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"Four close friends cross the point of no return"

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The heels of Lauren’s sandals clicked against the ceramic tiles surrounding the swimming pool. I found myself gazing at her scantily clad body. Her dancer-like physique stirred up an erection that I had to conceal.

Lauren and her husband, Rob, had taken the short drive to our house. I must admit, I always found Lauren to be very attractive. It was an innocent crush. However, she oozed of sex appeal on this day. I always admired the way she filled out a bikini, with her five-foot-seven frame. Her breast appeared to be about a C-cup. She had flawless skin and brunette hair. Her olive skin glowed softly, like deep golden silk. Her hazel eyes would captivate most men she encountered.

Lauren walked over in my direction. Our eyes met. She appeared to be in a panic. We found ourselves in awkward silence on this Friday morning in July. Almost a minute went by and it became apparent that she was searching for something.

“Have you seen my sunblock?” she asked.

“Nope. You must have left it at home. You can use mine,” I said, playfully pulling it away from her every time she attempted to grasp it.

“We’re acting like kids,” she said, unable to control her laughter.

“I still can’t believe we all took a sick-day ,” I replied.

My wife, Jessica and Lauren’s husband, Rob returned from the kitchen. Jessica has a similar physique to Lauren. However, there’s a difference in height, as she’s five-foot-four (three inches shorter). She was also scantily clad, in her bikini. Her blonde hair blew in the wind. I caught Rob checking her out a few times that morning. Her B-cup breast and toned legs were on display. We were both guilty of gazing.

Jessica made her famous pancakes. We wasted little time putting them away. The morning went on and we all sat on the lawn chairs, soaking up the sun. I broke out of my gaze when Rob stood up and suggested we should all take a dip in the pool.

“Later,” was the unanimous reply.

“Fine, I’ll go alone,” he said.

Before I go further into the story, it is important that you understand our clique. We all met in Biology class, first year of college. I gravitated towards Jessica, and Rob found love with Lauren. Over the years we developed a close bond. From cook-outs, to sleepovers, we did a lot together. Jessica and I got married right after college. Rob and Lauren followed a year later. Within a year of their marriage, Rob and Lauren moved into a home two blocks away from ours. Rob and Jessica are accountants. In fact, Jessica works at a rival accounting firm, right across the street from Rob’s firm.

I am a pharmacist and Lauren is a real estate agent. We consider all of our jobs to be stressful. Neither of us had taken a break in over a year, so the decision to take a sick-day came easy for all of us. We were having one of our usual chats when Rob went off track. He blabbed for almost five minutes, arguing that we never stepped out of our comfort zones. Rob kept a mental tally of all the all the “boring” activities we had done that past year, recalling them one after the other. He moved closer to Lauren.

“Come on! We are in our early thirties, let's live a little,” he said, attempting to light a spark in us.

“Honey, are you trying to tell me something?” Lauren teased.

“We’re becoming that boring, old foursome that never does shit,” he continued to rant.

The sky opened up and rain suddenly poured down. We all ran through the back door, seeking shelter. Jessica joked that Rob’s rant was the cause of the inclement weather. Sitting on the kitchen counter, I reached out one hand and rubbed the nylon of Jessica’s bikini bottoms. I opened my legs and she stepped into the gap, settling her hands on my shoulders. My hands closed over her hips, pulling her even closer.

“What are you doing, James?” she managed to mutter before our lips met. We exchanged a steamy kiss before she pulled away. “Not in front of company, James. Behave!” She blushed.

“You wish!” Lauren purred, playfully slapping Rob as he attempted to follow in my footsteps.

Hours went by and we ended up on the living room couch. We were in the middle our second movie (The Ice Storm) when a steamy love scene came on. Jessica and I had an active sex life, and I assume the same was for Rob and Lauren. In fact, I once overheard Lauren bragging to Jessica about Rob having his way with her one evening in the parking lot outside of her workplace. Over the years we had watched many movies together where awkward love scenes would come up. However, this was different. The ice storm had a key party scene. Everyone notably became uncomfortable.

At a key party, couples would go there with the intention of swapping partners. They would all put their keys into a bowl, and a spouse would go up, one by one and select a key from the bowl. That spouse would leave to have a night of steamy sex with the owner of the set of keys that they pulled from the bowl. We sat in silence, exchanging looks at each other.

