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The Pregnant Bachelor Party Whore Wife

"I help to support our family by fucking men at bachelor parties, even after I am impregnated."

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Legendary Story

The economy was bad in our small town in Mississippi. The only manufacturing plant in town laid off about a third of the workers. The ones that remained were only able to work partial shifts. My husband, Dave, was one of the lucky ones to still have a job at the reduced hours as an assembler, but that still made it hard for us to pay our bills. An even bigger problem is that I had recently been laid off from my job as a cashier at the super market. With a house and three-month-old baby to support, we were getting desperate for money.

My name is Megan, and Dave and I were both twenty-three years old at the time of this story. We were high school sweethearts and got married right after graduation. But we waited for several years until we were on our feet financially before buying a home and having our first child. As luck would have it, the economy took a downturn soon after our son was born. We have some savings, but not nearly enough to sustain us for much longer.

As you can tell from the jobs we have, we are a blue-collar family and most of our friends in this small town are just normal working people like us. The entire county is dependent on that factory for our income.

We have a lot of friends from church and get together on weekends for barbeques and other social events. Some of our best married friends are Mindy and Jim, and we have known them since before elementary school. They're in the same situation as Dave and me, with Jim working a partial shift at the plant, and Mindy had been laid off from her bookkeeping job at the plant.

We hadn't seen them for several weeks, but then we met up at a church barbecue one Saturday. As you can imagine, the conversation soon turned to our job situations and family finances.

I asked Mindy how they were doing, and she said, “We’re doing really well now. I’m a little embarrassed to tell you this, but after I got laid off at the plant, I was lucky enough to get a job as a pole dancer and stripper at a club about twenty minutes from here, just over the county line. I hadn’t been able to find anything else, and we really needed the money. Jim and I agreed that I still have my good looks and body, so why not use them to keep up with our payments.”

Dave and I were both shocked at Mindy’s admission, but not totally surprised. Mindy was the wild one in our group in high school, and more than a few of the guys had their first sexual experience with her.

Dave looked at Jim and said, “Damn, Jim, do you really want Mindy working in a place like that? Doesn’t it bother you that all those men see her naked body? And what if they try to get touchy with her?”

Mindy decided to answer and smiled at us and said, “The county laws don’t allow totally nude stripping, so I dance around the pole and disrobe down to the point of wearing a thin thong for underwear and little pasties to cover my nipples. But I must admit that there isn’t much left to the imagination. They also have bouncers to keep the customers from trying to get a feel. I usually work three nights a week and can make one hundred dollars in tips on a good night. But I make even more money when I work the private parties they have there.

Then I asked, “How much money can you make at those parties?”

Mindy continued, “Well, they have a back room used for bachelor parties, poker games and other parities mostly for men. They average about three events a week, and I can make a minimum of two hundred dollars for the night. Many of the dancers don’t like to work those events, so I'm usually in demand for them. They also want two dancers for some of the events. We just have to waitress and dance around for the guys, but some of the ladies make extra money as well.”

Then Dave asked, “How can those guys afford that much money with this bad economy and all? And how do some of the ladies make even more money?”

Jim responded, saying, “That county is a lot wealthier than ours. They have a lot of white collar jobs in banking, financial services and some corporate offices. It seems like a bad economy doesn’t hurt those guys nearly as much as it does us. Some of the guys are also willing to pay more for certain favors.”

Then Mindy chimed in, “Some people say that those rich guys are just taking advantage of us poor old country girls who have to work at the club to make ends meet, but I see it another way. If they're willing to pay good money to see me dance around and shake my tits and ass, then maybe I’m taking a little advantage of them too. As long as everyone is happy, then no harm is done.”

Dave had a concerned look on his face and said, “I’ve heard that some of those bachelor parties can get kind of rowdy and the guys expect the girls to totally strip and provide sex. Aren’t you guys worried about that?”

Jim had a sheepish look on his face and was starting to say something when Mindy spoke up and said, “Yeah, some of that goes on and that’s how some of the girls make a lot of extra money. But it's not required, and I have stayed away from that sort of thing. And you know, Megan, it is sometimes hard for me to find a partner for some of those parties. You might consider helping me with them. That would be a good source of money and would more than replace that old super market job of yours. Why don’t you think about it and come over to my home on Monday and we can discuss it further?”

