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Stories of my youth Chapter 15 – New Years Day

"I spend time with my friends sister, Debra and Sue cheats with some old friends"

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Stories of my Youth Chapter 15 – New Year’s Day

Despite how late I had got to sleep I was up at seven-thirty. By eight o’clock I was showered and dressed so sat out the front of the unit eating my toast and drinking my coffee not wanting to wake Linda and Jatz up. I watched all the cars going past on the way down to the celebrations at the beach.

I didn’t recognize many of the people in the cars but then I saw one that I did recognize. It was Sue. She sat in the back of a car. The middle-aged driver had reddish hair as did a lad in the back with Sue while in the front the passenger looked to be a middle-aged dark-haired lady indicating to me where Sue got her darkish hair.

Sue saw me and gave me a little wave. I had wished that she wouldn’t know where I was staying. For now, I wanted to keep my beach hideaway a secret except for those very close to me. For now, Sue had not joined that category and fresh in my mind were the warnings from Jatz. Although I had not taken her warnings totally on board I hadn’t rejected them either.

I wandered back inside. I washed my dishes and looked at the clock. I had fifteen minutes until I was to meet. I looked down over the park and saw her walking towards our agreed meeting point. After attending to toilet I left through the rear door to arrive at the spot dead at nine o’clock.

I had kept my meeting with Debra a secret from everyone. Actually, I hoped that she wouldn’t make it or she would have second thoughts. During the prior three weeks, my mate Geoff had been pressurizing me into meeting with his sister, Debra. Eventually, I had given in while telling Geoff that I didn’t feel comfortable about it. He told me that he trusted me and that he felt that it was all for the best, whatever that meant. Whichever way it went I was meeting Debra at nine o’clock and I wasn’t feeling very comfortable about it at all.

As I walked up Debra smiled and said, “Hi, Goyse. I’m happy to see you. I thought for a moment you weren’t coming.”

“Hi Debra, yes, I’m here. I must admit that I’m not feeling comfortable about it though.”

“Oh, I had hoped you might enjoy spending the day with me, at least I had hoped so.”

“It has nothing to do with you, Deb. It’s more to do with me.”

“Why have you been ill?”

“No, I’ve never been better but I have some commitments that make being with you at this stage potentially a problem.”

“Is it another woman?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. I can’t offer you anything other than a bit of walking and talking and nothing more today or probably any day for that matter.”

“Is she here today?”


“So, can we go somewhere else? I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

“Come on, let’s walk the beach towards the north. It’ll be nice and quiet up there and we can always cross the bridge and have a coffee on the Island if we feel inclined to.”

“That sounds good to me. Let’s go.”

We had walked a few hundred yards when I felt her take my hand. I looked at her and she grinned. I grinned back. I would have preferred that she not hold my hand, but I was not going to insult her by pulling my hand away because she was a good person. I was the last person who would ever wish to insult her.

It was a couple of miles to the end of the beach where there was a bridge across the river that separated the island from the mainland. As we got closer to the river a number of stingrays lay in the shallows taking in the sun. She led me out towards them and we watched as they played together in the shallow water stirring up the sand. As we stood there a couple of them came across just in front of us as if checking out what we were doing.

“We are watching them to understand how they interact and they are watching us to see how we interact. Isn’t that exciting?” she asked.

“Maybe you’re reading too much into it. They might be checking us out to see if we are good to eat.”

“There’s one way to know. Hold me and kiss me and see what they do.”

“Do you think they would know what we were up to?”

“There’s one way to find out. Come on.”

I put my arm around her and pulled her body into mine. She raised her face up towards me and we kissed. The kiss lasted quite a while. She certainly knew how to kiss and her body felt good, good enough that my erect cock was pushing into her stomach.

“Look, they understand. They are screwing.”

“No they aren’t. They are just playing.”

“He climbed on top of her when they saw us kissing. Look he is using his wings to raise and lower his body on her. They are, Goyse. They are fucking. Oh, it makes me so randy to think that animals get horny just watching us kiss.”

“They are not animals. They are fish and they aren’t screwing. They work together like that to stir up the sand to bring the worms to the surface. They are hunting for food.”

“Then why did they come up to us and watch us?”

“They probably use the extra weight on the sand to detect movement of the worms in the sand. In some way we might be helping them feed. These are not voyeur sting rays although you appear to be a voyeur woman, watching sting ray mate even when they aren’t.”