“How come we never tried this shit?” Rob blurted out, appearing to be a bit tipsy after what seemed like his thousandth glass of wine.

“What do you mean, honey?” Lauren replied, slurring her words.

Time stood still. I remember trying to think of a way to pull my buddy out of the ditch he had dug himself into. Before I could even think of something clever to say, our wives began laughing. Jessica got up and walked over to the kitchen, with Lauren following quickly behind her.

“Maybe we all had too much to drink,” I faintly heard Jessica say to Lauren in the kitchen.

The wives returned from the kitchen a few minutes later. They appeared to be in a very playful mood. The wine was doing wonders for them. Rob and I watched on as they invaded each other’s personal space. “Is this what you want, boys?” Lauren teased. She softly kissed Jessica on her lips, before quickly pulling away.

“There you go, boys! That’s all you’re going to get,” Jessica purred.

“We would expect that much from you! You two are like church girls,” Rob teased, attempting to use a bit of reverse psychology on them.

“Well, that was our first girl-on-girl kiss,” Jessica said.

“Speak for yourself,” Lauren replied, looking as if her wine consumption had caused that to escape.

“Excuse me!” replied Jessica, playfully slapping Lauren on her butt.

“Where and when did this happen?” Jessica curiously asked.

“She’s telling the truth,” Rob interrupted. “She confessed this to me, the night before our wedding. It happened in first year in college, before she knew any of us. There was tongue involved and everything,” he continued to blab.

Lauren smiled with her head down.

I immediately became erect. I had always seen Lauren as one who was adventurous, but I never suspected this. Over the years, we had taken many trips together. We even shared hotel rooms on a few occasions. There was never any hanky panky involved. However, there was one occasion when our wives tried on lingerie for us. I remember Lauren asking me my opinion of how her butt looked in it. It was really awkward, with Rob sitting right there.

Time stood still and we all stared at each other. The movie had clearly and surprisingly rattled us. One would imagine that years of being friends, and sharing various experiences would have prepared us for this. You could feel the mischief in the air. Everyone suddenly ditched the eye contact. Curiosity was in the air. Did we have hidden desires to fool around with each other?

“I'm not going to let you off the hook that quickly, Lauren. Well, how was it?” asked Jessica.

“How was what?” Lauren pretended to be dumb.

“The kiss, silly,” Jessica teased.

“It’s not easy to explain. Kissing another woman is definitely different than kissing Rob or James,” Lauren stated.

“How so?” asked a curious Jessica.

“Well, the touch of a woman is much softer,” replied Lauren

“Did you like it?” Jessica asked. She sounded even more curious this time.

“It was awesome! You could find out right now, if you’d like to,” Lauren boldly replied.

Things appeared to be getting out of hand.

'Jessica is not going to do this,' I thought to myself. Even though we had an active sex life, the most out of the box thing Jessica and I ever did was watch a porno together.

My cock was now at its full eight inches. I wanted to stop things there, but a part of me was curious to see how far things would go. My heart was drumming.

“I'm very tempted to, Lauren, but I don’t know how James would feel about this,” said Jessica, as she looked over in my direction.

“It’s an innocent kiss, right?” I quickly replied, giving the okay.

Lauren slowly walked over to Jessica and backed her up to the living room wall. She took her time with her, touching, caressing and fondling. The pleasure was too much to bear and their lips met.

“Be gentle,” Jessica teased.

Lauren gave Jessica a soft peck on the lips, and then another, followed by another. She continued this for a few seconds until Jessica finally let her barriers down. I watched as my wife’s lips parted, allowing Lauren’s tongue to meet hers. The kiss became more passionate. Their hands explored each other. I glanced over at Rob. His gaze was intense. We watched on, as our wives had completely forgotten we were there. Moans escaped and saliva was exchanged.

I was not prepared for what happened next. Lauren’s hands loosened the strings of Jessica’s skimpy bikini. I watched as my wife’s bikini bottoms fell like a rag to the floor. Lauren’s hands were now exploring Jessica’s vulva. Moans escaped from Jessica as Lauren turned up the heat, rubbing her fingers over Jessica’s clit. I heard my wife let out even louder moans as Lauren stuck a finger inside her. Lauren had her pinned against the wall, simultaneously sucking her tits and fingering her.