I answered, “Thanks for the offer, but none of those guys would want to see me prancing around. I feel like a cow since I’m still breast feeding our little one, and the guys would think my tits are too big.”

Mindy smiled and said, “You’ve got to be kidding. No guys that I know would think that tits could ever be too big. A lot of those horny guys would love to see a lactating woman with her heavy, full breasts swinging and swaying in front of them. You were a big hit with the guys in high school with those big tits of yours.”

Then I asked, “Just what kind of outfits do you wear for those parties?”

Mindy replied, “It varies a little with each party. Some guys like to see us in a waitress uniform consisting of a short skirt and a blouse with most of the buttons undone and tied just below the tits. Others like to see short-shorts with half my ass hanging out and either a tight t-shirt or a tube top. Some even like me to wear a one-piece Lycra body suit. It doesn’t really matter much to me what I wear. But I never wear a bra and only rarely wear panties. That extra exposure turns a lot of men on and gets me bigger tips.”

That pretty much ended the discussion about Mindy’s job, and we moved on to other topics and just enjoyed the picnic. When we got home that evening Dave said, “You can go over and talk to Mindy on Monday if you really want to, but I’m not very comfortable with you working at those parties. You're still a beautiful woman with a great body, and I don’t want those horny rich guys thinking they can have their way with you. I’m not totally surprised about Mindy doing that, given her behavior in high school. But you were never as wild as she is.”

Then I said, “I feel the same way, but think that I at least need to check it out. We’re going to be in big trouble financially if we don’t get some more money coming in.”

I took the baby and went over to Mindy’s on Monday. When she answered the door she smiled and said, “Hi, Megan, I’m so glad you decided to come. I’ve got another party scheduled for tomorrow night and haven’t found anyone to help me yet. But before we get into that, I need to correct something from our conversation on Saturday.”

Then I said, “Well, Dave isn’t very happy about me looking into this, but I’m anxious to hear all about it.”

Mindy continued, “Please don’t judge me too harshly for what I’m going to tell you. Jim was way too embarrassed to admit this in front of you guys, but I have been making a lot of extra money at those parties. It started rather innocently with me just jacking one of the guys off. But before I knew it I was also giving blowjobs and the evening ended with me fucking the bride groom.”

I was really shocked at hearing that and said, “Oh my goodness, Mindy. Did you make him wear a condom? And how in the world did Jim find out about it?”

Mindy continued, “Well, part of my normal sex routine with Jim involves him eating me out before we fuck. So, when I got home that night after the party, he insisted on sucking my pussy before I could take a shower. I tried to stop him, but he just kept insisting that he wanted to go down on me. I finally gave in, and as soon as his mouth covered my cum-filled pussy, he knew that I was extremely wet and tasted differently down there.”

Then I said, “Eewww, that must have really grossed him out.”

Then Mindy said, “He did hesitate a little at first, and then he just kept sucking like he had never sucked me before. I was very surprised, but he just seemed to love my juicy pussy. When he finished we talked about everything. He said that he enjoyed it so much that he wanted me to continue sucking and fucking the men at those parties and making the big money. Between the jack off, suck job and fucking, I made an extra one hundred and fifty dollars that night."

"I can’t explain why he accepted my infidelity so easily, but I’m sure happy about it. Maybe it’s because he knew I was fucking other boys in high school while I was still dating him. Jim’s dick is an average six inches, but some of those guys at the parties have really big cocks that I love to feel stretching my pussy. I didn’t ask them to wear a condom that first time or since, and I am on birth control. I like to feel the cum shooting into my pussy, and Jim likes sucking it out of me. Now, he even sucks his own cum from my pussy after we fuck.”

I was amazed that she would admit all of that to me and I said, “Wow, Mindy, that’s a pretty wild story. But I don’t think I can help you with those parties. Dave would never allow me to fuck other men. Besides, you're no different than a whore fucking all those men.”

