week as well. She wanted to get an early night."

He nodded. "How did things work out with you guys after last week? All good?"

I had a flashback to when he'd first arrived last week, both of us in almost exactly the same position - how he had leaned over to me: You don't stop any of this from happening or I'll break your fucking face. Something like that, anyway. I could remember the intense, sincere look in his eyes: he had meant it.

"Yes, everything is cool," I said. I certainly wasn't going to go into the details with him - and anyway, I was sure everything was fine. Or would be, anyway. We just hadn't talked it out yet.

"Maybe I should go up and say hi to her?" he mused.

Of course. This was nothing to do with his crippling loneliness. It wasn't a cry for help. And he wasn't some weird guy who didn't understand social boundaries and believed that we had become friends after last week's activities. He was just horny. He had been out drinking, thought about Harriet - probably the whole group would have talked about her at some length - then on the way home decided that he was going to pop in to see if he could have his way with her again.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "She's sound asleep."

"I'm sure she is, but I'm not asking her to go to a party - just thought she'd at least want me to say hi, since I'm here."

"I don't think she'll want that at all. She doesn't like being woken up."

"Then I'm sure she'll tell me to go away," he said, chuckling. There was a moment of silence and then placed his beer on the table. "Yes, I'm just gonna run upstairs and let her know that I popped in."

He didn't move right away. His eyes lost that drunken fuzziness that had been there before. He watched me, gauging my reaction, as if daring me to tell him no again.

I reached for my drink and took a sip.

Lee stood up and left the room. I heard his boots on the stairs, then silence as he (presumably) opened the bedroom door and walked in. Gently shaking Harriet's shoulder, no doubt. She'd wake up, wide-eyed, shocked to see him there. A little scared, probably. He'd whisper to her, tell her he had just popped by to say hello.

She'd nod, tell him that was nice of him, then tell him he should leave.

We'd probably argue once he was gone. I could already hear her scolding me: "This is exactly I didn't want to do it - this is the kind of thing that can happen!"

I wandered out to the hallway, ready to open the door and direct Lee out.

I peered up the staircase. No movement up there. I took a few steps toward the staircase, wondering...

And then I heard Harriet giggling.

So it was going to be like that, I thought. I went back to the living room and picked up my beer, drank deep, then went to the fridge for another. I tried not to think about what was happening up in the bedroom - but at the same time, it was the only think I could about.

I watched TV for another hour and a half, on mute, returning to the fridge for another beer whenever the current on ran low.

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And then finally there was movement. Someone coming down the stairs.

From my vantage point on the sofa, I looked out into the hallway as Lee came into view, no longer staggering now - swaggering was a better word. He took wide, confident strides. He polo shirt had been put on in a hurry and the collar was up on one side. He took his hand off the banister and ran it through his short hair. He let out a long breath as he got to the bottom of the stairs, saw me watching him from the living room, and flashed a big grin at me.

He winked, then reached down his hands and zipped his flies - extravagantly, the way a mime would do it. Just to make sure I understood exactly what that motion meant.

Then he raised a hand a gave a little wave. "Great seeing you again, mate," he called. "See you next time."

Then he went out the front door, closing it behind him with a click.

I stared back. Next time?



I slept in the spare room again that night, not wanting to disturb her. I drank way too much and stayed up way too late, and woke up near lunchtime. Harriet had had her breakfast. She had cleaned, showered, and was dressed and ready for a trip to see her parents.

Saturday passed in a blur.

In many ways, she seemed like her normal, happy self. She made jokes, she chatted with her mother and father. But none of what she said was directed towards me. Her dad talked to me, her mum invited my participation on some of the subjects, but Harriet didn't. At all. She didn't even look at me when she spoke. As far as she was concerned, I may as well have not been there.

Had she even wanted it do it last night? I wondered. Or had she gone along with it just because she thought I'd invited Lee round and sent him up?

I decided then that I wasn't going to let it happen again. It wasn't fair on Harriet. And I couldn't live like this, with her not talking to me, not looking at me.



