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Stories From My Youth Chapter 4 - Linda

"I get to know Linda. There are some surprises."

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There is a saying that he who hesitates is lost. Up until this time in my life I thought this was just something that people said. I didn’t believe it but following what had happened with Dorothy and then with Carol plus the experience of taking out several other girls who were not interested in dating a week later, I started to consider that the saying may be based on fact.

With this in mind, I was waiting at the restaurant when Debbie, the owner arrived to open up that Monday morning.

“Hi, Goyse, how did your night go with Carol?”

“Okay, I guess.”

“She is very taken by you, Goyse. I hope that you didn’t mistreat her.”

“She is a good friend, Debbie. I don’t mistreat good friends.”

“That’s good to hear. Linda is not rostered on this morning.”

“How did you know that I was here to see Linda?”

“Why else would you be here? You didn’t come to see me, did you?”

We both laughed. This lady never ceased to amaze. How did she do it?

“I guess not.”

“Hhhmm, you hesitated and had me excited there for a moment. It’s a long time since someone came to see me. Guess I’ll just have to keep waiting, won’t I?”

“What would you say if I had said that I came to see you?”

“I’d say that you were a good liar and I’d think that you were hard up.”

“I dated Janice. Why wouldn’t I date you?”

“I’m not Janice. Cradle snatching is not my thing, Goyse.”

“Damn, so I miss out again! My luck is not with me, is it?”

“It will come to you in time. Don’t despair. Would you take some advice from an oldie like me?”

“I’d love that, Debbie.”

“Just enjoy your life. Relax and take your time. You are young. There is no hurry. Sooner or later you will meet the right person. When you do meet her there will still be a few issues but you will know when she comes along.” She stopped talking for some time. Something told me she had not finished so I waited. She then continued.  “Your first partner will not be a good person. She will have many loves and you will just be one of them. Be patient because your next partners will have had similar experiences to you so they will be with you for the rest of your life. You will be made for each other.”

“How do you know these things, Debbie? I really admire you and your ability to understand things.”

“I just do, that’s all.” She looked at me and smiled. “Let me avoid your embarrassment. The answer to your question is no.”

“You amaze me. How did you know I was going to ask you on a date?”

“Look Goyse. I’m honoured that you would think of asking me out but I’m not the right one for you and you are not the right one for me. My future, for now, is loneliness. I’d be very happy if you and Linda visit me occasionally though. I don’t work every day. A couple of drinks with people who I respect would make my day off enjoyable.”

“Is Linda the one for me, Debbie?”

She laughed and replied, “Linda asked me were you the one, Goyse. I’ll tell you what I told her.” She hesitated for a few seconds while looking me directly in the eye. “You have to live your life to determine your destiny. If you know your fate beforehand you will not try to live it.”

“Yes, I can see that.”

“Good. Linda lives here.” She handed me a piece of paper that she had written the address on. She hadn’t done so since I arrived which meant she expected me. “Now hurry along, Linda is waiting for you but let me warn you first, things are not as you think they are.”

I wondered what she meant by her last comment but I didn’t question it. I was keen to get to Linda’s place so I left after saying my goodbyes. I also wondered why she said ‘they’ when referring to my future. I brushed it off believing she had made a simple mistake. [If any of you have read my other stories on Lushstories you will understand that it was not a mistake]

Linda’s place was only a couple of kilometres away. I pulled up and saw Linda looking out from behind the curtains. I was surprised at how plush the place looked. From the little that I knew and had been told about Linda, I had formed the opinion that she had her own place. This home certainly didn’t fit what one would expect that a young waitress could afford.

I walked up the drive and was met by Linda, who opened the door before I had the opportunity to ring the bell. “Hi, Goyse. Debbie said she thought that you would come around. It’s good to see you.” She gave me a hug and pecked me on the cheek. I followed her into what appeared to be the dining area.

“Would you like a drink?”

“I’d love a coffee, thanks, Linda.”

Linda turned and walked away I watched her go, noticing the sexy sway of her hips more than anything else. With her now out of sight it gave me an opportunity to look around the room. The dining room was open into the lounge area but unlike most homes, the dining area was separate from the kitchen.

