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Stories of my Youth Chapter 5 – Meeting Ken.

"Ken comes home to meet me."

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I visited Linda every night that week. Each night she asked me to stay with her and of course, I did. We made love at every opportunity. I had purchased some condoms to provide the necessary protection to make sure that we didn’t give Ken a bouncing little gift.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday night I spent in the restaurant. On Debbie’s suggestion, Linda organized some tasks for me to keep me away from interfering with her work. I think that Debbie, being the businesswoman she was, saw an opportunity to get some work done for free.

Unlike our first night together, Linda spoke on the phone to her husband each night with me not present. I made a point of allowing them privacy and made no attempt to interfere. On Saturday night after her phone call, she came back, sat on my lap and cuddled up to me. We kissed. I felt that she had something to tell me so I said nothing to allow her to speak first.

“He’s coming home.”

“Who, Ken?”

“Yes, he just told me he is booked on the Sunday night flight.”

“You said he was not due back for six weeks. What has brought this on?”

“He said he has got time off to come home to meet you.”


“He wouldn’t say but I think he is worried about losing me.”

“Should he be worried?”

“Maybe.” She turned her head and looked at the floor for a time. I expected that she had more to say but was looking for the words so I waited patiently and didn’t interfere.

“Yes, he probably should be worried. You have given me something that I haven’t had before at any time in my life. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know if there is an explanation for it. It’s in here.” She placed both hands below her breasts then continued, “And in here.” This time she placed a hand over her crotch.

“So you feel different sexually?”    

“Yes, but that doesn’t adequately explain it. I am starting to feel attached, emotionally attached. It’s only been a week but if you told me you weren’t coming back again I would feel… I don’t know, perhaps depressed.”

“Ken must have detected how you feel.”

“No, he didn’t have to. He asked me and I told him that I was getting emotionally involved. I told him yesterday and tonight he said he is coming home for four days. He wants me to ask you to come back home with me tomorrow. Can you do that?”

“I’d have to talk to dad. I think he can run the place on his own. I can get a mate to help him. He will want to know why, so I’ll tell him you are ill and have to go south to see a doctor. Is that okay with you?”

“No worries. I hope that Ken is not going to try to split us up.”

“Don’t worry. He may be frightened that he is going to lose you. When I have the chance, I’ll explain to him that is not on the radar. You need to make sure he knows that too.”

“I wish I was as confident as you are.”

“Isn’t that what we agreed to on that first night? From what you said to me I understood that I was not to put your marriage at risk.”

“Yes, but that was last week.”

“Hey, look at me.” I lifted her face by putting my fingers under her chin. “It’s going to be okay. Trust me. When Ken goes back after I talk to him, he will know that his marriage is secure and he will believe that there is no risk from me.”

“Obviously you don’t feel the same way I do.”

“Linda! What we feel for each other is between you and me and no one else. If Ken believes that his marriage is at risk, he will do everything in his power to stop me being with you and all three of us will be hurt. I promised you that I would not hurt you and I promised you that I would not destroy your marriage to Ken. They were the terms under which I stayed with you that first night and that still applies today.”

“As I said, obviously you don’t feel the same way I do.”

“This is the wrong time for me to tell you how I feel. Once Ken has left, if you need to know I will discuss it with you but not before. Besides, have you considered that Ken may be coming home for some other reason? Is it possible that he just wants to meet me?”

“His decision to come home was taken when I told him that I was getting emotionally involved. It’s not for any other reason. He takes his work too seriously for it to be just to meet you.”

“Come on. Let’s relax and worry about that later.”

“I can’t relax. I have to work out what I will do if he tries to break us up.”

“Stop worrying, Ken is not going to break us up. He has a lover and if he stops you from having one then he will become a loser as well. He might feel insecure but he will know that to break us up after what you have told him will mean the chance of losing you will be a lot greater.”

“I guess you are right.”

“Come to bed with me. I want to make love to you. I want to take your worries and concerns away. Come on!”

I moved her off my lap, took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, I started to undress her while looking her in the eyes. Once I had removed her top, her bra and dropped her skirt I took her in my arms and kissed her. She made no attempt to remove my clothes as she had done on every occasion that we had made love.

We kissed for a long time but Linda still didn’t make any attempt to remove my clothes. I picked her up and lay her down on the bed. I then lay down beside her. She was still looking at me intently. I wondered what was going on in her mind so simply lay there looking at her. She didn’t speak and the silence was getting to me.

“Are you okay?”

“Not really.”

“Talk to me. Have I done something wrong?”

“No, you have treated me better than anyone in my life. I’m trying to rationalize my feelings with everything that has happened over the last week.”

