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The RepAct Ch. 01

"A white married couple navigate the new Reparations Act."

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The Metal Box

Steve put his key fob and ID in the bowl as he always had when returning home from work. It was then that he noticed, again, the metal box that was delivered several days ago sitting on the narrow table beside him. The government drone had required both of their retina scans to release it, and neither had moved it since.

He wondered how impatient the drone had gotten waiting for both Karen and him to finally get home, but then remembered drones don’t have the patience to burn. It would have waited for days silently if it had to, maybe weeks. Just how long it would wait before alerting the authorities, putting them in violation had escaped his memory.

The box was not as patient as the delivery drone though, it had a timer ticking down on a display next to the RepAct logo. Steve defiantly left it there, not wanting to touch it. He wondered why Karen hadn’t put it away though. It wasn’t her way to leave things untidy as this, the bedroom was a better place, or perhaps the bathroom was most fitting.

She simply said to Steve, looking deep in his even deeper blue eyes, “We both knew this day was coming.” She immediately looked down at the floor almost before she finished speaking. He wasn’t sure if it was because of some shame, or maybe something else.

Of course, Steve knew eventually their number would come up, he was a numbers guy after all. By now more of their friends had gotten the box than hadn’t. In some ways, Steve was surprised at how long it actually had taken. They had attended the required counseling sessions to prepare for its arrival, what it meant, but his gut still filled with lead when it arrived. It gut-punched him again and again, every time he came home and saw it.

Leaving it there for some reason would not make it such a big deal, a mindless “whatever” to them, but the effect was almost the opposite. Just sitting there by the door, not put away and out of place, made it the big deal that it really was. And the timer just kept ticking away, counting down and chirping each day at 6:55 pm and again at 7:00 pm.

Karen called out from inside the house, perhaps the kitchen he thought, “Oh, Steve you’re home.” Her footsteps began to click louder, and she appeared from around the corner that did indeed lead to the kitchen, flowered apron over her vintage housewife dress. He loved her style, like housewives of old. She enjoyed dressing up a bit even when staying at home, sometimes wearing a pearl necklace like on the old shows he sometimes saw on the wall.

Steve had told her more than a few times if she just wanted to wear sweats and a t-shirt, she could, that she didn’t have to dress up. Heck, he even told her, go bare feet and braless. Karen had giggled but she wasn’t that kind of women. And there was something in the way she tied her apron tight in the waist that really accentuated her curves. Steve had thought on more than one occasion it was sexier this way. It made him think of birthdays and Christmas.

The metal box chirped as she kissed him, welcoming him home. It made all her forward movement into him stop and she pulled away. Today was different than the past few days since it arrived. Instead of ignoring the chirp, she looked down at the floor and in a quiet voice said “Maybe it’s time to start thinking about opening it. The clock is ticking…” Her voice almost fading away at the end.

She was right, and he knew this was coming. The RepAct counseling had given them a chart to help couples through the process, they were a little behind in their steps according to the timer. Sticking to the steps on time they said works best and is economical.

“Each day we delay costs us more, honey…” Again, her voice drifted off at the end. Steve just sighed, a slight defeat in his exhale. “It’s just that it adds up and Janice said they ended paying 12% more.” Playing the numbers on me are we Karen? So you weren’t ignoring the box either his mind began thinking. Janice has seen our number come up and knows when our date is. They probably talked about it over coffee while I was at work today. His gut could not get much heavier.

“It’s just sort of silly to waste 12% like that is all, and Janice said Bill got used to it… to the point he regretted wasting the money over what, a few days? I mean, 12%!” Oh yes, Janice and his wife talked about it a lot it seems, and his mind wondered about what else she had told Karen about.

Steve looked at her all dolled up, her soft blonde hair up in a bun so she could cook. If one tuft would have come down and made her wrinkle her nose, Steve would have attacked her there. The Government would charge him if he did though, so he pushed the thought from his mind. Karen was cocking her head, anticipating a response. She had pulled the numbers card on him which almost always worked.

The box chirped again announcing seventy-two hours left. The wheels were spinning in his head and while they weren’t poor, 12%, if that’s what the timer would calculate their penalty at, well… that would hurt. Really, any percent would hurt; it would definitely limit some purchases and shorten a vacation next year, if allowed.

