I started to feel panic and anxiety as Heather led me by the hand silently down the hall away from Cuckold Lounge. Quickly we came upon the elevator and we stepped inside.
"Andrea and David need time alone now," Heather said as the elevator door closed behind us.
I shot Heather a fleeting glance as she reached out and pressed the button for the first floor. Before I could even protest, she cut me off.
"They need time alone so they can begin to establish their new relationship. They will continue in the lounge for a bit before they go to his suite for the rest of the weekend. Don't worry boss, your girl will return to you Sunday night," Heather said on our way down to the first floor. "Only now when she returns to you, she will have a really sexy boyfriend."
We exited the elevator and walked down the hall until we reached the bar. I couldn't believe what was happening to me and I felt like I was going to faint. As luck would have it, there were two available seats, side by side, at the end of the bar. We sat down and the bartender immediately walked down to us.
"Hey, boss, nice to see you tonight. What can I get for you and your lady friend?" he asked as he set two cardboard coasters down in front of us.
As I sat at the bar, I could hear his words, but nothing registered in my brain. Everything seemed so foggy, like I was lost in space. I was so confused because just a short time ago, I had a beautiful faithful fiance. Now, I didn't know what I had, because she was no longer faithful to me. Instead, she now had a bull or a boyfriend, that was fucking her. When the bartender asked me what I wanted to drink a second time, I just stared at him as I was unable to speak. My mind was so preoccupied with what just happened, nothing else mattered. I didn't even want a drink, I just wanted my Andrea back.
"He wants a Bacardi & Coke, make it a double in a tall glass," Heather said as she knew what I normally drank.
"I will have the same," she said as the bartender turned and left to go make our drinks.
I looked at Heather as my anxiety was getting the better of me. She sensed my uneasiness so she placed her warm, soft, hand on top of mine.
"Take a deep breath Allen, everything is going to be okay. Everything will work out fine," she said as she gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
"I have to go back there Heather," I said with panic in my voice as I shook my head.
"Absolutely not," she said as she paused for a moment for the bartender to set our drinks down.
"Now you have to show Andrea that you trust her. If you go back to the lounge, you will show her you are jealous and insecure. You don't want her to see the man she loves as jealous and insecure, do you?" Heather asked as she stirred her drink with the little plastic straw before taking a sip.
I just looked at her with a blank stare on my face. All I wanted to do was get up, run back to the lounge, and take Andrea home. But as much as I hated to admit it, Heather was right. I was always Andrea's rock that exudes confidence and I was always there when she needed me. I couldn’t turn into a jealous insecure baby, because that would disappoint her. As I sat there incredibly confused, I picked up my drink and took a sip.
"I know this is hard for you Allen, watching Andrea with David, but she wanted this. She has spent the past week with me, telling me how much she loves you, but how much she misses the variety of life," Heather said as she squeezed my hand again.
"She said that?" I asked, in a hushed tone, as the bartender served drinks to the couple that was next to us.
Heather nodded her head. "Then, when I hired David, I could see the instant attraction between them. They both wanted each other so bad they could taste it. But as bad as Andrea wanted to, she wouldn't do it behind your back, because she didn't want to hurt you." Heather said as she continued mixing the ice cubes in her drink.
"So, me being there was supposed to make everything ok, like it was me giving her my blessings to fuck him?" I asked as I took a big gulp of my drink.
"Yes, Allen. Andrea and I have been planning tonight for the past week," Heather said softly so other's couldn't hear her. "We even rehearsed the part on the stage where she undressed him. Every time she stripped him naked, their desires for each other intensified. Tonight was inevitable."
I just sat there stunned. I tried to process what she just said but I couldn't. I was having sensory overload from everything that happened tonight and I couldn't make sense out of anything. I felt a sudden sadness overcome me as I just wanted to go to my suite to be alone.
I just sat there, dazed and confused. I couldn't believe what was happening to me and I never felt such hurt inside like I did tonight. She was just gone now, off fucking her new bull for the weekend, and I didn't even have a chance to talk to her. Now, I had to wait for her to come back to me Sunday night.
