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Slut-Resort Anthology: Cuckolding The Boss Part 2

"How and why I became a cuckold"

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 2 of a 3 Part series. It will make more sense if you read part 1 first. This took a lot of courage to write and you will read about the emotional peaks and valleys associated with being cuckolded. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Please leave your comments as your feedback is important. If you have any questions, please ask and I will answer. Part 3 will bring this story full circle."

"Where is Andrea?" I asked again as Heather crossed her legs and began bouncing her foot.

She smiled at me and placed her hand on my thigh. Leaning closer, she whispered in my ear.

"I always introduce all of the new staff members here, Allen. Tonight I asked your fiance to make the introduction so I could see what it looks like from the guest's perspective," she said as the lights started changing color over the stage.

"I am surprised that Andrea didn't tell me she was doing this," I said as I leaned closer to Heather so she could hear me. "We always discuss our business with each other so we are always on the same page."

Just then, the lights stopped flashing and turned brighter. There was now a steady hum with thumping bass in the background, almost like the sound was coming out of the small stage that was in front of us. There was a lamp at each end of the couch that turned on by themselves. A crowd began to gather around the stage and before I knew it, the stage was completely surrounded by guests.

Looking to my right, in the direction of Heather's office, the crowd began to clap and cheer. They moved a bit to allow someone through. Just then, Andrea walked out of the crowd, followed closely by a good-looking young man, presumably Heather's new lounge bull.

Andrea stopped as the strapping young man walked past her, taking her soft, little hand into his much larger hand, and helping her up onto the stage. Her stilettos clicked on the wooden floor as he led her to the center of the stage in front of the couch. They stopped and turned, facing us, with Andrea to his left. As I stared at Andrea, she was looking at me like a deer in headlights. My glance shifted lower to their hands that were still joined together before looking back into her eyes.

Suddenly her hand fell to her side. She looked amazing under the lights. Her beautiful blonde hair looked spectacular, especially in conjunction with her yellow dress. Her polished pink nails sparkled in the bright light as she stood before me. As she scanned the audience with her eyes, Heather placed her hand on my thigh and moved closer.

I was suddenly starting to have a funny feeling inside. Heather jumped up off of the couch and went up to Andrea and whispered something in her ear. Andrea nodded her head with her eyes closed, as Heather returned to my side, this time placing her hand on mine. Just then, something caught my eye that I was certain was not there earlier. Andrea now had a shimmering gold anklet around her right ankle.

"What did you say to her?" I asked Heather, while never taking my eyes off of my beautiful fiance.

"Shhh..." she said with excitement as she put a finger on my lips. "Just watch and be quiet."

The room suddenly grew quiet. Andrea looked around at all of the guests before gazing across at me. Just then she looked up and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a special announcement to make," she said in a loud voice so everyone could hear her.

"It is my honor and privilege as the Vice President of Slut-Resort to present to you David, your new Cuckold Lounge bull," Andrea announced as she placed her hand upon his shoulder while she gazed up into his eyes.

There were a few claps around the lounge but for the most part, everyone remained quiet and watched what was happening. I glanced at Heather as she squeezed my hand a bit tighter while she gazed up at David and Andrea. Turning my attention back to the stage, my anxiety level became kicked up a notch as I watched my fiance move behind David and reach around him.

"David comes to us from Oxford, England," Andrea said as she reached around him and began unbuttoning his shirt, from the top down, exposing his well-defined chest and abdomen.

"What is she doing?" I asked Heather who was smiling from ear to ear as she watched Andrea undressing David before us.

"David has many special skills that enable him to fulfill each couple's fantasy," Andrea said as she unbuttoned the final button, pulled his shirt off, and tossed it behind the couch.

My heart began beating faster as I watched my fiance's hands slowly sliding down David's well-developed chest. The crowd started to get a little rowdy when her beautifully manicured fingers slid down over his nipples, scraping them lightly with her nails. Slowly, her hands slid down his tight stomach and her fingers grabbed his belt. I tried to stand up, but I was met with incredible resistance from Heather.

"Allen, sit down and just watch," Heather said in an irritated voice. "Just relax, this is how we introduce all of our new staff."

I tried to relax, but as I watched my fiance unbuckling another man's belt, I started to become upset.

"Andrea..." was all I could say as I tried to call out to my fiance before Heather covered my mouth with her hand.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I couldn't believe this was happening. As I continued watching, my fiance unfastened David's belt and unbuttoned his pants.

