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The Hunter

"Hasse finds out his wife, Nina is cheating on him."

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Hasse looked out the window at the clouded sky. A drizzle had been falling relentlessly all day and he was disappointed. It was the first day of the moose season in Sweden and he had been looking forward to going out early in the morning. Waking up at 4 am he had made his coffee and breakfast. Then the rain had started, at first hard and relentless, and now this drizzle. He sighed and sipped from his tenth cup of coffee.

“Are you going out or not?” asked his wife, Nina.

“Maybe later if this shit stops.”

They were both in their late thirties and had good jobs which afforded them the hunting cabin they were at. She would read, and work on her scrapbooks while he hunted or fished. It was nice to get away from the big city over the weekends or holidays.

The sun came out just after 3 pm and Hasse decided he would go. There were still a few hours left of daylight until dusk and then night came, which were good hours for hunting. He threw his rifle over his shoulder and picked up his backpack, which had a sandwich and water bottle in it. His binoculars hung around his neck.

“I’m off, I should be back in a few hours.”

“Where are you going?”

“Southeast, the tower by the river.”

The towers were used as a shooting position. They were high above the ground and gave good cover as well as a straight line of sight without trees in the way.

“OK, best of luck, honey.”

Hasse turned left outside the cabin and followed a narrow path that twisted and turned as if continuing deeper into the woods. The pine trees were very old and large rocks lay on the ground. It reminded him of the woods in the books by John Albert Bauer. As a child, he had been sure a troll was hiding behind every rock.

He continued for about thirty minutes deeper into the woods, stopped, and swore under his breath. There was a big tree lying across the path. At least thirty meters long with thick branches. It must have fallen during the last storm, he figured. Because of the tree, he couldn’t continue to the tower he had wanted to go to. He now had to backtrack for a while until he reached another path that would take him to another tower. It would delay his walk by almost an hour but already being so far from home, he decided to make the track.

When he arrived at a clearing he stopped and drank from his water bottle. It was now a lot darker but still light enough to see. He looked over the clearing where before there had been trees but they had been cut down. He saw the tower some two hundred yards away. He continued on and then climbed up the ladder to the platform. From here he had a good view all around him. He ate his sandwich and drank more water before he got into position. He could hear cars driving by on the motorway not far away. This wasn’t the best spot but he had no other choice. He used his binoculars to scan the edge of the woods around him where the moose sometimes stood before crossing the open space but there was nothing. From this high up he could see a small road that came from the highway and ended in a tiny clearing some hundred yards from the larger one. People would drive there, park, and then walk to the river to fish.

Suddenly there was a pair of lights coming along the road. It was too late to go fishing so Hasse wasn’t sure why someone would be on that road so late in the afternoon. Maybe it was a young couple looking for privacy, he figured. The car came to a stop and the lights turned off. Using his binoculars, he watched the car, trying to see who was in it. The driver had turned the car around so it was facing the way it had come from so Hasse couldn’t see the people inside. The driver’s door opened and a man got out. He wore jeans, a raincoat, rubber boots on his feet, and a cap on his head. He couldn’t see the man’s face. Then the passenger door opened and a woman stepped out. She looked familiar but Hasse couldn’t be sure. She wore a dress and rubber boots. The combination looked kind of funny.

She came around the front of the car where the man was waiting. They spoke a bit then he kissed her, she kissed him back and then he lifted her onto the hood. She had her back towards Hasse. She grabbed her skirt and pulled it up while the man opened his pants. He had an erection. He grabbed her thighs and rammed his cock into her. Hasse heard a moan in the still air but nothing else. He kept on watching the couple as the man fucked the woman. Then she slid off the hood and turned around so the man could fuck her from behind.

Hasse gasped and dropped the binoculars, which luckily didn’t fall to the ground because he still had them around his neck. It was Nina. He fumbled around for the binoculars and then turned them on the car. Nina had her mouth open and her body rocked back and forth for every thrust the man gave her. Due to the cap, Hasse still didn’t know who the man was. He pulled out and Nina went down on her knees and began to suck him. She did it so eagerly Hasse thought for a moment he had made a mistake and it wasn’t Nina. She seldom sucked his dick and if she did, it was more like a few licks.