"She loves you, Allen. Just be yourself and show her all of the love and attention you did before, and support her new relationship with David. Once you get your jealousy and insecurities under control and support her relationship with David unconditionally, she will love you even more, and your bond with her will become even stronger," Heather said as she finished the last of her drink.
As I sat there thinking about what she just said, it really irritated me, but it kind of made sense. I knew how Andrea thought and I knew she would love me even more for supporting her. I quickly finished my drink and stood up.
Heather took my hand and led me out of the bar. We walked down the corridor toward the elevator still holding hands. When we reached the elevator, she pushed the button for the tenth floor.
As we ascended, I was a bit surprised that Heather was coming up to my suite. The tenth floor was my suite along with a couple of other suites that I kept empty and reserved for my guests. When the elevator stopped and the door opened, we began walking toward my door.
"Thank you Allen for understanding Andrea's needs and putting them before your own. That is the sign of an amazing future husband," she said as I opened the door to my suite and I stepped inside.
"Aren't you coming?" I asked as she stood just outside the door in the hallway.
Slowly, she shook her head no. "I can't Allen," she said softly.
"If I come inside, we both know what will happen. I have wanted to since I met you, but I respect Andrea, and I could never do that to her," she said softly as she gazed longingly into my eyes.
"Promise me you will stay in your room tonight. Promise me that you will not try to reach Andrea. Promise me that you will love her and support her. It's so important to her Allen, and to your future together," Heather said as she gazed up into my eyes.
"I promise," I said as she reached up and hugged me.
As I closed the door and turned around, I stared into an empty suite. It was dark and lonely without Andrea here. I kicked my shoes off by the door and walked into the bedroom to get undressed. I sat on the edge of the bed thinking about how my life changed tonight in the blink of an eye. After several minutes went by, I undressed and took a quick shower.
After showering, I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. As I sat at the table, I was like a zombie. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, almost as if I had just come home from a funeral. I tried to eat, but I couldn't. After the first bite, I felt like I was going to be ill.
While I sat at the table, time was nothing but a blur. Occasionally, tears would stream down my cheeks and drip onto the table. I kept thinking about how I let Andrea down and how I pushed her into the arms of another man. All I wanted to do right now was to go back down to Cuckold Lounge and bring her back here. I placed my hands over my ears and closed my eyes tightly as I could hear Heather's words resonating in my head about how I need to support her new relationship with David.
I jumped up out of my chair, gasping for air, as I was now in a full-blown panic attack. I began pacing back and forth nervously as my breathing was growing heavier by the second. I didn't know what to do as I walked back and forth between the living room and the kitchen. I couldn't get the vision of his alpha cock fucking her out of my mind. My hands were on my head as I tried drowning out Heather's words. Suddenly I stopped and bent over, still holding my head tightly as I started to cry. I dropped to my knees as my hands now covered my face in shame as I let Andrea down. I cried so hard as I kept yelling out how sorry I was. Thoughts of losing her forever caused me to nearly collapse.
After several minutes, I stood up and staggered to the door. My face was covered in tears as I continued to sob. My eyes were swollen as I put my shoes on. I couldn't take it anymore as I needed to go find Andrea. I tried pulling myself together but I couldn't. Each time I tried, visions of her cumming on his cock flashed through my mind. When I opened the door to go find Andrea, I stopped as there was a sign taped to the door.
"You promised Allen. If you are reading this sign, then you are letting me down, you are letting Andrea down, and you are letting yourself down, because you will push her away," was all that the handwritten sign said.
As I stood in the open doorway holding the sign, my crying stopped and my breathing slowly began to regulate itself. I thought about the words on that sign that Heather wrote and about our lengthy discussion at the bar. I took a deep breath before placing the sign back on the door where I found it because I knew Heather would be checking to see if it was still there. Not wanting to let anyone down, I walked back into my suite, closed the door, and took a deep breath.
I stood just inside my suite with my back against the closed door. Everything inside of me told me to open the door and run after Andrea. But, the longer I stood there, the more relaxed I became.