Plus, Steve knew his wife of sixteen years well enough by now to know though she phrased it as a suggestion, it was a command. She would now be grumpy until the box was resolved. He told her after dinner, after a drink (which he knew they would both need), they would open it, and carried it to the bedroom.



Maybe we should move to Whitehill Steve had said after the RepAct started to go into effect. He had watched it all unfold on the vidwall over the years, thinking nothing would ever come of it. Even as it gained momentum, his mind couldn’t fathom it being implemented, that anyone affected by the law would submit to it. How could they? Yet taxes and technology can be very motivating, and people get used to a certain way of life. The law didn’t force anyone to do anything though really, but the cost and limitations were hard to ignore.

“And live like they did in the 1700’s?” Karen had replied, “On a reservation basically, on our own?”

Steve told her they could farm, grow things and live more simply. There was a community, they wouldn’t be on their own, there was still electricity and plumbing. You know, it takes a village and all.

When Karen set down her fork, it meant she was going into serious mode. “It’s a hard life there Steve, you have seen the videos.” She took a drink of wine and breathed in its aroma. “Do you know how to farm? Can you cut the head off a chicken? Know how to get through a winter hunting deer?” Her voice raised on each point, yet it was still somewhat melodious.

“Jesus Steve, think of the health care, which is what, tonics? What is the dental even? You get a cavity- all they can do is pull it?” Her face was almost angry, and her full breasts were heaving from her verbal assault as she started to lean over the table at him. She took one big breath to calm herself, her supple neck no longer pulsing.

Steve simply replied those were rumors. It couldn’t be like that, all medieval. Those videos were faked. It’s just lies they tell so that people don’t move there. It’s to keep us paying. If they moved there, they would be free and clear of the RepAct. They wouldn’t have to worry about their number coming up. And it would. And then they would have to do what they say or face more taxes, more penalties, possibly even jail. That she would have to…? She will have to…? Is that what she wanted he asked?

“No, of course I don’t want to submit to it,” she replied, but with no conviction, but with a hint of sadness, perhaps he thought. “But you know once you go there, they make it even harder to come back to civilization.” She paused as if to gather her thoughts, “They have conditions Steven, and I don’t think you want us to go through that.”

She called him Steven this time he noticed. That was a rare thing, and he had to agree on that point. Leaving Whitehill, if it didn’t work out, the government made it very difficult to come back. He felt trapped by it all.

Karen rolled her chair to face him at the table, stroking his face lovingly. “If our number comes up,“ Steve interrupted her saying when. Her face accepted his correction. “When our number comes up, it won’t mean anything, what they do to me…” she saw his face drop a little, “to us. What they do to us. I will always love you no matter who we are assigned, whoever he is. My heart is always yours and yours alone.” She moved in to kiss him knocking his wine glass into his lap. Her kiss and the wine seeping into his pants warmed his cock causing it to slightly firm up.

They kissed and as his lips pressed into hers, she said, “oopsies,” and began to giggle. She pulled away with her winking smile, gathering the glass and blotting his crotch. She could feel his slight arousal as she patted him dry, her mind drifting. “Sometimes they don’t even show up I hear, so maybe we get off from it.” She continued to push onto his cock soaking up the wine on his pants, feeling it get harder.

He grabbed her arms and began kissing her deeply. For a moment she kissed him back, feeling the urges to submit to her husband’s desires, her hand working his cock harder. A voice in her head saying to stop but her tongue continuing to taste his. When his hand went to her breast it snapped her thoughts to the laws and penalties. Fighting her own mind, she pulled back.

“I will set up an appointment for the implant, assuming I pass the physical. There are only a few weeks left to do it before penalties.” Steve’s cock ached but her statement drained his desires. The law required that all qualified white women had to have the implant, so it wasn’t her doing it, but at the same time, it was her doing this.

She saw him deflating and again held his face, “I love you, silly man.” Her lips gently pressed to his forehead and she returned to her dinner. Her smile faded with each bite, each finishing their meal in silence, each thinking different thoughts.

Once she had her appointment, they, as a couple, would be registered in the system. The powers that be would match them up and then a date somewhere in the future would be set. He wasn’t sure how they matched them or set the dates, it almost seemed like how jury duty was handled.

Like in the old days you would suddenly get a letter saying where you had to report to judge your peers. But this wasn’t jury duty, you couldn’t get out of it once you were registered and tagged. Unless you were extremely wealthy, he supposed. Wealthy people could get out of anything.