"Ladies, you are about to see what will fulfill your husband's fantasy," Andrea said as she slowly and seductively pulled his zipper down while peering around David at the crowd.

"And guys, you are about to see what is going to satisfy your wife like you never could," she said only this time she looked directly at me as she let his pants fall to the floor.

"Shhh..." Heather said as she cozied up against me and placed her hand over my mouth. "Andrea is doing a wonderful job."

As I stared up at the stage, Andrea continued staring into my eyes. I just wanted to have a nice quiet evening alone with her but instead, she was undressing another man in front of me.

"Ladies and gentlemen,  I present to you David, in all of his glory," Andrea said loudly as she pulled his underwear down to his feet, exposing his semi-rigid cock and heavy balls.

I was speechless as I watched my fiancee stand back up next to him and toss his underwear behind the couch.

"Oh my God Allen, don't they look so good together?" Heather asked as she cuddled against me with her hand on my chest.

"Um no," I yelled in a pissed-off tone as I looked at her. "That is my fiance you are talking about," I said as I returned my attention back to the stage.

As I sat there, Andrea still stood next to David as several members of the crowd began applauding. Something inside of me agreed with what Heather just said, but I would never admit that to anyone. She looked so beautiful all dolled up, as her nipples were now poking through her dress.

Just then, Andrea took a step to leave the stage but David reached out and grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back to him, making her stumble in her heels.

As she stumbled, she fell right into his strong arms and now stood face to face with him. I didn't like what was happening and Heather once again placed her hand over my mouth and silenced me.

I was becoming extremely anxious. Andrea stood in front of David with only the length of his huge semi-hard cock between them. He stared down into her eyes as she stared up into his, almost as if she couldn't resist.

"You could cut that sexual tension with a knife," Heather whispered into my ear as I tried to stand up, but she once again wouldn't let me.

Just then, the crowd grew silent as David reached out and took Andrea's hand, pulling it toward his cock. Just before her little fingers touched his long, thick penis, she pulled her hand back apprehensively.

Andrea turned her head, glancing first at me, and then Heather. As I looked over at Heather, she was nodding her head yes as if she was encouraging her.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled in a pissed-off voice to Heather as she reached up and grabbed my head, turning my face toward the stage.

"Allen, watch," she whispered softly in my ear.

I was in shock, I was mortified, I was becoming really very angry as I watched my fiance slowly and willingly move her hand closer to his shaved cock, all while staring up into his eyes.

I began to become visibly upset. Andrea's hand slowly wrapped around his cock, pausing there for a moment as she stared into David's eyes. As I tried to push Heather away from me, she grabbed my face and spoke loudly in a firm manner in my ear.

"Allen, stop it or I will signal for security and have you removed from here. So you can sit and watch your girlfriend, or you can sit locked up in the security office and only be able to imagine what Andrea is doing. It's your choice."

"This is fucked up, Andrea," I yelled as Heather once again put her hand over my mouth as she leaned her weight against me.

My eyes shot open wide as Andrea started stroking the new Cuckold Lounge bull, causing his cock to grow even longer. As she slowly stroked him I could see he was so much bigger than me. What caught my attention besides his incredible length was his girth. Andrea's fingers couldn't wrap completely around him.

They stood face to face while she gently tugged on his hardening member. I could feel my heart racing and I was beginning to perspire. Just then, I swallowed so hard I thought the whole lounge could hear. David reached up, placed his hand on her head, and pushed her down, causing her to bend her legs and slowly drop to her knees in front of him.

"That's fucking it, ANDREA LETS GO HOME!" I yelled as I struggled to push Heather off of me.

Just then I felt a pair of firm hands on my shoulders. Looking up, I saw the security guard standing behind me.

"Sir, I know you are the boss, but you have to calm down or I will have to remove you from the lounge," he said in a stern voice as he squeezed my shoulders tightly.

I nodded my head as I looked up at him before turning my attention back to what was happening on stage. I could tell Andrea was beginning to lose control and her resistance was fading. As she knelt before him, her dress was becoming a mess. It was high enough where her panty was now visible to everyone. I was becoming more visibly upset with each passing second. As David stared down at my fiance, she stared back up at him while she continued to slowly stroke his cock.