The man put his hand on her head and then gave her a facial. From his position, Hasse could vaguely hear the woman laugh and it sure sounded like Nina. She got up and went around the car to the passenger side and from inside she took a few tissues, which she used to wipe her face. The man meanwhile had put on his pants and lit a cigarette. They talked for a while and then got into the car and drove away.

Hasse wished he had brought something stronger than water with him as he sat on the floor contemplating his next move. He was sure it had been Nina, but who was the guy, how had they met and why was she cheating on him? They had been married for close to ten years, and as far as Hasse knew, they were doing fine. Sure, some disagreements, the usual stuff among couples. Their sex life was not as good as in the beginning but they still fucked a few times a month. They had no children, which was by choice, so they had all the time in the world for their careers and themselves. Maybe it was someone from her work, he thought. Nina worked in an ad agency and there were plenty of good-looking men there so that was a possibility.

Hasse was more surprised than angry. He loved his wife and all but in this modern day, people did take on lovers. A man at his job had two girlfriends for a while and that had worked out fine until one of them got a job in a different city and had to move.

He got up and scanned the edge of the woods but there was no sign of a moose. He checked his watch and decided it was time to go home. He wasn’t sure how to handle Nina when he got home. Should he confront her, or let it go? He wasn’t a confrontational person; he didn’t like arguments and such. At work, he often just nodded yes even though he didn’t always agree with some of the decisions or suggestions from his coworkers. He liked a quiet life.

While he walked between the tall trees shining a flashlight in front of him, he thought back to Nina being fucked from behind. Her face had shown such pleasure it had surprised him. He had never seen that when he fucked her. It made him sad but at the same time curious. What did this other man have or what did he do to make her feel that way?

Hasse thought of himself as a decent lover. Before he met Nina he had been with several women over the years. He had a normal-sized dick and didn’t come fast but could last quite a bit before squirting. So, what did Nina miss in their relationship for her to find someone else?

“Honey, I’m home,” he called out while stomping his feet getting rid of some moss and pine needles.

“I’m in the kitchen. Come here and I’ll serve you wine.”

“In a minute. I’m taking a shower first.”

He was back in the kitchen fifteen minutes later where Nina stood at the stove stirring in a pot.

“Smells wonderful,” he said and took the glass of wine from the kitchen table. Nina had a glow to her. Her cheeks were pink and there was a sparkle in her eye.

“What did you do while I was gone?” He asked.

“I went for a walk and was gone more than an hour. I suppose you didn’t see any moose?”

“No, nothing. It was very quiet out there. I didn’t go to the tower by the river. The path was blocked so I went to another, close to the highway.”

Nina’s face changed when she heard the word highway. “Oh, and did you see anything interesting?”

Hasse hated this moment, the seconds before the argument the screaming and slamming of doors would begin. He had decided to confront her on his way back.

“Yeah, I saw you and a man fucking. Would you like to explain that to me?”

Nina’s cheeks turned red and she put down the wooden spoon she had used to stir with. She took a sip from her wine and then said, “I want you to know I love you very much and I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Well, having another man’s dick in you, is kind of hurtful.”

“I know, I know, but I wanted to tell you.”

“Tell me what, that you want to fuck other men?”

“Kind of, yes, well, this specific man, not any man.”

“Oh, and why him?”

She looked down at the floor and then back at Hasse. “Because he has a massive cock and can fuck me better than you.”

There was a long silence where Hasse and Nina locked eyes and didn’t let go. Finally, Hasse walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where he sat down in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace.

“Honey, I don’t want you to be upset with me. I’m not going to leave you and I was hoping you could be part of this.” Nina stood in front of the fire looking down at her husband.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because if you love me, you will do this for me.”

“What, letting you fuck other men?”