Mindy laughed and said, “Well, Jim felt the same about me at first, and you wouldn’t need to fuck them anyway. You could make plenty of money with those big, milk-filled tits of yours. I know for a fact that some men will pay plenty to suck milk from a young, gorgeous, lactating mother like you. You’d be a real hit at the parties.”

I thought about it for a moment and said, “I don’t think Dave would want other men sucking my tits and drinking my milk either. And besides, there’s another problem. Dave sucks my tits and drinks my milk every chance he gets. And it turns me on so much having my tits sucked that we always end up fucking. We sometimes fuck for a half hour at a time, with him leaning down and drinking my milk the whole time.”

Mindy was a little more serious when she said, “Look, Megan, I’m not about to try to pressure you into something if you think it’s not right for you guys. But I also know that we would make a great team. We’re young, pretty, and hot and have great bodies, and there’s a lot of money to be made out there. Those city guys just love it when we act like innocent little country girls, and they feel like they're really getting away with something nasty. They especially like to see us wearing our wedding rings and thinking that they're fucking us behind our husband’s backs.”

I don’t mean to brag, but Mindy is right about us being very hot. She has shoulder-length, natural blonde hair with sparkling, deep blue eyes and a firm, heart-shaped ass, and a light complexion. She's five feet and five inches tall and weighs about one hundred and ten pounds and has very shapely C-cup breasts. I'm somewhat of a contrast to her due to my heritage.

My father is Cajun, and I have smooth olive skin that makes me look like I have a perpetual tan. I am also five feet and five inches tall and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. My hair is shoulder-length and dark brunette, which contrasts well with my light brown eyes. I also have a very shapely tear-drop ass with just a few extra pounds from being pregnant. But probably my best features are my natural D-cup breasts which have grown to full DD-cups with me nursing our son. My areolas are light brown and three inches across, and my nipples are long and thick.

My conversation with Mindy had gotten me a little excited about working with her at those parties. The main motivation for me was the money I could make for my family, and at that time I didn’t think that I would ever have sex with those other men. I talked to Dave about it again that night, and he was still dead set against the idea.

Another month passed, it was late May, and Mindy had been telling me about all the bachelor parties that would be coming up in June. I talked about it with Dave again and let him know that we wouldn’t be able to pay our mortgage and the two car payments the coming month and would need to sell one of the cars.

He finally relented and said, “Okay, honey. As much as I hate to see you working that kind of job, I know that we do need the money. Go ahead and tell Mindy that you will work with her. But let her know that you’ll just be working for the base amount, and not providing any of those sexual services to the men.”

I was happy that Dave had agreed to let me work with Mindy, but also knew that it would be almost impossible to avoid being touched at all. There would always be booze at those events, and I just knew that the drunken men would keep trying to get away with something. I wanted to be truthful with him, and to get approval in case there was any sexual contact.

He listened in silence when I said, “We need to be clear about something, Dave. It will be impossible to avoid all contact with those men, and I can’t guarantee you that I won’t be at least touched in a sexual way. I’ll probably be drinking too, just to calm my nerves, and you know that I get a little flirty when I’m drinking. If you feel that strongly about there being no sexual touching, then I probably shouldn’t do it.”

Dave thought about it again for a few minutes and said, “We really need the money, so go ahead. But just try to control the situation as much as you can.”

I called Mindy to let her know that I could work with her and expressed my concerns about how uptight Dave was about it. Then Mindy suggested, “If you want, I can have Jim talk to Dave, and tell him the truth about what I've been doing at those parties and how much he enjoys it. Since they grew up together and all, maybe Jim can let him know how turned on he gets when I have sex at those parties, and how it has enhanced our sex life. A little peer pressure among old friends might just help. Who knows, it might just get Dave turned on a little.”

Mindy didn’t know that my sex life with Dave was like theirs. Dave also has an average-sized dick and he usually eats me out before we fuck. I thought that most men didn’t like to eat pussy like that. So, I figured there was at least a chance that Dave and Jim would have some of their sexual preferences in common. I still had no intention of fucking other men, and for good reason.