“Well, it makes me horny, anyway. Can we go up into the bushes together?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Frightened of me, are you?”

“Terrified is the right word for it but even so I’m more frightened of the mosquitos. Those bushes are mangroves and if you get in there and show even a little bit of skin you’ll need a blood transfusion by the end of the day. It’s okay out here because the wind off the ocean keeps them at bay. Anyway, why would you want to get me in the bushes? You know the score.”

She looked at me very seriously for a moment as if thinking of what to say. I waited, “I want you to be my first.”

“You want me to be your first what?”

“Goyse, please, don’t embarrass me anymore. You know what I’m saying.”

“Debra, I’ve already told you I can’t offer you more than just a quick roll in the hay. There is no future with me. Surely you want to keep what you have for someone special where there is some type of future.”

“This girl you are meeting later, has she kept her virginity for you?”


“So what is the issue? I’ve made my choice because of who you are. There is no one else that I can trust as I trust you. Geoff told me that you are the only one who never talks to others about your love affairs. I can’t say the girls that you have been would do the same.”

“You shouldn’t believe everything that people say, Deb. Some makeup little stories to make it look like their love life is just a bit better than other people’s. Besides, maybe I don’t talk of my love affairs because I have none to talk about.”

She laughed at my last comment but ignored it than with a serious look on her face said, “Goyse, I’m asking you. This is very important to me. We may never have an opportunity like today. I want you to make love to me. Will you do it?”

“I’ve got to be back to the celebrations by one o’clock.”

“Then we had better get going then.”

“Okay, come with me. We will need to hurry.”

“Where are we going?”

“Let’s go back to my unit. I have a couple of people staying with me but they will be gone by ten o’clock which is about when we will get back if we keep moving. We will need to take the road up there.” I pointed up to the top of the sandhill to the road that went past the rear of my unit.

As we entered my unit, I noticed my car was missing so I knew that Linda and Jatz had already left. Jatz was a good organizer and seldom missed a timeline. She would have to have worked hard to get Linda moving by ten.

I turned towards Debra to find her removing her clothing. Nothing was going to stop this girl from getting what she wanted. I picked her up and took her to my bedroom. I sat her on the edge of my bed and got a towel from the cupboard and lay it down in the middle of the bed.

“What’s the towel for?”

“If this is your first time as you have said then you will bleed and I don’t want to mess up my bed.”

“You think of everything, don’t you? Geoff told me that you were systematic about everything that you do. He said that you plan before you act then even work out the possible consequences and have an answer before it goes wrong.”

“He’s probably right. I just don’t like too many surprises. All my life I have watched as people get themselves in the shit by doing things before thinking about them.  I know sometimes I’m a bit too cautious. I miss important things, like you for example. I miss things that others might see.”

“What about me?”

“You know, about how you felt. I didn’t realize because you seemed to have other guys showing interest so I guess I thought of you more as a little sister. I was always there to protect you if you needed me but I didn’t….   I don’t know. I’m just sorry. It couldn’t have been easy for you. I’m sorry, Deb. I just didn’t know.”

“Hey, come on, Goyse. Kiss me. Forget the crap and let’s move on.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her. She put her arms around my neck and lifted her feet off the floor and wrapped her legs around my hips. I was still dressed and my stiff cock was caught in my underpants and it was uncomfortable. Despite that, I could feel the heat from her body radiating out into me especially into my lower body. It felt good. I reached around behind her and undid the tie on her bikini top revealing her little pert breasts.

I walked with her to my bed and lowered my body to allow her to sit on the side of the bed and dropped my swimmers with my underpants to the floor. I then reached forward to lower her upper body along the bed. Her bikini bottoms didn’t want to come off. Deb reached down and undid the tie at her side to allow me to remove them. As she did that she got the first view of my cock. I lay down beside her and she put her head on my shoulder.

“My God, you’re big. I didn’t imagine that.”

“Thanks for the compliment but there are many men bigger than me.”

“You will have to be careful with me.”

“Of course, I will. If it worries you we can leave it to another day.”

“No, I didn’t mind that. It’s just that I haven’t seen one so big.”

“Have you seen many?”

“I’ve seen a few. I saw Geoff’s when I walked in on him playing with it. Four boys that I have been on dates with have let me touch them. One of them showed me how he masturbates and let me help him do it. He fingered me as well.”

“Did you have an orgasm?”

“Yes, a little one.”

