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The Hall Pass Part 2

"I learn the truth about Taylah and find myself torn between walking away or marriage to a slut"

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Author's Notes

"I found myself torn between Nick becoming a full blown Chuck or……you will need to read to find out more twists than a road through the Italian alps."

I sat back down on the settee and asked myself why? Why did I give Taylah a hall pass? Then I ran it over and over in my head. I realised that I knew deep down I had nothing to worry about because she would never use it. As far as I knew, I was the second person she had ever had sex with. Taylah just wasn’t that sort of girl!

I opened my phone again and painfully began looking through the pictures I had been sent. I looked at the three images from Taylah’s phone and couldn’t believe the size of Scott’s cock. I mean, it was probably double the length of mine and twice as thick. It was truly mesmerising, but the photo that annoyed me the most was the one where his fingers were in Taylah’s arse.

That really pissed me off. I had tried many times to finger her arse while having sex, and here is a total stranger doing it to her after an hour of meeting her. Then I looked at the photo with cum all over Taylah’s pussy, her bright pink lips were covered in cum, and it was running down her arse crack. 

I grabbed hold of my dick because it was suddenly in an uncomfortable position. It was then I realised I had a massive boner. Jesus, looking at these images of my fiancé being fucked had subconsciously turned me on. That annoyed me even more, fuck it, even my own body was betraying me, fuck this entire night, I thought.

I got up, poured another drink and threw it back, and felt it burn all the way down my throat. I switched to the message from Carla’s phone, and that’s when I became enraged, realising seeing her kiss someone else really killed me. Kissing is intimate, passionate, and personal, and I didn’t like seeing Taylah kissing someone else. In fact, I disliked it a lot more than the sexual photos, which I then went back to again.

As soon as I flipped through them, I felt my cock getting hard again. What the actual fuck was wrong with me? Why was seeing my bride-to-be getting fucked turning me on? Wait! That’s not right! That’s not Taylah in the pictures. I had convinced Taylah to shave her pussy three weeks ago, and she had decided she didn’t like the stubble after only a few days, so she had been to a beautician only yesterday and had it waxed for the wedding Taylah was as smooth as a babies bum now. The girl in the photo had visible stubble above her pussy lips.

Then I looked at the picture of her on her side having her arse fingered, and sure enough, the tiny birthmark on the back of her thigh wasn’t there either. But there was no denying every other detail right down to her pussy lips were identical to Taylah's. There was only one photo of her face, but only partially; it was her lower face with a big smile. Oh, thank fuck, I sighed. Taylah has almost perfect teeth, but she has one eye tooth that is a little crooked, but the girl in the picture had perfectly straight teeth.

Now I was just confused. Why would Taylah send me these photos if she didn’t do it, was she pissed off that I had given her the hall pass and just wanted to teach me a lesson? I would soon find out as I heard keys in the front door. The door opened, and Taylah came through with that big smile, and right there out front was that crooked eyetooth. I smiled back, happier than I had been In a long time.

“Oh, Nick, I didn’t expect you to wait up for me. It’s late; why aren’t you in bed, darling?” Taylah said before putting her bag on the hall table and slipping off her heels.

“I thought you were staying over at Scott’s house with Carla for the night,” I said.

“Who's Scott, and why would I stay with Carla? But I do have something vital to tell you, and I don't think you are going to like what I have to say," Taylah said, looking very nervous and apprehensive.

“Before you say anything, darling, it’s ok. I know you didn’t do anything tonight. I know it’s not you in the pictures,” I said, interrupting her.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Nick; of course, I didn’t do anything! What on earth would make you think I had?”

“The photos of you and Scott you sent me, I know it’s not you. It really looks like you, but it’s not you, and I’m sorry I should never have given you that hall pass. I wasn’t trying to test you or anything; I was genuinely letting you know I was ok with you letting your hair down a bit. I was a bit pissed about the kiss, though.”

Taylah stood in front of me with a perplexed look on her face.

“Nick, I never sent you any pictures, and how did you know Someone kissed me? And who is this Scott character you keep talking about?"