"Andrea no," I said in a deflated voice as David reached down and placed his hand on the side of her face.

Tears began to trickle down my cheeks as he massaged her face a bit all while she slowly stroked him as they maintained eye contact. As I watched them, my emotions began to get the better of me. Through teary eyes, I watched him rub her beautiful pink lips with his thumb. Suddenly and without hesitation, Andrea closed her eyes and parted her lips enough for David to push his thumb inside.

Tears dripped from my cheeks onto my sport coat as I watched my girl hungrily suck on another man's thumb while she continued to stroke his massive member. I couldn't believe that I was sitting here watching my girl submitting to another man. Slowly, he pulled his glistening thumb from her mouth, causing her eyes to open. Just then, he placed his hand on the side of her face, with his fingers behind her head, and slowly guided her closer. 

"No Andrea don't," I cried out as I watched her mouth open and her tongue reached out and touch the tip of his cock.

Suddenly, his cock jerked skyward from her touch, as you could see his pre-cum was still connected from his cock to her tongue. Heather reached over and held both of my hands in hers, squeezing them tightly. I looked into her eyes as she looked into mine.

"Allen, this was the surprise that Andrea planned for you tonight. I helped her plan this all week last week," she said softly as she wiped my tears from my cheeks with her finger.

Looking back at Andrea and David, his hand was still on her face as he once again guided her face to his member. Another tear trickled from my eye as I watched her tilt her head back just a bit, and open her mouth.

David continued to guide her face closer until her mouth completely covered the head of his much larger, thicker cock. He was so much larger than me, and her mouth looked like it was opened as far as it could go. Slowly she started sliding her mouth back and forth while she continued to stroke the bottom half of his cock while staring deeply into his eyes.

"Look how beautiful they look together," Heather said as she squeezed my hands.

"She needed this tonight, Allen. She needed this so badly," she said as we both watched Andrea pleasuring the new bull with her mouth and hand.

"But Heather," I said through teary eyes, "she is my fiance, and I love her and..." was all I could say before Heather cut me off.

"Allen, look at her. Look at how she is enjoying this. I have a question I am going to ask you and I want your honest answer," Heather said as she squeezed my hand.

"What was Andrea when she came to Slut-Resort two years ago?" Heather asked as we watched David begin to gently fuck Andrea's face.

"Heather," I said with some contention in my voice as I glanced over at her.

"Since you won't say it, I will. Andrea was a slut when she came to Slut-Resort. She fucked other guys...and girls, including me," Heather said almost as if she was rubbing that one in.

Suddenly the crowd standing around the stage began to cheer a bit. Heather and I watched David rocking his hips as the top half of his cock slid in and out of Andrea's mouth, while her arms were now at her sides. His breathing was growing heavier as his thrusts began to grow stronger.

"He is about to cum Allen," Heather said as she squeezed my hand tightly. "He is insatiable and can cum five or six times before he needs a break," Heather said as we watched David begin to tremble as he was obviously at the edge of cumming

"So, you have tried to take a slut and make her a monogamous girl," Heather said as we watched David fucking Andrea's face faster and harder.

"But we are supposed to be getting married," I said weakly just as we watched David stop thrusting and grunt.

Andrea's eyes opened wide as David began cumming heavily in her mouth. Heather and I watched Andrea swallowing over and over until David pulled his glistening member from her mouth. She reached up and stroked him, causing the last couple ropes of heavy, thick, white cum to cross her pretty face before his orgasm subsided. As her stroking slowed, my fiance was now marked by another man, a true alpha, as his cum criss-crossed her face and dribbled from the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, you are supposed to be getting married," Heather said as we watched Andrea carefully and skillfully clean his still solid member with her mouth and tongue.

"But you won't be if you don't change Allen," Heather said as I glanced into her eyes for a moment before looking back up at the stage.

"Change how?" I asked as we watched David guide Andrea back up to her feet.

"Allen, you own this wonderful resort. We all love you because you are an amazing person. And Andrea loves you deeply," Heather said as we watched David drop to his knees before Andrea.

My anxiety grew to monumental proportions as I watched David reach under Andrea's dress. Again my anger flared up and I tried to stand up but Heather and the security guard standing behind me wouldn't allow it.

"When was the last time you fucked Andrea?" Heather asked as David reached up under Andrea's dress and began to slowly pull her panties down her legs. "When was the last time you really fucked her hard like a slut?"

