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Stories of my Youth Chapter 10 – Meeting Roz

"I go to the beach and meet a girl called Roslyn."

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When I awoke I looked around to see that Linda was not there. Jatz was still asleep but in the background, I could hear the shower running so I knew where Linda was. I quietly got out of bed and entered the bathroom. Linda turned towards me as I entered and stepped out of the shower.

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

“Yes, I’m fine. Why were you asking?”

“You didn’t seem to be happy last night. I was just checking that’s all.”

“Well, things are a bit of a mess. Ken has an expectation that both Jatz and I will have children. Jatz is keen but I still have my doubts. We now know that if I do allow you to get me pregnant, then Ken will separate us. I guess I have known from the start that would eventually happen, but I’m not sure that I am now prepared to accept that as a condition.”

“Yes, it’s a bit of a dilemma. After my discussion with Jatz last night, I think she may also be having serious doubts as well. She didn’t speak highly of Ken. She spoke as if she was some type of captive to him rather than a girlfriend. I need to find out more.”

“What are your thoughts on her?” 

“I don’t understand what you mean by my thoughts on her?”

“I mean, she is so….  I don’t know how to describe it…..  soft and tender…. so small in stature yet strong….  I can’t find the words to describe it. When she holds me she gives me this feeling inside like I’m so secure and yet when I look her small frame makes me wonder how she can make me feel that way.”

“Someone I know is getting captured.”

“Yes, it’s strange. Captured is the right word. I started yesterday feeling jealous of her, trying to push her away from us because I didn’t want her to take you away from me, but when she came to me last night and touched me I felt I had to hold her. I’ve never felt quite like that before. She bought something out in me that I didn’t know existed.”

“So you were jealous. It sounds like I should be the one that is jealous.”

“Don’t be stupid, she’s a girl.”

“Love is love no matter what the sex.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Love, are you crazy. I just feel close to her as if I should trust her and I want to hold her.”

“Yep, that’s how it starts and before long bells are chiming and you are walking down the aisle hand in hand with Goyse as your best man. It’s that addiction but some call it love.”

“You and your sick humour, I was being serious.”

“Don’t get me wrong, honey. So was I.”

“Hhhrruuuummmmppppp.” She turned away from me and reached for the towel. My eyes had been admiring her body as we talked. The water dripping from her made her look even more beautiful.


She turned back towards me and I ran my eyes down her body once more. Her face like an angel, her perfectly shaped breasts, her neat little stomach, the little sparse blond hair that gave her neat little pussy a look of dignity, those long slender but strong legs all went together to form what I called perfection.

“Yes, Goyse.”

“You’re beautiful, so perfect and so beautiful.”

A smile lit up her face and she stepped forward and took me into a hug.

“You always know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you?”

“Maybe so but you know how to make a guy feel wet.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

I laughed, “If I must get wet what better way than by being hugged by someone special following their shower.”

“I’d better get going or I’ll be late.”

As I turned to leave her, “I’ll make you a coffee.”

“Thanks, honey, I won’t be long.”

I grinned as I walked away. My experience told me that when a girl is getting ready and says, I won’t be long, it means just under an hour, sometimes longer.

I put on the coffee and when I turned around I was face to face with Jatz.

“Good morning, lover boy.”

“Good morning, Jatz. Would you like coffee?”

“Hug me, Goyse.”

I put my arms around her and held her tightly. I thought about what Linda had said. I felt sexually stimulated by the feel of her body. It felt nice to hold her but did I feel secure? I guess I did but then I always felt that way. Did I feel captured? Not really. In fact, I felt the opposite.

As I held her small frame in my arms, I felt that she was captured. It made me understand how Ken had come to dominate her entirely, so that he treated her as he did his car. It would be so easy for an uncaring person to get that way with her. I was glad I wasn’t that type of person. I always felt for others and respected their individuality, especially so others who were weaker than I was.

 “Would you like a coffee, Jatz?”

“Hhhmm, hold me a little longer first.”

I held her tightly for another half a minute then, “You and I have the day to ourselves, Jatz. Let me get coffee and something to eat for Linda. I’ll hold you as much as you want once Linda goes off to work.”

She looked up at me with sad eyes like a puppy that wanted to play but had been told to sit. I couldn’t help it. I kissed her.

