The lunch was nice. I have had better but for a small town, it was passable. Throughout lunch, the girls chatted continuously. Jatz tried a number of times to bring me into the conversation but I didn’t conform to her desire.
After our meal was over and we were having our coffees, Linda excused herself and headed towards the bathroom. Jatz turned towards me and asked, “What is wrong with you, Goyse?”
“I’ve just been cuckolded and you’re asking me what’s wrong?”
“If I knew you would act like this I wouldn’t have told you anything. I thought you were mature enough to deal with it but obviously, I was wrong.”
“The least she could do is give me an apology. She is acting as if I should apologize to her. I’m not causing any trouble I’m just waiting to see where this goes to.”
“She thinks you cheated on her but she can’t say too much because you never complain to her when Ken comes home and shows affection towards her.”
“I didn’t cheat on her and you know it. In fact, I did the opposite. I had every opportunity. It was there for the taking but I said no. I said no because of my concern for you and her position and no other reason. She should have thanked me and you must know that.”
“Yes, I do know it but she can’t see it, yet. She may if you give her time.”
I saw Jatz lift her eyes upwards and realized that Linda must be standing behind me. I shifted my sight to the window and saw her reflection no more than a meter behind me. I didn’t know if she heard our discussion or if she did how much she heard. I turned towards her.
“Can I talk to you in private, Goyse?”
I said nothing, stood up and followed her out into the courtyard attached to the restaurant. I sat down on the seat there and looked at her.
“Goyse, you are right. I do owe you an apology. Jatz has told me the same as what you just said to her even though it may sound like she didn’t so please don’t be angry with her. I can’t make excuses for what I did other than to say my jealousy took over and I couldn’t control it."
“I appreciate that you have the decency to apologize to me although I need to ask you what you are apologizing for.”
“I let another man fuck me. I went out to track a man down to let him fuck me and he did. Didn’t you know?”
“Yes, I knew that but I feel that you are apologizing for the wrong reason. That’s not the reason why I am upset with you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Yes, that is part of the issue. You don’t understand. You didn’t have any reason to be angry with me and even if you thought you should be you didn’t discuss it with me. You pretended everything was okay when it wasn’t. That’s why I’m upset. I don’t own you. If you want to go out and screw another man you have every right as long as you make sure I know about it and understand the reason why you are doing it. Can’t you see that?”
Linda got an inquisitive look on the face. “So are you saying that it is okay for me to fuck other men?”
“No, I didn’t say that. I only said that you have the right to do so as long as you handle it the right way. If you made a habit of it I may not be there when you came home because I have the right to leave if you do. We are all individuals and it is our right to make those decisions for ourselves. We also have the right to say no to other people if they proposition us which is exactly what I did to Roz. I probably offended her but I did that because I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Are you saying I should be thanking you or something?”
“No, I’m not telling you that either. The decision that I made was made for you. I really wanted to take her to bed but I didn’t because I put your needs and welfare ahead of my own. While ever I’m with you, Linda I will always do that. Even now after what you have done I wouldn’t do it differently.”
“I guess I should say I’m sorry I misjudged you then.”
“Okay, let’s go back to Jatz. She’ll be wondering what’s happened to us.”
We returned to Jatz. She was just sitting down as we entered the room. I wondered where she had been but I had my suspicions. She looked at both of us as if pleading for us to tell her what had transpired. Neither of us told her anything. I still didn’t feel content because I still believed that Linda didn’t understand. After I while I stood and asked should we go.
Linda and Jatz looked at each other then Jatz said, “We haven’t told you about our plan yet.”
“Do you need to?”
It appeared that Jatz was the spokesperson. Linda stayed quiet. Maybe our discussion had her thinking. Who knows? “Yes, there are some important things we need to tell you about and say to you.”
“Can I guess or would that ruin the fun?”
“You sound upset, Goyse.”
“I’m about to get the big heave-ho. Of course, I’m upset. I love two women and they have plans to leave me out of their future. How do you think I feel?”
“How did you know that?” She turned to Linda, “Did you tell him?” Linda shook her head.
“Jatz, no one told me but your behaviour did. You and Linda have been spending more and more time together doing things without me. Linda doesn’t train with me anymore because she goes to the gym with you. At night you take turns to keep me sexually satisfied. It’s like you have drawn up a roster. With Linda it’s like a duty she is performing rather than an affectionate response.”
Jatz reacted as if insulted, “I always enjoy our sex, Goyse. You can’t say I’m not affectionate.”
“I’m not saying that about you Jatz. I think that you and I have never enjoyed our sex more but you openly told me that there is something missing. I understood what you were telling me and I appreciate that you trusted me enough to speak to me honestly.”
“You said yourself that we are all individuals and we need to make our own decisions. I followed you out with Linda. I listened in to you and I heard you say that to her. Linda and I have found something that we have never felt before and we don’t want to lose it. It doesn’t mean we don’t still care for you. We want you to stay with us for now until sometime in the future, if you want to that is.”