"Oh Heather, that panty is the one I bought her the day I proposed to her. She is supposed to wear it only for special occasions like our wedding," I said as David lifted each of Andrea's feet, one at a time, removing her panty completely.

"This is a special occasion Allen. When did you fuck her last?" Heather asked again as Andrea took her panty from David.

"Last Saturday," I said as Andrea turned, stepped off of the stage, and walked toward me.

"I love you, Allen," she mouthed to me as she handed me her damp panty and then returned to the stage.

"And you don't see that as a problem?" Heather asked in a sarcastic tone, as Andrea once again stood before David, completely dressed except for her panties.

"Well, we have been very busy," I said in a confused voice as David pulled my fiancee into him and they embraced.

Andrea kissed David like she used to kiss me when we first met. Her mouth was open and their tongues darted back and forth. David was grabbing her ass, causing her to moan, as her yellow dress was now around her waist. As they kissed, her hands gripped his broad shoulders as she leaned into him. The crowd grew silent in anticipation of what would happen next. Their moans were heard throughout the lounge as they were consumed by lust and incredible sexual desire.

"Correction Allen, you have been busy all week. Andrea hasn't been. And because of that, you have been neglecting her, especially her needs," Heather said as David and Andrea finally broke their steamy kiss and embrace.

David turned Andrea and set her down on the sofa. Dropping to his knees, he pushed her legs back so she could hold them for him. She reached out and placed her hands behind her calves, holding her legs apart as she offered her very wet, very needy, pussy to David. He kissed his way up her legs, making sure to kiss those sensitive spots on her inner thighs, as his lips and tongue inched closer to her smoldering opening.

"Andrea has been with me and David all week," Heather said as I looked over at her. "Don't worry, nothing happened. But, because you weren't handling business at home in bed with her, she began to notice David, especially when he made it known to her that he was really into her."

Just then, Andrea threw her head back and moaned as David sunk his tongue deep into her pussy. She thrashed her head back and forth as she let her legs go and held his head. Her moans and her gasps filled the lounge and now everyone was watching the Vice President of Slut-Resort getting her pussy eaten by the new lounge bull.

"All of this tonight is because of you Allen. It's not necessarily your fault because you are busy running a world-class resort. But, it is your fault for not making sure that the needs of the one woman you love are being met," Heather said as Andrea began bucking her hips against David's face.

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"He turns her on Allen. He arouses the slut inside of her, and she loves it. And because he has re-awakened the slut inside of her, she wants to do what a good slut does. She wants to please him. Smell how much David has turned her on right now, taste what David is tasting right now," Heather said as she took Andrea's panty that I was holding and pushed the damp material against my nose and lips.

I inhaled deeply, recognizing her heavenly scent. I could taste her wetness, as my tongue grazed the damp panty as Heather held it to my lips. As I looked up at the stage, it was heartbreaking to see another man enjoying that same scent and taste from the woman I love.

"Oh God David I'm going to cum," Andrea cried out as she took several rapid breaths, held her breath for about ten seconds, then let out a shrieking cry.

"Do you ever make her cum like that Allen?" Heather asked, as we watched Andrea bucking her hips and orgasming on David's mouth.

Slowly I turned and looked at Heather. My rage inside was growing as this evening was going from bad to worse. Who the fuck is Heather to tell me that what was happening tonight was my fault, I thought to myself as I glared at Heather.

"This bullshit is my fault?" I yelled out as I pointed to the stage.

Heather just nodded her head. Again, our attention returned to the stage as Andrea was moaning yet again, as David continued eating her pussy, even after she had already come.

"You never answered my question Allen, do you ever eat her pussy so good to make her cum hard like that, and soon a second time?" she asked as I knew Andrea was on her way to another orgasm just by the carnal sounds she was making.

"NO!" I blurted out. "Is that what you wanted to hear. No, I don't make her cum that fast and that hard. She is not an easy person to make cum," I said in a pissed-off voice.

"Oh God David, oh God, Oh God, you're going to make me cum again," Andrea cried out as she once again took several rapid gasps of air before holding her breath and then cumming.

"Ohhh fuck David," Andrea screamed out as her one leg began to twitch uncontrollably, causing her stiletto-clad foot to flip around.

Several people in the crowd around the stage stood there with their mouths open. "I never made Andrea cum like that the whole time we were together. In fact, the most I have ever made her cum is four times and never more than once with my mouth," I said as I looked into Heather's eyes.