When I got around to looking at the television I noticed a photo of a man with his arm around Linda nearby. By the look of the photo, it was not a brother and was far too young to be her father. From the pose and the body language, he appeared to be a boyfriend. I made a mental note to ask about it if the opportunity presented.

From the kitchen, Linda asked, “You’re not working today?”

“No, I often get Mondays off. I thought I would take the opportunity to visit. I actually thought that you would be working so I went to the restaurant.”

“I get Mondays off as well. I work most other days during the week if they are busy and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.”

Linda returned with the coffee. “You knew that I drink long blacks?”

“Yes. I remembered from when you and Carol were in the restaurant. You have one sugar as well unless I’m mistaken.”

“So you remember how every customer has their coffee?”

“My God no, I only remember the important ones.”

“So I’m important?”

“You must be, you came to visit me.”

We smiled at each other. It was an 'I knew you were interested in me' type smile. It felt good to know that I had not been mistaken about this girl and I got the distinct impression that we felt the same about each other.

“I like your house. It’s very impressive.”

“Yes, Ken takes great pride in giving me a home like this at my age.”

“Ken? Who’s Ken?”

“Oh Christ, you didn’t know? I’m sorry, I should have said something. I thought that Debbie would have told you.”

“I don’t understand? Perhaps you should explain.”

“Ken is my husband. We have been married just over two years now.”

“Oh shit. I’m sorry. I thought….” She cut me off before I could say more by waving a hand as if to keep me quiet.

“It’s okay. Ken works away. He knows about you. I spoke to him last night and told him that I had met someone special and I hoped that you would visit me like Debbie suggested that you would. He told me to enjoy myself.”

“You’re married and your husband has told you to enjoy yourself with another man? That seems unbelievable.”

“Look, Ken works away for three months at a time. He understands that leaving me alone for that length of time, I’m going to get lonely and will feel attracted to other men in the same way that he feels attracted to other women. We’ve talked about it and we have agreed that as long as we don’t hide things from each other then we may as well take advantage if it were to happen.”

“Take advantage, what does that mean?”

“I guess it means whatever you choose it to mean, Goyse. You see, Ken has told me that he would prefer that I have only one lover other than him. What he actually said is that he would want me to find a lover who cares about me, someone who will treat me as well if not better than he would. I have told him I expect the same of him.”

“Isn’t that a little unfair to me? I get to be with you for a couple of months and then he comes home and I’m expected to disappear?”

“No, that’s not what it means. Ken’s contract is for five years and almost all of it he will be served overseas. When he returns after every three months he will be here less than two weeks after considering travelling time. He doesn’t expect you to disappear at all even when he is home. Of course, I will need to spend some time with him while he is home so we may not see as much of each other.”

“I don’t know what to say. I’ve never heard of such a thing. I may need to take some time to consider how I feel.”

“You care about me, don’t you? I saw the way you looked at me. I felt as if you shared the same attraction that I did.”

“Yes, I find you very attractive but I didn’t expect this.”

“Close your eyes, Goyse.”

I closed my eyes and I felt her lips on mine. They felt so soft and tender, so sweet. Her odour was so overbearing, so sexually overpowering, I couldn’t help myself I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my body. Her body fitted so neatly into mine that it felt as if she had been sculptured to my body shape.


 “Yes, it so overpowering. I know how you feel. I feel it too.”

“But how can it work? You belong to someone else. What about the neighbours, Ken’s family, your friends, my family?”

“I belong to no one. Ken doesn’t own me and neither will you or anyone else. Ken and I understood what our relationship would be when I agreed to marry him. I knew he had an overseas lover. I didn’t expect him to give her up and he didn’t expect me to sit at home looking at four walls for months at a time either. He wanted a pretty woman to come home to that he could show off to his family and friends while I wanted the luxury that came with the marriage.”

“But where do I fit into that? What future does it hold for me?”

“Okay, let me explain. Debbie is the only one who knows I'm married. This is my house. To all the neighbours, I am a single girl with just a few more assets than most single girls of my age. Ken and I own another house in the city which is our home. When he comes back I move to the city near our families. If you choose, you may come with me and stay in the guest’s room but for that short period, my family and Ken’s family will see you only as our friend. For our relationship, there is no difference except we cannot marry because I am already married to Ken.”