“Stop, that’s enough,” Jessica managed to mutter, slowly walking away with her legs buckling.

Lauren’s fingers were glistening with my wife’s juices. I watched on in awe as she sucked and swallowed the juices off her fingers. A look of guilt came over both of their faces when they finally came back to the reality that we were watching.

“I would ask if you liked it, but that is quite clear,” Rob teased.

“Where is our fun?” he continued to tease.

“You guys couldn't handle it,“ Jessica quipped.

“Why not? I would love to fuck you in your marital bed,” Rob replied in a drunken laughter, knowing he had clearly crossed the line with his comments to Jessica.

“Oh fuck, buddy, I wouldn't mind pumping Lauren’s pussy in your marital bed either,” I barked, surprising myself.

“Excuse me?!” Lauren and Jessica simultaneously interrupted.

“One thing is certain now, buddy. Your wife loves pussy,” I jokingly continued, blowing a kiss at Lauren.

Rob walked over to where Jessica stood and picked her bikini bottoms off the ground. He looked over at me in a disrespectful manner and sniffed it like a dog.

“Hmmm, this pussy smells delicious. By the looks of things, brother, your wife loves pussy too,” he said, fighting off Jessica as she attempted to get her bikini bottoms back.

“I bet Lauren’s pussy is like honey,” I snapped back.

“Sorry, James. No need for that though. I got carried away,” he suddenly begged for forgiveness.

“I think we crossed the line way before that,” said Lauren in an embarrassed tone.

“We’re all consenting adults,” replied Jessica, as she attempted to put everyone at ease.

“Yea, but clearly our friendship has taken a turn. Can we trust ourselves to be alone?” asked Lauren.

The sexual tension was overwhelming. Curiosity had opened a door to a world we knew nothing of. There was no turning back from what we had just experienced.

Jessica went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.

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Lauren would soon follow. Rob and I stood still in the living room, exchanging macho glances at each other. It was clear that he wanted to fuck Jessica, and I surely wanted to bang Lauren. The filthy thoughts we had let escape, also made our wives aware of this. Our attention went back to our wives, as they were having a discussion in the kitchen. We watched as Lauren stretched one hand out and shut the kitchen door. A few minutes went by before they came out.

“OK guys, we have a proposition. How do you feel about a blowjob?” Lauren asked with a red face.

“Since we have already crossed a line, and you guys most likely need a release, Lauren and I have come to an agreement that you guys should have a blowjob, side by side,” Jessica said, also looking unsettled.

“Now, before you guys get any ideas, Jessica is going to be blowing James and I am going to be blowing Rob. No one is going to be fucking anyone’s wife around here,” Lauren quipped.

It felt as though all the blood in my body had rushed to my cock. I'm sure Rob felt the same way. We were in disbelief at how sex crazed our wives were acting. However, neither of us were willing to pass up this opportunity. We no longer recognized our wives. Rob and I silently nodded in agreement. Jessica walked over and got on her knees in front of me, quickly dropping my swim trunks. I watched as Lauren did the same to Rob. My erection pressed against my boxers. I felt the elastic waistband of my boxers being tugged to my ankles.

Jessica grasped my erection at its base, slowly drawing her hand upward. She rubbed her thumb over the head of my shaft, feeling a bit of my pre-cum that gathered there. Her head went forward and she drew me into her mouth. I arched my hips, and then relaxed. The pleasure was immense. The gulping sounds of Lauren working over Rob’s cock got my attention. I watched as her head rocked back and forth. She was a sight of beauty as she moved into a squatting position in what looked like a move that was planned to finish Rob. He somehow was able to hold on.

My attention then moved back to Jessica as she massaged me with her tongue. Lauren shot a glance at my cock, and then I noticed Jessica doing the same to Rob. They were clearly sizing us up. The funny thing is we both appeared to be about the same size. They both continued to work us over until we were reaching a point of eruption.

This was the best blowjob Jessica had ever given me. In the beginning of our relationship, Jessica was never fond of blowjobs, but over the years she had become great at it. On this day, she was relentless. My toes twitched as she hungrily sucked my erection.

“I'm going to cum,” I grunted.

“Rob’s already done that,” Lauren teased Jessica, with a mouthful of cum.