“You love Linda very much, don’t you? You want to do everything for her and protect her?”

“She’s a pretty nice lady. Why wouldn’t I want to do things for her?”

“Yes, she is very nice, isn’t she?”

“Come on. Let’s get this breakfast underway before Linda has to leave.”

In the weeks that followed Linda, Jatz and I did a lot of work to try to understand Linda’s legal position should Ken take action to try to remove her entitlement to her home. All advice was that there was nothing that anyone could do to take her home away from her. We were told that if Ken sought a divorce the assets would be split fifty per cent each way.

As the city home was valued at twice Linda’s home, it meant that any settlement would include some cash as well as Linda’s home. This took away a lot of Linda’s stress levels and the bitchy behaviour that I had witnessed occasionally, disappeared.

Linda’s work commitments meant that Jatz and I spent a lot of time alone together. Although we often showed affection for each other we didn’t once go to bed without Linda present. I also had work commitments and so Linda and Jatz also had time together alone. I often observed them showing affection for each other during those weeks. In fact, as time passed they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Jatz continued to ring Ken each night and occasionally, I had the opportunity to overhear her telling him stories that suited the continuation of our close personal relationship. On one occasion, I heard her tell him that she was about to take a pregnancy test. Of course, Linda and I knew that if she were to take the test the result would be negative. We made sure that we didn’t slip up by keeping ample stock of condoms around her fertile time.

It was two weeks before Ken was due back that Jatz asked Linda and me to sit down as she had something to ask us. I made us all a drink and sat beside Linda, as was my habit, waiting for what Jatz had to say. I sat quietly allowing the girls to lead the conversation.

“Okay, Jatz, what is it?” Linda asked.

“I have applied to extend my visa and have the forms to fill in to get permanent status. I want to become an Australian. I have consulted with a solicitor who says I won’t have any trouble because I speak good English and meet all the other conditions.”

“What about Ken?” Linda asked.

“I need to know if this is alright with you and Goyse before I tell Ken.”

“Of course it is alright with us, isn’t it Goyse?” I nodded to confirm my agreement. Linda continued, “It will cost you some money. Can you afford that?”

“Yes, I have money. I have talked it over with my family and they will support me as well if I need them to help. They don’t like Ken. It may take a while and I am worried about how Ken will react. He thinks he owns me. I will need to go into hiding for a while.”

Linda looked at me, “You mentioned a unit on the beach somewhere, Goyse. Can she stay there?”

“Yes, my dad has put a deposit down on a unit near the beach for me. I’m paying it off. Next year my apprenticeship finishes and I intend living there. My boss tells me he can get me a job with the industry there. If you want to stay in the unit, you are welcome. It’s not flash but it’s fully furnished and a great location.”

Linda looked back to Jatz, “It’s settled then. The three of us should celebrate tonight.”

“I have a better idea, girls. Why don’t you get the weekend off, Linda? And the three of us can celebrate with a weekend at the beach unit. Jatz can check it out and see if it suits and you and I can….  well, we can let her test out the bed.”

The girls both smiled and nodded their agreement.


On Friday afternoon, I headed for the beach unit. The arrangement was that I would go ahead and prepare for the girls' arrival. I had purchased food for us and other essentials for the weekend. Jatz wanted to travel with me but I insisted that she stay and travel with Linda on Saturday morning. Debbie did not have replacement staff for the Friday night, so Linda could not get away before Saturday.

When I arrived at the unit, a long term friend of mine pulled up behind me. Dave and I had been mates since our early school days. We had been into so much mischief over the years that I blush every time I think about it even today. He wasn’t a bad person. He was just hyperactive and couldn’t sit still for a moment, so mischief had become his middle name.

“G’ day, Goyse. I thought it was you so I followed you. How are they hanging mate?”

“I’m fine Dave. How are you?”

“Hey, mate you can help me out. I have these two women who want me to take them to the drive-in movies tonight. I’m keen on one of them but the other one keeps getting in the way. Are you free tonight?”

“I’ve got to get the unit sorted out. I have some friends coming down tomorrow to stop with me. It’s a bit of an issue at the moment.”

“Come on mate. I’ve always been there for you. I just want you to keep the other one busy so I can pay attention to Sarah.”

“Well, I suppose so. Who is this other girl anyway?”