“How many men have lived like this with you and Ken?”

“Does it matter?”

“Probably not, but I am interested in knowing.”

“You’re the first.”

“So what you are telling me is a beautiful woman like you has not had any approaches from other men. Is that what you want me to believe?”

“No, that is not what I said.” She made the point of emphasizing the 'not.' “I have had plenty of men who showed interest in me but what I said is that you are the first that I am interested in and the first where I have sought permission from Ken to become my lover.”

“And Ken agreed?”

“Yes, he did. That’s what I said, isn’t it?” She sounded a little annoyed that I repeated the question.

“How could he do that if he doesn’t know me and hasn’t met me?”

“I sent him a photo that I took Friday night when you were with Carol. I told him that you showed respect for Carol more so than many men would. He then called Debbie and discussed it with her. She recommended you to him.”

“I see. I guess I owe Debbie one.”

“I’ve answered every question that you have asked of me up to now. Can I ask you a personal question, Goyse?”

“Yes, of course, you can.”

“Something that intrigues me is why Debbie keeps calling you the gold-tongued devil? You don’t seem to be an overconfident talker so why would she call you that?”

“I’ve never heard her say that.”

“Maybe so but she does when you’re not there. All the other girls seem to understand what she is referring to.”

“For you to know the answer to that, we will have to get to know each other a lot better, Linda.”

“Oh, I think I understand now.” She smiled and I smiled back, “I can hardly wait.”

“That goes for both of us.”

“Maybe we should go to my bedroom now.”

“I’d really like that.”

We had finished our coffee. Linda got up, took me by the hand and led me down the passageway to the bedroom. Once inside she turned to me, put her arms around my neck and we kissed. She then started to unbutton my shirt. I reached behind her and unclipped her bra underneath her top.

“You’ve done that before.”

“Yes, I had a good teacher.” She stretched her arms up to allow me to pull her top off. “My God, your breasts are beautiful. They’re so perfect,” I said as I held each one of them in my hands.

“I think they are a bit too small. I spoke to Ken about having surgery.”

“No, don’t do that. They are so perfect.” I ran my hand over each one and gave each nipple a gentle squeeze between my fingers as I talked. “The Greek artists understood beauty. Not one of their sculptures had big oversized tits like many of the young girls have today. Every one of their sculptures had breasts like yours, perfect in their shape and well proportioned.”

“You and Ken will get along. He keeps telling me the same. I thought he was telling me to save the money.”

“Sounds to me like he knows what he is talking about and has an appreciation of real beauty.”

I lowered my head to take her left breast into my mouth. I ran my tongue around the outside of her nipple eventually bringing it to the nipple. I felt her sharp intake of breath. My position allowed me to undo her jeans as I was doing it. They dropped to the floor. I moved from her left breast to her right and repeated the same on her right with the same intake of her breath.

I placed my hands on her butt and carried her, placing her in a sitting position on the edge of the bed.  She undid my belt to allow my jeans to fall to the floor. She then pulled the top of my underpants back to allow my cock to jump free.

“Oh, he’s nice. You’re larger than Ken. You will need to be careful with me. I’m not used to a cock of this size.”

“You’ll be safe with me.” I knew from what she said that her experience must be very limited.

With that, I pushed her slowly down onto her back while dropping my underpants at the same time. I then placed my fingers in the side of her panties and slowly pulled them down. She lifted her bottom to allow them to come free.

“Goyse, you will need to pull out. I’m not protected. I haven’t planned on making love so I haven’t needed protection.”

“What does Ken use?”

“He doesn’t often make love with me even when he is home. On the few occasions when we do make love, he either pulls out or uses a condom if I’m close to my danger time.”

“You don’t take the pill?”

“No, I haven’t had a need for it. Ken and I only have sex once or twice over the fortnight when he is home. Do you think I might need it now?”

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 “Yes, we will need something. I suggest that you should get the pill as soon as possible unless you would like a family. How do you think that Ken would react if you told him that you were going to present him with a little Goyse in a few months’ time?”

She laughed and said, “I’ll tell him that and see what he says when I call him.”

“Will you let me know what he says and how he reacts? I’d love to hear that conversation.”

“That’s a thought. Perhaps you would like to stop over tonight and listen in to our phone call.”