“From the photo, Carla sent me of you kissing some guy,” I responded.

“Suddenly, it was like a lightbulb moment in Taylah’s head, and she walked over to her bag and took out her phone, opening it. I saw her face instantly frown, and she put her phone down and said, “Show me! I want to see what she sent you! It's been deleted from my phone.”

I handed Taylah my phone, and she opened the message Carla had sent. 

“Naturally, she didn’t tell you I punched that guy on the chest for pushing his tongue in my mouth. They made me play some stupid hen’s game where I have to collect points for different tasks. It was so fucking immature, I know, but I had to kiss this guy on the mouth, and he pushed his tongue in my mouth, so I punched him.”

“Oh, I see ok well, that’s fine, I guess,”

“You know what your sister is like. Everything is always out of context. Oh yes, and this one, I had to let a guy dance with me while he grabbed my arse for an entire song all really childish.”

Taylah then opened the messages from her phone. Her expression told me she was less than happy.

“That fucking bitch! I will kill her! Your sister is toxic. You know that, don’t you? I don’t think I can have here as my matron of honour next week. She has crossed a line this time. I threaten her not to do or say anything to you; she has gone too far,” Taylah said, sitting down next to me.

“Hey, come on, no damage done. I worked out it wasn’t you in the pictures, and besides, what would we tell my parents? If Carla suddenly isn’t in the wedding party? Yes, she is a bitch, but we can move past this. I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

“Nick, It's not quite as simple as that! Be honest with me what did you think when you saw those pictures? You clearly thought it was me, Jesus, even I think it looks like me. I bet you were outraged and wanted to call the wedding off, right? How on earth did you even realise it wasn't me anyway?” Taylah asked.

“Well, if you want me to be completely honest with you. I was angry as hell but then realised I did give you a hall pass, so it was my own fault. But the more I looked at them, the hornier I got. The thought that you were actually getting fucked by that huge cock somehow made my cock rock hard.”

“Nick, are you for real right now? How the hell seeing me like this with another guy would make you horny? What’s wrong with you? If this was reversed and I thought this was you, I could never forgive you. It would break me; I can’t believe you would want to see me doing something like this,” Taylah said, throwing my phone back on my lap.

I shrugged my shoulders at her and said.

“I know. I felt the same way as you at first. But then I realised my cock was rock hard looking at the pictures thinking it was you. I’m sorry my own body has betrayed me. But you have to admit it does look so hot. I could only imagine how that cock would look, sliding in and out of you all covered in your juices. But hey, it's not you, so it doesn't matter. Now, what were you going to tell me that I wouldn’t like? If it was not about these photos?"

Taylah looked at me with genuine sorrow in her eyes. I could tell whatever she was about to say, I wasn't going to like it. Then suddenly, it dawned on me, how did my sister know what Taylah looked like naked?

"Hang on a second; how exactly did Carla know what you looked like naked, Taylah? And I mean, with such detail to get it so right, it almost fooled me; the girl's pussy in the picture is identical to yours. How would she know that? I figured it wasn't you because your birthmark is missing, but every other detail is spot on,” I said to Taylah, now extremely curious.

“Nick, I haven’t been completely honest with you. Actually, there is a lot about me you don’t know. And I need to get my past out of the way before we can get married. I thought I had buried my past a long time ago, but Carla bought it all up tonight when she asked me to do something I didn’t want to do. And she threatened to tell you everything if I said no, so if you are going to hear it, it should at least be from me.”

“Ok, now you have got me a little worried, Taylah. What could you possibly have done that I don’t know about that is so bad Carla can use it against you?” 

Taylah let out a long deep sigh and said, “Carla and I were lovers! And not just a college experimental fling thing. We were lovers for most of college. I actually thought that I was in love with her for a long time...but it gets worse. I was her lesbian sub, I did everything she told me to do, and she made me do a lot,” Taylah said as she looked down at her feet.