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Our church has strong beliefs against the use of contraception of any kind. Dave and I had been successful using the rhythm method up until then, and I knew that I could never risk getting pregnant by fucking another man. So, I decided that I could probably make some extra money with some less risky activities.

My first party would be in two days, and Mindy loaned me some of her skimpy clothes until I could make some money and buy my own outfits. The first one was a bachelor party and I was going to wear a tube top and some skimpy Lycra hot pants. Since my tits are a lot bigger than Mindy’s, the material was stretched even more tightly across my tits and my big nipples and even the bumps on my areolas were very prominently displayed.

My ass is also bigger, and not only were half of my cheeks hanging out, but I was also displaying a big, visible camel toe. My prominent pubis and long and thick vulva are very obvious and would be enticing to the men. I wasn’t used to displaying myself that way and knew that I would need to have a few drinks at the party to calm my nerves.

The party was on a Friday evening and there were eight men there. They were all dressed in suits since they had obviously come straight from work, and most of them appeared to be in their late-twenties. Everything was going well for the first couple of hours, and Mindy and I served drinks and she danced for the men a few times. I was also drinking and that helped me to mellow out. Then things started to heat up.

I had lost sight of Mindy for a few minutes and finally saw her in the corner of the room giving a blowjob to the bride groom. Most of the other men were gathered around cheering her on, but one of the men who I knew as Tom was still sitting across the room at a table. I walked up to him to see if he needed another drink and was surprised at what I saw. He had unzipped his suit pants and had his large cock sticking out. It wasn't quite hard and had to be about eight inches long and very thick.

He smiled at me and said, “Don’t be afraid, pretty lady. It’s hungry, but it won’t bite.”

I just stood there for a moment, half in shock and he continued, “Come on over here and straddle my lap and rub my cock for me for a minute while we talk. I’ll pay you twenty dollars if you’ll pull down that tube top and let me play with those big tits for a few minutes, and another fifty if you’ll suck my cock.”

My sex drive was pretty high that day, and I was already feeling sexy in those tight clothes. I also had been drinking just enough that I didn’t have many inhibitions, but I still wasn’t ready to suck another man’s cock.

So I started to straddle his lap and said, “Okay, Tom, you can feel my tits and I’ll rub your cock, but I won’t be sucking it.”

He nodded his agreement as I settled down on his knees facing him, and slowly pulled down my tube top. He gasped a little as my huge tits swung into view and he reached for them. At the same time, I started rubbing his cock. His cock is huge compared to Dave’s and I felt it throbbing in my hand as I rubbed it. He was also producing a good amount of precum and my hand was soaked with it.

He started kneading both tits and then got very excited saying, “Damn, Megan, you didn’t tell me that you're lactating. Your milk is just pouring out of these big tits. I’ll give you another fifty if you’ll let me suck them and drink your milk.”

I hadn't planned on him doing that and wasn’t thinking clearly, but I was overwhelmed with lust and said, “Okay, Tom, suck them for me. I produce a lot of milk so make sure you drink your fill and relieve some of the pressure.”

So, there I was sitting on Tom’s lap with him leaning forward sucking first one and then the other of my swollen tits. As he continued sucking me, my lust was getting out of control, and my pussy had an itch that needed scratching. I noticed that most of the other men and Mindy had seen what was happening, and they formed a circle around us to watch. I felt like such a whore being on display like that, but soon took it to the next level.

I just had to have that big cock inside me. I pulled the gusset of my tight shorts to the side and, still holding his cock straight up with my hand, stood up until I felt the head of his meat on my vulva. Then I settled down on him saying, “Oh shit, Tom, fuck me with your big cock.”

The whole group cheered him on as Tom thrust into me as I moved up and down on his shaft, and he was sucking my sensitive tits the whole time. That was the first big cock I had ever felt in my pussy, and he was stretching me to the limit. I also felt the huge head of his cock bottom out on my cervix on every down stroke, and my cervix felt softer and more open than usual. Tom was very turned on from sucking my tits and me stroking him earlier.

He soon quickened his thrusting and screamed, “Oh fuck, here comes my cum, you little bitch. Take my cock milk right into your married womb, you little slut. I’m going to give you one hundred dollars for this great fucking, just like the whore you are.”