“If there is no future for me with you why would I want to stay?”
“I still want something from you but I didn’t want to ask you without telling you our plans first. If I took from you what I want without being honest I would feel that I had cheated you.”
“You want something from me?”
“You told me that you have some holidays from work due to you. I want you to take those holidays and spend them here at the beach house with me. I want us to live for that period as husband and wife.”
“Perhaps you should explain more to me.”
“I want a child. I have always wanted at least one child. Linda can give me love, security, companionship, in fact almost everything that any man can except she cannot give me a child. I want your child, Goyse. I want to keep a very precious memory of our time together.”
I turned towards Linda. “How do you feel about this Linda?”
“It was you who said we are all individuals and have to make our own decisions.”
“So you don’t agree. Is that it?”
“I wanted her to leave things as they were for now and for her to have sex with you unprotected while she is ovulating. She wouldn’t do it. She insisted that you have full knowledge or it doesn’t happen at all. I told her that if you knew that you didn't fit into her future you would never agree.”
I turned back to face Jatz. “Jatz I agree to your proposal. Linda has convinced me.”
“So you’ll do it just to prove me wrong. Is that it?”
“Nope, wrong again. I’m doing it for two reasons. The first is that Jatz is very precious to me. I have never had any person outside my family that I cared so much for and the second reason is that she insisted on telling me the truth so I know that I can trust her to always do what’s right for our son.”
As I looked at Jatz a tear rolled down her cheek. I stood, moved across to her then took her into my arms. “It’s okay Jatz. Come on let's walk around the park. It’ll make you feel better.”
Jatz stood and we moved off together. I turned back towards the table and asked, “Are you coming, Linda?”
“I might have another coffee. It’ll give you both an opportunity to talk.”
I held her close as we walked. Every so often she raised her face up to me and we kissed. In my heart, I had a deep longing for this lady especially so now that she had told me that she wanted my seed to allow her to start a new life. To me, it was the ultimate in compliments.
At one stage she looked up at me and said, “You said our son. Why didn’t you say, daughter?”
“It’s a family thing. For several generations, all the firstborn on the male side of the family have been boys.”

“Perhaps we can change history.”
“Maybe, we can always try. I guess we will know by next year.”
It was four o’clock when we returned to the restaurant. We had been more than an hour. It didn’t seem that long. It felt like minutes. When we did return Linda just picked up her bag and followed us to the car without saying anything. Jatz still clung to me as if her life depended on it. I handed the keys to Linda and climbed into the back seat with Jatz.
After we got back to the unit Linda went off to the bedroom. I could hear her in there and wondered what she was doing. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me so I want to see what she was up to. As I entered the master bedroom the first thing that I noticed was that all of her clothes and other belongings were gone. I wandered into the spare bedroom to find Linda with her head in a pillow crying.
“What’s going on Linda?”
“I’ve moved out of your bedroom. You don’t want me anymore.”
“I explained to you that we are all individuals and have to make our own decisions, Linda. It is obvious that you want to end our relationship.”
“Don’t put it onto me. You’re the one leaving me out in the cold.”
“Is that what you think?”
“That’s the way I see it. You kiss and cuddle Jatz and ignore me. How do you think I feel?”
“I only have one thing to say to you and it is not meant to be mean. Your jealousy will destroy you. Until you learn to control that you cannot have a meaningful relationship with any person. If you actually cared about Jatz you would be pleased for her and you would admire her. You are a lucky lady to have someone like her. Don’t ruin it by acting like a little, selfish child.”
“You are starting to dislike me.”
“No, that’s not true. I care for you as a person but I dislike some of your behaviours. I know somewhere inside that cute little body of yours is a mature adult. It is past time you let her out and when you do you will find we both love you.”
I turned around and walked away from her. Jatz and I sat around talking and enjoying a drink. About an hour later Linda appeared. I asked her did she want a drink. She nodded her agreement.
When I returned I handed the drink to her. Jatz was still sitting where I had left her. I indicated to Linda to sit down next to Jatz.
“I’ve got something to say to you both,” Linda stated.
Jatz looked up but said nothing. I replied, “Okay. Shoot.”
“Goyse, I’m very sorry that I mistrusted you. Jatz told me that you hadn’t deceived us but my jealousy wouldn’t allow me to believe it. I want to try to fix it but I really don’t know how. I need help. Will you help me to understand so I don’t make the same mistakes again? How do I fix it?”
She shrugged her shoulders as if in desperation. I felt sorry for her but at the same time, I was wary because I suspected a possible ulterior motive.
“The answer is simple Linda. It’s called listen, learn and communicate. If you thought that I had deceived you then you should have confronted me by asking me what I had done and why I had done it. By listening you could have understood what the reality was.”
“What if you had lied?”