I got up and walked silently to the whiskey bottle, poured a massive glass, and took a long sip. I stood with my back to Taylah for a long time because I had no words. I didn’t even know how to respond until I finally turned around.

“Is that why you have only been with one guy before me? Because you were a lesbian lover with my fucking sister?”        

“Well, that’s the other thing. There has been a lot more than just one guy. Ok, but before you say anything, it was partially true. I have only dated one guy before you, so technically, it’s sort of true.”

“So what were the other guys just one-night stands? And how many are we talking about here? Three, four, what six? I don’t know what you are trying to tell me right now. I’m confused,” I said with emotions I had never felt before.

“No, not one-night stands. I was Carla’s lesbian sub girlfriend. Carla was purely bi and always enjoyed both guys and girls. She used to bring guys back to our dorm room, and she would share me with them.  The guys would fuck her, and Carla would eat my pussy, and then she would let them fuck me while I licked her pussy clean. As her submissive, I did exactly what she told me to do, so I fucked and sucked anyone she told me to,” Taylah said as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

I looked directly at Taylah, but she looked away, diverting her eyes to the floor in shame at having lied to me for the last three years.

“So you have been lying to me our entire relationship? What exactly was it my fucking sister wanted you to do tonight that would scare you enough that you would come home and make this bullshit confession to me?” I snapped, feeling quite angry.

“She wanted me to have a threesome with her and her latest fuck buddy, some guy she was pawing all over tonight called Chris. I told her, 'No fucking way. I love Nick, and I would never do anything to hurt him.' She then said if I don't fuck her and Chris like old times, she will tell you what a total slut I was in college. She told me she has hundreds of photos of me with her and the guys she bought home, and she would send them to you. Nick, I’m sorry. I wish I had just been honest with you about my past when Carla first introduced us; then, it would all be out in the open.”

“So basically, you are saying you really are a complete slut just like Carla, but you are hiding behind the fact she somehow forced you. Or I don’t fucking know. You couldn’t say no because how the fuck did you just put it? You were her sub! Whatever the fuck that is. You know what, fuck this and fuck you and Carla, why don’t you go over there and have your little three-way? You both deserve each other. I’m fucking out of here.”

I grabbed my jacket, wallet, and car keys, and I walked out the door, slamming it shut behind me.

I ended up driving aimlessly and found myself heading out of town. I was mulling over everything that had happened tonight in my head. My simple gesture had turned into the biggest cluster-fuck of my life.  
I pulled the car into a parking bay just off the road several kilometres out of the city limits. To think or maybe even sleep in the car for the night, I had nowhere else to go, and I shouldn't have driven, really. I had been drinking. As I drove further off the main road into the rest area, I noticed at least five other cars in the parking area. I purposely parked on the opposite side as not to disturb them, in case they were sleeping in their car as well. 
After shutting the engine off, one of the cars opposite me flashed its lights at me, which I thought was a little strange, but ignored it. Then I laid the seat back a bit and began wondering what I would do about Taylah and her confession to being my sister's sex slave before we met. Could I still marry Taylah now I knew her sordid past? Or did it enhance the prospect of a better marriage? Taylah would have to be open to trying a lot more things sexually than we currently do, given she could hardly say no to me now? 
I took my phone out and again opened the photos Carla had sent as I scrolled through them. My cock became increasingly uncomfortable in my jeans. I tried pushing it in a different position, but it was no use. The more I looked at the photo of what I now know is some random guy's huge cock being jerked on by some girl that looked scarily like Taylah, the more my thoughts turned to the words Taylah had told me. 
“Carla was very bi and very dominant; she loved cock but also enjoyed my pussy, so she fucked both guys and girls. She used to bring guys and sometimes girls back to our dorm room, and she would share me with them. The guys would fuck her, and Carla would eat my pussy, and then she would let them fuck me while I licked her pussy clean. As her submissive, I did exactly what she told me to do, so I fucked and suck anyone she told me to.” 
That statement resonated through me, my sweet Taylah sucking and fucking multiple guys doing as she was told to do. Obeying their every order being a filthy dirty little slut for cock and cunt. Something deep inside the recesses of my mind surged to the surface, and my thoughts instantly became dark, almost primal. I had a need to see Taylah being used by a huge-cocked stranger. I would watch as he fucked her relentlessly in every hole, turning her into nothing more than a cum dump. The image flashed into my mind, causing the blood to rush to my cock, engorging it, making it rock hard, almost painful. 
I undid my jeans, lifting up. I slid them down my legs and took hold of my raging hard cock. Laying back, I closed my eyes and tried to envisage Taylah having her cunt fucked by this stranger, but slowly Carla entered my vision. My sister was naked; she lowered her shaved dripping cunt to Taylah's mouth. Taylah eagerly opened her mouth to accept Carla's soaking wet pussy. 
I started to really go to town on my cock as my debaucherous thoughts began to consume my very soul. 
“Oh yes, that’s it slut. Take that big hard cock, oh yeah baby; he is really stretching you open, stretching your tight little cunt out, oh fuck yes you are such a whore for cock, you dirty slut, Oh God you love the taste of Carla pretty cunt don't you? Oh fuuuuck oooh fuuuuck yeah," said out loud, really getting into it. 
Tap, tap, tap.