“You won’t be disappointed, Goyse. She’s eighteen and a good looker. She’s a bit shy but once she gets to know you it’ll be okay. Her name is Roslyn. We call her Roz.”

“Alright, what time?”

“Bring your car and meet us at eight o’clock. We will be parked at the rear on the southern side. I’ll put out a sign to keep the spot beside us. I’ll tell Roz that you are coming. I mentioned you a couple of weeks ago and she told me that she wanted to meet you. She said she had heard a few stories about you but she wouldn’t say what they were. Sarah laughed when she said it so I think she knows something but is not telling.”

“Who knows what women talk about, Dave. She probably heard I have a good hairdo or something.”

He laughed, we shook hands and he headed off to let me get on with sorting the unit out.

I pulled up beside Dave’s car dead at eight o’clock as arranged. A young good looking lady got out and walked across to my car. The light shone on her golden hair reflecting it as if it was ginger glass. Her dress was a little longer than was common for women in the late sixties but it clung to her perfectly shaped figure. Her breasts were not large but her pert nipples were obvious through the thin material of her dress.

I thought, Sarah must be good if she is better than Roz. This girl could go up against Linda in a beauty competition and Linda was no slouch.

“Hello, Goyse. I’m Roz.”

“Hi Roz, I’m pleased to meet you.”

I reached over and opened the door for her. She climbed in and I reached across her and closed the door.

“Dave said you have visitors coming. I hope this is not inconvenient for you. I had told Dave that I wanted to meet you and he told me that he would organize it the next time he saw you.”

“You asked to meet me?”

“Yes, I know your good friend Carol and she spoke highly of you. She tried to get us together last year, but you had gone down south on the weekend that Carol came up.”

“Okay, I remember now. Carol’s sister mentioned that she had come up. I didn’t know you wanted to meet me though. If she had told me I would have made sure that I was there.”

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“You water-ski, Goyse. I ski as well.”

 “Oh, who do you ski with?”

 “I don’t ski with anyone at present. I was with a ski team but the owner of the rig moved down south.”

“Yes, that’s a common problem. The competition is better down south so all good teams do that.”

“Carol said you are pretty good.”

“I’m fairly average actually but what I miss out on in skill I try to make up for in fitness.”

“Carol said that as well. She thinks a lot of you, you know?”

“Yes, we are good friends. We tried to make it more than that once, but it didn’t work out.”

“Yes, she told me that as well.”

“You must talk a lot to Carol.”

“We’re very good friends as well.”

“How is she? I haven’t seen her for a while.”

“She’s fine. She’s living with her uncle and aunt in Brisbane. She says she’s very happy. I wouldn’t like to live the way she is but I guess we are all different.”

“You know, then.”

“Yes, she told me all about it. She told me that you and I are the only ones who know.”

“I don’t know what to say, Roz,” I looked at her and could see that she was interested. She was leaning her body towards me. “I probably should tell you that I am in a relationship at the moment. It would be unfair of me to let you think that anything other than friendship can come out of tonight.”

“Thanks for telling me that. I won’t hide my feelings. I’m disappointed. I had hoped that you would be interested in me. I have trouble meeting men who I can trust. I’ve had a couple of bad experiences. That was why Carol told me to seek you out. She said you were trustworthy.”

“Come here, Roz.” I put my arm out and pulled her against my shoulder. “Roz, I don’t think my relationship is a permanent one. Let’s just watch the movie together and maybe somewhere down the line there might be an opportunity for us.”

“Can we sit in the back, Goyse?”

“Of course but understand that I can’t commit to anything at present.”

“I’m happy with that but I do want you to run me home if you don’t mind. Sarah wants some privacy with Dave tonight.”

We climbed into the back seat of my car. Roz cuddled up against me. It felt nice. I felt a little guilty about my feelings. The honesty and openness of this girl made me feel something for her. It wasn’t sexual. It was a strange feeling. I felt secure with her and I thought of what Linda had said about Jatz and it gave me an understanding of how she must have felt.

The movie was crap. Halfway through the movie I lost interest and looked at Roz. She was already staring up at me. I saw her sad looking eyes and her lips separated just slightly. She ran her tongue across her lips and I couldn’t help it, I lifted her up and I kissed her. She responded.    

When we broke our kiss, I could see that she didn’t reopen her eyes.