"That was so beautiful to watch, don't you think so Allen?" Heather asked as we watched Andrea come down from her orgasmic high while she cradled his head in her hands as she stared deeply into his eyes while gasping for air.

"Are you serious, do you think I enjoy being forced to watch another man fucking my fiance?" I asked as Heather rubbed my chest with her hand, as she tried to keep me calm.

"I think you do like watching her get fucked, by David," Heather said softly as she kissed my ear. "If you didn't. Then why is your cock so hard?"

I moaned as Heather slid her hand down and grabbed my hard cock through my pants. I couldn't help but to moan as her grip felt so good, causing my pre-cum to dribble into my underwear.

"Look Allen," Heather said as she pointed toward Andrea and David.

David stood up as Andrea remained seated on the couch. Bending down, he reached under her legs as she reached out and held him around his neck. David lifted her up and turned around. As they maneuvered, their lips pressed together and they kissed with incredible passion. Once David was facing us, he slowly squatted down until he was sitting on the couch with Andrea perfectly positioned on his lap with her beautiful ass facing me.

"What are you doing Heather?" I gasped as I felt her unbuckling my pants and pulling my zipper down.

"Just watch your girlfriend," was all Heather said as I watched Andrea lift up, reach down, and begin to rub her cunt with the huge head of David's cock.

While Andrea rubbed her cunt with his cock, David pushed the top of her dress down, exposing her beautiful breasts. Her dress was now around her waist as she tossed her head back as David began to suck on her nipples. Her loud moans turned into a squeal, as she worked the massive head of his cock into her pussy.

"I hope she is on good birth control," Heather said as she worked my cock completely out of my pants and now had it in her hand. "He is a heavy cummer and will cum in her several times tonight and this weekend."

I was kind of confused by what Heather just said. I was losing my focus as Heather was playing with my cock. We watched Andrea shudder and tremble as she lowered herself slowly, so she could become accustomed to David's girth.

Without even moving, Andrea cried out, "Oh God David, I'm gonna cum."

My cock throbbed in Heather's hand as Andrea's body tensed up. Again, she took several fast gasps of air before holding her breath. She held David tightly around the neck as her face was pressed against his. Just then she exhaled and began to cum.

"Arghhh. OH Fuck," she screamed out as every muscle in her body contracted over and over, as waves of sexual satisfaction and bliss washed over her beautiful body.

David's hands squeezed her ass before slapping her cheeks, causing her orgasm to intensify while she gasped for air. He spread her cheeks as he squeezed them, almost purposely, so I could see how much he was stretching her pussy. Suddenly I felt tingling in my balls and when I looked down, Heather was stroking my rock-hard cock.

"He has made your girl cum three times already and he hasn't even fucked her yet," Heather said as she stopped stroking me and grinned.

Looking back at Andrea, she slowly started to lift up and lower down. As I watched her, I never felt such a wide range of emotions. I was angry and I was sad, but I was also horny. It was all so confusing and my thoughts got even more confused as I watched my fiance riding a much longer and much thicker cock, while another woman stroked my member.

Each time Andrea lowered herself, she let out a gasp, as I was certain that he was hitting her cervix and probably rubbing that sensitive sac of nerves also known as the anterior fornix.

It was surreal watching a true alpha male fucking my girl. The way he handled her, the way he touched her, and the way he fucked her, sent shivers down my spine. But the part that for whatever reason turned me on the most, was watching her being handled like this and fucked by him. It was like she belonged to him.

"You want to save your relationship with Andrea, don't you?" Heather asked while she stroked my member as my eyes were glued to Andrea's ass, as it rhythmically lifted up and down while she was fucking David.

"I do Heather, I love her so much. I never thought that I wasn't satisfying her," I said as David lifted her up a bit and started jackhammering her.

Andrea let out one long continuous moan as David's glistening cock rifled in and out of her hole. She began panting very hard as she held him tightly. Suddenly she grew silent, holding her breath as she always does before cumming. Just then, she let out a loud scream as every muscle in her body began to contract repeatedly.

"Oh David, I'm cumming," Andrea cried out as David abruptly stopped thrusting.

"Oh no," I moaned out as we watched David's balls tightening and relaxing as he filled her pussy with his cum, while her pussy contracted and milked every drop of cum out of him.

