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Stories Of My Youth Chapter 9 – Fooling Ken

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During dinner that night Jatz talked incessantly about almost everything: the weather, how she enjoyed her holiday as she called it, how she liked the shopping in Australia, about her family, everything but what was on everybody’s mind--our relationship. This was quite out of character for her. Since she arrived she only ever said a few words at any time but now it was as if a floodgate had opened up as the words came pouring out.

Eventually, I could see the strain on Linda’s face that I was feeling. I was worried that Linda would let go and verbally abuse her. I had to step in, “Jatz, can I speak to you in private, please?”

Her eyes opened up widely as if in shock. She looked at Linda and then back to me before she spoke, “If you want.” I got up and walked out of the room. Once out of hearing range I turned to face her.

“Jatz, Linda is feeling a lot of stress at present. We need to be patient with her and not talk so much.”

“Oh, Linda at that time of the month, perhaps?”

“Yes, perhaps. Maybe, maybe not, whatever it is, she is feeling under pressure so we need to give her some peace and quiet until she pulls out of it. We need to be considerate of her.”  

“Okay, I understand.”

“Good, come on, I’ll make us a coffee.”


“Yes, Jatz?”

“You come to me tonight when Linda asleep. Make love to me.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea while Linda is feeling down.”

“Ken told me to ask you. He said I should make love to you every night and keep you away from Linda for him.”

“He said that tonight when you called him?”

“Yes, he said tonight and last night. He said that I’m here to keep you away from his wife.”

“How do you feel about that, Jatz?”

“You make me feel good. I like you a lot. You’re a good lover for me. Ken wants a baby in me but it’s too late this time. I tell him I still…  how you say it… fertile for baby.”

“Come on, Jatz, let’s get back to Linda.”

“You come to me?”

“Maybe, maybe not, wait and see what happens.”

We moved back to the kitchen. Linda’s eyes looked moist as if she had been crying or was about to. I went to her and kissed her, “It’s alright, Linda. I just wanted to explain to Jatz how you feel.”

She nodded her head but said nothing. Jatz moved to pack up the dishes while I put the kettle on. Linda remained seated. I made the coffee and returned to Linda. I was aware that Jatz had finished her tasks in the kitchen but she didn’t come back to the table. She was obviously giving Linda and me some space. I went back to the kitchen and told Jatz that Linda and I were going to bed.

When we got to the bedroom I turned to her and asked, “Are you alright, honey?”

“Yep, I’m fine. Are you okay?”

“Yep, I’m fine. Have you spoken to Ken?”

“No, he knows I’m not going to call him.”

“How could he know that?”

“I told him that I wanted him to give me a break when I called him the day that he went back.”

“What do you mean by giving you a break?”

“Exactly that. I didn’t like him putting me through the third degree every time I called him. I told him that it is my life, not his and that he didn’t explain everything that he did to me so why should I have to explain everything that I did to him.”

“How did he take that?”

“He said that he should have stayed here with me.”

“Perhaps you should call him.”

“No, I won’t. He’s told Jatz to keep an eye on me. He wants her to keep you away from me.”

“How do you know that?”

“Jatz told me. She said she will do what he tells her to do but she said it is only fair that she tells me what she is doing. I should be grateful that she told me, I suppose, but it doesn’t change the fact that she will try to take you away from me.”

“Why would that worry you?”

“I saw you with her and I don’t feel that I can compete.”

“I don’t see why you would worry. She will be gone in a month or two.”

“Don’t bullshit me. I can see how you felt about making love to her.”

“I’m not bullshitting you. It was very special but it doesn’t change the fact that she is not my woman, you are.”

“If it was that special how are you going to walk away from her when the time comes?”

“It will not be a decision that I will have to make because she will leave and go to Ken when the time comes.”

She shook her head and said, “You really don’t understand, do you? She is not going to be satisfied with Ken now.”

“Do you understand what you just said?”

“Yes, I know exactly what I just said. How do you think I know?”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything. You will understand as time passes and when you do we can talk some more about it.” She stopped talking for some time. I was trying to work out exactly what this meant for us if anything at all. She continued, “Are you going to her tonight?”

“That depends on you. If you say don’t go then I won’t.”

“You’ll be waiting a long time for me to decide for you. This decision is one that you need to make yourself.”

