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Stories of my Youth Chapter 14 – The start of a year

"When I arrive home from the dance Linda and Jatz wanted to know how it went."

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When I arrived home from the dance the three of us sat talking until early in the morning. Linda and Jatz wanted to know everything about my night out. I told them that Roz was with another man although I felt that she still showed interest in me. I went on to tell them about meeting my cousin and my aunt but left out all references to Sue except to say that I was to meet a young lady at nine o’clock today that I had been introduced to at the dance. Jatz appeared to be extremely excited of my prospects, asking many questions but Linda remained quiet once I had mentioned my plan to meet someone.

I was concerned that Linda may be becoming jealous again. I made a point of focusing my affection on her and before long she seemed to relax and joined back in the conversation.

It was three o’clock when Jatz said, “Has anyone seen the time. We should go to bed if you are meeting a lady at nine.”

When the girls got into bed they lay facing each other with Jatz’s back to me. This had become the normal positions when we went to bed at night over recent weeks. It was one of the things that had told me that our relationships were changing from when the three of us first got together. Initially, I was in the middle with the girls sharing me but now it was Jatz who was the centre of attention or rather I was on the outer. 

The girls kissed and held each other. I lay quietly for a time until I felt Jatz push her bottom back against me. I massaged her back and kissed her on the nape of the neck. As I kissed her she cooed like a little pigeon calling to its mate. I could see Linda’s face and she appeared to be drifting off to sleep. I whispered in Jatz’s ear.

“I’m going back into the lounge room. Follow me quietly.”


I got up making sure I didn’t disturb Linda and made my way downstairs. Jatz followed me.

“I didn’t want to wake Linda up,” I told Jatz.

“Yes, but if she does wake up she will get jealous again.”

“Then we will have to be quiet.”

“Tell me about the girl.”

“What girl?”

“The one you were with at the dance. The one you are meeting today.”

“How did you know I was with her at the dance?”

“I know you, Goyse. You were protecting Linda by not telling us but I could tell you were too happy. You had gone out hoping to meet up with Roz but she was with someone else. If you hadn’t met someone you would have been stressed and sad. You were happy so I knew something had happened.”

I lay down on the couch and motioned for her to lie on top of me which she did.  She guided me to her little tight love nest and then pushed down to get my head inside her. She kissed me.

“When the time comes I’m going to miss you, Goyse.”

“I’m going to miss you too honey. More than you could ever know.”

“We’ll still be good friends, won’t we?”

“I hope so, Jatz. There is no reason that we can’t be lifetime friends unless Linda gets jealous.”

“Now, tell me about your new woman. Did she make love to you?”

“Yes, we had sex in my car. She sat on me.”

“Sit up Goyse and show me how you made love. I want you to tell me how it felt for you. Jatz wants to know everything.”

Jatz got off me and I sat up. I then explained to her how Sue threw her leg over me. Jatz mimicked what I described. The only difference was that Jatz was too tight for me to slip all the way up inside her. Jatz tried a couple of times before she gave up.

“She must be very loose. She has had sex many, many times to be like that with you.”

“Yes, you’re right. She is very experienced. There is something else as well that I didn’t intend telling but it might explain things better for you.”

Jatz kept coming up with surprises and this was no exception. She knew exactly what I was about to tell her. “Oh no, someone had sex before you?”

“Yes, she told me that she had sex on the way to the dance.”

“Oh, she is married? She is cheating on her husband?”

“No, Jatz. He was just the one she travelled to the dance with. They made love in his car. She is not married.”

“This woman is no good for you Goyse. This woman is….  What you call it... Slut woman...  Whore!”

“Maybe, Jatz but I like her. I like being with her.”

“Goyse is like all men. They think with the wrong head. Women who would do that will keep doing that. This woman is no good for Goyse.”

“Maybe she will be, Jatz. We’ll see.”

“By the time you see it will be too late. Jatz knows what she is saying. Listen to Jatz.”

It is unfortunate that I didn’t listen to Jatz. Had I done so it would have saved me many, many hours of worry sitting at home alone not understanding what was happening. Jatz was a smart lady. She had everything going for her and now, years later I often think about her. I have come to the conclusion that it is quite possible that she loved me a good deal and had I asked her to stay with me our lives would have been a good deal happier. Why didn’t I? I didn’t because I was young and stupid and I had this mistaken concept that she belonged to someone else. I now understand that Jatz was her own person and belonged to no one, not even Linda.