“What do you mean rationalize your feelings?”

“When we first met I wanted to have sex with you. One of the girls had told me that there was a rumour going around that you were with a very experienced woman. She had told the girls at the restaurant that sex with you was better than anything that she had ever experienced. You didn’t even notice me when you brought her in for lunch but I noticed you.”

“Yes, Janice has a big mouth.”

“When you came in with Carol, I felt a strange attraction to you but I thought it was sexual. Ken had told me that I should find a lover and I thought the attraction was my desire to have sex with a man who had a reputation. I thought that we could get together, have good sex but not get emotionally involved. Of course, I now know that I was wrong.”

“Okay, but there seems to be more to it. We are in a similar position. I understood that I could not afford to become emotionally involved because you are married. Everything you say we face together. Surely you must see that this is not just a sexual affair for me?”

“Yes, I can see that but you don’t face the prospect that tomorrow night Ken will want to undress me the same way as you just did. He will then want to have sex with me. What you said earlier is that you expect me to pretend nothing has changed but it has. I won’t want him to undress me. I won’t want to have sex with him. I will want it to be you. I’m worried that he will detect that.”

“Why not tell him? Do you still love him?”

“Yes, of course, I still love him. He’s my husband. I still care for him but I will have trouble wanting to have sex with him.”

“Then tell him. Ask him would he like to watch us make love. He obviously was excited when I listened to you talking to him last Monday night. He might prefer to be present with us when we make love rather than do so himself.”

“Why would he prefer that?”

“Just over a year ago I had an experience where my then girlfriend got carried away with another man. Initially, I was very jealous but then I saw how much she was enjoying it. I wanted her to have what I couldn’t give her so I let her go and sat back to watch. I think Ken might want a similar experience based on his reaction last week.”

“I hope you are right. If we could do that it would be great.”

“When Ken and I first meet I’d like you to find an excuse to leave us alone together so we can talk. Would you do that?”

“Okay, if that is what you want.”

We spent the night holding each other and talking. I wanted us to make love but what I wanted was not as important as making sure that she felt secure. Early in the morning she turned away from me and pushed herself back against me into the spoon position. It felt great to hold her like that. A couple of hours later she got up to go to the toilet and came back nude. While she was away I had removed my clothes. She climbed back into bed and rather than putting her back to me she cuddled up facing me.

“I’m falling in love with you.”

“Yes, I know.”

“How could you know that if I didn’t know until tonight?”

“I’ve been watching you closely.”

“Do you love me?”

“Linda, please. Ask me after Ken goes back to work.”

“What has it to do with Ken?”

“We need to deal with him before we make any serious commitments to each other.”


The city was a couple of hundred miles away from my home town. Ken’s flight was arriving around eight o’clock on Monday morning. On Sunday evening after the restaurant closed we drove down to the city to miss the heavy morning traffic and stayed at a motel near the airport. We were sitting at the airport thirty minutes before the plane landed.

I watched the passengers entering the terminal and identified Ken from his photograph near Linda’s television. Ken looked directly at me at the same time as I spotted him which surprised me but then I remembered that Linda had sent him a photograph of me with Carol.

Ken didn’t go to Linda as I had expected but came to me with his hand out. I took his hand and said, “Hello Ken, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice meeting you too, Goyse. The photo that Linda sent me didn’t do you justice. You look a lot fitter than I had expected.”

“I train quite a bit for my football and for my water skiing. I try to overcome my shortfalls in my sport by trying to be fitter than everyone else.”

“You play football?”

“Yes, I’ve played Rugby League since I was a kid and I’ve taken up water-skiing in the last couple of years.”

He turned to Linda, “Hello honey,” and gave her a little peck on the cheek. I was surprised. It was not the type of greeting that I had expected of a husband who had been away from his wife for a number of weeks.

Linda replied with a hi and then said, “Let’s get out of here. I’m keen to get home.”

We walked back to the car. Ken put his bags in the boot and then climbed into the back seat. Again, this surprised me. I had naturally assumed that I would sit in the back. As Linda drove off I turned to the back and asked Ken, “Have you had breakfast?”

“No, not yet, the fight left last night and everything was closed where the flights crossed over.”

I turned back to Linda, “Take us to a diner and we’ll all have breakfast before we go to your place.”

“I’ve got to buy a couple of things so I’ll stop at the plaza close to home. You and Ken can have breakfast and get to know each other better while I shop.”

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“Sounds good,” Ken replied.