Nina sighed. “As I said, it’s this man only.”

“I’m not sure I can do that.”

She moved closer and caressed his cheek before tilting his head up. “I know you can, Hasse. I love you, you love me and I want this, so please, think about it.”

They ate dinner in silence, and after, Hasse went to bed. Not in their bedroom but in the guest room. Nina sat by the fire and drank wine looking into the flames wondering what would happen next.

She had met Mike through a website where she would publish her erotic stories. It was a hobby she had and a way to explore sexuality without being with another man. Their chats turned hotter and hotter and one Friday night when Hasse was away at a conference she and Mike met up for drinks. He was a tall and muscular man a few years older than Nina. His voice was deep and he had a beautiful smile with piercing blue eyes. They talked and drank a bit too much.

On the way to the subway, they stopped in a portal and kissed. The kiss turned into more and before she knew it, he had lifted her and the next thing she knew was his cock sliding inside her pussy stretching her like never before. He had fucked her in plain sight in the portal and cum inside her. His hot cum trickled down her thighs as they continued the walk to the subway.

When she came home, she had a stiff drink and promised herself that would never happen again. It was a lie. Just a few days later after work, she called Hasse and told him she would run some errands before coming home. She met Mike in a bookstore and gave him a blow job behind a dumpster around the corner. She couldn’t help it; she was addicted to his cock and the way he fucked her. They would meet in changing rooms, under bridges, in his car, even in the back seat of a bus she rode him until he emptied his balls deep inside her yearning pussy. While this was going on, she would have sex with Hasse but she would have to fake her orgasm because it was nothing, not even close to the pleasure Mike gave her. She hated lying and sneaking around behind her husband’s back and that was why she had decided to come clean earlier that night. She had thought about telling him before but didn’t have the guts. She wanted both Mike and Hasse but for different reasons.

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Hasse woke up to the sun shining through the window. He could smell coffee in the air and he sighed when he remembered what had happened the previous evening. He had no idea what to say to Nina. Was this the beginning of their divorce? He loved her so much and didn’t want to lose her. As he lay with his head spinning out of control one thought kept coming back. Was it so bad that she had been with another man? She had said that she still loved him. Could he accept her being with another? Maybe, he wanted her to be happy, that was for sure. He swung his legs over the side and got up.

“Hi,” she said when she saw him.


“Are you still angry?”

“Not sure how I feel, to be honest. It was such a shock seeing you two yesterday.”

She handed him a cup of coffee and he sat down at the table. “I love you, Nina and I don’t want to get a divorce.”

“And I love you too, with all my heart, but this man, he makes me feel things I have never felt with you.”

“Like what?”

“It’s not love, far from it, I would describe it as lust, pure lust at its deepest level.”

Hasse hadn’t thought about that. He had always thought sex came from love but then he remembered how he in his youth had on occasion felt this sexual attraction to a woman in a bar or at work. It was like all he wanted was to eat her out and then fuck her, not being together just for the pleasure of it.

“Explain more,” he said.

Nina sat down opposite him and told him how she had met Mike and what they had been up to. When she was done, she said, “I don’t love the man, I don’t want to be with him like in a relationship, but when I am with him, I can’t stop myself from wanting him to fuck me.”

“So, you have faked your orgasms with me?”

“As of lately, yes, but before I met Mike, you gave me plenty. There is nothing wrong with you, just that Mike makes me feel different.”

“How would you like to move forward?”

Nina sighed. “Well, I would like to see Mike twice a week. We can use a hotel or anywhere.”

“I want to meet him.”

Nina was a bit shocked. “Why?”

“Want to look the man who fucks my wife in the eye.”

“Sure, I could invite him to dinner.”

“Great, set it up. I’m going fishing.”

They stayed one more night and drove back to the city in the afternoon. They didn’t speak about Mike except that Nina confirmed dinner on Tuesday. Hasse’s fishing trip had gone much better than his hunting trip so they would make the fish he had caught for dinner that day.