Then he held me in place, fully down oh his lap, and his cock spewed his thick seed right into the mouth of my cervix. It was wonderful feeling him ejaculate into me like that, and there was more fucking to come. Some of the men lifted me off Tom’s lap and laid me back on the table.

Then the best man, whose name is William said, “Holy shit that was really hot, Megan. Mindy told me earlier that you were new at this and it would take some time to warm you up to fucking. But you look more than ready to me. How about if four more of us have a turn fucking you while the others take turns sucking those big, milky tits? We’ll pay you another five hundred dollars in addition to what Tom has agreed to.”

I was in a state of euphoria after having been fucked by Tom. So, I looked at those men, who already had their cocks in hand and said, “You’ve got a deal. Fuck me good and drain my tits for me. But pull these pants off so you'll have easier access.”

Then it started. They pulled down my cum-soaked pants and I lay back on that table being fucked and sucked for the next forty-five minutes. When it was finally over Mindy helped me get dressed and we got into the car to go home. By then I was sobering up and felt that my pussy was very sore from all of that fucking. I had made a total of eight hundred dollars in just one evening and knew that our financial troubles would soon be over. I also felt that my pussy and pants were full of cum and I got scared.

I panicked a little and asked Mindy, “Oh fuck, Mindy, what the hell have I done?”

She responded, “What do you mean? You knew what you were doing when you fucked those guys. I’ve never seen anything like it. Those big, milk-filled tits are like magnets to get you all the cock you could ever want.”

Then I sobbed, “What I mean is I might have just gotten pregnant. As I think back, I've experienced several of the signs of ovulation. My pussy was wetter than normal yesterday, and the more plentiful juice was stretchy like raw egg whites. I also had a slight cramp in my right side this morning."

"All of that is in addition to my obvious increased sex drive today and the softer and open feeling of my cervix when Tom pushed his cock all the way into me. I need to get home quickly and fuck Dave, so he at least has a chance to be the one to impregnate me. He’ll probably never forgive me for fucking those guys like that.”

Mindy smiled and said, “Dave might not be as upset as you think. Jim told me that Dave was pretty turned on when he told him about our new sex life. He even showed some interest in sucking your pussy clean of other men’s cum. Don’t ask me how he could agree to something like that so quickly, but I think Jim’s positive attitude has a lot to do with it. When you get home, just tell him what happened and get him to fuck you.”

When I walked in the door I said, “Fuck, Dave, I’ve done a terrible thing and hope that you can find a way to forgive me. I had a little too much to drink tonight, and then made the mistake of letting one of those men suck milk from my breasts. I got so aroused that I ended up fucking five of those men and all of them ejaculated deep into my pussy and right into my cervix. You need to fuck me now just in case I have ovulated, so your sperm will get me pregnant instead of theirs.”

Dave smiled and said, “After talking to Jim, I thought something like that might happen to you at that party. But Jim also made me understand how wonderful it is to suck other men’s cum from Mindy’s pussy after she has been fucked. I’d like to try that too and then I’ll fuck the shit out of you. Let’s get up to bed so you can sit on my face and feed me all of that cum.”

We went up to bed and I stripped, and sat on Dave’s face. He started sucking my big pussy hungrily and I could feel my juices and all of that cum flowing into his mouth. He continued sucking me and swallowing for several minutes.

I looked down at him and said, ‘Oh, honey, thank you so much for not being angry with me. I just got a little out of control and was going to promise not to let it happen again. But I really enjoyed it, and if you want me to continue fucking other men, then we can make some really good money. I made eight hundred dollars tonight for just fucking those men bareback and letting them drain my tits. I probably won’t be able to make that much at every party, but even at half that amount our financial troubles will be over.”

I found out a few weeks later that I did get pregnant that night. Dave fucked me after sucking my pussy clean, so there's at least a chance that he's the father. Although, it was clear to me that those men at the club, and most likely Tom, had impregnated me. I continued working at those parties with Mindy, and we became very popular. The owner of the club let his customers know what to expect from Mindy and me. Some of the guys called us the double Ms or even the double Ds, although only my tits are that big.