“Kiss me again, Goyse. No one will ever know but you and me. I need you to kiss me.”

We spent the last half of the movie cuddling and kissing. I was struggling with it because I knew that I was deceiving someone who was very important to me but at the same time my logical brain told me that that person was married and my relationship with her could only ever be classified as temporary. Logic said, “Take the permanent road, Goyse.” My emotional non-logical brain was saying, “You are an arsehole by deceiving the one you care about. Stop it now!”

Eventually, the movie ended. We both moved into the front seat just in time for Dave to poke his head in and say, “Good movie, mate?”

“It was a piece of shit, Dave.”

 “I didn’t miss anything then?”

“Piss off, Dave, you smell of sex.”

“Obviously you pair didn’t get it on otherwise you wouldn’t have noticed.”

“Roz and I had a wonderful night despite the shit movie. Now I’m going to run her home. I’ll catch up to you next time I’m down, Dave.”

I drove off. Dave and Sarah were still parked there as we left.

“Would you like a coffee, Roz?”

“You’ll have trouble finding a coffee shop open this time of night.”

“I wasn’t thinking of a coffee shop. I was thinking of my unit.”

“I thought that you were in a relationship. Wouldn’t that be risky?”

“I was only offering you a coffee, Roz. Do you think that would hurt my relationship?”

“Before I accept, you need to know if we go to your unit I will want more than coffee. What I am saying is that you will have to be the strong one because I won’t be capable of saying no.”

“Okay, I have to take you home then Roz because I might get carried away. Part of me is saying, I want this sexy lady while the other part is saying do the right thing. If I take you home with me I can’t say that I won’t get carried away and it would be unfair to you because I couldn’t offer you more than a one night stand. I would prefer to leave things until I can offer you more than that.”

“Okay, take me home but don’t forget that I’ll be waiting.”

“I won’t forget.”

Roz cuddled up to me as I drove the ten miles or so to her home. We sat and talked until the sun came up. I kissed her many times before dawn. As I write this and the other stories I find times when I have made serious mistakes and things that I should have done differently. This is one of those times. My life may well have been very different if I had taken Roz home that night for a coffee.

I could have saved myself many, many hours of stress and heartbreak if only I had taken Roz home and made love to her that night. I probably would have saved her many years of stress and heartbreak as well but we can’t turn the clock back. I returned home at six o’clock and climbed into bed. Just as I dozed off there was a knock on the door. I was certain that it would be Dave so I put on my pants and wandered out towards the door. There was that knock again.

“Be fucking patient will you Dave. I’ve just got to bed. I’m fucking tired.” I yelled out.

I opened the door ready to tell Dave to fuck off and who do you think was there? Yes, that’s right. It was Linda and Jatz. My bottom jaw must have just about hit the floor.

“So, what have you been up to?” Linda asked.

“Awe, I went to the movies with a couple of friends and we had a bit of a party afterwards.”

“Was she nice?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“When you kiss a girl make sure that you clean the lipstick off you afterwards especially if your girlfriend is due.”

“Sorry, honey, it was my mate's wife. She got a little drunk.”

“That’s a likely story. Anyhow, are you going to invite us in? I guess I can’t complain. After all, I’m a married woman. Jatz may be a little pissed though.”

She turned to Jatz who hadn’t said a word.

Jatz looked at me and said, “Jatz is used to a man who fucks other women behind her back.”

I couldn’t let that pass, “Who said anything about fucking?”

Linda jumped in, “So she turned you down?”

“No, she didn’t. I turned her down by telling her that I was in a relationship.”

Linda laughed, “As I said before, likely story.”

“Okay, if I must I’ll go and get her to tell you the story. We went to the movies and she sat with me in the car and afterwards we all sat around talking until dawn then I came home.”

Linda couldn’t leave it alone. “So you kissed and cuddled as you felt her up?”

I held my hands out to her. “You must be able to see that I haven’t washed. Smell my hands. I admit we kissed and she cuddled up against me but I told her that I was in a relationship and we could not go any further.”

“Look Goyse, I’m taking the shit out of you. You have every right to date other women. I don’t want you to but I have no right to stop you if you want to. If you screwed her all I can say is she is a lucky girl. If you didn’t then I say, silly man if you had the opportunity and turned it down. Jatz and I care about you but we both understand that it has to end one day and you have the right to end it any time you choose and we won’t complain when it happens.”