Friday came again and Harriet went to bed early. I had got the beers in: they were in the fridge, chilling, sparkling.

I already knew what I would say if he turned up again tonight. I had thought it all through.

Harriet had been quiet all week. She had enjoyed what happened - enjoyed all of it, that was clear. But she had only gone through with it in the first place because it was what I'd wanted.

I hadn't talked to her about it yet but I was going to make sure we'd discuss it this weekend. First, I had to deal with Lee. If he did turn up tonight, anyway. Maybe I'd even take his phone number and promise to call him if we decided to do anything like it again.

Yes, that's what I'd do, I thought, taking a swig of my beer.

There was another Friday-night action movie on the TV, but I wasn't watching. I was wondering if Lee was going to turn up, and how drunk he would be if he did.

And then the knock on the door came. I stood up slowly. It wasn't a surprise, but somehow it didn't seem real. I was shaking, I realised, as I began to walk out to the door.

I took a deep breath and then took big confident strides, as if he was watching me approach somehow. I practised the words over in my head: No. Go away. It was a one-off and it's over now.

I swung the door open and he was standing there, looking at me with his eyes narrowed and a big smile on his face. He didn't seem anywhere near as drunk as he had been last week - that'd most likely make this easier, I thought to myself.

"Hi buddy! How's it going?" he chirped. He didn't wait for me to invite him in, as I'd rehearsed in my head. I'd imagined myself holding the door tight, telling him he couldn't come in. But there was no request here - he just stepped forward. The only way I could refuse now was if I physically pushed him backwards.

I stepped back and moved out of the way, opening the door wide and stepping to the side to make room for him.

"Er, yeah," I said. I half-hid behind the door, gripping the door handle.

"Where's Harriet? Another early night?"

"Yeah," I croaked, feeling my grip tighten on the door handle. I looked down and saw that my knuckles had turned white.

"I think I'll go up and say hello."

I pounced, side-stepping quickly so that I was between him and the staircase. He didn't flinch; just looked at me, his eyes widening slightly and his pupils narrowing, focusing. I could almost feel his body tense.

"No," I said. The word sounded weak, so I cleared my throat and repeated it, stronger this time. "No. I don't want you to." I steeled myself for an angry rebuke.

"It's really about what she wants though, isn't it," he said.

I didn't know how to answer that. I hadn't expected a discussion of this kind - I thought he might get angry and shout or holler, but not this. I opened my mouth, stuttered a few incoherent syllables, and then closed it.

"Here's what I'll do," he said, his tone softening into a placatory, reasonable tone. "I'll go up, say hi, and ask her if she's okay with me visiting? If she's not happy about it, if there's any hesitation, I'll leave. After all - it's her decision."

I tried to find a way to object, but he sounded so reasonable about the whole thing.

"Fine," I said, deflated, moving out of his way.

"Cheers buddy," he said, and then bounded up the stairs, taking two at a time.

I closed the front door slowly, cocking my head to one side to listen. I heard him knock softly, then the familiar creak as he opened the bedroom door. Then their hushed tones, but there was no way I'd be able to make out any actual words.

I would go back to the sofa, slump in front of the TV. If he didn't come back down in three or four minutes, it would obviously mean she had accepted his advances.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of a high-pitched shout. "No! Get off me!" Harriet.

This was followed by a piercing shriek.

My body reacted before my mind had time to process what I'd heard. I bounded into a sprint. My heart pounded in my chest and my temples thudded. I was up the stairs in three large leaps, and then barged at the bedroom door. The door crashed open and banged into the wall. Splinters drifted to the floor. There was a stool in the middle of the floor, next to the dressing table, and I almost crashed right into it.

I looked to the bed, and there was Lee, sitting fully-clothed. He was cackling, holding his stomach as the laughter ripped through him. Next to him, sitting under the quilt in just her underwear, was Harriet. She didn't look at all as though she had been desperately fighting off Lee's advances. Her eyes glinted with amusement and there was a slight smile on her face.