I continued with the parties even as I got into my third trimester and was starting to really show that I was pregnant. I thought that I would have to stop the parties until after the baby was born and I recovered. But as it turned out, a lot of men thought it was exciting and arousing to fuck a pregnant woman, especially one who was still lactating from her previous child. All the men sucking my tits at those parties also probably helped me to keep my lactation active.

We were so popular and making so much money for the club owner from all the parties there, that he made a little investment for me. Being pregnant, it was starting to get very uncomfortable for me to lie on my back for prolonged periods of time fucking. The owner bought a used doctor examination table at a medical practice that was closing. It is padded and has stirrups so my legs can be held up and spread. The top of the table also tilts up to elevate my head a little and take the pressure off my back. I can still remember the first party after he got that table.

That was a group of ten men, ranging in age from thirty to forty years old, having a poker night. Nothing significant happened during the first couple of hours except a little grabbing. Then most of the men were drunk and one of the men at each table had won most of the money. Then the men were looking for sex, and Mindy and I agreed to suck and/or fuck all of them for a flat rate of one thousand dollars for each of us, which the table winners agreed to pay. Of course, included the men sucking my lactating tits as much as they desired.

They pulled an old couch up next to the examination table for Mindy, and I took my place on the table. I was almost eight months pregnant at that point with a big belly. A few of the men thought it was gross to fuck a pregnant woman but four of the men seemed to have a fetish about not only fucking me but eating me out too. My only rule was that the guys with bigger cocks had to be careful not to slam into my cervix. But I didn’t mind if they held the head gently against my cervix when they ejaculated into the opening.

Mindy and I were totally nude on the table and couch and the men all got undressed as well. The first guy that got between my legs is a big man named Tony, and he has a nine inch long and thick cock swinging between his legs. He sat on the padded stool between my widely-spread legs and started sucking my pussy, while at the same time reaching up and rubbing my big belly. Then two other men joined in, one on each side of me, and started sucking milk for my tits. I was in heaven with all of that sucking, but also eager to be fucked.

I finally said, “Come on, Tony, get up here and push that big cock in me. Fuck me hard and fill me with your cum.’

My nasty talk seemed to turn him on even more and he moved up to fuck me. His cock is enormous, and I just loved it when he carefully pressed himself against my cervix on each of his gentle strokes. He also continued rubbing my belly as he fucked me. It didn’t take long for him to tense up and shoot his big load of cum right into the mouth of my womb.

Mindy ended up fucking all the guys that night, and some more than once. I only fucked the four guys who had a thing for pregnant women, but each of them fucked me twice. I was surprised that they all sucked my pussy, even after their friends had ejaculated into me. And all the men took a turn sucking my big tits and swallowing my tasty milk.

That was typical of how most of our parties went, and I was bringing home a big load of cum to Dave after each party. He would suck on my pussy for a half hour just to make sure he got all their juices down, and then he fucked me. The only problem is it was getting harder and harder to be satisfied by his smaller cock.

Mindy eventually stopped her normal dancing and stripping work at the club. We were making so much money at the parties that the normal club routine wasn't worth the time. I had my baby and took off a couple of months to recover, and then started back with the parties again. The baby looks a little like Dave, but only because he and Tom look a little alike anyway. I was pretty sure, based on the signs of ovulation, that Tom is the real father.

I was still lactating with the new baby, so my big, milk-filled tits were usually the main attraction for many men at those parties. Some men were even a little linkier, and just loved fucking me when I was on my period. But that only lasted a few months until I got pregnant again, and the cycle started all over. Dave and I still fucked, especially after he sucked my pussy after I came home from the parties. He thought there was still a chance that the newest baby is his. I knew better.

We continued our very intense lifestyle for another three years until the economy in the county improved and Dave was able to work full-time again. But I still didn't want to go back to work at the super market. I reduced my party nights to on average two per week but was still making more than three times what I would be making in the store. Dave and I just love this lifestyle, and I continued to be his little whore wife for many more years, until my mid-thirties.



Written by edlangston
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