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To Quote Hemingway

"The rich are different than us. They have more money. Some have a lot more."

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Competition Entry: Money Talks
Viagra? Cialis? Or perhaps you think the centuries old standby Rhino horn is the world’s top aphrodisiac? Nope. It’s plain old money: dirty filthy lucre. Nothing is a more powerful stimulant of the libido than the glitter of gold and the smell of a newly minted stack of Benjamins. ___________________________________________________________________

“Come here. Let’s show my husband this massive weapon. After all he’s paying for it.”

Patricia tugged on Robbie’s leash drawing him away from the massive bed where minutes before they had been rutting madly. The blonde Anja lay exhausted on the soft Italian sheets wearing only a smile. Her orgasms had seemingly sated her twenty-year-old body.

The stiff new studded leather collar dug into the young man’s neck as the lithe brunette beauty tugged him forward. Robbie licked his lips. His mouth was parched. Too much Krug Champagne he guessed. The twenty-year-old college athlete tried to recall how only a few weeks ago he had never even tasted real Champagne, let alone vintage Krug.

Young Robbie stood muscular and naked shuffling forward. His nine-inch cock curved out impressively from his toned ridged abdomen. The huge cock gleamed coated by the viscous juices of the tight wet pussy it had only moments ago been pounding.

The powerfully built athlete looked towards Dave Potter, the man he used to caddy for at the exclusive golf club. The older executive was standing slightly stooped behind the chrome bars in the corner. His sexy trophy wife Patricia lovingly referred to the strange chrome bars and restraint apparatus as her husband’s “cage”.

Handsome young Robbie had needed to caddy for the wealthy investor as a part time job to pay for college. Back then a hundred dollar tip from one of his super-rich golfers had seemed like his dream. Now young Robbie’s dreams had expanded their horizons considerably.

The young man realized of course it had all been a ruse. Dave Potter had hired him ostensibly to “take care of his car collection”. Well soon enough Robbie had been polishing more than Dave Potter’s prized 1960 Mercedes-Benz 190SL. Other things around the billionaire’s gated enclave required attention.

When Mr Potter’s thirty-year-old trophy wife Patricia had laid her eyes on the young man she had staked her claim. Robbie had an underwear model’s body. Patty was a woman who didn’t even attempt to restrain her base impulses.

The wealthy couple had soon “groomed” handsome young Robbie to become Patty’s “pet”. They had plied him with gifts, money and flattery. Oh yes and more money. The money had done the trick. The sexy trophy wife could apparently have whatever money could buy. Robbie was now her new pet.

David Potter was one of the richest tech investors in the world. He was part of the one per cent of the one per cent now referred to as the “über rich”. The concept of “you can’t afford that” did not exist for David and even less so for his sexy much younger wife. In the rarefied world they inhabited even the idea of hiring a hard cock did not seem peculiar at all.

Robbie had no time to feel sorry for the pudgy fifty-seven-year-old billionaire shackled inside the chrome bars. The pile of crisp new wrapped Benjamins caught his eye. The green pile represented his greatest desire as a young man—college fees and a new car. The money held him in thrall. More than the stiff leather collar around his neck the money was the power Patricia had over him and his specially endowed cock.

Robbie looked about the room. A grossly expensive wine-stained Cavalli sequined mini dress was rumpled on the Persian carpet to his left. A delicate pair of torn black La Perla panties lay on the maple wood floor to his right. The coffee table showed residue traces of how far their “after-party” had degenerated; white dustings of cocaine were scattered across its shiny black surface.

Life’s lessons are taught at moments like this. If the young man had a father this was one of those moments his dad would have opined on. “Son you should know people will do anything for money—even become a sex pet for an über-rich zillionaire and his trophy wife.”

Perhaps his dad would have cautioned him away—perhaps. Robbie chuckled at the thought. His real father had taken a runner before he was even born so no such lecture could ever take place. There was no one to warn him away from the debauchery he was now a key player in.

Rob’s single mom had struggled to even make minimum wage cleaning people’s houses. Had she ever seen a bottle of Krug Champagne? Or a bundle of crisp wrapped Benjamins? Nope. Could she imagine her son collared?

Robbie was certain his mother wouldn’t believe what her handsome son was doing right now. Colleen had dreams for her son, but becoming a “pet” had never entered her limited imagination.

As Patricia led Robbie forward he knew well what the sordid wife holding his leash was intending. It was the same ritual every time. Rob cringed at the thought of a man touching his cock. Yet there was always the money. He lusted for the cash, for the car, for the opportunity he would never otherwise have. Rob pushed the revulsion rising in his throat down past his churning gut.

