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Stories of my Youth Chapter 11 – Is This The Beginning of the End?

"Linda gets revenge..."

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I slept soundly until ten o’clock. My dreams were of a beautiful woman with long hair with a ginger tint. We made love many, many times in my mind and the experience was indescribably pleasant. Of course, I awoke rock hard. I closed my eyes to see her in my mind while my hand stroked slowly to relieve some of the pressure that had built up from my dream. 

“Two sex-starved women in the house and you have to masturbate,” Linda’s voice said. “Ah, I know what you are doing. You are dreaming of her, aren’t you?”

I shot bolt upright and the sheet disappeared off me to show her my rock hard cock, wet around its head from my precum.

“I’m sorry. I was just thinking of you, Linda.”

“Likely story, but we can’t let that one go to waste can we?”

She climbed on the bed and placed her mouth over the head of my cock. I almost came in her mouth it felt so good. She must have noticed as she pulled away, stood up and removed her bikini, rocking her hips as if marking out a beat to some tune as she did so. Once nude, she climbed up the bed on top of me on her hands and knees then aligned my cock with her pussy and sat down.

She was extremely wet and slippery and my cock sank all the way inside her without any resistance. The delay had allowed me to recover my control somewhat, but Linda would not have known that so she sat there not moving for a time. My cock displaced wetness from her that ran down over my anus. As she sat there it seemed that more was running from her loose pussy.

“Are you okay now?” she asked.

“I don’t think okay describes it, Linda. How many men wake up to such a beautiful, sexy blond woman sitting down onto their manhood?”

“Bullshit will get you everywhere.”

“I don’t think that’s quite the way the saying goes.”

“That’s the way it goes for me, honey. Now, can I move without you shooting off inside me?”

“Try moving and we’ll see.”

“I’m as horny as shit, so don’t you dare ruin it for me.”

“If I do then I will just have to go twice won’t I?”

“She must have been pretty good to turn you on like this.”

I grinned at her. There was no fooling this one. “She was outstanding, almost as good as you, actually. You were right. I should have bought her back here for the night but I didn’t want to hurt you or Jatz.”

“Silly boy, at your age you cannot allow opportunities to slip through your fingers. She could have been the one. You must realize that your relationships with Jatz and I are never going to lead anywhere. If we did allow it you would always be the man who broke up my marriage and I would be the whore who led you astray.”

“I could live with that.”

“No, you couldn’t. You think you can but something like that affects everything. You never recover. It affects your work, your family even things like dealing with the local bank. We live in a small community.”

“What about Jatz?”

“What about her? Do you think that it would be any different? For a start, Ken would track you down and somehow he would get revenge on you. It’s not going to happen, Goyse. Do you understand? Next time you have an opportunity don’t walk away from it.”

“If that’s what you want, okay.”

“Don’t misunderstand me. It will hurt but it is the only sensible way to go. Don’t chuck your life away for a few quick screws with someone else’s wife or girlfriend. That’s what you did if you felt attracted to her.”

“I wish you had told me this before last night.”

“So do I. I’ll have trouble forgiving myself for not making that clear to you. I thought I had actually, but you must not have been listening.”

“It’s not your fault. Even if you had told me, I may still have done what I did. It wasn’t all about you and me. Some of it was about protecting her from being hurt.”

“Will you see her again?”

“Probably not, I may have scared her away.”

“If she cares, she will be anxious for you to find her again.”

“She mentioned that she goes to a country dance quite regularly on a Friday night.”

“Maybe you should be there next weekend then.”

“I’m not much of a dancer.”

“It’s never about the dances, it’s all about meeting the right person in the right environment.”

She had been moving slowly as we talked. I had no more to say. She must have sensed it because the rate and intensity of her movements increased. I was amazed at how sloppy, loose and wet she was. I wondered if she had met someone else on her walk down the beach with Jatz.

To me, she felt much like I had already cum in her and was on my second one. She was now moaning continuously. I had got to know her well over the last few months and knew she was near to her orgasm.

As her motions quickened, she felt smoother and smoother. My suspicions helped my mind draw up visions of her meeting a well-endowed man down the beach who had taken her into the low scrub and lifted her onto his sizable cock. Her heels were wrapped around his waist as she hung from his neck. The upwards curved in his massive cock pushed up against her G spot bringing her to her peak as he shot a massive load of sperm into her.

We reached our high at the same time. Her moaning and groaning reached a high pitch as I felt her vaginal contractions around my cock. It was as if the contractions of my orgasm were in harmony with hers. The vision in my mind was of his sperm leaking around his massive rod as he erupted inside her. This vision was inspired by the copious juices that were running down across my anus.