I kicked my shoes off and decided to get ready for bed. I turned off the lights and climbed into bed, alone. Once I was under the covers, I was lying on my side, how I would normally lay when Andrea and I cuddled. It really sucked that she wasn't here and knowing that she wouldn't be here tomorrow night either. A tear trickled down my cheek onto the pillow as I closed my eyes. I never felt so confused and so lost in my life. I kept replaying in my mind what happened tonight until I finally dozed off.
After a couple of hours of restless sleep, I reached over where Andrea would normally be sleeping and the bed was cold. I started crying because I knew she was sleeping peacefully at David's right now, in his bed, cuddled in his arms. I began to cry harder as visions of his long, thick, cock fucking her filled my mind. I tried thinking about other things, but each time, my mind was drawn to how much his bigger, thicker, cock stretched her pussy like I never could.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as these visions in my mind continued. I could see the look of happiness on Andrea's face each time she came on his cock. I could hear her gasps, her moan, her screams of pleasure. My breathing grew heavier as I could see how she actively fucked him as she rode him while looking into my eyes.
I started tossing my head from side to side in denial that another man was fucking my fiance far better than I ever could. Her screams of pleasure echoed in my mind as I could so clearly see him cumming deep inside her, as she came too. Thoughts of his seed filling her terrified me in case her birth control failed. Just then, I could hear her scream loudly, when she came for the fifth time.
My eyes flew open wide. I pushed the covers down and uncovered myself. I couldn't believe what was happening. I tried to stop my hand, but I couldn’t. I couldn't believe that my cock was rock hard and my hand was reaching for it.
"Nooo," I cried out as I touched my cock, wrapping my fingers around my shaft.
"Oh God no," I thought to myself as I slowly started to stroke up and down.
The last vision of Andrea I had was David fucking her from behind with a fistful of hair. It was like I was sitting on the couch again as I watched his big, thick, cock stretching her small pussy as he slammed into her hard.
I stroked faster while I imagined him pulling her head back farther as they kissed, only with their tongues. I could hear the slapping sound of his hips against her ass as she moaned loudly. I couldn't believe what was happening to me right now. How could I? Why would I?
I heard my fiance gasp loudly as David smacked her ass. Just then she cried out that she was cumming, and I came too. I moaned loudly as I pumped my cock, sending heavy, thick, ropes of cum all the way up to my face and chest. I trembled uncontrollably as my orgasm shook me to my core. Finally, I came down from my orgasm, caught my breath, and cleaned myself up with several tissues. As I laid there trying to figure out what the hell just happened, my eyes grew heavy and within minutes, I fell asleep.
Saturday morning came and I still felt incredibly somber. It felt weird to not have Andrea running around the suite topless in a thong. I tried not to think about it, but I knew she was still running around topless in a thong, just at David's.
I straightened up my suite and made the bed. As I straightened the sheets, a tear trickled out of my eye because it was clearly visible that my fiance didn't sleep in our bed last night. I quickly walked out of the bedroom and sat down on the sofa and turned on the television.
I surfed the channels and settled on a college football game. As I sat there watching the game, I couldn't tell you what was happening because I couldn't focus on it. All of my attention was on my fiance.
I began beating myself up for what happened. I questioned my dedication to Andrea and her happiness. I know what Heather told me, but being a man, I had a hard time accepting that another man had to satisfy my girl. As I sat there in a very depressed mood, the minutes turned to hours, and before I knew it, the football game was long over, and it was dark outside.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. Jumping up, I raced to the door, hoping for just a split second that it was Andrea and that she didn't have her keys. When I pulled the door open, it was Heather, standing there smiling and holding a bag of carryout.
"I brought food because I figured you haven't eaten anything today," she said as she walked into my suite wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.
We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Heather opened the bag and took out a burger and fries for each of us before sitting down across from me.
"How are you today?" She asked as we started to eat gourmet cheeseburgers from the Bistro.
"I don't know, sometimes I'm OK, other times I get really down," I said between bites of food.