“I was hoping you might tell her to spend the night with us. It would solve a lot of problems if we both make love to her.”

“Nope, if we get together then she will want you and I won’t be able to handle it. It would result in disaster.”

“Okay, then I won’t go. I’ll spend the night with you.”

“What about tomorrow night and then the one after and the one after that?”

“What are you saying?”

“Sooner or later you will go to her. That’s right, isn’t it?”

“Maybe, maybe not, Ken will expect it and she will tell him. If I don’t go to her eventually Ken will come home and all hell will break out.”

“Are you frightened to face him?”

“No, are you?”

“Yes, I would rather that I didn’t have to.”

“The only way to delay it is for me to go to her.”

“I know that. Why do you think I’m so upset? It’s a stuff-up. I don’t want you to go to her but if I stop you then Ken will come home to sort it all out and you will end up with her anyway.”

“I could just say no and refuse.”

“He will kick me out if you do that, and where will that leave us? I don’t want all the drama of a divorce, appearing in court, finding a new home and everything else that is associated with it so I have to let you go to her even though I hate the idea. If I do stop you publicly I will become the whore who cheated on her husband while he was away working long hours to earn money to keep me.”

“You make it sound much worse than it will be.”

“My friend went through it so don’t tell me that it’s not difficult. To add to it, Ken is vindictive when he can’t get his own way. He will make your life a nightmare and mine as well. We need to play his game for now.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.”

“It’s not what I want. It is what we must do, for now at least.”

“Okay, I’ll go to her but I’ll come back to you afterwards.”

“I’d like that.”

I picked up my pillow, kissed her and left. As I closed the bedroom door I turned towards her, smiled and said, “See you soon.”

“Yes, see you at breakfast.”

I shook my head and left. Jatz was sitting up on her bed as if she had been waiting for me. She wore a see-through nightie which showed off her lovely breasts and her dark hair between her legs.

“I thought that you had forgotten me,” she said as I entered through the door that she had left open.  

“I wanted to make sure that Linda was alright with what we are about to do.”

“She told me she didn’t mind.”

“Sometimes what we say is quite different to how we feel. This is one of those cases. I’m worried about her.”

“Then why did you come?”

“It’s complex.”

“We have all night, why don’t you explain it to me?”

“I’m not sure that I should.”

“You don’t trust me? Goyse, whatever you say to me is between us, okay.”

I had sat on the bed beside her. She reached over and placed her hand on my leg. As she did so she looked up at me and I knew that she wanted me to kiss her. I put my arm around her and lifted her up to kiss her. She pulled away from me after the kiss and asked again, “Are you going to tell me what the issue is?”

“It’s complex. You may not like what I have to say.”

“I’m a big girl. Try me.”

“Alright, where do I start? Let me see. You have watched Linda and me together. You would know that we are becoming emotionally attached.”

“Yes, I can see that. Ken has seen it too. He’s worried about it.”

“Well, you just made it easy. That is part of the problem, probably a big part of the problem.”

“Are you planning on taking Linda away from him?”

“No, it is exactly the opposite. He is going to try to get me out of the picture. I’m not ready to give up Linda and she wants to keep me around. She is not ready to give me up either.”

“She should call him.”

“Why do you say that?”

“If she doesn’t call him he will be angry and will want to punish her and he knows how to do that.”

“What do you mean when you say he knows how to punish her?”

“He’ll stop her seeing you.”

“I don’t think he will be able to do that.”

“He’ll find a way. Over where I live they say he is a very dangerous man to have as an enemy. They say he always gets what he wants.”

“Hhmm, I hadn’t heard that.”

“He doesn’t want you to know. That is why you haven’t heard.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You’re good to me and I like Linda. She’s nice. I’m worried about her.”

“She’s worried that I will fall in love with you.”

“Yes, she told me.”

“What did you say when she said that to you?”

“I told her I hope so.”

“Why did you tell her that? It would have made her angry.”

“She told me that I would not be satisfied with Ken after being with you. She said that I should only have sex with you when I am fertile otherwise I could never be satisfied with Ken when I go back.”

“How did you answer that?”

“I said, yes, I know.”

“I don’t follow.”

“It’s too late. When I go back, if I go back I will need to find another man who cares about me.”

“I still don’t understand?”