“To know that it was just a little one you must know what a big one is like. Tell me about the big one or is it ones?”

“I do what all girls do. I’m told that boys do it too.”

“You mean you self-satisfy or masturbate?”

“Yes, do you?”

“Yes, all the time when there is no one there for me.”

“What do you think of while you do it?”

“I think of touching a woman like I’m doing to you now. I think of beautiful, pert tits and how the nipples feel.” I moved my hands over both of her breasts and then focused on taking each of her nipples between my finger and thumb. “Then I think of moving my hands slowly southwards like this.” I moved my left hand down towards her crotch. “Then I think of rubbing my fingers through her dark bush like this. In my mind, she lifts her hips like you just did and she spreads her legs slightly just like you did now.”

“Oh Goyse, that feels so nice.”

“Then I kiss her like this.” We kissed. She moved her head around as we kissed. I broke away from the kiss. “Then I move slowly down so that I can see her beautiful wet pussy, like this.” I moved down between her legs and used my arms to push her legs further apart. “When I see the little bit of pink I dream of placing my tongue and licking her from the bottom to the top like this.”

“Oh Goyse!” I could hear a vibration in her voice which I knew was because of her excitement increasing.

“My dream woman lifts up and spreads her legs wider to give me increased access so I repeat it several times like this.”

“My God, don’t stop. It feels so good.”

After several trips up along her slit, I notice two things. The first is her anus making little movements. The other her little clitoris poking out from between its covers so then I start a little lower and repeat the process. I placed my tongue just down from her rear hole and brought my tongue from there all the way up to her clit.

“Fuck that feels incredible.”

I know that by this time she will be very wet indeed and I know she has to be wet for what will follow so I stop licking her slit and focus my attention on her little clitoris like this—I ran my tongue around her button teasing her by not touching it directly. Deb moved her but around trying to get me to give direct attention to her clit.

“Lick me more please!”

I then take a finger and rub it up and down her slit a few times before I push it inside her.


After pushing one finger in I then add a second finger.

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Once she is very wet I bend my fingers and press the tips upward to find her erogenous spot or G spot.

“Oh, God.”

Once she is settled down I start to move slowly and look her straight in the eyes. When she closes her eyes I increase the movement.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Oh, fuck me.”

As she squirts her juices onto my towel I quickly move down and place my mouth over her pussy to drink her fluids and move my tongue around her clit to keep her orgasm going and going and going….

“Oh Goyse, I’m cumming, I’m cuuummmiiiinnnngggg and  cuummmiiiinnnngggg, oh God!”

Her orgasm had passed. I lay back beside her, pulled her head up and kissed her. I expect she could taste herself on my lips.

“Are you okay, Deb?”

“That was just unbelievable.”

“Yes, I enjoyed that as well.”

“You didn’t enter me? You didn’t cum.”

“No, but it was very enjoyable for me. I’m glad it was enjoyable for you?”

“It was just incredible. How did you do that to me?”

“I didn’t do much at all. It was your mind and your beautiful pussy that did that for you.”

“I didn’t think it could be that good.”

“Well, that was nothing. One day you will meet a man, or maybe it will be a woman who will sweep you off your feet. When that happens you will realize today was just a minor event in your life. Deb, you are very special and I care about you. I care about you too much to take your virginity away from you before you meet that special person.”

“I wanted it to be you.”

“Yes, I know you did but I’m not the right person, Deb. If I did what you wanted me too I would not be able to look myself in the mirror in the morning. It would probably take me a long time to recover and it might take you even longer. I can’t offer you what you want but I’ve tried to show you something. When you do meet the right person you might be able to show them how to make you feel like the very special person that you are.”

I kissed her and let her lay on my shoulder. We looked each other in the eye for a long time before she said, “Thanks, Goyse. It’ll take me a while to get over you. I do understand what you are saying and I do appreciate it.”

I ran Deb home to her parent’s home the next day and I have never seen her since.

 A couple of years later Geoff came to see me. He told me that Deb was getting married to a local farmer. He looked at me strangely and said, “Deb told me to tell you that you were right. It does get better every day. What did she mean by that?”

I ignored the question and replied, “It’s great to see she is doing okay. She will make a wonderful wife and mother. Tell our little sister that I still love her as much as I always have.”

“My little sister, you mean?”

“Yes, isn’t that what I said?” and just smiled at him. I hoped he didn’t see my feeling of sadness and the tears that I felt rising in me.