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I snapped my eyes open just as I was about to explode cum all over myself. FUCK! Someone was standing next to my car, tapping on my side window. Oh fuck, fuck, I scrambled to pull my jeans back up but ended up just covering my hard cock up with my shirt. I wound down the window. 
“What the fuck, man, I mean, what are you doing standing there watching me? Jesus fucking Christ, that’s just creepy,” I spat out at the guy standing watching me jerk off. 
“What's more creepy than parking in a service bay and jerking off in your car?” he responded. 
“What the fuck do you want?” 
“I thought you might like a hand to do that. I can suck your cock if you want,” he said very seriously. 
“What? No, fuck off, why would you think I want you to suck my cock, fucking weirdo,” I shot back, completely grossed out. 
“Fuck you, mate. I was just offering to help you out, that’s all. Don’t come to a dogging site and start jerking off if you don’t want to get your dick sucked. You're the fucking weirdo,” he said, walking off clearly pissed off; I wouldn't let him suck my cock. 
I rewound my window up and dropped back in my seat, and started laughing to myself. Of all the places to stop, I thought, I stop at a dogging site, and to make it worse, I started jerking off. 
I sat back and watched as the guy returned to his car and again started thinking how quickly I had gone from being pissed off with Taylah to fantasising about her being fucked and having her tight little pussy stretch by a big hard cock. 
As my thoughts began to consume me again, I saw another car pull into the parking bay. I watch with interest as the Range Rover crawled slowly past all the cars and parked under the light at the end of the parking bay. The headlights flashed twice then the engine shut off. As if on cue, five guys began to emerge from the other cars and steadily but cautiously began walking towards the Range Rover. 
I watched with renewed interest as a full-figured woman, not fat by any means, but had plenty of curves mostly in all the right places, emerge from the Range Rover. She was very attractive, maybe in her mid to late forties; dressed very erotically in red lingerie, suspenders, stockings, the whole nine yards. 
Her husband climbed out the driver's side, and the tailgate automatically began to open, and the lady went and sat on the edge of the car at the back. I watched as her husband began to kiss her, his hand slowly rubbing her pussy through her knickers. 
My view was eventually blocked as the other five guys formed a semi-circle around her and stood watching as the husband played with his wife in front of them all. 