"You seem to be doing good. You are in a lot better spirits than I thought you would be," she said as she chuckled a bit. "I see my sign is still on the outside of your door."
We both chuckled as we ate. She told me why she put the sign there, and I confessed that I did try to leave but her sign did its job and kept me from leaving.
As we finished eating, I realized that we were having a pleasant conversation. My mind was temporarily at ease as my thoughts for once weren't on Andrea. In fact, I was the most relaxed since this whole event began last night.
We finally moved to the sofa and watched television. There was a Guardians of the Galaxy movie on so we watched it. It felt good to finally have my mind at ease, even if it was just for a little bit.
When the movie ended, Heather sat up and turned toward me. I switched the television set off and looked at her as she continued looking at me.
"I think you are realizing the benefits of this, aren't you? I mean you just got to hang out and relax. You could have gone to the bar, or you could have gone out to enjoy time alone or with friends, while David services her. Plus, when she comes home, you still can have her too. You don't have to have all that pressure on you to perform like you did when you were twenty," Heather said as it felt good to laugh.
I wanted to tell Heather about last night, how I came so hard while being so upset, but I decided against it. I figured what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. We hung out watching television for a couple more hours before she announced that she had to leave.
We shared a quick hug at the door before she left and she said she would stop by tomorrow. I shut the door and turned around and I actually felt pretty good. I decided to take a shower and get to sleep early. I figured the faster I went to sleep, the faster Sunday would come and Andrea would be back. Again though, when I crawled into bed alone, sadness hit me like a ton of bricks.
Instantly tears welled up in my eyes as I looked over at her side of the bed. I missed her so much. My emotional side always seemed to get the best of me. Reaching over to the other side of the bed I grabbed a body pillow and curled up with it, as though I was cuddling Andrea.
As I laid there cuddling my Andrea pillow, a million thoughts were racing through my mind. My tears subsided, as soon as I started cuddling with my pillow. The soothing effect Andrea always had on me when I was upset was working even though she was just a pillow right now. As I laid there, I began thinking about how my life changed.

Thoughts about what happened last night didn't seem so upsetting as I cuddled my pillow, in fact, I found myself becoming aroused as I played back last night's events in my mind. Even though I watched everything unfold in front of me, what made me nervous was what was happening at David's place. Was it just sex, or was there cuddling and kissing going on? Was it just sex or were feelings beginning to develop? The thought of my fiance falling in love with him, and possibly leaving me for him, was the most terrifying thought in my mind. As I laid there with my eyes closed, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I opened my eyes and I could see the sun was shining brightly. I jumped out of bed feeling good about myself. I was excited because Andrea would be coming home later. After cleaning myself up and getting dressed, I began to clean up my suite. Andrea always kept a clean house, and I couldn't let her down as soon as she walked through the door.
I vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, changed the bedsheets, started washing laundry, and took out all of the trash. I wanted Andrea to see that I cared and that I was happy to have her back home with me.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. I walked to the front door humming a tune and opened it.
"Hello, Allen," Heather said as she once again brought a bag of carryout with her.
"Hello Heather, how are you today?" I asked as I hummed a tune while we walked to the kitchen.
"You are in a good mood Allen, that really pleases me, and it will please Andrea later when she returns home," she said as she walked into the kitchen and set the food on the table.
"I brought you lunch, but I can't stay, I have a lot going on at the lounge today, I hope you're not mad?" she asked as she reached up and hugged me.
"I'm not mad, I want to thank you, Heather. If it wasn't for you, I would have never been able to cope," I said as I walked her to the door.
"Remember, be positive when Andrea returns. Don't ask her questions. She will tell you when she is ready. And whatever you do, don't compare yourself to David, that will push her away," Heather said as she walked through the door.
I watched her walk down the hallway for a moment before she stopped to turn around and look at me. "I talked to her before, she will be home around seven. I'm so proud of you, Allen."
She turned and walked to the elevator as I stepped back inside and closed the door. I smiled because it wasn't often anyone ever said they were proud of me except for Andrea.