She collapsed down on top of me, her breasts flattening out against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly against me. I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye and shifted my head to see Jatz watching us from just inside the doorway.

I smiled at her and waved her over. As she came across toward the bed she shed her clothes then climbed up on top of Linda. The weight almost crushed the air from my lungs but the feeling was unique. She lowered her head across Linda’s shoulder and kissed me.

“Let me up, Jatz,” Linda said. Jatz rolled off her and Linda walked off to the bathroom. Jatz climbed back on top of me. Her shorter, lighter but firmer body felt nice. I started to get erect.

Jatz smiled at me and placed my cock still slick from my sperm and Linda’s juices at her entrance. She pushed her abdomen downwards and the sperm allowed me to slip all the way inside her.

“Did you like her like that,” she asked.

“Like what?”

“Did you like her all wet and slippery.”

“What are you saying?”

“You must have noticed.”

“Yes, she felt different. Are you saying there was a reason?”

“Do you think she felt that way for no reason?”

I pushed her upper body away from me to look her in the eye. She giggled as if I had cracked some joke. She must have seen the look of horror on my face. I shook my head as if to say this can’t be happening.

“Don’t keep playing with me, Jatz. If you have something to say then say it. Don’t just keep hinting at something that I should guess at.”

“Do you promise not to get angry?”

“I don’t know. I guess so.”

“Linda was hurt that you would take another woman to the movies without talking to her first.”

“She just encouraged me to seek out Roz.”

“Was that her name? Roz, yes, I like that. That’s a good name. Linda was trying to cover up her anger as she talked to you.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, Jatz. Believe me, please.”

“I know you did not hurt Jatz. I know you did not hurt Linda too. I told her for you but she was angry. We went to the beach and she was… what you say… not use logic. She said all men are the same. The more you love them the more they deceive you. She was a crazy, jealous woman. She said if he can do it, so can I.”

“I didn’t know. I need to find her and ask her to forgive me.”

“No, no, leave her alone. She understands in her mind but her heart overpowers her thoughts. She knows. Give her time. You will see that you have helped her make a very hard decision that is good for us all. If you go to her now you will fight with her. Fighting is no good.”

“What did she do, Jatz?”

“You must swear to Jatz that you will not tell her that I told you. I tell because you need to know. I tell you because it will help you in the end.”

“Do I have an option? If I don’t agree you won’t tell me. I'll try not to get angry. I want to know.”

“When we went to the beach she went to that shop there and purchased a very skimpy bikini that almost covered nothing. I told her that she was stupid that all men would chase her. She laughed and told me that she would show you.”

“She said that?”

“She was angry. We walked down the beach and every man watched us. They were not looking at Jatz. They all followed Linda. I took her away from all the people down across that little stream. There were people there with no clothes on at all.”

“Yes, all the nudists go there.”

“Jatz tried to go back but Linda said no. She wanted to join them and undid her top and took her bikini off. All women there had boyfriends or husbands with them but there were plenty of men there without a woman. Linda was the only nude woman there without a man. Jatz was worried.”

“Keep going.”

“Before long she had men talking to her. Some want to talk to Jatz. Jatz not swear but Jatz told them to fuck off. One man had a big thing hanging down. Linda talked to him. She said fuck off to other men and he laughed. They went into the sand hills. Jatz followed.”

“You watched them?”

“Yes, the man asked Jatz to join them but I say no way. He tried to kiss Linda but she told him no kissing, only sex. She lay down on his blanket and he thrust that big thing inside her. When he finished she put on her bikini and came home to you. She cried all the way back home.”

“She did that and then she cried? She made love to me. Why?”

“Yes, Linda is a crazy, jealous woman who wants revenge so hurt herself to make you hurt more than her. She went to you because she knew you would know. She thought you would be angry with her and push her away.”

“Is that why she did it?”

“Yes, a jealous woman has no brain. She decided to destroy everything just to get revenge on Goyse because he makes a little mistake. Jatz tells you this so that you will know she hurt you because she loves you too much.”

“Can you keep a secret for me, Jatz?”

“Jatz hear many secrets and never tell anyone.”

“Making love to her was very special. In my mind I pictured her having sex with that man even though I didn’t know who he was. I don’t know why but even though I thought she had been fucked, I wasn’t angry. It made me excited.”