She didn't look at me - her gaze was fixed on Lee. It was also clear that she had been waiting for him: she had applied a light touch of make-up, and she was wearing lacy white bra and knickers. Her hair was down and slightly mussed, though this added to the sultry look.

I breathed heavily, in and out, in and out, feeling my blood pressure lower with each breath, the pure full-on panic that had been steaming through my system now slowly seeping out, releasing the pressure.

Lee brayed for a full minute before he finally got himself under control. He looked at Harriet. "I knew he'd come to rescue you." Then he turned to me: "Well, try to anyway."

The three of us looked at each other in silence. Finally, Lee spoke again: "I've spoken to her and, as I'm sure you've realised, she's fine with this. Aren't you, honey?"

Still transfixed by him, she nodded.

"You have to say it," he probed.

"I want this. I want you."

Lee smiled wide and looked over at me again, then back at Harriet. "You know what I said. I don't want any doubt - I want you to tell him."

Harriet closed her eyes, her faced reddening slightly. Then she turned her eyes to me, looking me full in the face for the first time in weeks. She took a breath.

"I want him," she said. She moaned slightly. "I want Lee's big cock inside me. I want to suck him and swallow his hot spunk."

Even Lee looked shocked at her words. I gaped. This was the first time we'd mentioned it directly, the first words spoken between us about this at all, and I had a feeling I'd never forget them. Or the blurry, lusty look in her eyes as she spoke.

I was sunken, depressed, and hard as a rock.

"You believe it now?" Lee asked. I nodded dumbly. He pointed at Harriet's vanity table in one corner, the stool propped next to it. "Happy for you to stick around and keep an eye on things, if you want. If that's okay with you, Harriet?"

She nodded again. "Of course, baby."

I staggered backwards and dropped onto the stool.

Lee didn't waste any time - pulled the duvet back and exposed Harriet, lithe and supple in just her white underwear. She leaned across and kissed him. He kissed back, one hand wandering across and taking hold of her breast, gripping it and squeezing. She moaned, and in return slid her left hand across his leg and rested it on the front, where his cock was strained to get out.

They kissed and groped for a few minutes, and then Lee pushed her away and shifted into a sitting position. He unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans, grabbed them at the waistband, and pulled them down. Harriet helped, pulling them down over his legs and feet and freeing him completely, leaving him in just his T-shirt and boxers. His cock pointed up at her through them. Harriet's eyes were fixed on it.

"You want it?" Lee asked.

"Yes," she replied simply. She reached out and took hold of it around his boxers. "I want your cock. I want it in me."

Lee reached out a hand and stroked her fringe away from the front of her face, almost tenderly. "Let's see how deep you get it today."

She nodded eagerly. She took hold of his boxers and yanked them down. His cock sprang free. She took it in one hand and jerked it gently, up and down, slowly, marvelling at its size and beauty all over again. She leaned over and put her mouth over it, taking him in her throat. I watched as she worked it, taking as much as she could, then lifting herself up for a few seconds, then lowering over him again. Saliva began to flow. She did this five or six times, until I realized she had taken him almost entirely in her mouth.

Two weeks ago she had barely been able to take half of him.

"We've been practising," Lee explained, seeing the astonished look on my face. "She didn't think she'd ever be able to do it, but I told her it was just because she wasn't used to dealing with something this size." He looked down at Harriet. "But I knew you'd get it eventually. You're a natural."

She began bobbing her head up and down on his dick, spurred on by his encouragement.

"Oh yes!" Lee reached out and took hold of the back of her head, holding her as she bobbed her head. He began to thrust his hips up towards her as she bobbed low, forcing himself even deeper. Each thrust was accompanied by a wet squelching sound as his dick pressed further into her throat. She wasn't fazed at all and kept going, taking him deeper and deeper each time.

Lee's other hand crept around to the front and took hold of one of her breasts again, squeezing it through her bra. He closed his eyes and let Harriet work at him for another few minutes, then brought it all to a sudden stop.