“I’d enjoy that. Do you think that he would mind?”

“If we tell him he might but we could keep it a secret. There is no reason why we have to tell him you are there with me. I’m sure that his girlfriend has been present at times when I’ve called him but he has never told me.”

“You’d let me listen but not tell him?”

“I would if you want it. It turns me on, actually, to think of us together talking to Ken on the phone about the possibility that you might inseminate me.” She gave a little giggle and then, “If we did tell him you were here I could ask him does he want you to pull out while you fuck me. Would you like that?”

“Would I what? That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard of.”

“Okay, stay with me tonight and we’ll do it.”

I had planned to move down on her and lick her pussy but the thought of what we had been talking about was just too much for me so I moved up along her body and placed my cock at her entrance. She was very wet but she was also very tight. I had to rub the head of my cock up and down her slit several times before it would enter her. It felt to me as if she was a virgin. With just my head inside her, I stopped and I kissed her.

“Are you okay, Linda?”

“Just give me a while to get used to your size.”

“Alright, when you are ready just lift your hips a little. How big is Ken? I’m surprised at how tight you are.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve never measured him or anything like that. He’s probably a little over half your length and about half your size around.”

“So he is only about three or four inches in length? Is that what you are saying?”

“Yes, I’d say three maybe three and a half inches long but only about that round.” She held her finger and thumb in a circle to show his size. I was not over-endowed myself, perhaps a little over average but there are many men who were much bigger than I am. I wondered how Ken must feel around such men.

I started to work myself into Linda as she had started to lift her hips towards me. I didn’t want to hurt her. I wanted her to enjoy what we were about to do so I was conscious of her movements and reactions. The further I penetrated her, the more excited she seemed to become. Her breathing was becoming more erratic and her eyes were tightly clenched. By the time I was fully embedded she was moaning continuously and she was slowly swinging her head from side to side.

It was then that I felt a gush of hot fluid from her pussy as she loudly sucked in a breath of air. “Oooohhh.” Again, that rush of hot fluid and the breath of air, “Oooohhh.” Over and over she repeated it as I worked my cock as deep and as hard as I could inside her. After about seven or eight gushes of fluid, I felt her body go slack. I was fighting not to shoot my seed into her so I pulled out once her body slackened.

“Oh, you made me cum over and over again. I’ve never had an orgasm like that before. It robbed my body of all of my energy. Did you cum inside me, Goyse?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You didn’t reach climax, why not?”

“I told you I wouldn’t cum in you so I pulled out before I reached orgasm.”

“You poor man, do you want me to finish you off?” she said as she placed her hand on my tool.

“I’d rather wait until you recover so we can continue. That is if you want to.”

“Oh, Ken has never done that. Yes, I’d like that.” She looked at me and smiled then took me into a tight embrace and kissed me. After she broke away from the kiss she said, “I’ve never reached orgasm with Ken. The only time I’ve ever reached orgasm before was through masturbation.”

“Surely you must have with other lovers.”

“There have been no other lovers, just you and Ken.”

“Oh, I see.” This explained why she was so tight.

Without a word, she swung her leg over the top of me, took my cock into her hand and sank carefully down on it. “Now it’s your turn.”

She slowly worked her velvety pussy up and down my boner. It felt great. I was determined not to cum. I wanted this to last forever. That was my wish at least but reality often puts an end to wishes. As she worked I felt her becoming wetter and wetter. Her juices were flooding down over my balls and down between my legs onto her bed.

As the minutes passed her movements became more and more urgent. Her eyes were now closed and that slow side-to-side movement of her head was becoming more prominent. I knew what that meant and I didn’t want to disappoint her by cumming before she did. I thought of work. I thought of the problems with my car. Anything except how wonderful she felt and then it happened.

I felt her internal contractions before I felt the heat of her gush of juices pushing out from around my cock. When she let out her groan followed by a loud, “Oh fuck, I’m cumming,” I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Linda, I’m going to cum. Lift off me! Quick, before I flood you with my sperm!”

She let out an even louder cry, “Ooohhh fuck, fuck me, Goyse, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. I’m cccuuummmiiinnnggg, I’m cccuuummmiiinnnggg.”