Totally intrigued, I pulled my jeans back on and found myself slowly walking over for a better look. As I got closer, I could see the lady had pulled her giant saggy tits out over the top of her lacy bra and was thumbing her long thick nipples. 
The husband finally bent down and slid your lacy knickers down her legs, and she stepped out of them before moving forward, and I can only assume grabbed hold of one of the guy's cocks. I was behind them and couldn’t see, so I moved in even closer. I finally stood behind the husband off to the side. I was amazed to see all the men had their cocks out and were slowly stroking them. 
The lady began to move around the men and grab their cocks, giving each one a good tug before bending forward and sucking the head of each cock. 
“Mmmh, well thank you, boys, for the lovely big thick cocks tonight, now I assume you have all been here before, but I have some rules. You can touch as much as you like but no sex. And as you might have guessed, I’m a cum queen, so I want all of your beautiful loads on me, not in me, so that means no cumming in my mouth! You pull out when you are close, and you finish on my face or big tits. Now I have that out of the way, who wants me to suck their cock first,” she said so open and brazenly. 
I stood back mesmerised that this attractive, seemingly well-to-do lady was being such an open slut and right in front of her husband. As she began sucking the first cock, a couple of the other guys moved forward and began caressing her giant hanging tits, and one guy moved his hand down to her wet hairy snatch at least two fingers disappeared inside of her. 
I felt my cock getting decidedly hard watching the action in front of me but resisted the urge to pull my cock out in front of everyone; I wasn’t quite ready for that yet. The husband must have caught me out of the corner of his eye stand back behind him, not really getting involved. 
“Come on, lad, don’t be shy. My Joan doesn’t bite unless you ask her to,” he chuckled at me, gesturing with his hand for me to move up close to the action. 
I took a few steps closer, and the beautiful Joan looked up at me and smiled before saying, “Come on, sweetheart, get that lovely cock out, let me take care of it for you.” 
Still very reluctant, I slowly reached down, pulled my fly down, fished my hand inside my jeans, and pulled my very hard cock out. I looked across at the guy that had offered to suck my dick, and he winked at me. I suddenly felt uneasy but started to stroke my cock as I watched Joan take her first massive load on her face and tits. 
Joan held her tits up for the punter to unload on, but the first powerful jet splashed across her lips and cheek. Not even hesitating, Joan's tongue came out, and she licked up what she could reach while the guy shooting his ridiculously large load painted her tits and neck with splattering sticky white cum. 
Joan thanked him for his lovely contribution and sucked his cock clean. He zipped up and stood back, and watched the action continue. Joan moved to the next guy and squatted down, spreading her legs wide as she did. Even though the floodlight over the council refuse bins wasn’t the greatest, it was enough illumination that I could see Joan had massive thick fat pussy lips. They were hanging down from her hairy bush, and it was evident she was dripping wet as her pubes were matted down, all wet and sticky. 
Joan took hold of the cock and ran her tongue up and down on the underside covering it in spit. It was a good-sized cock, maybe seven inches. Joan slid the foreskin back and wrapped her lips around the purple head; she sucked hard before she plunged her mouth downwards, taking the entire length until her nose pushed against his thick mass of curly black pubes. 
“Impressive, isn’t she? Joan can suck a golf ball through a garden hose; such a talented slut when it comes to sucking cock,” the husband said, standing a little too close to me while he stroked his…