I was truly in awe of Lauren. 'Jessica would never let me cum in her mouth,' I thought to myself. My eyes met Jessica’s. She attempted to smile with a mouthful of my cock.

“Cum in my mouth, James,” she demanded.

Jessica’s filthy words caught me by surprise. My wife was clearly showing off for our friends. She was not going to be outdone by Lauren. A few head-bobs later I erupted into her mouth. She caught all of it.

My heart was not prepared for the pleasure that occurred next. I'm sure Rob was also stunned. We stood tall, with our wives on their knees, opening their mouths to show each other the amount of cum they had collected. I watched as Lauren moved over and attempted to kiss Jessica with her mouthful. Her advances were initially met with reluctance. Then I watched as Jessica’s lips parted and the two passionately kissed. Rob and I watched on as they exchanged our cum. The day of simple relaxation had completely escalated. There was no turning back from this. Our friendship would never be the same.

“I guess we’re all satisfied,” said Lauren.

“Oh no! I still have to sniff your panties,” I replied, surprising myself once more.

Jessica was not pleased about this, but I didn't care at that point. 'That issue would have to be dealt with later,' I thought to myself.

“Well, come get it, big boy!” Lauren invited.

I made my way over to her. She moaned out as she felt her bikini bottoms become undone. Our eyes connected as I boldly sniffed her bikini bottoms. I was now invading her personal space. She stared at me and I did the same to her. The tension was deafening. We both wanted each other.

“Mother-fucker!” Rob barked.

Feeling disrespected, I watched Jessica walk over to Rob. My heart jumped as she got her knees and grabbed the base of Rob’s shaft with her hands. His cock sprung back to life. She looked over at me, as if to say I couldn't stop her. I watched on as she ran her thumb over the head of his shaft. Rob grew bold and grabbed her head with one hand. I watched on as he ran his fingers through her hair. She brought the head of his shaft directly in front of her mouth. She opened her mouth, teasing him. He looked over at me, still angry about what I had just done with his wife. Then, without warning, he drew her head forward and her mouth was stuffed with his shaft, causing her to gag.

He relaxed on a slow breath of pleasure as Jessica sucked his cock. With his fingertips gliding over her face, he let her know how much what she was doing turned him on. My attention quickly went to Lauren as I felt the warmth of her mouth suddenly engulf my cock. Two head-bobs later I was hard as a rock again. Spiteful, childish, vengeful, you can call it whatever -- our wives were going to be fucked by new cocks.

I watched on as Rob pulled Jessica off of his erection. She got off her knees and stared at him, as if to say he was in charge. She squealed as he suddenly lifted her into the air, slowly putting her on the couch. He positioned his head between her thighs and ate her pussy like it was his last meal. I watched as Jessica’s eyes rolled back. Filthy words escaped my wife’s mouth.

“I'm going to pass out,” she murmured, trying to catch her breath. “Fuck me,” she murmured through gritted teeth, tugging his head off of her extremely moist pussy.

My legs buckled as a bolt of pleasure shot over my body. Lauren was devouring my cock. I looked down at her as she stared up at me. She suddenly pulled off of my throbbing erection. In seconds, she was off of her feet. I followed behind her as she held one of my hands, guiding me over to the couch, directly opposite my wife and Rob. Smacking sounds of passionate kissing echoed the house. I watched on as Rob had my wife pinned on her back, spread eagle. Lauren paused as well to watch the show.

“Are you ready?” I faintly heard him say.

She swallowed hard and shook her head, yes.

Jessica ran her hands over his strong back. His six-foot frame dwarfed her. I watched on as he slowly guided his throbbing cock into her. It happened! My wife was being fucked by my best friend. He began to move. Jessica met his slow and thorough strokes. Her pussy gripped his cock as he quickened pace with each stroke. Deeper and deeper he went!

“We’re not going to be outdone,” Lauren said in a fit of passion.

We embraced and passionately kissed once again. The slapping sounds of Rob bottoming out in Jessica’s pussy echoed through the living room. They had switched positions, and he was now fucking her doggy-style. I placed Lauren on her back. She squealed as I ran my tongue from her neck to between her thighs. Without warning, I dove into her welcoming pussy. She trembled and moaned out loudly. Her breathing quickened. Her hands frantically explored my hair.