I went back to the kitchen and ate the Chinese Pepper Steak lunch she brought me. While I ate, I called down to our floral shop and ordered two dozen red roses with baby breath in a vase to be delivered to my suite. Lunch was good and once I finished, I resumed cleaning.
I called back down to the floral shop and asked them to deliver a bottle of wine along with a container of cheese and strawberries. Tonight, I wanted Andrea to see just how much I missed her and loved her.
As I continued cleaning, I felt a bit more confident. It was actually starting to feel like I was going on my first date with her tonight. I guess you could say it was a first date now that she has given part of herself to another man. Now I need to prove to her that she is indeed the love of my life, almost as though I am competing for her.
The afternoon progressed rapidly and it was now just before six o'clock. There was a knock at the door as the floral shop brought the goods that I ordered. I quickly set everything down on the kitchen table and tipped the delivery person. Next, I put the wine, cheese, and strawberries in the refrigerator before taking the large vase of roses and setting them on her dresser in our bedroom.
I grabbed a fresh change of clothes and ran to take a shower. It felt strange, because it really did feel like I was going out on a first date with her. Everything was perfect as I finished up in the bathroom and went to wait in the living room.
As I sat on the couch, I told myself not to overcompensate my affection for her. The last thing I wanted her to see was me being different than how I usually was. Looking up at the clock on the wall, it was now five minutes past seven and she still was not here. Just then, I heard a key slide into the door lock before the doorknob turned and she walked into our suite.
I stood up and faced her as she stood just inside the doorway. She was dressed only in a very long men's sweatshirt and her heels. The oversized sweatshirt that covered her body was obviously David's. Slowly, she closed the door and set her bag down before looking back at me.
Our gaze lingered. I wanted to run and grab her but I didn't want to seem like I was possessive or desperate. Slowly, I walked toward her until I stood in front of her. As she looked up into my eyes, I gazed down into hers, knowing that she had given herself to another man. Just then, I opened my arms and we both took one step until we embraced.
Her face was buried in my chest as we both held each other tightly. She felt so good in my arms as our hug lingered for several moments. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I knew David's cock was probably in her mouth earlier. But when she leaned her head back and looked up into my eyes, our faces came together and we shared a soft tender kiss.
"I love you, Andrea," I said as our gaze continued to linger.
"I love you so much, Allen," she said as our lips came together again, this time our tongues meeting in the middle.
After several deep passionate kisses, I took her hand and together we walked silently to our bedroom. I never felt more alive and aroused in my life. My breathing was already heavy and my cock was growing rapidly in my pants.
When we reached the side of the bed, we embraced again, kissing with passion and intensity, as our hands explored each other. She felt so good as I slid my hand down her back, across David's sweatshirt, until I cupped her soft ass, causing her to moan.
My fingers found the hem of his sweatshirt and I pulled up. Andrea raised her arms as I pulled the oversized sweatshirt over her head and then completely off of her body. As she stood before me naked, I was a bit stunned at what I saw.
Before me, stood my beautiful fiance only in high heels. Around her neck was a thin black leather collar with a ring in the front. Her hair was disheveled and she wore no make-up. Her breasts were a bright shade of pink, most likely from being squeezed. Her nipples were hard, most likely from being pinched, pulled, sucked on, or clamped. But, what stood out most, was the amount of dried cum that covered her breasts and stomach.
"I should go shower," she said looking down at the floor, almost as though she was ashamed.
"No," I said as I reached out and grabbed her hand.
She stopped and looked up at me. As I stared into her eyes, I had this intense feeling of love inside of me. All of the anxiety and insecurities I experienced the past couple of days vanished quickly. Right now, I want her. I wanted her badly as I had this need to reclaim her as mine.
As we faced each other, I began to undress. I tossed my shirt aside and began to unbuckle my pants.
"Allen, you don't have to, let me clean up first," she said as my pants fell to the floor.
Her glance lowered to my cock, lingering there, as I was harder than at any time in my life. Never before have I ever wanted anyone like how I wanted her right now.
I pulled her to me, reaching up to remove her collar. Immediately, and defensively, she reached up and stopped me.