Jatz giggled as she said, “Goyse is a cuckold man. Many men are like Goyse. Ken told it to me and asked me to take a lover of his choice. I refused him until he showed me the photo of Linda’s lover, Goyse.”

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“You chose me, Jatz? I thought it was Ken who made that decision.”

“No, Ken wanted me to sleep with his boss. He tried for over a year to talk me into it but I refused. I liked him but he had a wife and a family. Jatz respects family. When Ken told me about you and Linda, it intrigued me to think that Linda had this young, very fit lover without a family. I told him that I choose you but he had to agree to my terms, not on his.”

“That is why he let you stay an extra three months?”

“Yes, and now I have told him that I will not go back with him. He has told me that I have to, so I have made arrangements to stay here without him.”

“You have approval?”

“My family has very good ties to Australian people who can help Jatz. They have told my mother that I will become an Australian very soon.”

Jatz was moving more now and it felt great. I was intrigued by her having watched Linda making love to this stranger. I wanted to know more about it.

“Tell me about it, Jatz?”

“Tell you about what?”

“Tell me about Linda and this stranger.”

She moved her head down near my left ear as she worked me over and lowered her voice. I knew that Linda would not hear because I had heard her rattling dishes in the kitchen.

This is what Jatz told me.

When we went to the beach Linda told me that she was going to teach you a lesson. I didn’t understand and didn’t ask her what she meant. I just thought she was angry and would get over it.

Almost as soon as Linda took her bikini off, men came over to talk to her. I was worried so those that tried to talk to me I sent away. Linda showed interest in one man who was tall and had a penis that although slack hung almost halfway down to his knee. He had low hanging balls to go with what was obviously a big cock. Once he started talking to her she ignored the others. Some wandered off but a few stayed. Eventually, she turned to them and simply told them to fuck off. 

The stranger told her that he had his gear over in the sand hills and asked us to join him. I told her not to go but she ignored me so I followed them. He had a good position low down in the sand hills and there didn’t seem to be anyone around. He invited me to sit with them on his large blanket but I lay my towel down a few feet away from them.

As they talked he put his arm around her and pulled her towards him. He attempted to kiss her but she objected and told him if he tried to kiss her again she would leave. He responded by asking her that if she didn’t want to kiss him why was she there. She laughed and said if you can’t work that out then we will need to leave and find someone else.

He got the message and placed his hand on her pussy. She opened her legs to give him access and he slipped one of his long fingers into her. He mentioned how tight she seemed to be and she told him that hopefully that will be fixed when she leaves.

At that stage, he turned to me and asked me again to join them. I told him that I was loose enough already and we all laughed. He fingered her for quite a long time eventually using three fingers inside her. He tried to push a finger into her back hole but she told him that if he tried that again then we would leave. She told him that she was there to be fucked and for no other reason.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a big condom. Linda asked him was there any reason that he needed to wear it. He said it was to protect her from becoming pregnant to which she said that she was on the pill. He put the condom down on the edge of the blanket and I reached over and picked it up. I kept it.

While he was fingering Linda she was laying further and further down until she was on her back with her legs spread wide open. The man pulled his fingers from her and I could see her pussy was gaping open. He had been using his fingers not only to get her wet but to spread her open in preparation for his penetration.

He slowly moved over the top of her and placed his cock at her entrance. It had grown to about ten inches long by this stage. He looked over at me and asked me would I guide him into my girlfriend as he called her.

I looked at Linda and she nodded to me and told me to do it. He could have just thrust forward and entered her. I think he had detected that we were close and so he felt that for me to guide him in was to him the ultimate act of domination. I placed my hand on his cock and was amazed that my fingers only went a little over halfway around him. I used one hand to open up her pussy and placed the head of his cock up against her wet pussy. He pushed forward and very slowly I saw her pussy stretch to allow his huge head to enter her.

I have read how men in such a position have cum in their pants. I didn’t think it was possible for that to happen to a woman but it took me very close to that point. I closed my legs as hard as I could as feelings like little electric shocks shot through my body. It wasn’t an orgasm but it gave me feelings that I have never experienced before.

I didn’t move back to my towel. I sat beside Linda's hips watching him working his cock little by little inside her. Every so often I looked at her face and could see that he was hurting her. I asked her did she want it to stop and she shook her head to tell me no. When he was about three quarters inside her he started to stroke, I didn’t know why he didn’t go further inside her but I think he must have run up against something that stopped him.

His stroke was from just the head inside to that position where he had stopped, She was in constant orgasm shortly after and it didn’t seem to stop until he withdrew from her. I watched her face in orgasmic heaven for some time and when I looked back to where they were joined I saw that he was almost all the way inside her and his stroke had shortened. I moved around behind him to get a better view because his body was now hiding a lot and I wanted to see.