The drive took around thirty minutes. While Linda drove, Ken and I chatted about his work. He was the boss of a company with offshore drilling rigs and gas platforms. Most of the workers worked three weeks on and three weeks off but Ken was the one who pulled the shifts together so had to be present most of the time. When I pointed out that it sounded like a lousy job he replied that the salary compensated for the inconvenience. He also pointed out that he spent most nights on the mainland while the crews lived on the platforms.

After we ordered breakfast, Linda excused herself to leave Ken and me to munch our way through our bacon and eggs. I was wondering how I could turn the conversation around to the important subject matter when Ken asked, “What are your intentions with Linda, Goyse?”

“My intentions, I don’t quite understand what you are asking?”

“Okay, so you are going to make it difficult for me, are you?”

“Why would I want to make it difficult for you, Ken? The question was open-ended and not very specific. I didn’t understand exactly what you wanted to know or how much you wanted me to tell you. Let me explain. Linda told me that you wanted her to take a lover. She resisted for some time but you were insistent. Given that information, I’m assuming that you don’t think that we sit around twiddling our thumbs at night, so the answer to the question should have been obvious to you.” 

“That explains the sexual part of it but I was more interested in the emotional side and what your long term intentions are?”

“I would have thought that was more a question for your wife. But seeing as how you asked before Linda would let me near her she explained that she was married and that I should have no long term aspirations regarding anything other than sharing her bed. I had to give a commitment to her before any relationship could begin.”

“I appreciate you making that commitment. I don’t want to lose her.”

“Now it’s my turn to ask you a question, Ken.”

“Okay, fire.”

“Why did you want her to take a lover if your marriage was so important to you?”

“That’s a difficult one. I have a Chinese lady who I spend my time with when I’m out of the country. She understands that I’m married now and she accepts it. I was concerned that Linda would find a lover without my involvement which probably would destroy our marriage. By doing it this way our marriage has a good chance of surviving.”

“Are you in love with your overseas lover?”

“It is hard to make love to a woman for any length of time without some emotional ties occurring.”

“But you seem to expect that it won’t happen with Linda and me?”

“Oh, I do expect it actually but the reason why I came back was that I didn’t expect it to happen in only one week.”

“You came back for no other reason?”

“What are you getting at?”

“On our first night together while Linda talked to you on the phone you were obviously excited by what we were doing.”

“Yes. I had difficulty understanding that.”

“I understand it. I once witnessed my then girlfriend making love to a much better-endowed man than me. The sexual stimulation was incredible. Even now a couple of years later I dream of it and I can’t help but get an erection.”

“You watched them having sex?”

“Yes, I watched then have sex three times that night. It was the most incredible experience of my life so far. I may not ever experience something like that again.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I wondered when you said you were coming home if you were coming back here with the intent of watching Linda and I having sex. I thought that if that was the reason then perhaps the thought of it was too much for you to wait another six weeks for.”

“You would let me watch you?”

“I would, yes but you would have to ask Linda. I could never ask her on your behalf. I’m afraid that is something that has to be your responsibility.”

“What would she think of me, asking something like that?”

“She would probably think you are a loving, caring husband who gets sexually aroused by her getting sexual satisfaction.”

“It’s more likely that she would think that I’m a weirdo.”

“You asked her to tell me to ejaculate inside her without protection. I don’t think she will think any worse of you for wanting to watch me do it to her. Can I ask you another question, Ken?”

“If you feel that you need to.”

“When you asked her to tell me to cum inside her was it just for the sexual excitement or is there another reason?”

He sat looking at me for a while before he answered. I sat patiently waiting. “If I answer that one you must promise me you will never tell Linda.”

“Anything you tell me I won’t repeat to anyone. You have my word on it.”

“A little over six months ago, Jatz, my overseas girlfriend got clucky and asked me would I be willing to give her the child she has always wanted. To her, it was about her security in old age. I have been putting aside funds to see her through until later in life so if we were to break up she would be well cared for financially but she would have no family to care for her. I understood her concern and agreed. After months of trying my seed didn’t take so, I went in for a test.”

“You went in for a fertility test?”

“Yes, last time that I was home.”

“And it failed. Is that what you are saying?”

“I have some live sperm but the doctor told me that it was unlikely that I would ever father a child. The chances are one in a million.”

“That explains a lot. There is something that it is imperative that you understand, Ken. I will not impregnate Linda unless she wants it and asks me to do it. She is too important to me to do that to her.”

“Are you telling me that you are falling in love with her?”

“I’ll keep your little secret if you keep mine. She must not know. I only tell you because as her husband you have a right to know. The other thing that I have to tell you is that I made a promise that I would not destroy your marriage and I intend keeping it.”

“Thanks, I’m grateful.”