“You and Jatz have talked about this?”

“Yes.” I looked at Jatz and she nodded.

“That worries me because it means that you are thinking of ending it. I’m not ready.”

“Goyse, go and have a sleep. You look terrible. Go and dream about the conquest that could have been while Jatz and I go for a long walk down the beach together. After you are refreshed we’ll go out for lunch together and then we’ll talk. You don’t have to worry. Nothing is going to happen without your involvement and it’s a way off yet but we do have a plan.”

“Who is going to tuck me in?”

Linda looked at Jatz, “Jatz?”

“I will put you to bed, Goyse. Are you okay with that Linda?”

“Yep, it’s my turn next time though.”

I moved to the bedroom door. Jatz followed. I opened the door and she passed through.

“Jatz needs to use the bathroom first. You get undressed and I will join you shortly.”

I took my clothes off and climbed into bed. Jatz came back totally nude. She climbed in beside me and placed her hands on my cock. I kissed her and she responded by rolling over on top of me. I reached down and held her pussy open as I placed the head of my cock at her entry. We kissed again. She jiggled her but up and down and I felt her getting wet. After doing that for a while I slid into her.

I thought of our first time and realized that she had lost some of that tightness since that first time. It had only been four months ago and I quickly did a calculation. We had fucked somewhere between two hundred and fifty to three hundred times since that first time and yet I still enjoyed being with her as much as that very first time.

“Jatz will tell you what plan is so that you can think about it before Linda tells you. You have been a good man to me and you deserve for me to tell you.”

“Thanks, Jatz. I appreciate that.”

“Linda is selling the house. Jatz is becoming an Australian like you and Linda. We will then live together like man and wife somewhere that no one knows.”

“You mean that you and Linda will be lovers?”

“Yes, Linda wants me and I want Linda. We’re lovers now. There is more but Linda will tell Goyse that.”

“What happens to me, Jatz?”

“You told Jatz that you belong to Linda, so Jatz can’t tell you that. Linda has to tell you that part.”

All the time she had been sliding up and down on me. I was so horny from spending the night with Roz that I let out a loud roar and filled her tight little pussy. Jatz was looking down at me with a big smile on her face.

“Your new woman must be very nice for Goyse to fill me with so much sperm. Were you thinking of her while Jatz relieved your big balls for you?”

I shook my head.

“Jatz think you a bad liar. You don’t have to lie to Jatz. She loves you and she knows that you can change what you do but you can’t change how you feel. Jatz knows that men like all women but only a good man like Goyse will stay true to Jatz and Linda. Goyse is a good man. That’s why Jatz loves him.”

“I’m sorry Jatz. I didn’t mean to hurt you or Linda either. She was a friend of a very good friend and I just wanted to talk to her. Things happened, that’s all.”  

“Jatz once did a terrible thing to Ken. I didn’t want it to happen but it did. He was a family friend who had lost his wife. My mum told me that he liked me and I should go to him to make him see that everything is not bad.”

“Your mum sent you to another man?”

“My family doesn’t like Ken. They liked this man. My mum just wanted us to talk but while we talked I must have said something that made him sad and he cried. I put my arms around him and pulled him into my body. Ken was away and I had no sex for many days. My desires for sex overcome my love for Ken. I took him into his bed and asked him to make love to me.”

“It can happen.”  

“He was small like Ken but he did nice things. I told you that I had never had an orgasm with a man. I lied. He gave me many orgasms in the few days that we spent together. I didn’t love him. It was just sex. He showed me that when the time came, I had to leave Ken. I feel my body and it has so much to offer and it is wasted with Ken. Do you understand, Goyse?”

“Yes, I understand perfectly. I wish I could be that man to give you the fulfilment you need.”

“You do, Goyse. No man can ever give me more than you do but there is still something missing. Do you understand what I tell you?”


“Yes, I knew you would understand. You are a good man for Jatz. When that day, comes Jatz will cry for many days.”

“Goyse will cry for many days as well, Jatz. Goyse wants to cry for her now.”

“You must never tell Linda what I say to you.”

“You have my word. Will you sleep with me now?”

“Yes, I’ll stay until you sleep, then we will join Linda at the beach.”

Written by goyse
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