In the end, Whitehill was not an option Steve thought, Karen couldn’t live like that. Honestly, he doubted if he could’ve either. He couldn’t farm or cut the heads off chickens. No. That discussion was over; they would submit to the RepAct officially, Karen would be tagged, and their status as a couple Grade 1. 7 months later, the metal box arrived. For four days it sat on the entry table welcoming him home. Now was the time to open it.



Karen and Steve stood in the doorway of the darkened bedroom. Both held drinks, that needed refreshing, in opposite hands. Their shadows cast by the hall light crept across the bed. The bright metal box almost glowed from the light passing between them. Steve started squeezing Karen’s hand hard almost making her wince.

In a most caring, almost whisper, she leaned into her husband, “It’s ok honey, it will be over by Sunday and then it will be us again, as we are now.” Steve took the last sip of his drink and said he would top them both off.

“Maybe we shouldn’t, Steve. The counseling said we shouldn’t be drunk doing this.” Her eyes looked down to his crotch. “It can cause issues for you.” She set her glass down, not finishing it off though she needed to. “Besides I can’t get drunk, they’ll know.”

Steve didn’t argue, he just set his empty glass on the dresser. Normally Karen would have insisted on a coaster, but she knew this was going to be rough for Steve and left it alone. Gently letting go of his hand, she pressed against his back to get him to move forward. He took a breath and moved to the box. Looking it over, he found the facial scanner and pressed the button. The readout replied the scan failed and he tried it again.

He breathed a sigh of relief thinking for a moment thinking the box was sent to the wrong address. He heard his wife, from behind him, softly say, “lights,” and the room illuminated, startling Steve for a moment. The soft chime from the box acknowledged his face. There was a small motorized sound and several latches around the perimeter of the box clicked open.

“Do you want to do this alone, honey? Or maybe have a moment to yourself?” He wondered if she would actually let him be alone. Was that a hint of curiosity in her questioning? He looked at the unlocked box.

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“I mean I understand if you want to be alone, but the counselors said we should do this as a couple, that I should help you.” She breathed and lean over to see the box, to see if he opened it. She saw him touch it, tapping it. “Something about it being a trusting exercise, to help with later,” her voice cracked a little. It always did when she got nervous.

Even though they did the mandatory counseling, she supposed once it became real, all that preparation didn’t matter for him. It probably wouldn’t help with her duties either. The only thing it seemed to help with was what the rules were and what was expected.

Steve told her he didn’t need to be alone, though he honestly didn’t know. He was still somewhat in that removed state, back when the RepAct was being introduced and hammered out. Back in that time of thinking none of this would ever really happen, though his mind also knew that it would.

"It’s ok," he told her and opened the box. She approached and they both looked inside. Nestled in a soft foam formed base, was a bottle of some sort of liquid, several metal rings, a loosely metal woven tube, and a small square that looked electronic and had a plug of some sort. The metal bits all lit up as the touchscreen mounted to the lid came alive with some music that sounded more fit for a news show. A 3D version of the RepAct logo was spinning on the screen above basic information of both Karen and Steve.

“It doesn’t look so bad does it, honey?” She gave him a light side hug as she watched him looking over all the pieces. He stood there for a moment, stuck in time. He couldn’t close the box now, but he also wasn’t ready for the device. He rotated into his wife and his arms locked behind her, pulling her into him. Karen was caught off guard, his grip made her feel off balance and started falling backwards.

He crumpled on top of her pinning her to the floor. At first, she thought, 'heart attack,' but then felt him begin kissing her neck. His mouth opened more and more, she could feel him starting to lick and suck as he kissed. She felt her ass begin to be squeezed as his other hand began snaking its way up into her dress, popping a button off.

She let out a sigh of relief he wasn’t having a heart attack on top of her. She imagined some husbands might have one in such a situation. As his mouth moved towards hers, she shifted her body under him and felt her pussy flush with warmth. His fingers started tweaking her nipple, he had gotten to it fast and somehow gotten past her bra. She could feel his other hand lifting her ass into his groin, his cock swelling on her thigh as he began humping it.

Thoughts of the box left her mind, as her fingers began digging into his back and her breathing turned to moaning. His mouth met hers and his tongue forcefully invaded her mouth. She had not felt him be so aggressive in how long has it been?