"Wait wait wait," he said, pulling her away from him. He explained: "Had to stop or I'd have come."

She looked up at him with disappointment clearly plastered across her face. She pouted. "I want you to come."

"Oh, I will definitely come," he assured her. "But I want to fuck you."

She growled as he said that and nodded.

"On your back," he said, and she flipped onto her back on the mattress, her legs spread.

Lee leaned over and kissed her on the mouth. Then he kissed her behind her ears, her neck, her chest. She began to moan and he began to move lower, kissing all over as he came to her breasts. His hands slipped under her and he unclasped and removed the bra. His mouth went to her left nipple first, working it in his mouth, then moved over to the right.

Then he went lower, across her flat stomach, her navel. He slid her underwear down her legs, revealing her pussy, freshly shaven, completely bald.

She had known he was coming tonight, I thought, not really sure why that surprised me. She had prepared for him: freshly showered, groomed, the matching underwear set.

Her underwear gone now, she lay on her back, completely naked. Lee returned to her pussy, planting little kisses on the inside of her thighs.

Harriet writhed, biting her bottom lip in anticipation.

Lee continued kissing around her pussy for a few minutes, teasing her. His right hand snaked up the inside of her thigh, and he used his fingers to stimulate her clit. She steamed and dripped with excitement; Lee used his tongue to lap at the escaping juices.

Harriet moaned.

After a few minutes of this, he had two fingers buried inside her. He fingered her firmly. He pulled them out with a wet pop and dropped his mouth over her clit. His tongue worked furiously.

Harriet gasped. She reached her hands down and gripped the back of his head, holding him closer to her, urging him deeper, faster, stronger.

He did what he could, moving his tongue faster and harder, his fingers trailing across the backs of her legs, lightly tickling.

Harriet groaned suddenly - a deep, throaty groan. I knew what it meant. She had come. Her face flushed bright red. She began bucking her hips, grinding against his face and tongue. Lee continued licking at her juices until her bucking slowed.

"Now I'm going to fuck you," he said.

A big grin spread across Harriet's face.

Lee sat up and lifted his T-shirt over his head and threw it to one side. They were both completely naked now. He shifted and climbed on top of her, missionary position. He lined himself up and entered her. She gasped and threw her head back, feeling the enormous size of him within her. He began to thrust immediately, pounding away with everything he had, trying to propel himself deeper and deeper inside her.

She gasped and moaned, and her hands reached around his shoulders and clutched onto him. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her ankles locked at his back. She pulled him back into her with every thrust.

I thought they might go like that until he came, but they suddenly broke apart, almost simultaneously deciding to change things around. Lee flipped her over so she was on all fours. He gave her bum a light, playful spank. He reached out and took hold of her hips, then twisted so that the two of them pirouetted on the bed.

He wanted her to look at me.

But her eyes were fixed on the bed and she wouldn't allow them to stray upwards to me.

Behind her, Lee grinned at me and winked. No, I corrected - he wanted to watch me while he fucked her.

He plunged deep into her. She jolted and let out a grunt. Her boobs swayed.

Lee began fucking her, holding her hips and pulling her back into him with every thrust. Harriet began to pant. Her hands gripped the bedsheets. I could tell she was close to another orgasm.

Lee began to speed up, hammering away at her. He reached out one of his hands and gripped hold of her hair, pulling her head back and up. "You love being fucked," he said.

"Y-yes," she replied, stuttering with the rhythm of his hammering.

"Look at him," Lee said, his voice a growl. "Tell him how much you love it."

She focused her eyes on mine. Her face was a dark crimson shade - not embarrassment but horniness, I fancied. She hesitated for a moment. Then she opened her mouth and said: "I fucking love it when Lee fucks me. His cock is so big and I - I - I..." She tailed off, the words becoming an elongated moan as another orgasm ripped through her. Her eyes closed.