On Monday Hasse woke up alone in bed. Nina took off early Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings because she went to the gym before work. Nina had an amazing body with firm buttocks and full boobs that were still firm. Not having kids and working out did help. Thinking about her body, Hasse got a hard-on and lay in bed stroking it slowly until he came. He liked to take his time jerking off.

Tuesday morning was a different story. No time for pleasure, just up, have breakfast, and go to work. Around lunchtime, Hasse got a text from Nina where she wondered if he was still okay with Mike coming over. He answered that he was and looked forward to it. Hasse was nervous and could hardly concentrate at work. All through the morning, the only thing he could think about was Nina’s face while Mike had fucked her. He wanted to be able to give her that face and he wondered if he ever could.

Nina was walking on clouds. She was so happy her husband was okay with Mike and she looked forward to seeing him that evening. Although she knew they wouldn’t fuck, it was still nice to see him. When she closed her eyes, she could feel his warm hand on her body and then his large thick cock opening her up and making her first gasp and then moan with pleasure. His cum shots were so forceful she felt them deep inside her and they made her shudder with pleasure.

“Are you OK?”

Nina looked up at Carol, who sat opposite her. “Yeah, I’m fine, why?”

“You look blushed and you were moaning.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Yes, you were. Anyway, do you want a coffee?”


When Carol left, Nina giggled. Had she moaned aloud, that was just crazy.

Mike knocked on the door. He had never been to Nina and her husband’s place before, but it was in an upper-class neighborhood. Expensive cars were parked along the street and old women with small dogs walked them alone, which showed there was little if any crime in the area.

The door opened and a man a bit shorter than Mike with glasses and a balding head looked out.

“Hi, I’m Mike.”

“Yes, of course, come on in.”

Mike handed him a bottle of wine he had bought.

“Thanks, this is great. We will be having fish so white wine is perfect.”

This was so strange, thought Mike. The man was much nicer than he had thought he would be, considering he had fucked his wife a few times. He followed him into the spacious living room where Nina sat in a chair. She looked amazing in a light grey dress that ended below her knees.

“Hi,” he said and kissed her on the cheek.

“Would you like a drink before dinner?” asked Hasse.

“Sure, whatever you are having.”

“Whiskey it is then.”

When Hasse was gone Mike looked out the window. The city lay below him with all its lights. As he stood there Nina came up behind him and put her arm around his waist.

“I’ve missed you,” she purred in his ear.

“I’ve missed you too. Especially that hot tight pussy you have.”

“I’ve shaved it today, so it's nice and smooth for you.”

“God, you are such a tease.”

“Here is your drink,” Hasse said behind them.

Funny enough, Hasse didn’t feel jealous when he saw them together. Just curiosity. There stood the man who had stuck his cock in his wife and he was just about to hand him a drink. Life was funny.

They chatted a bit about the weather and Mike’s job as a policeman and the increased crime in the country. Mike had some strong opinions about it which Hasse didn’t agree with, but as usual, he didn’t get into an argument. He just listened and observed the man. He could see why Nina was attracted to him. Apart from being handsome he had a strong character, no weakness, and said what he thought. Hasse was the opposite.

During dinner, Hasse observed how Mike put his hand on Nina’s leg and how she smiled and giggled when he did. Again, no jealousy on Hasse’s part. He thought it was strange that he had no emotions about what was foreplay. He wondered if they would have the guts to fuck in the apartment or if Nina would give him some lame excuse to go out.

Nina watched her husband, who ate with no care in the world, it seemed. She became brave so after finishing her food she kissed Mike on the mouth and let her hand slide down to his groin.

“Oh, fuck you are hard, baby.”

“It’s your fault, you make me like this.”

Hasse didn’t seem to notice at all or he ignored them which made Nina even braver. She opened Mike’s pants and took out his cock which she began to stroke.

“Hasse, just look at Mike’s cock, it’s beautiful, so hard and big.”