"No, you can't take that off of me," she said as her hand pushed my hand down. "Only David can remove it, or give me permission to remove it, other than when I shower."
I stopped for a moment, just gazing into her eyes. At this moment, I have never wanted her more than I did right now.
"I made it clear to David that your ring stays on my finger," she said as she reached up on tippy toes to kiss me. "He made it clear to me that his collar stays on my neck unless he removes it."
Just then, I sat on the bed, pulling her with me. As I laid in the center of the bed, I pulled her on top of me, quickly scooting down until her pussy was over my face.
"No Allen, you don't have to. I'm... argh," was all she said as I sank my tongue deep into her cum filled cunt.
She gasped loudly as she reached down and cradled my head in her hands. Her inner thighs were coated in fresh cum as was her gaped opening. I knew David just fucked her before she returned home to me, but I didn't care.
As her pussy began to contract a bit, more of David's cum dribbled out onto my face and probing tongue. Her taste was so different tonight. The combination of her cum, along with David's, only intensified my need to reclaim her. I know it sounds gross, but knowing my girl was just naughty with someone else, had me more than turned on.
Andrea began panting heavily. Her sighs turned to gasps, which then turned into loud steady moans. The way she held my head, the way she pulled my face into her well used pussy was a new and exciting twist. Her moaning began to get louder as her pussy grew wetter. I could feel my pre-cum trickling down my shaft as I devoured her pussy. Just then, Andrea sat down harder on my face, nearly suffocating me as she started to grind.
"Oh God Allen, I'm cumming," she screamed as a combination of hers and David's cum began to flood my face as she rubbed her cunt against my mouth..
"Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuckkkk," she screamed as her ragged breathing and constant moans filled the room.
I was like a demon-possessed as I held her ass while she ground her cunt on my mouth. This was so different, so amazingly different, as she came so quickly on my face. Usually, she is slow to warm up, but tonight, she was hot. But there was something that I just noticed that surprised me. As I held her ass while I tongued her cunt, my fingers rested against something hard. My beautiful Andrea was wearing a princess plug with red jewels just like Heather wore the other day in my office.
Slowly her orgasm began to subside as she lifted up. Still cradling my head in her hands, she smiled as she looked down at me. While she continued to smile, she crawled down and hovered just above my rigid cock.
Reaching down, she held my member in her soft little hand, as she slowly lowered her pussy onto my cock. I was certain that I felt much smaller to her than David, but I didn't care. Slowly and carefully she lowered herself all the way down and stopped. Immediately, I could feel the princess plug that was in her ass as it pressed against my member.
Leaning down, she pushed her tits into my chest as she began to kiss me. Our kisses turned passionate, as I squeezed and spanked her ass. After several kisses, she placed her lips next to my ear.
"Be gentle Allen, make me your girl again," she whispered as she very slowly began to fuck me.
I trembled upon hearing her words. At the moment, my fiance was David's slut. Now, I needed to reclaim her as my fiance.
I gently squeezed her ass as she very slowly and carefully worked her pussy up and down my cock. Her cum filled pussy felt incredibly soft and slippery as we made love.
Our lips pressed together and our mouths opened as our tongues reunited and became one. As I held her ass, she slowly lifted and lowered her hips.
"I'm so sore Allen," she whispered as she placed her cheek against mine.
"I'm so sore, but I need you to make me your girl again, please Allen," she begged as we very carefully made love.
Her face hovered above mine, just inches apart. Our heavy warm breaths cascaded against each other's faces. Her hands cupped my face as we gazed into each other's eyes.
"Make me your girl again Allen," she whispered softly as I slowly rocked my hips to meet her movements.
Very slowly we continued to make love. This was a very different way of fucking for us, but I loved it. This was very slow, very intimate, for a special purpose.
I continued caressing her back and squeezing her ass while she continued holding my face and gazing into my eyes. Because of the slow nature of our lovemaking, I felt so many emotions I don't think I ever felt before in my life. This wasn't about fucking each other, this was about making love to each other.