“The way you and Linda are is the way I want to be with Ken but he thinks of me as his sex toy, there to serve him. He doesn’t care about me, he cares about what I give him and what I do for him. He thinks I am his, like his car out there.”

“I see.”

“Do you?”

“Well, explain it if you have doubts.”

“Think of his car. When he wants to use it he walks out and gets in it. When he wants it to turn left he turns it left. If he wants it to stop, it stops. If he doesn’t want to go anywhere he parks it and walks away.”


“He treats me like his car. I am his to do with whatever he wants and what I want doesn’t matter.”

“He bought you here to Australia.”

“Yes, that’s right because he wants someone to keep an eye on you. He knows that I want a child so he uses that to get me to keep you away from Linda.”

“Okay, so why do you do it?”

“I want you. I want what you can give me so I do what he wants.”

“You can get what you want and more if you stop letting him use you to spy on Linda and me."

“If I don’t tell him things then he will come back home. He threatened to do it when I told him that I couldn’t do what he wants.”

“Okay, when will he talk to you next?”

“In about an hour, if I haven’t called him he will call me.”

“Okay, this is what you tell him. Tell him that Linda and I are fighting, then tell him that you and I made love several times today and that Linda is angry with me because of it. What you say then is that our fights may be worse than it seems because Linda got her monthlies today.”

“Linda told him she is pregnant. He thinks she is carrying your baby.”

“Yes, this will tell him that he needs to keep me and Linda together but he is trying to split us up by getting you to take me away from her.”

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“Where does that leave me?”

“Nothing changes except Linda will have a reason to start trusting you again and she will probably ask you to sleep with us.”

“I’d like that.”

“So would I, but we shouldn’t tell Linda that, should we?”

“Maybe I’ve misjudged you. You are sounding like just as big a rat as Ken.”

“No, Jatz, I’m just a little sneaky mouse.”

“I don’t know about the 'little' part.”

“Now, can you pull it off?”

“I’d be lying. I’m not good at that and he will want to know all about us making love together.”

“Do you dream, Jatz?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Do you make love to a man while you dream?”

“Sometimes I do.”

“Think of the sexiest dream you have ever had and tell him about it but take out the man and put me playing the lead part.”

She burst out laughing and said, “I don’t have to change the actors. You starred in it.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I do. When are we going to live my dream?”

“If you pull this off for Linda then we will live the dream the next time you are ovulating.”

“It wouldn’t be the dream if I wasn’t fertile.”

“Jatz, I’m going to go back to Linda now. Can you pull this off?”

“I’ll try my best, Goyse.”

“Good, Linda and I will be waiting for you as soon as the call is over. You must not rush, though. Take whatever time you need to convince him that Linda is not pregnant, that Linda and I are fighting and that I’m spending most of my time with you. They are the key points.”

“Alright, I’ll call him now.”

“If he asks where I am, tell him I have left to give you privacy to talk to him.”


“See you soon.”

I turned and walked back to Linda. She was asleep. I lay behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She stirred and said, “Thanks for coming back, Goyse. I love you.”

“I need to talk to you, Linda.”

She sat up and looked at me, “What’s wrong?”

“Jatz is going to set Ken up for us. She is talking to him right now. She will tell him that I am spending all my time with her, she’ll tell him that you and I are fighting and that it is worse because you are getting your monthlies.”

“He’ll know that I’m not pregnant?”

“Yes, unless I’m mistaken he will not want to lose Jatz so he will tell her that she must get you and me back together again, more so if he wants you to have my child.”

“It might work. Why would Jatz agree to do that?”

“Well, that’s the catch. I’ve agreed that she can sleep with us each night.”

“You know I get jealous?”

“Yes, but the option is for me to go to her bedroom each night to keep Ken off our tails. Isn’t that worse?”

“I guess it will work.”

“It has to or you and I will end up history in a few months. Can you do it?”

“I don’t have many options, do I?”

Linda and I kissed and cuddled. I stripped her bed clothes off and ditched mine. She rolled away from me and I slipped my cock between her legs. She was quite wet but I didn’t enter her, just worked my cock across her slit and clit. After a while, she was so wet and slippery from my precum and her juices that she felt as if she had already been fucked. As I moved back to slip inside her I felt the bed move and Jatz slipped into the bed facing Linda.