“Come Robbie. Let’s show my husband what he can never have.”

Patricia giggled. She smiled a glamorous sparkling smile. Patricia obviously relished her role as a mistress cuckolding her wealthy husband. Women in their element “glow” and Patty certainly was glowing. She radiated sexual heat. Patricia had the self-satisfied look of a woman who has the world by the tail—and indeed she did.

Robbie looked Patty up and down. The young man who only days ago had still been a teenager had to admit Dave’s trophy wife was a stunning specimen. Rob’s warm hazel eyes took in Patty’s toned personal trainer honed “bikini body”. Her flawless honey-hued skin was kissed golden by the summer sun.

The sexy wife’s long lush brunette hair gleamed. A Leonardo who knew what every horny young man would want for his “dream woman” had crafted Patricia’s curves and perfect proportions. Between Patty’s amazing hips was a tiny trimmed triangle of dark hair. Rob’s hazel eyes lingered on her pussy.

They had now arrived at the “cage” in the corner of the bedroom.

Rob looked up to see the man who had carefully groomed him for his current role. Dave Potter was shackled by leather cuffs and tied to the chrome bars that made up his bedtime cage. His arms had limited movement, but he could reach between the bars about a foot before the cuffs restrained him.

The walls behind Dave Potter were clad with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The smoky mirrors reflected the investor’s flabby naked middle-aged body. Potter’s failing sagging flesh was a gross contrast to Robbie’s toned athletic sculpted muscular masterpiece. Little wonder Patty didn’t want to fuck him.

The pale pudgy husband shackled to the chrome bars was wearing a stupid looking Cheshire cat grin. It seems in spite of it all he was giddy? Robbie was bemused by the concept. About the billionaire’s middle-aged waist, amongst the folded flaps of excess fat, was a belt affixed with a cuckold’s cock-lock mechanism. The Plexiglas cock cage was coated with dried cum.

Rob almost chuckled at how pathetic his über wealthy employer looked. Obviously the poor fellow had been unable to control himself as young Robbie had licked, fucked and received oral sex from his sexy trophy wife and her gorgeous young blonde bisexual friend Anja.

The young man shook his head. He was befuddled. How could you be that rich and powerful and end up shackled inside a cage while your wife cuckolded you? It made no sense. Rob looked down and had to control the physical revulsion. Robbie tried to block out the desire to pull away by thinking of the money.

Dave’s pudgy white skinned hand had reached out between the chrome bars. Robbie steadied his body. He felt the collar dig into his neck pulling him closer towards contact. Robbie looked at the trophy wife holding his leash. She was so gorgeous it was almost unreal. And yet she was as cold-hearted as a witch. How could you cuckold and humiliate your husband like this Robbie wondered.

The blonde Anja rose from the bed and approached barefoot. Her long golden-blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. She was as tall and gorgeous as the sexy brunette wife only ten years younger. The Swedish beauty wore a grin and nothing else.

Anja’s athletic swimmer’s body could still take away Robbie’s breath. Her breasts could hypnotize they were so firm and perfect. The most delicate bubble-gum pink nipple topped off each of Anja’s rounded firm mounds like a cherry topped cupcake.

The stunning young blonde mewed as she curled her body into Patty’s. Anja ran her slender hand over her mistress’s taut rounded ass. Her other hand reached out to stroke Robbie’s jutting nine-inch cock.

“Dave darling.”

Patty wanted her husband’s attention. He blushed and lifted his eyes from the floor.

“You can buy a trophy wife. You can buy the most beautiful blonde executive assistant ever.”

Patty smiled at Anja.

“But you can’t buy a cock can you darling?”

Patricia looked at Anja and smiled. Anja gently squeezed Patricia’s hand. The two women gazed at each other. Then both sets of female eyes fell to Rob’s thick cock and its bulging veins.

“Luckily you’re so rich you can buy me a pet cock.”

Patricia lovingly stroked Robbie’s head like a puppy. Anja gently cradled his cock. Both women looked at Patricia’s pathetic caged husband.

“Who gets to play with your sexy assistant Dave?”

The wife grinned a devious grin.

“Who plays with Anja? Not you Dave. Look at your cock. You’re all locked up darling.”

Patty grinned and Anja giggled softly. Patty leaned forward and the two women kissed in front of Rob. His cock swelled and pulsed with a new surge of blood. The kiss lingered and both women emitted soft sounds.

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A hint of the women’s perfume wafted to Robbie’s nose.