It was too late. I tried to pull back away from her but she followed me all the way. I felt as if my first squirt was a cupful. I was fully embedded in her. It was too late now so I thrust forward pushing my cock as far inside her as was possible. I was hard up against something which I was certain was her cervix. She pushed just as hard down on me making sure that if there was an egg there, it most certainly would be growing inside her by morning.

We lay there side by side, not saying a word. I could feel her laboured breathing above my own as I struggled to regain my composure. I didn’t know what to say to her. I wondered if she was going to be angry with me so I remained quiet waiting and hoping.

“Debbie calls you the golden-tongued devil. Perhaps it’s the right time to show me why she uses that nickname for you before your sperm has a chance to claim me.”

I said nothing. I just rolled over, pulled back on the bed and lay between her legs. She raised her knees and spread her legs to give me the best access she could. She was a mess. Our juices were all over her. This was the first opportunity that I had to study her pussy. I was amazed at how beautiful she was. She was perfect in every way. The only imperfection was that her hole was open, not very far mind you but it lay open about a half an inch in diameter and inside her was just a sea of white cream, my sperm. I had no hope of getting it all out but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

I started lapping at her entrance then placed my mouth over her pussy and sucked. I saw her belly pulled inwards slightly by the suction and felt a rush of sperm into my mouth. I had licked pussy before after sex but in those cases, my task was not to get the sperm out, it was to please the woman. Here I was with a mouthful of sperm. What to do with it was the challenge. There seemed no other option but to swallow, and I did.

It wasn’t that bad, I guess. If I had any other option at the time I would most certainly have taken it. I went back to the task and repeated it but this time I got much less out. When I pulled back it was obvious that I was never going to get much more out of her unless we could use gravity.

“Linda I’m going to lie down on my back and I want you to straddle me with your pussy over my mouth so that a lot of this sperm will flow out of you.”


I lay down and she did exactly as I had asked. As she moved up along my body I saw a long strand of sperm falling out of her and onto my chest. By the time she was over my mouth, another strand was forming. I placed a hand each side of her pussy and held her open and slipped my tongue up inside her. I felt more than heard her moan.

I found that by blowing lightly inside her so that her belly expanded and then sucking I could remove a great deal of the sperm from her but no matter how hard I tried, each time I looked inside sperm was still present. After ten or fifteen minutes I said, “I don’t think I can get any more out now.”

As she dismounted from me she replied, “That’s alright. I don’t think I should be fertile at this time anyway. Thanks for doing that. I enjoyed it. It felt nice.”

We lay together for hours telling stories of each other’s experiences. We talked about where we liked to go for holidays, what movies we liked, who our friends were, how stupid a couple of them were and how intelligent others were. It was great and I could have continued doing the same all night but suddenly she jumped up and said, “I’ve got to call Ken. He will be waiting up for the call.” She reached over lifted the phone and dialled a number.

I could only hear what she said at our end of the phone. This was how it went.

“Hello, Ken. How was your day?"

“Nothing much. That guy, Goyse I told you about is here with me."


 “Do you really have to know? I don’t ask questions like that of you."



“Yes, of course. I’ll be careful."

“What if I don’t?"

“No, I mean what if we are not as careful as we should be and we slip up?"

“It sounds like the thought of it excites you. Would you like me to risk it?"

“Yes, he’s a gentle person. He’s not going to hurt me on purpose but in the heat of the moment, who knows what might happen?"

“What if he was inside me now and getting close? Would you get me to tell him to pull out or would you leave the decision up to him?"

She was on her side with her beautiful bottom towards me. I moved in closer and slipped my now hard cock back inside her. The feeling was very special. What remained of my sperm from earlier increased the smooth velvety feeling.

“You haven’t answered yet. You had better make a decision soon because I think he is getting close."

“Yes, we are in bed."

“Yes, he’s behind me. I’m on my side and he slipped in between my legs. I’ve had to bend forward to get the last of his eight inches inside me."

“Yes, that’s right, eight inches, about twice your length and about twice as thick as you are. He goes all the way into places no one has ever been before. If he was to cum inside me he would flood my ovaries."

“You still haven’t told him to pull out or cum inside me. He is holding off but I don’t know how long he can do that for."