“James, you’re going to make want to take you home with me,” she teased. “I'm ready whenever you are,” she purred.

I got on my feet and took a seat on the couch. I then motioned for Lauren to climb on top of my engorged cock. Chills went through my body as she slowly got into position, squatting over my cock. My toes twitched as I met her vulva.

“Be gentle,” she whispered into my ear as I slowly entered her. She was warm and welcoming. Lauren brought her head forward and we hungrily kissed as she slowly bounced on my cock. Her taste was addictive. She smelled fruity and delightful. Inch by inch, I stuffed her. I lifted my hips to meet her newly found aggression.

“Hold on tight,” I whispered in her ear.

She screamed out in pleasure and surprise as I got on my feet. Her eyes were filled curiosity, wondering what I was about to do. She held on, legs wrapped around my waist, her hands around my neck. I pressed her back against the living room wall and started pumping.

"Faster, harder," she urged me.

“Oh fuck,” I heard my wife scream out.

Rob was having his way with her. I drifted off for a few seconds, still continuing to pump Lauren. 'How did we get into this?' I thought to myself. Lauren wrapped her legs tighter around my waist and drove her body up and down to match my strokes.

“I want you to bend me over the coffee table and fuck me doggy-style,” she commanded.

Actions followed words and within seconds I was riding her like a horse over the coffee table. Her hands were wide stretched, gripping the coffee table for dear life. The moans and squeals of my wife also got my attention. I glanced over my shoulders and saw her bouncing up and down on Rob’s cock. He pulled her forward and sucked on her tits like they had sugar on them.

Lauren backed her butt into me, meeting every thorough stroke. She was trying to push me to the brink. I grabbed her waist and took control of the pace. My strokes were now long and slow. I was making love to her. I looked down to see myself drowning in her juices. She trembled and shivered. Rob let out a loud grunt.

“That’s it, cum in my mouth,” I heard Jessica demand.

The sound of footsteps momentarily distracted me. “We’re going to take a shower, love-birds,” Rob said in his usual raspy voice.

“OK,” Lauren and I said in a choir like chorus.

I felt her tighten down there. She was trying to finish me. I slightly changed the pace. An orgasm went through her like a wave.

“My God, you’re an animal!” she managed to say through tired breath. She looked over her shoulder to watch me stroke her. My heart fluttered as she gave me a sexy wink. It was too much for me. She continued to stare at me as I attempted to avoid eye contact with her. She bit her lips and toyed with me.

“I'm going to cum,” I grunted, taking one more stroke before quickly pulling out. She got on her knees and opened her mouth. My legs got weak, muscles tightened and I oozed out tons of cum in her mouth.

“Someone’s been eating pineapples today,” she teased.

We took the guest bathroom, as Rob and Jessica had the master bedroom shower. I soaped her up and she did the same to me. She tiptoed and laid a kiss on me. I responded as she parted her lips, allowing our tongues to dance. She slowly pulled away, out of breath.

“Well, I guess we all have some serious talking to do. I'm going to have that talk with Rob when we get home and I guess you’ll have that talk with Jessica after Rob and I leave,” she said.

A sudden loud knock on the door startled us.

“Babe, I'm dressed, so whenever you’re ready, OK?” Rob’s raspy voice bellowed out. We were out of the shower and got dressed a few minutes later. When we got back into the living room there was awkward silence. The television was on mute. Rob and Jessica sat like strangers on opposite couches.

Lauren made eye contact with Rob and he got off the couch and headed for the front door with her following swiftly behind him. They paused briefly at the door as Lauren fumbled for what appeared to be her car keys. Rob looked over in my direction and gave a head nod. We would always exchange nods before we went separate ways, but this time it was different as we both appeared slightly unsettled. He had been inside my wife and I had been inside his.

“Guys let’s not make this more awkward,” Lauren nervously giggled as they went out the door.

“Jessica, I’ll call you, I guess. We all have to talk this out,” she added before they left.

The front door slammed shut and I embraced Jessica. At that point we knew things had changed. Were we going to do this often? Was this a one time thing? Were we going to avoid Rob and Lauren like the plague?

'Of course not,' I thought to myself.

Those questions would soon be answered.

Written by DonnyMatthews
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