“If you are spending your life with someone who would lie to you about these things then you need to move on. We all meet people like that but after a while, we catch them out. If you find out that they lie to you then just move on. There are plenty of honest people in the world.”
“Okay, would you forgive me, Goyse?”
“I’ll forgive you on one condition.”
“Condition, what condition?”
“On condition that you get your clothes and things back into my bedroom where they belong. You’re on the roster tonight just before Jatz.”
“You still want to sleep with me after what I’ve done?”
“Yes, I do. From that, you can assume three possibilities. The first is that I love you and can’t resist you. The next is that you are such a great fuck that I can’t resist you.”
I stopped talking. There was silence for a while as I waited for her question that had to come.
“You said there were three possibilities?”
“Oh yes, Maybe I’m a cuckold who loves sloppy seconds so I can’t resist you. There is another possibility, of course. Perhaps it’s all three of them.”
We all burst out laughing. As the laughter died down a smiling Linda asked, “I’m sorry, Goyse but I want to know. Did you actually enjoy my wet sloppy pussy?”
“I did actually. I don’t know why but for some unknown reason I was more turned on than I usually am. Now it’s my time for a question.”
“Did you enjoy the stranger?”
“Yes, I did, tremendously so. He stretched me so much that it hurt but once he got all the way inside me I started to cum and I didn’t stop until he pulled out of me. He was big, Goyse. I didn’t know that they came that big. Of course, I selected him because he was big but I got a surprise when he got hard. I didn’t think that I would be able to take him.”
“You did and you enjoyed it and so did I so that’s all that matters, isn’t it?”
“I want to ask you another question, Goyse. You say that you enjoyed it and you know that I did. Would you like me to do it again?”
“It’s not important to me but it sounds as if you want to do it again.”
“Yes, I do but I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
“Perhaps you should be asking Jatz that question.”
“I have and she said much same thing as you did.”
“What was that?”
“Jatz said that if I wanted to then she would not stop me.”
“If you do it again I don’t want you to take Jatz with you.”
“She is not like you. She is very shallow. I sometimes push hard up against her cervix when we make love and it hurts her. If she took on a really big man like you are doing it would hurt her really bad.”
“What if she wants to?”
“She won’t unless you encourage her to. You must protect her, Linda.”
“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
“I’m in love with both of you.”
“You didn’t try to stop me.”
“It was too late for me to stop you, Linda. You made a choice and that can’t be undone. If I had known what you were about to do I would have tried to stop you.”
“But you’re not trying to stop me now?”
“It’s too late now Linda. You will never be completely satisfied with a normal man now you have done what you have.”
“How can you know that?”
“I’ve seen it all before. That’s how I know.”
Linda went quiet. Jatz looked at me and gave me a little smile. I excused myself and went off to the bathroom. When I returned Linda was sitting beside Jatz and they were quietly talking. I couldn’t make out what they were talking about. When I arrived the talk stopped so it was obvious that whatever it was they didn’t want to include me.
I set out to prepare a light meal for dinner. As I worked I suddenly felt a short woman cuddle up to my back. It felt good.
“It’s been a good day, Goyse. I’m so proud of the way you handled things with Linda. She’s a lot happier now.”
“I’m glad. I don’t want us to split up. Not yet anyway.”
“That won’t happen until Linda’s house sells. That could take months. Linda is going to tell Ken tonight that she won’t be coming back to the city. She hopes he will not cause us any trouble.”
“I think that is wishful thinking. He is not going to let Linda go that easy, Jatz. We need to batten down the hatches for all-out war.”
“I agree with you but unfortunately sometimes Linda thinks she lives in wonderland and she thinks that everything will turn out okay no matter what she does.”
“Yes, I’ve seen that side of her, unfortunately. It is not going to be easy for you Jatz. Life can’t be easy living with someone who doesn’t want to face reality when things don’t suit her.”
“I love her and they say that love conquers all. I need to talk to you about something while we have the chance, Goyse.”
“What’s that, Jatz?”
“This girl, Roz, you appeared to be taken by her.”
“Yes, she seemed to be someone pretty special. I guess I’ve missed my opportunity now.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk about. I’ve spoken to Linda about it and we both agree that you should go to the dance on Friday night to see if it will lead somewhere for you.”
“I don’t understand. After the impact it has had on Linda she agrees that I should find Roz again?”
“Linda and I are going to make a life for ourselves which means we have to let you try to find a different life. On a personal basis, neither of us wants to see you go but it can’t work for us if there are three of us. Our attention always gets drawn towards you while we both have this desire to focus on each other. Can you understand that?”
“Yes, I think so. I can understand because I am becoming more and more attracted to you but I don’t want to insult Linda by ignoring her so I divide my attention to each of you in turn.”
“I’m sorry, Goyse. I’m going to miss you terribly too but I want this thing with Linda to work. Here, hold me Goyse.”
I put my arms around her and held her tightly until Linda returned.
“Come on you two. Stop your bullshit and let’s have dinner.”