Lee continued to pound and she gripped the bed sheet tighter, letting the orgasm tear through her. Lee slowed and withdrew from her. She opened her eyes again, still fixed on me. A slight smile appeared on her face.

"I fucking love it," she said.

"Come here." Lee lay on his back and pulled her towards him. She swung her leg over his body and straddled him. She reached down, took his cock, and carefully placed it between her pussy lips. Then she lowered gently, impaling herself and taking him inside her. She gasped and threw back her head.

She started slowly, rocking back and forth on top of him in a gentle rhythm. Lee reached out his hands and stroked her breasts, squeezing the fleshy mounds and then fiddling with her nipples. Her breathing quickened until she was panting and her rocking motion caught up until she was riding him at the same frantic pace. Lee's hands slipped down her body and gripped her hips, holding her tight so that she wouldn't fall off.

Again? I wondered, watching the look on her face as yet another orgasm tore through her. Her hips slowed as if she was savouring the feeling this time, letting it wash over her.

Then she leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth, full and hard as if trying to devour him.

After the kiss, he whispered something into her ear. Her eyes widened in shock, then she smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Lee pulled himself into a sitting position and Harriet rolled off him. He looked at me. "Go and get some lube," he said excitedly.

I looked back at him, stunned, not sure what was happening.

"Lube!" he ordered again. "Vaseline, something like that. She won't want me going in dry, will she?"

I wandered out of the bedroom. There was a pot of Vaseline in the bathroom, which I retrieved and brought back. But - it couldn't be for that? Surely not. She had never wanted to do anal. I had asked her over and over again to give it a try, that I'd be gentle and stop if she wanted me to, but she had always refused.

What else could it be for? I wondered, looking at the tub in my hand.

I went back into the bedroom and found they were already warming up. Harriet was on all fours again, her head lowered so that she was resting on the bed. Her bum was raised up high towards Lee. He leaned in close, admiring it. The fingers on one hand played with her clit; the fingers on the other probed at her anus lightly, getting her used to the feeling.

"Have you ever fucked her arse?" he asked me as I came back into the room.

I shook my head.

"You probably want to come in closer then so you can get a better look," he said. "I'll tell you how good and tight she is when I'm inside her."

I handed over the jar of Vaseline. He took it, twisted off the lid, and let it drop to the floor. He dipped his fingers into the tub and scooped out a generous amount, then handed the tub back to me. Harriet's arsehole puckered nervously as he applied it.

After applying to her arse, he slathered the rest across the head and shaft of his cock.

"I need some more," he said, stopping suddenly and looking at me.

I held the tub out to him.

He shook his head slowly. "No, you don't want me putting my fingers back in there - they've been all over Harriet's arse and my cock. You'll end up throwing out the whole tub if I touch it again."

I hadn't thought of that.

"Scoop some of it out and put it on my dick."

I stared back at him, gripping the bottom of the tub.

"Look, you don't want to have to throw away the whole lot, and I need some more. If we're not lubed up properly, we could do some serious damage. You don't want me to hurt Harriet, do you? And you don't want me to hurt myself, either?"

Fine. I scooped a handful of the Vaseline in my fingers - way too much, but it was better to have more, I figured - then reached out and took hold of the shaft of his penis. It was big and hot and powerful in my palm. I massaged back and forth, transferring the lube and squeezing it into him.

He nodded and encouraged, pointing out when there was a spot I'd missed and making sure I went back over it.

"All ready," he announced after a minute of watching me do this. "Do you actually want to put me inside her?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked down, realised I was still holding his dick, and pulled my hand away. I felt my face flush, hot and red, and then sat back down on the stool. My hand was sticky and I rubbed it on my jeans.

Lee chuckled and pulled Harriet closer to him. He took his dick in one hand, lined it up, and pressed it against her arsehole. Then added pressure and pushed deeper, sinking the head into her.

Harriet gasped and grunted.

"That okay?" he asked her. She nodded and he pressed further into her, widening her hole.