The events for the New Year’s Day celebrations had been bought forward by around two hours because of concern for an approaching weather front. This meant that where Sue’s father had expected to be called on to assist in the sports program around one o’clock he was required at eleven o’clock. It also meant that Sue would be expected to go home two hours earlier than she had planned.

Sue set about trying to find me the moment that her father was called upon. In desperation, she searched through the crowds without success. After an hour she located a person who we had spoken to the night before at the New Year’s Eve dance. He told her that he had seen me walking along the beach to the north with the sister of one of our friends. Sue immediately came to the conclusion that I was cheating with the girl.

Believing that she wouldn’t see me for the day and feeling angry she decided to go for a swim. While in the water she was accosted by a couple of lads she had gone to school with. They knew that she put out for other lads so decided to try their luck. Sue was not in the mood.

Initially, the lads tried doing things like pretending to undo the bow-tie on her bikini top. She chastised them thinking they would go away and leave her alone but they kept trying and laughing at her attempts to cover up when one of them accidental succeeded in undoing the tie. The lad immediately apologized saying it was just a bit of fun and he undid the tie by accident. He then complimented her on how well-formed her breasts were.

After some consideration, Sue decided that these lads were okay. In fact, she was starting to enjoy the attention. Given she believed her date for the day was off fucking some bitch she decided to join in their fun. She started by doing a little flashing by lowering her body into the water and pulling her bikini top down believing they would get a little look but the water would cover her up fairly well. Wrong! On the next wave that passed both her tits came clear of the water in the trough that followed.

Seeing as how they had already got an eye full, Sue didn’t replace her top at all. One of the lads came up behind her while the other came up to her from the front. She was trapped. She felt the cock of the guy behind her and realized he was sexually excited and it had a similar effect on her. It was then that she realized that the lad to the front of her was very well endowed. That was the last straw. She wanted them.

When one of them undid the tie at the side of her bikini bottom she didn’t object. She turned her head to look at the lad behind her and said, “You’re first.”

The lad pushed her body forward and steered his cock into her from behind. The other lad backed off a little, patiently waiting his turn.

By this time I was looking crazily for her. Having found no sign of Sue around the crowd I decided to go to the lifeguard tower and search the water with the guard's Binoculars. Joe, one of my old school friends was in the tower and passed some glasses for me. I scanned the water and almost immediately spotted someone who looked like Sue with two young guys. As I watched I saw her remove her top. As a wave passed, her breasts were on display to anyone within twenty yards of her.

As I watched I saw the two lads sandwich her in-between them. I went to put the glasses down to rush to her assistance when I saw one bend his head down and it looked as if they kissed. She then turned to say something to the lad behind her and he pushed her forward bending her at the waist while the one in front stepped back from her. It looked as if the guy was fucking her from behind.

This was confirmed when I spotted her bikini bottoms float to the surface. The second lad grabbed them and handed them to Sue. There was no doubt at all now. She was getting fucked. I looked at the time and saw that it was now one thirty. A wave of anger passed through me. “Fuck her,” I whispered to myself. I continued watching. The lad obviously finished as she pulled away from him turned and kissed him.

The second lad moved towards her and she placed her arms around his neck. This lad was taller and very well built. I saw him lift her up and then let her slide down his body. She threw her head back and I remembered her doing the same with me the previous night when I penetrated her. I watched as the man lifted her and dropped her over and over again obviously onto his cock.

I watched as Sue raised her face up to kiss the man fucking her. She was humping her back now as he drove his weapon into her. The anger that I felt had passed, replaced by sexual arousal. My erection in my swimmers was making me feel uncomfortable. I adjusted myself and looked across to my friend. The friend saw me look.

“You can see it too,” he asked. “They are giving that bird a good seeing to. Hope she’s on the pill or something because they wouldn’t have rubbers on them out there.”

“Yea, I guess so,” was all I said and went back to watching.

“Look at the old guy. He’s moving slowly towards them. I expect he wants to have a bit of it too.”

“He’ll probably get it too,” I answered quietly.

“Probably will. Maybe you and I should join the line.” The guard said with a laugh.

“May as well. I’ll catch you later. Thanks for the use of the glasses.”

“Did you find your girlfriend?”

I stopped and looked back at him to make sure he was not having a shot at me but then realized he would have no idea what Sue looked like. “No, I think I know who that girl is though. I might check to see that she is alright when she comes out of the water.”