David reached behind her and pulled his cock out as the last couple spurts shot a couple of ropes of cum up onto her ass and lower back. As soon as he finished cumming, he lifted her back up and pushed back inside of her.

"There is a way for you and Andrea to live a long, happy, married life together," Heather said as my cock dribbled pre-cum into her hand

I looked at Heather before looking back at Andrea who was once again riding up and down on David's cock.

"How so?" I asked as I tilted my head toward Heather while I continued watching Andrea fuck David.

"The answer is right in front of you," Heather said softly as she stroked me a little faster.

"What? Let her be a slut?" I asked as Andrea slowed to a stop and began kissing David like she never kissed me.

"No silly, but kind of," she said as she stopped stroking and just held my cock in her hand while giggling.

Looking up at David and Andrea, he lifted her up and turned her around. Reaching back, she braced herself by placing her hands on his chest as her stilettos sank into the couch cushions just to the outside of his legs. He placed one hand under her ass and lifted her up a bit while his other hand began to slap her pussy with his glistening cum covered cock.

As he spanked Andrea's pussy, David's cum began to drip out of her opening. Andrea stared into my eyes as David rubbed her gaped pussy with the head of his cock. Slowly, she sank down, taking the entire length of his cock back into her cunt.

"I know she loves you. She told me she loves you more than anyone. What you are seeing tonight is just sex. This is what Andrea needs. She needs you to love her and support her, but she also needs a bull to fuck her like this. You can't do it all Allen, so if you want to save your relationship, allow her to have a bull. You will love her. Her bull will fuck her. Everyone wins and everyone is happy!" she said as her words and her stroking took me right to the edge.

My eyes never left Andrea's, as hers were now half-closed. She worked her pussy up and down his cock and I was simply amazed at how long his cock was. Just then, David reached under her ass with one hand and lifted her a bit while his other hand reached around and pinched, pulled, and twisted her nipples, causing her to moan loudly. While he tortured her nipples, David began to jackhammer her once again.

"Ohhh," Andrea cried out as she stared into my eyes.

It was like we were connected for the moment, even though David was fucking her like I never could. Oddly, I never felt more connected to her than I did right now. But even though I felt that close connection, I still felt confusion, jealousy, and anger, because another man was fucking her.

Andrea's eyes closed completely as David began rubbing her clit while still jackhammered her pussy. Heather once again began to stroke me faster as we both sensed Andrea was going to cum yet again. Just then, Andrea gasped, held her breath, and opened her eyes just enough to look into mine.

"Oh God Heather I'm gonna cum," I cried out as I watched Andrea begin to orgasm yet again on David's cock.

Heather let my cock go right before I came, leaving me gasping for air. My eyes were glued to Andrea, as she came harder than I had ever seen her cum before. Her toes were curled in her stilettos as her legs twitched uncontrollably.

Suddenly, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as David's cock began to flex as his balls began contracting, filling her womb with his seed once again. Andrea trembled as she braced herself against him the best she could. 

David lifted her up, pulled his cock out, stroked himself, and pumped three more ropes of cum up over Andrea's stomach and breasts. Andrea's eyes slowly opened as she reached around and wiped some of his cum up with her finger. As she gazed into my eyes, she lifted her fingers to her lips. Her tongue began to clean his cum from her fingers, all while staring into my eyes. 

"Just look at how she has responded to him, Allen," Heather said softly as she stroked my cock. "She is responding to him very well. She has already cum for him five times and they are only just getting started," Heather said as we watched Andrea climb off of David and reposition herself next to him.

"Look how she craves him, Allen. She can't get enough of him," Heather said as we watched my fiance going down on David's glistening cock.

"Look how beautiful she looks, Allen. Look how sexy she looks with his cum on her face and body. Look how she craves his cock," Heather said softly as Andrea sucked on the top half of his cock while she stroked the bottom half.

"And Look how he responds to her. He has wanted to fuck her since he first laid eyes on her a week ago. Why do you think Andrea has been coming home so late every night," Heather said with a grin as she slowly stroked my cock.

"But Heather, she's mine, I mean I should be enough for her, I moaned as I watched David caressing my girl's naked ass as she pleased him with her mouth.

"What is the most you have ever cum for her in one setting? Heather asked as David pulled Andrea up into his arms and kissed her as though she was his girl.