Her soft hands shifted to the front and began to undo her husband’s belt. She could see his cock was fully erect through his pants. His lips sucked a kiss from her mouth as he sat back to take off his shirt, casting it back, where for a moment if covered the box, but sliding off the slick metal surface. He started pushing up her dress to get at her panties, but with the fabric folding over itself, it just kept falling back.

Karen switched to unbuttoning her dress, and he half stood to get his pants and boxers off as she rolled out of her dress, her bra off one shoulder. As Steve looked down her, a ribbon of her hair did indeed fall out causing her to wink her nose. It always drove him crazy when she did that. For a moment she looked just like a pinup on the floor.

Steve stood and moved to place his cock at his wife’s lips. She looked up at him and in one move puffed away the hair with her breath and gripped his shaft, pulling him into her mouth. He reached down and cupped her breasts as she began working her husband’s cock over her tongue, getting him good and wet. He worked her mouth over and over listening to her moans, wanting more and more.

Finally feeling super hard, he pulled out and began kissing her neck, pushing her down onto her back. His tongue began darting all over her upper body, her neck, her ears, between her breasts, then around to each nipple, even boldly biting one to which she squeaked. His hands began pulling down her panties so that his hand could begin rubbing her pussy.

Lost in the sex of it all Karen’s head rocked left and right and back again, her eyes closed dreaming away. The wine was feeling warm, lulling her into this erotic state and enjoying her husband’s newfound forcefulness. She didn’t even notice her panties were off by now, and her bra undone and loose on her. Suddenly her right leg twitched, and she felt her gut spasm for the briefest of moments.

Steve’s fingers began to rub her slit, slowly spreading her wetness around. Looking down she could see his cockhead, dripping with her saliva getting ready to invade her when her leg tensed up again, and her gut tightened up again but this time forcing her to arch up off her back. She caught Steve reacting to this, though he probably hadn’t noticed his pause. She looked up at the box and suddenly remembered.

“Oh Steve, stop,” but he didn’t, continuing to rub her and kissing her neck. He pleaded briefly under his breath to relax and as his fingers got to the first knuckle this time, she felt her uterus kick and a slight pain hit her.

“No, you have to stop!” as she sat up pushing past him. “It knows, that implant, it can tell.” The pain subsided quickly. “It hurts, remember? It will hurt you too if you enter me.” She put her hands on his as they sat on the floor slightly entwined. He was breathing heavy, his cock standing up and throbbing.

She could see the frustration in his face, in his eyes. He told her not to look at him like that, but she couldn’t not pity him. She let him sit there for a moment, got up and kissed his head. Now Karen stood in front of the case. Remembering back to counseling, she pulled the bottle out from its foam nest.

“This will help with the erections, remember?” She waited for a moment. “It will, you know…“ He interrupted her telling her he remembered what it did. She squirted some of the lotion onto her hands and told him to stand up and face her. Steve huffed and then groaned as he complied, his cock pointing out and aching.

“Sorry if it’s cold.” It was. Thankfully it warmed up quick and for a moment Steve began enjoying his handjob. Her hands began rubbing it all over his hardened shaft and for a moment thought this might not work. Steve began rocking his hips into her hands and felt like with a few more strokes and he might enjoy a really good cum.

Visions of his seed erupting on his wife’s now exposed breasts ran through his mind, squirting again on her face as she licked her fingers of the sticky goo. Just a few more thrusts and he would be heaven, just keeping working that cock, just a bit tighter grip and then it just suddenly went limp.

“Oh my, that just went to noodles,” she said startled, then suppressed a giggle, but Steve heard it and she knew he had.

“I’m sorry I just wasn’t expecting you to go so limp so quickly. I thought you might cum actually.” Karen realized Steve was just staring at her, and then looking down, she saw she was still pulling on his penis. “Sorry,” she bit her lip as she let go. Karen could see her husband silently cuss for a moment under his breath.

“Do you want a break, honey?”

But he replied, "it didn’t matter, it’s done."


6 Percent

“Welcome to your RepAct CD 500 Chastity Device. Don’t worry, one size fits all and it’s easy to install.” Steve wondered if the sexy blonde spokeswoman on the screen was a cruel joke, or even a real person for that matter. It was impossible to tell these days. She looked like a porn star.