“I think he is not going to pull out unless you tell him to. We talked about it earlier and we both decided to let you make the decision because we were having trouble deciding."

“Oh, I just felt him pulse inside me. I hope he didn’t cum. Quick, what should I tell him?"

“You came, didn’t you? You have been wanking while I’ve been talking to you. Did you hear that, Goyse? Ken has orgasmed rather than tell you to pull out. That’s it. He wants you to impregnate me. That’s what you want, isn’t it, Ken?"

“No, you are too late. Goyse had his orgasm when he heard that you did. He flooded me."

“No, Goyse is not the arsehole. You had the choice but didn’t tell us what you wanted. It’s not our fault, it’s yours."

“You were the one who told me that I should find a lover while you were away. We did the right thing and gave you the opportunity to make a choice but you preferred to wank your little dickie instead."

“It’s no good being sorry about it now. What if you have got me pregnant so that you could wank off on the excitement? I bet you cum inside that little China lady of yours when she lets you, don’t you?"

“I bet you do?"

“No, I don’t believe you. Everybody gets too excited sometimes and slips up. Half of the kids born are accidents. Don’t tell me that you have never slipped up."

“There, I told you. If you slip up why can’t we?"

“Okay, I’ll go see the doctor tomorrow. You know it can’t be started until after my period and then it takes a month or so to be effective."

“Okay, Ken, Hold on! There is something that I should tell you before you hang up."

“I was just teasing you. Goyse is inside me but he hasn’t ejaculated yet. Do you want him to pull out or not?"

 “No, he’s not like you. He can hold on for a long time."

“That’s a little personal, isn’t it? Do I ask you does your China lady have orgasms with you?"

“Okay, but don’t get angry. I orgasmed twice already and I think I’m heading for a third very soon."

“No, you can’t listen in. I’ll talk to Goyse and maybe if he agrees one night we might leave the phone off the hook for you but not tonight. Now, you still have to tell us if he has to pull out."

“Are you absolutely sure of that? You know it’s not something where you can change your mind later on."

“You’re wanking that little dickie of yours again, aren’t you? You haven’t answered the question yet."

“Of course I want him to. Sex is not the same when the sperm is sprayed across my body. It’s not as satisfying when the man has to pull out but it’s the consequences you have to be prepared for and there will be consequences. You know that, don’t you?"

“Okay, I’ll tell him that you want him to cum inside me. Did you hear that, Goyse?"

“Yes, he nodded. He understood. Now I’m going to hang up so good night and don’t wank that little dickie of yours too hard and hurt him. I will still want him when you come home.”

She put the phone back into its cradle and shook her head. I spoke first.

“He’s got it bad, hasn’t he?”

“Yes, his twisted mind is being driven by his little dick. I don’t know? He told me that he wanted me to take a lover so that I didn’t get carried away one night with someone and up and leave him but it seems that there was more to it than he was saying.”

“He certainly surprised me. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I think I got the gist of it by your replies.”

“At least we know that if our mistake tonight comes to anything we are not alone in accepting the responsibility.”

I had stopped moving inside her and cuddled up behind her. It was getting late. I had decided to stay overnight if she allowed me to. I did want to cum but I suspected that she may be getting a little sore so I was content to just lie with her for now. I was thinking that maybe I would get the opportunity in the morning.

Within ten minutes she was snoring. I closed my eyes and drifted off to dream world. My dreams were about Linda. My mind turned over a huge number of possibilities but the one that kept coming back to me was of a beautiful woman with a huge belly out in front and me placing my hand on her stomach, feeling our child kicking his dad’s hand.

I awoke at daylight. I was still inside her and still hard as a steel pipe. I gently pulled back to withdraw but she pushed her butt back to keep me embedded in her.

“No, Goyse. I want you. Ken said it was okay so we should give him what he wants, today at least. He may not get what he wants when we are closer to my fertile time but he can today.”

“Do you think that is sensible?”

“No, it’s not sensible but I want to tell him about it tonight when we talk on the phone. He will want that.”

We gave him what he wanted. I gave Linda what she wanted and she gave me what I wanted. It may not have been the sensible thing but it was indescribably great. The only problem with it was I was late for work and my dad was not at all impressed.

Written by goyse
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