There were no words. The girls just started kissing and feeling each other’s bodies. Suddenly Jatz’s arm came over Linda and she pulled me in closer to Linda. It felt good to have both these girls that I felt so close to making love in my company. It was then that I felt Linda change the angle of her body as I pulled back, and when I moved forward my cock slipped inside her velvet recess. She groaned and said, “Thank you, Goyse for all you have done for me. Tonight is a very special night for me. You need to decide if you want to wear protection or not.”

My mind was quickly doing the calculations of when Ken had flown in and counted off the days since then. “Are you saying that there is risk of you getting pregnant?”

“No, I’m not saying risk. I believe it is a certainty. I’m ready if you are.”

Jatz cut in, “Do you want me to leave, Linda?”

“No, I want to be there when your time comes so it is important that you stay for me.”


The girls were kissing again and I could feel Jatz’s hands working on Linda’s beautiful breasts. I was moving slowly in and out of Linda. She was so smooth and her heat was abnormal. She felt scorching. I wanted her to cum with me but she felt so good I wasn’t sure that I could hold back. We had been at each other so much with the stress that Ken and Jatz had placed on us that we hadn’t had sex for a couple of days. I could feel my sperm rising in me and I struggled to hold it back.

Her orgasm was massive. I had felt Jatz move down the bed shortly before and I expected it was to take one of Linda’s beautiful breasts into her mouth. Perhaps it was both. In my mind, I saw those nipples growing and sticking out like massive switches turning on her juices. It was just too much for me. She flooded out around me and I flooded inside her. We reached our peaks together.

We lay still. I could hear the breathing of the girls and I felt Jatz’s hand gently squeeze my arm in an act of affection. I was feeling great inside Linda. It was as if her pussy was under a vacuum holding me inside her. I could feel my sperm inside her and had visions of my sperm searching to claim her egg to give her the child she wanted to share with her husband.  The thought made my penis stir and my testicles lifted with these thoughts and my cock started to grow again.

Linda must have felt it too because she pushed her buttocks harder against me. It sent a big throb through my organ. She giggled and said, “I felt that. It feels good. Do you want to go again?”

“Yes, I’d love that.”

“You should give him to Jatz.”

Jatz didn’t hesitate, “No, Linda, he is yours tonight but I want to stay with you if you don’t mind.”

“Mind? I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

The girls started kissing again. I started to move slowly inside Linda. Within seconds I was rock hard again. The harder I got the more I increased my stroke. I could feel my sperm working its way out of her. I felt Jatz move and shortly afterwards felt a hand at our junction.

Initially, Jatz felt my shaft as it slipped into Linda’s juicy, wet pussy. She then cradled my testicles in her hand for a while as if feeling the weight of them. I then felt her fingers at our junction again. At that moment Linda let out a loud sigh, then I felt a slight movement just forward of my cock. She was manipulating Linda’s clit.

Linda’s groaning became louder and louder. The louder it got the faster I felt Jatz’s fingers move. Juices were pouring out of Linda around my cock.

“Oooohh, fuck, I’m cumming again,” Linda moaned.  It was too much for me. I felt her contractions and the heat of her orgasm as I shot my sperm as deep as I possibly could inside her.

We lay silently for a time. Linda then spoke. “Jatz, I’m going to the bathroom. While I’m away, move over into my space. It’s your turn. Do what I’ve done. Place your back to Goyse so that when I come back I can suck those little tits of yours.”

“But tonight is your special night.”

“If Goyse hasn’t captured my egg by now it isn’t going to happen this month. You deserve to get what he has left to offer.”

Linda left. I saw the light go on in the bathroom as Jatz kissed me. I returned her kiss enthusiastically.

“Make gentle love to me, Goyse. I want it to last as long as you are able.”

“Okay. How did it go with Ken?”

“Alright. He told me to do whatever I can to get you and Linda back together. He told me that I could only have sex with you when I knew I was fertile.”

“So you are fertile tonight.”

“No, I don’t ovulate for another ten days.”

“Listen to me, Jatz. You are fertile tonight. You must be because I’m going to make gentle love to you for the next hour. In fact, I think you might be fertile every night for the next two months. You know we could make sure that you are not pregnant when Ken comes home so that you have to stay another three months or so.”

“I’d like that. Do you think he would fall for it?”