While we were talking Jatz had worked me deep inside her. Knowing that I was not going to take her advice, Jatz stopped talking and started seriously working on me. Despite my having sex a number of times that day I remained erect. I pushed Jatz back away from me as I had done with Sue and took her left nipple into my mouth. Once again I got a little pigeon like coo from Jatz.

Her wetness was increasing as she worked hard on me. She was now still tight but slippery. To me, sex with Jatz always felt good but this time remains clearly in my memory as a special event. As time passed I moved from her left nipple to her right and then back again. Each time I changed she issued that little sexy coo which inspired me to work harder on her.

“Goyse, I’m going to cum. Wait for me, please.”

I chuckled. “You need not ask, Jatz. Tonight, this is for you. Kiss me Jatz.”

She kissed me and I held the kiss for a long time hoping that it might make her reach her peak sooner and it seemed to do the trick. I felt her struggling for her breath while I felt small contractions inside her. She then threw her head back and let out a loud groan as I felt her juices flooding down across my anus.

Her internal contractions went on for quite a while. As I felt her movements slow and she started to regain her composure I relaxed and shot my sperm deep inside her.

“You are so good to me, Goyse. No one can make me cum as you do. Now that you have met this Sue slut, Jatz will miss our time together.”

“Why do you think that it will make any difference, Jatz?”

“She will stop us. I know loose women. They protect their men as if they own them. They think everybody is like them so she will keep us apart. She will not trust me.”

“You didn’t seem to mind if it had been Roz. Why with Sue.”

“Roz is a good woman. She would not try to own Goyse.”

“We have two weeks together at the end of the month Jatz. No one can keep us apart during that time, not Roz, not Sue, not Ken, not Linda, not anyone. This will be our time together like man and wife as you said.”

She laughed. “I needed that time with you because I would be fertile at that time but today is twenty-eight days from the middle of that time.”

“Oh, I see.” It was obvious she was trying to tell me that she may already be pregnant. “Would you do me a favour, Jatz?”

“Jatz always will do Goyse a favour because she loves him.”

“I love you too Jatz. I want us to spend that fortnight together no matter what else happens. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“Yes, I understand but to do that I would have to lie to Linda and I don’t like to lie.”

“You don’t have to lie. You just need to forget to tell her.”

“She would know. She would see that my monthlies have not come.”

“Surely there is some way to hide that as well.”

“I’ll try but even if I can’t hide it I will still love Goyse.”

“Yes, and I will always love you, Jatz.”

“Come on, let’s go back to bed.”

When we returned to the bedroom Linda was sitting up with her back against a pile of pillows. Jatz went off to the bathroom. I looked at Linda and smiled.

“Can’t you keep it in your pants for a moment, Goyse? Jatz’s groaning and moaning woke me up.”

“Jealous, are we?”

“No, I’m not jealous. I’m just horny as hell. Come here. I’ve been preparing her for you.”

I lay down on the bed beside Linda and she rolled over on top of me. She took me in her hand and pointed me at her entrance. She was not lying. She was well prepared, hot and very wet. She sat down on me and I slipped all the way inside her. She then started stroking the full length of my cock.

Jatz returned. She lay beside me. She kissed me and then took Linda’s right breast into her mouth. Despite having sex several times since I got out of bed yesterday the warmth of Linda and her wetness had my mind thinking of her exploits in the sand dunes and I was very quickly rock hard. Jatz lifted her upper body, turned her head and kissed Linda. It was then that I noticed Linda’s hand down between Jatz’s legs. 

I lifted my head off the pillow to get a better sight of Linda working over Jatz. I started to wonder if Jatz had any of my cum left inside her when Linda pulled her hand away, raised it up to her face and licked her fingers clean. She then went back to fingering Jatz.