My eyes were glued to the way my fiance kissed him. Sex is sex, but kissing is emotional, and the passion that they were sharing as they kissed put a major fear in me that feelings may already be developing.

"Well, how many?" Heather asked again, this time letting my cock go.

Looking at her with a whirlwind of emotions tearing me up inside, I uttered one simple word, "Two."

While they kissed, David slid down onto his side, pulling Andrea with him. Her back was against him as she turned her head to continue kissing him. As they kissed, she let out several moans as David rubbed her cunt and squeezed her tits.

"Allen, David has already cummed three times for her. One more than you have ever cum for her, and she has already cum five times for him, one more than she ever came for you, and they are really only just getting started," Heather said as David positioned himself behind Andrea.

"You are over fifty years old. Andrea is only twenty-five. David is half your age with ten times more stamina and testosterone than you have. Just think about how you won't have to worry about disappointing her if you have trouble getting it up because you are tired. Allen, Andrea having a bull to take care of her sexual needs will give you the most loving wife you could ever imagine," Heather said as David began spanking Andrea's cunt with his hard cock.

Andrea gasped as she looked into my eyes. David grabbed her leg, lifting it as she reached down and guided his cock into her cum covered pussy. Her eyes closed partially as moans escaped her lips with each inward thrust. Heather once again began stroking my cock. Every nerve in my body felt on fire. I couldn't believe what was happening tonight. Andrea did look beautiful with him and she responded to him so well. Just as I neared the edge, Heather stopped stroking me.

"You are so turned on Allen," Heather said as she kissed my cheek. "I bet you have never been this hard when you are with Andrea, but watching her fuck David has you ready to explode."

I had to admit, as scared, upset, and anxious as I was, I was also turned on beyond belief. I wasn't going to last much longer as I watched David's cock fucking my girl's pussy with speed, intensity, and precision.

"I will let you cum Allen if you tell me that you will promise to allow Andrea to have David as her bull, and you promise to support her," Heather said as she stroked my cock really fast then stopped as I started to gasp when I reached the edge.

I stared into Andrea's half-closed eyes as she looked so beautiful. I had to admit to myself that I could never fuck her this good. Just from looking at her, I knew she was close and going to cum for him yet again.

I nodded my head. "Yes," I stammered as every one of my beliefs was now in question.

I watched Andrea as her legs began to grow tense. Her breathing was ragged and her nipples were longer and harder than I ever remember.

"Your girl is going to cum for him, Allen. Just say that you want David to be her bull and you can cum with her too," Heather said while stroking my cock to the same tempo that David was fucking Andrea with.

Just then, Andrea's eyes closed more. She started taking deep breaths as David began to rub her clit as his cock fucked her cum filled pussy quickly.

"Yes, Andrea can have David as her bull," I said out of desperation.

Andrea suddenly held her breath as she stared into my eyes. Just then, she let out a loud scream.

"David I'm cumming," Andrea cried out as every muscle in her body tensed up over and over.

Heather reached across me and grabbed a couple of tissues that were on the end table. She started stroking me faster as Andrea's orgasm raged inside of her.

"Oh God Heather, I'm gonna cum," I cried out as I stared into my fiance's eyes.

Just then, I began to grunt and spurt rope after rope, gob after gob, into the tissues that Heather held at the head of my cock.

"Oh fuck," I moaned as my balls ached from such a hard, intense, release.

Almost immediately my cock went soft. Looking at Andrea, her orgasm subsided but David continued fucking her. Looking around, I completely forgot where we were and there was still a large crowd gathered around watching what was happening.

"Put your cock away, we need to leave," Heather said as she tossed my cum filled tissue into the trash on the other side of the couch.

"Why are we leaving?" I asked as I looked up at Heather as she was now standing up.

"You just came, and given your current sensitive emotional state, I need to get you out of here. Come on, I will buy you a drink," she said as David and Andrea stopped fucking and were now kissing in an intense passionate embrace.

I stood up and adjusted my trousers as I watched my fiancee passionately kissing David. While I adjusted my sport coat, Heather took my hand and pulled me. We walked quickly through the crowded lounge and as we walked through the door I turned to look at my fiancee one last time. Andrea was on her knees on the sofa while David had a handful of hair and was fucking her from behind. As we walked out of the lounge, I realized that I was now a cuckold.

To be continued in Part 3

Written by MrSlutResort
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