Dave’s eyes guiltily fell to the leather harness around his pudgy fat waist. The billionaire blushed as he looked at the Plexiglas cock-lock among his rolls of fat. When Anja giggled her perfect breasts moved up and down slightly. Patty’s hand joined Anja’s and lightly held Rob’s massive rod. She stroked it slowly sending shivers of desire up his spine.

“Here touch it Dave. This is the cock that pleases your wife. This is the man who fucks me and makes me scream in ecstasy.”

Dave whimpered. His cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink. Potter’s wrinkled white fingers strained reaching through the bars. Rob used all his self-control to not pull back. The older man touched his cock. Robbie closed his eyes and tried not to get sick. Only the image Benjamins kept him from running away.

“You see how impressive it is darling. Look at how thick and long it is.”

The glassy-eyed zillionaire was rhythmically bobbing his head up and down as if in a sexually induced stupor. Both women pulled their hands away from Rob’s cock and let Dave stroke it. Rob forced him self to open his eyes. Catching Rob’s steady gaze upon his nakedness the vastly wealthy tech investor whimpered. He looked away in shame. A boy less than half his age was fucking his wife with a cock more than twice as big as his own.

“You see darling you always know what to do.”

The trophy wife grinned a self-satisfied grin.

“That’s how you got so rich darling. It’s not because you are smart. It’s because you know how to invest in people who have the skills you don’t have.”

Patricia grinned and Anja nodded in agreement. The blonde ran her hand over Patty’s hip. Feeling a man touch his cock was like torture for young Rob. Finally after what seemed like eternity Dave pulled his hand back into the cage. Robbie sighed in relief and the physical disgust subsided.

“So you’ve made all this money darling. But you have no heir.”

Anja reached down and began stroking Rob’s hard rod. The sexy young blonde dropped to her knees. Without even a comment the gorgeous blonde assistant enveloped Rob’s enflamed cock head with her plump pink lips. Robbie held back a soft groan the best he could. He felt Anja’s tongue flick the sensitive underside of his cock and then probe the tiny opening at its tip.

“You see darling even a beauty as young and perfect as Anja can’t resist this boy’s gorgeous cock.”

Patty reached down and stroked Anja’s blonde head as it bobbed up and down on Rob’s massive rod. Anja looked up lovingly at her mistress. Her Robin’s egg blue eyes connected with Patty’s.

“So since you need an heir you have gone out and found your self a trophy wife. Well-done darling. You have a thoroughbred to breed for you.”

Dave whimpered and his head nodded up and down weakly.

“And yet would you ever breed a thoroughbred like me with a weak aged stallion well past his prime? A stallion without a functioning cock is really no stallion at all. Don’t you agree my darling?”

Dave blushed eyes cast down.

“Don’t you agree darling? Speak up. Your wife is asking you a question.”

Rob was almost dying. Anja really knew how to suck cock. He had come twice already tonight, but the way the blonde sucked cock was something else. He reached down and his nails dug into the Swedish girl’s head. Robbie struggled to control him self. Patricia sensed Robbie’s struggle and tugged on his leash to get his attention.

“Don’t waste your spunk in her mouth my pet. I want to be fucked in front of my husband a final time.”

The wife grinned. Robbie groaned in frustration. He tried to count the Bejamins in his brain. He needed to distract him self from the sensations coming from his groin. Patricia turned back to her shackled spouse.

“Dave you had a stroke of genius. You hired young Rob here. Look at his impressive cock. Look at what a stallion he is. The right tool for the job I’d say darling.”

Dave refused to look up. His cheeks bloomed new flushes of pink.

“Darling do what your wife asks and look at his cock. Don’t you want to make your wife happy? Don’t be shy.”

Patty was wearing a mischievous grin of devious delight. A loud popping sound filled the room as Anja pulled her vacuum-like mouth off Robbie’s huge member. The blonde giggled and Patty joined her. The giggles were infectious and Rob couldn’t help a goofy grin covering his face.

“Darling look at what a perfect specimen Robbie is. You couldn’t have picked a better man to fuck your wife. You are so smart.”

Patty giggled and the blonde rose from her knees. Anja’s slender hand gently held Rob’s cock again. She gave his thick engorged rod a soft squeeze. Luckily the sensations from her sucking were abating. Robbie had control again.

“Now my darling your little hired helper is going to fuck me until I faint.”

Anja giggled and jiggled up and down on the balls of her feet. She was excited to get back to the bed and fuck. The blonde’s perfect breasts mesmerized Rob. Her nipples were so pink and delicate. His mouth watered and he almost drooled wanting to suck them.

“Isn’t that lovely darling. You can make your wife so happy and you don’t even have to lift a finger, let alone inflate that tiny pathetic wiggly thing between your legs.”