Hasse lifted his gaze from his plate and saw the other man’s dickhead stick up just above the edge of the table. It must be very long to be able to do that, he thought. The head was large and dark red. Nina bent down and kissed the tip before taking it in her mouth, still keeping eye contact with her husband. She moaned a little and then closed her eyes. As Hasse watched she began to bob her head up and down and Mike put his hand on her head.

“Fuck, your wife sucks cock like no other woman,” said Mike and moaned.

Hasse wasn’t sure what to do; staying or leaving was his option. He heard the wet sounds from Nina’s mouth, which made his dick hard, so he decided to stay. He got up and walked around the table and stood next to them watching his wife sucking cock. When she came up for air she said, “Are you OK with this?”

“I’m not sure, but I do have one hard dick.”

She giggled. “I guess you like watching me suck another man’s cock?”

“I guess I do.”

This close, Hasse had to admit Mike’s dick was impressive. If Michelangelo had decided to sculpt a cock it would have looked like Mike’s. At least nine inches long, thick, and with protruding veins. Nina’s lips were tight around it as she continued to blow him.

“Oh fuck, I’m getting close. Get up, I want your pussy.”

Nina got up and sat on the table where Mike pushed up her dress and exposed her shaved pussy. Turning her head to Hasse she said, “I want you to insert Mike’s cock into my pussy.”

Hasse was shocked; he had never touched another man’s dick and wasn’t sure he could.

“C’mon, do it!” she said, snapping at him.

Slowly Hasse reached out and took Mike’s cock between his thumb and index finger.

“No, no, with your hand, grab it at the base,” insisted Nina.

Hasse did and when he felt the hard cock in his fist he moaned and then lined it up with his wife’s pussy. Mike moved forward so he could insert it and Nina used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart.

Hasse stared at her pussy as it opened up for Mike to penetrate her. The head slid in and then the entire shaft followed. Nina let go of a long moan before saying, “Watch how he fucks my pussy and comes deep inside me.”

Hasse did what he was told and realized he could never do what Mike did. First of all, he was longer and thicker than him so he fucked her deeper than he could. Then he had better stamina. He counted four orgasms before Mike began to moan. By then Nina’s face was wet from sweat, her eyes wide open, her mouth also and she was holding the tablecloth so hard her knuckles had turned white.

“Yes, yes, give it to me, fuck me harder,” she almost screamed as a fifth orgasm ran through her.

Mike did what she asked and when he came, he sounded like a roaring bull, thrusting harder than before. The air was filled with the smell of wet pussy and as he pulled out and some cum trickled out that also added to the smell. The room was quiet before Nina lifted her head.

“Hasse, honey, are you hard?”


“Come and fuck me, right now.”

He pushed into her dilated pussy and felt the wetness of her juices mixed with Mike’s cum. He placed his right thumb on her clit and rubbed it as he began thrusting into his wife’s cum filled pussy.

“Oh honey, yes, yes, fuck me, give it to me, fuck me harder.”

He did and when she came, she lifted her head and her body tensed. She stared into his eyes and the same expression he had seen on her in the woods was now on her face. He came and filled her with his cum and then pulled out.

“Here, have a drink,” said Mike, handing him a glass of wine.

Nina lay still, breathing hard and moaning a little.

“Just look at her, what an amazing woman,” said Mike.

“Yeah, she is.” Hasse sipped from the wine and realized he and Mike both had their dicks out. It was such a weird situation but at the same time exciting.

Nina slid off the table and picked up her glass. She put her arms around the two men. “Guys, I think this will turn into an amazing friendship. Hasse, I love you, and you just made me come and I thank you for it. I hope you are cool with Mike being a part of our life.”

Hasse sighed. “Yeah, sure, but I want to be around when you fuck, no sneaking around town.”

Mike laughed. “No problem, I noticed you got quite hard watching me, so we will do it around you.”

Hasse finished his wine and went to the bathroom to wash his cock. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw a middle-aged balding man who had just watched another man fucking his wife and became horny from it. What was the world coming to?



Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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