“If he doesn’t, we don’t lose anything and at least we can say we tried.”

She rolled away from me and pushed her beautiful buttocks up against my raging hard cock. I slid my cock across her slit and clit as I had done with Linda and worked it back and forward. I felt Linda return and she lifted my hand off Jatz’s little tits so that she could return the pleasure that Jatz had afforded her.

Jatz’s little pussy was leaking profusely and her juices mixed with my sperm left over from when I had last ejaculated inside Linda. The velvety feeling of it made my cock jump in anticipation of feeling her tight little virgin-like passage around me. We went on like that for a long time until I felt Linda’s finger push between me and Jatz to seek out her clit. I shifted my position slightly and slipped inside her tight little sheath as her first orgasm raged through her body.

By daylight, Linda was snoring. She had given up working on Jatz a couple of hours before after her third orgasm. Linda didn’t know that I had ejaculated with Jatz on her second orgasm but I just kept stroking and in no time at all the velvety tight grip she had on me made me hard once more.

I knew it had to end soon but I hoped that Jatz might cum one more time. I was ready. I reached around her and turned her head towards me and I kissed her. She responded as she had on every occasion. I felt a small pulse inside as her pussy muscles clamped hard onto my cock as we kissed.

“Oh my God, Goyse, I’m going to cum again. Cum with me again, please. It felt so good before.”

As I felt her pussy fall into that magic rhythm and her moaning grew louder, I pushed as hard up against her cervix as I could and sent my sperm as deep inside as was possible. It was over in less than a minute and we lay together taking in the magnificent feelings that our orgasms had produced for us.

“I love you, Goyse.”

“Please, Jatz. You can’t say that. Enjoy our time together but don’t ever say that again. You understand why, don’t you?”

“Yes, I guess so.”

“Let’s get some sleep.”

A third voice cut in, “Yes, get some sleep. How can I sleep if you pair keep groaning and moaning while you fuck all night?”

Jatz’s soft Asian voice answered, “I’m sorry, Linda.”

“I hope you are not going to do this every night. If you do, you will have to move into another bedroom. Some of us have to work, you know.”

I couldn’t help myself. I needed to know, “Are you angry, Linda?”

She sat up and looked at me before she replied, “Why would I be angry? You pair gave me the best sex I have ever experienced in my life. If I knew how good it was going to be I would have got Jatz in with us the moment she set foot in Australia. And before you ask, yes, she can stay as long as we can con Ken for.”

“Thanks, Linda. I really appreciate that.” 

Linda smiled before she spoke, “There is something else you should know, Goyse. I’m on the pill.”

“You’re fucking joking. You mean to say that all this time you knew that you couldn’t conceive and you didn’t tell me?”

“Yep, Good trick, aye?”

"Why did you pretend that tonight you would get pregnant?"

"It turned you on. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I shook my head and turned over away from her. As I did so I looked at Jatz and she was asleep. What I didn’t tell Linda was that I had seen the pills in her bedside drawer while looking for a condom. I wasn’t sure she was taking them but because the number of pills aligned with her cycle, I suspected that she was.

Linda laughed and continued, “Come on, Goyse. I didn’t know that you could definitely be trusted. I spoke to Debbie about what Ken wanted and she suggested that I should get on the pill before you and I got together. You did enjoy last night, didn’t you?”

“Yes, it was very special.”

“Yes, it was, wasn’t it? Come on round to my side of the bed and let me hold you while we sleep. I have to be up by ten to get ready for work.”

I walked around to her. She turned away from me and I cuddled up to her. My limp cock lay down near her crotch. She gently took me and placed me between her legs. I placed my arm around her and took her breast in my hand.

“I love you, Goyse.”

“Yes, Linda and I love you too but you must never tell me that again and I won’t ever tell you again either. We have a short time together and we can’t afford to complicate it more than it needs to be.”

She let out a little giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“That’s really what Debbie said to me but in different words. She said that you can love a person without telling them and unless it is going to be permanent you should never tell them.”

“Our Debbie is a smart lady. I bet she knew what was going to happen to us.”

“Yes, she told me that I would meet a very special lady through you who would have a great impact on my life.”

“It sounds like we have a long way to go yet.”

“Yes, I guess so. Good night, Goyse.”

“Good morning, Linda.” 


Written by goyse
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