Both women erupted in peels of giggles and laughter. The blonde’s laughter was higher-pitched while Patty’s had a rich deep timbre. Both women smiled. Then as if they had secret communication they both turned simultaneously to look at Rob. Their eyes feasted on his muscular body like he was the main course at a three Michelin star restaurant.

Dave Potter looked down in shame. His watering eyes drilled the floor like a Black and Decker power drill. Not all the money in the world could redeem the older man’s pathetic locked cock. In the boardroom he might be a master of the universe. Here at home he was just a cuckold shackled and cock-locked by his trophy wife.

Robbie for his part smiled with a certain youthful pride. His young ego swelled at Patty’s description of him. The young man that so recently was considered almost unemployable was getting used to his new job. Who even knew that being a “pet” could be a career option?

The young athlete’s reverie was interrupted by a jerk on his collar. Patty led her young stud back towards the massive bed. Robbie’s nine-inch cock was still hard from Anja’s sucking and the less recent fucking. As the college student shuffled towards the bed he kicked away an empty Petrus bottle and a sequined set of cat ears that Anja had been wearing a few hours ago.

At the edge of the bed Patricia turned. Her eyes connected with Rob’s. The young man could feel the intensity of her sexual passion. If Mrs Potter’s desire were physical heat it would have singed his hair.

Anja mewed like a blonde cat in heat and ran her hand through Robbie’s hair. Pulling short on his collar Patty drew Rob’s lips to hers. The kiss was sensual. Her body pressed into his. Rob’s skin began to tingle and blood rushed to his cock.

“Show my pathetic husband how to fuck a woman. Do it now.”

Robbie reached down and cupped Patricia’s delectable taut ass in his huge hands. His tongue invaded her mouth. Rob felt vibrations on his lips as the older woman groaned with desire. As their kiss rose in passion he felt Anja’s hands exploring his ass.

Breaking the kiss Robbie dropped to his knees. His eyes and mouth were level with the tiny triangle of hair between Patty’s hips.

“God you are sexy Mrs Potter.”

She giggled.

“Call me Patty. You’re my lover. Let the caged cock-locked husband call me Mrs Potter. It makes me feel old.”

Rob chuckled and moved his face forward. As his lips approached Patty’s moist little flower his nose detected the rich fruity odour of her sex. The earthy sex scent inflamed Robbie’s cock to a new level of hardness. He groaned. Robbie gripped Patty’s rounded firm ass. His mouth begins to plunder her sex. Parting her pink folds Robbie’s tongue finds Patricia’s swelling clitoris.

As Rob’s tongue thrusts in Patty falls back onto the bed. The wanton wife spreads her legs wide. Robbie soon finds her wet pussy lips again. His tongue drives in. She moans. His large male paws reach up and each hand massages a breast.

Robbie kneads Patricia’s firm orbs and pinches her nipples, now so erect and hard, making her groan more loudly. Rob’s tongue penetrates and probes Patricia’s tight wet pussy so soft and pink and delicious. Her juices are tangy and sweet.

The trophy wife gasps loudly as Robbie’s tongue slurps at her sweet nectar with slow deliberate strokes. Using his fingers Rob parts Patty’s pink folds to reveal his prize, her swollen erect clitoris. His tongue attacks with vigour. The aroused brunette thrusts her hips up jamming into his mouth.

Feeling left out the horny Swedish blonde swings her leg over Patty’s head and straddles her face. The sexy Scandinavian lowers her sweet young tight pussy onto Patty’s waiting tongue.

With wild feverish sexual fervour Robbie’s madly flicking tongue leads Patty’s pussy to the Promised Land. Patty’s orgasm erupts. Anja’s pussy muffles Patricia’s cries of release. At the same time Patty’s own tongue delivers Anja a massive explosion.

Robbie lifts his juice-covered face. He hears Dave Potter snivelling. Rob looks over. The older man is crumpled and whimpering. Dave looks dazed and drugged as he watches young Rob mount his wife. Rob grins. He stands and spreads Patty’s legs. He takes a final look at the husband as he positions his massive cock at Patty’s tight pussy entrance.

Rob shifts his hips forward and impales Patricia on his cock. Dave rattles his cage as he struggles to get a better view of his wife being taken. Anja lays on the bed. Her orgasm has exhausted her. Patty’s eyes are closed and her face contorts in pleasure as the massive hard cock fills her.

Robbie lifts Patty’s legs and hooks them over his shoulders so he can get maximum penetration.

“Oh god! Fuck me hard baby. Do what my husband can never do.”

Her manicured nails rip at Rob’s back as he begins to pound her. No amount of money could ever make him stop.

Written by flytoomuch
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