“You shouldn’t be. I’m doing it for Linda, not for you.”

“I’m still grateful.”

I spotted Linda entering the diner. Ken saw me shift my eyes towards the door. He quickly reached under the table and placed his bag on the seat beside him. Linda went to move his bag to sit down and he said, “Sit over with Goyse, love. I may want to get my camera out of my bag.”

Linda looked at me and then back to Ken, pulled an inquisitive face and then sat beside me. I asked her how her shopping went and she told me that they didn’t have what she wanted in stock.

“What have you boys been talking about?”

Ken looked at me then back at Linda before he replied. “We have been talking about you actually. I pointed out to Goyse that I didn’t want to interfere with your relationship so I have volunteered to sleep in the spare room while I’m home. It’s only fair because I shouldn’t be here.”

Linda addressed herself to me, “You agreed with that, Goyse?”

“Not really, I didn’t feel right about putting a man in the spare room in his own home. My suggestion was that the three of us sleep together but only if all three of us agree.”

“Are you asking me can you join Ken and me in our matrimonial bed?”

“Not really, what I was asking was could Ken join us while you and I make love?”

“I don’t quite understand. What would Ken be doing while you and I make love?”

“Well that’s up to him but I suspect that he would be doing something similar to what he was doing while you and I made love and he was on the phone.”

“You people are a pair of kinks. Come on let’s get home before you come up with something worse.”

She got up and walked out of the shop. Ken and I followed behind. We drove to their home in silence. Linda had not given us her answer. I was starting to become concerned that I had messed things up for all of us.

When she got out of the car she stopped and turned around to face us. “Okay, Ken, I know this is your idea. How you talked Goyse into it I’ll never be able to guess. I’ll agree on one condition. If I make love to Goyse you miss out and I’m not just talking about now. I mean you miss out for the foreseeable future. If you want this bad enough then what you are effectively doing is giving ownership of my pussy to Goyse.”

I looked at Ken. He had a look of horror on his face. She had shocked him. I thought he will never agree to that.

“Come on, you boys. Get inside and put the kettle on to make us a coffee while you think about it, Ken. Come on, Goyse, I’ll show you the master bedroom. Bring your things.”

I followed her upstairs. Once we were out of sight in the bedroom she turned towards me, kissed me and said, “I don’t know how you pulled that off but he is going to agree to it. I know him. If the answer was no he would have said so straight away.” With that, she turned and walked back down to the kitchen. I followed.

Ken was nowhere to be seen. I wondered where he had disappeared to. It gave me an opportunity to cuddle up to Linda in between tasks she was performing in preparing the coffee. Once the coffees were poured she gave me a dish with a couple of biscuits on and a white coffee and asked me to take them to Ken in his office, “second door on the left of the downstairs corridor,” she said.

The door was not fully closed so I walked straight in to find Ken sitting on a lounge chair with his cock in his hand obviously masturbating. His cock looked even smaller than Linda had described it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Ken. I should have knocked.”

“That’s alright. I should have closed the door. I thought you and Linda would have taken the opportunity upstairs to make love. The thought of it got me horny. I had to deal with it.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Ken. If we come to an agreement I promise that I will give you an opportunity to be present every time that I make love to her while you are home. It will then be up to you if you join us or not.”

“Thanks, Goyse. You would already know that I’ll agree to her terms. What option do I have really? She tells me that you are at least twice my size and twice as thick. Why would she want me after you? You just saw how small I am. I don’t stand a chance do I?”

“She loves you, Ken. She has made that very clear to me right from the start. You love her, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course. Why do you think I have let her find a lover? I wanted her to know what sex with a real man is like. How can someone like me satisfy a beautiful sexy woman like Linda? I can’t even give her children.”

“Does any of that matter if you love each other?”

“She loves you now. It’s only a matter of time and she won’t want me around.”

“Rubbish! The size of a man’s dick doesn’t determine how much a woman loves him. You have found a solution to keeping her sexually satisfied and I’m not taking her away from you. There won’t be an issue when she wants a child. Come on, join us for coffee.”

“No, I have some things to do here. I’ll leave you alone with Linda to talk.”

I returned to the kitchen. Linda had set our coffees up in an outside atrium attached to the house. As we drank our coffee I told Linda what Ken had said to me leaving out the part about his fertility. She explained that he always was putting himself down when he was home and it wasn’t anything new. I told her that he had agreed to the arrangement. Once we finished our coffees, she told Ken that we were going to lie down to rest for a while and that he was welcome to join us if he wanted to.

Ken told her that he had a few things to do in the office and told her to enjoy herself. He said he would join us that night.  

Written by goyse
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