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After a short time once again Linda pulled her hand away from Jatz but this time she pushed her fingers into Jatz’s mouth. Jatz licked them clean. This was turning me on no end. It was obvious that Linda and Jatz had licked my cum and Jatz’s off Linda’s fingers. She repeated her travels once more but this time she bought her hand up to my face. The thought repulsed me but I was so turned on by this stage that I just closed my eyes and cleaned her fingers.

“Turn around Jatz,” Linda said.

Jatz did as she was asked without comment. Once she had turned around she straightened the leg nearest to me and opened her legs by dropping the other off the side of the bed. Linda moved her upper body across to put her face between Jatz’s legs and started licking her out. I couldn’t see much but knew what she was doing.

Watching this I was close to cumming. It knew it wouldn’t take much to tip me over the top. That point came when Linda lifted up, moved over and started kissing me. As we kissed she pushed something into my mouth. I had licked Jatz to orgasm more than once and I recognized her taste and her odour but there was something else there and I knew that was the taste of my sperm. 

“I’m cumming, oh God, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming," I shouted as I pumped what sperm I had left in me into Linda’s loose, wet pussy.

Linda was laughing. She knew that her last action had made me ejaculate and she enjoyed doing it to me. I felt a little humiliated that the detection of my own sperm could make me cum so hard and so quickly.

“What’s so funny?” Jatz asked her.

“Goyse cum when he tasted himself,” she replied still giggling as she said it.

“You’re a nasty bitch, Linda,” Jatz came back. Jatz had stood up as she said it.

“Yes, I am, aren’t I?” Linda stated as she moved up along the bed. Before I knew what she was doing she had my head locked between her legs and her pussy over my mouth. I went to speak to tell her to get off but instead of the words, I received what felt like half a mouthful of sperm. I couldn’t get away.

“Let him up, you bitch!” Jatz shouted on my behalf.

“Leave him be. He’s enjoying it. He dirtied me. Let him clean me.”

There was absolutely nothing I could do. I was trapped. Every time I went to say something Linda moved on me pressing harder down on my face. I actually thought she might suffocate me if I tried to object so I did as she demanded. After the initial shock of eating my own sperm, the odour of her and the feel of her pussy on my face started to get me going again.

“There I told you Jatz. He loves it. Look he is getting hard again.”

No more than a few seconds later I felt a warm mouth take my cock all the way inside her. I felt my cock hit the back of her throat but she kept going and I knew that she had to have taken me down her throat. It had to be Jatz because I could see Linda towering above me.

I relented and set about the task of cleaning Linda’s stretched pussy. I remember the first time that I had licked her pussy. It had been quite tight then but now it was open and could be described as gaping. After doing a reasonable job on her she climbed off me and sat watching Jatz deep throating me.

I looked at Linda and smiled to relax her because I thought that she may think that I would be angry with her. “You’ve been back to the stranger, Linda?”

“Yes, I’ve used up the two condoms that you gave me. I’m going to have to buy some more.”

“Yes, I could taste the condom. Sounds like you’re going to go back at every opportunity then.”

 “Yes, he’s good. I enjoy being with him. I’ve just got to make sure he doesn’t cum in me. He tries everything to do so but I’m a wake-up.”

“I thought you were on the pill?”

“I was but I’m not now. When I get closer to my period I’ll let him but there is too big a risk at present.”

“Why did you stop the pill?”

“I thought you and I had an agreement.”

“I naturally assumed that with Ken out of the picture we would not proceed.”

“You’re saying no to me?”

“I’m not saying no but I thought that if you would like that then you would have done what Jatz has done and discussed it with me. So much has changed that I don’t know if I’m Arthur or Martha.”

“That’s easy, you’re Martha. Arthur is down in the sandhill and he has a real cock.” She laughed out loud. I placed my hands on either side of Jatz’s face and lifted her gently off my cock. I bent towards her and kissed her to show my appreciation for what she had done.

I lay back down and Jatz lay down with her head on my shoulders. Linda lay down on the opposite side of me. Once more I was the focus of attention. I liked it.

“Well,” Linda asked.

“Well, what?” I responded.

“Are you going to do it or do I have to make a slip up with Arthur?”

“That’s your choice, Linda. If you want to have a child by someone who you don’t know anything about, go ahead. If you would prefer that I supplied your sperm that’s okay as well. You probably need to tell me some details though, like when, where etcetera so that I can make sure that I’m available.”