Our arousal picked up slowly, almost like walking up a long ramp. We continued to gaze into each other's eyes as our souls were connected and we were becoming one again. I could feel my orgasm building deep within me as we continued our very deliberate lovemaking.
Andrea's heavy breathing was cascading off of my face as mine was hers. She began to moan softly each time I was all the way inside her. I grabbed her ass and squeezed, pulling her into me forcefully, causing my cock to be deep inside her, as far as I could go.
"Oh Allen yes, right there," she moaned as she gripped my face tightly and stared into my eyes. "Oh Allen, make me yours again."
I could feel her pussy clench my cock once, then a second time. I could see in her eyes that she was going to cum as her eyes were now half-closed and her breathing grew much heavier.
My balls were tight and I began tingling all over as her pussy began clenching my cock repeatedly. She kissed me softly while still looking into my soul while her body began to twitch.
"Oh Allen, make me yours," she whispered as she suddenly began to tremble and gasp.
When she began to tremble, I began to cum as well. Our eyes never left each others. We were both looking so deeply into each other's souls as she was now once again mine.
I grunted as I felt my cum racing up my cock and then deep into her pussy. I came so hard I began to feel faint and saw stars. She came so hard she struggled to maintain eye contact.
This orgasm was different because it was the most important orgasm in our relationship. This wasn't just sex for sexual gratification, this was love. This was true love. We were now connected on a new level that neither of us ever experienced before.
Slowly our waves of passion subsided and our heavy breathing began to slow. The whole time though, we continued staring into each other's souls.
"I have never felt anything that intense before," she whispered while still staring deeply into my eyes.
"Me neither," I whispered softly as I still was squeezing her ass and pulling her toward me.
"I love you, Allen," she whispered as she kissed me softly.
"I love you too," I whispered as I slowly released my grip from her ass.
We laid there in the same position for several more minutes, just enjoying each other. We were now connected on a whole new level. We were so much more in love today than we were on Friday. I missed her so much and having her back in my arms was all I ever needed.
Finally, we decided to go shower. I was amazed when Andrea slowly climbed off of me. My cock was still hard. She giggled as she looked at it while climbing off of the bed.
"I don't think I will be able to fuck all week now. I'm so sore," she said as we both walked to the shower together.
After we showered, Andrea stretched out on the bed while I went to the kitchen. A few minutes later I returned to the bedroom carrying a tray with a bottle of wine, two glasses, cheese, and strawberries.
Andrea was glowing as she finally found the red roses that were on the dresser and had one long stem rose from the vase in her hands. When she saw what I brought onto our bed, she looked at me with incredible adoration.
I poured each of us a glass of wine. She picked hers up and I picked mine up so we could celebrate a toast.
"I want to make this toast," Andrea said as she lifted her glass up a little higher.
"This toast is for you Allen. You are the most loving, trusting, caring, and confident man I ever knew. You are my rock, and you always will be. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and nobody can ever steal my heart away from you. You give me a life that other girls can only dream about. And I am going to give you my life, when we walk down that aisle and I become your wife," she said with tears streaming down her cheeks as we clicked our wine glasses together, wrapped our arms around each other, and took a sip of wine.
Over the next hour or so we enjoyed each other's company as we fed each other cheese and strawberries. We talked about everything, except about David. I told myself I wouldn't ask her because I knew she would tell me when she was ready to tell me.
David was now a part of her life which made him a part of my life too, and I now accepted that. After being consumed by anxiety over the weekend I now felt comfortable and at ease again. After making love to Andrea and reclaiming her, everything about our new relationship came full circle and was now crystal clear.
As we continued talking, I thought about all the possibilities that could potentially arise. Would David ever spend the night here in our bed? Would I be invited to join them sometime? Would Andrea ever invite him over for dinner? Would he ever introduce Andrea to any of his friends? All of these thoughts were now arousing as I felt my cock was rock hard again.
This new relationship technically labels me as a cuckold. But, I didn't care. This new relationship arrangement has brought us closer together and we are now more in love with each other because of it. That is all that matters.