'Holy fuck, that’s the biggest cock I have genuinely ever seen in the flesh,' I thought. 
I took a step away out of pure intimidation. Jesus fucking Christ, it must have been three fists long, and that’s what I could see hanging out of his corduroy slacks. I watched as his hand slid the loose skin up and down the monster. The bulbous mushroom head peeking out on each backstroke of his hand. 
I looked down at Joan as she jammed three fingers in her sopping wet box while she encouraged another load of jizz from some random stranger's cock. Then I looked back at her husband and knew exactly how Joan’s pussy had become so flogged out and so sloppy. It was from having that monster cock pounding the fuck out of her every night after a dogging session. 
After about forty minutes, Joan had been covered by five loads of sticky cum, her face and tits completely covered. Joan walked over to me and reached out to grab my cock, and instinctively I pulled back to avoid her hand. 
“Oh, we have a shy one here, Keith! Is it your first-time love? Come on, I promise I won’t hurt you, and I promise you will enjoy my hot wet mouth around that beautiful cock you have,” she said as she rubbed the cum dripping off her tits into her soft, supple skin. 
I knew Joan was being polite and trying to encourage me to get involved by telling me I had a beautiful cock, because I didn't even come close to her husband Keith in the cock department. 
“Yes, it is my first time, but it’s a mistake I’m here; I didn’t know this was a dogging site, and besides, I’m getting married next Saturday. I don’t want to cheat on my fiancé,” I said before thinking about what had transpired earlier that night. 
“Joan and I won’t tell anyone if you don’t, and I guarantee you have never had your cock hoovered like Joan can,” Keith said, putting his hand on my shoulder and pushing me forward towards Joan. 
Then I thought, what was I thinking not cheating on Taylah? She had kissed someone and had her arse felt up tonight. What’s one little blow job, and Keith was right no one would ever know. I stepped forward, and Joan smiled before bending at the waist and taking my cock in her mouth. 
Oh fuck, she wasn’t joking. Joan’s mouth was lovely, warm, and velvety-feeling. She cupped my balls and began to suck my cock as it had never been before. Keith got behind her, and placing one hand on her hip, he crouched a bit then slid his long thick cock into her depths. Joan moaned hard on my cock as his length filled her to the brim. 
Keith pulled back and slowly slid back in, coating his shaft in her slimy wet cunt juices; before getting into a smooth rhythm. He grabbed her broad hips and began to slam into her, all the while watching his wife’s mouth devour my cock. 
Oh fuck, I realised I was having my first ever threesome. I looked down at Joan; as she looked up at me. I could see by her eyes she was smiling, so I reached down and cupped her left tit rolling her thick nipple between my thumb and finger. Keith was relentless as he drove his veiny cock into her wet cunt. His big balls made a loud slapping sound against her clit; with each thrust, it was loud enough to drown out the debaucherous squelching sounds Joans cunt was making. In turn, his deep thrusts pushed her mouth deeper over my cock, Joan’s forehead tapping against my stomach with my cock down her throat.
“Hmmm, oh God, I’m going to cum, Joan,” I warned her. 

But Joan grabbed my arse cheeks and pulled me in tighter, and then it happened I unloaded the biggest load of cum in my life down this gorgeous middle-aged stranger's throat. Joan never once tried to pull away and continued to gulp and squeeze my cock with her throat until my cock began to deflate. 
Joan released her grip on my arse cheeks, and I pulled away. My cock, slipping from her mouth with a plop. Joan grabbed my hands and pulled them to her big swinging tit’s. 
“Pull my nipples, baby, stretch them for me. I’m about to cum. Oh yeah like that yeees hard twist them harder that’s it, baby, fucking destroy momma’s titties, oooohhhh fuuuuck yeeeeees.” 
Joan tensed up and came hard, copious amounts of clear fluid squirting behind her all over Keith’s legs. Joan was holding on to my arms to steady herself as her body quivered and shook. Keith slammed into his wife with a couple of arduous thrusts, almost knocking her off her feet and into my now soft cock. Before his entire body straightened up and he gripped Joan’s hips as his life depended on it, and he shot powerful jets of cum into her gaping wet cunt. 
Keith's cock slipped out from Joan's used cunt and dangled down between his legs, slick and shiny with juices. Joan squatted down in front of me, and a massive flow of runny white cream flowed from her cunt, pooling underneath her. Joan began to flick her large clit and thick lips. Looking up at me, she smiled a beautiful beaming smile. 
“I wouldn't stand there if I was you, gorgeous boy, unless you like golden showers,” 
I gasped and quickly slipped sideways, realising what she meant just as a massive stream of golden piss sprayed out from Joan’s cunt as she held her thick, long lips apart. The stream of piss was never-ending, spraying at least six feet in front of her. I watch fascinated, having never seen a woman pee before. I watched as a separate stream of pee splintered off and ran underneath her soaking and prolapsed anus before dripping off onto the ground. I couldn’t believe how erotic it was watching Joan pee, and I quickly found my cock growing harder by the second, as her stream grew weaker until it was dribbling down her thigh and dripping on the ground from her puckered arsehole. 
To be continued...

Written by Kevtheledge63
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