They looked the pieces over and then tapping the screen, they navigated to the diagram showing how it all fitted.

“Let me put it on you, it’s probably easier that way.”

Steve thought of all the single white guys and how they would cope. Maybe they helped each other. It didn’t matter.

Karen took what was the base ring out for step one. She had to make sure the right section of the ring was at the top. It had some ports on it that connect to the small electronic box. The metal ring was quite loose as she slid it over Steve’s cock. She pulled his balls through the ring and pushed it as close into his body as it could go. His body shook as it was set in place. Karen felt like she was dressing a little boy for school. She giggled to herself, but this time faced down so he couldn’t see it. He was low enough.

She reached in and grabbed the woven metal tube, briefly studying it for the next step. It really was as simple as the blonde said. She found the ports on the base piece and as she slid it over Steve’s noodle, she aligned the ring to the base ring. Karen paused, thinking if she really did just call Steve’s cock a “noodle.”

“Are you doing ok, honey?”

He just stood there and said yes. He was very quiet, even for Steve. There were times at parties or when they were out running errands, he would get quiet, but not this deep quiet. Aside from a random breath, it was almost like he wasn’t alive.

“This seems too big for you honey, this can’t be right. Maybe they sent the wrong one.” Sure, enough though, the bimbo on the screen confirmed the device will seem to be too large on the penis, but that’s ok.

“Only one more step to go.”

The small electronic box nestled into ports at the base with the two rings. A small LED lit up on the device and on the screen a big button marked “Auto Fit” appeared. Karen looked at Steve and her finger gently tapped the screen. Her curiosity had become impatient. There was the faintest whirling sound coming from the device. Steven could see the rings move and yet not move, rotating but not rotating. He realized they were shrinking. The metal weave was tightening like a shirt in the laundry might do.

The loose end of metallic fibers tucked in and formed a cap over his cockhead aside from a little hole at the tip. Steve felt it tighten all over his cock and then it was done. His cock was encased in a metal woven sleeve.

The screen flashed that it was optimally fit. There was no recalibrate or remove button. No panic mode. Steve would have to wear this for at least four days, and it wouldn’t come off before, medical emergency aside.

“Congratulations Karen and Steven. You have successfully installed your first RepAct Chastity Device. The CD 500 is very advanced and durable. Your penis is now the safest part of your body Steve.” She was all smiles, almost a too perfect smile. “Remember the device must be worn at all times up to twenty-four hours after Karen’s engagement as per the law. Failure to do so can incur penalties and incarceration.”

The spokeswoman continued talking to them as if they were all old friends.

“Remember both of your CD 500 apps have all the statistics and helpful resources to help you through this process. Steven, in your app you will find the request to be released, which will only show up after your government-mandated time has passed. There are also guides to wearing your device in your day to day life, maintenance guidelines, resources and support groups tailored to your experience that Karen needn’t be bothered with. There is also a panic button on your app in case something were to go wrong, but don’t worry, we have a 98.5% safety record! Remember though, a false panic button will cost you the expense of the call and resources used.” She laughed politely and then addressed his wife.

“Karen, your app of course has the release button. You will receive Steve’s release requests, but that call is up to you.” Again, with the synthetic giggle. “Also, your match will be able to start private communication with you now that the device is installed. Have fun with that and who knows, maybe he will reach out to you tonight!” She started talking in that sing-song way women did when they had exciting gossip.

“Thank you so much for letting me guide you through this process and I will see you two next time!” She walked off the screen and a spreadsheet of numbers came up with descriptions of items. At the end when Steve sorted out what he was looking at, the number read 6% additional cost in delays.

“At least it wasn’t 12% like Janice and Bill, honey.”

No, it wasn’t 12%, only half of that. But the engagement wasn’t over yet.

“And there are lots of ways we can work that down.” She kissed her husband on the cheek and proceeded to get dressed, but this time in sweats and t-shirt, no bra.

Steve stood there and looked over at himself in the closet door mirror. He hadn’t really seen himself naked in a long time. He looked beat up and worn down, lumpy. His eyes looked down and saw the metal cage on his cock. It looked even smaller now. He wondered when the cream wore off, if his cock would try to break out to freedom. The frustration of not being able to cum still pulsed through his body and he hoped he could handle the next four days.

Just then, he heard Karen’s phone chime.

Written by goodwood71
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