From behind him, I noticed that his big testicles had risen up to the base of his cock and I could see them moving as if they were going through contractions. As I noticed this he let out a huge roar and I saw those contractions in his testicles move to his cock and his anus. I knew what was happening. He was ejecting his sperm deep inside her. He pushed every inch inside her and held there. A white cream appeared around the ring that was their joining. He pumped more and more inside her limited little pussy already filled to its limit.

Her eyes were now open and it was obvious her orgasm had passed. He laid his weight down on her and she cursed him and told him to get off. He lifted up what appeared to be his weary body and slowly his long cock slipped out of her stretched hole followed by a flood of his semen.

Linda stood up and put her bikini bottom on. She adjusted the crotch to make sure the mess was as covered as possible and with her bikini top in her hand walked away over the sand hill. I picked up my towel and followed behind her. He called something out to us but she totally ignored him.

When I caught up to her she was crying and trying to put her bikini top back on. I helped her with her top and asked her did he hurt her. She said she loved it and she was okay but continued to cry all the way home.

As soon as we got home she went to the tap outside, washed her face then went to your bed. I followed and saw her take her bikini bottom off give herself a quick wipe and climb in bed with you. I picked up her bikini and took them to the laundry and washed them. When I returned she was on top of you and you were making love to her. I knew you must know because I could see his sperm running from her down on to the bed as you fucked.

Midway through Jatz telling me her story she had let out a low long moan as I felt contractions run through her pussy. The contractions went on for a while punctuated by moans and groans. When she went quiet she lifted her head back. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was gaping open. When she settled down she continued her story. I was glad that she had stopped moving because I wanted to hear the story before I finished.

"I came telling you the story, Goyse. Watching her was very much like the first time that I watched you and Linda together except this was more erotic because this man was a stranger and he was bigger than you."

Jatz reached down to her clothes and pulled out an unopened Magnum condom and handed it to me. It was quite large. I had never seen one as big as that before. I placed it on the side table.

Jatz and I lay together for an hour talking about all type of things. I did not reach orgasm although she had and that was all that mattered to me now. I wanted her to be happy. She seemed to understand me and at that time in my life, I desperately needed someone to confide in, someone who I knew cared for me.

Jatz asked was I ready to go for lunch. It was getting late but I thought it was probably important for the three of us to spend some bonding time together so I nodded my agreement.

I grabbed a quick shower and wandered out towards the kitchen. Linda and Jatz were deeply in conversation so I quietly took a seat in the lounge to give them time to themselves. I didn’t intend to listen in but their voices came clearly to me.

 “You hurt him. You didn’t have to do that,” Jatz said.

“He hurt me. I arrived for the weekend and found he had lipstick on him. You and he have become my life. Our plan to break away from Ken can’t work if I can’t trust both of you.”

“A woman kissing a man has no meaning. It happens all the time without any meaning at all. Your jealousy controls you. If you don’t take control it will ruin your life and mine with it.”

“He told us there was more to it. Why are you standing up for him?”

“He did nothing wrong. Sitting and talking to someone he gets along with is not cheating. If it was then no relationships could survive. What you did could destroy him. Don’t you realize what you did can never be forgiven?”

“I was angry. What he did caused me to do that. I lost control. I wanted to show him how I felt.”

“Yes, you did that alright. You wanted to show him even if it meant we all lose. There was no logic to what you did. You need to sit with him and apologize for your behaviour.”

“He doesn’t know. If I say nothing he won’t know.”

“Do you really think that he doesn’t know that you were giving him sloppy seconds. You did it wanting him to know. It was your way of hurting him. Do you think he is stupid? He knows and he deserves an apology.”

 “I guess so. I don’t know how to do that. Let’s leave it and see what happens.”

“No, you can’t leave it. He deserves better than that.”

“Okay, I will then.”


I didn’t want them to find me sitting there knowing that I had overheard them so I stood up walked around the corner and said, “Hey, what’s happening. Are we ready to go?”

Jatz laughed. Linda looked at me and asked, “What do you mean, what’s happening?”

“Are we going for lunch? I’m ready.”

“Oh, yes, of course, we’ll head for lunch.”

As we drove towards the restaurant I wondered what was in store for me. Both Linda and Jatz had talked of their plan but as yet they hadn’t told me what the plan entailed. Linda had stated that they would reveal it to me after lunch.

Written by goyse
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