When he was halfway in - nearly five inches - he began to rock back and forth, thrusting very gently, getting her accustomed to it first. Harriet grunted and rocked with the rhythm. She began to speed up, letting out small moans now along with the grunts.

Lee pushed himself in further, then repeated the process. It didn't take long for her to get used to the extra length. And so then he pressed in the final few inches, putting all of himself into her. Harriet went back to grunting again, struggling. But she persevered, got use to it, and began to grind back into him, pushing deeper.

Lee reached forward and took hold of her hair again, pulling her head back. "Well, how do you like it?"

"I love it," she moaned. "I love your cock in my arse."

"I knew you would."

He let go of her head, then looked over at me again and winked. He increased the pace, thrusting into her. Then he was pounding away easily, holding onto her hips as he tore into her arsehole.

Harriet moaned and grunted and continued to grind back into him.

I wanted to go over, take out my cock and shove it in her mouth, but I didn't. I wasn't sure if Lee would be happy with that. And there was something extra horny about rubbing myself with the hand covered in Vaseline.

A few strokes later and I felt myself come, erupting into my pants. My vision blurred as the orgasm rocked me.

Sitting there, sticky and delirious, I let out a long slow breath.

The two of them continued to fuck in front of me, but right now I wasn't interested. My mind was going over what I had seen already this evening: seeing her take it missionary, doggy style, on top; the way she had taken his dick in her mouth, how eager she had been to go about it; the way she had looked at me and told me how much she wanted him.

"You're so tight, I think I'm gonna come," Lee suddenly said, shaking me out of the reverie.

"Yeah..." Harriet crooned in response. "Come. I want you to come."

"Where do you want it?"

"Wherever you want to do it."

Lee grimaced and gripped her tighter. "I could pull it out of your arse and come all over your face," he suggested. "Or I could come in your mouth, spray it down your throat..."

"Ooh. Yeah, baby."

But it was too much for him. He jerked, grunted, and then pressed forward with one long thrust. "Oh yeah, I'm filling up that arse of yours."

Harriet pushed herself back into him. Lee emptied into her, his load so big that it began to dribble out of her arsehole. When he was done, he let go of her and pulled himself out. Her hole didn't close up as soon as his dick was removed - for a few seconds just stayed there, gaping, a white puddle of his sperm glaring out at me.

Then Harriet rolled into a sitting position. She leaned over to Lee and kissed him on the lips. Then the two of them crashed onto the bed, exhausted.

I got up from the stool and left the room, heading for the bathroom. I washed and scrubbed the hand covered in Vaseline. It took a while - the water seemed to just skim off it, and when I scrubbed I just seemed to push it around in little sticky clumps.

When I left the bathroom, Lee was waiting in the hallway, fully dressed again. "Christ, I was beginning to wonder what happened to you in there. I'm desperate for a piss before I go."

We squeezed past each other in the hallway. I looked over at the bedroom: the door was closed.

Lee noticed that I'd looked at the bedroom and said: "She's sound asleep already. She's wrecked. Probably best not to disturb her."

"Yeah, sure," I muttered.

Satisfied with the answer, Lee went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I heard the sound of a long, loud stream of urine a moment later.

I waited until he came out and then walked with him back down the stairs and to the front door. He left with a cheery wave - and why wouldn't he be cheery? - and I almost caught myself thanking him for coming. Maybe I'd have told him it was great to have him, to come back any time. I scolded myself for my idiocy and swung the door shut behind him. I didn't want to encourage him any more than I had to - not that it would stop him, I figured. If he wanted to come back next week, no doubt he would - there was nothing I could do to stop him.

He had proved that point quite clearly tonight.

I watched him disappear down the pathway and away from the house and swung the door closed. I bolted and double-locked it as soon as I did, as if I was afraid he might come back and break in if I didn't add the extra layer of security.

When I went back upstairs, the bedroom door was still shut. That told me all I needed to know. It was going to be another night in the spare room for me.


To be concluded...


Written by JoanneHoly
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