“Are you kidding, she seems to be absolutely loving it. She is working harder than the man fucking her.”

“You can never tell with these things Brian. I’ll make sure she is okay.”

“More likely you are planning to join the lineup.”

“Can you think of anything better to do?”

“Good luck. Don’t let your girlfriend catch you.”

I just laughed and walked away. By the time I got to the beach, I could see Sue moving away from the old guy who obviously had accosted her for his turn.

Sue was almost on top of me before she saw me.

“Goyse, I’ve been looking for you.”

“You didn’t look very hard; I was waiting for you as organized at one o’clock.”

“I got away early and was told you were with some woman down the beach so I went for a swim.”

“Here let me straighten your bikini for you. You didn’t get it straight when you put it back on after you finished with those guys.” I bent down and retied her bow on her bikini bottom and rubbed some sperm away from the junction of her bikini bottom and flicked it onto the ground. I then adjusted her top. There was nothing wrong with her top but I made a point of doing it to show her that I knew.

“You saw me?”

“Yes, like half the people around the area, I saw you getting fucked.”

“You’re not angry?”

“Of course I’m angry, but I don’t own you. I hope you have a reasonable explanation for me.”

“Can we go up to your place so I can clean up?”

“I guess so. I expect you don’t want to front your dad smelling like a two bob whore.”

“Is that what you think of me?”

“I don’t know what I’m expected to think. Perhaps you should tell me?”

“I guess I can’t blame you.”

“Come on.” I walked away up the pathway. She followed like a little puppy dog following its master.

When we went inside I found her a towel and led her to the bathroom off the master suite. I turned to walk away.

“Aren’t you going to join me?”

“What do you mean by join you?”

“Goyse, you are not fooling me. You might be angry with me but I saw that you were sexually aroused while you adjusted my bikini. That had nothing to do with my bikini. You were aroused by the thought of me being fucked by those two men.”

“Why would I be aroused by the woman that I want to date being fucked by two strangers?”

“To start with they were not strangers. I went to school with them and they have tried to get into my pants before and I had always turned them away.”

“So why didn’t you turn them away this time?”

“While I was looking for you down at the beach I was told that you had walked up towards the north with another woman. You know why couples go up to the north beach don’t you?”

“No but you are about to tell me.”

“They go up there to fuck. Nobody swims there because the water is too shallow and it is infested with stingrays and ray sharks so couples get privacy.”

“Do you think I went there to fuck my buddy’s younger sister?”

 “From what I was told she is old enough and very well built.”

“Do you think I would do that to a buddy’s sister without his approval? What person gives his mate the okay to fuck his sister anyway? You appear to have a major problem with jealousy. If you thought this through you would realize that you don’t have the right to be jealous of me in these circumstances.”

“I’m sorry. I just got jealous without thinking about it. That’s the way I am.”

“I think you should have your shower.”

“I want you to join me. I want you to make love to me in the shower.”

“What? You want me to go slippery seconds after those other guys?”

“Yes, I do. You enjoyed it last night so why not again. I want to make it up to you and the starting point is to give my pussy to you.”

“You run a fairly convincing argument. I still have a little bit of anger in me so it could get a bit rough.”

“Good. Come on. I need to be back down there by three-thirty so it will need to be a quickie.”

We did make love and as she predicted I enjoyed it immensely. Throughout it, I couldn’t help comparing her with the different women that I have made love to and had sex with over the preceding few years. In terms of sexual satisfaction, she didn’t compare with most but for some unknown reason, it didn’t seem to matter to me. The attraction to her was so strong.  

At around three fifteen she broke away from me, quickly dried herself off, threw her clothes on and headed towards the door. Before she reached the door she turned towards me and said, “I’ll be at the coffee shop down on the waterfront tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. If you can forgive me for doing what I did earlier be there.”

With that she left. I walked down the stairway behind her. When she reached the platform halfway down the stairs she turned, took me into her arms and kissed me. Just as quickly she moved away and said, “Tomorrow then.”

I went to follow her but she said without turning, “That’s my dad and mum down there outside the coffee shop. If they see you I won’t be allowed to meet you tomorrow.”

I stopped and watched her all the way to her parents. Neither of them looked up but the younger red-headed boy with them checked me out quite thoroughly. It was as if he knew that I had been with Sue. I gave him a little wave and he waved back. With that I turned and returned home.

Written by goyse
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