“I’m a week later than Jatz. By the time she has spent her two weeks with you, I will be ripe for the picking.”

“That means you’re ready next week.”

“No, the doctor advised to leave it for three months after I stop the pill to make sure that my cycle is back to nature.”

“Looks like I’ll be a busy boy in a couple of weeks’ time, doesn’t it?”

“You had better eat your Wheaties to gain full strength. Jatz will be trying to destroy you and I’ll be waiting at the door when she is finished with you.”

I looked at Jatz and she was fast asleep. Linda didn’t look like she was interested in sleeping. I took the opportunity to ask her something while Jatz was not around.

“Linda, in a couple of days’ time before we go home could I come down when you meet Arthur?”

“Why would you want to do that?”

“I want to watch you make love to him.”

“We don’t make love, Goyse. You and I make love. You and Jatz make love. Arthur and I fuck. There’s a big difference. There is no kissing. There is no feeling of bodies or anything that you can call sensual. I lay down and he fucks me and when he’s done, I leave. I couldn’t care less if he got run over by a bus tonight. All it would mean to me is that I would not have those crazy orgasms that he gives me anymore. He’s like my dildo except I can’t bring him home to put in my side table. I’m not in love with my dildo. I use it for sex. For now, he is my dildo."

“You’re a cold bitch. I have fucked women that I don’t love but I try to make it as pleasant for them as I can.”

“You have never had to live with Ken. If you had you would understand.”

“He’s that bad?”

“Yes, he’s that bad and sometimes worse. I loved him when we married. I remember you saying that if you love someone, really love them you will take memories of them to your grave. Once I get away from Ken I don’t ever want to recall any memories of him. Just thinking of him makes my anus hurt.”

“He used you anally?”

“Yes, when I objected he did it anyway. There was never any touching like you do. There was never anything that felt like affection except when he first arrived off the plane and there were people there. If he wanted sex, he had it. I was just his cum receptacle. I’ve felt and seen better now so I have no intention of going back.”

“So let me get this right, Ken used you the same way as you are using Arthur. Is that right?”

“Not at all, Arthur gets his rocks off. I was never given that opportunity. If I got aroused I had to help myself in the bathroom while he slept. In three years I reached orgasm once with him and the only reason then was that his best man had fingered me after the wedding before Ken and I went off to bed. My orgasm was because I was thinking of being fucked by the best man.”

“You’re definitely a naughty woman.”

“Yes, I am but I’m not as naughty as I’d like to be. These days I have to control my actions so that I don’t get myself in trouble. I’ve learned that I can reach orgasm with men and I want more of it. When I had my first orgasm with you I thought I was in heaven. As time passed I wondered if other men could satisfy me. When I got with Arthur my orgasm was almost continuous until he finished. I knew then that my orgasms with you were only halfway to heaven.”

“What about Jatz?”

“With Jatz it is a special type of love. No man can give me that. She makes me feel secure. The sex is also unique because with a man once he comes his attention declines but with Jatz it goes on for hours on end until we both have had enough. I really love her, you know?”

“I do too. She is very special. No one has ever got as close to me as Jatz has.”

“Yes, I know. I often feel jealous of what you have with her. You asked me to be honest with you, Goyse. I don’t want to hurt you but I have to take Jatz away with me because if we stay just the three of us I’ll lose her to you.”

“Yes, I think you are right. I think Jatz knows it as well.”

“Has she told you that?”

“No, but I just get the feeling.”

“You’re not stupid, are you? She told me exactly what you just did. She told me that if I didn’t take her away I would lose her. I knew what she was saying. I’m sorry, Goyse.”

“All I want from you Linda is for you to look after her. Remember what I told you about big men and Jatz. She is not like you. When you go out on the prowl make sure that you don’t take her with you.”

“I’ll look after her, Goyse. I promise. Come on the sun is coming up. Your date will be here soon. If you are going to perform for her you will need your sleep.”

“I have a favour to ask of you, Linda. I may like to return here after ten o’clock. Can you and Jatz be gone before then? You can use my car if you wish.”

“Sure. That’s not a problem.”

“Good night, Linda.”

“Good morning, Goyse.”


Written by goyse
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